Jose Rizal Reaction Paper
Jose Rizal Reaction Paper
Jose Rizal Reaction Paper
The movie tells the life story of Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines. It
covers his life from his childhood to his execution at the hands of the Spanish forces
occupying the Philippines in the late 19th century. We are also thrown into the world of
Rizal's novels. So we get a glimpse of how he viewed Filipino society under the
Spanish heal.
One note, this movie is not for the faint of heart. There are graphic depictions of
violence and even torture. The opening few scenes depict some episodes from Rizal's
novels. In one a Catholic priest rapes a Filipina. I guess I now know where the Mestizo
(i.e., mixed blood) class came from in the Philippines. In the other scene a Catholic
priest beats a child for …show more content…
I must tell you that my wife was crying like a baby during this scene and she's seen the
movie twice. I must also admit that I had some moisture in my eyes too. I was also
muttering to myself "Spanish Bastards! Spanish Bastards!".
This is by far the best Filipino movie that I have seen so far. I would urge anyone
reading this who likes movies, to either rent it or buy it. One note, this is a rather long
movie so you might want to see it over two nights. The copy I have comes on 2 video
In simplest terms, The Mission is a fictionalized account of a historical event that was
both an atrocity and a tragedy. Here are the background events, as I understand them.
In 1750 Spain and Portugal signed a treaty renegotiating a borderline between Spanish
and Portuguese territories in South America, with Portugal taking control of a
previously Spanish region on the Paraguay River. In this region were a number of
mission communities, founded by the Society of Jesus, where thousands of native
Guaraní converts lived. These missions (called "reducciones" or "reductions") were not
simply spiritual centers, but thriving economic communities where converts worked
together and prospered.
The Jesuit missionaries, who were ardent champions of the Pope, strongly opposed
slavery, an institution long condemned by Rome. The Vatican had particularly
condemned the enslavement of the newly discovered peoples
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The movie tells the life story of Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines. Athree-hour epic on
the life and struggles of his poet and patriotisms. It covers his life
fromhis childhood to his execution at the hands of the Spanish forces occupying thePhilippines in the
late 19th century. We are also thrown into the world of Rizal's novels(filmed in black and white), so we
get a glimpse of how he viewed Filipino society under the Spanish heal.The film also through a series of
flashback showing Rizal as a genius, a writer, adoctor, an artist, a lover, a friend, a brother and a son,
thus giving a rich texture of Rizal’scharacter.The movie introduces us to the life of subjugation of the
Filipino people under therule of the Spanish friars. From the execution of three Filipino priests in 1872
for allegedsubversion to the harsh and unequal treatment of Filipino students in the schools, thisfilm is a
stinging indictment of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines.I also commend the film for its bravery in
showing the evil tyranny of theCatholic Church during that time. Considering that the Philippines is a
Catholic nationthat is like butchering a sacred cow but alas, Abaya works her magic in depicting
thesuffering of the Filipinos because of the friars.This is by far the best Filipino movie that I have seen so
far. I would urge anyonereading this who likes movies, to either rent it or buy it.I particularly love the
last scene of the film when Rizal fell in the ground facingthe sky, having his last breath looking at a
beautiful sunrise- a metaphor depicting thatRizal did not die in vain. He did not die for nothing. He did
not die defeated. Rather hedied victorious because his death is the torch that lights Philippine
independence, thatignites Philippine Revolution
The movie tells the life story of Jose Rizal, the national hero of thePhilippines. It covers his life from his
childhood to his execution atthe hands of the Spanish forces occupying the Philippines in the late19th
century. We are also thrown into the world of Rizal's novels(filmed in black and white), so we get
a glimpse of how he viewedFilipino society under the Spanish heal. One note, this movie is notfor the
faint of heart. There are graphic depictions of violence andeven torture. The opening few scenes depict
some episodes from Rizal'snovels. In one a Catholic priest rapes a Filipina. I guess I now knowwhere the
Mestizo (i.e., mixed blood) class came from in thePhilippines. In the other scene a Catholic priest beats a
child foralleged stealing. Strong stuff, and it made me wonder how the CatholicChurch could possibly
retain any power in the country, if this is whatthe national hero thought about it. The movie introduces
us to thelife of subjugation of the Filipino people under the rule of theSpanish friars. From the execution
of three Filipino priests in 1872for alleged subversion to the harsh and unequal treatment of
Filipinostudents in the schools, this film is astinging indictment of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines.
Wesee scenes both from Rizal's actual life but also from hisimagination. As a young man, Jose is sent to
study in Spain. This is aplan hatched by his brother Paciano. Jose will write and do everythingin his power
to bring to the attention of the world the abuses ofSpanish power in the Philippines, while Paciano will
protect the Rizalfamily at home and keep up the struggle against Spanish rule. Joseexcels in his studies as
a medical student at Madrid University andeventually earns a degree as an ophthalmic surgeon.
Meantime, hebecomes involved with a group of radical Filipino students who alsoseek toend the Spanish
abuses in their country.He eventually has afalling out with the student group as he realizes that the
realstruggle is taking place back home.He decides to return to thePhilippines. He is arrested by
the Spanish authorities upon his returnto thePhilippines in 1892.He is sent to Dapitan in Mindanao where
theSpanish authorities can keep a watchful eye on him.It is there thathe meets the love of his life,
Josephine Bracken, although the moviedoes not devote much attention to this love affair.When a
rebellionbreaks out in 1896 the Spanish governor orders that Rizal be moved tothe prison in Manila.
“Simple yet
is the best word that can describe the life of Rizal in Dapitan. It is simple in away that he lives like an
ordinary people and prolific because when he was there, his time was notwasted and made a lot of
contribution not only to the place but also to the people.In the first part of his exile,
he lived in a commandant’s
house but after winning the second prizein the Manila Lottery and also from his savings being a
merchant and farmer, he bought a land in Talisay.In this place, he built three houses made of bamboo,
wood and also nipa with different shapes. The firsthouse served as his home, the second house is for his
students and lastly, the third house is for hischickens.Even though Rizal is in Dapitan, he continued to
send a letter to Ferdinand Blumentritt thatdescribed his life in Dapitan. The letter says that Rizal is
waking up early in the morning to feed hischickens and cook for their breakfast. After eating their
breakfast, Rizal treats those patients who cometo his house and also those in towns. In the afternoon,
after being a doctor in the morning, hetransformed into teacher to teach the young boys in their town.
These young boys do not have anytuition fee, but there is one condition, they have to work, especially in
the farm, together with Rizal. AndRizal ended the day in reading and writing.After 4 years, he left D
contribution and also some projects that until now are running. One of his contributions is the
goodwaterworks system he constructed in the province. As you can remember Rizal studied surveying
whenhe was in Ateneo Municipal. Rizal also has a lot of contributions to the agricultural development, in
hismulti hectare land; he planted crops and fruit-bearing trees together with his students. He
alsointroduced the modern methods and machineries in farming and also in fishing to many of
ourDapitenos.By these many rea
sons, we can’t deny that Rizal was truly loved by all Dapitenos.
As you cansee, when Rizal left Dapitan, all of his students, their parents and also ordinary people
together with aband said their last goodbyes.
The movie Jose Rizal which was excellently played by Cesar Montano as thelead role was a
heartwarming one that shows how Rizal runs his life. The film worksthrough a series of flashback
showing Rizal as a writer a doctor an artist a lover afriend a brother and a son which made him
to consider as our national hero. !t showshow Rizal really love his mother country for him to sacrifice his
own life. !t covers his lifefrom his childhood to his execution at the hands of the "panish forces
occupying the#hilippines in the late $%th century.The movie shows how &ilipino struggle in the hands of
"paniards 'ust to fight for freedom but Rizal didn(t fight with violence but instead he fought with 'ust his
mind penand pieces of paper. )ecause Rizal knows that using violence against violence wouldn(tsolve
anything it will 'ust create more conflicts. Rizal used pen as his weapon rather than sword in fighting
against the "paniards administration he written it in novels andpoetry. The two books he wrote *oli
me tangere and +l &ilibusterismo sought
toincrease his people,s political awareness. This only shows that the two books arereflections of the
lives of the &ilipinos during the "panish regime. )ut the thought andnoble ideas of the book do not only
live in the past but also in the present manifestingthe universality and immortality of Rizal,s ideas. The
beautiful transition of Rizal,s timeand the setting of the two novels is really
impressive.Moreover the film made known the line of attack did by our heroes andcountrymen
to achieve the freedom of our country under the rule of the "paniards friar and military force. There
were a lot of discrimination and ruthless treatment in &ilipinoon that period and that is the reason of
the rebellions between &ilipino and "paniards.+ven in school it was felt by Rizal and other &ilipino
students. Many &ilipinos weresuffered. They were the servant of the "paniards
The movie Jose Rizal which was excellently played by Cesar Montano as the lead role was a
heartwarming one that shows how Rizal runs his life. I felt mixed emotions given the fact that it was
made to help us !ilipinos understand what our national hero had done for the country. It shows how
Rizal really love his mother country for him to sacri"ce his own life. It shows the great explanation of the
#hilippine history the nationalism and heroism in a non$violent manner though there were times
that the characters spea% in &panish language and I couldn't understand it unless I will read the
subtitles. I could also say that the other characters weren't having any di(culties in reciting their &panish
lines. The actors' dedicationfor the "lm is inevitable especially Cesar Montano who is very perfect for the
role of Rizal. )is values and great performance as the lead actor is impeccable and has a great impact on
me as the audience of the said "lm.*lso the supporting casts li%e Jhong )ilario who played as Rizal's
servant Jaime !abregas as Rizal's attorney did a great +ob on portraying their role ,uently. They made
it easy for me to understand the ,ow of the story. &ome scenes are brutal and some are not suitable
for young %ids such as the bed scene wherein the &panish priest with the used of his power tried to
rape a !ilipino woman. *ll in all the movie is superbly great. It was epic melodrama and historian.
There are funny tearful griefs and hatred scenes that would surely ma%e you appreciate it. I love the
last scene when Rizal fell in the ground facing above the s%y and he died loo%ing at it. )is death ignited
the nationalism of every !ilipinos and they started the revolution against the &paniards after his death
because they made us su-er. *fter watching the "lm I couldn't help but feel the sense of pride being
him as the #hilippine ational )ero. There is no one li%e Rizal. )e is a legacy of what a real !ilipino is.
a. Discuss the style or approach used to unfold the life story of Rizal. How did the style
or approach help you understand and appreciate his life story? What areas caused in you
confusion if any.
The events in Rizal’s life did not appear in the movie on its chronological order. Instead
of using the natural sequence, flashbacks were used to unfold the life story of Rizal. The flash
back created suspense in the movie and developed Jose Rizal’s character and it also structured
the narration of the story. It also helped me understand him more because of the flashback of
his formative years and his years as a student in Manila. Everything that he experienced from
his childhood to his adolescence has greatly affected the person he became. Some of the
flashbacks confused me. It is mainly because some of the flashbacks were indistinguishable
from the reality.
b. What aspects of Rizal’s life do you consider most and least significant? Give your
I consider Rizal’s life in Dapitan the most significant because it was there when he really
showed his love for his countrymen by putting up a school and a clinic, which is open for the rich
and the poor. Also, it was also there where in he met his significant other, who is no other than
Josephine Bracken. Aside from that, I also consider his death as the most significant aspect of
his life. Through his bravery and nationalism, many Filipinos were stirred and chose to fight for
our country. On the other hand, the aspect of Rizal’s life, which I consider least significant, is his
physical aspect. Even though he is short and not that noticeable, he exhibits the characteristics
that most of us don’t have – courage, bravery, wisdom, love for our country, and especially his
brilliance. Rizal's brilliance is comparable with the greatest men that have ever walked the face
of the earth. No one can ever compare to his love for our country and his bravery. That makes
him a true hero for me.
c. How has Rizal, the movie, affected your regard for him as the foremost hero? Explain.
The movie made me know him more as a person. It kind of gave clarity to me on how he
really was as a citizen of our country. It also gave life to my imaginations as I read them on
books. Before, when Rizal’s name was mentioned, I regarded him as our national hero without
any feelings because it is a known fact. Now, I appreciated everything he has done for our
country. I admire him more because of his willingness to die for his own country even if our
country has not done anything good to him. The movie gave more depth to him as a person and
not only the fact that he’s our hero. It feels like I’ve known him through the movie.
a. Discuss the choice of actors/actresses. How have they played their roles? How did
they role-play contribute to the better understanding and appreciation of the story.
The director made a good choice of the main roles. Cesar Montano was really fit for his
role as Dr. Jose Rizal as well as the others. The actors and actresses played their roles as if
they were the real characters. The role-play made me understand Rizal’s life more because the
right emotions were delivered to me. They portrayed it excellently. They were also acting it out
just as I imagined it.
b. Who are your choice of the best and the worst actors/actresses in the
film. Why?
Cesar Montano is my choice as the best actor because the emotions he showed
seemed real. He did a good job in expressing the character of Jose Rizal. Aside from that, he
spoke Spanish really well; it is as if he was a real fluent speaker of Spanish. The worst actor for
me was Gardo Versoza in his portrayal as Andres Bonifacio. His acting seemed weird to me. I
did not expected Andres Bonifacio to be like that. There was something missing in his acting.
Maybe it was the delivery of the proper emotions.
III. Discuss the emotions that were stirred in you when you viewed the following:
The suffering of his family made me angry with the evil friars who do things only for their
own benefit. Also, it made me understand why Rizal became nationalistic. He wants to save the
Filipinos from the oppression of the Spaniards.
I felt injustice with Rizal’s mock trial. It was simply unfair. Taviel de Andrade said nothing
but the truth but then the Spanish judges can turn the situation in their own benefit in just the
wink of an eye. After all, the decision is in their hands. They did not even considered though it
was the truth. I was totally enraged.
c. Rizal’s execution
I was amazed by the bravery of Rizal. He was very calm at that time. It is as if he was
walking on a beautiful day. At the same time, I feel sorry for him. I feel sad that he has to die to
awaken the nationalism in the Filipinos. It was truly wonderful to witness his execution even if it
was only role-played.
I find his love struck time “corny” and fast. I guess he falls in love fast. But, I feel happy
for Rizal. Finding someone to love is really wonderful. It is those times you’d smile all the time
and simply be happy. I can compare it to finding a beautiful flower in the midst of wilderness.
e. Revolution
I felt happy that finally, they found the courage to fight against the Spaniards. At the
same time, I felt fear for them because their lives were at risk. Many were sacrificed to achieve
the independence, but I guess it is worth it. I am sure that those who died for our country did not
regret it. It is a huge accomplishment and honor to serve our country in such a way.
The movie Jose Rizal which was excellently played by Cesar Montano as the
lead role was a heartwarming one that shows how Rizal runs his life. The film works
through a series of flashback showing Rizal as a writer, a doctor, an artist, a lover, a
friend, a brother, and a son which made him to consider as our national hero.It shows
how Rizal really love his mother country for him to sacrifice his own life. It covers his life
from his childhood to his execution at the hands of the Spanish forces occupying the
Philippines in the late 19th century.
The movie shows how Filipino struggle in the hands of Spaniards just to fight for
freedom but Rizal didn’t fight with violence but instead he fought with just his mind, pen
and pieces of paper. Because Rizal knows that using violence against violence wouldn’t
solve anything it will just create more conflicts.Rizal used pen as his weapon rather than
sword in fighting against the Spaniards administration, he written it in novels and poetry.
The two books he wrote, Noli me tangere and El Filibusterismo, sought to increase his
people's political awareness. This only shows that the two books are reflections of the
lives of the Filipinos during the Spanish regime. But the thought and noble ideas of the
book do not only live in the past but also in the present manifesting the universality and
immortality of Rizal's ideas. The beautiful transition of Rizal's time and the setting of the
two novels is really impressive.
Moreover, the film made known the line of attack did by our heroes and
countrymen to achieve the freedom of our country under the rule of the Spaniards friar
and military force. There were a lot of discrimination and ruthless treatment in Filipino
on that period and that is the reason of the rebellions between Filipino and Spaniards.
Even in school, it was felt by Rizal and other Filipino students. Many Filipinos were
suffered. They were the servant of the Spaniards.
The actors’ dedication for the film is inevitable especially Cesar Montano who is
very perfect for the role of Rizal. His values and great performance as the lead actor is
perfect and has a great impact on me as the audience of the said film. Also, the
supporting casts like JhongHilario who played as Rizal’s servant, Jaime Fabregas as
Rizal’s attorney did a great job on portraying their role effortlessly. They made it easy for
me to understand the flow of the story.
We, as a Filipino citizen we must value and love our country like what our heroes
did. We have to be thankful to all our heroes who offered their lives in order to achieve
our freedom, and Rizal is one of the legacies of what a real Filipino is. Rizal did not die
in vain. He did not die for nothing. He did not die defeated. Rather he died victorious
because his death is the torch that lights Philippine independence that ignites Philippine
Revolution. After watching the film, I couldn’t help but feel the sense of pride being him
as the Philippine National Hero. Let us salute our heroes especially Dr. Jose Rizal for
their contribution to our freedom.
9 Votes
The life of Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the Philippine National Hero from his early childhood, his education and the
struggle for freedom through his writings and through his life, is the fundamentals of the Philippine
The biographical film, Jose Rizal (1998) directed by Marilou Diaz-Abaya and starring Cesar Montano as
José Rizal, recounts the life and works of our National Hero during the colonization of the Spaniards in
the Philippines. By and large, Jose Rizal (1998) is a commendable film with great actors and good
transition of events. It clearly depicted the pitiful and despicable situation of the Filipinos in the hands of
the Spaniards, which stirred the mind and heart of Rizal to face the reality and that he did so through
education and writing.
When I finished watching the film, there are two important things worthy of note that is being
highlighted throughout the film – the importance of education and the ‘pen being mightier than the
Education is the key to success, as to what the old and enduring maxim states. Rizal, at a very young age,
gives great magnitude to education even until the end and even when his life is in jeopardy. The youth
deemed to be the hope of the society as Rizal viewed it, should give more importance to their
education. Although he failed to save his life and still died a martyr, his works being studied throughout
the ages in the Philippine curriculum is the living proof of what education has taught him. Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo is his magnum opus that aims to bring to light the spiteful deeds of the
Spaniards and stir up the minds and heart of every Filipino to reality.
The pen is mightier than the sword as another maxim states is clearly apt in Rizal’s life. All attempts to
oust the Spaniards from the Philippine archipelago through mutiny, rebellion, and revolution, are
completely futile. Dr. Jose Rizal, on the other hand, preferred the civilized manner of revolt by using his
pen and is the first to succeed. It was through his works that we are able to gain our freedom after 333
years of being slaves, that is, however, in the expense of his life. It was his pen instead of the guns and
weapons that succeeded in conquering the Spaniards.
If I would define what noble is, I’d say Dr. Jose P. Rizal. He is a man of his words, and his love for his
country is beyond compare. He is just like any of us bearing the features of a Filipino. We are all Filipino
and out of millions of people in the Philippines, it was only him who made a great difference. He was
this powerful with a pen in his hand and love for the country in his heart that he was able to change the
Philippine history. His love for education is worthy of note as well.
Dr. Jose Rizal’s life taught us not just history but of various values as well. The most important thing is
education. We should give more importance to our education. Without it, we’d be naive and fragile. It
was our greatest weapon to success. Another thing is patriotism. It wasn’t about risking your life for
your countrymen but to love our own country and patronize our own. The best thing to show patriotism
is to use our own language. As a matter of fact, Rizal wrote a poem for the youth entitled Sa Aking
Kabata, which emphasizes the use of our own language. We should love our own because if we don’t,
we’re just like an alien to our own country.
The death of Dr. Jose P. Rizal is the birth of our independence. He died for his country, for our freedom.
His life and works are an eye-opener. Let us not put his death into zilch. Let us not be alien to our own
country. Let us not forget how he fought hard along with other Filipino heroes to regain our freedom
and take back our own country. We should love our own first and not put foreign countries over our
A Reflection Paper On the Life of Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda
The first thing I noticed in Dr. Jose Rizal’s life was that he lived a simple one. He did not choose to have a
luxurious life like the most of us have wanted. Even before he became under surveillance by the
Spaniards, he had lived his life as simple as possible. I think it was the work of his parents that made him
lived like this. I strongly believe that one’s lifestyle is influenced mostly by their parents. I learned from
the life of Rizal the importance of taking part of the parents to their children’s morals.
The second thing that I observed from the life of Rizal was his calmness and ability to think rationally
even in the most complicated circumstances. His advocacy of Philippine Independence is by legal and
peaceful way that is why he wrote many books in order to fire-up the revolutionary spirit of the
As an educated man…
Rizal’s philosophy of education centers on the provision of proper motivation in order to strengthen the
great social forces that make education a success, to create in the youth an innate desire to cultivate his
intelligence and give him life eternal. In this philosophy, I learned the value of education as a stepping
stone towards gaining success for myself and for my country. Since there is an enough motivation to
study and explore by wisdom, I made this an encouragement to myself that education shall not only
stop within the corners of classrooms but shall also extend until the corners of the world. Rizal’s belief
that waking up the innate desire of every Filipino youth to cultivate his intelligence is such a great thing
that every individual has to ponder. His philosophy was affirmed by his educational attainment, thus
giving a strong support of his educational philosophy and giving him the credibility to talk such path
towards educational success.
As a religious man…
Rizal did not believe in the Catholic dogma that salvation was only for Catholics and that outside
Christianity; salvation was not possible even if Catholics composed only a small minority of the world’s
religious groups. Nor did he believe in the Catholic observation of fasting as a sacrifice, nor in the sale of
such religious items as the cross, medals, rosaries and the like in order to propagate the Faith and raise
church funds. He also lambasted the superstitious beliefs propagated by the priests in the church and in
the schools. It only shows that Rizal has really taken hold of salvation as a free gift to everyone. This also
shows that he opposes the Catholic teaching of money indulgence for the forgiveness of sins. Though
Rizal was born from a closely-knit Catholic Family, he still fought for what is true. His religious
philosophy approves a part of our Wesleyan beliefs and that is a good thing that we should be happy
about. Furthermore, I learned that eventhough he has gone that far in his attainments, he did not lose
his humility and his faith to God.
As a political man…
Rizal’s guiding political philosophy proved to be the study and application of reforms, the extension of
human rights, the training for self government and the arousing of spirit of discontent over oppression,
brutality, inhumanity, sensitiveness and self love. Rizal cried out for the independence of his own
country and his fellow men. In his cry, he made reforms, he plead through his writings and he
courageously laid his opposition against the inhumane and brutal management of the Spaniards over
the Filipinos. One thing I learned from his life is that he was not terrified with the strong power of the
Spaniards but instead he let himself shine and speak up on the issue that he and his country is facing.
This could be a strong passion and determination to set free a country that deserves liberty. I also
observed on my readings that Rizal never craved for political power, but instead he served as a catalyst
that silently works great in his own ways. At the end of his life, he has remained fighting for freedom,
and until his last breath, he has fought a good fight eventhough it caused him his life.
As a socially-equipped man…
Basing on these philosophies, I can say that Rizal is a very humane, compassionate and benevolent
citizen. He has dealt with social problems thru his popular books Noli Me T’angere and El Filibusterismo.
He is an ambassador or social justice and equality, which is a very good thing that we should follow. If
there were only thousands of persons like Rizal, I believe our society will be at good condition. I always
hope I could be like him in some areas of his life, but I know that it is far from reality to happen. But
what I am doing is that I am performing at my best, making every effort to become a productive
individual in different aspects of life.