Acctg 1102 - Managerial Economics: Rent - Income Earned From Land
Acctg 1102 - Managerial Economics: Rent - Income Earned From Land
Acctg 1102 - Managerial Economics: Rent - Income Earned From Land
ECONOMICS – the study of how society allocates scarce resources to satisfy human wants
Scarcity- limitation that exists in obtaining all the goods and services that people want
What are the economic problems that a society must confront because of scarcity?
1. What to produce and how much?
2. How shall goods be produced?
3. For whom shall goods be produced?
Resources – anything used to produce a good or service or, more generally, to achieve a goal
Entrepreneur – person who combines the other economic resources for use in the production of
goods and services
Profit – income earned by the entrepreneur
Branches of Economics:
MICROECONOMICS – focuses on the behavior of individual agents within the economy
(ex. budget spending habits of household and individual, savings of individuals,
combination of goods and services that best fits the needs and wants of individuals)
MACROECONOMICS – looks at the economy as a whole
(ex. growth of production, rate of employment, inflationary increase in prices,
government surplus or deficit, import and export)
1. To provide goods and services that the consumers need and cannot produce on their own
2. To contribute to the needs of the society and maximize social well-being
3. To maximize profit or value of the firm
The Economics of Effective Management
The overall goal of most firms is to maximize profits or the value of the firm.
Opportunity cost – what a firm’s owner give up to use resources to produce goods and services
Market-supplied resources – resources owned by others and hired, rented or leased by the firm
(ex. labor service of skilled and unskilled workers, raw materials from commercial
suppliers, capital equipment rented from suppliers)
Explicit cost – monetary payment made for market-supplied inputs
Owner-supplied resources – money provided to the business by its owners, time and labor
services provided by the firm’s owners and any land, building or capital equipment owned and
used by the firm
Implicit cost – nonmonetary opportunity cost of using a firm’s own resources
Ex: 1. The opportunity cost of cash provided to a firm by its owners (equity capital)
2. The opportunity cost of using land or capital owned by the firm
3. The opportunity cost of the owner’s time spent managing the firm or working for
the firm in some other capacity
Total Economic Cost – sum of opportunity costs of market-supplied resources plus opportunity
cost of owner-supplied resources
- the opportunity cost of all resources used by a firm to produce goods and services
ACCOUNTING PROFIT – the difference between total revenue and explicit costs
Accounting Profit = Total revenue – Explicit costs
ECONOMIC PROFIT – the difference between total revenue and total economic cost
Economic Profit = Total revenue – Total economic cost
= Total revenue – Explicit costs – Implicit costs
Since the owners of the firms must cover the costs of all resources used by the firm, maximizing
economic profit, rather than accounting profit, is the objective of the firm’s owners.
“By pursuing self-interest – the goal of maximizing profits – a firm ultimately meets the needs of
society” – Adam Smith
Profit signal the owners of resources where the resources are most highly valued by society. By
moving scarce resources to the production of goods most valued by society, the total welfare of
society is improved.
The Five Forces Framework and Industry Profitability
A snip from the book of Michael R. Baye, “Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, 7thE”
Baye, Michael R. (2010). Managerial Economics and Business Strategy (7th ed.). New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Thomas, Christopher R. and Maurice, Charles (2016). Managerial Economics: Foundations of
Business Analysis and Strategy (12th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education