05 Radheshyam Prabhus Letter About CCP
05 Radheshyam Prabhus Letter About CCP
05 Radheshyam Prabhus Letter About CCP
Subject : HG Caitanya charan prabhu’s recent Bangalore classes offending Srila Prabhupada
Dear prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.
Hg Caitanya charan prabhu……………
- was a meritorious student of Govt College of Engg, Pune
- scored 3350 out of 3400 in GRE and dropped idea of going abroad to join ISKCON
- was inspired by Scientific aspect of Youth preaching and joined fulltime in Pune temple
- was an accomplished Thinker, Debator, Speaker and Writer even before we met him
- wrote over 50 articles in SPEAKING TREE of INDIAN EXPRESS and published a book
- published several books like OMG, Countering PK movie etc
- has run TSS (The Spiritual Scientist) ezine nonstop for years
- has a website where he has answered over 3000 difficult-to-tackle questions
- his GITA DAILY is reaching to several thousands of Corporates and Students
- is a vigorous travelling Preacher in India and abroad
My relationship with him…………………..
- joined Pune temple in 1999 as a fulltime brahmacari
- He used to take few hours of counseling from me every month in his early days
- eventually he found my stand on Srila Prabhupada very stern and uncompromising
- as his Mentor, I demanded that 75% of his intake should be SP’s books; he found it difficult
- he wanted to read different karmi authors for writing articles
- he requested me to introduce him to someone Senior who can understand him
- I introduced him to HH Radhanath swami maharaja & HH Bhakti Rasamrta swami maharaj
- After this he has been staying at Belgaum, Chowpatty, BV Hospital, Juhu etc
- He assisted HH Bhakti Rasamrta swami maharaja in some Video making services
- He was also chosen to be a part of SAC, due to his extensive study & Theolog application
- he also became Editor of Indian BTG and released interesting scientific articles regularly
- Later he fully absorbed into making 200 hrs of BS Videos and other books writing etc
- he and me share the dias as Co-Presenters in panels of Youth preaching
- eventually he became an International Preacher, travelling to preach and reach out
- occasionally I would get report of his preaching tours and experiences
- I was not in any guiding role now, but more as a friend and early day Mentor
- since he was in touch with HH Bhakti Rasamrta swami maharaja, I didn’t worry about him
My observations about HG CCP…………….
- has a strong scientific side in approaching both Scriptures and Science
- associated with many great souls like HG Bhurijana pr, HH Jayadvaita swami, HH
Bhaktivikas swami, HG Drutakarma pr, HH Devamrta swami, HG Ravindra swarup pr, HG
Gopiparanadhana pr etc
- thus he has a Devotional side of his personality glorifying Krishna, Lord Caitanya, SP etc
- he has his skeptical side about some of the material information on what SP spoke or even
what other ISKCON devotees spoke, which he found unpalatable
- he also used to feel that ISKCON has to adapt itself to be able to survive in the age of post-
modern age where human sensitivity is one of prime considerations
- while I would emphasize straight-forward, pure, non-compromising approach, he would
argue on themes like, `women are NOT less intelligent’, `devotees may not be all perfect in
scientific knowledge’ etc
- when I saw these trends in him, I suggested him to go to great souls and clarify his doubts
and he did approach them regularly