Gopal Bhatt Goswami
Gopal Bhatt Goswami
Gopal Bhatt Goswami
Shri Gopala Bhatta Goswami (the son of a Vyenkata Bhatta, a Shri Vaishnava
brahmana) appeared in Shri Rangam, South India. Lord Chaitanya once stayed
four months in his home, and converted the family to Gaudiya Vaishnavism. A
mere boy at this time, Gopala personally served the Lord. Shri Chaitanya
treated him affectionately giving His remnants and blessings to' become an
During His four month stay, Lord Chaitanya developed a close friendship with
Vyenkata Bhatta, which Krishna Dasa Kaviraja describes as "sakhya rasa." Freely
conversing with each other, they would often laugh and joke together. One day
in a humorous mood Lord Chaitanya asked Vyenkata:
"I can't understand these mysteries," said Vyenkata, "but You, being the
Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, can surely enlighten me."
"Lord Krishna has one' unique quality," said Lord Gauranga, "He attracts the
hearts of everyone with His personal conjugal love (madhurya). Lord Narayana
only has sixty transcendental qualities but Shri Krishna has sixty-four. And all of
them are saturated with His unique quality of madhurya (honey sweetness).
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna, attracts the mind of
Lakshmidevi. But Lord Narayana can never attract the minds of the Vraja gopis.
"In Vraja lila, Krishna, disguised as Lord Narayana, once appeared before the
gopis who were searching for Krishna. Seeing Lord Narayana the gopis said, '0h
Lord Narayana, pranams. Where did Krishna go, did You see?' By following the
gopis, who spontaneously love Krishna without awareness of His Godhood, one
can attain Krishna. The Srutis worshiped Krishna in the ecstasy of the gopis.
Following in their footsteps, they received gopi's bodies to join Krishna in the
rasa dance. Lakshmi, however, wanted to enjoy Krishna but retain Her spiritual
form as Lakshmidevi. Without following the gopis's footsteps no one can attain
After receiving initiation from Shri Prabodhananda Saraswati, Gopala Bhatta
came to Vrindavana and became a dear friend of Shri Rupa and Sanatana
Goswamis. He did bhajana in Vrindavana for forty-five years, mostly at Radha-
The all merciful Lord Shri Gaura Hari, as He travelled from village to village
throughout the south of India, continued to distribute love of Godhead
wherever He went. Hearing the nectarean names of Hari from His lotus mouth,
thousands and thousands men and women felt relief from the blazing fire of
material existence. Various wretched, miserable and fallen souls lives were
completely rejuvenated and thus they became virtuous and happy. While
causing rains of love of God to fall anywhere and everywhere, without
consideration of time or place, Shri Gaurasundara came to the ancient holy
place of Shri Rangakshetra on an island in the middle of the Kaveri river.
The Temple of Shri Ranga Kshetra was extremely large, the crest of the
Temple tower pierced the sky. Throughout the day and night hundreds and
thousands of pilgrims were going and coming to take darsan of Lord
Ranganath. The Temple hall resounded with the sounds of hundreds and
thousand of brahmanas chanting Vedic hymns. In the midst of this scene from
Vaikuntha, entered Shri Gaurasundara chanting the names of Krishna in his
sweet voice that defeated the voices of 10 million gandharvas. Everyone in the
Temple became dumbstruck, amazed and thrilled with wonder. What
unprecedented beauty; His bodily effulgence makes molten gold appear lack-
lustre. From His eyes which are like the full blown petals of a lotusflower
trickled down tears of ecstatic love. Every limb, every part of His body was
filled with such exquisite grace that even the mind of cupid gets stolen away.
The brahmanas began to consider, "Is this a demigod? Can such symptoms and
emotions be found in human beings?" Again resounding the halls with the
transcendental vibrations of Shri Hari's name, when He came before the Deity
and fell down as a tree is blown down by the wind, some people thought that a
mountain of gold was rolling on the ground. Shri Vyenkata Bhatta seeing this
divine personage became restless with ecstasy. His heart being flooded with
devotion he got up and began to move the crowds away so that the Lord could
engage in chanting and dancing. When the Lord had regained His external
consciousness after engaging in sankirtan, Vyenkata Bhatta approached Him
and took the dust of His lotus feet. Mahaprabhu gazed towards him and saying,
"Krishna! Krishna!" embraced him firmly. Shri Vyenkata Bhatta invited
Mahaprabhu to come to his house and having brought Him there, very
reverantly washed His lotus feet and along with the other family members, he
drank the water. Shri Bhattaji's house became filled with joy.
After remaining at Vyenkata Bhatta's house during the four months of the
rainy season (Chaturmasya) Mahaprabhu prepared to continue His journey of
the South. Vyenkata Bhatta's house began to ebb in a tide of tears in
anticipation of His departure. Gopal fell at His lotusfeet in a dead faint.
Therefore Mahaprabhu remained for a couple of more days in order to con-
sole the boy. Being pleased with Gopala Bhatta Goswami's sincere service and
devotion, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu initiated him, and ordered him to move
to Vrindavana after the disappearance of his parents and perform bhajan and
write. He instructed him to serve his mother and father and always engage in
chanting Krishna's glories and thereafter to come to Vrindavan.
Very quickly Gopal became expert in grammar, poetry and rhetoric and then
began his study of Vedanta. His uncle Prabodhananda, specifically began to
instruct him from the devotional scriptures (Bhakti – shastra). Gopal Bhatta
always remained thinking of the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu and when he might
again be able to meet Him. At the same time however he couldn't leave his
aged mother and father. Finally having reached their final days they called their
son Gopal and instructed him to go to the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu in
Vrindavan. Then while meditating on His lotus feet themselves they went to
join Him in His eternal lila.
At the age of thirty Gopala Bhatta Goswami came to Vrindavana, and having
missed Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu this saddened him.Thus Gopal set out for
Vrindavan and when he arrived there Rupa Goswami immediately sent word to
Mahaprabhu to inform Him of Gopal's arrival there. Mahaprabhu had
previously indicated to Rupa and Sanatan that Gopal Bhatta would one day
come there to Vrindavan, so upon his arrival they treated him with the same
care and affection they would their own brother. They immediately became life
long companions.
However, the all knowing Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu received word that Gopal Bhatta had come to Vrindavan, He was
very pleased and sent with that messenger with the Lord's personal wooden
sitting plank (hoki) which He had used along with a pair of His undergarments
and one of His upper cloths – uttara or chaddar. Having received these gifts
Gopal Bhatta was in ecstasy and he worshipped them as the prasad (tadiya) of
When he would worship his Deities he would sit on that wooden plank. This
piri (wooden seat) and Mahaprabhus clothes are still being worshipped at
Radha-Ramana Mandir. Gopala Bhatta, like Rupa and Sanatana, had no fixed
residence and would spend the night in various kunjas (forest groves). He spent
his time studying the scriptures and composing various literatures. After Shri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's disappearance Gopala Bhatta Goswami felt intence
separation from the Lord. To relieve his Devotee, the Lord instructed Gopala
Bhatta in a dream : "If you want my darsan then make a trip to Nepal".
In Nepal, Gopala Bhatta bathed in the famous Kali-Gandaki River. Upon
dipping his waterpot in the river, he was surprised to see several Shaligrama
Shilas enter his pot. He dropped the shilas back into the river, but the shilas re-
entered his pot when he refilled it. After emptying and refilling his waterpot for
the third time, Gopala Bhatta Goswami found twelve Shaligrama shilas sitting
there. Thinking this must be the Lords mercy, he kept all the shilas and
returned to Vrindavana.
In the evening after offering some bhoga and arotika to his Shalagram shilas,
Gopala Bhatta put them to rest, covering them with a wicker basket. Late in the
night, Gopala Bhatta took a little rest and then, in the early morning went to
take bath in the Yamuna river. Returning from his bath, he uncovered the
Shalagramas in order to render the puja for Them, and saw amongst Them a
Deity of Krishna playing the flute. There were now eleven shilas and this Deity.
The "Damodara shila", had manifested as the beautiful three-fold bending form
of tri-bhangananda-krishna. Floating in the ocean of ecstasy, he fell to the
ground in order to offer his dandavats and then recited various prayers and
hymns. This wonderful event of the appearance day of RadhaRaman happened
on the day after Shri Nrisimha Chaturdasi, and is celebrated on that day
accordingly. That day they offer 500 liters of milk for the Lord's pleasure and
many other sweets and different things. The RadhaRaman Temple has the
highest standard of Deity worship in all of Vraj.
Shri Radha-ramana Deva, unlike other Deities, has very intricate features,
including fingernails and even teeth. On the back side of His body parts of the
original Shalagram shila from which He manifested Himself can be seen. There
is a story that the small son of one of the sevaits was playing with the Deity
once and put a small stick in one ear of the Deity and pushed it through out the
other ear. The stick however, had blood on it, and that boy died vomiting blood
that very day.
If you ever have the great good fortune to attend the Snan-yatra festival in
Shri Vrindavan Dham, then it is a must that you visit the Radha-Raman Temple
on this day. The temperatures are hot and dry in the 40+ centigrade and much
anticipation of seeking out cooling water pervades the thoughts in Vrindavan's
hot summer. At the Temple, the merciful Ramanji has made a provision so that
first He takes His transcendental bath right at the front of the altar for all to see
– But Then, after He has taken in His expanded kindness the pujaris turn on the
sprinkler system that surrounds the open court-yard – the fan in the middle is
even equipped with pipes to pour out cooling water as it rotates at a high
speed, inundating all the Devotees taking the darshan of the Lord, with great
In some discussion with the present day guardians of the Temple and Deity,
they told that some scientists had come to examine the Deity and propound
their doubts that He was self manifested, as the Devotees state. They
examined the Deity under the supervision of the Devotees, but could find no
evidence of carving.
Approximately ten years later when Gopala Bhatta returned from bathing in
the Yamuna one day, he saw a young boy sitting at the door of his kutir. When
the boy saw the Goswamiji approaching, he got up and then fell down to offer
his dandavats (obeisances like a stick on the floor before him). Shripada Gopala
Bhatta Goswami enquired who the boy was, to which he replied, "My home
was in Devandyagram within Saharanpur near Haridwar. My father has sent me
here to serve you. My name is Gopinatha."
Then Gopal Bhatta could remember the time when he went to Haridwar
many years ago. So this boy remained with him and very carefully began to
serve him. Eventually he became known as Shri Gopinatha Pujari Goswami as
he served Shri Radha-Ramana Deva through his life as an unmarried
brahmachari. His younger brother Shri Damodara dasa, along with his family,
accepted iniation from Shri Gopinathaji and also became engaged in the
service of the Deity. Shri Damodara dasa's three sons were named Harinatha,
Mathuranatha and Harirama. It is from these family members of Gopinath's
brother that todays guardians the Radha-Raman Gosais so nicely maintain and
serve Shri Shri Radha-Ramanji.
Shri Gopala Bhatta's devotion was so special, his devotion so profound that
the Lord appeared for him in this special form – but not only that as if in
confirmation of the pastimes of the Lord, and Mahaprabhu's being directly
Radha Krishna (sri krishna chaitanya radha krishna nahi anya), in his worship of
Shri Radha-Ramana would sometimes see that He had taken the form of Shri
Gaurasundara – Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, "Becoming subservient to the
love of Shri Gopala Bhatta, Shri Radha-Ramana would sometimes accept the
form of Shri Gausundara."
Shri Gopala Bhatta was the initiating guru of Shrinivasa Acharya Prabhu.
Shripad Gopal Bhatta Goswami was very learned, trained in pancharatra,
coming in the learned family of Vyenkata Bhattar in the Shri Vaishnava line – he
wrote many books including: Sat-sandarbha karika, Shri Krishna-vallabha
(Krishna karnamrtatika), Sat kriya sara dipika (a brilliant work on Vaishnava
samkara viddhi), and Laghu Hari-bhakti vilasa with Dig darshini tika. From this
work, Shri Sanatana Goswami compiled the Hari-bhakti-vilasa now followed by
all Gaudiya Vaishnavas. It is said, "Out of affection for Shrila Gopala Bhatta
Goswami, Shrila Sanatana Goswami compiled the famous Vaishnava smriti
titled Hari Bhakti Vilas, and published it under Gopala Bhatta Goswami's name.
Gopala Bhatta Goswami resided for forty-five years in Shri Dham Vrindavana,
but out of great humility he requested Shrila Krishna das Kaviraja not to
mention his name in the classic work Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita.
His birth was on the day of the dark fortnight of the month Pausa in the year
1503 (Christian), 1425 (Saka).
His disappearance was on the sixth day of the dark fortnight of the month of
Sravon in the year 1578 (Christian – A.D.), 1500 (Sakabda era) Age: 75 years.
She who was formerly Ananga Manjari has appeared to enrich Mahaprabhu's
pastimes as Shrila Gopal Bhatta Goswami. Some say that Gopal Bhatta is
actually Guna Manjari. (Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 184)
Having said this to Gopal, the Lord embraced him and drenched him in his
tears. He then told him to keep all these experiences secret, and Gopal felt
great joy in his mind. (Bhakti-ratnakara 1.123-4)
bhakter vilasams cinute prabodha-
gopala-bhatto raghunatha-dasam
santosayan rupa-sanatanau ca
Gopal Bhatta, the disciple of Prabodhananda who is dear to the Lord, has
collected these devotional activities to satisfy Raghunath Das, Rupa and
Sanatan Goswamis. (Hbv 1.2)
Gopal's parents were very fortunate, for they surrendered themselves, life
and soul, to the feet of Lord Chaitanya. They ordered their son to go to
Vrindavan before they left this world, absorbed in meditating on the Lord.
Gopal travelled directly to Vrindavan where he met with Rupa and Sanatan.
(Bhakti-ratnakara 1.163-5)
Shrila Gopal Bhatta Goswami became one of the Six Goswamis, but he always
kept an attitude of meekness and humility. Thus, when Krishnadas Kaviraj
approached him for permission to write the Chaitanya Charitamrita, he granted
it, but under the condition that he not write about him. Krishnadas Kaviraj
Goswami could not go against the order of Gopal Bhatta and thus did nothing
more than mention his name. Shri Jiva Goswami writes in the introduction to
the Sat-sandarbha that he wrote it on the basis of an earlier text by Gopal
Bhatta. Shrila Gopal Bhatta Goswami also wrote a book called the Sat-kriya-
sara-dipika ("Light on the essential sacraments for the Vaishnavas"). Thus his
contribution to Gaudiya Vaishnava literature was in editing the Hari-bhakti-
vilasa, preparing the notes for Jiva's Sat-sandarbha and in compiling the Sat-
kriya-sara-dipika. He also gave great joy to the community of Devotees by
writing a commentary on Bilvamangala's Krishna-karnamrta.
Amongst his disciples were Shrinivas Acharya and Shri Gopinath Pujari. It is
said that Mahaprabhu had such affection for Gopal Bhatta that he sent him His
own belt and kaupina as well as a wooden seat which He had used. These
items are still worshiped in the Radha Ramana Temple by the current sevaits.
When Shrila Gopal Bhatta Goswami was visiting the pilgrimage centres of
northern India, he found a Shalagrama Shila on the banks of the Gandaki River.
He took the worshipable stone and carried it with him wherever he went,
treating it as Vrajendranandana Krishna Himself. One day he thought that he
would like to worship the Lord in a Deity form so that he could expand his
service. On the very next day, he found that the Shalagrama Shila had
transformed itself into Radha Ramana to fulfill the wish of His Devotee. This
Deity stands alone without any form of Radha standing by His side. Instead, as
a symbol of Radharani, a silver crown is placed on His left side.
The story is also told in the following way. It is said that Shrila Gopal Bhatta
Goswami used to daily worship twelve Shalagramas. He developed a desire to
serve the Lord in the form of a Deity, thinking that in this way he would be able
to worship Him in a much better way. The Lord within his heart knew his
feelings and through a rich merchant had many beautiful items used in the
worship of the Deity, such as ornaments and clothes, sent to him. Gopal began
to worry that all these beautiful objects would be wasted because there was no
way that he could use them unless he had a Deity in human form. That night,
he put the Shalagramas to rest and in the morning he saw that one of Them
had been transformed into the Radha Ramana Deity. When Rupa and Sanatan
heard that Krishna had so mercifully appeared to Gopal Bhatta, they
immediately came with the other Devotees for darshan, and when they saw
him, they were ecstatic with love. The annual festival commemorating Radha
Ramana's appearance, when he is bathed publicly, takes place on the full moon
day of Vaishakh. The Radha Ramana Temple is considered one of the most
important in Vrindavan.
Shrila Gopal Bhatta Goswami ended his earthly pastimes on the Krishna
Panchami of Asarh of 1507 of the Saka era (1585 AD). His samadhi Temple is
behind the current Radha Ramana Temple. By reading Shrinivas Acharya's
hymn to the Six Goswamis, Sad-gosvamy-astaka, we can understand their
[Excerpted from “Sri Chaitanya: His Life & Associates” by Srila Bhakti Ballabh
Tirtha Maharaj]
Shri Gopal Bhatt Goswami, one of the six Goswamis of Vrindavan, was born in
1503 on the 13th day of the dark moon in the month of Pausha. Shrila Gopal
Bhatt Goswami lived for 75 years and left this world to enter into the eternal
pastimes of the Lord in 1578.
Shri Gopal Bhatt Goswami was the son of Vyenkatta Bhatt, a brahmana
resident of Shri Rangam in South India, who was initiated in the Shri
Sampradaya tradition, in the disciplic succession of Shri Ramanujacharya.
Everyone was stunned in ecstasy and the hairs of their body stood on end.
Mahaprabhu’s divine form was wonderful to behold, and his bodily radiance
was dazzling. From His lotus eyes showered torrents of tears of Krishna-prema.
The brahmanas wondered, "Is he a god? Is such a manifestation of ecstasy
possible in a man?"
Again and again exhorting everyone to chant the Holy Name, saying,
"Haribol! Haribol!" Mahaprabhu fell before the Deities like a tree that has been
cut down.
When the Lord regained His external consciousness somewhat and had
steadied Himself, Vyenkatta fell in the dust of His lotus feet and asked the Lord
for His mercy. The Lord lifted him into His embrace saying, "Krishna! Krishna!"
At that time, Shri Vyenkatta invited the Lord to stay with him in his home
during the four months of the rainy season.
In this way, the Lord passed His days in great happiness, enjoying the
transcendental mellow of discussing Lord Krishna's pastimes with Shri
Vyenkatta Bhatt.
In 1511, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu stayed at the house of Vyenkatta Bhatt.
Vyenkatta had a son named Gopal. At the time of Mahaprabhu's visit, he was
only a child. When the little boy offered his respects at the feet of Shri
Chaitanya, the Lord picked him up and held him on His lap and affectionately
embraced the boy. Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu used to call the child and give
him the remnants of His Prasad. By giving him His Prasad in this manner, He
blessed Gopal Bhatt Acharya to become a great Devotee in the future.
Every day, Shri Gopal Bhatt would serve Him personally. At that time, Shri
Chaitanya instructed Vyenkatta Bhatt on the esoteric truths regarding the
position of Shri Lakshmidevi and the worship of Lakshmi-Narayana versus the
position of the gopis and the worship of Shri Radha-Govinda.
The Lord preached these points to him in a humourous style, laughing and
joking in a clever way. The Lord said, "Bhatt! Your Lakshmidevi is the crest
jewel of chaste ladies. My Krishna is a gopa-boy who herds cows. Why does she
want to be with Krishna?"
Vyenkatta Bhatt said, "Krishna and Narayana are one and the same. Krishna is
one of the forms our Lord takes in order to enjoy pastimes of a sweet and
sporting nature. There is no violation of Lakshmidevi's chastity if she takes an
interest in Krishna – he is one and the same with Shriman Narayana. There is
no contradiction with any religious principles.”
The Lord said, "What you say is true. But tell me, why is it that Lakshmidevi
performs great penance to attain Krishna, but cannot do so? On the other
hand, the Upanishads also performed penances to attain Krishna and did so.
How is it that the Upanishads succeeded in entering Vrindavan and getting
Krishna's association where Lakshmidevi failed?"
This is not possible. Only those who follow in the footsteps of the gopis and
the residents of Vrindavan can attain such a position. The Upanishads
succeeded where Lakshmidevi failed because they followed in the footsteps of
the gopis.
Before this explanation was given Vyenkatta Bhatt believed that Shri
Narayana was the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thinking in this way, he
believed that the worship of Narayana was the supreme form of worship.
Mahaprabhu understood his misconception and gently corrected it by making
good-natured jokes about it.
After this, Vyenkatta was convinced of the supreme position of Shri Krishna
and Vrindavan, and converted to the cause of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, although
he was raised in the Ramanuja Sampradaya. He offered his respects at the
lotus feet of the Lord and the Lord embraced him.
In this way, the Lord spent the four months of the rainy season at the home
of Vyenkatta, discussing many things about Krishna and His pastimes. After
this, he bid farewell. Gopal Bhatta fainted at the Lord's lotus feet. The Lord
comforted little Gopal saying, "Now you must serve at the home of your
mother and father. Later, you will come to Vrindavan. There you will constantly
hear and glorify the Holy Name of Shri Krishna." In this way, after instructing
the whole family, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went on his way.
Within a short time, Shri Gopal Bhatta Goswami learned Sanskrit grammar,
poetry, rhetoric and became expert in all the scriptures, beginning with the
Vedanta sutra. His uncle, Shripad Prabodhananda Saraswati instructed him
extensively in the different bhakti-shastras.
After he had been blessed by having darshan of the lotus feet of Shri
Gauranga, Gopal Bhatta Goswami's mind was always absorbed in thoughts of
the Lord's lotus feet. He began thinking, "When will I again obtain a vision of
the Lord?"
In this way, the years passed. Eventually his aged mother and father called
Gopal Bhatta to their side and said, "Boy, after we pass away, you must go to
Vrindavan and take shelter of the lotus feet of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu."
After his parents’ demise, Gopal Bhatta went to Vrindvan, always remembering
the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu.
When Gopal Bhatta arrived in Vrindavan, he found that Shrila Rupa Goswami
was preparing to send messages with some Devotees from Vrindavan to Shri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in Puri. Shri Rupa and Shri Sanatana Goswamis already
knew that Gopal Bhatt would be coming to Vrindavan. Shri Rupa and Sanatana
greeted him and treated him like a brother. From that time on, their lifelong
friendship began.
When the messengers arrived in Puri, Mahaprabhu was happy to hear that
Gopal Bhatt had gone to Vrindavan. He sent the messenger back to Rupa
Goswami with his kaupin and outer garments of the babaji order, to be given
to Shri Gopal Bhatta Goswami as symbols of his renunciation.
Shri Rupa received these things with great joy. Shri Gopal Bhatta Goswami
accepted the loincloth and dress of a sanyasi with great happiness, considering
it to the Lord's mercy and Prasad. In this way he would pass his nights at
different kundas, and spent all his time studying the shastra and writing.
After some time, Shri Gopal Bhatta Goswami went on a pilgrimage to various
holy places. He halted in a town called Devavandya Gram in Saharanpur near
Hardwar. There he was received with great delight by the residents. One day,
he was on his way to the house of a Devotee near the edge of the town.
In the afternoon, there was a great storm. Gopal Bhatta took shelter in the
house of a brahmana who was a great Devotee of Lord Krishna. He saw to the
needs of Shri Bhatta Goswami with great care. Shripad Gopal Bhatta Goswami
was very happy. The brahmana had no son. Gopal Bhatta blessed him, saying,
"May you have a son who is a great Devotee of Krishna." The brahmana then
said, "I shall give you my first son to engage in the service of Krishna as you see
After spending some time in Hardwar, he went further north into Nepal and
to the Gandaki river where he retrieved twelve Shalagram Shilas from the river.
Shri Gopal Bhatta Goswami had twelve Shalagram Shilas. He used to keep
them in a cloth bag hung round his neck. Still, he had a desire to worship the
Shri Vigraha of the Lord in his Deity form. Around this time a rich merchant
visited Shri Gopal Bhatt Goswami. Eager to serve, the rich man offered some
fine clothes and ornaments for the service of the Lord. Shri Gopal Bhatta
placed these things before his Shalagrams saying tearfully that he wished he
could adorn the Lord with all the nice ornaments and clothes.
That night, Shri Bhatta Goswami offered arati and bhoga and put his
Shalagrams to rest, covering them carefully in a basket and hanging the basket
on the branch of the tree under which he lived. Then after performing his
bhajan, he took some Prasad and went to sleep. The next morning he bathed in
the Yamuna as usual and went to wake his Shalagrams. When he opened the
basket, he saw, in the midst of the Shalagrams, one of the Shalagram shilas had
turned a full-fledged Deity of Krishna in a charming three-fold bending posture,
who stood there looking exquisitely beautiful.
Seeing the unprecedented beauty of this Deity, Gopal Bhatt dived in an ocean
of joy. Shedding tears and offering his full dandavats to the Deity, he began
spontaneously offering hymns and prayers to the Lord.
Hearing of the miracle, Shri Rupa and Sanatana Goswamis, as well as the
other Vaishnavas and Goswamis quickly went and saw the world-enchanting
beauty of the Deity as tears of divine love flowed from their eyes. In the year
1599 on the full moon day of Vaishakha, this sweet Deity of Krishna became
manifest. The Goswamis named this Deity, "Shri Radharamana deva."
Almost ten years later one day, Shri Gopal Bhatta Goswami went to take his
noon bath in the Yamuna and returned to his kutir to perform his bhajan. From
a distance he saw a young boy sitting at the door of his hut.
When the boy saw Shri Bhatta Goswami he arose and offered his obeisances
at the Goswami's feet. Shri Gopal Bhatta asked him, "Who are you?" The boy
said, "I am from Devavandya Gram in Saharanpur. I have come from there."
Bhatta Goswami said, "Who is your father? Why have you come to me?" The
boy said, "My father has sent me here to engage in your service. My name is
Gopinatha." Gopal Bhatta then remembered the boy's father in Saharanpur, in
which the brahmana said he would give the Goswami his son to engage in the
service of the Lord. After this time, Shri Gopinatha served Shri Bhatta Goswami
with great attention.
Shri Gopal Bhatta Goswami served his beloved Radharamana Deity lovingly,
remembering the words and teachings of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. While
serving in this way, the eyes of Gopal Bhatta would often filled with tears of
divine love that flowed like gushing streams.
Where upon Shri Radharamana bestowed upon Shri Bhatta Goswami a divine
vision of Shri Gauranga Himself. The Bhakti Ratnakara 4th Taranga says, "When
Shri Bhatta Goswami was overwhelmed by Krishna-prema, Shri Radharamana
revealed Himself as Shri Gauranga deva."
Shri Gopal Bhatta Goswami accepted Shrinivasa Acharya as his disciple. Shrila
Sanatana Goswami composed Hari Bhakti Vilasa in collaboration with Gopal
Bhatta Goswami, who edited the work. Sanatana Goswami had such great
affection for Gopal Bhatta Goswami that he even published the book under his
Shri Gopal Bhatta Goswami was responsible for originating the six thesis of
Sat Sandarbha later elaborately developed by Shri Jiva Goswami.
"In my opinion, that person who in Vrindavan Leela was Ananga Manjari is
now Gopal Bhatt Goswami. Some authorities, however, have given their
opinion that he was Guna Manjari."