Bhakti Vriksha Leader
Bhakti Vriksha Leader
Bhakti Vriksha Leader
The Bhakti Vriksha
1 Dedication....................................... 1
2 Acknowledgements.................... 3
3 Introduction...................... 5
We are grateful to Sriman Pramoda Nitai dasa and Lila Priya devi
dasi for helping in the printing and distribution of this book.
This book is meant for devotees who have been given the
responsibility of acting as Sector Leader in a Bhakti Vriksha
organisation. It is also useful for those who have implemented
or are thinking of implementing the Bhakti Vriksha organisation
in their ‘yatra’.
Bhakti Vriksha requires that the leaders adopt the mood of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu in order to be able to be successful in
distributing the love of God that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is so
mercifully giving out. This means that they need to develop
spiritual qualities, which are possible for everyone who is
practicing Krishna consciousness. They have to be aware of
these qualities and try sincerely to develop them through prayer,
good sadhana and cultivate them as they go about their activities
in looking after a Bhakti Vriksha group.
Tolerant as a tree
Just as the Lord displayed so much compassion for all the
suffering souls and took up sannyasa, even though there was no
need for Him to, the leader has to be ready to at least develop a
fraction of His tolerance and take up some efforts and difficulties
in order to be successful in Bhakti Vrksa preaching. People may
be argumentative, may take up a lot of our time, may be irregular
in attending, maybe slow in their spiritual advancement etc, but
the leader has to relentlessly carry on with giving out the mercy.
His patience and perseverance are rewarded as it touches the
hearts of the members with whom he is dealing. When they begin
to appreciate the leader’s efforts, they assist him in various ways
in his services for the Bhakti Vriksha program and he also gains
close, intimate friends for a lifetime
The leader can win over the hearts of materialistic people as well,
if he gives them respect and treats them with love. So also with
fellow preachers and his senior devotees, -what holds so many
dissimilar people together is their mutual respect and love for
each other and for Srila Prabhupada. So the leader has to be
generous in his appreciation of everyone and their services.
Spirit of giving
But the members catch this mood of service and begin to volunteer
to help in these activities. His work gets easier after the first few
Spirit of forgiving
Spirit of Service
The leader should not take the members for granted, but enquire
if they like doing their service appreciate them for their service
well-done, and let them know how much spiritual benefit they get
by rendering services.
Spirit of Equality
Being Patient
To keep empowering
This can be done in person for the first week and for the
subsequent weeks, by telephone. Members need to be reminded
of the weekly meeting till they become regular and have developed
a strong taste to never miss the program. There may be so many
distractions that may make a member irregular if he is not contacted
and reminded. Also the member, on being contacted, feels that
he is considered to be important and is missed and so feels obliged
to be regular.
If all the members, or some of them, are on e-mail, the leader can
form a Yahoo group and communicate such announcements easily.
For those who are not on e-mail, he could use the Short Message
Service on mobile phones to communicate such information to
all of them without difficulty.
Even casual visitors, or those who have visited only once or are
not interested in being regular, should be included in the list, as
they should be invited periodically for the larger gatherings or
festivals. It may take such people some time to agree to join a
Bhakti Vriksha group, and so the contact with them should be
Ensure that some simple, but tasty prasadam (even just fruit)
has been organized for the program.
The Bhakti Vriksha Modules relieve the leader of this duty. But it
is good to do some extra reading to ensure that he knows the
topic fairly well.
The leader can either visit the members at home, or at least call
them up to enquire about their well-being and stay in touch with
them. Members open up their minds, and feel free to ask their
doubts, and express the difficulties that they are facing, both
material and spiritual. They feel more enthused and encouraged
by the personal care that they are getting. Being a good listener
and empathising during times of difficulty helps the leader in
counselling the members, and in helping them understand
gradually the Krishna conscious way of dealing with problems.
His relationships with them become more personal and close as
he shares in their joys and sorrows.
The leader should to visit members if they have fallen ill, offer
them any help they required, help on other occasions like
weddings, birth of a child or death of a relative. He should
participate in their celebrations like birthdays and anniversaries.
Gradually he has to involve the other members also in helping
one another and celebrating one another’s joys and sharing the
sorrows. This creates a family feeling among all the members.
Taking them all out occasionally on Krishna conscious picnics is
another fun way to come closer and develop good Vaishnava
relationships among all the members.
The Bhakti Vriksha leader should discuss with his Sector Leader
the progress of his members, and also seek his guidance for
further improvements. As the Sector Leader has more experience,
his opinion and guidance could be valuable in caring for the new
members. The Sector Leader helps in many ways like arranging
to continue the weekly program when the Bhakti Vriksha leader is
away, conducts seminars, study classes and so on for the Bhakti
Vriksha groups under his care.
Ensure the growth of good leaders, which will help the group
to multiply
After the first few weeks are over, and the members have started
to feel comfortable and enthusiastic, they should be made aware
of the fact that they are all being trained to become Bhakti Vriksha
leaders themselves. This can happen in sixty-four weeks, by
following the detailed plans given in the Bhakti Vriksha Modules.
Once made aware of this, the members take the training and
guidance more seriously. The preaching mood becomes prevalent
in them and they give up any sentimental attachment to remaining
always together as a group even after the sixty four week lifetime
of the group is over. They get great joy in multiplying and
becoming Bhakti Vriksha leaders in order to expand the movement.
At least three to four intern leaders can emerge within this time of
sixty-four weeks. In the minimum case, at least one leader becomes
available, if the Bhakti Vriksha leader has been systematically
caring for his members.
In the last twelve weeks of the sixty-four weeks, the Bhakti Vriksha
leader lets the intern leaders conduct different parts of the program
each week and observes their performance. He corrects them
where necessary. He himself takes the part of a regular member,
26 The Bhakti Vriksha Leader
and allows the intern leaders to organise everything and conduct
all the different parts of the Bhakti Vriksha. He ensures that the
prospective leaders take turns in hosting the program in their
own homes.
In this way, at the end of sixty four weeks, the intern leaders are
well versed in conducting a full fledged Bhakti Vriksha group
meeting and taking caring of the members. The preaching session
would have given them exposure and experience in preaching
and bringing new contacts. Helping the junior members of the
group, would have taught them about giving love and care to the
After the Bhakti Vriksha multiplies, and the intern leaders have
been made full-fledged Bhakti Vriksha leaders of the newly formed
groups, the Bhakti Vriksha leader is elevated to the position of
Sector Leader, and continues to guide and supervise them in his
new capacity. Sometimes the Bhakti Vriksha has only multiplied
into two, or less than three new leaders have been found, which
means a new Sector cannot be formed. In that case the Bhakti
Vriksha Leader continues in that position for one of the new
groups, but, he continues to guide and help his erstwhile intern
leaders who now lead one or two new groups.
All the members of the group including the new leaders can
continue attending the study classes of Bhagavad-gita and, later
on, other courses on books like Nectar of Devotion, Nectar of
Instruction or Srimad-Bhagavatam.
The Bhakti Vriksha leader thus has to also regularly attend the
meetings that have been convened by his seniors. He is a
connecting link between his group members and the hierarchy
and thus has to give a clear picture of his group’s progress to his
seniors. At the same time, he has to share with his members all
that need to be conveyed to them.
On the other hand, any slackness on his part slows down the
progress and expansion of the preaching.
Hence, if all the Bhakti Vriksha leaders filled up their weekly forms
as well as the monthly reports systematically, and attended the
meetings, it would help greatly in the effective functioning of the
Bhakti Vriksha program.
If one is keenly looking for potential members, one will find them!
It may be in a super- market, a bus stop, a clinic… It is not difficult
to find people to attend the Bhakti Vriksha meetings, if one knows
how to approach them. The first strategy is to understand how
much they need what the meetings are going to give them. Then
one will have the confidence and determination to approach them.
Without mentioning anything about the philosophy, one could
just invite them to the program.
Once the leader starts a Bhakti Vriksha Group, all members are
gradually trained to invite their friends and acquaintances to the
program. Even when the group multiplies into more groups, it
starts with some of the members from the parent Bhakti Vriksha
Group, whose members share the responsibility of bringing in
new people.
The leader can make the program more interactive as time goes
on and slowly introduce the ‘Ice Breakers’. Once the visitors
show that they enjoy the interactivity, hecan progress to
conducting the ‘Discussion’ sessions as well as the rest of the
parts of the program.
The leader can make a flyer inviting the members to attending the
program, observing the following guidelines:
If even two out of fifteen people that you have invited attend
your program, you should consider it a good response from your
The program:
4) If they request you to include some chant that they are familiar
with, include it also for a few minutes.
8) Serve prasadam to the guests and make sure that you are
engaged with them in an informal talk. The discussion during
the program will most likely continue during prasadam time.
9) If they show a lot of interest, you can tell them about Srila
Prabhupada’s books and show them a few small books.
11) For the subsequent six or eight weeks, you can have the
Ice–breaker (Satsanga) session, kirtana and reading and
discussion of the spiritual edification/ and ‘Namamrta’
passage from the Bhakti Vriksha Modules. You can gradually
include Japa if you find the people showing interest. You
can enquire from them if they would like to chant on the
beads before actually including the Japa session..
13) Do not worry too much if a few of the members leave your
group. This sort of sifting continues till you are left with
steady and committed members. For those who fall away,
you can still keep in touch and continue inviting them for big
festival programs or other outreach programs, so that they
can gradually progress in their Krishna consciousness.
Actually, once the program is well established there can be
regular weekly Outreach programs catering to people with
less commitment. But till then, you can focus your attention
on training people who are most ready to attend the Bhakti
Vriksha Group.
Training others
The leader can allocates just half an hour every day to make
phone calls, pay visits or prepare reports, or read more to obtain
more knowledge to share with the members during the meeting.
1 No. of Mails
2 No. of Telephone Calls
3 No. of Home Visits
4 No. of Service Donors
5 No. of Money Donors
Abbreviations: A= Attendance, S= Siksha level
The core value of a Bhakti Vriksha program, according to me, is
Love and Care. Creating a strong bond among the cell members
by love and care results in a healthy atmosphere – the new
members comfortably take up Krishna Consciousness as they
begin to like their friendly seniors almost immediately and
secondly, each member gets inspired by the others to progress
collectively in Krishna Consciousness. As such, some of the
strengths of our Bhakti Vriksha group are:
Question: What have been the trials? How did you try to
overcome them?
I must say that I have been lucky enough not to face many trials
so far. Since, we have an established yatra and many senior
devotees who are ever willing to guide you in your service;
everything is kind of given on a platter! But I can share the
following points on this question:
42 The Bhakti Vriksha Leader
n Lack of self-confidence. I was not sure if I could handle
facilitating a BV group. Two things greatly helped me to
overcome this issue:
¡ The excellent support and encouragement I got from
my Chakra leader (he oversees many sectors, which
in turn comprises of many cells, within the Bhakti
Vriksha system)
¡ The way the Training Modules have been compiled
made it very simple even for a beginner like me in
facilitating the cell. Even minute details are covered
in the module giving various tips and instructions
to the facilitator.
n Of course, to realize the fact that this is an important service
that you can do to please your guru maharaja gives you
enough strength!
¡ Most cell members are staying within the camp
where I stay. It’s easy to access, and no conveyance
is required.
¡ With the constant assistance of my Sector Leader
our strength soared from two to twelve.
¡ There are many new recruits in my office, to whom
I can preach
¡ Service-minded members help me to speed up
making prasadam, preparing arati paraphernalia,
gathering flowers etc.,
¡ Slow but sure progress in taking up Krishna
¡ My knowledge of several Indian languages -
Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, and English, helps me to
conduct Bhakti Vrikshas in several languages
Question: What have been the trials? How did you try to
overcome them?
- Almost all cell members are of modest education levels, hence
each session I have to split into two or more sessions. Still,
it is tough for them to remember in depth.
- Switching from one language to another leads to waste of
time, none of them are familiar with one common language.
- Problem to start in time, as I myself have to cook the prasadam,
perform the Arati & everything, resulting/forcing me to skip
either Namamrta or Essence of Preaching, because the
members have to be go to work next morning between
- I just can’t expect anyone to stay back to help me clean-up
- Members now accept only sattvika food
(other than one or two devotees)
- Members are improving the QUALITY &
QUANTITY of Chanting the Holy Names,
slowly but surely
- Their taste for devotional service has