Instructional Plan - Grade 8 - 2nd Quarter-2018-19

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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of Zamboanga City


Culianan, Zamboanga City


Second Quarter/ Grade 8 - English

School Year 2019 - 2020

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: east Asian literature as a mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion-making” persuasion, and emphasis.

Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information
sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

Topic Learning Specific Strategies/ Contextualizat Performance Num Assessment Learning References
Competencies Objectives Activities ion Tasks Intervention
Quarter II of
s Formative Summative

1st Week EN8RC- lla-2.22 1. Gather (Using KWL ) Retell similar Role Play 2 Use the Short Quiz Additional Learner’s Module 8,
important incident in problem- (Compose a 5- activities for pages 147 - 151
Evaluate the (On the main
information your locale solution 7 sentence application or
personal characters of
A. An Egyptian about Egyptian chart paragraph) remediation
significance of the story)
Folktale (The culture and
a literary text.
Two Brothers) beliefs.

2. Compare the
through a Venn
Using Venn Graphic Org.
3. Use problem- Diagram
solution chart to
identify the
problems and *venn
provide solutions diagram
to these based
on the selection.

B. Elements of EN8VC-lla-1.3: 1. Determine the Listening to Making a 2 Pen and The students Peer/ Modular Learner’s Material 8
a Short Story Predict the gist level of video clip story map paper will
Pages 132-134
of the material understanding in (The student participate in
viewed based regards to the will identify collaborative
on the title, elements that all story conversations
pictures, and make up a story. elements in small
excerpts within the groups to
2. Use a story
book and develop a
EN8VC-lla-17: map to organize
display story map.
Discern elements of a
Using a story them)
positive and short story.
3. Listen to a You
tube Clip that is
conveyed in a
about the
elements in a
viewed. Engaging in
story. Parts of
Story Song brief

C. A Thai EN8LT - lla-9.1 1. Watch video, Watching Making use 2 Pen and Summarize Answering Learner’s Module 8
Folktale Makato His video of graphic paper and trace the worksheet
Describe the Pages 137- 143
(Makato and Cowrie Shells. organizer to significant
notable literary
His Cowrie draw out the events of the
genres 2. Discover
Shells) Reading the values and story by
contributed by Thai’s traditions
selection traits of the completing
East Asian and beliefs as
character the graphic
writers. well as diversity
which organizer.
of culture which
enable him
EN8LT -lla-9.2 shape you as a Discussion to become
Filipino. successful
Identify the
and better
distinguishing 3. Use Venn
features of Diagram to
notable east compare
Asian poems, yourself with
folktales, and Makato.
short stories.

EN8WC - lla-
2.8.7 Compose

2nd Week EN8LC-llc-7 1. Give brief Discussion Reporting 2 Pen and Completing Researching in Learner’s Module 8
Employ introduction paper the graphic websites
*books Gr 1-Culture Pages 127 - 131
appropriate about Thailand. (Identify organizer
of Thailand
A. Sawatdee…H listening skills *magazines pictures
2. Determine
ello Beautiful and strategies Gr 2-Culture noticed in
similarities and
Bangkok suited to long of the film and Matching
differences of
(Thailand) descriptive and Philippines see some Type -
Thailand and Matching Type
narrative texts. connections) Showing set
Philippines in Gr 3-
of pictures
EN8LC-llc-2.13: terms of
(attractions of
Determine the customs, Using Venn
Thialand) and
tone and mood traditions, and Diagram
setting words
of the speaker beliefs.
and meaning.
or characters
3. Match words
in the narrative
and meanings
listened to.
that describe the
given pictures.

B. Bibliography EN8SS-IIIe-1.6: 1. Arrange Discussion Making 2 Pen and Look for some Present another Learner’s Module 8
Show respect bibliographical collections paper readings samples of (pages 151-153)
for intellectual items correctly of related to the bibliographies
property rights and consistently *magazines bibliography topic, the from books,
by at the end of the come up with newspapers,
acknowledging research paper. *journals 10 magazines and
citations made bibliographies websites.
2. Observe
in an correct format in using online
informative bibliography resources.
essay. sources used. (multi-cultural
*newspaper dialects,
EN8SS-IIIe-1.6: 3. Use
Acknowledge comparison and *World Wide beliefs)
sources by contrast to fill in Web
creating a the grid.

C. The EN8OL-llc- 1. Point out Vocabulary Reading 2 Pen and Compare and Answering Learner’s Module 8
Taximan’s Story 3:11: Produce some social Mapping Aloud paper (Write contrast (How worksheets (pages 165-169)
the sounds of problems which in one Singapore
English people never paragraph, yesterday and
correctly and thought existed Discussion What do you today)
effectively in an affluent think of the
when country like taximan? Do
delivering an Singapore. you feel
Writing a short
entertainment symphaty for
2. Note elements photo essay
speech. him?
of the short about the
EN8G-llc-9: story. pictures
3. Compare and
contrast how
signals or
yesterday and
suitable to
each pattern of

3rd Week EN8G-lla-9: 1. Use idioms to Reading task Making 2 Pen and Making Answering Learner’s Module 8
Use make the speech collections paper questions worksheets
appropriate more attractive of idioms using samples
A. Idiomatic grammatical and impressive. Discussion of idiomatic
Expressions signals or expressions.
2. Write all
idioms that are
suitable to
each pattern of in the text, then
idea make questions
development: using these

B. A Traditional EN8LT-IIa-9.1: 1. Read a literary Reading Retell similar Writing an 2 Pen and Complete the Read text about Learner’s Material
Malaysian Describe the text showing story about outline for paper Venn Diagram Heritage
Pages 193-198
Folktale notable literary diversity of Pilandok the text. (Underline to compare Literature as a
(Outwitting a genres cultural heritage Discussion the Sang kancil to Teaching Tool.
Crocodile) contributed by and example of parenthetical Pilandok
East Asian intangible you can find
writers. cultural heritage in each
Using Venn
from Malaysia. sentence
EN8LT-IIb-9.2: Diagram
Identify the 2. Underline
distinguishing parenthetical
features of you can find in Using
notable East each sentence, parenthetical
Asian poems, the tell what phrase
folktales and type it is.
short stories.
3. Complete
venn diagram. Using outline

C. Parenthetical EN8G-IId-9: Learner’s Module 8

Phrase Use
Pages 194 - 195
signals or
suitable to
each pattern of

4th Week EN8WC-IIb- 1. Read text to Using mind Creating a 2 Pen and Choose one of Read another Learner’s Module 8
2.8.8: Use a do exercises that map concept map Paper the three example of a
A. Concept Pages 205 - 206
variety of follow. using the ( Identify all main mind map
techniques to main ideas in the linking concepts and together with
2. Note four
introduce a Creating a a lesson. words in the create a mind the steps in
topic characteristics of concept map map. map. making one.
a mind map.

3. Create a
concept map
using main ideas
in a lesson.

B. Bantugan, EN8LT-IIc-2.2: 1. Read an Vocabulary Find samples Role Play 2 Pen and Making a brief Answering English Expressways
The Prince Explain how excerpt version building of other paper (Check synopsis of worksheet II, pages 83 - 89
the elements of an epic from Filipino epics your the epic
(An Excerpt)
specific to a Darangans of the (the Ilocanos understandin
genre Maranaws which have Biag ni g - Answer
contribute to tells the story of Lam-ang, and the following
the theme of a a courageous the Ifugaos questions)
particular prince. have Hudhod
literary at Aliguyon)
2. Recall
elements of a
literary text.

C. Filling Out EN8WC-la-1.1: 1. Fill out Filling out Write an 2 Pen and Use pointers Fill out other English Arts II, pages
Forms Generate ideas enrolment and forms entry in your paper (Fill for filling out forms correctly. 18-19
and their other forms dairy or out your forms and
relationships correctly. writing Identification may help you
Writing a diary journal. Card for write an English Expressways
EN8WC-la- 2. Write entry in
security and interesting II your diary or
identification diary entry..
Present ideas writing journal to Page 13
using a variety narrate a
of forms and significant
graphic learning
organizers. experience you
just had in class.

5th Week EN8RC-III-12: 1. Read Scanning for Scan articles 2 Pen and Scan for English Arts II (pages
Utilize coping reminders which sequence to find out Paper ( What sequence 71 and 88)
reading will help you signals and which one are some signals to
A. Scanning strategies to when you scan. connectives will serve as common determine the
process references sequence rhetorical Learning Module
2. Read selection Scanning to
information in material on signals and organization
a text. to scan for locate required the kinds of connectives of the text.
sequence signals information. Chinese use in
and connectives poetry. rhetorical
to determine the organization
rhetorical of the text.
organization of
the text.

3. Scan to locate

B. Pre - reading EN8RC-IId- 4. English Expressways

(Prayer of the 2.22: Evaluate III
Student) the personal
Pages 270-271
significance of
Reading - The
a literary text
Parable of the
Lost Son EN8LC-IId-7: English
Employ Communication Arts
appropriate and Skills Through
listening skills Afro-Asian Lit. II
and strategies
suited to long Pages
descriptive and
narrative text.

C. Catch Me A EN8RC-IIc- 1. Read a story Reading Do the 2 Pen and Analyze what English Arts II, pages
Star 2.22: Evaluate to learn the elements Paper one hears 254- 260
the personal purpose in life that make (Exchanging (Listening to
By: Bernard
significance of and to reach out Discussion up the story. Ideas) an editorial
a literary text. for something and evaluate
seemingly the ideas in it)
2.1.7: React to Answering
assertions 2. Determine the questions
made by the elements that
author in the make up the
text. story.

D. Achieving EN8WC-IIc-2.8: 1. Show correct Note the use Paragraph 2 Reading a Pen and English Arts II
Continuity and Compose use of cohesive of devices for writing paragraph paper Pages 262 - 265
Coherence in effective devices in self- continuity and explaining
Paragraphs paragraphs. composed coherence of your opinion
paragraphs. that central on a current
idea. issues.
2.2.1: Develop
Writing a

6th Week EN8LT-IIe-O-9: 1. Note details Studying Asian Dialogue 2 Reading all Pen and Learner’s Material 8
Explain how a from the text photos the lines in paper
If you were Pages 241 - 242
selection may that portray the story.
in Raden’s
A. The Legend be influenced elements about
shoes what
of Banyuwangi by culture, culture, history Filling up the
could have
history, and environment table
been your
environment, of people or era.
or other

B. Conditional EN8G-IIf-9: Use 1. Describe each Recall Fill up boxes Pen and Learner’s Material 8
Sentences appropriate type of situations in by giving paper
Pages 243 - 244
grammatical conditional the legend and your own
signals or sentences and see what example of
expressions see how they conditional conditional
suitable to differ from each statements statements.
each pattern of other. you can
idea produce.

C. The Peasant, EN8LT-IIf-2.2.3: 1. Review the Identify Fill out the 2 Helping the Pen and Learner’s Material 8
the Buffalo and Determine different characters in form “The Tiger achieve paper
Pages 257 - 259
the Tiger tone, mood, elements of a the role they Way I See It” its goal.
technique and specific genre play in a given What can
purpose of the using a literary story. you share
author. selection. with the
Tiger so it
won’t get
E. Expanded EN8G-IIg-9: 1. Expand simple Defining 2 Expand Pen and Learner’s Material 8
Sentences Use sentences by adjective, simple paper
Pages 260 - 261
appropriate adding adverb and sentences
grammatical adjectives, prepositional
signals or adverbs or phrase.
expressions prepositional
suitable to phrase.
each pattern of

7th Week EN8LT-lld- 1. Identify Discussion Compose a Sample 2 Pen and Pick out lines Present a sample English Expressways
2.2.2: Explain imagery in a local poem poem with paper in the poem poem with III (pages 180-181)
the literary poem. with imagery imagery (identify the discussed and imagery
A. Imagery devices used. Drawing illustration imagery in draw the
2. Pick out lines
images the poem) image/s English Expressways
in a poem
conveyed. II
discussed to
draw images Pages 14-15
English Arts I

Pages 246-247

B. Using 3. English Expressways

Knowledge of II
Pages 22-23

C. The Firefly 4. English Arts II

Pages 156 - 159

8th Week EN8SS-lle-1.2: 1. Interpret and Vocabulary Making a 2 Pen and Organize Doing a word English Expressways
Explain visual- transcode mapping word map paper (arive linear text in map III (pages 76-78)
verbal information at the the form of an
(A word map
A. Linear to relationships through word meaning of essay into a
is a graphic
Non-linear text illustrated in mapping. the word paragraph. English Arts II
tables, graphs, through
2. Arrive at the on of the Pages 148 - 149
and context clues
meaning of the definition of
word through a word)
maps found in
expository context clues.
3. Organize
EN8RC-lle-ll: linear text which
Transcode takes form of an
information essay into a
from linear paragraph.
texts and vice-

B. Learning 4. English Arts II

About Japanese
Pages 152 - 155

C. Noting EN8VC-lle-1.3: 1. Use Discussion Doing the 2 Pen and Complete Use English English Expressways
Explicit Signals Predict the gist definition or vocabulary paper sentences worksheets III , pages 153-166
of the material description as a mapping (Identify the with
viewed based type of context Vocabulary adjective appropriate
on the title, clues. mapping clause from adjective
pictures, and each clauses.
2. Identify
excerpts. sentence
adjective clause
EN8VC-lle-17: from each
Discern sentence.
positive and
3. Complete
sentence with
conveyed in a
adjective clause.

between literal
and figurative

9th Week 4. English Arts II

Pages 224 - 228

A. Pre - reading

Using figurative

B. Simple Past EN8G-lle-9: 1. Express past Discussion Picture 2 Pen and Complete the Use English English Expressways
and Past Use actions of the (Simple past descriptions Paper (Use following with worksheets II , pages 39-42
Continuous appropriate verbs. with examples) the either the
Tenses grammatical appropriate simple past or
2. Use (Past
signals or tense form past
appropriate continuous
expressions of the verb continuous
tense form of with examples)
suitable to in
the verb in
each pattern of parentheses)
development: 3. Integrate
ideas with what
you already
know about the
past tense.

EN8LC-llf-2.5: 1. Employ TQLR TQLR Listening to 2 Pen and Listening Reading another English Expressways
Employ technique in Approach a song, Paper (What activity poem II, page 11
D. Using TQLR
appropriate listening activity. “What a images of provided by
To Listen
listening skills Wonderful” the month of the teacher
Effectively 2. Develop
and strategies and jot May
listening skills
suited to long down the described by
through the
descriptive and elements of the narrator
Tune in,
narrative texts. nature in the first
Question, Listen,
mentioned few
EN8LC-llf-2.5: Recite
in the song. sentences)
about the
contents of the
listening text.

A. Hyperbole EN8V-llf- 1. Use figures of Board work Use figures 2 Pen and Look for more Use English
and Litotes 10.1.4: Identify speech in activity, of speech in paper (Tell examples of worksheets k/php/cetag/3dfigus.
figures of figurative provided by figurative whether the hyperbole and htm
speech that language to add the teacher language to following litotes
show emphasis color and add color statements
(hyperbole and interest, and to and interest, are litotes or
litotes) awaken the and to hyperbole
imagination. awaken the
2. Determine
in writing an
statement as
hyperbole or

B. Writing EN8WC-llf-2.2: 1. Enumerate Discussion Creatively 2 Pen and Design poster Bring sample of http://literacy.kent.e
Advertisement Develop steps in making (The poster design paper (Give to tell people a poster type of du/eureka/EDR/5/
Through paragraphs an effective must attract poster that concise about advertisement
Posters that illustrate poster. the reader’s must bear a summary of activities in
each text type interest) high the the school.
2. Use words and
(narrative in emotional information
expressions that
literature, quotient in you want to
expository, order to communicat
explanatory, connect e)
factual and 3. Design poster instantly
personal using the with the
recount, following onlookers.
persuasive. concepts.

EN8LC-llg-7: 1. Listen Listening Listen to a 2 Pen and Write a news Bring sample of English Expressways
Employ attentively to the Strategy radio news paper report from a newspaper II, pages 78-79
A. Employing
appropriate selection read by broadcast ( Listen the selection report
Attentive *Before you
listening skills the teacher. (recorded) attentively read by your
Listening listen
and strategies and tell the to the teacher.
Strategies to a 2. Write a news
suited to long *As you listen class about selection
news Report report from the
descriptive and its headline read by the
selection read by *After you
narrative texts. news. teacher. Are
your teacher. listen there strong
3. Listen to a emotions
Listen to
radio news which may
broadcast and distract your
tell the class attention
about its from the
headline news. facts?
B. Context EN8V-IIIe-12.3: 1. Use synonym Word mapping Vocabulary 1 Pen and Use English English Expressways
Clues Arrive at as a type of Mapping paper ( keys worksheets II, page 218
(Restatement) meanings context clues to spotting and
through Keys to statement as learn(UEWL,
2. Present
context clues. spotting a type of pp. 165-177)
examples using
statement as a context clue)
EN8V-IIIi-25: the keys to
context clue
Use spotting
appropriate statement as a
strategies for context clue.

C. A Patch of EN8-LT - llg- 1. Read a story Reading Present a 2 Pen and Story map The story tells English expressways
Sky (A Story 2.2: Explain taken from The intensively picture of a paper ( Is about the role of II, pages 204-208
How can a
taken from The how the buddha Tree, man living in there an nature in one’s
Story map person make
Buddha Tree) elements novel that is unity with instance in life. What
specific to a considered as a nature your life significance does
significant to
genre landmark in when nature it gives you?
his or her own
contribute to Niwa Fumio’s helps you
the theme of a development as discover
particular a writer. your
literary strengths as
2. Find out how a
selection. well as your
japanese boy’s
EN8LT-llg- life becomes one
2.2.3: with nature.
3. Present
tone, mood,
picture of a man
technique, and
living in unity
purpose of the
with nature.

D. Forming 4.
New Words
Using Prefixes
and Suffixes

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