31. While the exposed film is not yet developed, the image recorder is
technical referred to as:
A. Inverted image B. Negative image
C. Latent image D. Positive image
32. A lens defect that can affect resolution and clarity, making it
hard to obtain sharp images.
A. curvature of field B. spherical aberration
C. chromatic aberration D. coma
33. One the part of the film holder of the camera that usually houses
the film cartridge.
A. sprocket B. locking catch
C. guide roller D. cavity
34. Refers to the process of taking pictures with the use of
A. Photomacrography B. Macrophotography
C. Microphotography D. Photomicrography
35. It refers to the lens which forms a real image on the opposite side
of the lens.
A. Concave B. Positive
C. Convex D. Negative
36. What is referred to the effective length of time a camera’s shutter
is open?
A. Diaphragm opening B. Shutter
C. Shutter speed D. Emulsion speed
37. This is attach to the shutter to prevent accidental movement of the
camera during the exposure period.
A. Tripod B. Cable release
C. Light meter D. Extinction meter
38. It is used in chemical analysis and in curing and hardening of
different items for industrial purposes.
A. long wave UV B. medium wave UV
C. short wave UV D. ultraviolet rays
39. Refers to the range of illumination or the light allowed to affect
the sensitized material at a given time.
A. Exposure B. Aperture
C. Shutter D. Shutter speed
40. The distance between the nearest and the farthest object in
apparent sharp focus when the lens is focused at a given point.
A. Angle of view B. Focal Length
C. Depth of Field D. Focus
21. The higher the number is the smaller the opening or the one that
gives the least amount of light. The statement best describe:
A. Diaphragm as a controller of depth of field
B. Diaphragm as a controller of speed
C. Diaphragm as a controller of definition
D. aperture
22. The person that first advocate the use of the photography for the
identification of criminals and the documentation of evidences and
crime scene.
A. Baltazard B. Herschel
C. Odelbercht D. Maddox
23. It is known as the fundamental characteristics of a lens that will
determine the size of an image and area of coverage of the lens. The
statement is referring to:
A. aperture B. focal length
C. lens mechanism D. shutter
31. It is believed that the word lens was derived from the Latin name
of the lentil, because a double-convex lens is lentil-shaped. In fact
the most eaten specie of the of this plant is –
A. lentil B. lens
C. lens culinaris D. lens polinaris
32. This effect causes images to be spherized, which means the edges of
images look curved and bowed to the human eye.
A. pincushion distortion B. spherical aberration
C. barrel distortion D. wavy field curvature
33. A camera that uses lens and spring-loading shutter and roll film.
Shutter speed and aperture usually not adjustable.
A. accordion camera B. folding camera
C. bellowed camera D. box camera
34. The absence of all colors is black; white light is composed of the
three primary colors – blue, green and red. What is the sum total of
all colors of the rainbow?
A. Visible light B. Light
C. White light D. Rays
35. To have a more sharp image flash exposure is encouraged and it can
be computed. What if the guide number is 220 in a distance of 10 ft
what will be the exact aperture?
A. f11 B. f22
C. f5.6 D. f8
36. Modern photographic papers are basically composed of a light
sensitive coating on a paper base which particularly suspended on what
A. emulsion B. silver halides
C. bromide D. gelatin
37. In 1947 Edwin H. Land introduced the one step photography also
known as polariod. What will be produce by LASER?
A. Polaroid B. Holograms
C. Digital Camera D. DSLR
38. What will be the lighting condition if you are going to take a
photograph using a film speed of ISO 200 and a shutter speed of 1/250
with an aperture of f8?
A. bright B. hazy
C. dull D. open light