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The Event 201: October 2019

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The Event 201: October 2019

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The Event 201

Preprint · October 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25314.89284


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1 author:

Domina Petric
UHC Split


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The Event 201

The Event 201 was a high-level pandemic exercise performed on October 18, 2019, in New
York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary
during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and
societal consequences. Event 201 simulated an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus
transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from
person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health more transmissible in the community

Security in partnership with the World setting by people with mild symptoms.

Economic Forum and the Bill and

There is no possibility of a vaccine being
Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event
available in the first year.
201, a high-level pandemic exercise on
October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can
help the sick but not significantly limit
The exercise illustrated areas where
spread of the disease.
public/private partnerships will be
necessary during the response to a severe Since the whole human population is
pandemic in order to diminish large-scale susceptible, during the initial months of the
economic and societal consequences. pandemic, the cumulative number of cases
increases exponentially, doubling every
Event 201 simulated an outbreak of a
week. And as the cases and deaths
novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted
accumulate, the economic and societal
from bats to pigs to people that eventually
consequences become increasingly severe.
becomes efficiently transmissible from
person to person, leading to a severe

The pathogen and the disease it causes

were modeled largely on SARS, but it is

Recommendations are: and fight for stronger
1. Governments, international
6. International organizations should
organizations, and businesses
prioritize reducing economic
should plan now for how essential
impacts of epidemics and
corporate capabilities will be
utilized during a large-scale
7. Governments and the private sector
should assign a greater priority to
2. Industry, national governments, and
developing methods to combat mis-
international organizations should
and disinformation prior to the next
work together to enhance
pandemic response.
internationally held stockpiles of
medical countermeasures to enable
rapid and equitable distribution
Among the selected “players” as they were
during a severe pandemic.
called, was the professor George Fu Gao,
3. Countries, international
who is director of the Chinese Center for
organizations, and global
Disease Control and Prevention since
transportation companies should
2017. His specialization includes research
work together to maintain travel
on influenza virus interspecies
and trade during severe pandemics.
transmission (host jump). He is also
Travel and trade are essential to the
interested in virus ecology, especially the
global economy as well as to
relationship between influenza virus and
national and even local economies,
migratory birds or live poultry markets and
and they should be maintained even
the bat-derived virus ecology and
in the face of a pandemic.
molecular biology.
4. Governments should provide more
Prof. Gao was joined among others at the
resources and support for the
panel by the former Deputy Director of the
development and surge
CIA during the Obama term, Avril
manufacturing of vaccines,
Haines. She also served as Obama’s
therapeutics, and diagnostics that
Assistant to the President and Principal
will be needed during a severe
Deputy National Security Advisor.
5. Global business should recognize
the economic burden of pandemics

Another of the players at the Gates event VACCINES
was Rear Admiral Stephen C. Redd,
Inovio Pharmaceuticals of
Director of the Office of Public Health
Pennsylvania received $9 million from
Preparedness and Response at the Centers
the Gates-backed CEPI, Coalition for
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, to
develop a vaccine, INO-4800, which is
Rounding out the group was Adrian
about to test on humans in April.
Thomas, the Vice President of Johnson &
Johnson, the giant medical and
They plan on delivering one million doses
pharmaceutical company. Thomas is
by year-end 2020 with existing resources
responsible for pandemic preparedness at
and capacity. INOVIO Pharmaceuticals,
J&J including developing vaccines for
Inc. announced that it has received a new
Ebola, Dengue Fever, and HIV.
$5 million grant from the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation to accelerate the testing
And there was Martin Knuchel, Head of
and scale-up of CELLECTRA® 3PSP
Crisis, Emergency & Business Continuity
proprietary smart device for the
Management, for Lufthansa Group
intradermal delivery of INO-4800, a
Airlines. Lufthansa has been one of the
DNA vaccine for COVID-19 disease.
major airlines dramatically cutting flights
during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Gates Foundation monies via CEPI are
financing development of a new vaccine
Bill Gates also made a 2019 Netflix video
method known as messenger-RNA.
which made an imaginary scenario.
They are co-funding the Cambridge,
The video, part of the “Explained” series,
Massachusetts biotech company,
imagined a wet market in China where live
Moderna Inc., to develop a vaccine
and dead animals are stacked and a highly
against the Wuhan novel coronavirus, the
deadly virus erupts that spreads globally.

Moderna’s other partner is the US National

Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
(NIAID), a part of the National Institutes
of Health (NIH).

Moderna has announced the dosing of the REFERENCES
first participant in a phase 1 study of
1. Event 201. Retrieved from (27-03-2020)
mRNA-1273, the company’s mRNA
vaccine candidate against the novel
coronavirus. 2. Friedman U. We Were Warned. 18-03-2020.
Retrieved from (27-03-2020)
The phase 1 study will examine the safety https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/0
and immunogenicity of three dose levels of
mRNA-1273 (25, 100, 250 µg) to be given
on a two-dose vaccination schedule, with a 3. Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and
gap of 28 days. Reproductive Health. Retrieved from (27-03-2020)
The company intends to have 45 healthy
4. Engdahl WF. Coronavirus, Vaccines and the
adults in the early-stage trial, which will be
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followed through 12 months after the date
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with mRNA-1273 in coronavirus vaccine trial. 17-
for the COVID-19 is a German company,
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to develop its own mRNA technology. coronavirus-trial/

The Gates Foundation and related entities 6. Carlson R. INO-4800 DNA Coronavirus
Vaccine. Retrieved from (27-03-2020)
such as CEPI constitute the largest funders
of the WHO. Its current director, Tedros
Adhanom, the first WHO director in
history who is not a medical doctor, 7. Young J. Bill Gates Predicted Coronavirus-Like
Outbreak in 2019 Netflix Documentary. 30-01-
worked for years on HIV with the Gates
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