0684 The Globalists Excerpt

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The document discusses how global elitists are conspiring to create a global government and how this will lead to a time of great tribulation. It also talks about how these elitists were chosen and trained for their roles as change agents.

According to Dr. Cuddy, many of the men who rule America come from one or more of three groups: 1) Rhodes Scholars, 2) Fabian Socialists, and 3) Skull and Bones.

The Skull and Bones fraternity was organized at Yale University in 1833 as Chapter 322 of a German fraternity.

From Dr.

Dennis Cuddys Book

The Globalists the Power Elite Exposed
Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: This is a well written and documented explanation of
how global elitists are conspiring to create what they believe will be a globalgovernment utopia. The Bible prophesies in Daniel and Revelation that this
conspiracy will succeed in removing national sovereign states, and in their place
creating a unity of ten regional powers answering to the global ruler (called the
Antichrist). However, rather than a utopia, it will bring about a time of great
tribulation (death and misery) that will be worse than the world has ever seen.
Matt 24:21-22 "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been
since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. "And
unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's
sake those days will be shortened. (NKJ)
These historical facts were not included in American social studies!
But it's not too late to take a look at the roots and rulers behind
today's political, economic, cultural and spiritual transformation. These
handpicked leaders were chosen and trained for their future roles as
single-minded, pragmatic globalist change agents. They are placed
wherever they are needed -- in banks, the media, U.S. Congress,
government bureaucracies, etc. They do not share our faith and
values! In recent decades, potential young leaders are brought
together to be tested and trained at every UN Conference and other
global events.
As you ponder the quotes below, notice the utter disregard for human
life and suffering. Top leaders show no mercy lauding the expected
bloodshed of those who oppose these global aims. Yet, we shouldn't be
surprised, for God's Word warns us that,
"...the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one." 1 John
"If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because
you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore
the world hates you.... If they persecuted Me, they will also
persecute you... because they do not know Him who sent Me. " John

Introduction by Dr. Stan Monteith, M.D., host of Radio Liberty:

Dr. Dennis Cuddy taught American History at the University of North

Carolina in Chapel Hill, and during the Reagan Administration he
worked as a senior associate with the U.S. Department of Education.
This month he has summarized his soon-to-be published book, The
Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed. Dr. Cuddy contends that
many of the men who rule America come from one or more of three
1. Rhodes Scholars (RS)
2. Fabian Socialists (FS)
3. Skull and Bones (S&B)
Many also belong to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which
is an outgrowth of Cecil Rhodes' plan to rule the world.
Many conservatives believe that the American voters' choice of George
W. Bush as president marks a return to the founding values of our
Republic, but it should be remembered that George W. Bush, like his
father, George H. W. Bush, and his grandfather, Prescott Sheldon
Bush, is a member of Skull and Bones.[6] It is the purpose of this
article to show how Skull and Bones members (S&B) work in tandem
with Rhodes Scholars (RS) and Fabian Socialists (FS) to form an
important part of what is known as the power elite.
1833: That year the Skull and Bones fraternity was organized at Yale
University as Chapter 322 of a German fraternity.
1883: What part has Skull & Bones played in our elections? Professor
Carroll Quigley was President Clinton's mentor, and in Tragedy and
Hope: A History of the World In our Time the professor revealed that
William C. Whitney (S&B) and others, in the late 19th century,
developed a plan to control both major political parties through
financial contributions and have the two main parties alternate power
so the public would think it had a choice.[7] Professor Quigley said
Whitney's plan lasted about 16 years, and after that, the "Eastern
Establishment" (power elite) moved the Democrat and Republican
presidential candidates toward the political center:
"...assiduously fostering the process behind the scenes ... and nearly
met in the center with almost identical candidates and platforms,
although the process was concealed, as much as possible, by the
revival of ... meaningless war cries and slogans..."[8]
Elsewhere Professor Quigley commented:

"...the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American

people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to
any profound or extensive shifts in policy."[9]
Professor Quigley was allowed to examine some of the "secret records"
of the power elite, and found that in the late 19th century Cecil Rhodes
had formed a secret society: "... to take the government of the whole
1883-1884: The British Fabian Socialist Society was organized by
George Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells, Sidney Webb, Annie Besant, and
others. Bertrand Russell joined the organization sometime later.
1891: Cecil John Rhodes organized a secret society to take control of
the world. His mentor at Oxford University was John Ruskin. Ruskin
has a swastika engraved on his gravestone, just as Rhodes Trust
member Rudyard Kipling has on the covers of his early books.[11]
Prior to Adolph Hitler, the swastika, which reportedly also has been
seen at the S&B vault at Yale University, was an elitist symbol. In an
apparent contradiction, John Ruskin referred to himself as a Tory
and a Communist. [12] However, one must realize that the elite have
no qualms about working with both the political left and the
political right, with an ultimate goal of synthesizing them into a
world socialist government.
As far as Rhodes was concerned, his plan would be carried out via
Rhodes Scholars and Round Table Groups, which grew out of his
secret "Society of the Elect." Rhodes' secret society lasted almost six
decades, by which time enough of his people had penetrated the areas
of politics, economics, journalism, and education so that his
"conspiracy" was replaced by a network of the power elite. [13] We
know that the conspiracy lasted well into the 20th century, because in
1931 one of its key operatives, historian Arnold Toynbee, wrote:
"We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this
mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the
local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our
lips what we are doing with our hands."[14]
The third group comprising the power elite would be the Fabian
Socialists (FS) which included H.G. Wells. In his book, New Worlds
for Old, Wells explained what he called "a plot" whereby heads of state
would come and go, but bureaucrats trained at the London School of
Economics (established by the FS) would remain in government

making rules and regulations furthering the goals of the Fabian

While the Fabians were using education to move the public toward
socialism, Rhodes Scholars were obtaining important posts in
universities, and Carl Haessler (RS) was helping to establish Socialist
Sunday Schools for younger people. [16] About the same time,
socialist John Dewey, who had been mentored by G. Stanley Hall, who
was brought to Johns Hopkins University by its president, Daniel Coit
Gilman (S&B), was instituting "progressive education" in classrooms
across our nation. [17] And like the RS influence in journalism,
economics, and politics, Skull and Bones members also became
involved in these areas. In journalism, Richard Ely Danielson would
become the publisher of Atlantic Monthly, Russell Wheeler Davenport
would became the editor of Fortune magazine, and Henry Luce
would become the founder of Time. [18] Henry Luce's biographer,
Robert Herzstein, wrote:
"Early on, young Harry (Henry Luce) learned that a powerful circle
of contacts and friends could move the world."[19]
In economics, S&B member Thomas Daniels would found ArcherDaniels-Midland, a transnational corporation.[20] Today ADM
controls most of the world's grain.
1908: William Howard Taft (S&B) was elected president. Four years
later, in a 3-way race that was remarkably similar to the presidential
contest of 1992 where S&B member George Bush lost his bid for reelection to Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton, Taft lost his bid for re-election
to Woodrow Wilson. President Wilson's chief adviser was Colonel
Edward Mandell House who wrote a book entitled Philip Dru:
Administrator in which he alluded to the creation of: "...socialism as
dreamed of by Karl Marx."[21]
1917: Lord Esher was one of the four original members of Cecil
Rhodes' secret society. By 1917, England was involved in World War I,
and he was an adviser to the English king. On August 11, Lord
Esher wrote in his diary:
"Mr. Henry Morgenthau asked me to call on him.... (He) was one of
the principal supporters of President Wilson in the campaign for the
Presidency, and he possesses the friendship and confidence of the
President.... They are ready to sacrifice the lives of American
citizens.... Mr. Morgenthau realizes the importance upon the morale of

the French army and the French people of cementing the Alliance by
shedding American blood at the earliest possible moment. If
many lives have to be sacrificed, the influence upon the American
people can only be beneficent."[22]
1919: After World War I ended, members of Cecil Rhodes' Round
Table Group (largely under the direction of Rhodes' successor, Lord
Alfred Milner) met with The Inquiry, led by Colonel Edward Mandell
House. Working with the Fabian Socialists, they established the Royal
Institute of International Affairs and its American branch, the
Council on Foreign Relations.[23] The CFR was largely under the
control of associates of J.P. Morgan, some of whom were S&B
members such as Henry P. Davison and Averell Harriman.[24] Averell
Harriman's brother, E. Roland Harriman, was a member of the CFR; he
was initiated into S&B in 1917 along with Prescott Sheldon Bush,
George W. Bush's grandfather.[25]
1921: The CFR was incorporated in the state of New York.
1928: H.G. Wells authored The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a
World Revolution. By then he had broken with the Fabians, not in
terms of their goals, but only in believing that they should be open
about their plan to synthesize western capitalism with eastern
communism, and create a world socialist government. In a later
book titled The New World Order, Wells said that many would die
protesting against it.[26] In the same year as The Open Conspiracy
was published, H.G. Wells received a letter from Bertrand Russell
congratulating him, and saying:
"(Lord R.B.) Haldane (FS) would not forego the pleasure to be
derived from the next war."[27]
Bertrand Russell would later write that a "Black Death" or
bacteriological warfare might be needed to cull the population.[28]
Wells had already written that 'they would have a cause that
"would make killing worth the while."[29]
In his book, A New Deal, future New Deal Resettlement Administration
and UNESCO, consultant Stuart Chase wrote: "A better economic
order is worth a little bloodshed." Stuart Chase advocated joining
H.G. Wells' "Open Conspiracy."[30]

1928: John Dewey wrote an article for the December 5 issue of The
New Republic magazine in which he noted that the Bolsheviks were
engaged in:
"'...a most interesting sociological experiment,' ... and using
progressive educational ideas and practices to '...counteract and
transform... the influence of home and Church.'"[31]
The following year, in his book, Individualism, Old and New, Dewey
predicted: "We are in for some kind of socialism, call it by whatever
name we please."[32]
Dewey would later become president of The League For Industrial
Democracy (LID), formerly the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, and
the American counterpart of the British Fabian Society. The
Thirtieth Anniversary Report of the LID stated: "The Student LID ...
feels particularly proud that the last batch of Rhodes Scholars
contained six members of the LID."[33] John Dewey and the FS
wanted social or group control.
1928: When William Paley (CFR) was beginning CBS, his chief advisor
was Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, who authored the
book, Propaganda, in which he revealed:
"Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the
masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling
power of the country."[34]
1933: On April 11, Max Mason, president of the Rockefeller
Foundation, assured his trustees that in their program:
"The Social Sciences will concern themselves with the
rationalization of social control , ... the control of human
Four years later, the foundation gave a grant to Princeton University to
study the influence of radio on different groups, and Rockefeller's
General Education Board funded a study of CBS's 1938 broadcast of
War of the Worlds, which was written up later as a 'study in the
psychology of panic.'"[36]
1938: Francis Pickens Miller (RS) became organization director of the
Committees on Foreign Relations of the CFR.

Two years later he headed another group which included Dean

Acheson (CFR), future CFR president Allen Dulles, CBS newsman Elmer
Davis (RS), and Whitney Shepardson (RS), a former assistant to
Colonel Edward Mandell House. The group came to be known as the
Fight for Freedom Committee. It was a front organization for the
English government's effort to involve the United States in World
War II. [37] The British rigged a public opinion poll, and placed
women with certain key American government officials. [38] Fabian
Socialist columnist Walter Lippmann's brother-in-law even came up
with the idea of creating a phony Nazi map which was given to
President Roosevelt for propaganda purposes. FDR said:
"I have in my possession a secret map made in Germany by Hitler's
Government - - by the planners of the new world order."[39]
Lord Lothian was the British Ambassador to the United States at that
time. He was a member of The Society of the Elect, the inner circle
of Cecil Rhodes' secret group.[40]
1939: That year H.G. Wells revealed the socialists' plan to create a
world government. In his book, The New World Order, he wrote:
"There will be no day of days... when a new world order comes into
being. Step by step and here and there it will arrive, and even as it
comes into being it will develop fresh perspectives.... Countless ...
people will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting
against it."[41]
That last statement may well be proven true. But those who trust and
follow our Lord and His Word need not fear:
If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own
Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also
freely give us all things? ... It is Christ who died, and furthermore is
also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes
intercession for us.
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or
distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
... Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him
who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor
angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to
come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able

to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:31-39
The above quotes are only a few samples from Dr. Cuddy's informative
book, The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed, which is now outof-print. However, there are some left, and you may be able to buy
one by calling the office of Col. Ronald Ray at 800-837-0544.
Concluding note from Dr. Monteith regarding Dr. Cuddy's
Many of the men he has mentioned saw nothing wrong with killing
large numbers of people if that would advance their cause. John
Dewey viewed the brutality of Bolshevism as a "social
experiment," and H.G. Wells was unconcerned that, "Countless . . .
people will hate the new world order . . . and will die protesting
against it."
Elsewhere he wrote that they would have a cause that, "would make
killing worth the while," and Stuart Chase wrote, "A better economic
order is worth a little bloodshed." Lord Esher sought "shedding
American blood at the first possible moment. . . . If many lives have to
be sacrificed, the influence upon the American people can only be
Next month we will address Bertrand Russell's suggestion that a Black
Death should be disseminated throughout the world once every
generation to control population growth. The statements Dr. Cuddy
cited demonstrate the power elite's lack of concern for human
What can we do? Edmund Burke lived at the time of the American
Revolution, and many people are convinced that he founded the
modern-day conservative movement. He wrote:
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall
one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."[42]
Our enemies are well organized; we must work together if we hope to
counter them. First, we must return to the faith of our fathers, for
that is the foundation of our freedom. Then we must rekindle a
love for liberty in the people, and convince them that life without
freedom is life without meaning. We must organize our precincts and
tell our neighbors about the power elite. They claim that they want to

do good, but some of them have used wars, revolutions,

assassinations, deception, and murder to advance their agenda. Can
they justify what they have done? Remember the Lord's admonition:
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness
for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet
for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent
in their own sight!" Isaiah 5: 20-21
Pray for our nation; pray for our politicians; pray for our ministers;
please remember to pray for Radio Liberty, for our provision and
protection. Thank you for your continued support.
Yours in Christ,
Stanley Monteith, M.D.,
May 2001

Note: Since the first six quotes in the original newsletter dealt with a
slightly different topic, they were deleted. Therefore the corresponding
six references were also deleted."
7. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, The Macmillan Company, New
York, 1966, p.73.
8. Ibid., p.1247.
9. Ibid., pp.1247-48.
10. Ibid., p.950. See also, W.T. Stead, "Cecil John Rhodes," The
American Monthly Review of Reviews, May, 1902, p.557. See also:
Tragedy and Hope, op cit., p. 950.
11. Ibid., www.btinternet.com/~lake.district/amb/cha9.htm. See also:
The cover of Works of Rudyard Kipling, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1885.
12. John Ruskin, Fors Clavigera (John B. Alden, New York, 1885). As
cited in Wolfgang Kemp's, The Desire of My Eyes: The Life and Work of
John Ruskin (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1990), p. 370.
13. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment (Books in
Focus, New York, 1981), p. 4.
14. Arnold Toynbee, "The Trend of International Affairs Since the
War," International Affairs, November 1931, p. 809.
15. H.G. Wells, New Worlds for Old, Constable and Company, London,
1908, p. 268.
16. Kenneth Teitelbaum, Schooling for 'Good Rebels', Temple
University Press, Philadelphia, 1993, p. 86.

17. Antony Sutton, op cit., p. 32.

18. Ibid., p. 28.
19. Robert Herzstein, Henry R, Luce, Simon & Schuster, New York,
1994, p.32.
20. www.parascope.com/articles/0997/whitepaper.htm.
21. Edward M. House, Philip Dru: Administrator, B.W. Huebsch, New
York, 1919, p. 45.
22. Journals and Letters of Reginald Viscount Esher, Ivor Nicholson &
Watson Ltd., London, 1938, vol 4, p. 135.
23. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, p. 168.
24. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 952.
25. Antony Sutton, op cit.
26. H.G. Wells, The New World Order, Alfred A. Knopf, New York,
1940, p. 129.
27. Personal letter of Bertrand Russell to H.G. Wells, May 24, 1928,
28. Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, Simon and
Schuster, New York, 1953, p. 103.
29. H.G. Wells, Anticipations, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1902, p.
30. Stuart Chase, A New Deal, The Macmillan Company, New York,
1932, pp. 156 and 252.
31. John Dewey, "Impressions of Soviet Russia," The New Republic,
December 5, 1928, pp. 65-66.
32. John Dewey, Individualism, Old and New, Minton, Balch &
Company, New York, 1929, p. 119.
33. Paul Shafer and John Howland Snow, The Turning of the Tides, The
Long House Inc., New Canaan, CT, 1953, p. 97.
34. Edward Bernays, Propaganda, Horace Liveright, New York, 1928,
p. 9.
35. Gerald Jonas, The Circuit Riders, Norton Pub. Co., New York, 1989,
pp. 206-207.
36. Hadley Cantril, The Invasion From Mars, Princeton University
Press, Princeton, NJ, 1940, Forward.
37. Thomas Mahl, Desparate Deception, Brassey's, Washington, DC,
1998, pp. 25-26.
38. Ibid. p.xi.
39. Ibid., pp.55-56.
40. Ibid., p.55.
41. Wells, The New World Order, op cit. pp. 122, 129.
42. John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, Little Brown, Boston, p. 372.
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