Developmental Plan 2019 - 2020
Developmental Plan 2019 - 2020
Developmental Plan 2019 - 2020
Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental
Development Needs Intervention) Timeline Resources Needed
A. Functional Competencies
Facilitate and deliver the Participate professional Sy 2019 - Information about
learning competencies using conferences and other 2020 seminars, training,
innovative teaching related activities for self symposiums.
strategies as reflected in the -growth and advancement.
daily lesson plan/log
Implement discipline among Conduct an action research Involve students in the Allow the Instructional
students including with regards to students’ or conduct of action students to Materials and
classroom rules and school’s problem/concern research participate on laptop/computer,
regulation within the rating the said action internet
period. Giving of certificates or research.
Conduct recognition/commendation Determine slow Let the students
remediation/enrichment , and appreciation in the learners inside the read a text to
activities to the identified school classroom. determine their
slow learners in every reading skill and
quarter to improve their comprehension.
classroom performance.