Time Minimizing Transportation Problems: Keywords
Time Minimizing Transportation Problems: Keywords
Time Minimizing Transportation Problems: Keywords
1. Introductfon
514 J K S h a r m a a n d K a n t t Swarup
Doubtless, many other situations can be thought of where the time of transporta-
tion is a re]evant consideration.
2. Theoretical developments
F, x u=a. i=1,2 .... , m (supply) (1)
F, x u = bJ, j = l , 2, ... , n ( d e m a n d )
x~j t> 0
m n
i-1 1-1
2.1. Definitions
2.1.3. Optimal solution: A feasible solution for which [max t o : x U > 0] is minimal
and there exist no better feasible solution is said to be the optimal solution.
On the basis of theorems 1 and 2 given below, we develop a new algorithm for the
time transportation problem.
Theorem 1: If there is a feasible solution to a set of simultaneous equations
A X ~ b, X >1 O, then there is a basic feasible solution (Hadley 1962, p. 80).
Hadley (1962) has proved this theorem by reducing the number of positive variables
in the given feasible solution one by one till the columns of A associated with positive
variables Bre lineafly independent.
Ir may be noted that in the proof of this theorem the set of positive variables in
the basic feasible solution is a subset of the positive variables in the given feasible
solution. The values of the variables in the two sets, however, may be dŸ241
Theorem 2. A locally optimal solution to the problem of transportation in mŸ
mum time is also globally optimal.
The proof of this theorem has been given by Hammer (1969), Gar¡ and Rao
(1971) and Szwarc (1971).
4. The algorithm
2.1. Determination of a cell (h, k) belongs to N having the greatest allocation say
516 J K Sharma and Kanti Swarup
2.2. Determination of the set Shk ofall cells (i,j) not in the basis, such that ifany one
of these cells introduced into the basis would either eliminate the cell (h, k) or
reduce the amount xh~.
2.3. Choosing among the elements of S~~ the one, say (r, s) for which t,,is mŸ
as follows:
Construet a closed loop as in the regular transportation problem starting from the
cell determincd in step 2.1 and through that non-basic cell (E S~k) having minimum
t~j such that when values at the corncrs are shifted around, the basic variable (step
2.1) is deriven towards zero and no variables becomes negative. If this r loop
is not possible, then try to construet a loop through another non-basie cell, say (p, q)
E Shk having next higher value of ha. If this loop is also not possible then construct
another loop through the ccll E Sh~,having next higher value of hj than (p, q) and so
on. If no sucia closed loop is possible, the process tcrminates. Otherwise go to
step 2.4.
Let X ---- [x~j] be any basic feasible solution of our problem yielding time T of trans-
Let M ---- ( (i, j) : xl~ > 0) : N : ( (i, j) : hj : T, (i, j) E M}. To the set M of basic
elements (considered as vertices) can be associated by a graph by considering their
seniority in the matrix -(ti ii- (i.e. the values of hj's corresponding to the basic ceUs).
Let us divide the set M into levels Lo, Lt, L a ... in the following way: The
level L O will consists only the vertex (h, k) determined by (2.1). The level Li, will
consist of all those elements of M having th'k' < thk. The level L2 will consist of
all those elements of M having th'k" < th'k' < th~ and so on. The decomposition into
levels is unique due to lack of cycles in the graph of M.
As in Hammer (1969), now let us associate to every row i and index u (i) in the
following way: if the element of M belonging to row i are (i, Jl) E Lpt, (i,.~) E Lo,, ...
and p(i) is the smallest of indices Pi, P2 .... then
f~ ifp(i) is even
u(i) -~ ifp(i) is odd
In the same way, let us associate to every coloran j ah index v (j) in the following way:
If the elements of M belonging to column j are (j, ir) E Lq~, (j, ia) E Lq, ... and if
q(j) is the smallest of the indices qt, q2 . . . , then
v(j) = 110 if q(j)is even
ir q(j) is odd
Further, let us put (i, j) j~ M, Z (i, j) : u(i) -{- v (j) -- 1. Thus we constructed the
set Sh~ of those non-basic ceUs for which Z (i, j) ~< 0 a n d a closed loop can be cons-
tructed, i.e.
S~k = ( ( i , j ) : (i,j) ~ M, Z ( i , j ) <~ O, t u < T}
Time minimizing transportation problems 517
5. Remark
There is no loss of generality in assuming that the problem is non-degenerate.
6. Numerical example
Let there be four producers supplying 37, 22, 32 and 14 units, respectively, with six
consumers demanding 15, 20, 15, 25, 20 and 10 units respectively, and the following
table gives data concerning the transportation times t o, i-----1,2 .... ,4; j = l , 2 .... ,6.
25 30 20 40 45 37 37
30 25 20 30 40 20 22
40 20 40 35 45 22 32
25 24 50 27 30 25 14
15 20 15 25 20 10
An inifial ~asible solufionXxis ~venbelow (ByNo~h-West Corner rule).
15 20 ] 2 I o
I131 9 l i o
~~11'1 o
] 4 10 0
~j) 1 o o 1 0 1
Here, T1 = 45, N 1 = ((3,5)} hence (h, k) = (3,5) and the levels according to the values
of to's in basic cells are
Lox={(3,5)), L~X-~{(3,4)), Ltt={(l,2),(2,4),(4,5)]} -
L,I = {(1,1), (4,6)}, r 91 = {(1,3), (2,3)}
we have Sta~ = {(1,6), (2,6), (3,6)}.
518 J K Sharma o.ad Kanti Swarup
The smallest t~j with (i, j ) E Sa51 being t2e= 2 0 , we introduce it into the basis, this
will eliminate of reduce the allocation of (3,5) = (h, k), thus the new solufion X s is
given by
15 20 2 O
13 9 0
25 7 0
13 1 0
v(j) 1 0 0 1 0 l
Hcre Ti ----45, N, = { (3, 5)} hence (h, k) = 3, 5).
Procecding in the same manncr we gct an optimal solution given below
15 13 9 O
6 6 10 0
25 I
14 0
v(j) i o o 1 o 0
Since Sat : ~. Thus the process terminates.
Hence the time of transportation is T = 40.
We are grateful to Council of Scientific and Industrial Research for the financial
assistance and to the referee for bis valuable suggestions.
Dantzig G B 1963 Linear Programming and Extensions Oqew Jersey: Prinr Univ. Press)
Garfinkel R S and Rao M R 1971 Nav. Res. Log. Q. 18 465
Hadley G 1962Linear Progranuninf (Mass: Addison Wesley)
Hammer P L 1969 Nav. Res. Log. Q. 16 345
Hammer P L 1971 Nav. Res. Log. Q. 18 487
Szwarc W 1971 Nav. Res. Log. Q. 18 473