Todd-Coxeter Algorithm: Implementation and Analysis of The

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Implementation and Analysis of the

Todd-Coxeter Algorithm
By John J. Cannon, Lucien A. Dimino, George Havas and Jane M. Watson

Abstract. A recent form of the Todd-Coxeter algorithm, known as the lookahead

algorithm, is described. The time and space requirements for this algorithm are shown
experimentally to be usually either equivalent or superior to the Felsch and Haselgrove-
Leech-Trotter algorithms. Some findings from an experimental study of the behaviour of
Todd-Coxeter programs in a variety of situations are given.

1. Introduction. The Todd-Coxeter algorithm [20] (TC algorithm) is a sys-

tematic procedure for enumerating the cosets of a subgroup H of finite index in
a group G, given a set of defining relations for G and words generating H. At the
present time, Todd-Coxeter programs represent the most common application of
computers to group theory. They are used for constructing sets of defining relations
for particular groups, for determining the order of a group from its defining relations,
for studying the structure of particular groups and for many other things.
As an example of the use of the algorithm, consider the following family of
defining relations, Men(n), due to Mennicke:

Men(«) = gp(a, b, c, d, e\ a* = b2 = c2 = d2 = e2 = abed

= ede~ia~1da = ea~1bcbae~1b~1a~1c~1ab~1

= ecace~a~ b~ cT b~ a — ibef = 1).

Using Todd-Coxeter programs to find the index, in Men(n), of the dihedral

subgroup {b, c) of order 2«, we have found that |Men(l)| = 16, |Men(2)| = 256,
|Men(3)| = 2,688, |Men(4)| = 36,864and |Men(5)| = 551,040.The determination
of |Men(5)| was done using secondary storage and occupied an IBM 360/50 for
79.5 hours.
It is over 10 years since the first published description of a Todd-Coxeter program
appeared (Felsch [8]). Advances in the understanding of the underlying processes
and the use of more sophisticated implementation techniques now enable us to
produce much faster programs. It thus appears appropriate to give an account of
a recent implementation of the TC algorithm.
In order to gain a better understanding of the algorithm, we have undertaken
an extensive investigation of its behaviour. In this paper, we present a summary of
our findings concerning

Received March 28, 1972.

AMS (MOS) subject classifications(1970).Primary 20F05; Secondary 20-04.
Key words and phrases. Todd-Coxeter algorithm, generators and relations, group theory.
Copyright© 1973, American Mathematical Society

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(a) the comparative behaviour of the three most commonly programmed forms
of the algorithm, and
(b) the behaviour of the algorithm with respect to different classes of defining
relations and different choices of subgroup.
In Section 2, we discuss various forms of the TC algorithm, while Section 3
contains a formal description of the lookahead TC algorithm. Section 4 contains
the results of our investigation of the TC algorithm.
A general account of earlier TC programs, together with some applications,
can be found in Leech [11].
2. Algorithm Design. Suppose
G = gp(g,, ■ ■ ■ , gr | Rligl, ■ ■■ , gr) = ■■■ = RÁgl, ' • • , gr) = 1)
and let H = (h„ • ■■ , ht) be a subgroup of G, where the A,'s are words in the g,'s.
If [G : H] = n, the right cosets of H in G will be denoted by the integers 1 to n. The
coset consisting of H itself will be always represented by the integer 1. We shall
write ii)gj to denote the coset obtained upon multiplying coset i on the right by
generator g¡.
Definition 1. If m is the number of cosets of H currently defined and r is the
number of generators in the given presentation for G, then the partial coset table T
is an m X 2r array whose (/, /)th element is defined as follows. Suppose / is a coset
of H and s¡ = g¡ or g'Z for some generator g¡. Then, T\i, j) = k, if (/>, is known
to be coset k (i.e., if (z>, = k), and T\i, j) = 0, if (/>, is unknown. Thus, the columns
of T correspond to the generators of G and their inverses, while the rows of T cor-
respond to the currently defined cosets.
In practice, if a generator is an involution, then T contains a single column for
both the generator and its inverse. If 1, • • • , m are precisely the complete set of
cosets of H and no entry of T is zero, then T is called the coset table for H in G.
Since it will be clear from context when we are discussing a partial coset table rather
than a coset table, we shall use the term coset table in both cases.
Let w = s, ■■■ sk, where s, = g¡ or gj1 for some generator g¡, be a word and
let i be a coset. Assuming that the coset ii)s, ■■■s,; is defined, the coset ii)s, ■■■s,si+,
is said to be defined if and only if THi)s, • • ■ s;, si+,) is nonzero, in which case
(i>i • • ■ s,s/+i = Tiity, ■■• s¡, si +i).
If w is the empty word, then (z')vvis defined to be /'. Sometimes, we shall indicate
that (z')wis not defined, by writing ii)w = 0.
We shall usually denote a word in the generators of G by a subscripted w and
a single generator or its inverse by a subscripted j.
Definition 2. Let R be a relator in G and let i be some coset of H. We now proceed
to define the process of applying relator R to coset i with respect to some partial
coset table T by defining a transformation of T corresponding to each of the following
four possibilities:
(a) R = w and (z')w = i- Here, T is left unchanged.
(b) R = w,sw2, where w, is a subword of R, s is not the identity and w2is a subword
of R right adjacent to s, such that Q)w, = j, (/)w~' = k but Tij, s) = r(/V, s'1) = 0.
Note that w, or w2 may be empty. We then set 7Yj, s) = k and Tik, s'1) = j. This is
called a deduction.

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(c) R = w3wt, where vv3is a subword of R and wt is a subword of R right adjacent

to w3, such that (z')w3= /"and i¡)wZ = /<with j ?¿ k. Note that one of w3 or vv4may be
empty and that vv3is chosen so that its length is maximal. This means that j and k
represent the same coset and we say that j and k are coincident, or alternatively that
one of the cosets j and k is redundant. We write j ~ fc. In this case, one of the cosets j
and k must be deleted from T and this is carried out by a process called the coincidence
procedure which will be specified later.
(d) R = w6w,¡w7,where tv5and w7 are nonempty subwords of R such that (z')wä=
i¡)wZ = 0. In this case, T is left unchanged.
In cases (a), (b) and (c), we say that the R-cycle at coset i is complete, while in
case (d), we say that the R-cycle at coset i is incomplete.
In terms of the concepts just introduced, we may summarize the action of the
TC algorithm as follows. First, cosets are defined so that each generator h¡ of H
forms a cycle at coset 1. Then, each given relator R{ of G is applied to each coset.
If some Äi-cycles are incomplete, then, at some stage, new cosets must be introduced.
The process terminates when every Rt-cycle is complete at every coset currently
For further background information, including a description of the basic algo-
rithm for processing coincidences, the reader is referred to the paper of Leech [11].
Proofs that various versions of the algorithm terminate in the case of finite index
have been given by Trotter [21], Mendelsohn [17] and Dimino [7].
The central problem in programming the TC algorithm is finding a satisfactory
rule for introducing new cosets. As the range of application of a Todd-Coxeter
program is thus far limited by the amount of storage required to hold the partial
coset tables generated during an enumeration, one tries to define cosets in such a
way that as few redundant cosets as possible are introduced.
It is easily seen that the application of the TC algorithm to certain presentations
will necessarily require the introduction of redundant cosets. For example, the group
G = gp(a I av = a" = 1, p and q prime, p ^ a)

is trivial but min(/>, q) cosets must be defined before the relation a = 1 are discovered.
Indeed, given any integer m, one can produce a presentation for the trivial group
which requires the definition of at least m cosets before the TC algorithm is able to
deduce that the group is trivial. Then, by adding such a presentation of the trivial
group to some presentation of a group G, we can produce an arbitrarily bad pre-
sentation for G.
Thus, it is fruitless to expect to be able to produce a version of the TC algorithm
which performs well even for all presentations of a single group. However, the
majority of presentations which arise in practice turn out to be reasonable from the
point of view of the TC algorithm and so we concentrate our efforts on producing
forms of the algorithm which operate as efficiently as possible on this class of presen-
The two most popular strategies for introducing new cosets are the Felsch method
[8], which defines fewer redundant cosets at the expense of execution time, and the
Haselgrove-Leech-Trotter method [11], [21] which usually defines more redundant
cosets but which typically runs faster than the Felsch method. The Haselgrove-
Leech-Trotter method was developed by Haselgrove in 1953 and later adapted by

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Leech, Trotter and others. For brevity, we shall refer to it simply as the HLT method
or HLT algorithm.
Suppose that the definition ii)s, = k has just been made. The Felsch procedure
is to apply all significantly different cyclic permutations of relators beginning with
s¡, to coset z. This process is repeated with any deductions, ii')s'¡ = k!, which may
have been discovered, until all possible consequences of the original definition have
been discovered. Only at this stage, will a new coset be introduced, if necessary,
and then by defining it so that the first vacant position in the coset table is filled.
In the HLT method, relators are applied to the cosets in the order in which the
cosets were introduced. If for some coset z and relator R, the R-cycle at coset i is
incomplete, sufficient new cosets are immediately introduced so as to complete the
.R-cycleat i.
Another form of the TC algorithm has been discussed by Mendelsohn [17].
However, it is much too inefficient to be considered for machine implementation
and so it will not be discussed further.
In order to be able to compare various forms of the TC algorithm, we introduce
some measures which are associated with the enumeration of the cosets of a subgroup
H in a group G by a specific form of the TC algorithm. Suppose
/ is the index of H in G;
M is the maximum number of cosets defined at any instant during the enumeration;
T is the total number of cosets defined in the enumeration;
/ is the execution time;
r = M/I,
e = T/I.
We shall indicate the form of the TC algorithm to which one of the above measures
refers by a subscript: F for the Felsch procedure and H for the Haselgrove-Leech-
Trotter procedure.
The number t can be interpreted as measuring the amount of space required
to perform the enumeration, over and above that required to store the coset table
for H in G. As noted above, coset enumerations with respect to certain presentations
will necessarily involve redundancies, so that it is not possible to design a coset
enumeration algorithm having r = 1 for all possible coset enumerations. So, current
efforts are directed towards producing fast programs for which r is close to 1 for
large classes of presentations. It is obvious that usually rH ^ t> and it is observed
in practice that for a large proportion of presentations t „ is significantly greater
than 7>.
Of the machine versions of the TC algorithm which have thus far been proposed,
the Felsch method usually defines the fewest cosets as it tries to extract the maximum
amount of information each time a new coset is defined. However, a form of the
algorithm has been developed which performs the majority of enumerations very
quickly but which rarely requires significantly more space than the Felsch algorithm
in order to complete an enumeration. As this form of the Todd-Coxeter, which we
shall call the lookahead method, gives the best all round performance, we shall describe
it in some detail in this and the next section.
A type of lookahead was used by Leech in 1959 (Leech [11, p. 265, last paragraph])
but this form of the TC algorithm did not really begin to develop until Guy [9] wrote
his lookahead TC program for the ATLAS at Cambridge in 1967.

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The lookahead method operates in two distinct phases: a defining phase and
a lookahead phase. As long as the number of cosets defined at any instant is less
than a specified number ML, the algorithm remains in the defining phase. In this
phase, the enumeration proceeds by the HLT method. When, however, the number of
cosets defined exceeds the limit Mh, the algorithm switches to the lookahead phase.
Here, relators are applied to cosets as before, but if a relator cycle is incomplete
at some coset, no new cosets are defined to complete the cycle. The aim is to discover
a large number of deductions and coincidences without introducing any new cosets.
If the enumeration is still incomplete at the end of the lookahead phase and if sufficient
storage space is available, we return to the definition phase in which we remain
until either the enumeration completes or the number of cosets defined again passes
some preset limit. Thus, the algorithm alternates between the defining phase and
the lookahead phase.
Let us denote a lookahead form of the TC algorithm by the letter L. If the look-
ahead phase is not used, then tl = t„. When lookahead is used, rL varies with the
value of ML supplied. Let us denote the values of rL and eL, when ML is the minimum
possible for the enumeration to complete, by fL and iL, respectively. Experimentally,
it is found that fL ~ j>. While tL is often much greater than eF, this is not felt to
be an important consideration because of the faster processing of cosets in a look-
ahead program as compared to a Felsch program.
To summarize, the lookahead form of the TC algorithm can usually perform
coset enumerations faster than other machine algorithms used at present.
On the other hand, if storage space is at a premium, a lookahead program will
not require significantly more storage in order to complete an enumeration than a
Felsch program. Indeed, the lookahead algorithm often requires less space to complete
an enumeration than the Felsch algorithm !
There are a number of possible ways of arranging the lookahead. Guy [9], for
example, divides his available space up into a number of blocks and applies look-
ahead before allowing the coset table to extend into a new block. We shall refer to
this technique as bumping. If the optimum block size is chosen, this technique will
result in extremely rapid enumerations. On the other hand, a poor choice of block
size can result in inefficient enumerations. The other possibility, of course, is to let
the coset table exhaust the available space before applying lookahead. Also, when
the program is in the lookahead phase, it can return to the defining phase as soon
as a single coincidence has been discovered (incremental lookahead) or only after
all relators have been applied to all cosets currently defined icomplete lookahead).
If all cosets have been processed in the lookahead phase of an incremental look-
ahead program, the lookahead begins again with the first coset not yet processed
in the defining phase. A single application of lookahead, of either kind, to every
coset not yet processed in the defining phase is called a lookahead pass. Generally,
both incremental and complete lookahead programs are arranged so that they
terminate when either the enumeration completes or a lookahead pass fails to discover
a single coincident coset. In the case of complete lookahead, a considerable amount
of time can sometimes be saved in situations where the enumeration does not com-
plete by specifying that execution is to terminate if less than a certain number of
coincidences are discovered during an application of lookahead.
We have programmed both the complete and incremental forms of the look-

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ahead algorithm. Comparing their behaviour on a series of test examples, we have

discovered that the following hold:
(i) The two techniques have equivalent power in the sense that the minimum
amount of store necessary to complete a given enumeration is the same for both.
(ii) The execution time for the two techniques generally differs by less than
15 per cent. In some cases, the difference favours incremental lookahead and, in
other cases, it favours complete lookahead. The reason for this is that if, at the time
lookahead is called, sufficient cosets have already been defined for the enumeration
to complete, then incremental lookahead often defines further unnecessary cosets
before reaching a "critical" coincidence, while complete lookahead would discover
this coincidence before defining any further cosets. On the other hand, if insufficient
cosets are defined at the time lookahead is called, then it is slightly more economical
to define new cosets as soon as space is freed by the discovery of a coincidence.
Since we have so far been unable to distinguish between complete and incremental
lookahead on the basis of performance, we have chosen to describe in detail a com-
plete lookahead TC algorithm in the next section because the algorithm is slightly
simpler. The lookahead statistics given in Section 4 refer to this algorithm. An
implementation of an incremental lookahead program is described in Dimino [7].
We conclude this section by mentioning other possible strategies which deserve
further investigation. The lookahead algorithm can be modified slightly to allow
the lookahead phase to use relators (e.g. redundant relators) which are not used in
the defining phase. More fundamentally, in the HLT algorithm, instead of applying
all the relators to a particular coset at the same time, one could allow the application
of long relators to cosets to lag some distance behind the application of the short
relators. (See Section 4.2.)

3. A Lookahead Todd-Coxeter Algorithm. In this section, we describe in

some detail an implementation of a lookahead version of the Todd-Coxeter algo-
rithm. The ANSI FORTRAN text of the program is available from the authors.
3.1. Data Structures. Considerable gains can be achieved in the run time effi-
ciency of a Todd-Coxeter program by careful design of the data structures. The
four main components are
(a) generators for H and relators for G,
(b) coset table,
(c) active row list,
(d) coincidence queue.
(a) Generators for H and Relators for G. These two sets of words are stored in a
one-dimensional array SGREL in the following way. The generators of G and their
inverses are mapped sequentially into the integers beginning at 3, except, if a gen-
erator is involutory, then both it and its inverse are assigned the same integer. The
involutory relator is not stored as it is not needed. The representation of generator
g¿ of G will be denoted g, and that of g"1 will be g7'. Then, each word is stored as
a string in the g,, g"1. Prefixed to each string is the length of the string.
Example. The presentation s3 = r = is'^tst)2 = 1 is stored as the one-dimen-
sional array

3, 3, 3, 3, 8, 4, 5, 3, 5, 4, 5, 3, 5

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where s —>3, s'1 —>4, t —>5, t~x —>5.

In addition to this array, a table of inverses INVCOL is stored. The entries of
INVCOL are defined by the rule INVCOL (s,) = s"1 where s¡ runs through the
generators of G and their inverses.
(b) Coset Table. As stated in Definition 1, the partial coset table T contains a
column for each generator and the inverse of each noninvolutory generator. In
practice, the columns of T are indexed by the g, since the first two columns of the
two-dimensional array SPACE in which T is stored are used for the active coset
list. Having a single column for involutory generators, clearly results in considerable
space saving and also some time saving since the relation g) — 1 need not be processed,
as it comes implicitly from the column sharing by g, and gZ. The space saving is
most important since the range of application of a TC program depends critically
upon the amount of core storage available rather than upon execution time. On
word machines it is often necessary to pack as many coset table entries as possible
into each machine word. [The coset table entries are actually pointers to other cosets
(rows) of the table. The name assigned to a coset is the number of the corresponding
row of T. (Thus, on a CDC 6000 series machine, for example, three coset table
entries may be packed into each machine word.)]
(c) Active Row List. When coincidences are discovered during an enumeration,
certain rows of the coset table become inactive and, hence, available for reuse. Early
programs collected this free space from time to time by moving all the active rows
together at one end of the store while simultaneously renumbering the active cosets
and coset table entries. This, however, is a time consuming procedure and so more
recent programs link together the active rows of the coset table in a list structure.
One cannot avoid linking the active rows by merely marking inactive rows and
adding them to a list of free rows, available for reuse, for it is necessary to know
which active rows have been processed in the defining phase, and which have been
processed in the lookahead phase, etc.
The linking together of the active rows of T is effected by means of the active
row list which is stored in a two-dimensional array A (occupying the first two columns
of the array SPACE), where the z'th row of A corresponds to the z'th row of T. If the
z'th row of T is active, Aii, 1) points to the previous active row while Aii, 2) points
to the next active row. The backward chaining is necessary since one must link
around a row of T when it becomes inactive. (The contents of Aii, 1) and Aii, 2)
are actually array indices, but we shall use the term pointer for brevity.)
Initially, the rows of A are unlinked, and the rows of T are available sequentially
for the next coset to be defined. When an active row of T becomes inactive, the
corresponding row of A is removed from the active row list and, instead, linked to
the front of FREEL, the free row list. Once all of the sequentially available rows
of T are used, rows may be recovered from FREEL and reused.
(d) Coincidence Processing. The discovery of a coincidence usually leads to the
discovery of further coincidences which must be stored to await processing. The
allocation of space to store these coincidences presents a considerable problem
since, for example, in cases of total collapse, the number of coincidences which must
be stored may approach the number of cosets currently defined. However, it turns
out that there is always sufficient space in the array A to store all possible coincidences.
Suppose i < j are cosets found to be coincident. As row j of T is to be removed

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from the active row list, the two corresponding fields of A are spare. So a flag to
indicate that coset j has been found redundant is placed in Aij, 2), together with a
pointer to row i, while a pointer to the next member of the queue Q of coincidences
awaiting processing is placed in Aij, 1).
Coincidences are added to Q in the following way. Suppose we deduce i ~ j.
We examine Aij, 2) to see if row j is already marked as coincident. If j is marked
as coincident with k (say), we reset j to k and go back and examine the new Aij, 2).
We do the same with i, and finally reach Ï ~ / where neither /' nor / is already
coincident. If i' = f, then the original coincidence i ~ j yields no new information
so nothing need be added to Q. Otherwise, choosing i" = min(z', /), j" = max(z', /),
we mark /' as coincident with i" and add /' to Q. Finally, when the coincidence
is fully processed Aij, 2) is linked to the free space list.
In this way, coincidences may be queued and processed so that no extra space
is required.
3.2. Coset Enumeration Algorithm. We now give a formal description of the
The algorithm first applies the nontrivial generators of H (if any) to coset 1, and
then begins applying the defining relators to the cosets from 1 on until either the
enumeration is complete or the available space is exhausted. If the latter occurs,
lookahead is performed and, provided some coincidences are discovered, control
is then returned to the defining phase. If no coincidences are found in lookahead,
the enumeration terminates with the coset table incomplete.
A coset i is said to be closed if all the relator cycles at coset i are complete. The
action of the defining phase is to systematically close the defined cosets from 1 on-
wards in the order defined by the active row list. If lookahead discovers a closed
coset i, the coset's position in the active row list is altered so that coset z becomes
the last coset closed in the defining phase. This sometimes saves quite a lot of un-
necessary work in the defining phase while the extra overhead is negligible.
The coset enumeration program consists of two central subroutines:
ENUM(ERATE)and COINC(IDENCE),together with a drivingprogram TODCOX.
TODCOX. This routine initializes the various data structures and performs
the function of control routine.
(1) [Initialize] Input the generators for H and the defining relators for G; Set up
pointers and tables; Allocate storage for the adjustable array SPACE.
(2) [Perform enumeration] Call ENUM.
(3) [Next problem] Go to (1) for next problem if desired, otherwise exit.
ENUM(NMAX, NCOL, SPACE). This routine systematically enumerates the
cosets of H in G. The routine operates in three modes:
(a) Apply subgroup generators to coset 1, mode SG.
(b) Apply relators in defining phase, mode DP.
(c) Apply relators in lookahead phase, mode LA.
When the enumeration is complete, or alternatively when the storage available is
exhausted, the index of H in G or an overflow message is printed with some execution
statistics. Control then returns to TODCOX.
IFRONT is the last coset reached in the forward scan.
IBACK is the last coset reached in the backward scan.

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K points to beginning of current word in SGREL.

L points to end of current word in SGREL.
M points to position in current word in forward scan.
N points to position in current word in backward scan.
CLOSED is a flag used to indicate if a coset is closed in the lookahead phase.
(1) [Initialize] Initialize pointers and counters; If there are no nontrivial subgroup
generators go to (8); Else set mode type and parameters to SG.
(2) [Initialize scan of next word] K <—pointer to first symbol of word; L <—pointer
to last symbol of word; IFRONT, IBACK <—coset currently being processed; M «—K.
(3) [Forward scan] I «- T(IFRONT, SGREL<M));If I = 0, N «- L and go to
(4); (forward scan ends); Else IFRONT <- I; M «- M + 1; If M > L go to (7); (for-
ward scan reaches end of word); Else go to (3).
(4) [Backwardscan] I «- T(IBACK,INVCOL(SGREL(N)));
If I = 0, go to (5);
(backward scan can go no further); Else IBACK <—I; N <—N — 1; If N < M go to
(7); (backward scan meets forward scan); Else go to (4).
(5) [Relator incomplete] If N = M + 1, go to (6); (deduction); Else if mode is
LA go to (10); (do not define new cosets in lookahead phase); If no cosets available
go to (9); (space exhausted so commence lookahead); Else I <—next coset available;
Initialize new row and update statistics; T(IBACK, INVCOL(SGREL(N))) «- I;
T(I, SGREL(N)) <- IBACK; (define new coset); Go to (4); (return to backward
(6) [Only one gap so complete cycle with deduction]

(deduction);If T(IFRONT, SGREL{N))* 0, IFRONT «- T(IFRONT, SGREL(N))
and go to (7); Else T(IFRONT, SGREL(N)) «- IBACK; (another deduction);
(7) [Relator complete] If IFRONT ^ IBACK call COINC; (process nontrivial
coincidence); If more words left in set for this phase go to (2); If mode is LA go to
(8) [Start or continue defining phase] If mode is SG reset mode and parameters
to DP; If no more cosets to be processed go to (13); (enumeration complete); Get
next coset to be processed; Reset pointers to first word of set; Go to (2).
(9) [No space left in DP] Output overflow message; Reset mode to LA.
(10) [Incomplete scan in lookahead] CLOSED <—. FALSE .; (note coset is not
closed); If more words left in set go to (2).
(11) [End of set of words in LA] If CLOSED = . TRUE ., link current coset
to become last closed coset to avoid reprocessing in DP; If no more cosets to be
processed go to (12); Else reset pointers to first word of set; CLOSED <—. TRUE .;
Go to (2); (continue lookahead).
(12) [End of LA] Output message to signify end of LA; If no space available
return; (enumeration terminates); Else reset current coset to last closed coset and
mode to DP; Reset pointers to first word of set; Go to (2); (return to DP).
(13) [Enumeration complete] Output index of H in G and statistics; Return.
COINC (NMAX, NCOL, SPACE, KX, KY). Given a pair of coincidentcosets
by ENUM, this routine discovers all consequences and modifies the coset table

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accordingly. The modifications which have to be made to the coset table are described
in Leech [11].
NCOL is the number of columns of T.
KX < KY are the original pair of coincident cosets.
KA < KB are a pair of coincident cosets.
JA, JB run through the entries of rows KA, KB respectively.
I indexes the columns of T.
(1) [Initialize] KA <—KX; KB «—KY; Link around row KB; (remove row from
active row list).
(2) [Prepare to process new coincidence] Link KB onto the free row list; Decrease
active coset count; I <—0; (set column counter).
(3) [Compare Ith entries of rows KA and KB] I <- I + 1; If I > NCOL, go to
(7); JB «- T(KB, I);
(a) If JB = 0, go to (3); (no new information).
(b) If JB = KB, JB <- KA; Go to (4).
(c) If JB * 0 and JB ^ KB, T(JB, INVCOL(I)) ^ 0; Go to (4).
(T(JB, INVCOL(I)) initially contains KB, which we delete at this stage rather than
replace by KA to avoid having two occurrences of KA in the same column.)
(4) [Continue comparison] JA <—T(KA, I);
(a) If JA = 0, T(KA, I) <- JB and go to (6); (deduction).
(b) If JA = KB, T(KA, I) <- KA; JA <- KA; Go to (5); (possiblenew coin-
(c) If JA 7e 0 and JA ¿¿ KB, go to (5); (possible new coincidence).
(5) [Queue coincidence] Add the pair of coincident cosets JA, JB to the coincidence
queue if they are not already there; Link around the row of T corresponding to the
higher numbered of the two cosets.
(6) [Assign inverse T entry if currently undefined] If T(T(KA, I), INVCOL(I)) = 0,
T(T(KA, I), INVCOL(I)) <- KA; Go to (3).
(7) [Fetch next coincidence from queue] If no more coincidences in queue, return;
Else extract new KA, KB from queue; Go to (2).

4. The Behaviour of the Todd-Coxeter Algorithm. The Todd-Coxeter algo-

rithm often displays a great variation in behaviour when applied in apparently
similar situations. At present, there is little understanding of the reasons for this
and so we have undertaken an experimental study of the behaviour of the algorithm.
In this section, we shall summarize some of the more interesting findings from these
studies, first, to help new users to get the most out of their coset programs and,
second, in the hope that these examples may form the starting point for theoretical
studies of the algorithm.
Apart from execution time, the most important parameter associated with an
in-core coset enumeration is the amount of space required to store any intermediate
partial coset table over and above that required to store the final coset table, i.e.,
the parameter t. The reason for focussing attention on r rather than e is that many
attempted enumerations fail, even though sufficient space is available to comfortably
store the final coset table, because t is significantly greater than one. Thus, it is of
considerable interest to examine those enumerations having large r's.
For this reason, we call an enumeration F-pathological (or simply pathological)

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if tf is significantly greater than one. As a guide line we shall call an enumeration

pathological if i> ^ 1 • 1. The reason for using the Felsch algorithm here is that it
most closely approximates the hand method for enumerating cosets and also it has
been observed that if i> > rA for one of the major machine TC algorithms, A, cur-
rently in use, then tf is usually close to rA. In a study by one of us (Watson) of nearly
300 enumerations, it was found that MF = /(i.e., tf = 1) in more than 80 per cent
of the cases. (These enumerations were chosen so that no relator had a proper subword
equal to the identity.)
While this definition of pathological suffers from the drawback that there un-
doubtedly exist enumerations which are pathological with respect to this definition
but which are not "absolutely pathological", it does serve the purpose of identifying
those enumerations which present difficulties to current coset enumeration algo-
The enumeration of the cosets of subgroup {h„ • ■■ , hr) in the group G will be
denoted by G | (h„ ■• • , hr). If the subgroup is the identity, we write G | E. It will
be seen later in this section that the order in which the relators of G are applied to
a coset can have a significant effect on HLT and lookahead type programs. Thus,
unless otherwise stated, it will be assumed that relators are applied to a coset in
order of increasing relator length with relators having the same length being processed
in the order in which they are written down. It should be noted that different im-
plementations of a particular form of the TC algorithm (e.g. the Felsch algorithm)
may lead to slight variations in M and T. As ML and TL are not unique, we shall
denote the smallest value of ML, for which an enumeration will complete, by ML
and the corresponding value of TL by TL. Similarly, the corresponding execution time
will be denoted by tL.
In this section, we use standard notation when writing generators and relations
so that if w, and w2 are words in the generators of a group G, we write [w„ w2] for
wl1w21w,w2and w,w' for w2lw,w2. Also, if (P is a set of relations and R is some word
in the same generators as the words of 6>,we write (P + R for the relations (?, R = 1.
4.1. Comparative Behaviour of Todd-Coxeter Programs. In Tables 3 and 4, we
compare the performance of the Felsch, lookahead and HLT forms of the TC algo-
rithm. The HLT statistics were obtained by giving the lookahead program of Section
3.2 sufficient storage so that lookahead would not be used.* The Felsch algorithm
was implemented using the same data structures and coincidence subroutine as the
lookahead program of Section 3.2.
Table 3 contains a number of nonpathological enumerations. It can be seen that
in, each case, MF = /, and, except for (4, 6|2, 12) + [a-1, b]3 \ E, ML does not differ
by more than one from /. Note the wide variation in th, ranging from 1.00 for
Weyl B, | E to 7.57 for PSL3(4) | (a).
Table 4 contains a number of pathological enumerations. In eight out of twelve
examples, ML is less than MF. In the case of PSL2(11) \ E,tf = 1.61, while fL =
1.00. The Neumann, Campbell and Macdonald presentations give rise to extremely
pathological enumerations. The reason for this appears to be as follows. When the
TC algorithm is doing an enumeration G | H, it must in effect find all the relations

* Note that, using the program of Section 3, M,¡ and TH may vary slightly with the available
space whenever T„ exceeds the number of cosets which can be stored in the available space.

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Table 1
Definition of some sets of defining relations

Order of
Designation group Ref Remarks Defining relations

E, 1 Due to B. H. t~lrtr~' = r" W2 = s'Ust'2 = 1.

Cox 3,000 [4] a6 = b" = (a/3)2 = (a2/j2)2 =
(a3b3y = 1.
52il 4,096 [6a] 2-generator a4 = bl = (ab)1 = (aT'b)4 =
Burnside group (a2¿>)4 = (ab2)4 - (a2b2)4 =
of exponent 4 ia'^bab)4 = (ab''ab)4 = 1.
S, 5,040 [6] Symmetric a7 = b2 = (a/3)6 = [a, ¿>]3=
group S7 [a2, Z>]2= [a3, b]2 = 1.
PSL2(11) 660 [5] Simple a" = b2 = (ab)3 = (a4/><T5è)2= 1.
PSL2(17) 2,448 [6b] Simple a" = b2 = (ab)4 = (a2bf = 1.
PSL„(4) 20,160 [18] Simple a5 = b3 = (ab)4 = (a'^ba-'b^ab)3
= ba2ba-2b-la-2b"a2bab"a-1
= 1.
M¡¡> 7,920 [6a] Mathieu simple a" = 65 = c4 = (aV)3 = (be2)2
group M„ = iabc)3 = b~'aba4 = c~'bcb~2
= 1.
M[2) 7,920 [6b] Mathieu simple a" = b5 = c4 = (ac)3 = c~lbcb~2
group A/n = b~'aba~4 = 1.
72 604,800 [16] Hall-Janko a3 = b3 = c3 = abab~la-lb-1 =
simple group (ca)5 = (ce)5 = (c6_1c/3)2 =
a~'baca'1bac-la-1b~1ac~1 =
aba~1caba~1c~1ab~1a'1c'' = 1.
y3 50,232,960 [10] Higman-Janko- a2 = c2 = 615 = (ac)3 = (ftc)2 =
McKay simple abab'4ab3 = s2 = z2 = (sa)2 =
group (se)2 = (at)2 = (btf =» ¿>5//r5z =
s¿w¿T4 = (cz)4s = (b2st)3 =
(b-2ctb4ctf = b2tb-labtb-2a =
= 1.
J$ 150,718,880 [16] Maximal Generated by a, b, c, s, t and z with
covering group a, b, c, s and t subject to the same
of J, relations as in J3 except that the
last relator has z"1 appended and
the following additional relators
are added:
z3 = [a, z] = [b, z] = [c, z] =
[s, z] = [t, z] = 1.
Neu 40,320 [19] a3 = b3 = c3 = iabf = (a"1/;)5
= (ac)4 = (ac~y =
ab 'abc lacac ' = (¿>c)3=
(¿TV)4 = 1.
Weyl B6 46,080 [6] Weyl group of a2 = b2 = c2 = d2 = e2 = f2 =
Lie algebras (ab)3 = (ac)2 = iad)2 = (ae)2 =
56 and ¿>0 (a/)2 = (6c)3 = (èa1)2 = (èe)2 =
ibff = (erf)3 = ice)2 = (c/)2 =
(cfe)3= idf)2 = ief)4 = 1.

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Table 2
Definition of families of defining relations

Designation Reference Defining Relations

G"-"-' Coxeter [5] av = b" = c = (a/3)2 = (/3c)2 = (ca)2 =

iabc)2 = 1.
(/, m\n,k) Coxeter [5] a1 = bm = (a/3)" = (a_1/3)* = 1.
(/, m, n; q) Coxeter [5] a1 = bm = (a/3)" = [a, /3]a = 1.
((/, m, n; p)) Coxeter [5] a2 = b2 = c2 = (a/3/ = (/3c)m = ica)n =
(/, m, n) a' = bm = (a/3)" = 1.
Gia,ß) Macdonald [15] b-1a-1bab'1aba~a = aTlb~laba-lbab'í> = 1.
Cam(n) Campbell [3] r"~ W~ V * = s"-'™«""/-"1 = 1.

which hold in G modulo H. Presumably then, the enumeration will be pathological

when some of the relations modulo H can only be deduced by lengthy algebraic
argument from the given defining relators for G. This is illustrated by the following
example due to John Leech. The relations of (8, 7 | 2, 3) imply (a2/34)6= 1, but this
is very difficult to prove (Leech and Mennicke [14], Leech [11]). From Table 4 it can
be seen that the enumeration (8, 7 | 2, 3) | (a2, a_1/3)is pathological with MF = 1302.
However, MF is only 448 for the enumerations
(8, 7 | 2, 3) + (a2/34)6 | (a2, a'lb) and (8, 7 | 2, 3) | (a2, a~lb, (aV)6).

The Macdonald presentations Gia, ß) are highly pathological for most values
of a and ß. If the orders of the generators a and b are added as relations then there
is a dramatic reduction in the degree of difficulty of the enumerations, suggesting
that it is much easier for current versions of the TC algorithm to deduce relations
in G from this extended relation set. Further, it appears to be a difficult task to
deduce the orders of a and b in Gia, ß) by hand, except in a few special cases.
The Macdonald groups are also the only family of groups we know which give
rise to enumerations for which t„ «t,. Thus the enumerations
Gia, ß) | ([a, b], lb, a'1], [a"1, ¿T1], [b'\ a}),

where a = —2, —1, 3, 4 and ß is odd, become extremely difficult for the Felsch
algorithm as ß increases but remain quite easy for the HLT algorithm. For example,
if a = 3, ß = 21, then the index is 40 and MF = 16,063,TF = 16,067while M„ = 84,
TH = 91. This is an example of a situation where the HLT method of introducing
new cosets is far superior to the Felsch method. This was verified by Alford who
produced a Felsch program which used the HLT method of introducing new cosets.
Applying this program to the above enumerations resulted in their completion
with MF equal to the index. Unfortunately, when this program was applied to other
groups, enumerations became much harder than when the usual Felsch method of
introducing new cosets was used.
In the case of Cam(3), the addition of the orders of the generators r and s as
extra relations does not significantly decrease the difficulty of the enumeration

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^t m ci •—>oo O
N W tf (S ^ n N



o\ \o \o in

m m ^
h- if) ^O
r- 88 •n n \o o
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+ ^
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t»3 fc¡ fn - -O -O

1 - —8 3->«l—"l-S^ÍS

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oo \o in m ^ h
rN o r- (N *h co

M O ^ N O CO

O —t O O vo Tf co o
VO in
T-H 00

Tf *—<<n in

m m m

888 P- On (N
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0\ ín oo ON m —*
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»n (N Tf fN ON CO

«n fN m in VO Tl- tN m vo vo m oo ^*
rO VO O ON fN ON ST-H on Tf on m m
r-- f. on Tf co vo O <*"■On m »—'O
fN fN Tf NO fN O -^
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fN a

oo r- m Tf o On (N oo vo in rN ro
«n (N f—i fN oo Tf rN m O in oo On
r-- tN m oo oo m Tf ,-t fN rN in On

oo r- •—'oo oo m vo o Q oo Tf r^ £
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,__ ,_h ,_ ,_i ^_, tj »—i«n vo on O

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Tf Tf vo oo m r- !0 Is h vi co "O m
vo m r— -—<«—<On fN fN CO V) oo «n fN
i—( fN i—<vo m

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ON fN 00 VO 00 fN Tf in oo f- On Q
VO fN f> VO fN f- tN in r-« On i-i O

00 Tf ^ vo O O fN on oo r-- fN p- oo
co in r- vo on oc O m fi Tf t-i on m
in fN Tf O m on m Tf vo »n oo in in

---s (NO
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«a- ^ tN o
^r cn r-. in

"^ Uj

ta} — '*-'' S Tf no r*~i

tq Ci& c2d^
2 I ¿ cîd ¿
Z UÜo o o

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Cam(3) | E. However, the addition of the relation irs)3 = 1 causes MF to drop to

120. The critical missing relations in the case of the group of Neumann are currently
On the basis of the evidence presented in Tables 3 and 4, it appears that the
lookahead algorithm can usually perform an enumeration in about the same space
as required by the Felsch algorithm and occasionally in significantly less space.
We now compare the algorithms with respect to execution time. We first note that
the ratio tA/tB of execution times for TC algorithms A and B can vary a certain
amount from machine to machine. From Table 3, it can be seen that the Felsch
and lookahead (fL) execution times are roughly comparable for nonpathological
enumerations. The Felsch algorithm tends to be faster when the relators consist
of words raised to fairly large powers (e.g., (30, 30 | 3,10) + a3b3 \ E). In the case of
pathological enumerations, Table 4 indicates that tF is typically three times tL (and
tH). How then does the lookahead algorithm compare with the HLT algorithm? We
first note that if ML = MH then the algorithms are the same so that times are identical
in this case. As ML is successively reduced until its minimum value ML is reached
the following behaviour of the corresponding execution time tL is observed.
As ML is reduced to a value slightly less than M„ so that lookahead has to be
used, tL increases slightly. Soon however, tL begins to decrease with decreasing
ML until it reaches a minimum and then begins to increase again. The value of tL
continues to increase until ML is reached, with the rate of increase becoming larger
as one gets closer to ML. The final value of tL, t ¿, ranges from a value significantly
less than tH to a value of two or three times greater than tH on rare occasions. Two
examples illustrating the behaviour of tL are given in Table 5. In this table, / refers
to the number of times lookahead is used. In Table 5(a), we see that for the enumera-
tion (8, 7 | 2, 3) | (a2, a~lb), tL first increases slightly and then decreases until it is
about 75 per cent of /„ and finally in the space of 30 cosets increases to a value about
20 per cent greater than tH. Table 5(b) summarizes the behaviour of tL for the enu-
meration M;¡' | (a). (Note that the relators of M^ are not processed in order of
increasing length.) Here, tL is more than twice tH.
The reasons for this variation in tL are quite clear. The initial slight increase is
due to the first use of lookahead. As ML is reduced, TL also gets smaller so that the
total number of cosets that have to be processed decreases. However, as ML ap-
proaches ML, the lookahead phase has to be used substantially more so that the
average work done per coset roughly balances the reduction in the number of cosets
introduced. To summarize, then, unless a value of ML close to ML is used, the time
tL will either be significantly less than /„ or close to tH. If a value of ML close to ÛL is
used, then, in some cases, tL will be significantly greater than tH.
Generally speaking, the Felsch algorithm is competitive with the HLT and look-
ahead algorithms with regard to execution time, in situations where the defining
relators consist mainly of words raised to reasonable powers.
In practice, when using the lookahead program, one rarely chooses a value of
ML close to ML (since one does not know Ml in advance), so that its execution time
performance is usually much better than indicated in Tables 3 and 4. For example,
if in the Jf enumeration of Table 3, ML is set equal to 22,956, then tL drops from
890 seconds to 472 seconds.
4.2. Effect of Permuting Relators and Permuting the Letters of Relators on the

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Table 5(a)
Variation of time with maximum table size for (8, 7 | 2, 3) | (a2, a_16), with relators in the order
(Times are given in CDC 6600 seconds)

Ml 2,176 2,100 1,900 1,700 1,500 1,300 1,250 1,240 1,225 1,220
TL 2,626 2,531 2,288 2,009 1,744 1,498 1,448 1,461 1,441 1,437
tL 0.927 0.934 0.880 0.822 0.766 0.712 0.704 0.898 0.898 1.093
/ 0 1111112 2 3

Table 5(b)
Variation of time with maximum table size for M}}' | (a)

ML 4,201 3,900 3,600 3,300 3,000 2,615 2,500 2,300 2,100 1,900
TL 6,331 5,755 5,318 4,635 4,312 3,862 3,728 3,508 3,308 3,710
tL 2.015 2.016 1.957 1.928 1.894 1.881 1.912 1.941 1.980 2.191
/ 0 111111111
ML 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800 750
TL 3,373 2,412 2,189 2,538 2,079 1,995 1,862 1,769 1,470 1,405
tL 2.191 2.242 2.296 2.362 2.691 2.863 3.140 3.349 4.426 5.038
/ 222234558 10

HLT Method. It has been found that the order in which the relators of a presenta-
tion are processed by the HLT algorithm can have a significant effect on the number
of redundant cosets introduced. As a general rule, it is found that the best perform-
ance is achieved when the relators are processed in order of increasing length. In-
tuitively, the reason for this is that short relators are less likely to introduce redundant
cosets than long ones. New information deduced when applying the short relators
to coset i sometimes means a reduction in the number of new cosets which must
be defined when applying the long relators to coset /.
We illustrate this effect with several related presentations for the group ((5,4,7; 3)),
which collapses to the identity, in Table 6. Recall that ((/, m, n; p)) = gp(a, b, c \ a2 =
b2 = c2 = iab)1 = ibc)m = icdf = iabcf = 1 ). This can be written in the alternative

((/, m, n; p))* = gp<*, y, z \ xm = / = z* = ixy)1 = iyzf = izx)2 = ixyz)2 = 1).

In the table, TH denotes the total number of cosets defined when the relators
are applied to a coset in the order in which they are written down above, and T%,
the total number of cosets when the relators are applied in order of increasing length.
The enumerations are all performed over the trivial subgroup. In case 2, we see that
the number of cosets defined has dropped by 19 per cent.
It should be noted that applying relators in order of increasing length does not
always lead to the fewest cosets being defined. However, in most situations where
we have found that it is not the optimal ordering, we have observed that the difference
in total cosets defined between the optimal arrangement of relators and the ordered
arrangement is insignificant. Thus, the best strategy is to set the relators up so that
they are processed in order of increasing length.

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Table 6
Effect of ordering relators

Enumeration TH JOH iTH - T°H)/TH

1 ((7, 5, 4; 3))* | E 27,082 22,615 0.16

2 ((4, 5, 7; 3))* | £ 16,232 13,199 0.19
3 ((5, 4, 7; 3))* | £ 15,510 12,681 0.18
4 ((5, 4, 7; 3)) | £ 6,012 5,760 0.04
5 ((4, 5, 7; 3)) | £ 6,018 6,036 0.00

Table 7
£7jec/ of permuting the letters of the relators of G(2, 2) on TH

0 1

459 516 611 850 293 422 514 703 355

460 664 824 935 518 497 757 997 592
493 532 521 915 490 629 2219 1153 435
1211 352 507 1530 513 855 1737 1466 623
4 345 296 309 504 587 532 514 377 315
5 341 579 531 651 511 1034 701 607 273
6 438 1174 1440 1079 756 721 1421 732 375
7 432 562 891 1799 396 624 872 625 400
8 398 488 351 733 379 344 497 595 365

If R is a relator in G, then any cyclic permutation R' of R is obviously a relator

in G equivalent to R. If we consider the set of presentations for G obtained by taking
different relative cyclic permutations of the letters of the relators of a presentation
(P of G, then, sometimes, a large variation in TH is noted. For example, consider the
trivial Macdonald group G(2, 2) written

G(2, 2) = gp(a, 6 | ¿T1a'1 babeaba'2 = a'1b'1aba'1bab'2 = 1).

Table 7 contains the values of TH for all distinct permutations of the two relators
of G(2, 2). The z'thcolumn contains the effect of rotating relator 1 left i places while
the y'th row contains the effect of rotating relator 2 left j places.
The best result, T„ = 273 (row 5, column 8), is obtained when G(2, 2) is written

G(2, 2) = gp(a, b | a'1b'1a'1 bab'1aba'1 = bab'2a'1b'1 aba'1 = 1),

i.e., when the two relators agree on the last four letters. The worst result, T„ = 2,219
(row 2, column 6), is obtained for

G(2, 2) = gp(a, b | ba b a bab a = aba bab a b =1).

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Note that there is a factor of 8 between the best and worst results! The minimum
values of TH are obtained when the relators are permuted so that one of the following
arrangements results:
(a) The first four letters of each relator are identical.
(b) The last four letters of each relator are identical.
(c) The word formed by the first four letters of one relator is the inverse of the
word formed by the last four letters of the other relator.
These arrangements imply that, usually, fewer cosets have to be defined in order
to complete a relator cycle at coset i. That this behaviour is not peculiar to groups
having a very small number of relators can be seen by considering the following
presentation for the Hall-Janko group J2 (McKay and Wales [16]):
¿2 = gp(a> b,c \ a = b = c = abab' a' b~ = (ca) = (c/3)
= (cb' cb)2 = a'1 baca' bac~ a~ b' ac'1

= aba' caba' c~ ab' a~ c~ = 1).

Enumerating the cosets of (a, c, b'1cb) of index 315 and considering all per-
mutations of the last two relators, we find that TH varies from 1575 to 4255 cosets.
The best result is obtained when the second la,st relator is rotated left 7 places, the
last relator is rotated left 11 places, and the order of the two relators is interchanged.
The worst result is obtained when the second last relator is rotated left 1 place and
the last relator rotated left 5 places.
It should also be emphasized that the order in which relators of equal length
are processed can have a major effect on MH and TH. For example, still considering
J21 (a, c, b'1cb), if we rotate the second last relator left 7 places and the last relator
left 5 places, we get MH = 931, TH = 2,038. If now the order of these two rotated
relators is interchanged, we get MH = 2,380, TH = 3,357.
Finally, we note that if the inverses of the two relators of Cam(3) are used rather
than the given relators, then M„ increases by 20 per cent while ML increases by
about 10 per cent.
The operations of changing the order in which relators are processed and per-
muting the letters of relators have little or no effect on the Felsch algorithm. However,
as the lookahead algorithm defines cosets the same way as the HLT algorithm when
in the defining phase, these two operations can have an important effect on the
lookahead algorithm, and in particular on the value of ML.
4.3. Effect of Redundant Relators. Given a set of defining relations (P for a
group G, a relation R G (P is said to be redundant with respect to (P if R can be de-
duced from the set of relations (P with the relation R deleted. The presence of a
number of redundant relators in a presentation often facilitates the work of the TC
algorithm, particularly, if the redundant relators are not trivial consequences of
the other relators. The reflection group Weyl 2?6and the Janko group J3 in Section
4.1 are illustrations of this. In Section 4.1, we also noted the effect of adding certain
critical redundant relations to some pathological enumerations.
On the other hand, the presence of too many long redundant relators can cause
the definition of unnecessary cosets apart from the extra processing time involved.
This is nicely illustrated by the following presentation for PSL2(25) of order 7,800,
which is due to Beetham [1].

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PSL2(25) = gp(a, b,c,d \a5 = b5 = c5 = d5 = [a, b] = [c, d]

= iac)2 = iab-'d'2)2 = (aV2)2

= ib'c-'d)2 = ibc'2d2)2 = ia'2bcd)2

l -lt 2J_1\2 / 2,-2,-K!
= (a be d ) = (a b d )
= ia'2b"c"d2)2 = iab'Vd)2

= (a^W2)2 = iab2c'2d'2)2 - 1).

The last five relators are redundant. Let us denote the presentation of PSL2(25)
formed by removing the last i relators from the above presentation by P{i), where
/ = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We summarize the effect of removing the last five relators one by
one in Table 8. In each case the enumerations were performed over the subgroup
H = (a, b, d~1b~1c2), which is the normalizer of the Sylow 5-subgroup.
It can be seen that the presence of the fourth last relator makes the enumeration
much easier. However, the addition of further redundant relators causes the enumera-
tion to become steadily more difficult. In general, a pathological presentation (P
can be greatly improved by the addition of the right redundant relators. (See Section
4.1.) Although one may have no idea as to what the critical missing relators are,
it is sometimes worthwhile adding any further known relators which are not im-
mediately derivable from (P.
On the other hand, the addition of trivially redundant relators, such as cyclic
permutations and inverses of cyclic permutations of relators, to a presentation,
seldom helps in the case of a pathological enumeration. As far as the HLT method
is concerned, the additional relators will change the values of MH and TH, because
of the different order of coset definition. However, this change is not necessarily
an improvement and the execution time usually increases because of the increased
processing per coset. Even if such redundant relators are used only in the lookahead
phase, little advantage is gained, for if a cyclic permutation of relator R gives a
deduction when applied to coset z, then that same deduction must be made when
relator R itself is applied to some other coset j.
Unfortunately, it is usually difficult to derive useful additional relations by hand.
However, it is often possible to use the coset enumeration process itself to derive
additional relations. A simple minded method of doing this consists in doing a partial

Table 8
Effect of removing redundant relators on a presentation for PSL2(25)

Enumeration I M„ T¡¡ t„ e¡¡

Pw | H 26 986 1416 38 54
Pn)\H 26 983 1362 38 52
Pl2) | H 26 789 1075 30 41
P{3>| H 26 617 853 24 33
PU) | H 26 487 673 19 26
P(5>\H 26 929 1177 36 45

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enumeration of the cosets of the identity using the Felsch method and examining
those cosets which are found to be coincident. If i and j are coincident cosets, it is
a simple matter to read from the partial coset table, coset representatives wQ) and
w(j') for i and j, to obtain the relation vv(z')= w(y').The most promising of such re-
lations are added to (P and either the above process is repeated to deduce further
relations or the enumeration of cosets of the desired subgroup is attempted.
As an example of this process, consider the presentation (due to Brunner [2]):
C29 = gp(tf> b | bab2iab~1)2a2 = ib2a)2baba~2 = [a, b]2 = 1)

of the cyclic group of order 29. Using Felsch's method to enumerate the cosets of
the identity, 15 redundant cosets were found during the definition of 14,000 cosets.
One of the corresponding relators found was
4, -2i_3 -112
a ba b a b .

Enumerating the cosets of (a) (index 1 in C29), we find that MF drops from 1084
to 557 with the addition of the above relator.
The Felsch algorithm is preferred when trying to deduce new relations this way
because it minimizes the number of redundant cosets corresponding to unimportant
relations in the group.
A more sophisticated method of deriving new relations from coincidences is
described in Leech [13]. Unlike the above method, his method can be used to derive
relations corresponding to coincidences which occur when enumerating the cosets
of nontrivial subgroups.
4.4. Behaviour of the TC Algorithm with Respect to Different Presentations of
the Same Group. It is of considerable interest to take a number of different presenta-
tions for some group G and study the behaviour of the TC algorithm over this set
of presentations.
We begin by examining the effect of the length of relators. Intuitively, we would
expect that the presence of long relators would lead to the introduction of propor-
tionally more redundant cosets and this effect is illustrated by the four presentations
of the symmetric group S5 of order 120, given in Table 9. In each case, the cosets
of the identity have been enumerated and we tabulate the number of Felsch redundant
cosets RF, and the number of HLT redundant cosets Rrr. In addition, we tabulate
the maximum relator length m and the mean relator length m. Note, in particular,
the behaviour of the first three presentations which are virtually identical except
for the last relator.
In Table 10, we compare the behaviour of the algorithm with respect to eleven
different presentations of the simple group PSL2(13) of order 1092. In each case,
the cosets of the identity have been enumerated. It can be seen that while there is
considerable correlation between the degree of difficulty for the Felsch and HLT
algorithms, the correlation is by no means complete. For example, though presenta-
tion 1 is by far the worst for Felsch, it is nowhere near the worst for the HLT method.
Also, there is a fairly high correlation between m and M„. (For a discussion of some
of these presentations see Leech [12].)
As noted earlier, the HLT algorithm is particularly susceptible to the ordering
of the relators and the relative ordering of their letters. Thus, we would expect that,
if these effects could be removed, there would be an even higher correlation between

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484 j. j. cannon, l. a. dimino, george havas and j. m. watson

Table 9
Behaviour of algorithms with respect to different presentations of Sr,

Presentation m m RF R„

1 (a4 = /3° = (a/3)2 = (ö~'/3)3 =1) 6 5 0 3

2 <as = ft6 = (a/3)2 = (a2/32)2= 1) 8 5.75 7 35
3 (a5 = b4 = (a/3)2 = (a2/32)3 = 1 ) 12 6.25 9 112
4 (a2 = br' = (a/3)4 = [a, b]3 = 1) 12 6.75 7 26

Table 10
Behaviour of algorithms with respect to different presentations of PSL2(13).
Each enumeration is over the identity so that the index is 1092 in each case

Presentation m m MF Mu Tit

1 C3^13 13 6 2,519 4,654 2,519 7,509 2.30 4.3

2 (ai - 6s - (to)» = [b, ay = 1) 28 11 1,732 5,455 1,824 6,784 1.58 5.0
3 (a* = b3 = iab)1 = [a, by = \) 28 12 1,590 6,132 1,648 8,826 1.45 5.6
4 (a2 =*ft3 - c7 - «fie = (c/w)7 = 1 ) 21 7 1,565 10,692 1,886 17,211 1.43 9.8
5 (ai = tf = (abf = (a'-b1)1= \) 28 10 1,578 12,782 1,619 23,082 1.44 11.7
6 (a» = b* -iaby = ia'b)1 = 1) 28 11 1,399 3,337 1,534 4,408 1.28 3.1
7 (a1 = 67 - (a**)8= (aft2)' - 1) 9 8 1,271 1,869 1,506 2,454 1.16 1.7
8 (a7 = /V = (a*/»»= iaby - 1> 14 8 1,092 1,245 1,180 1,587 1.00 1.1
9 (a7 - 67 - (aèy = (a-'é)3 = 1) 7 6 1,092 1,498 1,121 1,856 1.00 1.4
10 (a7 - b* - (a/>)s- (a2i>)>= 1 ) 12 7 1,092 1,092 1,153 1,264 1.00 1.0
11 (d1 = b3 = (abf = [a, bY = \) 24 11 1,092 1,530 1,107 2,848 1.00 1.4

m and M„ and between rF and r,,. Then, we are faced with the central problem:
Why are the first seven presentations bad compared to the last four? In particular,
consider presentations 3 and 11, where the only difference is that the last relator in
3 is [a, b]7 while in 11 it is [a, b]°.
We conclude this section with two further observations. The effect of adding
certain redundant relations to the presentations G(a, ß) and Cam(3) has been noted
in Section 4.1. Secondly, if the relator ia''bab)" in the presentation of the Burnside
group B2 4 is replaced by the relator [a, b]4 (still giving the same group) when enu-
merating the cosets of the identity, then TF drops from 5,022 to 4,282 (A/,,-is 4,096
in both cases), while M„ drops from 12,386 to 7,333.
4.5. Behaviour of the Algorithm with Respect to Different Subgroups of a Fixed
Group. In this section, we suppose that we are given a fixed presentation of a group G
and we shall consider two questions:
(a) How does the difficulty of an enumeration depend upon the subgroup chosen?
(b) How does the difficulty of an enumeration depend upon the subgroup gen-
erators used?
The answer to the first question, in general, is that r„ and t,, remain fairly con-
stant with varying index. This is illustrated by the groups G1'7'13, M[f and (8, 7 | 2, 3)
in Table 11. Note, however, that the enumerations

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Table 11
Behaviour of the algorithm with respect to different subgroups

Enumeration I MF MH TF TH tf th

G3713|£ 1,092 2,519 4,654 2,519 7,509 2.30 4.3

G".'3|(a> 364 859 1,628 859 2,774 2.36 4.5
G"'13|</>> 156 378 739 379 1,182 2.42 4.7
G3^13|(c> 84 154 354 154 509 1.83 4.2

M[2) | (ac) 2,640 3,878 8,952 5,165 16,292 1.47 3.4

M[\)\{c) 1,980 2,580 6,027 3,843 13,292 1.30 3.0
M[\> | (b) 1,584 2,851 5,134 3,419 10,386 1.80 3.2
M[\) | (a) 720 1,562 3,027 1,932 5,130 2.17 4.2
M[f j (a4, b, c2> 12 36 69 39 82 3.00 5.7

(8, 7 12,3)| £ 10,752 26,270 49,301 26,314 57,468 2.45 4.6

(8, 7 12,3)| (b) 1,536 4,583 7,058 4,585 8,252 2.99 4.6
(8,7 \2, 3)| (a) 1,344 2,667 5,580 2,688 6,452 1.98 4.1
(8,7 ¡2,3)| (a2,a-'b) AAS 1,302 2,253 1,306 2,602 2.90 5.0

PSL2(17)|£ 2,448 2,448 2,448 2,677 2,560 1.00 1.0

PSL2(17)| (a/j) 612 612 621 661 640 1.00 1.0
PSL2(17)| {[b,a][b, a2]> 144 258 343 271 345 1.79 2.4

J2\{a,c,cb) 315 315 587 376 1,853 1.00 1.9

J2 I (a, b, /y°~'c> 100 1,305 12,907 1,315 14,800 13.05 129

M[2) | (a4, b, c2) and (8, 7 | 2, 3)| (a2, a"1*)

are slightly more difficult than the others. The enumeration PSL2(17) |([/3, a][b, a2])
is significantly more difficult than other enumerations in that group over cyclic sub-
groups. So, we tentatively conclude that the complexity of a word taken as a subgroup
generator has an influence on the degree of difficulty of an enumeration. The two
enumerations in J2 apparently demonstrate that in some situations the choice of
subgroup has a great effect on the difficulty of an enumeration. However, further
experiments lead us to believe that this effect is caused by the choice of subgroup
generators rather than the choice of subgroup. Note that the subgroup (a, b, bca''c)
is isomorphic to the unitary simple group £/3(3) while the subgroup (a, c, cb) is the
centralizer of an involution. As yet we have no knowledge of how the embedding of
subgroup H in G affects the difficulty of enumerations G | H.
Regarding question (b), we have found that the choice of the generating set for
the subgroup H can have a great effect on the enumeration G | H. This is illustrated
in Table 12 by tabulating the values of M,, for four different sets of generators of
the normal closure N of element a in Men(5) (recall that Men(zz) was defined in
Section 1). Here, we see that while N is generated by a and ab alone, the addition of
redundant generators ac, a'1, a' decreases M„ by a factor of 28. A further example
is provided by the enumeration (8, 7 | 2, 3)|(a2, a"'/3) where, as noted in Section 4.2,
the addition of the redundant subgroup generator (a2/34)0greatly decreases the dif-
ficulty of the enumeration. In the case of the Felsch algorithm, V. Felsch has observed

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486 j. j. cannon, l. a. dimino, george ha vas and j. m. watson

Table 12
Effect of redundant subgroup generators on an enumeration in Men(5)

Subgroup generators I MH TH rn

(a, a") A 694 798 173

(a,a",ac) A 83 109 21
(a,a",ac,ad) A 83 108 21
(a,ab,ac,ad,ae) A 25 31 6

that the use of the defining relators as redundant subgroup generators seldom hurts
and occasionally has the effect of drastically reducing the number of redundant
cosets for a difficult enumeration. For example, in the enumeration B2 4 | E, the
number of redundant cosets introduced is more than halved.
The enumeration G | H involves constructing a set of generators for a subgroup
H of the free group F of rank r (assuming that G is given as an /--generator group)
such that the coset table of H in £ is isomorphic to the coset table of H in G. As
the images in £ of the Schreier generators of H in G generate H, we would expect
that, if we used the Schreier generators of H, then the enumeration G | H would be
particularly easy. That this is so in practice is demonstrated by the enumeration
J2 | (a, b, bca~lc). Using a complete set of 201 Schreier generators for the subgroup
instead of a, b and b'"'1", MH dropped from 12,907 to 101 !
John McKay reports that if a number of complicated generators are taken for
H, then the number of redundant cosets occurring in the enumeration G | H can
depend significantly on the order in which the generators of H are applied to coset 1.
He suggests that, before proceeding with the enumeration proper, the user should
apply different permutations of the generators of H to coset 1 and take that per-
mutation for which the number of cosets introduced so far is a minimum.
4.6. The Use of External Storage. It is clear that the next major step in the
evolution of coset enumeration programs must be the development of forms of the
algorithm which operate efficiently when the coset table is kept on some external
storage medium such as disk. The present algorithms access the table in a semi-
random fashion so that the task of developing a form of the algorithm for use with
external storage will be rather difficult. To illustrate some of the problems, we shall
describe an experiment in which HLT and Felsch programs running on an IBM
360/50, were modified so that the coset table was kept on an IBM 1316 disk pack.
The coset table is broken up into blocks, a small number of which may be resident
in the core memory at any instant. Whenever a reference is made to a row of the
coset table not already in core, the block on disk containing this row must be read
into core, while some block currently in core must be written onto disk in order to
make room for the new block. The first major choice which has to be made is the
block size, where a block is to consist of a fixed number of rows of the coset table.
Table 13 demonstrates the effect of different block sizes on the HLT and Felsch
algorithms. It is seen that while the number of reads from disk is roughly constant
with decreasing block size the execution time drops sharply, because of faster transfer
times, so that smaller block sizes are to be preferred.

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Table 13
Behaviour of the disk storage versions of the HLT and Felsch
algorithms with respect to varying block sizes

Cosets Cosets Reads

per in from
Enumeration Method block core disk Time

G3712|£ HLT 113 4,184 1,204 23™

G3'7'12|£ HLT 54 4,222 1,079 T
G3'7'12|£ HLT 35 4,305 1,079 8m
G3'7'12|£ HLT 25 4,300 1,116 T
(5, 2, 6; 6) + (a2/3)4|£ Felsch 90 3,870 28,350 22T
(5, 2,6; 6) + (a2/3)4|£ Felsch 20 3,860 27,148 112m
(5, 2,6; 6) + (a2/3)4|£ Felsch 11 3,861 29,425 109m

With virtually random access throughout the coset table, the least recently used
algorithm was used when replacing a block in core with a block from disk. The
number of writes to disk can be reduced by associating a flag with each block resident
in core to indicate whether the block has been changed since its arrival in core. If
it has not been changed at the time of its replacement, it is, of course, unnecessary
to copy it onto the disk. This can reduce the number of disk writes by up to a factor
of 2. For further details see Watson [22].
Table 14 contains the statistics from a number of enumerations using disk. It
can be seen that the slower processing of the Felsch algorithm is more than made
up for by the smaller ratio of total cosets to cosets in core, so that the Felsch execution
times are significantly better than the HLT execution times. Even so, the Felsch
execution times are still unacceptably large. At the time of writing, no similar experi-
ments have been carried out with a lookahead program but it is clear that new tech-
niques will have to be used if we are to develop economic disk-based coset enumera-
tion programs.

5. Conclusion. We have constructed a simple but powerful coset enumeration

algorithm, the lookahead algorithm, by adapting the HLT process so that when
storage space is exhausted, the algorithm halts the definition of new cosets but con-
tinues to apply the relators to cosets in the hope of discovering coincidences. If
coincidences are found, the corresponding space becomes free so that the definition
of new cosets can proceed. The performance of the algorithm is further improved
by setting up the coset table as a doubly linked list so that free rows corresponding
to coincidences can be readily recovered.
In a large number of tests, we have found that the lookahead algorithm is quite
competitive with the Felsch algorithm with respect to the minimum amount of store
required to complete an enumeration. Further experiments have shown that the
HLT algorithm is usually faster than the Felsch algorithm and that the lookahead
algorithm is as fast or faster than the HLT algorithm except occasionally when one
is near the minimum store necessary for the enumeration.

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Tf m --h r^ ^h r-
O _ h in» 0\h fN m oo
^h J3 es ^r <n Tf
„ o - - - -
in «¡2 fN vo r- oo rN r-
in fjj vo on Tf vo Tf ro
Ph o vo

fN £
<N O 6
■9F m so
< *
VO o

O o oo fN ^t m
Ni N I-. mN N
r- .. o
r- - oo- as-. vo.
O OJ © © 2* f*"1 VO fN
m ti, m m o o


fN r-
r^ vo "^ oo rr
T. S
J m "î M rr as in
hH co fN r-- oo

y ov >n
i*l fN
2r~ o vn
" ■* -<r fN r-

<n r_, »n on t—i fN
— _1 nO VO fN Tf"
s fl fN

tu Tf — r- oo vo m u-j fN B E
O J3 Tf Tf «n oo fN M- fN oo
in o m m Tf vo fN Tf
—-*S m in r- r>
fN pL( r-* r- vo r-i

o -d
^ "^ -S

2 Si
■3 S §o^-I
a g!
1IshIÍ3S T U

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Further experiments have led to the discovery of a number of presentations and

classes of presentations which cause the Todd-Coxeter algorithm to perform very
badly. The existence of such presentations is, of course, related to the unsolvability
of the word problem for groups. In addition, we have discovered that
(a) structurally similar presentations can lead to large variations in enumeration
(b) the order in which relators are processed and the relative ordering of the
letters of relators may have a significant effect on the performance of the HLT (and
hence lookahead) algorithms;
(c) the presence of certain redundant relators can have a major effect on the
difficulty of an enumeration;
(d) the total number of cosets defined in an enumeration is usually proportional
to the index of a subgroup when one is considering enumerations of different sub-
groups with respect to a fixed presentation. The choice of generators for a particular
subgroup and the order in which they are processed can have an important effect
on the enumeration.
The two major problems in the area of coset enumeration at present are the
need for an adequate theory which would enable us to explain in group theoretic
terms why an arbitrary enumeration is hard or easy, and the lack of a form of the
algorithm which makes effective use of secondary storage. It is our hope that the
work described in this paper will form the starting point for attempts at the solution
of these two problems.

Acknowledgements. We would like to thank the numerous people who con-

tributed ideas and information during this study. In particular, we would like to
thank John Leech for critically reading a preliminary version of this manuscript
and Bill Afford for recomputing many of the statistics presented here.
This work was begun by Cannon and Dimino at Bell Telephone Laboratories,
Murray Hill, during 1969/1970. During 1970, Watson began a similar project at
the Australian National University and this continued through 1971. Cannon and
Havas continued the work at the University of Sydney during 1971, supported by
the Australian Research Grants Committee, the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organization, and Control Data of Australia. We would like
to express our gratitude to each of these bodies for their support.

Department of Pure Mathematics

University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia

Bell Laboratories
Murray Hill, New Jersey

Department of Pure Mathematics

University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia

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Department of Mathematics
Institute of Advanced Studies
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia

1. M. J. Beetham, "A set of generators and relations for the groups PSL(2,g), q odd,"
/. London Math. Soc, v. 3, 1971, pp. 544-557. MR 44 #2806.
2. A. Brunner, Personal communication.
3. C. M. Campbell, "Some examples using coset enumeration," in Computational Prob-
lems in Abstract Algebra (Edited by John Leech), Pergamon Press, New York, 1970, pp. 37-
41. MR 40 #7341.
4. H. S. M. Coxeter, "The abstract groups Rm = Sm = (R'S1)"' = 1, Sm = T¿ =
(S'T)*1" - 1 and Sm = T2 = (S^TS'T)") = 1," Proc. London Math. Soc. (2), v. 41, 1936,
pp. 278-301.
5. H. S. M. Coxeter, "The abstract groups G"''"'"," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, v. 45,
1939, pp. 73-150.
6a,b. H. S. M. Coxeter & W. O. J. Moser, Generators and Relations for Discrete
Groups, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1957; 2nd ed., Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenz-
gebiete, Neue Folge, Band 14, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York, 1965. MR 19, 527; MR
30 #4818.
7. L. A. Dimino, "A graphical approach to coset enumeration," SIGSAM Bulletin, v.
19, 1971, pp. 8-43.
8. H. Felsch, "Programmierung der Restklassenabzählung einer Gruppe nach Unter-
gruppen," Numer. Math., v. 3, 1961, pp. 250-256. MR 24 #B488.
9. M. J. T. Guy, Coset Enumeration, Lecture delivered at the Conference on Computa-
tional Problems in Abstract Algebra, Oxford, 29 August-2 September, 1967.
10. G. Higman & J. McKay, "On Janko's simple group of order 50,232,960," Bull. Lon-
don Math. Soc, v. 1, 1969, pp. 89-94. MR 40 #224.
11. J. Leech, "Coset enumeration on digital computers," Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc,
v. 59, 1963,pp. 257-267. MR 26 #4513.
12. J. Leech, "Generators for certain normal subgroups of (2,3,7)," Proc. Cambridge
Philos. Soc, v. 61, 1965,pp. 321-332. MR 30 #4821.
13. J. Leech, "Coset enumeration," in Computational Problems in Abstract Algebra
(Edited by John Leech), Pergamon Press, New York and Oxford, 1970, pp. 21-35. MR 40
14. J. Leech & J. Mennicke, "Note on a conjecture of Coxeter," Proc. Glasgow Math.
Assoc, v. 5, 1961, pp. 25-29. MR 27 #196.
15. I. D. Macdonald, "On a class of finitely presented groups," Canad. J. Math., v. 14,
1962, pp. 602-613. MR 25 #3992.
16. J. McKay & D. Wales, "The multipliers of the simple groups of order 604,800 and
50,232,960,"/. Algebra, v. 17, 1971, pp. 262-272. MR 43 #340.
17. N. S. Mendelsohn, "An algorithmic solution for a word problem in group theory,"
Canad. J. Math., v. 16, 1964, pp. 509-516; Correction, Canad. J. Math., v. 17, 1965, p. 505.
MR 29 #1248; 31 #237.
18. J. L. Mennicke & D. Garbe, "Some remarks on the Mathieu groups," Canad. Math.
Bull., v. 7, 1964, pp. 201-212. MR 29 #150.
19. B. H. Neumann, Personal communication.
20. J. A. Todd & H. S. M. Coxeter, "A practical method for enumerating cosets of a
finite abstract group," Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc, v. 5, 1936, pp. 26-34.
21. H. F. Trotter, "A machine program for coset enumeration," Canad. Math. Bull., v.
7, 1964, pp. 357-368; Program listing in Mathematical Algorithms, v. 1, 1966, pp. 12-18. MR
29 #5415.
22. J. M. Watson, An Extended Todd-Coxeter Algorithm, Department of Mathematics,
Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, 1971, 15 pages.

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