Application of Statistical Concepts in The Determination of Weight Variation in Samples

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J. A. Ines/Chemistry 26.

1 (2018) P a g e |1

Application of Statistical Concepts in the Determination of Weight Variation

in Samples
J. A. Ines1
Institute of Geological Sciences, College of Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101
Performed: January 24, 2018 Submitted: June 31, 2018


1. Give the significance of Grubbs’ Test. lie around the experimentally computed mean.
Confidence interval gives the precision and
Grubbs’ Test is utilized to determine a single uncertainty of the estimated location of the true
outlier in a set of data. The test is applied to the mean.
maximum and minimum values of a data set and
only one or none of them will be rejected 4. How do the statistics calculated from data
depending on their Gexperimental value and the set 1 differ from those obtained from data
confidence level set. [if Gexperimental > Gtabulated, then set 2?
rejected otherwise, accepted]. It is significant
especially for the statistical measures that are The statistics of the two data sets differs since
sensitive to outliers such as the mean and they have different number of samples.
standard deviation. Presence of outliers may Data Set 2 has 10 samples thus, representing the
result to false statistics and Grubbs’ Test tries to population more accurately than Data Set 1
eliminate erroneous data in order to obtain which has 6 samples. The measures of central
accurate measurements. tendency of Data Set 2 is more reliable than of
Data Set 1 since the accuracy of central tendency
2. Give the significance of the mean and increases as the number of trials or samples
standard deviation. increases. On the other hand, Data Set 1 is more
precise than Data Set 2 as Data Set 1 has a much
The mean is a single number that represents lower standard deviation and range than Data
and accounts all of the elements in a data set Set 2.
and is obtained by taking the average of
elements of the data set. It is significant since REFERENCES:
the true value of any physical quantity can never
1. Ymas, S. E., Jr., Najjar, C. T., Altares, P. S., &
be known and by computing for the mean of
Concepcion, B. P., Jr. (2007). College Statistics.
different set of samples or trials, we can get the
Valenzuela City, Philippines: Ymas Publishing
“most probable value” of that physical quantity.
The standard deviation is used to measure how 2. Skoog, D. A., Holler, F. J., & Crouch, S. R.
far the data are from the mean of the data set. (2014). Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry.
The smaller the value of standard deviation, the Andover: Cengage Learning.
closer the data points from the mean. It is 3. Ghilani, C. D., & Wolf, P. R. (2012). Elementary
significant since it gives us an idea on how Surveying . Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
precise the elements of a data set are with Pearson Education, Inc.
reference to the mean. 4. Rumsey, D. J. (n.d.). Why Standard Deviation
Is an Important Statistic. Retrieved January 27,
3. Give the significance of the confidence 2018,from
interval. /math/statistics/why-standard-deviation-is-an-
It is impossible to determine the exact value of 5. NIST/SEMATECH. (2003, June 1). Grubbs'
the mean of a population since the number of Test for Outliers. Retrieved January 27, 2018,
elements of a population is huge that it tends to from
approach infinity. Confidence interval gives us /eda/section3/eda35h1.htm
an interval in which the exact or true mean may
J. A. Ines/Chemistry 26.1 (2018) P a g e |2

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