Gravimetric Determination of Moisture Co
Gravimetric Determination of Moisture Co
Gravimetric Determination of Moisture Co
The major component of fertilizer is given by NPK, namely nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The
weight declared for phosphorus is 30% in the form of P2O5. The moisture content of a fertilizer determines its
purity. To obtain the moisture and phosphorus content of a sample of fertilizer, gravimetric methods were used.
The moisture content was obtained from the difference of the weight of the wet and the dry sample, and was
found to be 0.7174 0.0003 %. The phosphorus content was determined through precipitation gravimetry
where the sample was reacted with MgSO4•7H2O and NH3 to form a white precipitate, MgNH3PO4•H2O. The
weight of the precipitate obtained was 1.1407 0.0003 g. Using stoichiometric calculations, the % P2O5 and % P
of the sample was calculated to be 22.556 0.0003 % and 14.428 ± 0.0003 % respectively with regards to the
wet sample, and 22.557 0.0003 % and 14.558 ± 0.0003 % respectively with regards to the dry sample.
This resulted to an estimate of 24.81 % difference with the 30% phosphorus claim.
for 15 minutes before it was weighed again. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
This process was repeated until a constant Gravimetry is a method where weight
weight, with a minimum difference of 0.0002- is the ultimate source of quantitative data.
0.0003 g, was obtained from the crucible and Thus, it is important to ensure that the
cover. measured weight was from the sample and
not also from other external factors.
Gravimetric determination of moisture content
in fertilizer sample The first part of the experiment was
An estimate of 3.0 g fertilizer sample to determine the constant weight of the
was weighed into the constantly weighed crucible by removing the moisture it had
crucible and cover. The crucible with the absorbed from the environment. This was
sample, with the cover slightly ajar, was done through repeated oven drying and
placed in the oven at 110 °C for 1 hour. The weighing until a constant weight was
crucible was closed and allowed to cool down obtained. Every time the crucible was
in a desiccator for 15 minutes before it was removed from the oven, it was placed in a
weighed again. The crucible with the cover desiccator. This prevents it from reabsorbing
slightly ajar was then returned to the oven at moisture from the air. It was also weighed
110 °C for 30 minutes, and then allowed to after a fifteen minute cool down, allowing it to
cool down in a desiccator with its cover acclimatize to room temperature. This
closed for 15 minutes before it was weighed prevents the effects of dynamic buoyancy
again. This process was repeated until a inside the analytical balance when weight
constant weight, with a minimum difference measured. [3]
of 0.0002-0.0003 g, was obtained from the
crucible and sample. A constant weight was obtained when
a maximum difference of 0.0003 g was
Determination of phosphorus in fertilizer observed between two successive weighing of
sample the crucible. This was because the analytical
The dried fertilizer sample was balance used in the experiment had a
dissolved in 40 ml distilled water. The tolerance of 0.0002 g. The calculated
solution was then filtered using a filter paper. uncertainty reading between successive
The filtrate was reacted with 10% measurements on this device was 2.8284 x
MgSO4•7H2O and 150 ml of 2 M NH3, slowly 10-4 g which is approximately 0.0003 g. The
added, to form a white precipitate. The same analytical balance was used though out
mixture was allowed to stand at room the experiment. The crucible was used in
temperature for 15 minutes to complete measuring the weight of the fertilizer sample.
precipitation process. The precipitate was Thus, by obtaining and maintaining the
then quantitatively filtered out using a pre- crucible’s constant weight, its effect on the
weighed filtered paper and washed with 2 measurement of the sample’s weight is
portions of 10 ml distilled water followed by eliminated.
2 portions of 10 ml 95% ethanol. It left to dry
for 2 nights at room temperature and then The fertilizer sample was then
placed in an oven at 110 °C for 1 hour. The dispensed into the crucible. The fertilizer
filter paper with precipitate was weighed sample was pound into fine powder
after a fifteen minute cool down in a beforehand. This increasing the particle’s
desiccator. surface area and speeding up the drying
process and other reactions that the sample solution is too basic, PO43¯ will be formed
would be subjected to. instead of HPO42ions and hydroxide ions will
precipitate with Mg2+ to form magnesium
The sample’s weight was obtained hydroxide, Mg(OH)2. However, if the solution
using weighing by difference. Weighing by is not basic enough, H2PO4¯ will be formed,
difference was done by obtaining two and no precipitate will occur. [3] Slow addition
measurements, one was the crucible’s of NH3 will prevent the co-precipitation of
constant weight and the other was the weight Mg(OH)2.
of the crucible with the sample, and then
subtracting the two weights. This prevents The solution was left to stand to
contact of the sample with laboratory utensils complete the precipitation reaction before
or weighing paper thus preventing the loss of the precipitate was obtained through
a portion of the sample which might adhere filtration. The precipitate was washed with
to the utensil or paper. [2] It also limits the ethanol to purify the precipitate. It was then
introduction of moisture and into the sample. dried and weighed. Using stoichiometric
The weight of the sample obtained was calculations, the %P2O5 and %P was found to
3.6274 0.0003 g, which would be referred be 22.556 0.0003 % and 14.428 ± 0.0003 %
to as the wet sample. respectively with the wet as a basis and 22.557
0.0003 % and 14.558 ± 0.0003 %
The wet sample with crucible was respectively with the dry sample as a basis.
subjected to repeated oven drying and This has an approximate percent difference of
weighing until a constant weight was 24.81% with regards to the 30% phosphorus
obtained. The weight obtained was the “dry claim.
weight” of the sample, where the moisture
from the sample would have evaporated. The CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
difference in the weight of the wet and dry The calculated moisture content of
sample would be the amount of moisture the fertilizer sample was 0.7471 .0003 %
present in the sample. It was found that the which is a very low percentage. This would
sample had a % moisture of 0.7471 .0003. mean that the product is pure because most
of the weight would come from the
The dry sample was then subjected to composition of the fertilizer and not from
precipitation gravimetry in order to moisture.
determine its phosphorus content. It was The % phosphorus was also obtained
dissolved in water and reacted with 10% to be at about 22.556 0.0003 %. This had a
magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, 24.81 % difference. This means that the
MgSO4•7H2O, and 2 M ammonia, NH3, to form phosphorus obtained through gravimetry
a white precipitate which is magnesium was less than the theoretical amount. This
ammonium phosphate hexahydrate, could indicate that the fertilizer had less that
MgNH3PO4•H2O. The net ionic equation of the 30% phosphorus despite its claim. It could
reaction reaction is: also indicate that the errors occurred during
the experimentation proper, such as the
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incomplete precipitation of phosphorus in the
(1) sample or the loss of precipitate during
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filtration. Other methods can be used to
Ammonia, NH3, was added slowly to verify the results of this experiment, such as
control the acidity of the solution. If the the Karl Fischer method.
REFERENCES [4] Alberta Agriculture and Rural
[1] Fifield; Kealey. Principles and Practice of Development
Analystical Chemistry, 5th ed; Blackwell$departme
Science Ltd: London, U.K., 2002 nt/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex920. (accessed
[2] Kenkel, J. Analytical Chemistry for on 2 March 2015)
Technitians, 3rd ed; CRS Press LLC: U.S.A., [5] Metlo-Toledo International Inc.
[3] Eastern Michigan University. ons/Laboratory_weighing/Moisture_fam_ browse_main.html. (accessed on 2 March
hemlab/documents/10-phosphorus.pdf. 2015)
(accessed on 2 March 2015)
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Percent Error: