Procrastination Assessment Scale For Students (PASS)
Procrastination Assessment Scale For Students (PASS)
Procrastination Assessment Scale For Students (PASS)
Areas of Procrastination
For each of the following activities, please rate the degree to which you delay or procrastinate.
Rate each item on an “a” to “e” scale according to how often you wait until the last minute to do
the activity. Then indicate on an “a” to “e” scale the degree to which you feel procrastination on
that task is a problem. Finally, indicate on an “a” to “e” scale the degree to which you would
like to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on each task.
1. To what degree do you procrastinate on this task?
Never Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
Procrastinate Procrastinate
a b c d e
2. To what degree is procrastination on this task a problem for you?
Not At All Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
a Problem a Problem
a b c d e
3. To what extent do you want to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on this task?
Do Not Want Somewhat Definitely
to Decrease Want to Decrease
a b c d e
4. To what degree do you procrastinate on this task?
Never Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
Procrastinate Procrastinate
a b c d e
5. To what degree is procrastination on this task a problem for you?
Not At All Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
a Problem a Problem
a b c d e
6. To what extent do you want to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on this task?
Do Not Want Somewhat Definitely
to Decrease Want to Decrease
a b c d e
7. To what degree do you procrastinate on this task?
Never Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
Procrastinate Procrastinate
a b c d e
8. To what degree is procrastination on this task a problem for you?
Not At All Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
a Problem a Problem
a b c d e
9. To what extent do you want to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on this task?
Do Not Want Somewhat Definitely
to Decrease Want to Decrease
a b c d e
10. To what degree do you procrastinate on this task?
Never Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
Procrastinate Procrastinate
a b c d e
11. To what degree is procrastination on this task a problem for you?
Not At All Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
a Problem a Problem
a b c d e
12. To what extent do you want to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on this task?
Do Not Want Somewhat Definitely
to Decrease Want to Decrease
a b c d e
13. To what degree do you procrastinate on this task?
Never Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
Procrastinate Procrastinate
a b c d e
14. To what degree is procrastination on this task a problem for you?
Not At All Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
a Problem a Problem
a b c d e
15. To what extent do you want to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on this task?
Do Not Want Somewhat Definitely
to Decrease Want to Decrease
a b c d e
16. To what degree do you procrastinate on this task?
Never Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
Procrastinate Procrastinate
a b c d e
17. To what degree is procrastination on this task a problem for you?
Not At All Almost Never Sometimes Nearly Always Always
a Problem a Problem
a b c d e
18. To what extent do you want to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on this task?
Do Not Want Somewhat Definitely
to Decrease Want to Decrease
a b c d e
Reasons for Procrastination
Think of the last time the following situation occurred. It's near the end of the semester. The
term paper you were assigned at the beginning of the semester is due very soon. You have not
begun work on this paper. There are reasons why you have been procrastinating on this task.
Rate each of the following reasons on a 5point scale according to how much it reflects why you
procrastinated at the time. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.
Use the scale:
19. You were concerned the professor wouldn't like your work.
20. You waited until a classmate did his or hers, so that he/she could give you some advice.
21. You had a hard time knowing what to include and what not to include in your paper.
22. You had too many other things to do.
23. There's some information you needed to ask the professor, but you felt uncomfortable
approaching him/her.
24. You were worried you would get a bad grade.
25. You resented having to do things assigned by others.
26. You didn't think you knew enough to write the paper.
27. You really disliked writing term papers.
28. You felt overwhelmed by the task.
29. You had difficulty requesting information from other people.
30. You looked forward to the excitement of doing this task at the last minute.
31. You couldn't choose among all the topics.
32. You were concerned that if you did well, your classmates would resent you.
33. You didn't trust yourself to do a good job.
34. You didn't have enough energy to begin the task.
35. You felt it just takes too long to write a term paper.
36. You liked the challenge of waiting until the deadline.
37. You knew that your classmates hadn't started the paper either.
38. You resented people setting deadlines for you.
39. You were concerned you wouldn't meet your own expectations.
40. You were concerned that if you got a good grade, people would have higher expectations
of you in the future.
41. You waited to see if the professor would give you some more information about the
42. You set very high standards for yourself and you worried that you wouldn't be able to
meet those standards.
43. You just felt too lazy to write a term paper.
44. Your friends were pressuring you to do other things.
Interest in Changing Your Procrastination
45. Would you be interested in attending a program that focuses on overcoming
procrastination if such a program were offered next semester?
a. no
b. yes
46. How many program sessions in total would you be willing to attend if a procrastination
program were offered?
a. none
b. less than five
c. five to ten
d. more than ten
47. How many sessions per week would you be willing to attend?
a. none
b. one
c. two
d. three
48. What time would be the best for you in scheduling such a program? (Choose one)
a. none
b. morning
c. lunchtime
d. afternoon
e. evening
49. What days would be the best for you in scheduling such a program? (Choose one)
a. no days are good
b. weekdays
c. weekends
50. How large a group would you prefer? (Choose one)
a. I'm not interested in such a program
b. less than 10 people in a group
c. 1020 people in a group
d. It doesn't matter how large the group is
51. I feel that a program to improve procrastination habits would be:
a. unnecessary
b. somewhat useful
c. extremely useful
d. useful, but not for me
52. What format would be most interesting to you? (Choose one)
a. I'm not interested in such a program
b. Group discussion
c. Lecture
d. Following a written manual
e. A combination of the above