Questionnaire STEM 4
Questionnaire STEM 4
Questionnaire STEM 4
Directions: Please give your honest rating by checking (/) the box that corresponds to the
number which best reflects your ratings on the given statements using the following scales:
INDICATORS 1 2 3 4 5
1. I belong to a peer group.
2. Most of my time is spent with my friends.
3. My grades during the first semester of S.Y 2018-2019
became better after I met my friends.
4. My friends always inspire me to perform and study
5. I and my friends are always punctual to class.
6. I and my friends are grade conscious and we compete
for good grades.
7. We study our subjects together after class.
8. Most of our free times are spent for doing school
activities and assignments.
9. We always help each other with academic difficulties.
10. My friends have assisted me improve my grades in
my subjects.
11. I and my friends review our subjects before
12. My friends are good influence in terms of studying.
13. I often skip my subjects or classes to spent time with
my friends.
14. I often can’t concentrate studying and participate in
class because of my friends.
15. My friends often mess and distract me while I’m in a
Respondent’s Signature