Online Shopping Addiction Scale

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Online Shopping Addiction Scale

PsycTESTS Citation:
Zhao, H., Tian, W., & Xin, T. (2017). Online Shopping Addiction Scale [Database record]. Retrieved from
PsycTESTS. doi:

Instrument Type:

Test Format:
This measure has 18 items rated on a five-point Likert scale (1 = completely disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither
disagree nor agree, 4 = agree, and 5 = completely agree).

Reproduced by permission from: Zhao, Haiyan, Tian, Wei, & Xin, Tao. (2017). The development and validation of the
online shopping addiction scale. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol 8.

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Online Shopping Addiction Scale



S1 When I am not shopping online, I keep thinking about it

S2 I frequently think about how to spare more time or money to spend in online shopping
S3 Online shopping is important for my life
T1 Recently, I have an urge to do more and more online shopping
T2 I spend more and more time in online shopping
T3 Recently I often shop online unplanned
M1 When I feel bad, online shopping can make me feel good
M2 When I am feeling down, anxious, helpless or uneasy, I shop online in order to make myself feel better
M3 Online shopping can help me to temporarily forget the troubles in real life
W1 When I can’t do online shopping for certain excuses, I will get depressed or lost
W2 Life without online shopping for some time would be boring and joyless for me
W3 I will feel restless or depressed when attempting to shop online but unable to achieve
R1 I have tried to cut back or stop my online shopping, but failed
R2 I have decided to do online shopping less frequently, but not managed to do so
R3 If I cut down the amount of online shopping in one period, and then start again, I always end up shopping
as often as I did before
C1 My productivity for work or study has decreased as a direct result of online shopping
C2 I have once quarreled with my parents for my online shopping
C3 I have cut off my time with parents and friends for my online shopping
Note: Each item is rated on a five-point Likert scale 1 = completely disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither disagree
nor agree, 4 = agree, and 5 = completely agree.
Subscales: S = Salience, T = Tolerance, M = Mood modification, W = Withdrawal, R = Relapse, C = Conflict.

PsycTESTS™ is a database of the American Psychological Association

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