26 Circuits-Circuit Analysis
26 Circuits-Circuit Analysis
26 Circuits-Circuit Analysis
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
Base your answers to questions 1 through 3 on the infor- 4. A 9-volt battery is connected to a 4-ohm resistor and
mation and diagram below. a 5-ohm resistor as shown in the diagram below.
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
8. In which circuit would current flow through resistor R1 but not through resistor R2 while switch S is open?
9. Which circuit diagram below correctly shows the Base your answers to questions 11 through 13 on the
connection of ammeter A and voltmeter V to measure information and diagram below.
the current through and potential difference across
resistor R? A 15-ohm resistor, R1, and a 30-ohm resistor, R2, are to
be connected in parallel between points A and B in a
circuit containing a 90-volt battery.
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
Base your answers to questions 14 through 16 on the information and diagram below, showing all work including the
equation and substitution with units.
A 50-ohm resistor, an unknown resistor R, a 120-volt source, and an ammeter are connected in a complete circuit. The
ammeter reads 0.50 ampere.
17. In which circuit would an ammeter show the greatest total current?
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
Base your answers to questions 18 through 22 on the information below and
data table at right.
18. Using standard circuit symbols, draw a circuit showing how the lamps and battery are connected.
21. If lamp 3 is removed from the circuit, what would be the value of the potential difference across lamp 1 after
lamp 3 is removed?
22. If lamp 3 is removed from the circuit, what would be the value of the current in lamp 2 after lamp 3 is removed?
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
24. A 6-ohm resistor and a 4-ohm resistor are connected in series with a 6-volt battery in an operating electric cir-
cuit. A voltmeter is connected to measure the potential difference across the 6-ohm resistor. Draw a diagram of
this circuit including the battery, resistors, and voltmeter. Label each resistor with its value.
25. What is the total current in a circuit consisting of six Base your answers to questions 28 and 29 on the circuit
operating 100-watt lamps connected in parallel to a diagram below.
120-volt source?
1. 5 A
2. 20 A
3. 600 A
4. 12,000 A
28. If switch S1 is open, the reading of ammeter A is
26. The circuit diagram below represents four resistors 1. 0.50 A
connected to a 12-volt source. 2. 2.0 A
3. 1.5 A
4. 6.0 A
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
Base your answers to questions 31 through 33 on the information below.
A 5-ohm resistor, a 10-ohm resistor, and a 15-ohm resistor are connected in parallel with a battery. The current
through the 5-ohm resistor is 2.4 amperes.
34. In the circuit diagram below, two 4-ohm resistors are 36. An electric circuit contains a source of potential dif-
connected to a 16-volt battery as shown. ference and 5-ohm resistors that combine to give the
circuit an equivalent resistance of 15 ohms. In the
space below, draw a diagram of this circuit using stan-
dard circuit symbols. [Assume the availability of any
number of 5-ohm resistors and wires of negligible re-
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
Base your answers to questions 37 through 39 on the dia- Base your answers to questions 42 through 44 on the in-
gram below, which represents an electrical circuit consist- formation and diagram below.
ing of four resistors and a 12-volt battery.
A 20-ohm resistor and a 30-ohm resistor are connected
in parallel to a 12-volt battery as shown. An ammeter is
connected as shown.
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
Base your answers to questions 46 and 47 on the circuit 50. A 6-ohm lamp requires 0.25 ampere of current to op-
diagram below, which shows two resistors connected to a erate. In which circuit below would the lamp operate
24-volt source of potential difference. correctly when switch S is closed?
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
52. Which combination of resistors has the smallest 55. The diagram below represents a circuit consisting of
equivalent resistance? two resistors connected to a source of potential dif-
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
58. In the electric circuit diagram below, possible loca- 61. The diagram below represents a simple circuit con-
tions of an ammeter and a voltmeter are indicated by sisting of a variable resistor, a battery, an ammeter,
circles 1,2, 3, and 4. and a voltmeter
59. What must be inserted between points A and B to 62. Three identical lamps are connected in parallel with
establish a steady electric current in the incomplete each other. If the resistance of each lamp is X ohms,
circuit represented in the diagram below? what is the equivalent resistance of this parallel
1. X Ω
2. X/3 Ω
3. 3X Ω
4. 3/X Ω
1. switch
2. voltmeter
63. A 3-ohm resistor and a 6-ohm resistor are connected
3. magnetic field source
in series in an operating electric circuit. If the cur-
4. source of potential difference
rent through the 3-ohm resistor is 4 amperes, what is
the potential difference across the 6-ohm resistor?
60. The diagram below represents part of an electric
1. 8.0 V
circuit containing three resistors.
2. 2.0 V
3. 12 V
4. 24 V
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
65. A circuit consists of a 10-ohm resistor, a 15-ohm 69. To increase the brightness of a desk lamp, a student
resistor, and a 20-ohm resistor connected in parallel replaces a 50-watt incandescent lightbulb with a 100-
across a 9-volt battery. What is the equivalent resis- watt incandescent lightbulb. Compared to the 50-
tance of this circuit? watt lightbulb, the 100-watt lightbulb has
1. 0.200 Ω 1. less resistance and draws more current
2. 1.95 Ω 2. less resistance and draws less current
3. 4.62 Ω 3. more resistance and draws more current
4. 45.0 Ω 4. more resistance and draws less current
66. A 2-ohm resistor and a 4-ohm resistor are connected Base your answers to questions 70 and 71 on the infor-
in series with a 12-volt battery. If the current through mation below.
the 2-ohm resistor is 2.0 amperes, the current through
the 4-ohm resistor is A 15-ohm resistor and a 20-ohm resistor are connected
1. 1.0 A in parallel with a 9-volt battery. A single ammeter is
2. 2.0 A connected to measure the total current of the circuit.
3. 3.0 A
4. 4.0 A 70. Draw a diagram of this circuit using standard circuit
schematic symbols.
67. A 3-ohm resistor and a 6-ohm resistor are connected
in parallel across a 9-volt battery. Which statement
best compares the potential difference across each re-
1. The potential difference across the 6-ohm resistor
is the same as the potential difference across the
3-ohm resistor.
2. The potential difference across the 6-ohm resistor
is twice as great as the potential difference across
the 3-ohm resistor.
3. The potential difference across the 6-ohm resistor
is half as great as the potential difference across 71. Calculate the equivalent resistance of the circuit.
the 3-ohm resistor. [Show all work including the equation and substitu-
4. The potential difference across the 6-ohm resistor tion with units.]
is four times as great as the potential difference
across the 3-ohm resistor.
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
72. The diagram below shows currents in a segment of Base your answers to questions 75 through 78 on the
an electric circuit. information below.
What is the reading of ammeter A? 75. In the space below, draw a diagram of the series cir-
1. 1 A cuit constructed to operate the lamp, using symbols
2. 5 A from the Reference Tables for Physical Setting/
3. 9 A Physics.
4. 15 A
Circuits-Circuit Analysis
Base your answers to questions 80 through 83 on the information and circuit diagram below and on your knowledge
of physics. Three lamps are connected in parallel to a 120-volt source of potential difference, as represented below.
80. Calculate the resistance of the 40-watt lamp. [Show all work, including the equation, substitution with units,
and answer with units.]
81. Describe what change, if any, would occur in the power dissipated by the 100-watt lamp if the 60-watt lamp were
to burn out.
82. Describe what change, if any, would occur in the equivalent resistance of the circuit if the 60-watt lamp were to
burn out.
83. The circuit is disassembled. The same three lamps are then connected in series with each other and the source.
Compare the equivalent resistance of this series circuit to the equivalent resistance of the parallel circuit.