B Ed
B Ed
B Ed
(Bachelor of Education)
Two Year Course
B.Ed. Course
Preparatory Note: These Ordinances pertain to the two year Bachelor of Education
programme of the B.Ed course of colleges affiliated to M.J.P. Rohilkhand University,
Bareilly. Upto session 2014-15 these programmes were running in one year mode in
the name of B.Ed Keeping in view NCTE regulation -2014 the programme shall now
be of two years (B.Ed course) from the session 2015 onwards.
(i) The mode of examination may vary between annual system and semester system as
per the decision of the University. The mode of examination prevailing at present is
that of annual examination.
(iii) A student can complete B.Ed. course in a maximum of three years from the date
of admission in the course.
Ext. Int. Total
Paper-1 Childhood and Growing Up 80 20 100
(Any One)
ix Teaching of Commerce
Practical/Field Engagement:
There shall be school engagement of Four weeks in the first year. School engagement
and practical shall be evaluated as follows:
Ext. Int. Total
1. Observation of school activities Nil 10 10
and preparation of report
2. Observation of Teaching and Nil 10 10
preparation of report
3. Evaluation of teaching skills Nil 30 30
(through microteaching)
Total: 50
Ext. Int. Total
Paper-7 (b) Pedagogy of School Subject (Part-II) 40 10 50
(Same subject as chosen under 7(a) of first year
and one other school subject ) 40 10 50
i. Teaching of Physical Science
ii. Teaching of Biological Science
iii. Teaching of Mathematics
iv. Teaching of Home Science
v. Teaching of Social Studies
vi. Teaching of English
vii. Teaching of Hindi
viii Teaching of Sanskrit
ix Teaching of Commerce
Paper-8 Knowledge and Curriculum 80 20 100
Internal evaluation in papers 7 (b), 8, 9, 10 and 11 shall be done through one written
test and tasks and assignments. In papers of 100 marks written test shall comprise of
10 marks whereas tasks and assignments shall comprise of 10 marks. In papers of 50
marks written test shall comprise of 5 marks whereas tasks and assignments shall
comprise of 05 marks. EPC-4 shall be evaluated on the basis of internal evaluation of
theory of 20 marks and activities of 30 marks mentioned in the syllabus.
Practical/Field Engagement:
There shall be field work of 16 weeks in the second year out of which school
internship shall be of 15 weeks. Out of these 16 weeks, 01 week shall be devoted to
the observation of subject teaching in the school. Next 12 weeks (06 weeks for each of
the two school subjects) shall be devoted for teaching of subjects lessons with daily
lesson plan. 25 lessons each shall be taught at Upper Primary and secondary levels.
During next 01 week students shall carry out the duties of concerned subject teacher
as per the school time table. Last 02 weeks shall be devoted to post teaching activities.
Activities during this period shall be evaluated as follows :
Ext. Int. Total
1. Criticism Lesson --- 20 20
2. Preparation of teaching aids/Improvisation --- 15 15
of apparatus
3. Administration and analysis of results --- 15 15
of achievement test
4. Evaluation of records (lesson plan, note --- 15 15
Book, teacher’s diary, Peer observation
5. School experience and plan of action for --- 15 15
Improvement of some aspect of school
6. Co-curricular activities (Organization / --- 20 20
Participation: Science club, cultural club,
Environment protection club etc.)
7. Final Teaching 100 --- 100
8. Viva voce 50 --- 50
Total: 250
Candidates opting any two school subjects under paper-7a and 7b, shall be evaluated
under heading Practical /Field engagement in second year, while point 7(Co-curricular
activities) shall be evaluated for both the years . Final teaching and viva voce shall be
evaluated by panel of examiners consisting of two external and one internal.
1.5 Conduct of Examinations:
(i) The examination for two year B.Ed. shall be held once every year on such dates as
may be fixed by the Department/University.
(ii) A candidate shall be eligible to appear in the examination who has pursued the
prescribed course of studies in the department and has completed all the activities
related to field engagement as prescribed for each year.
(iii) The examination at the end of the course shall be both in theory and
practical/Field engagement. A candidate shall be required to pass theory and
practical/field work examinations separately.
(iv) To pass in theory and practical/field engagement, a candidate must obtain 30%
marks in each theory paper and 36% in the aggregate of theory papers. In
practical/field engagement pass percentage shall be 40%.
(ix) A student of B.Ed. course, who has completed all the desired activities/internal
tests/attendance etc. throughout the year but could not appear in the examination or
appeared in the examination but failed in more than one papers, may be allowed to
appear in the examination of next year as an ex-student. The internal marks received
in previous session shall be carried over.
(x) In case of any obscurity, the general provision of the university shall prevail.
B.Ed. Course
ix Teaching of Commerce
Objectives :
5. Understand multicultural families with diverse forms of child rearing and Parent-
child relationships
ii. Organization of activity based game to motivate students for creative questioning
Max. Marks : 50
Objectives : After Completion of Course the student teacher will be able to:
1. Understand the nature and role of disciplinary knowledge in the school curriculum.
3. Know the history of the teaching of different disciplinary areas like Language,
Math, Social Science and Science.
Objectives : After completing this paper the student teachers will be able to –
1. Develop basic understanding and familiarity with key concepts – gender, gender
bias, gender stereotype, empowerment, gender parity, equity and equality, patriarchy
and feminism
2. Understand the gradual paradigm shift from women‟s studies to gender studies and
some important landmarks in connection with gender and education in the historical
and contemporary period
3. Learn about gender issues in school, curriculum and textual materials across
disciplines, pedagogical processes and its intersection with class, caste, religion and
4. Understand how gender, power and sexuality are related to education (in terms of
access, curriculum and pedagogy)
5. Construct critically the impact of policies, programmes and scheme for promotion
of gender equality and empowerment
6. Apply the conceptual tools learnt regarding gender and sexuality to understand
issues related to sexual harassment at the workplace and child abuse
7. Understand how gender relates to education and schooling. The students will be
able to understand on how school as institutions addresses gender concerns in
curriculum, textual materials and pedagogy.
Course Outline
iv. Case study on how students perceive role models in their own lives.
1. Develop insight on the meaning and nature of biological science for determining
aims and strategies of teaching-learning;
3. Appreciate the fact that every child possesses curiosity about his/her natural
6. Explore the process skill in science and role of laboratory in teaching– learning
1. Develop insight on the meaning and nature of biological science for determining
3. Appreciate the fact that every child possesses curiosity about his/her natural
6. Explore the process skill in science and role of laboratory in teaching– learning
Objectives: After going through this course students teacher will be able to –
ii. Develop an insight into aims and objectives of teaching school mathematics
Max. Marks – 50
Course Outline
Unit I : Nature and Scope of Home Science :
Philosophy of Home Science, History of Home Science in India, Definition and
Concept of Home Science, Role of Home Science in National development and
International Integration, Scope of Home Science.
(i) Survey of Methods of Teaching Home Science used by teachers at any one level
(ii) Review of Home Science Curriculum at Secondary and Higher Secondary Stage
(iv) Assignment on writing objectives in behavioral terms in the content area of Home
Science at secondary level.
Max. Marks: 50
4. To prepare the student-teachers for leadership roles in schools and other educational
5. Develop a critical understanding about the nature of social science and its interface
with society
6. Develop the ability to organize curricular activities for promoting social science
learning. Course contents:
Unit III: Principles, Maxims, Methods and Techniques of Teaching Social Science:
Principles and maxims of class-room teaching of social science.
Teaching methods : meaning, definition
Modern and traditional Methods of teaching social science
Techniques of teaching : meaning, definition
Different techniques of teaching social science
Max. Marks: 50
2. Understand the nature and characteristics of language and use of English language.
3. Evaluate basic language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing and
integrate them for communicative purpose.
5. To develop insight into the form and use of English and to give practice in lesson
iii. Role [play, simulation, speech, games, language laboratories and multimedia
iv. How to develop reading skill, reading loud and silent reading, study skills, using
thesauruses , dictionaries and encyclopedia
vi. Process of writing, formal and informal writing, poems, short story, dialogue and
vii. Simulation, micro-teaching skills and lesson planning. Activities in the classroom/
Assignments (any one) :
1 Take a passage from English textbook of class VI –IX and analyze the
i. Does the language clearly convey the meaning of the topic being discussed?
2. Discuss in group:
Total Marks: 50
Marks: 50
Course Content:
Unit 1: Conceptual Framework of Commerce
Meaning, nature and scope of Commerce.
Need and significance of teaching commerce at secondary level.
History of commerce education in India.
Aims and objectives of teaching commerce at secondary level.
Course Objectives :
1. Students will be able to develop their capacities as readers, writers and thinkers
when they learn reading and writing together.
2- Teacher educator will examine/observe the handling with the diverse texts of the
students and remedial suggestions will be given.
3- Teacher educator will set goal for learning, monitoring, comprehension and self-
2- Teacher educators will motivate pupil teachers to think and critically analyze
activities of self and group during reading, discussion and writing.
Unit V-Activities Related to Evaluation and Reflection :
1- Students will develop reflections from experience and observation.
Following class room activities will be helpful for students within three steps -
2. Write-while-you-read
3. Write-after-you-read
Activity V: Retelling :
Students will review the text; select key words; recall; retell and reconstruct through
oral and written presentation
EPC2: Enhancing Professional Capacities
Drama and Art in Education
Max. Marks : 50
(Practical) :
Course Content:
Concept, meaning, nature and importance of ICT in Education, Need and Scope of
ICT in education, advantages and limitations of ICT in education, challenges in
integrating ICT in school education, difference between Educational technology,
Communication technology and information technology
B.Ed. Course
Second Year Syllabus
Paper-7 (b) Pedagogy of a school subject (Part-II) (Any two of the following)
(One same as chosen in First Year)
2. Understand the role of lab and use of laboratory experiences for teaching-learning
of Science
5. Make them enable to use effectively the different approaches in teaching of Science
• Prepare two lesson plans in content area of Science with at least one based on
innovative method.
iv. Identify and diagnose difficulty in students scoring below average in Mathematics
and suggest remedial measures.
• Text Books & Library : Importance of Text books in Teaching of Home Science
(ii) Prepare two micro teaching lessons on the current areas of Home Science
(iv) Survey of techniques and skills of Home Science used by teachers at any one
Unit II- Analysis of Social Science Text Books and Question Papers :
• Analysis of social science text book in the light of syllabus and from the perspective
of child
• Organise events on Earth Day/ Environment Day/ Health day/ AIDS awareness etc.
• Critical analysis of existing social science text book at secondary level of education.
4. To prepare the student-teachers for leadership roles in schools and other educational
5. Develop a critical understanding about the nature of social science and its interface
with society
6. Develop the ability to organize curricular activities for promoting social science
Unit II- Analysis of Social Science Text Books and Question Papers :
• Analysis of social science text book in the light of syllabus and from the perspective
of child
• Organize events on Earth Day/ Environment Day/ Health day/ AIDS awareness etc.
• Critical analysis of existing social science text book at secondary level of education.
(ii) Prepare two micro teaching lessons on the current areas of Home Science
(iv) Survey of techniques and skills of Home Science used by teachers at any one
• To prepare the student-teachers for leadership roles in schools and other educational
• Develop a critical understanding about the nature of social science and its interface
with society
• Develop the ability to organize curricular activities for promoting social science
Unit II- Analysis of Social Science Text Books and Question Papers :
• Analysis of social science text book in the light of syllabus and from the perspective
of child
• Organize events on Earth Day/ Environment Day/ Health day/ AIDS awareness etc.
• Critical analysis of existing social science text book at secondary level of education.
2. Understand the nature and characteristics of language and use of English language.
3. Evaluate basic language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing and
integrate them for communicative purpose.
5 . Will be able to develop insight into the form and use of English and to give
practice in lesson planning.
• Field visit and collection of data about functioning of any business institution.
viii. Develop skills to critically analyses various samples of text books and curriculum
ix. Understand relationship between power, ideology and curriculum. Course outline
• Forms of knowledge: Concrete and abstract, local and universal, theoretical and
• School and out of school
• Learner autonomy
• Education in relation to modern values like equity and equality, opportunity and
social justice and dignity with reference to Ambedkar. Critical multiculturalism and
democratic education
• Process of curriculum making, formulating aims and objectives, criteria for selecting
knowledge, organizing fundamental concepts and themes vertically across levels and
integrating themes within (and across) different subjects, selecting and organizing
learning situations.
• Salient features of NCF 2005 and NCFTE 2010, analysis of these documents w.r.t.
aspects like foundations, concerns and changes made with important considerations.
(ii) Study and analyze a competency based curriculum (minimum level of learning)
(iii) Preparation of list of social issues in the nearby area of the school and its
representation in school curriculum
Max. Marks : 50
• Benefits of Inclusion.
• Inclusive Instruction Strategies at school level- Remedial Help, Team Teaching, Co-
• Introduction and characteristic feature of-forest, grass land, desert and aquatic
• Water Resources- use and overexploitation of surface and ground water. Rain water
Harvesting and watershed management.
• Climate Change- Global Warming, Acid Rain, Ozone layer depletion, Pillar Melting.
(a) To submit a report after surveying a typically degraded local area and to suggest
necessary remedial measures. The task is to cover any two types of pollution and
assessing the role of the Pollution control boards in this reference.
• Understanding social justice in local context – its implications for beliefs, attitudes ,
and values and school / social practices and conflict resolution at all levels
• Education for enhancing cohesion in academic, personal, social and cultural matters.
2. Get acquainted with the principles, issues, problems and procedure of guidance &
4. Understand the various areas, tools and techniques in guidance & counseling.
6. Realize the importance of follow-up in counseling and the need of counseling for
children with special needs.
• Principles of Guidance.
• Principles of counseling
• Counseling Process
2. Preparation and administration of any one test and make its report. (01 student from
6. Make them aware of the benefits of physical fitness and activities for its
7. Introduce them to the philosophical bases of Yoga, types of Yoga and its
Unit:-I Health
• Introduction, Definition and Meaning of health
Unit:-IV Yoga
• Introduction, Meaning and mis-concepts of Yoga
• Types of Yoga
1. Assessment of health related physical fitness (H.R.P.F.), Body composition: Body
Mass Index (B.M.I.) and Waist Hip Ratio (W.H.R.)
4. Plan need-based programmes for all children with varied abilities in the classroom
6. Use specific strategies involving skills in teaching special needs children in Special
and inclusive classrooms
• Adaptation of curriculum and methods to teach one child with diverse needs
• Visit to one institution dealing with disabled children and preparing its’ report
Max. Marks: 50
Course Objective:- to enable student teacher to:
1. Explore various aspects of his/ her own self.
Practicum(any two):
• Workshop for Personality Development