Survey About Homework PDF
Survey About Homework PDF
Survey About Homework PDF
Background and Purpose: As stated in Activity 8.4, homework is used for a variety of reasons.
Often it is a form of independent practice and an extension of guided practice (it should not be an
extension of instruction). At other times, however, homework, is used to introduce new content
prior to later consideration or discussion in class. In all instances homework has implications
beyond academic learning and influences family and peer dynamics and its use has been
controversial. In this activity you will collect and analyze students opinions about homework. It
could be done in conjunction with Activity 8.4.
Directions: This action research project can be done alone, however, it may be more interesting
and informative if done with classmates or colleagues. Use the following steps to plan and
complete a study of opinions about homework held by students in your classroom and/or school.
Step 1 Plan: Using a questionnaire similar to the one attached gather students opinions about
their homework assignments over a period of several days. Include in your plan ways to vary the
type of homework given during the period of the study. Decide whether the questionnaire will be
given just to the students in your class or those of colleague in other classrooms as well.
Step 2 Administer the questionnaire: This questionnaire takes only 2 or 3 minutes to complete.
However, it is important to administer it efficiently and in the same way each time.
Step 3 Analyze: Tabulate the data from the questionnaire. Then consider some of the
following questions:
Which type of homework seems to have produced the highest completion rate?
Which type of homework seems to have produced the highest satisfaction?
What reasons did students give for not completing homework assignments?
Step 4 Reflect: Consider whether or not your approach(es) to homework are producing the
desired effects. What seemed to work well? If done with colleagues, did your approach(es) to
homework differ. What kind of changes might you consider?
Student Homework Questionnaire
I (we) am (are) interested in your ideas and opinions about my (our) homework assignments.
Dont put your name on this questionnaire, because I (we) want your answers to be confidential.
2. If you didnt complete all your homework, please record the reason(s). You may check more
than one.
3. Please tell me (us) the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statements listed below
by placing a check mark (9) in the appropriate box.