CEC Accredited Design Guidelines For GCPV PDF
CEC Accredited Design Guidelines For GCPV PDF
CEC Accredited Design Guidelines For GCPV PDF
Design Guidelines for Accredited Installers
January 2013
(Effective 1 February 2013)
These guidelines have been developed by Clean Energy Council.
They represent latest industry best practice for the design and installation
of grid-connected PV systems. Copyright 2013
While all care has been taken to ensure this guideline is free from omission
and error, no responsibility can be taken for the use of this information in the
installation of any grid-connected power system.
4.1 Extra Low Voltage (ELV) 3
4.2 Low Voltage (LV) 3
8.1 Energy Yield Formula 6
8.2 Specific energy yield 10
8.3 Performance ratio 10
9.1 Multiple inverters 11
9.2 Inverter sizing 11
9.3 Array Peak Power 11
9.4 Array peak power - inverter sizing 12
9.5 Array de-rating formula 13
9.6 Matching inverter/array voltage 14
9.7 Minimum voltage window 15
9.8 Maximum voltage window 17
9.9 Inverter DC input current 18
9.10 Effects of shadows 18
improve the safety, performance and reliability of solar photovoltaic power systems installed
in the field
encourage industry best practice for all design and installation work involving solar
photovoltaic power systems
provide a network of competent solar photovoltaic power systems designers and installers
to increase the uptake of solar photovoltaic power systems , by giving customers increased
confidence in the design and installation work.
The performance of a reliable installation that fulfils customer expectations requires both
careful design and correct installation practice. Compliance with relevant state health and
safety regulations is also necessary.
NOTE: These guidelines alone do not constitute a fully definitive set of rules and
are to be read in conjunction with all relevant Australian standards. Where
these guidelines have additional requirements above that stated in the
Australian standards then these guidelines should be followed.
This document uses the same terminology as outlined in AS/NZS 5033. Two important definitions are:
2.1.1 Where the word shall is used, this indicates that a statement is mandatory.
2.1.2 Where the word should is used, this indicates that a statement is a recommendation.
3.1.1 The grid-interactive inverter shall be tested in accordance with the AS 4777 (parts 2 and 3)
and listed on the Clean Energy Councils approved inverter list.
3.1.2 The system shall comply with the relevant electrical service and installation rules for the
state where the system is installed.
(NOTE: the local electricity distributor may have additional requirements.)
3.1.3 These guidelines set additional requirements to the standards. An accredited installer
or supervisor is expected to follow these guidelines in addition to the requirements within
the relevant standards.
3.1.4 These guidelines will become mandatory on 1 February 2013.
4.1 Extra Low Voltage (ELV)
4.1.1 All extra low voltage wiring should be performed by a competent person, which is
defined by the Australian Standard AS/NZS 4509.1 stand-alone power systems as:
a person who has acquired through training, qualifications, experience or a combination
of these, knowledge and skill enabling that person to correctly perform the task required.
4.2 Low Voltage (LV)
4.2.1 All low voltage work: >120V DC or >50V AC shall be performed by a licensed electrician.
4.2.2 A licensed electrician is required to be responsible for the safety of the system wiring prior
to connection of the system to the grid. If the system contains ELV wiring installed by
a non-licensed person, then a minimum level of inspection by the electrician prior to
closing the PV array isolators would include: an open circuit voltage test on each PV
string and on the total array. A visual inspection of an open PV junction box (randomly
selected) and the master array junction box is required to complete a job.
These inspections/checks shall confirm:
the array voltages are as designed and specified
the appropriate cables (CSA and insulation), junction fittings and
enclosures have been used.
Both the non-electrician ELV installer, as well as the licensed electrician,
are expected to carry out the checks on the ELV wiring.
System designers must comply with the following responsibilities.
Provide full specifications of the system including quantity, make and model number of the solar
modules and inverter.
Provide a site specific full system design including all shading issues, orientation and tilt, along with
the systems site-specific energy yield, including average daily performance estimate in kWh for
each month of solar generation.
Ensure array design will fit on available roof space.
Ensure array mounting frame installation will comply with AS1170.2.
Ensure array configuration is compatible with the inverter specification.
Ensure all equipment is fit for purpose and correctly rated.
Obtain warranty information on all equipment.
When designing a grid connect battery backup system the design shall be performed by a person(s)
with CEC grid connected design accreditation and CEC stand-alone design accreditation.
Australian systems are typically sold based on price or the size that will fit onto the available roof space.
Once the size, in kWp , is selected then the designer shall determine the systems energy output over one year
(known as the energy yield).
There are many commercial tools available to assist in calculating energy yield,
for example PV-GC, SunEye, PVSyst, Solar Pathfinder, etc. Some of these make an
allowance for shading.
It is recommended to use one of these tools on the site visit to provide accurate
estimates of energy yield.
Parray_STC = rated output power of the array under standard test conditions, in watts
Htilt = Yearly (monthly) irradiation value (kWh/m2) for the selected site
(allowing for tilt, orientation)
pv_inv = efficiency of the subsystem (cables) between the PV array
and the inverter
inv = efficiency of the inverter dimensionless
NOTE: The above formula for energy yield could be rearranged to determine
the size of the array, if the system is to be designed to provide a
predetermined amount of energy per year, for example when a
customer wants a system that meets their total annual energy usage.
It is recommended that the following temperature rise (Tr ) applies for different
array frames:
parallel to roof (<150mm standoff): +35C
rack-type mount (>150mm standoff): +30C
top-of-pole mount, free standing frame and frame on roof with tilt angle
of about + 20 degrees to slope of roof: +25C.
Solar modules each have different temperature coefficients. These typically range from
+0.2%/C to -0.5%/C dependant on module technology. (Refer to the manufacturers
datasheet for exact values).
The de-rating of the array due to temperature will be dependent on the type of module
installed and the average ambient maximum temperature for the location.
Example continued:
Assume the average ambient temperature is 25 C (Ta.day) and the module
is polycrystalline and frame is parallel to roof but less than 150mm off roof.
The tables provide the designer with information on the expected average daily total
irradiation for various orientations and inclination angles for each month of the year as
a percentage of the total daily irradiation falling on a horizontal surface (when the array
is located flat on a horizontal surface). The tables also provide the designer with
information to calculate the energy yield of the average daily performance estimate
in kWh for each month of solar generation.
Tables are available to download from solaraccreditation.com.au for the following
major cities:
SY =
To compare the performance of systems in different regions, shading loss must be eliminated
from the calculation of energy yield for the sites being compared.
PR =
Esys = actual yearly energy yield from the system
Eideal = the ideal energy output of the array.
The PV arrays ideal energy yield Eideal can determined two ways.
Method 1:
Method 2:
Eideal = H pv x pv
H pv = actual irradiation that falls on the array surface area
pv = efficiency of the PV modules
H pv = Htilt x Apv
Htilt = yearly average daily irradiation, in kWh/m2 for the specified tilt angle
Apv = total area of the PV array.
Worked example:
Using the design guidelines it has been determined that an array of 6080W peak (32 X 190W panels)
will meet the customers needs (offset energy usage, fit on available roof space, meets
customers budget).
Therefore we need to calculate what 75% of the array is:
6080W X 0.75 = 4560W.
This means the inverter for this array cannot have a nominal AC power output of less than
4560W and the manufacturer allows an array of 6080W peak to be connected to it.
Where the maximum allowable array size specification is not specified by the inverter manufacturer
the designer shall match the array to the inverter allowing for the de-rating of the array
(see section 8.1.1 to 8.1.4).
Assume the array comprises 16 of the 160Wp crystalline modules then the array peak
power = 16 x 160 = 2.56kW. The inverter should have a maximum DC input rating of at
least of 2.56kW and a nominal AC power output rating of 1.92kW (2.56kW X 75%).
If the manufacturer does not provide DC input specifications then following the
above guidelines.
This array can be connected to an inverter with an output rating of:
0.76 x 2.56kW = 1.95kW (for crystalline modules)
If thin film modules are used then the inverter could have an output rating of:
0.889 x 2.56kW = 2.27kW
Tcell_eff = Tave_amb + Tr
Tcell_eff = the effective cell temperature in C
Tave_amb = the daytime ambient temperature in C
Tr = the temperature rise dependent on array frame type in C
(refer to section on temperature de-rating of solar array for typical values)
The formula on page 13 can also be applied as the de-rating factor for open circuit voltage and
maximum power point voltage. With the odd exception, grid-interactive inverters include maximum
power point trackers (MPPTs).
Many of the inverters available will have a voltage operating window. If the solar array voltage
is outside this window then either the inverter will not operate or the output power of the system will
be greatly reduced. Minimum and maximum input voltages will be specified by the manufacturer.
The maximum voltage is the voltage where above this the inverter could be damaged. Some
inverters will nominate a voltage window where they will operate and then a maximum voltage,
higher than the maximum operating voltage of the window, which is the voltage where the inverter
could be damaged.
For the best performance of the system the output voltage of the solar array should be matched to
the operating voltages of the inverter. To minimise the risk of damage to the inverter, the maximum
voltage of the inverter shall never be reached.
As stated earlier, the output voltage of a module is effected by cell temperature changes in a similar
way as the output power .
The PV module manufacturers will provide a voltage temperature co-efficient. It is generally
specified in V/C (or mV/C) but it can be expressed as a %/C .
To design systems where the output voltages of the array do not fall outside the range of the
inverters DC operating voltages and maximum voltage (if different), the minimum and maximum
daytime temperatures for that specific site are required.
To maximise the performance of the array, the minimum array voltage should never fall below the
minimum voltage operating window of the inverter. The number of modules in the string should be
selected so that the maximum power voltage of the array for the highest temperature expected is
above the minimum voltage operating window of the inverter.
Since the daytime ambient temperature in some areas of Australia can reach or exceed 35C it is
recommended that maximum effective cell temperature of 70C is used.
This is the effective minimum MPP voltage input at the inverter for each module in the array,
The minimum number of modules in the string can be determined by the following equation:
Vinv_min (V)
Nmin_per_string =
Vmin_mpp_inv (V)
NOTE: The exact variation is dependent on the quality of the solar cell so it
is recommended that a safety margin of 10% is used
In the worked example above, a minimum inverter voltage of 1.1 x 140V = 154V should be used.
The minimum number of modules in a string is:
Nmin_per_string = 154 / 26.6 = 5.8 rounded up to 6 modules.
NOTE: Some inverters provide a maximum voltage for operation and a higher
voltage as the maximum allowed voltage. In this situation, the MPP voltage
is used for the operation window and the open circuit voltage for the
maximum allowed voltage.
In early morning, at first light, the cell temperature will be very close to the ambient temperature
because the sun has not had time to heat up the module. Therefore, the lowest daytime temperature
for the area where the system is installed shall be used to determine the maximum Voc.
This is determined by the following equation:
In many areas of Australia, the minimum daytime ambient temperature can be less than 0C while
there are areas where it never falls below 20C.
NOTE: It is recommended that the designer use the minimum temperature for
the area where the system will be installed.
For our example, assuming the maximum voltage allowed by the inverter is 400V (Vinv_max)
Vinv_max (V)
Nmax_per_string =
Voc_max (V)
= 400 / 47.2 = 8.47 rounded down to 8 modules
In the example presented, the PV string must consist of between 6 - 8 modules only.
In the worked example, for sizing the inverter 16 modules were required.
Therefore we could have two parallel strings of 8 modules.