Inspector Training SLO 2012 4pp
Inspector Training SLO 2012 4pp
Inspector Training SLO 2012 4pp
Photovoltaic System
690.42 Point of System Grounding Connectionone point, at GFP device if provided. 690.43 Equipment Groundingmetal likely to become energized must be groundedlisted equipment can be used to bond modules to support structure.. 690.45 Size of EGCTable 250.122 with GFP 690.47 Size of GECac use Table 250.66; dc use Table 250.166
II. Circuit Requirements [2008 NEC] 690.7 Maximum Voltage. Summary of Key PV-Related Changes for the 2005 and 2008 National Electrical Code
New table and calculation option. Table 690.7 is now graduated in 4C increments. When open-circuit voltage temperature coefficients are supplied in the instructions for listed PV modules, they shall be used to calculate the maximum photovoltaic system voltage as required by 110.3(B) instead of using Table 690.7.
Vmax (per module) = 44.6V + [-129 mV/C x (1V/1000mV) x (-25C25C)] = 51.05 Volts. Table 690.7 [2008]: Vmax = 44.6V x 1.20 = 53.52V Table 690.7 [2005]: Vmax = 44.6V x 1.25 = 55.75V
0 13 mm (12 in.)
33 60
Above 13 mm (12 in.) 90 mm (312 in.) 22 40 Above 90 mm (312 in.) 300 mm (12 in.) 17 30 Above 300 mm (12 in.) 900 mm (36 in.) 14 25
[2005, 2008]
Photovoltaic power systems shall be permitted to operate with ungrounded photovoltaic source and output circuits where the system complies with 690.35(A) through 690.35(G).
(A) Disconnects. All photovoltaic source and output circuit conductors shall have disconnects complying with 690, Part III. (B) Overcurrent Protection. All photovoltaic source and output circuit conductors shall have overcurrent protectioncomplying with 690.9. (C) Ground-Fault Protection. All photovoltaic source and output circuits shall be provided with a ground-fault protection device or system that complies with (1) through (3):
(1) Detects a ground fault. (2) Indicates that a ground fault has occurred (3) Automatically disconnects all conductors or causes the inverter or charge controller connected to the faulted circuit to automatically cease supplying power to output circuits.
690.48 Continuity of Equipment Grounding Systems 690.49 Continuity of Photovoltaic Source and
Output Circuit Grounded Conductors
(5) Maximum rated output current of the charge controller (if installed)
2008 NEC Complete Rewrites Article 690.64 Point of Connection (B) Load Side
Where distribution equipment, including switchboards and panelboards, is fed simultaneously by a primary source(s) of electricity and one or more utility-interactive inverters, and where this distribution equipment is capable of supplying multiple branch circuits or feeders, or both, the interconnecting provisions for the utilityinteractive inverter(s) shall comply with (B)(1) through (B)(7).
(4) Marking. Equipment containing overcurrent devices in circuits supplying power to a busbar or conductor supplied from multiple sources shall be marked to indicate the presence of all sources.
(6) Fastening. Listed plug-in-type circuit breakers backfed from utility-interactive inverters complying with 690.60 shall be permitted to omit the additional fastener normally required by 408.36(D) for such applications.
Field Inspection
Wire Management
Wire ManagementProper
Wire ManagementSupport?
Wire Management
count the bad ideas
Junction Boxes
Connection between conductors in an outdoor location generally must be done within a rainproof junction box, NEMA 3R, or 4 (unless with approved connector) Junction boxes are commonly used to transition conductors from exterior to conduit conductors and for combining array source circuits.
Improper Connections
Wire twisted together, wrapped in tape, and in the sun
Common Installation Mistakes with Electrical Boxes, Conduit Bodies, and Disconnecting Means
1. Installing disconnects rated for vertical installation in a nonvertical application. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Installing improperly rated fuses in source combiners and Covering boxes or conduit bodies making them nearly Not following manufacturers directions for wiring Installing dry wire nuts in wet locations and inside boxes Using improper fittings to bring conductors into exterior fused disconnects. inaccessible for service. disconnect for 600 Vdc ratings. that get wet routinely. boxes.
Many disconnects like these require the ungrounded conductor to be broken twice in series to get the 600Vdc rating
Correct Fuses
Correct Fuses
Correct Fuses ??
Correct Fuses ??
3. No bonding of support structure or discontinuous grounding of support structure. 4. 5. 6. Dissimilar metals in contact with one another (e.g. aluminum and No bonding of aluminum structural elements to steel structural Array wiring readily accessible to other than authorized personnel. galvanized steel). elements.
Sign Construction
The NEC is not extremely specific about what signs should be made of. NEC 110.21 states, The marking shall be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved. Electrical industry standards for outdoor signs is that signs should be metal or plastic with engraved or machine printed letters, or electro-photo plating, in a contrasting color to the sign background.
AC Point of Interconnection
Section 4. Check that equipment ratings are consistent with application and signs
Inverter Labels
Nice Work
Nice Work
Nice Work
Nice Work
Nice Work
Nice Work
Roof Information:
Is the roofing type lightweight (Yes = composition, lightweight masonry, metal, etc)_____________
If No, submit completed worksheet for roof structure WKS1 (No = heavy masonry, slate, etc).
Provide method and type of weatherproofing roof penetrations (e.g. flashing, caulk).____________
For manufactured mounting systems, fill out information on the mounting system below:
Site Diagram
Drawing does not need to be to scale, but it should basically show were the major components are located. If array is ground mounted, it should show that it conforms with allowable setbacks.
One-line Diagram
Should have sufficient detail to call out the electrical components, the wire types and sizes, number of conductors, and conduit type and size where needed. Should include information about PV modules and inverter(s). Should include information about utility disconnecting means (required by many utilities).
Inverter information
Model number and manufacturers cut sheets for the specific model. Listingis the inverter listed to UL1741 and labeled Utility-Interactive? For a current list of compliant inverters, visit the California Solar Program website.
Module information
Manufacturers cut sheets for the specific model. Listing. The module should be listed to UL 1703. For a current list of modules that are listed to UL 1703, visit the California website.