Gifted Observation - Mentor

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Revised 11/2013

Classroom Instruction Observation Form

Gifted In-Field Endorsement Program
Ann Alvarez Mystery Lesson
Mentor Observation
Strand Component of a Standards- Observed Observed Evidence Commendations or
Based Classroom (Tally Marks) Suggestions for
Instruction 1. Teacher communicates the Yes The Mystery question is posted
learning goals (e.g., essential in the class room. Content
question, what students should essential questions on the
know, understand, and be able to board and all standards to be
do by the end of the lesson). addressed over the course of
multiple class periods are in
the lesson plan
2. Instruction begins with an Yes Average temperature chart is
engaging hook/activating strategy posted and the class made
observations by working in
pairs. These observations were
shared with rest of the class
and posted onto a poster
paper for future reference.
3. All essential steps of the Yes Students were working with a How will students pick
Mystery strategy are used in a partner to begin their their method to present
logical format. investigation of the Mystery. their findings/answer?
4. Instruction ends with a summary Yes There are multiple options for a Will there be a general
or synthesis activity that extends final assessment product. rubric or a specific rubric
learning. for every product
5. Instructors questioning Yes What is climate and what
techniques require students to use influences can occur? What
higher order thinking skills and causes the change in
metacognition. seasons? Could the change in
seasons have something to do
with cold, sunny days?
6. Instructional tasks require Yes The students were working
students to use higher order together displaying critical
thinking skills and metacognition. thinking. They were deciding

Adapted from GA DOE GAPSS Analysis Classroom Instruction Observation Form and NAGC-CEC Teacher Standards for Gifted Education
Revised 11/2013
which resource to use and
what questions to investigate
first in order to determine why
it can be cold on a sunny day.
7. Differentiation used is: Check what __Readiness Students were given a mystery, During the investigation
applies: __Learning provided resources, and were process the students
__Content Style(s) allowed to drive their own were able to ask
__Process __Interests investigation as well as their clarifying question of the
X_Product product. teacher or their partner.
__Environment The students were given
direction from the
teacher when displaying
a lack of productivity.
8. Instruction and tasks reinforce YES Students had to work with a
students understanding of the partner in order to solve a
purpose for what they are learning mystery. They were able to
and its connection to the world decide their own path to a
beyond the classroom. solution.
9. Instructors predominant role: _X_Facilitator The teacher interacted with
__Lecturer each pair of partners to
answers questions and offer
10. Instructional delivery mode __Whole Group Students worked with their
predominantly observed: __Small Group partner during the activation
X_Paired and during the investigation
__Independent process
11. Students were predominantly __Recall Activities Students were given one
engaged in: __Textbook Activities driving questions, after the
__Worksheet Activities activation, started their
X_Higher Order Thinking investigation in order to find an
__Performance Tasks answer
12. The use of technology is Yes Students were using the ipads Will the technology be
integrated effectively into to access QR codes provided necessary for the
instruction. to begin the investigation. product?

Adapted from GA DOE GAPSS Analysis Classroom Instruction Observation Form and NAGC-CEC Teacher Standards for Gifted Education
Revised 11/2013
13. Students effectively use Yes The students were
technology during the class period. accessing the QR codes
using the class ipads, and
few groups were using the
ipads to record their
14. Instructional goals, activities, Yes The partners were working
interactions, and classroom together to achieve a
environment convey high reasonable solution to the
expectations for gifted students. mystery.
Assessment 15. Formative assessments are Yes Teacher continuously walked
utilized during instruction to around and asked questions
provide immediate evidence of to ensure students were on
student learning and to provide task
specific feedback to students.
Planning and 16. Classroom management is Yes The students understand the
Organization conducive to student learning. classroom procedures and
understand how to persevere
through challenges.
I7. Instruction is provided in a safe Yes The students were definitely
and orderly environment. learning, they are learning
beyond the content standards
and increasing their ability to
work collaboratively.
18. The teacher maximizes Yes Students were engaged in the
instructional time. activating strategy and then
utilized the remainder of their
time investigating.
School 19. The culture of the classroom Yes The learning environment is
Culture reflects a risk-free learning student centered and
environment. provides opportunities to learn
from each other as well as

Overall Assessment Not Evident (implementation of Emerging (12-14 elements) Proficient (14-17 elements) Exemplary (17-19 elements)
less than 12 elements)

Adapted from GA DOE GAPSS Analysis Classroom Instruction Observation Form and NAGC-CEC Teacher Standards for Gifted Education
Revised 11/2013
Absence of major components While students met the learning With implementation of 14- With full implementation of
of a standard-based classroom goals of the lesson, absence of 17 of the components of a 17-19 of the components of a
as noted above prevented the major components of a standards- standards-based classroom, standards-based classroom,
gifted learners from meeting the based classroom as noted above the students met the learning the students exceeded the
goals of the lesson. prevented the gifted learners from goals and demonstrated learning goals and gained
being fully challenged by the lesson critical and/or creative new insights that can be
to think critically and/or creatively. thinking. transferred beyond the
discipline of study.

Adapted from GA DOE GAPSS Analysis Classroom Instruction Observation Form and NAGC-CEC Teacher Standards for Gifted Education

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