Cebu Normal University: Submitted By: DIANA ROSE B. ZAMORAS

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Cebu Normal University

College of Teacher Education

Graduate Class SY 2014-2015

ASSIGNMENT for SPED 4006 and SPED 4007


Is the organization of a multidisciplinary team (MT) for Special Education

possible in your area? Why or why not?

The task of the multidisciplinary team in SPED is mainly to identify the

eligible students for special services. They hold the most critical and difficult
aspect of special education program. The decision is critical because the
identification of a student can have a serious lifelong impact of the child who will
be the subject of the teams investigation. Now the question What should
comprise a Multidisciplinary Team should be first asked before I can actually be
able to answer the given question.

Ideally, what should consist the MT for SPED in a given area are the
following: school psychologist, school nurse, classroom teacher, school social
worker, special education teacher, educational diagnostician, physical therapist,
behavioral consultant, speech/language clinician, occupational therapist guidance
counselor and parents.
So that being the case, then really, organization for an ideal MT in our
area would not be possible. But really the main reason would be the fact that our
school does not have a Special Education center. The existence of a
multidisciplinary team in our area would be futile for there is no appropriate
institution by which they could place the children they will be identifying as
eligible students for Special Education.
(based on the movie Miracle Worker)
by Diana Rose B. Zamoras

I think
the movie had clearly relayed to its audience the message on how a special educator should be
to his/her special child. Enormous patience and unwavering dedication and commitment are what it
would take a special educator to be successful in his/her endeavor, and that was shown well in the
persona of Helen Kellers teacher, Ms. Sullivan. And while it is true that a teacher could do a great task of
changing the life of his/her learner, he/ she cannot make it without the support of the people significant
or close to the child. Parents equally share the equal share of responsibility of developing their special
child to his/her optimum potential.

I see
that sometimes we really need to be cruel to be kind. Just like in the movie, Ms. Sullivan had
dealt with Helen harshly at certain times and it is not for the intention of hurting her because of the
trouble and difficulty Helen has given her but because it is the only way she knew Helen could realize
what she was used doing was wrong.

that great things happen, more often than not, out of great deal of sacrifices, struggles and
firm conviction on things we believe in. With reference to the movie, Ms. Sullivan did not waver to stay
on her commitment to help Helen have a quality life just as anybody else. She could have all reasons to
discontinue the task being handed to her as Helens teacher or could just have gave in Helens parents
request but she stay true to her belief that Helen is capable of learning and being a much more better
person as oppose to how most around Helen perceived her to be.

I feel
that each of us need to look after each others welfare and consider ourselves as our brothers
keepers and recognize the fact we could either make or break someone by how we talk and deal with
him/her. We should be more accepting and less in judging others. As shown in the film, Helens behavior
had been troublesome, but the condemning reactions of her peers did not help her improve at all. I
believe we need to be pro-active (somebody who would initiate a change) rather than being just reactive
( somebody just contented of what instances could present) on people or circumstances we encounter.

that as educators, no matter how hard things could might be for us in dealing with our
learners, we always need to hold on to even just a seed of faith on our children -- that they are capable
and can do something.

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