Experiment 8 31.1
Experiment 8 31.1
Experiment 8 31.1
I. Introduction
Carbonyl group is a carbon double bonded to an oxygen. Carbonyl compounds are
compounds containing carbonyl group. Carbonyl compounds can be divided into two classes:
Class I has a group attached to an acyl group that can function as a leaving group.
Class II
Class I
Acyl halides, acid anhydrides, esters, thioesters, carboxylates, and amides are considered
as carboxylic acid derivatives because they only differ by the chemical group that has replaced
the OH group. Class II does not have a group attached to the acyl group that can function as a
leaving group (Bruice, 2004).
Carboxylic esters and amides are the most abundant carbonyl compounds of natural
origin. These occur as fats and lipids, which are esters of long-chain alkanoic acids and as
proteins, which are polyamides of natural amino acids. Aldehydes and ketones, which are less
highly oxidized carbonyl compounds, are not very abundant in nature. But they are of great
importance in the field of biological chemistry and synthetic organic chemistry. However, the
high reactivity of the carbonyl groups in these compounds function more as intermediates in
metabolism or in synthesis rather than as end products.
Since carbonyl group is polar, aldehydes and ketones undergo a series of nucleophilic
addition reaction. The addition of the nucleophile depends on the arrangement of the carbonyl
group. Thus, ketones are less susceptible to nucleophilic addition than aldehydes. Aldehydes and
ketones can be differentiated by the Tollens test. Aldehydes are oxidized by Tollens reagent to
yield carboxylic acid and a silver mirror (Hardinger, 2006).
Carbohydrates are essential in foods as an energy source like starch is the main source of
human calories. Also it could be flavoring like sugar and as a functional ingredient.
Carbohydrates are type of macronutrients found in many foods and beverages. Most
carbohydrates are naturally occurring in plant based foods, such as grain, also in manufacturing
processed foods, carbohydrates are added in the form of starch or sugar.
The size of base carbon chain, number of sugar units, location of C=O and the stereochemistry
are the basis on the classification of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones or substances that hydrolyze to yield
polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones. Aldehydes (CHO) and ketones (= CO) constitute the major
groups in carbohydrates (Pierce, 2014).
Disaccharide are polysaccharides that specifies only two (Pierce, 2014).In a disaccharide
two monosaccharide are linked together via a glycosidic bond (Moose, 2016). Disaccharides
include lactose, maltose and sucrose. Lactose contains a glucose and galactose combined via a
glycosidic (Moose, 2016). Bonding one glucose molecule with fructose
molecule results to sucrose molecule. Sucrose is found in table sugar and is often formed as a
result of photosynthesis. Bonding of one glucose molecule with galactose molecule results to
lactose, which is commonly found in milk (Pierce, 2014).
Unlike the monosaccharide, not all disaccharides are reducing sugars. Of the three common
disaccharides Lactose and Maltose are reducing sugars, while sucrose is not (Moose, 2016).
Polysaccharides differ not only in the natural of their component monosaccharide but also
in the length of their chains and in the amount of chain branching that occurs. Polysaccharides
function as storage materials, structural components and protective substances. Starch,
glycogen ,dextran and cellulose are polysaccharides(Song, 2016), Starch, which exist in two
form: amylose and amylopecin, glycogen and other storage polysaccharides provides energy
reserves for cell. Chitin and cellulose provide strong support for the skeletons of arthropod and
green plants respectively.
II. Methodology
A. Solubility Behavior
A 2 ml water was placed in a test tube then added with 15 drops or 0.2 grams of the sample
such as benzaldehyde, acetone, glucose (solid), starch (solid), cellulose (solid). After that, it was
examined carefully for homogeneity.
The solid samples to be tested were sucrose, starch, and cellulose. One test tube per sample
was used. The test tubes were labelled based on the name of the mentioned samples. Then, 0.5 g
of sample was placed in its respective test tube. Also, 5 mL water and 1 mL dilute HCl were
added on each test tube. The mixture was then heated in a boiling water for 30 minutes. After
boiling, the test tubes were cooled, and the hydrolysates were neutralized with dilute NaOh using
phenolphthalein as an indicator. The hydrolysates were kept for the Benedicts test.
Acetaldehyde and acetone were used as samples. Ammoniacal silver hydroxide was used as a
Tollens reagent. Three mL of this reagent was placed in the test tube and was added with 4 drops
of acetaldehyde and acetone. The samples were observed before shaking and were put in a water
bath to be heated.
2. Iodoform Test
One mL of acetone, cyclohexanone, and acetaldehyde was put into the test tubes and was
added with 2 mL of distilled water and 1 mL I 2/KI solution. 10% NaOH was also added while
shaking until the iodine color disappears and the solution is faintly yellow. It was heated in a
water bath for 1-2 minutes then any changes inside the test tubes were recorded.
Approximately two drops of the liquid samples such as acetone, acetaldehyde, glucose,
fructose, cyclohexanone, benzaldehyde were placed in a test tube. Then, 1 mL of 2,4- DNP was
added with the sample and it was shook vigorously. After that, formation of yellow or orange
precipitate was observed.
2. Benedicts Test
The 1% solution of glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, and hydrolysates from Part B were
used as samples. A seven test tubes were cleaned and labelled with samples name. A 0.5 ml of
Benedicts reagent was then added in each test tube. A ten drops of each samples were then put
in its respective test tubes. Then, the mixtures were heated for in a boiling water bath for 10
minutes. The final appearance of the mixture were then observed and recorded.
3. Osazone Formation
Four test tubes were cleaned and labeled with sample name: Glucose, fructose, sucrose and
lactose. Then, O.2 grams of samples were placed in its respective test tubes. Each test tube was
then added 4 ml phenylhydrazine-HCl/NaCH3COOH. After that, it was placed in a boiling water
bath. The tubes were shake occasionally. The time of immersion and the time of precipitation of
each osazone were then recorded.
Table 1 shows the solubility behaviour of the different samples such as benzaldehyde,
acetone, glucose (solid), starch (solid) and cellulose (solid) with water. Observations showed that
benzaldehyde, starch and cellulose were insoluble with water while acetone and glucose were
The polarity of acetone is mainly caused of the greater pi electron density at the oxygen
end of the C=O bond. Since acetone is a short chain ketone in its structure oxygen is more
electronegative that carbon therefore, making acetone polar. Acetone is capable having hydrogen
bonds with water making it soluble when mixed. The polar acetone is soluble in polar water
because like dissolves like (Peter Keusch. 2003).
Glucose is a carbohydrate. In its structural formula, there are many hydroxyl groups
present. The OH groups are hydrophilic so they make glucose. The polar glucose dissolves in
polar water because like dissolves like. These carbohydrates are able to form hydrogen bonds
with water so they mix.
Cellulose contains series of glucose units that results the formation of linear molecules
that possess extensive networks of hydrogen bonds. As a result of these bonds, sheets of
cellulose are particularly strong. This bonding makes cellulose insoluble in either polar or
non-polar solvents. Also due to its high molecular weight and crystalline structure, cellulose is
insoluble in water and has a poor ability to absorb water (Chaplin, 2000).
Benzaldehyde is a monosubstituted benzene ring. The aromatic ring has great pi electron
density. The presence of the substituent affects the polarity of the ring. The substituent is an
electron withdrawing group which takes away electrons from the ring, thus making the ring less
negative. This electron-withdrawing substituent contributes to the nonpolarity and to the
insolubility of benzaldehyde in water (Bill Kelly, 1998).
Since acetaldehydes are considered as aldehyde and acetone as ketone, after heating, the
colorless solution aldehydes formed a silver mirror since aldehydes was oxidized to carboxylic
acid while ketones have no changes involved because it did not oxidized so it has not done
reducing. However, the results above (Figure 3) shows that ketone gives a black precipitate. The
reason maybe that the ammoniacal silver hydroxide solution used is a very mild oxidizing agent.
The silver ion is reduced to metallic silver in a positive reaction. Sometimes a silver mirror forms
on the test tube (Clark, 2004).
2. Iodoform Test
Figure 4. The samples when Figure 5. The samples when Figure 6. The samples when
added with 1 mL I2/KI added with 10% NaOH heated for 1-2 minutes
The iodoform test is used to detect the presence of aldehyde or ketone in which one of the
groups is the methyl group attached to. In this test, a positive result has a formation of a yellow
precipitate that indicates the presence of a methyl group directly attached to the carbonyl. Apart
from its color, it has a faintly medical smell (Clark, 2004).
The results showed that when added with I 2/KI solution (Lugols iodine), it gives a bright
orange-yellow color due to presence of iodine in the solution. When 10% NaOH was mixed, it
removes the color of the iodine which resulted to a clear solution for acetone and acetaldehyde,
while in cyclohexanone, it formed two distinct layers: upper layer is yellow while the lower layer
is a clear solution. After heating the solution, acetone formed the yellow precipitate and has a
medical or acetone smell; cyclohexanone has faintly yellow solution and gives a strong odor like
burning tire; and acetone gives a clear solution.
Both ethanol and 2-propanol are oxidized by iodine to give ethanale or acetone.
Table 2 shows the reaction of the different samples such as acetone, benzaldehyde,
cyclohexanone, acetaldehyde, frustose and glucose with 2,4 DNP. Observations showed that
acetone, benzaldehyde, cyclohexanon and acetaldehyde exhibited a positive result while frustose
and glucose exhibited negative result.
2. Benedicts Test
Table 4. Results in the Benedicts test
Benedicts test is
used to detect the presence of reducing sugar, sugar with a free aldehyde or ketone group. All
monosaccharides are considered reducing sugar since all of them have active carbonylgroup.
Some disaccharides that are exposed to a carbonyl group are also considered reducing sugar but
less reactive than monosaccharide. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, and hydrolysates of
sucrose, starch, and cellulose were added with Benedict solution and heated them in order for
redox reaction to occur. The copper (II) sulphate present in Benedicts solution reacts with
electron or ketose group of reducing sugar to form cuprous oxide, brick red precipitate that tested
the sample positive (Wong, 2011)
The ketone
group in fructose
becomes enol, a highly unstable
molecule,due to keto-enoltautomeric
shift. It then shift back either into its
straight chainform of fructose or into
the straight chain form of glucose
that makes the aldehyde group
available for redox reaction with
copper (II) in Benedict reagent
(Moose, 2016).
Lactose contains an extremely strong glycoside linkage. However, only one anomeric
carbon is present from each component of monosaccharide that is involved in glycoside linkage,
the other anomeric carbon becomes a free aldehyde group. The monosaccharide with free
anomeric carbon undergoesmutarotation, breaking the ether bond to return to its straight chain
,that undergoes a redox reaction with copper (II) in Benedict reagent (Moose, 2016).
Sucrose has both anomeric carbon that is involve in glycoside linkage, from both of its
glucose and fructose component. Because of the strength of the glycoside linkage, this prevents
either monosaccharide from undergoing mutarotation, and thus
exposing a free aldehyde group for a redox reaction. Thus sucrose was found not a reducing
agent since it does not have any available aldehyde group
Since the reduction of copper (II) does not occur, no precipitate is formed when an aqueous
sucrose solution is mixed with Benedicts solution. However, if it is first hydrolysed, broken
down to its constituent monosaccharides (glucose and fructose),
it will then give a positive Benedict's test. So sucrose is the only sugar that will give a negative
Benedict's test before hydrolysis and a positive test afterwards (Moose, 2016).
Hydrolyzed cellulosed shows no trace of reducing sugar at all. While Starch is a polymer
of glucose, when it is hydrolyzed, it frees the glucose and results to hydrolyzed smaller polymers
of glucose have aldehyde groups exposed. And these aldehydes will reduce the copper II ion to
copper I ion thus yield a positive result in Benedicts reagent (Moose, 2016).
3. Osazone Formation
Table 5. Time for formation of crystal
Fructose 2.23
Glucose 4.26
Sucrose 40.34
Lactose ---
Figure 10.
The simpliest way to differentiate between sugar is the Osazone test, however it is
exclusively being done only in certain sugars such as glucose,fructose,maltose and lactose.
Osazone test was performed by treating carbohydrates with phenylhydrazine. Phenylhydrazine
was consumed in oxidizing the adjacent OH-group to carbonyl group during thereaction with
monosaccharides in order to form a phenylhydrazone which further reacts with another two
molecules of phenylhydrazine to yield osazone
Osazone formation involves hydrazone formation of C-1 of an aldose or C-2 of a ketose and
oxidation of C-2 or C-1 of an alcohol group to a ketone aldehyde. The new carbonyl
group is converted to a hydrazone.(Schreck&Loffredo, 1994)
sugar when treated in a uniform way with phenylhydrazine showed differences in both yield
ofosazone and in time required for the appearance of the osazone precipitate. Boilinng water
provides constant temperature.Sugars with same configuration at the remaining carbon atom give
the same osazone since only C-1 and C-2 of a saccharide is involved osazone. Since glucose and
fructose differ with respect to 1st and 2nd carbon atom thus form osazone.Thus fructose yield
2.23 min to form crytals while glucose takes 4.26 min to form a crystal.Monosaccharides when
in hot solution are highly reducing and formed crystals earlier compare to disaccharides thus
lactose form precipitate when cooled.
Sucrose dont form crystals
since it has no free reactive group because of the anomeric carbons of both monosaccharidesunits
involved in the glycosidic bond. Hence,sucrose neither shows reducing nor
mutarotationchracters.(Chhabra, 2015)
Needle-shaped yellow osazone crystals are produced by glucose, fructose and mannose,
whereas lactosazone produces mushroom shaped crystals. Crystals of different shapes will be
shown by different osazones. Flower-shaped crystals are produced by maltose.(Babu,
Silambanan, &Krithika, n.d.)
IV. Conclusion
Except for hydrogen and carbon, oxygen is also present in some organic compounds.
Carbonyl compounds are considered to be important groups of oxygen-containing compounds.
These compounds are known to have carbonyl group in a form of C = O. Carbonyl compounds
are either classified as aldehydes or ketones depending on the compounds attaching to the
carbonyl group.
Carbohydrates are soluble in water because of its property of having OH. This OH is
said to be hydrophilic which in result makes the carbohydrates polar. Through the structure of the
sugars, one can determine if it is characterized as reducing or non-reducing.
Another useful test in knowing the difference between aldehydes and ketones is Tollens test.
This is because aldehydes are known to be easily oxidized, while ketones are not.
In order to distinguish methyl ketones from other ketones, idoform test must be
performed. A positive results indicates the formation of yellow colored precipitate from the
reactions of ketones with iodine basic solution forming iodoform (CHI3)
Detection of the presence of reducing sugars may be done through Benedict's test. The
reduction of the Cu2+ ion to Cu (I), (Cu2O) which is red brick in color and insoluble indicates
the positive test.
1. Explain the solubility behavior of the samples used based on their chemical structures.
2. What is the structural requirement for the haloform reaction of the carbonyl compounds
3. How would you rate the oxidizability of aldehydes and ketones: easily oxidizable,
oxidizable, notoxidizable? Justify your answer using specific chemical tests.
Aldehydes were determined to be easily oxidizable because of the presence of hydrogen, while
ketones are not because they dont have any hydrogen atom.
This can be justified using acidified potassium dichromate(VI) solution. Below is the
result when the experiment is carried out.
4. Account for the differences in the reaction of starch, sucrose, and their hydrolysates with
Benedicts reagent.
Benedicts solution is a deep-blue alkaline solution to find the presence of aldehyde functional
group (-CHO).
VI. References
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