Dental Accreditation Standards
Dental Accreditation Standards
Dental Accreditation Standards
Introduction 01
Glossary 51
The NABH standards have been laid down keeping the Indian ethos and working environment
in mind. The main focus of the standards is on patient, employee, visitor and environment
safety. These standards are applicable to multidisciplinary Dental hospitals and single specialty
hospitals providing secondary, tertiary and quaternary levels of dental care. All the standards
are core standards and no optional standards have been laid down. . The compliance with
these standards will indicate that the hospital is patient, staff and environment friendly.
The standards are deceptively simple. On going through the details during the phase of
implementation of the standards one would realize that extra efforts and resources are indeed
required for ensuring compliance with the standards. It may also be observed, at the time of
implementation, that there may be some duplication at a few places. Duplication is a necessity
since it will ensure compliance with the said standards and also emphasize the importance of
the standards and the objective elements.
We are aware that apart from extra resources needed for implementation, a few guidelines are
equally necessary for easy comprehension and correct implementation. The ensuing guidelines,
chapter-wise in tabulated form, have been laid down for easy comprehension, better
understanding of the standards and the objective elements, removing and clarifying ambiguities
uniform application of standards across the organization, and smoother and more efficient
implementation. The best way to implement the standards is to have an in-house quality
committee/team that will be responsible for making the quality manual based on the NABH
standards, the initial implementation of the standards and the subsequent monitoring of the
same. While there might be initial expenses for ensuring implementation and monitoring of the
standards, in the long term these costs will be recovered by the organization owing to the better
and more efficient and effective quality of patient care. Finally it must also be understood that
accreditation is an ongoing process. Each time one has to raise the bar and hence the
AAC.1. The organization defines and displays the services that it can provide.
AAC.3. Patients cared for by the organization undergo an established initial assessment
AAC.4. patients care is a continuous process and all patient care for by the organization
undergo a regular reassessment
6.2 This program is integrated with Lab safety program is incorporated in the safety
the organizations safety program of the hospital.
6.3 Written policies and procedures The lab staff should follow standard precautions .The
guide the handling and disposal disposal of waste is according to biomedical handling
of infectious and hazardous and management rules, 1998.
6.4 Laboratory personnel are All the lab staff undergoes training regarding safe
appropriately trained in safe practices in the lab. Adequate safety devices are
practice are provided with available in the lab e.g. fire extinguishers, dressing
appropriate safety materials, standard precautions, disinfectants, etc
AAC.7. Imaging services are provided as per the requirements of the patients
AAC.9. The organization has a documented discharge process and contents of discharge
COP.2. Emergency services are guided by policies, procedures, applicable laws and
COP.3. Policies and procedures guide the care of patients requiring cardio-pulmonary
3.2 Staff providing direct patient These aspects shall be covered by hands-on training.
care is trained and periodically If the organization has a CPR team (e.g. code blue
updated in cardio-pulmonary team) it shall ensure that they are all trained in ALS
resuscitation and are present in all shifts.
3.3 The events during a cardio- In the actual event of a CPR or a mock drill of the
pulmonary resuscitation are same, all the activities along with the personnel
recorded attended should be recorded.
COP.4 Policies and procedures define rational use of blood and blood products
COP.7. Policies and procedures guide the care of pediatric dental patients
COP.10. Policies and procedures guide the care of patients undergoing surgical
2.2 Orders are written in a uniform All the orders for medicines are recorded on a uniform
location in the medical records location of the case sheet. Electronic orders when
typed shall again follow the same principles.
2.3 Medication orders are clear, Self explanatory.
legible, dated, named and
2.4 The organization defines a list The organization shall develop the list taking into
of high risk medication consideration statutory requirements e.g. NDPS Act
MOM.4. There are defined procedures for medication administration and for
monitoring adverse drug event
PRE.2. Patient rights support individual beliefs values and involve the patient and family
in decision making processes
2.10 Patient has a right to have an The organization shall ensure that every patient has
access to his/her clinical access to his/her record. This shall be in consonance
records with The code of medical ethics and statutory
PRE.3. A documented process for obtaining patient and/or families consent exists for
informed decision making about their care
HIC 2 The hospital has an infection control manual, which is periodically updated.
(and conducts surveillance activities
HIC 3 The hospital takes actions to prevent or reduce the risks of Hospital Associated
Infections (HAI) in patients and employees.
HIC 4 Proper facilities and adequate resources are provided to support the infection
control program
HIC 5 There are documented procedures for sterilization activities in the hospital.
HIC 6 Statutory provisions with regard to bio-medical waste (BMW) management and
handling, 1998 are complied with.
HIC 7 The infection control program is supported by hospital management and includes
training of staff and employee health.
CQI 3. The organization identifies key indicators to monitor the managerial structures,
processes and outcomes which are used as tools for continual improvement.
ROM 5 Leaders ensure that patient safety aspects and risk management issues are an
integral part of patient care and hospital management
FMS.2. The organizations environment and facilities operate to ensure safety of patients,
their families, staff and visitors.
FMS.3 The organization has a program for clinical and support service equipment
FMS.5 The organization has plans for fire and non-fire emergencies within the facilities.
FMS 7. The organization has system in place to provide a safe and secure
HRM.2 The staff joining the organization is socialized and oriented to the hospital
HRM.3 There is an ongoing program for professional training and development of the
HRM.8 There is a process for collecting, verifying and evaluating the credentials
(education, registration, training and experience) of medical and Dental professionals
permitted to provide patient care without supervision.
HRM.9 There is a process for authorizing all medical and Dental professionals to admit
and treat patients and provide other clinical services commensurate with their
HRM.10 There is a process for collecting, verifying and evaluating the credentials
(education, registration, training and experience) of nursing staff/Dental Hygienist, Dental
Technician and Dental Assistant
HRM.11 There is a process to identify job responsibilities and make clinical work
assignments to all nursing staff Dental Hygienist, Dental Technician/ Dental Mechanic
and Dental Assistant commensurate with their qualifications and any other regulatory
IMS.2. The organization has processes in place for effective management of data.
IMS.5. Policies and procedures are in place for maintaining confidentiality, integrity and
security of information.
IMS.7. The organization regularly carries out review of medical records and Dental
Accreditation 1. A process of external review of the quality of the health care being
provided by a health care organization. This is generally carried out by
a non-governmental organization
2. It also represents the outcome of the review and the decision that an
eligible organization meets an applicable set of standards.
Advance life Emergency medical care for sustaining life, including defibrillation, airway
support management, and drugs and medications.
The main algorithm of ALS, which is invoked when actual cardiac arrest has
been established, relies on the monitoring of the electrical activity of the
heart on a cardiac monitor. Depending on the type of cardiac arrhythmia,
defibrillation is applied, and medication is administered. Oxygen is
administered and endotracheal intubation may be attempted to secure the
airway. At regular intervals, the effect of the treatment on the heart rhythm,
as well as the presence of cardiac output, is assessed.
Basic life support Emergency procedures performed to sustain life that include
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, control of bleeding, treatment of shock,
stabilization of injuries and wounds and first, aid.Basic life support consists
of a number of life-saving techniques which are focused on the "ABC"s of
pre-hospital emergency care:
Airway: the protection and maintenance of patient airway including the
use of airway adjuncts such as an oral or nasal airway
Breathing: the actual flow of air through respiration, natural or artificial
respiration, often assisted by emergency oxygen
Circulation: the movement of blood through the beating of the heart or
the emergency measure of CPR
Clincal audit Analysis of clinical aspects of patient care for improving the quality of health
care services e.g. tissue audit, X-Ray audit, lab investigation audit, etc.
Clinical practice Guidelines that assist practitioners to provide appropriate clinical care for
guidelines specific clinical conditions, for example recommendation on management of
cerebral malaria. The guidelines include relevant history taking, physical
signs to look for, lab investigations to be carried out and treatment to be
Dental Laboratory: The written instructions sent to commercial laboratories. It serves two
Laboratory primary functions (1) it identifies the laboratory procedures delegated to the
Procedure technician, the materials to be used and any special instructions requested
Authorizations by the dentist that differ from customary laboratory procedures and, (2) it is
a legal document that may be used in arbitration between the dentist &
laboratory technician or in cases of alleged illegal practice of dentistry.
Discharge A part of a patient record that summarizes the reasons for admission,
summary significant clinical findings, procedures performed, treatment rendered,
patients condition on discharge and any specific instructions given to the
patient or family (for example follow-up medications).
Employees All members of the health care organization who are employed full time and
are paid suitable remuneration for their services as per the laid down policy.
End of life Period of time marked by disability or disease that is progressively worse
until death.
Ethics Medical ethics is the discipline of evaluating the merits, risks, and social
concerns of activities in the field of medicine.(
Evidence 1.It is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence
based medicine in making decisions about the care of individual patient
2. It also implies making medical decisions and applying the same to
patients based on the best external evidence combined with the physicians
clinical expertise and the patients desires.
Family The person(s) with a significant role in the patients life. It mainly includes
spouse, children, and parents. It may also include a person(s) not legally
related to the patient but can make health care decisions for a patient if the
patient loses decision making ability.
Formulary An approved list of prescription drugs that a health care facility may provide
to their clientele. Some plans restrict prescriptions to those contained on the
formulary and others also provide non-formulary prescriptions. Drugs
contained on the formulary are generally those that are determined to be
cost effective and medically effective.
The list is compiled by professionals and physicians in the field and is
updated preferably each year Changes may be made depending on
availability or market.
Hazardous waste Waste materials dangerous to living organisms. Such materials require
special precautions for disposal .They include biologic waste that can
transmit disease (for example, blood, tissues) radioactive materials, and
toxic chemicals. Other examples are infectious waste such as used
needles, used bandages and fluid soaked items.
Health care Generic term is used to describe the various types of organization that
organization provide health care services. This includes ambulatory care centres,
hospitals, laboratories, etc.
Inventory control The method of supervising the intake, use and disposal of various goods in
hands. It relates to supervision of the supply, storage and accessibility of
items in order to ensure adequate supply without stock outs/excessive
storage. It is also the process of balancing ordering costs against carrying
costs of the inventory so as to minimise total costs.
Laws Legal document setting forth the rules of governing a particular kind of
activity e.g. organ transplantation act which governs the rules for
undertaking organ transplantation.
Medical audit A peer review carried out by analysis of medical records with a view to
improve the quality of the patient care
Medical equipment Any fixed or portable non drug item or apparatus used for diagnosis,
treatment, monitoring and direct care of patient.
Mission A written expression that sets forth the purpose of the organization. It
usually precedes the formation of goals and objectives.
In India the following diseases are also notifiable and may vary from state to
(a) Polio
(b) Influenza
(c) Malaria
(d) Rabies
(f) Louse-borne typhus
(g) Tuberculosis
(h) Leprosy
(i) Leptospirosis
(j) Viral hepatitis
(k) Dengue fever
The various diseases notifiable under the factories act are lead poisoning,
bysinnosis, anthrax, asbestosis and silicosis.
Occlusion It refers to the contact relationship of the teeth resulting from neuro-
muscular control of the masticatory system (musculature,
temporomandibular joints, mandible and the periodontium). Clinical
Periodontology Carranza Newman.
Outsourcing Hiring of services and facilities from other organization based upon ones
own requirement in areas where such facilities are either not available or
else are not cost-effective. e.g. outsourcing of house keeping, security,
laboratory/certain special diagnostic facilities with other institutions after
drawing a memorandum of understanding that clearly lays down the
obligations of both the organizations, the one which is outsourcing and the
one which is providing the outsourced facility. It also addresses the quality
related aspects.
Patient record/ A document which contains the chronological sequence of events that a
medical patient undergoes during his stay in the health care organization. It
record/clinical includes demographic data of the patient, assessment findings, diagnosis,
record consultations, procedures undergone, progress notes and discharge
summary. (Death certificate where required).
Plan of care A plan that identifies patient care needs, lists the strategy to meet those
needs, documents treatment goals and objectives, outlines the criteria for
ending interventions, and documents the individuals progress in meeting
specified goals and objectives. The format of the plan may be guided by
specific policies and procedures, protocols, practice guidelines or a
combination of these. It includes preventive, promotive, curative and
rehabilitative aspects of care.
Policies They are the guidelines for decision making, e.g. admission, discharge
policies, antibiotic policy, etc.
Privileging It is the process for authorising all medical professionals to admit and treat
patients and provide other clinical services commensurate with their
qualifications and skills.
Quality assurance Part of quality management focussed on providing confidence that quality
requirements will be fulfilled.
Resources It Implies all inputs in terms of men, material, money, machines, minutes
(time), methods, meters (space), skills, knowledge and information that are
needed for efficient and effective functioning of an organization.
Risk management Clinical and administrative activities to identify, evaluate and reduce the risk
of injury.
Safe transfer In these standards refers to Transfer of the patients who are in In-patient
department and those who have any kind of complications on the Dental
Safety The degree to which the risk of an intervention/ procedure, in the care
environment are reduced for a patient, visitors and health care providers.
Scope of services Range of clinical and supportive activities that are provided by a health care
Sedation The administration to an individual, in any setting for any purpose, by any
route, moderate or deep sedation. There are three levels of sedation:
Staff All personnel working in the organization either as full paid employees or as
consultants on honorarium basis.
Standard 1. A method of infection control in which all human blood and other bodily
precautions fluids are considered infectious for HIV, HBV and other blood-borne
pathogens, regardless of patient history. It encompasses a variety of
practices to prevent occupational exposure, such as the use of
personal protective equipment (PPE), disposal of sharps and safe
2. A set of guidelines protecting first aiders or healthcare professionals
from pathogens. The main message is "Don't touch or use anything
that has the victim's body fluid on it without a barrier." It also assumes
that all body fluid of a patient is infectious, and must be treated
Standards A statement of expectation that defines the structures and process that
must be substantially in place in an organization to enhance the qualify of
Surveillance The continuous scrutiny of factors that determines the occurrence and
distribution of diseases and other conditions of ill health. It implies watching
over with great attention, authority and often with suspicion. It requires
professional analysis and sophisticated interpretation of data leading to
recommendations for control activities.
Unstable patient A patient whose vital parameters need external assistance for their
Vulnerable patient Those patients who are prone to injury and disease by virtue of their age,
sex, physical, mental and immunological status, e.g. infants, elderly,
physically and mentally challenged those on immunosuppressive and/or
chemotherapeutic agents.
Major and enduring loss of function refers to sensory, motor, physiological, or psychological
impairment not present at the time services were sought or begun. The impairment lasts for a
minimum period of two weeks and is not related to an underlying condition.
1. Surgical events
o Surgery performed on the wrong body part
o Surgery performed on the wrong patient
o Wrong surgical procedure performed on the wrong patient
o Retained instruments in patient discovered after surgery/procedure
o Patient death during or immediately post surgical procedure
o Anesthesia related event
4. Environmental events
Patient death or serious disability while being cared for in a health care facility
associated with:
o a burn incurred from any source
o a slip, trip, or fall
o an electric shock
o the use of restraints or bedrails
o Patient death or serious disability associated with a hemolytic reaction due to the
administration of ABO-incompatible blood or blood products
o Maternal death or serious disability associated with labor or delivery in a low-risk
o Medication error leading to the death or serious disability of patient due to incorrect
administration of drugs, for example:
o omission error
o dosage error
o dose preparation error
o wrong time error
o wrong rate of administration error
o wrong administrative technique error
o wrong patient error
Patient death or serious disability associated with an avoidable delay in treatment or
response to abnormal test results
6. Criminal events