Anastasia Church
Anastasia Church
Anastasia Church
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t is curious to read in the VitaMarciani that the Arian Gothic-Alan generals Ardabur
(junior) and Aspar provided the ecclesiastical vessels (iXtIoat K~ata toetara [noxure]XifeaKErl)for Marcian'spurported rebuilding of Gregory Nazianzen's Anastasia church
vo P46Xot).1 Marcian, priest and oikonomosof Hagia Sophia (ca. 450-472),
(ev aroi~Aogvtvof
in thanks for this generosity, had the Gospels read in Gothic in the Anastasia on festal
days. Nazianzen, and to a lesser extent his Constantinopolitan church, remained
throughout the Byzantine period a potent symbol of (Nicene) orthodoxy. The VitaMarciani, written by a near contemporary, is evidence for this in the late fifth century: Marcian's
rebuilding of the Anastasia is said to have been inspired by a prophecy in Gregory's writings;2 several miracles at the Anastasia are explicitly interpreted as anti-Arian. How then
are we to assess the Arian generals' interest in the church? When was this donative made,
and what was its significance?
The question of the survival of Arianism in the East, after its condemnation at the
Council of Constantinople in 381, has received little attention.3 This is partly because the
1VitaMarciani, ed. M. Gedeon, Bu-avztvbyv opzo6ytov (Constantinople, 1899), 277 (92B2). Vat. gr. 1638,
fol. 188r, col. 2, reads ncoXhvzwXf
-ce oKEes.For the Life of Marcian: BHG 1032-34b, and BHG Auct 1034b; the
Metaphrastic vita: PG 114:429-56 = AASS, Jan. 1:611-19 (sic); in the SynaxariumCIQ379-80, Marcian's feast
day is Jan. 9, elsewhere Jan. 10; on the manuscript, see note 75, below. The Vita Marciani is not cited in
PLRE, II, 135-37 (Ardabur Junior 1) or 164-69 (Fl. Ardabur Aspar). Most recently, see H. Saradi, "Notes
on the Vita of Saint Markianos," BS1 56 (1996), 18-25. (I am grateful to A.-M. Talbot for this and two other
de l'Empirebyzantin,I: Le siegede Constantinoreferences.) On the Anastasia: R. Janin, La geographieecclhsiastique
ple et le patriarcatoecuminique,3, Les iglises et les monastires,2nd ed. (Paris, 1969), 22-25, and idem, "lEtudesde
topographie byzantine: T"Eojot zo IAojvivou. T&Mauptavo5,"EO 36 (1937), 137-49; J. Ebersolt, Sanctuaires
de Byzance (Paris, 1921), 90-91; G. Dagron, Naissance d'une capitale (Paris, 1974), 447-49. L. Ryden, "ANote
on Some References to the Church of St. Anastasia in Constantinople in the 10th Century," Byzantion 44
(1974), 198-201, argues that Janin's (Eglises, 25) Anastasia churches 3 and 4 are identical with Anastasia 2,
Nazianzen's church. See also G. Majeska, Russian Travelersto Constantinoplein the Fourteenthand Fifteenth
Centuries, DOS 19 (Washington, D.C., 1984), 289, and cf. 44, 150, 336-37; DumbartonOaks Bibliographies,
1.1:246; A. Berger, Untersuchungenzu den Patria Konstantinupoleos(Bonn, 1988), 444-47, 515-16.
2Sergius, Vita Marciani, 5, ed. Gedeon, 273-74; A. Papadopoulos-Kerameus, 'AvxKecza 'IepooohxCtrtfi
YzaoaX-oyfaq, IV (St. Petersburg, 1897), 260-61 [hereafter ed. P.-Ker.]; cf. the Metaphrastic vita, PG
3The fullest modern study only goes through the 4th century: M. Simonetti, La crisi ariana del IV secolo,
Studia Ephemeridis "Augustinianum" 11 (Rome, 1975); K. D. Schmidt, Die Bekehrungder Ostgermanenzum
Christentum(Der ostgermanische
Arianismus)(G6ttingen, 1939). It is disappointing that there is only very sum-
sources stem from a period of Nicene ascendancy and propaganda;4 it is also because,
with the important exception of the Goths, the Arian party, splintered by internal division
and deprived of imperial support, gradually lost its constituency. The rapidity of its demise, however, is too often exaggerated;5 and, at the same time, the effect of Gothic
Arianism on the fate of the sect in general has not been sufficiently taken into account.
Some aspects of the hagiographical evidence for Constantinople on these issues will be
discussed later.
First, we must look at the history of Nazianzen's Anastasia church. R. Janin has discredited Marcian's rebuilding, and the general historical value of the VitaMarciani is not
above reproach.6 But A. Demandt's article, "Der Kelch von Ardabur und Anthusa," makes
the vessels (lei)rl) of Ardabur and Aspar at least appear fact, not fiction.7
An analysis of the VitaMarciani is clearly called for. This is particularly the case since
scholars have not adequately differentiated the three extant versions of the Life (the
Metaphrastic and two pre-Metaphrastic vitae), nor are existing editions based on sufficient manuscript evidence.8 My comments should contribute to establishing the text and
provide a more secure basis for interpretation. Moreover, Marcian is an odd hero for
early hagiography, which is usually peopled with stylites, hermits, and monks, not
wealthy aristocratic oikonomoi.9 His vita, as we shall see, served specific propagandist functions in fifth-century Constantinople.
In origin, the Anastasia was a house chapel, given the name Anastasia by Nazianzen
to symbolize his resurrection (anastasis) of the Nicene faith (379-381) in the Ariandominated capital.10 Interestingly, this double entendre was not forgotten, and Gregory
mary treatment of Arianism in G. Albert, Gotenin Konstantinopel:Untersuchungenzur ostrdmischen
dasjahr 400 n. Chr.(Munich, 1984).
4See R. Snee, "Valens' Recall of the Nicene Exiles and Anti-Arian Propaganda," GRBS 26 (1985), 395-419.
Cf. G. Dagron, "Les moines et la ville: Le monachisme Constantinople jusqu'au concile de Chalc6doine
(451)," TM 4 (1970), 229-76 (on the Macedonian origin of monasticism at Constantinople); T. S. Miller, The
Birth of the Hospital in the ByzantineEmpire (Baltimore, Md., 1985), 68-88 (on the possible Arian
origin of
the hospital).
5An exception, W. H. C. Frend, The Rise of Christianity(Philadelphia, 1984), 755 (briefly). Theodoret of
Cyrrhus, in the mid-5th century, converted an Arian (Homoian) and a Eunomian village, Epp. 81, 113, 116:
PG 83:1260CD, 1322B, 1324CD.
6janin, Eglises, 22-23, and idem, "Etudes de topographie," 138-39; Dagron, Naissance, 512 n. 5.
7DOP 40 (1986), 111-17. See most recently R. Scharf, "Der Kelch des Ardabur und der Anthusa," Byzantion
63 (1993), 213-23.
8Janin, though he cites all the various Lives of Marcian (Eglises, 22 n. 9; "Etudes de topographie," 138 n.
7), relies on the Metaphrast, the most comprehensive of the current editions. Dagron (e.g., Naissance, 495
nn. 2 and 3) uses only the Papadopoulos-Kerameus edition (above, note 2), which is the shorter and later of
the two pre-Metaphrastic versions. See below, pp. 166 ff.
9The VitaMarciani may represent a turning point; cf. E. Patlagean, "Ancient Byzantine
Hagiography and
Social History," in Saints and TheirCults:Studiesin Religious Sociology,Folkloreand
History, ed. S. Wilson (Cambridge, 1983), 102; L. Cracco Ruggini, "Il miracolo nella cultura del tardo impero: Concetto e funzione," in
Hagiographie:Cultureset societis,IVe-XIIesiecles(Paris, 1981), 168-69.
the name: Janin, Eglises, 23, and idem, "Etudes de topographie," 137, 140-41. Cf. Gregory NazianOr.42.26: PG 36:489B; Carm.11.1.5, 3-5: PG 37:1022-23 (AdplebemAnastasiae);
II.1.11, 1079-83: ed. C.
Jungck (Heidelberg, 1974), 106 (De vita sua); 1.1.15, 49-50: PG 37:1254A (De seipsopostreditum);11.1.16, 306,
himself remained intimately linked with the Anastasia, though new associations accrued
to the church through the centuries.
For Nazianzen, the Anastasia was primarily a community, not a building." On occasion he calls it a va6g, but most frequently refers to it as a tent (o(rlv7i),evoking images
of the Israelites wandering in the desert.'2 His one extended reference to the chapel as
a building is in a poem entitled "Somnium de Anastasiae ecclesia," written from retirement after he abdicated the see of Constantinople in 381.13 Gregory envisions his former
congregation filling the Anastasia to hear his sermons, and he mentions some architectural details-a chancel screen (line 14), holy doors (line 15), and an implied sanctuary
(lines 7-12)-but the bulk of the crowd is apparently in the streets (lines 17-20). Later
in the poem (lines 75-76), he longs for his newly built church
og vrl6g),a possible
reference to Nectarius' (bishop 381-397) rebuilding, but more likely a metaphor for the
community, as is the name Anastasia itself.14
The house chapel may have existed before Nazianzen's arrival in the capital early in
379.15 A small community of Eustathian Nicenes had persisted throughout the period of
Arian ascendancy, but had been without a church since the bishopric of Macedonius
(350-360) and without a bishop since the abortive attempt to install the shadowy Evagrius in 370.16
Nazianzen, in his brief tenure of the Nicene episcopacy of the capital," delivered
twenty-two orations, the majority of which were pronounced in the house chapel of the
Anastasia (January 379-November 27, 380). 8 These include the famous Five Theological
Orations, from which he gained his epithet 60 oXe6yog.19 It was as an eloquent and fiery
62: PG 37:1254A, 1258A (Somniumde Anastasiaeecclesia).Gregory consistently uses 'Anastasia" to refer to his
community and reserves '"Anastasis"for Christ's Resurrection (e.g., Or. 1.1: PG 35:396A; Or. 16.9: PG
35:945c; Or. 40.24: PG 36:392B; Or. 41.14: PG 36:448A; Or 45.24: PG 36:657A), or resurrection in general
(e.g., Or. 42.26: PG 36:465B; Or 45.29: PG 36:661D). On the house church: J. G. Davies, The Origin and
Developmentof Early ChristianArchitecture(London, 1952), 20-21.
"See, particularly, Greg. Naz. Carm.11.1.5, 1-7: PG 37:1022A (AdplebemAnastasiae).The Metaphrast, Vita
Marciani, chap. 5: PG 114:436A, recognizes and emphasizes this; cf. VitaMarciani, ed. Gedeon, 273 (88A1A2), and ed. P.-Ker., 260.
12Cf., e.g., Carm. II.1.11, 1079: ed. Jungck, 106 (De vita sua), and Or. 25.19: PG 35:1224c. Ambrose calls it
privatae aedes, Ep. 13.3: PL 16:991A.
3 Carm. 11.1.16: PG 37:1254-61. Dating: L. E M. de Jonge, De S. GregoriiNazianzeni carminibusquaeinscribi
solentnept' car'noi(Amsterdam, 1910), 120.
14For vE67Tcrt~ogused metaphorically, cf. (of the Trinity) Greg. Naz. Carm. 11.1.17, 47: PG 37:1265A (De
diversisvitae generibus);(of virginity) Carm.1.2.1, 378: PG 37:550A (In laudemvirginitatis). For similar architectural detail, cf. Or 42.26: ed. J. Bernardi (SC 384 [Paris, 1992]), 108.
'5Socrates, Historiaecclesiastica4.1 (hereafter Soc. HE): Janin, "Etudes de topographie," 137. M. Lenain de
Tillemont, Mimoirespour servira l'histoireecclisiastique,2nd ed. (Paris, 1714), 708 n. 24, however, believed that
the chapel was specifically designed for Gregory. So too J. Bernardi, "Nouvelles
perspectives sur la famille
de Gr6goire de Nazianze," VChr38 (1984), 354-56, though the Anastasia is
unlikely to have been a reception
hall in an aristocratic mansion; see below.
'60Onthe complex ecclesiastical politics of the period, see Dagron, Naissance, 419-49. Priests had maintained the Nicenes: e.g., Greg. Naz. Or. 23: Gregoire de Nazianze, Discours20-23, ed.
J. Mossay, SC 270
(Paris, 1980). Socrates (HE 2.38) says the Nicenes were in communion with the Novatians who had three
churches in the city; cf. Sozomen, Historiaecclesiastica4.20 (hereafter Soz. HE). But the Novatians themselves
were persecuted under Macedonius; see below, p. 170.
17p. Gallay, La Viede Saint Gregoirede Nazianze (Paris, 1943), 132-211.
18J. Bernardi, La predicationdespdrescappadociens:Le pridicateuret son auditoire(Marseille, 1968), 140-90.
'"Orations 27-31: ed. P. Gallay, SC 250 (Paris, 1978).
opponent of Eunomian Arianism that Gregory's reputation, not only as an orator but
also as an image of orthodoxy, was assured.20
Even after the Council of Constantinople in 381, Arianism, whether in its Homoian
or Eunomian form, remained a problem, if not a serious threat, for some time to come.21
In 388, on rumor of Theodosius I's defeat by the usurper Maximus, Arians in Constantinople burned the house of Bishop Nectarius.22John Chrysostom (bp. 398-404) actively
proselytized among the Arians.23Theodoret of Cyrrhus was proud of his Arian converts;24
his EcclesiasticalHistory, written between 441 and 449, was even more anti-Arian than
those of Socrates and Sozomen.25 Clearchus, uncle of Emperor Anastasius (491-518), was
an Arian.26Only in 524 did an edict of Justin I exclude Arians from all civil and military
offices.27 Through the reign of Leo I (457-474), Arian Goths in the army were a force to
contend with; under Justinian, and even as late as Tiberius II (698-705), some still served
as foederati.28
Continuing orthodox propaganda was prudent, and Nazianzen and the Anastasia
church appear to have been part of this program. In the fifth century, Sozomen (Historia
ecclesiastica[HE] 7.5.3), for instance, was well aware that the house chapel had been
named to commemorate Nazianzen's revival of Nicaea in the capital. Gregory's association with the Anastasia and anti-Arianism was undoubtedly popularized by the VitaMarciani and is remembered in the sixth century by Marcellinus Comes.29
Moreover, the history of the Anastasia building itself would indicate its propagandist
function. From Socrates we learn that the chapel, before his day (ca. 440), had had a large
church built adjoining
6E 6 Fprly6ptoS6 Naotavo
eTareO~eig vov rfig t6XEog
20See, e.g., L. Brubaker, "Politics, Patronage, and Art in Ninth-Century Byzantium: The Homiliesof Gregory of Nazianzus (B.N. Gr. 510)," DOP 39 (1985), 4-6; C. Walter, Art and Ritual of theByzantineChurch(London, 1982), 170-71.
21Cf. J. B. Bury, Historyof the Later RomanEmpire (New York, 1958) (hereafter LRE), I, 349, 378
On Arianism in general, see Simonetti, La crisi ariana. Arianism remained the "archetypal experience of
heresy" (Walter,Art and Ritual, 110). Cf. E Dvornik, "The Patriarch Photius and Iconoclasm," DOP 7 (1953),
87-89 (Photius' comparison of Arianism and Iconoclasm).
22Soc. HE 5.13.
23See below, pp. 177-78.
24See above, note 5.
25G. E Chesnut, The First ChristianHistories (Paris, 1977), 202-3, 237; idem, "The Date of Composition of
Theodoret's Church History," VChr35 (1981), 250.
26Theodore Anagnostes, Historia ecclesiastica2.7 (hereafter Theod. Anagn. HE): PG 86:185c-188A; see
also ibid., 2.43, PG 86:205B, for an Arian bishop under Marcian (450-457). George Hamartolus, Chronicon,
IV.523.16: PG 110:772D, says there was an Arian bishop of Constantinople, Deuterios, under Anastasius.
27Theophanes, Chronographia,A.M.6016: ed. C. de Boor (Leipzig, 1883; repr. Hildeheim, 1963), 109.
According to H. Wolfram, Historyof the Goths(Berkeley, Calif., 1988), 331, the edict was in retaliation for the
execution of Boethius. W. E. Kaegi Jr., '"Arianismand the Byzantine Army in Africa, 533-546," Traditio21
(1965), 37, reprinted in idem, Army,Societyand Religion in Byzantium(London, 1982), no. vii.
28Kaegi, "Arianism,"28, and idem, ByzantineMilitary Unrest,471-843 (Amsterdam, 1981), 6-7, 20, 26-27,
75, 82-83, 85.
29Chronicon, annus 380: PL 51:917c. Rufinus had translated ten of Nazianzen's orations into Latin around
400, and the oldest scholia on the orations probably date to the 5th century; see E Lefherz, Studienzu Gregor
von Nazianz: Mythologie,Uberlieferung,Scholiasten(Bonn, 1958), 112-13, and E. Norden, Die antike
II (Leipzig, 1898), 568.
30The Notitia UrbisConstantinopolitanae(ca. 430), ed. O. Seeck, Notitia Dignitatum(Berlin, 1876), 235, locates
the Anastasia in the 7th region. For a dating of the Notitia to between 423/4 and 427/8, see P.
Speck, "Der
Mauerbau in 60 Tagen," in Studienzur Friihgeschichte
Konstantinopels,ed. H. G. Beck (Munich, 1973), 144-50.
t a; )vwayWSya;TUiotoio r1tvt totEpov ot Baoth~si
(HE 5.7; cf. Soz. HE 7.5.2). ("Atthat
iE)Kiptov cpooow2
'Avaorafav dov6wgaav
time Gregory Nazianzen, having been translated to Constantinople, was holding his assemblies within the city in a small chapel, to which at a later time the emperors adjoined
a very large church and named it Anastasia.") The significance of this passage has, in
general, been overlooked.3 As we shall see, the VitaMarciani makes it explicit that the
chapel was not replaced, but remained as an annex to the new Anastasia.32
Socrates does not name the emperors who were responsible for building the new
church, but we know from Photius that one of the charges against Chrysostom at the
Council of the Oak (403) was that he had sold off the marble Nectarius had stored up
for facing the Anastasia.33The church was therefore built during the reign of Theodosius
I and had not yet been fully decorated by the reign of Arcadius. The Theodosian building
was undoubtedly part of a propaganda campaign during the transformation of the capital from Arian to Nicene domination.34 Its unfinished state in 403 would suggest a construction date later in Theodosius' reign, probably in response to the Arian riot of 388.
If we leave Marcian's purported rebuilding aside, the next known event in the history
of the Anastasia is the translation of the relics of a St. Anastasia from Sirmium.35 Theodore Anagnostes (530) states that these relics were deposited in the church during the
reign of Leo I (457-474) and the patriarchate of Gennadius (458-471).36 On this evidence the translation dates to sometime between 458 and 471.
It is unclear on what basis Janin narrows the date for the arrival of St. Anastasia's
relics to 468-470."7 Later sources give more precise dates than Theodore, but not those
ofJanin. Moreover, these accounts are modeled on the Lector's, while their dating varies
widely. Theophanes (9th century), for instance, puts the translation in the sixteenth year
of Leo's reign;38a date of 473 clearly falls outside the parameters set by the sixth-century
source. Cedrenus' (1 lth-12th century) date of the first year of Leo's reign (February 7,
457-February 7, 458) is barely compatible with Theodore's at the other extreme.39 Eroding our confidence still further is that elsewhere Cedrenus mentions the translation of
relics from Nicomedia of a-presumably second-St. Anastasia in the seventeenth year
31Cf. Janin, "Etudes de topographie," 133-34, 137; Dagron, Naissance, 448, 5.
32To my knowledge, noted only by Berger, Patria, 446.
33Bibliotheca,cod. 59: ed. R. Henry, I (Paris, 1959), 53, grievance 4. On the probable authenticity of the
charge, see Dagron, Naissance, 498.
34Cf. Snee, "Valens' Recall," 407-8.
35This is the only historical evidence for St. Anastasia (BHG 81-83b). Her feast was celebrated on Dec. 22
in the East and on Dec. 25 in the West, where she was transformed into a Roman noblewoman martyred
under Diocletian and became the patron saint of the titulus Anastasiae at the foot of the Palatine. See J.-P
Kirsch, "Anastasie (Sainte)," in DACL 1.2 (Paris, 1924), 1919-24; H. Delehaye, Etude sur le LigendierRomain:
Les saints de Novembreet de Decembre(Brussels, 1936), 151-71; Janin, "Itudes de topographie," 146; R. Aigrain,
L'hagiographie(Poitiers, 1953), 281. An apparent fictional doublet of Anastasia was revered on various days
in October (BHG 76x-78e); see H. Delehaye, "La Passion de Sainte Anastasie la Romaine," Milanges d'hagiographiegrecqueet latine, SubsHag 42 (Brussels, 1966), 394-402, reprinted from Studi dedicatialla memoriadi
Paolo Ubaldi (Milan, 1937), 17-26; P. Devos, "Sainte Anastasie la vierge et la source de sa passion," AB 80
(1962), 33-51.
36HE 2.65: PG 86.1:216AB; cf. H. G. Opitz in RE 5A2 (1872-75), 1880.
37Eglises,27; cf. "Itudes de topographie," 140, where he dates the translation to 458-460!
ed. de Boor, 111.
39HistoriarumCompendium,PG 121:661c.
of Leo's reign.40 We clearly need more reliable and contemporary evidence if we hope to
have a firmer date for the depositioof the saint in the Anastasia church.
Naturally, with the introduction of the relics of St. Anastasia, confusion arose about
the significance of the name of the church.41 (i) (&yia)'Avaotaoia, from the later fifth
century on, more frequently refers to the saint, not to Nazianzen's abstraction, but the
latter was never lost from view. Cedrenus, in a discussion ultimately derivative from Sozomen, records that one meaning of the name Anastasia was "the resurrection of true religion";42and, in the twelfth century, Zonaras can still depict Nazianzen boldly teaching
orthodox Trinitarian doctrine at the church.43 This, in spite of the fact that on occasion
the church was also thought to commemorate the Anastasis, that is, Christ's Resurrection,
and was sometimes so called.44
Variant names for a church were a common phenomenon in Byzantium and could
either be without significance or reflect coexisting associations.45 As early as Sozomen,
the name Anastasia was also thought to commemorate the death and resurrection of a
woman congregant in the church. This story, as noted below, was repeated through the
centuries and may have given rise to the church's popularity as a healing shrine, which
was well established by the tenth century.46
Memory of Nazianzen's association with the Anastasia was reinforced, at least from
the ninth century on, through the incorporation of certain of his orations in the liturgy:
Oration 42, in which Gregory himself explains the name (PG 36:489B), was read on his
feast day.47
A church's festivals and its role in imperial ceremonial contribute greatly to our understanding of its significance. The two prominent feasts celebrated at the Anastasia were
those of St. Anastasia (December 22) and Gregory Nazianzen.48 January 25 commemo40PG 121:668B. Janin, "Etudes de topographie," 142, incorrectly reads and cites this passage; the
reign of
Leo, not that of Zeno, is under discussion. Janin (ibid., 142 and 146) conjectures that these relics could have
been deposited in the Anastasia church in the portico of Domninus, but that more likely there were two
Anastasia churches in Constantinople at the time of Cedrenus. Cf. above, note 35, on the two Anastasia
martyrs and see Majeska, Russian Travelers,289 and n. 2, for multiple relics of St. Anastasia.
41See above, note 10.
42Hist.Comp., PG 121:600D. Cf. above on Sozomen. Cf. Nicephorus Callistus, Historiaecclesiastica12.7.
43EpitomeHistoriarum13.19: ed. L. Dindorf, III (Leipzig, 1870), 229.
44See, e.g., Hist. Comp., PG 121:712A (Holy Anastasis) and 1125B, where the church is referred to as
both the "Holy Anastasis" and "St. Anastasia"; Nicetas the Paphlagonian (10th
century), Encomiumof Gregory
Nazianzen, chaps. 14-15, ed. J. J. Rizzo, SubsHag 58 (Brussels, 1976), 46-47, has all three associations: the
saint, Nazianzen's abstraction, and Christ's Resurrection! On the designation "Anastasis"for the church, and
ultimately an adjoining monastery, see Janin, "Etudes de topographie," 140-41, 143.
45Cf. G. Downey, "The Name of the Church of St. Sophia in Constantinople," HTR 52 (1959), 37-41;
Av. Cameron, "Notes on the Sophiae, the Sophianae and the Harbour of Sophia," Byzantion37 (1968), 14-15.
46E.g., Cedrenus, PG 121:600D. See Ryden, "The Church of St. Anastasia," 198-201. An epithet of Anastasia was
SynaxariumCIQ333-34; Janin, "Etudes de topographie," 147.
TheIllustrationsof theLiturgicalHomiliesof GregoryNazianzenus,Studies in
47G. Galavaris,
Manuscript Illumination 6 (Princeton, N.J., 1969), 10-11; on the effect of such readings, see A. Moffatt,
"Schooling in the
Iconoclast Centuries," in Iconoclasm,ed. A. Bryer and J. Herrin (Birmingham, Ala., 1977), 88-89.
48Also the Myriad of Angels (Jan. 11) and St. Auxentius (Feb. 14); see Janin, Eglises, 24. According to one
tradition, Auxentius was buried in the monastery adjoining the Anastasia. See SynaxariumCEQ
465, line 52;
Janin, Eglises, 24; idem, "Etudes de topographie," 143. This monastery is first attested in the 12th century,
and an earlier tradition has Auxentius buried in the convent of the Trichinaria. Cf.
465, lines
14-16; Symeon Metaphrastes, VitaAuxentii 66-67: PG 114:1436B-D; but see Janin, Eglises, 488. Auxentius, a
Vandalic War had just been concluded with the successful quelling of an Arian-inspired
rebellion.56 In such a context, the processional from the Anastasia can indeed be viewed
as triumphant.
The Anastasia's role in the ceremonial for the feast of Sts. Sergios and Bacchos is
recorded in the Typikonof the Great Church (10th century).57That we should assume an
origin for this role in the reign of Justinian seems quite likely.58According to C. Mango,
the church of Sts. Sergios and Bacchos was built for a Monophysite monastery sometime
between 527 and 536, probably closer to the latter.59 Following Justinian's precipitate
change of religious policy in 536, however, the abbot of that monastery joined in condemning Monophysitism in the council held that year.60Including the Anastasia in the
itinerary for the feast day must surely have been a significant symbol of orthodoxy and
even of purification. The chanting of the uninterpolated Trisagion underscored the antiMonophysite character of the ceremony.6'
It seems clear that Ardabur and Aspar must have been aware of the history and character of the Anastasia when they made their donative. The gift of ecclesiastical vessels
and Marcian's provision for Gothic-language readings at the church should undoubtedly
be seen, in part, as political statements, and, as argued below, in the context of the translation of St. Anastasia's relics.
There are two pre-Metaphrastic versions of the Life of St. Marcian: one written
by a
near contemporary, an otherwise unknown Sergius, and dating to the late fifth
the other an undoubtedly subsequent abridgment. Scholars have not
sufficiently noted
the value of the longer version, possibly because the Metaphrast appears to have the
fullest account.62 M. Gedeon's edition of Sergius is, however, based on only one manuscript which, as shown below, is missing two folios. In fact, the Metaphrast is simply a
rewrite of Sergius.63As in so many other instances, a critical edition of the VitaMarciani
is a desideratum.
56Kaegi, "Arianism,"23, 39-48; cf. idem, ByzantineMilitary Unrest,47-48.
57Typicon,ed. Mateos, I, 62-65.
58Cf.M. McCormick, "AnalyzingImperial Ceremonies,"JOB 35 (1985), 4, cf. 6;Janin, "Les processions," 69.
59"The Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus at Constantinople and the Alleged Tradition of Octagonal
Palatine Churches,"JOB 21 (1972), 189-93; idem, "The Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus Once
BZ 68 (1975), 385-92; and, most recently, I. Shahid, "The Church of Sts.
Sergius and Bacchus in Constantinople: Who Built It and Why?" BSCAbstr22 (1996), 84, argues for a 527 foundation date that does not
exclude an association with Monophysitism. See also G. Dagron, Constantinople
imaginaire:Etudessur le recueil
des "Patria"(Paris, 1984), 321 n. 29, and
T. E Mathews, TheEarly Churchesof Constantinople(University Park,
Pa., 1971), 47.
60Janin,Eglises, 451; Mango, "The Church Again," 386.
61The Monophysite clause in the Trisagion had caused riots in 512: Bury, LRE, I, 438-39; Al. Cameron,
Circus Factions (Oxford, 1976), 132-33. See also Justinian, Tractatuscontra
Monophysitas,PG 86.1:1141Bc;
J. Meyendorff, Christin Eastern ChristianThought(Crestwood, N.Y., 1975), 34-35. The emperor's Monogenes
Hymn was included in the liturgy, probably in 535/6: C. Stallman-Pacitti, Cyrilof Scythopolis(Brookline, Mass.,
1991), 49-50 and nn. 42 and 43.
62See above, notes 2 and 8.
63PG 114:429-56 = AASS, Jan. 1, Jan. 10:611-19 (sic), Latin translation of Gentianus Hervetus. The
Metaphrast has altered and embellished the Greek in his characteristic fashion, rearranging some of the
who accuratelyknow about this father, and also myself being present at some, selecting
a few things from many,composed this work, in order that those who read it may glorify
God . . .")
That this subscriptionis authentic, in that it at least represents a contemporarynot
too far removed from the time of Marcian, seems guaranteed on internal evidence.65
There are no chronological curiosities;no anachronisticdescriptions of such things as
church buildings, ecclesiasticalvestments, or the liturgy.66
There is very precise detail on
suits the late fifth century.
The most telling indication is the recording of Ardaburand Aspar'sgifts to the Anastasia.Another sign of early compositionis the story of Marcian'sattempt to buy property
near the Forum of Constantine,67for his purported building of the Anastasia,from the
widow Nico, a native of Antioch in Syria.She ultimatelydecided not to sell. The property
was too valuable because it came with an annonacivica,namely, the bread ration (here,
oil also) or panesaediumestablished by Constantine I to encourage development in the
city.68Symeon Metaphrastes(PG 114:433c), though he tells the story of Nico, eliminates
stories for compositional effect and occasionally eliminating details of importance for the social and economic history of the 5th century; see below. There has been very little stylistic analysis of the Metaphrast;
see E Tinnefeld, "Hagiographie und Humanismus: Die Darstellung menschlicher Empfindungen in den
Viten des Metaphrasten," in The 17th InternationalByzantine Congress,Abstractsof Short Papers (Washington,
D.C., 1986), 351-53.
64Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 189r, col. 2, reads: trfaipyrto;
?K inoXvv 6Miya c vUypaWa. I.e., ~K
ky, 06 6dtorog
?K tnoXk&v
or because the phrase
guaranteeing authenticity was a later insertion.
650n hagiographical subscriptions, see Aigrain, L'hagiographie,201-2.
66Forone apparent exception, see note 82.
67Ed. Gedeon, 273 (87A2): the house was situated in the semicircle of the anteforum of Constantine.
Marcian paid more than two thousand gold pieces (i~np
toSg ttoxCtoug;Xpoo);) for the deed of sale (&v6g,
Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 178r, col. 1,
ed. Gedeon, 273
original reading;
[87B2]; dyopog,
"provisions,"ed. Gedeon, 273 [87B1]) and was willing to pay double that (ed. Gedeon, 273 [87B2]). The
(111.43:ed. T. Preger,Scriptores
[Leipzig, 1901; repr.
New York, 1975], 233) locates the property in t&h
byzantine,2nd ed. [Paris,
Tlio (R. Janin, Constantinople
1964], 419) and saysit cost 2,000 nomismata("goldcoins"),a tidy sum. Nicholasof Sion, in the 6th century,
built a shrine to the Theotokos for 400 nomismata:TheLifeof St.Nicholasof Sion,chap. 69, ed. and trans. I.
and N. P. Sevvenko(Brookline,Mass., 1984), 102; cf. chap. 58, pp. 92 and 138 (nomisma).
See also, on the
trans. and
terminology for and value of late antique coinage, E. A. Clark, TheLifeof Melaniathe
commentary(New York-Toronto,1984), 95-96.
68Ed. Gedeon, 273 (87B1-B2):
0] pXKicaKog
; 60p0g,ndat6oig dtaeOoagQv(ton0s7 myvKa
E8np0pg?gnoCtog6v o) toto o vaO)
oS' 60iytmv ilEparv
~iCntV~Og Kcatp6v,
vrVl no)7O
6vpt1iv oKcrlotav
oxC&v o688EppaPxy[v]
8tStaarao iv 8vvr0oya dtijv
EXOXTaoGeyovo0g9vteTnpbg noptog9v atc
ElunpdooSov ntiivVpbg
opXrlyP obtve~ga?it
zt tv
to~toug yop tog
ovvnpd60loav Kard
aptoug 6 g yag
a dEXg 6XV' i6i8tSr
oG5g6vov t8o 8i4p trig 0vStov
&'LrJ Ka1 t i -,aou
ai tatig
at abrfigl;, aig E PEV8t oVEtuEV
Igeprltt EKWalotov
6noypa~ilv. ... ofot; iet oyylctatgS
this anachronistic detail for his tenth-century audience. The panes aedium appear not to
have been granted for new construction beyond 361, but the privileges extended
through the sixth century.69
The terminology used for the Virgin Mary also seems to fit the late fifth century.
Sergius refers to her as i to ) Xptoio) K'al
Eto0) lgtvv XpavToggltrlp (ed. Gedeon, 274
[89A1]), that is, he calls her the "mother of God," but avoids using the term Eoro"Kog.
This passage is modeled on Sozomen (HE 7.5.2), who, writing shortly after the Council
of Ephesus in 431 accepted 0eor61cogas an epithet for Mary, instead calls her airl fi
gitrp Mapfa daya
napOtvog. Other contemporaries, such as Cyrus of Panopolis,
who is credited with dedicating the first church to Mary in the capital (A.D.439), also
avoid the contentious title.70 The Metaphrast, long since removed from the Nestorian
controversy, comfortably rewrites Sergius' descriptive phrase as aTjfil I cotvt Baottig
&~pavrog0Eor6cog (PG 114:441B).
Ravtov, Tf1
The shorter VitaMarciani is an edited version of Sergius, done by one Thomas (Gen.
33, fol. 141v), most likely for a menologion.71 Concentrating on Marcian as oikonomosand
church builder, it omits stories and details, and there is some rearrangement; words and
1. O~)yKcag: 1638, fol. 178v,col. 1.
2. Kafa'xaouov, ibid.:Ka0'eiKroarlv,ed. Gedeon, 273 n. 3.
t YL
3. 6noypaciiv -toiqg
iO xeKMfot1t
optiLVaQ Ktati
But the Devil, who eagerly opposes everything good, granted not even a few days respite in
hindering such a holy church and influenced the woman to repent her decision. He suggested
sophistically that she would be a laughingstock if she were not even able to inhabit her husband's
house for a brief time, although she had it easily accessible for her comfort, for the profit from the
rents, and for the supplies from the daily public bread dole, which was sold with it in accordance
with the property rights of the rest of the houses. For Constantine, great among kings, distributed
this bread not only to the people of this wonderful city, but also to each of the houses that he
found. Each house also had a daily measure of olive oil. These domestic provisions have their own
registration in the public codices under the rank of houses.
On the annona civica, see A. H. M. Jones, TheLaterRomanEmpire,284-602: A Social,Economic,and AdministrativeSurvey(Norman, Okla., 1964) (hereafter LRE), I, 696-97; H. G. Beck, "GroBstadt-Probleme: Konstantinopel vom 4.-6. Jahrhundert," in Studien zur Friihgeschichte(as in note 30 above), 6; and most recently J.
Durliat, De la ville antiquea la ville byzantine:Le problemedes subsistances(Rome, 1990), 188-206; cf. Dagron,
Naissance, 504 (donation of Olympias), 530-35, 539. Dagron (p. 520) suggests that the deal may have fallen
through because Marcian could not tear the house down. See also Saradi, "Notes on the Vita,"19-20, for
the significance of this evidence for the annona in the 5th century.
69Dagron, Naissance, 520, 535; according to B. Kubler in RE 183 (1983), 606, the panes aedium were in
effect until 618. See also C. Strube, "Der Begriff Domus in der Notitia Urbis
Constantinopolitanae," in
Studienzur Friihgeschichte(as in note 30 above), 125-26.
70Cyruscalls Mary dyfa n~ape~vo;and gi~1nTp etp6yaog;; see T. E. Gregory, "The Remarkable Christmas
Homily of Kyros Panopolites," GRBS 16 (1975), 318-19, 323-24; idem, VoxPopuli: Violenceand PopularInvolvement in the Religious Controversiesof the Fifth CenturyA.D.(Columbus, Ohio, 1979), 88-100, and the literature
cited there. Cf. W. Delius, Textezur Geschichteder Marienverehrungund
Marienverkiindigungin derAlten Kirche
(Berlin, 1956), 15-30; E M. Young, FromNicaea to Chalcedon(Philadelphia, 1983), 213-40, esp. 234-37. In
the 5th century, the overwhelming use of the term Oeor6Ko is in the context of the
controversy: Lampe,
639-41; e.g., Soc. HE 7.32.
71A. Papadopoulos-Kerameus (above, note 2) has edited codex Hieros. Sab. 242, fols. 19ff. (For additional
apparatus, see idem, 'Av6X1icea
aLto)ooyfag, V [St. Petersburg, 1898], 402-4.) On the
und Bestand der hagiographischenund homiletischenLiteraturder griemanuscript, see A. Ehrhard, Uberlieferung
forms of Sergius' middle ecclesiastical Greek are sometimes vulgarized."7 The account of
the gifts of the Arian generals Ardabur and Aspar to the Anastasia has been deleted, but
the abridged vita would appear, from currently available editions, to have two stories
related to the Anastasia that are not in Sergius.73 In one story Marcian is miraculously
clothed in imperial garments during the consecration of the Anastasia (chaps. 5-6: ed.
P.-Ker., 261-63); in the other he saves the Anastasia from the great fire in Constantinople
in 465 (chap. 7: ed. P.-Ker., 264).
Gedeon's edition of Sergius' vita is based solely on codex Athos, Koutloum. 37, folios
86r-93v.74 It is clear, however, from another, unedited, copy of Sergius (Vat. gr. 1638,
fols. 175v-189v)75 that the two stories were originally in the longer vita. Folio 88v (Athos)
ends with v fli a, while folio 89r begins with Kca gap'cupag 8&6oKcwv.Gedeon noted a
problem with the text (274, n. 1), but thought that only some words were missing. Collation with codex Vaticanus, folio 180r, column 2, ev Tf 6Okh~it,and folio 183r, column 1,
vutgofov886ow, (with variant reading; cf. ed. P.-Ker., 265, lines 4-5, Kca~gaprp~pa;, 8680shows rather (allowing for
Kiv, and Gen. 33, fol. 136v, col. 2, Kca~gap'tupfag 8686oKcev),
chischenKirche,TU 52 (Leipzig, 1939), 735. The unedited codex Genuensis 33, fols. 131-41v, another copy
of the shorter vita, has the following subscription (omitted in Hieros. Sab. 242 [ed. P.-Ker.]):
... Ei;gtb totg
(cf. above, p. 165) cKac
Taota y'o 6 iX6~toaog aapytoS
8o~dtvtyv bv0ebv
~ gcv O6mgcto3 Ical
ezeYOat nEp re E,
go3 ro3 E)xaxo'rot rcat ro3
do)Fo 00f
ig oTVgnovioav'r6g oe
doypa'Oviv. t& zt66goLoytiv ab~bv noXXhict
" iac iLoa7 ov P
FpapPaptmClXEtpo; rati; E?aJXtaWzo' iva ndotv ThgiNv
7 T& bAv iOlF*v
t 856a
;lgd aVaQ&CKV0,OV,9
Enoopavfo0 (Ofi;
6ocpdtoog rca- Tittgi icatci npooKcuvloag[sic] oiv to 6v6pXywazoi natpt -catrto nava0yf KcA
Icat eitg
ai(OMv(0v[fol. 141v] I, the humble Sergius, ... in order that those who read this work may glorify God [the
following replaces the remainder of the original subscription, ed. Gedeon, 277 (93B 1)], and may
pray both on behalf of my humble self and our brother Thomas who labored together with me on
this copy of the virtuous and angelic life of this God-pleasing man, for he has acknowledged that
he was often protected from the dangers of the sea and from the hands of barbarians through the
saint's intercession. (And we have labored) so that the maker of the universe may be propitious to
us all, our God who proclaims us as sharers in heavenly life, to whom is the glory and the power
and the honor and the veneration, together with his father without beginning and the all-holy and
life-giving spirit, now and always forever and ever. Amen.
On the Genoa manuscript (11th-12th century), see A. Ehrhard, Uberlieferungund Bestand der hagiographischenund homiletischenLiteraturdergriechischenKirche,TU 50, ser. 4 (Leipzig, 1937), 544-45. (I owe special
thanks to Chiara Farragiano for obtaining a microfilm of this manuscript for me.)
72E.g., nominative absolutes replace genitive absolutes; optative used for subjunctive; periphrastic use of
genitive absolute.
73The following stories are also omitted in the shorter vita: Niko's abortive sale of property to Marcian for
the Anastasia (chap. 4); Marcian's resurrection of a pregnant woman at the consecration of the Anastasia
(chap. 6); his conversion of prostitutes (chap. 12); forgiving the banker who cheated him (chap. 13); selection
of weekly readings in honor of the saints (chap. 15); and healing a Roman noblewoman from an issue of
blood (chap. 16). The SynaxariumCQ 379-80 (Jan. 9) adds nothing to the tradition. The Imperial Menologion VitaMarciani (BHG Auct 1034b) is largely an abridgment of the Metaphrast.
74See above, note 2. Ehrhard, HagiographischenLiteratur,532, dates the Athos manuscript to the 10th century. Although Gedeon does on occasion cite variant readings from Papadopoulos-Kerameus' edition, he
has vitriolic contempt (p. 271) for the Jerusalem manuscript (above, note 71).
75On the Vatican manuscript (11th century), see Ehrhard, HagiographischenLiteratur,542-44. It appears
to have been written at the Stoudios monastery in Constantinople. Cf. P. Canart, Les VaticaniGraeci, 14871962 (Vatican City, 1979), 19-23, 163, 167.
differences in size in the manuscripts) that the two folios containing the stories mentioned
above had simply fallen out of the Athos manuscript.76 Both stories point to an anti-Arian
moral, and it is important to confirm their attestation in the late fifth century.
The Vita Marciani is in many respects disappointing to the historian and does not
have the same value as, for instance, the VitaDanielis.77Marcian is, however, a historical
figure, the first named oikonomosof Hagia Sophia (ca. 450-472). We are told by Theodore
Anagnostes (HE 376: ed. Hansen, 106) that he made the other churches of the capital
responsible for their own revenues.78 That he should oversee church building and renovation, and even use his own private resources, well suits his role as oikonomosand has
historical parallel." If he cannot be credited, as his vita claims, with the original Anastasia
building (above, pp. 160-61), it would nonetheless appear reasonable that there is some
historical basis for associating his name with the church. Although I cannot here attempt
a full-scale commentary on the Vita Marciani, I will examine stories and their sources
that are of relevance to both the history of the Anastasia and the propagandistic role of
contemporary hagiography.80
Sergius has amplified the Life of Marcian with literary borrowings and the reshaping
of oral tradition. Sozomen provides the model for the story of Marcian, during the consecration of the Anastasia, raising from the dead a pregnant woman who had fallen from
the gallery. In Sozomen the story serves as a variant explanation for the origin of the
name of the church, and no officiant, at the apparently ordinary service, is named,
though Nazianzen can be implied from the context."8 Sergius has simply transferred the
story to Marcian and expanded Sozomen's account:
76Twenty-fivelines of the Gedeon text equal one page of Vat. gr. 1638; 40 lines of the Gedeon text equal
one page of codex Athos, Koutloum. 37. Cf. Ehrhard, HagiographischenLiteratur,532 and 542. A collation of
the Vatican manuscript with Gedeon's edition of the Athos manuscript reveals that (particularly in the second
half of the vita) there are considerable variants, many of them explanatory glosses or interpolations not
found in the Vatican manuscript. E.g., fol. 186v, col. 1 = ed. Gedeon, 275 (91A1), where a catalogue of the
type of miracles performed at Isidore's martyrion is added (so too in ed. P.-Ker., 268, lines 17-20; Gen. 33,
fol. 139v, col. 2 [with variants]); fol. 186v, col. 2 = ed. Gedeon, 276 (91A2), where a description of processional participants is expanded (so too in ed. P-Ker., 268, line 28-269, line 1; Gen. 33, fol. 140r, col. 1). Four
of these interpolations are of significance for the historian and are discussed here elsewhere.
77On the VitaDanielis, see, e.g., Jones, LRE, I, 217.
78Sergius (ed. Gedeon, 272 [86A2]) says Marcian was ordained priest and appointed oikonomosin the reign
of Emperor Marcian (450-457). Theodore Anagnostes (Kirchengeschichte,
ed. G. C. Hansen [Berlin, 1971],
106) credits Patriarch Gennadius (458-471) with Marcian's appointment, but his account here has been
influenced by tradition subsequent to Sergius; see below, p. 169. Emperor Marcian was well known for his
strict economic measures, and it is likely he who appointed Marcian and approved his reorganization of
church finances. Cf. Bury, LRE, I, 236-37, and Dagron, Naissance, 495, 508.
79"The great oikonomoscontrols all the possessions of the church and the collection of money from them.
He also supervises them for the high priest and the church": AASS, Jan. 1:610. On priests and deacons
building churches at their own expense, see E. Patlagean, Pauvrete conomiqueetpauvret?socialea Byzance,4e-7e
siecles (Paris, 1977), 196-97; cf. R. MacMullen, Corruptionand the Decline of Rome (New Haven, Conn., 1988),
51 and 235 n. 178.
80Marcian's aristocratic origins, simple lifestyle, and ability to raise the dead and cure the sick are all stock
hagiographic material. See, e.g., R. Browning, "The 'Low Level' Saint's Life in the Early Byzantine World,"
in TheByzantineSaint, ed. S. Hackel (London, 1981), 120-23; Patlagean, "Ancient Byzantine
103, 109, 114 nn. 10 and 12.
81Cf. Janin, "Etudes de topographie," 138. On hagiographical borrowing, see Aigrain, L'hagiographie,
cf. 204-5; Patlagean, "Ancient Byzantine Hagiography," 112.
0 yiuV
a vOe68e
tOv Tflap)
otb ieUpov
qro Xao
E t otE(0O
a7 al)Tv
KW. v
VT1KE, KotvW1 8e,
(Soz. HE 7.5.4)
6v6gou gFpog 7rcepqoov
yicuopwvdab 4o
azoag hXyog~vovKavr1Xouog~Lvouv
arvoi MapKctavo0 toi
lfuot yevoAev7Jnq
evXFi ~v lltroupyfa,
vionrll i yovil icai aiov
pppgetec(Oir. (ed. Geduj
icidcXrlad6etyvgFXXovTog o0 Xaou, yvv
The Marian background for this resurrection story, in which the Mother of Christ is
said to have revealed herself to the sick in dreams and visions at the Anastasia, is taken
almost word for word from Sozomen. We may conjecture that the ultimate origin for this
story is Nazianzen's poem, "Somnium de Anastasiae ecclesia" (lines 19-20: PG 37:1255),
describing the attentive audience for his sermons: Ai 6'8p'
da a jIrljv
eyt~ov ejKoogov
maidens together with
'Ayva 7napOEvtKai
goodly matrons gracefully leaned to hear from lofty roofs.")
Similarly, Sergius draws inspiration for his account of Marcian'sbuilding of the Anastasia, at the site of the original house chapel, from Sozomen (HE 7.5.1, 3) and Gregory,
though here the latter is a more immediate source. Marcian, unable to purchase the
widow Nico's property, finds his solution while reading Nazianzen: "'Avaoraofav ta'6rlv
ltvf'r avao(roeo; ervogov 6i~eooERkart'Xrapav
e oi6a Ka' g~C0-. 'r8E got tpoX'tyst r
(ed. Gedeon,
HveLQga &ytov."Talira giv o0v 6 g ya; narilp
273 [88A2]). ("'You will see the Anastasia, thisfnLg6v
and greater, I know it well. The Holy Spirit prophesied it to me.' This then was the
prophecy of our great father Gregory.")
G. Dagron quotes this passage as it is filtered through the patriographers (111.43: ed.
Preger, 233) and thinks that it refers to an actual inscription. This is unlikely.83We are in
a literary context, and, as Symeon Metaphrastes (PG 114:436A) rightly recognized, Marcian, or rather Sergius, had read Gregory's sermons, specifically Oration 42. Several passages from that oration contribute to the above version of the prophecy and are transferred, as Symeon notes, from the Anastasia as Nicene community (above, p. 159) to the
Anastasia as church building.84
Theodore Anagnostes (530) says that Marcian was appointed oikonomosafter his conversion from Novatianism.85 The source for this nonhistorical assertion is both natural
confusion with oral tradition about the Novatians and Sergius' appropriation of that tradition for the VitaMarciani. There had been a Marcian consecrated bishop of the Nova82Equal to Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 183v, col. 1 (with one variant: omit toi 6ofou). According to Mathews, Early
Churches,128-30, the earliest known use of the term KcarTiXo6gevov
to designate the gallery of a church is in
the late 7th century. Its occurrence here may be an explanatory gloss.
83Dagron, Constantinopleimaginaire, 152 and n. 99. Patria, 111.43 (ed. Preger) is a distillation of the Vita
Marciani; cf. above, note 67 and below, p. 177.
84Greg. Naz. Or.42.6 and 26: ed. Bernardi, 62-64, 108.
85Theod. Anagn. HE 13: PG 86:172c; Kirchengeschichte,
ed. G. C. Hansen, GCS, n.s., 3 (Berlin, 1995), 106.
So too in the VitaAuxentii (Sym. Metaphr., PG 114:1380B). It remained a common
misconception; see, e.g.,
George Monachus, ChroniconBreve: PG 110:757Bc.
tians in Constantinople as recently as 438.86 The Novatians also had an Anastasia church,
named in a fashion similar to Nazianzen's, though in a concrete, not a metaphorical,
sense. Under the semi-Arian bishop Macedonius (350-360), the Novatians, forbidden to
worship within the city, carted their church stone by stone to Sycae and "resurrected" it
there. Julian (360-363), characteristically, allowed them to "resurrect" it once again in its
original spot in the quarter of the Pelargos.87This time they renovated
the structure, and it was still in use in the fifth century.88
The Novatian bishop Paul is reported to have saved that sect's Anastasia church from
a fire in 433 (Soc. HE 7.39).89 Similarly, Marcian is supposed to have saved the orthodox
Anastasia from the devastating fire of 465.90 There are differences in detail: Paul clung
to the altar, while Marcian climbed the roof with the Gospel books, but the model for the
story is certain.91We have no verbal allusions, in this instance, to the text of Socrates, but
the story was probably a popular one in oral tradition, and, indeed, the Novatians celebrated the anniversary of the miraculous delivery of their church (August 17).92
The fire of 465 destroyed eight of fourteen urban regions. It passed through the
Forum of Constantine, the Mese, and the Forum Tauri, that is, the vicinity of the Portico
of Domninus where the Anastasia was located. Individual buildings, however, were
spared, for example, Sporacius' mansion on the Mese, even though an adjoining chapel
was burned down.93 It would appear that the Anastasia also survived the fire, lending
credence to the transposed miracle story.
We can see in Marcian's alleged rebuilding of Nazianzen's chapel, inspired by that
symbol of orthodoxy himself, and in his miracles there a deliberate attempt to counter
the popularity of the Novatian Anastasia, with its double "resurrection" and its publicly
commemorated, miraculous escape from the fire of 433. The sect had no less important
a sympathizer than Socrates, and, although Novatians were tolerated as schismatic brethren, there had been sporadic invective and legislation against them and they were restricted from building new churches. On the wane in the fifth century, the Novatians
were gone by the end of the sixth. This was in part a process of assimilation, as even
Novatian clergy were received into the church with ease.94 In the VitaMarciani we can
also see the working of propaganda. Marcian was not, of course, a converted Novatian
as later tradition asserts; he and the orthodox Anastasia were simply heir to Novatian traditions.
86Soc. HE 7.46; cf. 4.9, for an earlier (384-395) Novatian bishop Marcian.
87T.E. Gregory, "Novatianism: A Rigorist Sect in the Christian Roman Empire;"ByzSt 2 (1975), 7.
88Soc.HE 2.38; Soz. HE 4.20.
89Gregory,"Novatianism," 7; A. M. Schneider, "Brdindein Konstantinopel," BZ 41 (1941), 383.
90VitaMarciani: Sym. Metaphr., PG 1 14:440B-441A; ed. P.-Ker.,264; Vat. gr. 1638, fols. 182r-183r; Schneider, "Brdinde,"383-84.
91Cf.Janin, "Eitudesde topographie," 139 (who dates the fire to 1 September 461).
92Soc. HE 7.39; the actual day of the fire.
93Schneider, "Brinde"; C. Mango, "The Development of Constantinople as an Urban Centre," in The 17th
InternationalByzantineCongress,Major Papers (Washington, D.C., 1986), 125, 127. Sergius' description of the
fire's extent is not detailed (cf. VitaDanielis 45-46: ed. H. Delehaye, Les Saintsstylites,
SubsHag 14 [Brussels,
1923], 42-44), but accurate (above, note 90).
94Gregory,"Novatianism," 2 n. 4, 4-6, 8, 17; Chesnut, FirstChristianHistories, 176-77. Chrysostom (Homily
5.1: PG 63:491-94) simply castigates the Catharoi for their arrogant assumption of
purity because they
refrain from fornication and adultery.
Marcian's church-building projects, and related stories, are the decided focus of
the VitaMarciani, occupying fifteen of twenty-two chapters in Sergius (Metaphrast), ten
of fourteen in the abridged version. Although he is given passing credit for the building
and refurbishment of other structures,95 two churches are singled out: the Anastasia (nine
chapters) and Hagia Irene in Perama (ca. four chapters). The latter existed at the time
of the Notitia (ed. Seeck, 235), ca. 425-430, and was located together with the Anastasia
in the seventh region.96 The vita records that the two churches were regarded as sisters
(ed. Gedeon, 276 [91B 1]), and there are notable parallels in Sergius' treatment of them.
Both Hagia Irene and the Anastasia are renovated and enlarged because of a vision
or prophecy. Relics are also translated to Hagia Irene-those of St. Isidore. The original
choice of a site is changed (Anastasia); the chest holding Isidore's relics refuses to budge
from the skeuophylakion of Hagia Irene, and Marcian, abandoning his search for a suitable site elsewhere, builds an adjoining martyrion.97 Both churches have roles as healing
shrines, and their construction suffers momentary setbacks because of the intervention
of the devil.98 The description of the rebuilding of Hagia Irene, however, is far richer in
concrete detail and clearly the more historical of the two.
Hagia Irene in Perama, built on the water's edge, was the apparent victim of erosion.
In the early 470s the sea encroached to the middle of the church, and Marcian oversaw
what was probably a partial demolition, land reclamation, and the relaying of the foundations. The church is carefully described as an aisled basilica with a wood roof covered in
lead; the altar was flanked by columns, the left one inclined slightly (the devil had tried
to topple it).99 It had a baptistry in the shape of the Sheep's Gate pool at Jerusalem
with five stoas.100This was covered with multiple domes (06Xot) inlaid with gold mosaic
(XpTo6*t6o0)and with paintings of figures of the sick (tax r6tv
The dating for Marcian's renovation of Hagia Irene is relatively precise. According to
95Marcian is said to have decorated and painted (itayp~ai;) St. Theodore in the Tenetros, to have built
and adorned St. Stratonikos in Rhegium, and to have built a monastery at the church of St. John the Baptist
which was near St. Mocius: ed. Gedeon, 276 (91A2-B2). All three churches have little or no attestation
outside the VitaMarciani; see Janin, Eglises, 153 (Theodore 13), 412-13 (Prodromos 8), 478-79 (Stratonikos).
96Janin, Eglises, 106-7 (Irene 3); idem, Constantinoplebyzantine,53. Cf. Dagron, Naissance, 393, 400, 512,
and Mango, "The Development," 125.
97Ed. Gedeon, 275-76 (90B2-91A1); cf. ed. P.-Ker., 268. On small attached martyria, see R. Krautheimer,
Early Christianand ByzantineArchitecture(Baltimore, Md., 1975), 111.
98On the Anastasia: above, pp. 162 and 168-69, and note 46; on Hagia Irene: ed. Gedeon, 276 (91A1)
(EKdorzo... oitov, omitted in Vat. gr. 1638, 186v, col. 1); ed. Gedeon, 275 (90A2-B2).
99Ed. Gedeon, 274-75 (89A2-90B2). On the basilica as standard in 5th-century Constantinople, see
Krautheimer, Architecture,111. According to Sergius (90A1), Hagia Irene had galleries: 'd; TE
KTc oToa;The
ela 5taxapIcov )Inapotg;v olyKov
itr0atOpahas been interpreted as open-air galleries designed to minimize fire hazard: AASS, Jan. 1:615,
n. d. Cf. Evagrius, Historiaecclesiastica1.14 (hereafter Evagr. HE): ed. J. Bidez and L. Parmentier, TheEcclesiastical Historyof Evagrius with the Scholia (Amsterdam, 1964), 24, lines 13-15.
l00ouotnio(iptov: ed. P-Ker., 267, line 17; Gen. 33, fols. 138v, col. 2-139r, col. 1; Sym. Metaphr., PG 114:445B
(also pa~ntztotptov); povrctorcilptov
(monastery): ed. Gedeon, 275 (90B 1); Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 185v, col. 2. See
A. Grabar, Martyrium:Recherchessur le culte des reliqueset l'art chritienantique (Paris, 1946), I, 322-35, for the
popularity of buildings in Palestine through the 6th century; cf. Krautheimer, Architecture,78.
'0oJanin,Eglises, 564, and Miller, Birth of theHospital, 81, cite the Patria (111.44: ed. Preger, 234) as evidence
for Hagia Irene as the oldest hospital in Constantinople. No other evidence supports Marcian's
building of
the nosokomeionin operation there at a later date, and here, as in chap. 43 (see above, note 83), the Patria
the vita, Gennadius (bp. 458-471), in fulfillment of a vision, tore down the old church
in order that a larger one might be built under his successor Acacius (471-489).102
Since Marcian died before its adornment and dedication (January 20) and Empress
Verina completed it, the reconstruction dates to 471-474, that is, after the death of Gennadius and before the death of Leo I.103 Verina's adornment of the church and gilding
of the ceiling were recorded in an inscription (ihocep8rlqoiratKati8t&tfl; v ai5r entTPa449)*'104
In contrast, for the Anastasia the only chronology Sergius provides is that of the
dedication (lKatvtoG6g),105 December 22, the date of St. Anastasia's martyrdom and her
feast day. Gennadius presides at the ceremony-the occasion of the imperial garments
miracle-and this may give an ante quemof 471 for any remodeling by Marcian. Clearly,
the miraculous deliverance of the church from the 465 fire should be used with caution
in establishing a chronology for the Anastasia.
Sergius describes Marcian's new Anastasia as surrounded like a pearl by tpoaxta
(outbuildings) and many-colored open-air stoas (otoat;
ed. Gedeon, 274 [88B 1]), recalling Sozomen's reference otikat;
to the beauty and magnitude of
its structures
og Ka
gci "Oo;g, HE 7.5.2). The saint is said to have
gilded the ceiling, beautified the lower stoas with paintings, and furnished a silversheathed altar. He also added a baptistry and skeuophylakion.106 The latter's costly liturgical vessels are later (ed. Gedeon, 277 [92B -B2]) identified as the gift of Ardabur and
Despite this apparent detail, the only concrete architectural reference is to the fate of
simply indicates familiarity with the Vita Marciani. Though the Vita Marciani (ed. Gedeon, 275 [90B 1-2])
refers in passing to people "freed from various diseases (v6o'mvnrotlKi1ov) and all earthly discontent" at the
baptistry, the primary emphasis is on the metaphorical healing of sins through baptism. For archaeological
evidence confirming healing scenes in baptistries, see Saradi, "Notes on the Vita,"23-24.
'02Ed. Gedeon, 274 (88B 1 [sic]). Most recently on Gennadius, see J. Declerck, "Le Patriarche Gennade de
Constantinople (458-471) et un opuscule inedit contre les Nestoriens," Byzantion60 (1990), 131 n. 4 and the
bibliography cited there. For Acacius, see M. Jugie in DHGE 1 (Paris, 1912), cols. 244-48.
'03Verina is, however, active under Zeno through 478; see P. Chuvin, A Chronicleof the Last Pagans (Cambridge, Mass., 1990), 98. For Zeno, a great church builder, see Krautheimer, Architecture,passim. It is unclear
why Janin (Eglises, 106) dates the reconstruction to 455-460.
104Ed. Gedeon, 276 (91B 1). The inscription and the dedication date appear to be part of a
interpolation; &ionep rlXoXoat... .adpvupo; 'Avaoraofia is omitted in Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 187r, col. 1. Cf.
Aigrain, L'hagiographie,198-200.
ed. Gedeon, 274 (88B2).
105Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 180r, col. 2; ~ycKatvtaoT6g;,
106The description is problematic. Are the outbuildings the baptistry, skeuophylakion, Nazianzen's
"vestibules"? Stoa is a very general term; here it would seem used with two
(see below), or are the
meanings: cf. G. Downey in Procopius, Buildings (Cambridge, Mass., 1940), xvi-xvii, 25. For a church inside
a stoa, cf. Procopius, Buildings,, and for a circular stoa, see ibid., I.viii.12. Both ed. Gedeon, 274 (88B2),
and Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 180r, col. 1, read io-KcEtgva;Q otoda; the shorter VitaMarciani, however, says the upper
stoas, i.e., the galleries, had paintings (ed. P.-Ker., 261, lines 19-20: UrepeKtgFva;(rodo;; Gen. 33, fol. 133v,
col. 2: irneplceKtgva;g otoig;). In 401 Chrysostom installed the Tall Brothers in monastic cells contiguous to
the Anastasia: Janin, Eglises, 23. Emperor Basil I (876-886) is also credited with gilding the ceiling: Patria,
111.43: ed. Preger, 234; cf. VitaBasilii, ed. I. Bekker, TheophanesContinuatus,V, CSHB 33 (Bonn, 1838), 324,
where he is said to have replaced a wooden roof with stone. The term skeuophylakionis used in the story
of the imperial garments miracle as the place where the clergy gathered after the liturgy: ed. P.-Ker., 263,
line 4; Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 181r, col. 2; Gen. 33, fol. 135r, col. 1. On skeuophylakia,see G. Babic, Les chapelles
annexesdes iglises byzantines(Paris, 1969), 58-64; Mathews, Early Churches,158-62.
Nazianzen's original house chapel. Marcian left the oratory in its earlier form (i?ntroiu
npotpo- oX"iXtarog,ed. Gedeon, 274 [88B 1]) as a proof of Nazianzen's prophecy (above,
p. 169). It lay to the north of the larger church, and according to Socrates (above, pp.
160-61) was adjoined to it.'07 Even in the tenth century, Gregory the Presbyter can comment on the small size of the chapel that anyone could ascertain by viewing the old
qrevog, PG 35:276c).10s
building (,rbnakatbv awtfig
architectural detail characterizes Sergius' treatment of the AnLiturgical
astasia, and, significantly, the dedication ceremony is for the translation of St. Anastasia's
relics.109The emperors, Senate, and populace carrying candles escort (Rpotgunovreg)the
relics. Marcian, during the procession, secretly gives away his chiton to a poor man and
He is designated by Archbishop Gennadis left clothed only in his chasuble (EXhivtov)."11o
ius to perform the eucharistic offering (avaoopa), and, as he is washing his hands at the
kiss of peace (aonaug6g), the archbishop and the attendant priests see an imperial robe
(paXtktt aTrokf)beneath his chasuble. At the communion (KotvWovia)the laity also notice
the robe. At the conclusion of the liturgy, when the clergy have retired to the skeuophylakion, Gennadius upbraids Marcian for wearing imperial garments, but lifting up his
chasuble finds him naked."' The miracle is interpreted as a victory over the devil and
the heresy of Arius.
As noted above (p. 161), the new Anastasia dates to the late fourth century, and
Marcian cannot be credited with its building. Janin suggests that he may have done some
restorative work after a fire or earthquake, but if so we have no record of a natural disaster in Constantinople other than the fire of 465, which the church survived.112 The obvious occasion when Marcian may have remodeled the Anastasia, giving rise to the notion
that he actually built it, would have been for the reception of the relics of the like-named
saint. The emphasis in Sergius' account on the translatiosupports this hypothesis, as does
the common phenomenon of "restorers" being credited with the original building.113
But once again, when we compare Sergius' discussion of Hagia Irene with that of the
Anastasia, we note the relative precision of the location of the relics of St. Isidore. We are
specifically told that Marcian ultimately built a martyrion adjacent to Hagia Irene for the
saint (ed. Gedeon, 274 [89A2]; 275-76 [91A1]).14 With the Anastasia we are left largely to
tp a-ti)g
'07Ed. Gedeon, 273 (88A2): rv (E-0'ijptov
,pt v)v
pcrtov;to which
cf. Gen. 33, fol. 133r, col.KTra
(with variants) ed. P-Ker., 261, lines 1-3, adds
2, npoapaFKe~igevov,
and the Metaphrast's rewording: PG 114:436B.
For the liturgical use of such annexed chapels, see Babii,
Chapellesannexes, 9-10.
'08sFor r~tevog = church building, see ed. Gedeon, 273 (87A2); cf. Procopius, Buildings, I.iii. 17.
'09Ed. P.-Ker., 262-63; Vat. gr. 1638, fols. 180r, col. 2-182r, col. 1; cf. Sym. Metaphr., PG 114:436D-440A.
See Ebersolt, Sanctuaires, 106, for the distinction between consecration and dedication. On the sources for
Byzantine liturgy, see Mathews, Early Churches,111-15.
"00n the phelonion, see Walter, Art and Ritual, 13, 14, 23.
"'For the early liturgy, see Mathews, Early Churches,162-63, 170-73; BabiC,Chapellesannexes, 60.
"2Janin, "Etudes de topographie," 138-39. See V. Grumel, Trait6d'tudes byzantines,I: La chronologie(Paris,
1958), 477-78.
"3E.g., Theodosius II, Pulcheria, Verina, and Justin II have all been credited with the church of the
Virgin at Chalkoprateia; see Mathews, Early Churches,28. Justin II was clearly only a restorer; see Av. Cameron, "The Artistic Patronage ofJustin II," Byzantion50 (1980), 77-78; cf. Babic, Chapellesannexes, 36-37.
"4Cf. Babic, Chapellesannexes, 35, 39 (chapel of the Holy Reliquary).
conjecture. Was a crypt readied for the depositiobeneath the new silver altar?"15Were the
relics housed in Nazianzen's house chapel? The text of Sergius can be read to mean this:
cazpba i'gLWv
y7dvc0v 0oiqtnv&gaTtKoib X6yot~
FpYTopob ..... yvcWKcatTv
v ToigAogvivou dg6PXot;
dTyfqaqgdptupog 'AvaTcacf aq
8td6aKovToOEv T EUKT)1X(ipaCT1 o(O( Q pXapaiq, Lv Kat
Toi viv d7rn6Ktvzat, X&yovto;
who (Marcian),reading the inspired words of our holy father Gregory ... recognized
also the ... prophecy concerning the church of the holy martyrAnastasiawhich is in
the portico of Domninus, (made) when he (Gregory)was teaching in her old oratory,in
which also her relics lie to the present day,and said as follows ...
The relative clause (Ev ') could, however, refer back to the church rather than the oratory
or simply have the whole complex as an understood antecedent in Sergius' day. It could
as well be an interpolation, weakening any arguments from grammar.116 The Metaphrast
(PG 114:436A), though he consciously corrects Sergius in this passage (above, p. 169),
not only does not clarify the issue for us but completely fails to mention the relics. In the
absence of corroborating evidence, it seems prudent to leave their location a question."7
One important pattern, however, is clear. Marcian, in what must have been a natural
role for an oikonomos,was charged with housing the relics of Sts. Isidore and Anastasia
and in both instances did not build separate martyria but rather modified existing
churches."8 But was Marcian himself responsible for the translations? From the vita it
would appear so, particularly in the case of Isidore. The bishops Gennadius and Acacius
are the instigators of the restoration of Hagia Irene, but Marcian is said to have brought
or recovered (Kcogicag)119the relics of Isidore and to have been anxious to find a suitable
resting place for them. Similarly, Marcian was intent on building a church for St. Anastasia, first on the widow Nico's property, then at the site of Nazianzen's chapel.120 There is,
however, no hint of when or by whom the relics were acquired.
It is interesting that Emperor Leo I (457-474) is nowhere mentioned in the Vita
Marciani. (One can hardly count the vague reference to "emperors" in attendance at the
dedication of the Anastasia.) The piety of Leo I and his officers is well observed in the
"5On the crypt under the altar of Hagios loannes Stoudios built in 463, see Mathews, Early Churches,27;
cf. 63-65, 67.
116Though Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 179r, col. 1, reads Ev 7... toi3
v-5v an6K-etvat; cf. ed. P.-Ker.,260, line 23: v
p ...
and Gen. 33, fol. 133r, col. 1: v 0... vIv KalrKEtzlat.
vwvi KaradKetat,
(Patria, 446) assumes the relics were originally in the chapel. The faithful had access to them, at
least in the 14th century; see Majeska, Russian Travelers,289.
"8In the East in the 5th century, martyria were characteristically adjuncts of a church proper: Grabar,
Martyrium,314-22, 335-56.
ll9Ed. Gedeon, 275 (90B2). The Athos manuscript (Koutloum. 37) reads Koo7ioagq(275 n. 5), as does Vat.
gr. 1638, fol. 186r, col. 2. However, ed. P.-Ker., 268, line 6, and Gen. 33, fol. 139, col. 1, read ogjiocag.
120The relics of St. Anastasia are introduced abruptly as follows: MapK-tavBg
6 gaQdptogOepJp ekep)
KpaTosgtEvo 71pi t lv OiKO
oSotV oalOv )tQtrOV
dKK Y1otv Kaltgdtora T insptu0avoiqFv gdptpot rtoiXptoiroc
Kcat -of ,igv avao'daoeS Stvoet'ro igpav E igECpaqz~0nov
iEva UO
Toto1ov yepFe TpCevog(ed. Gedeon, 273 [87A1-A2]). Gedeon (273 n. 1) proposes the reading
'AvaotaoiFagfor the Athos manuscript's
avaora~oeog. Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 177v, col. 2, reads avaoatoiag, undoubtedly the original reading. Elsewhere
in Sergius the church is consistently referred to as that
(e.g., 273 [87A1]) or
tifga yfag gdprpog 'Avaocaoimag
qg ytia; 'Avaoratoag (e.g., 274 [88B 1]). On later understanding of the name as referring to Christ's Resurrection, which probably accounts for the Athos manuscript reading, see above, p. 162.
Vita Danielis, and Leo's reign is credited with any number of translations of relics and
the construction of their attendant churches and chapels.121 St. Symeon Stylites' leather
tunic was brought to Constantinople for presentation to him.'22 The cult of St. Mamas
was founded in the capital during his reign.123 The construction of the church of the
Virgin at Chalkoprateia is attributed to his wife Verina (among others).124 The church of
Blachernae and the deposition of the Virgin's robe are, according to one tradition, assignable to Leo I and Verina.125 The Vita Marciani, it is true, lauds Verina's completion of
Hagia Irene in Perama, but Leo is conspicuous by his absence. If Marcian was responsible
for the translation of relics and, as his vita claims (ed. Gedeon, 276 [91At]), had contributed his patrimony to church building, he reinforced the piety of Leo's reign. This may
be the implication of the imperial garments miracle at the dedication of the Anastasia.
Be that as it may, only Marcian's name and, no doubt significantly, those of Ardabur and
Aspar are associated with the construction (remodeling) of the Anastasia.
For fifty years in the fifth century the powerful Alan family, the Ardaburs, played
a dominant role in the army and imperial politics in East and West.126 Ardabur Senior,
consul in the West in 427, had conducted campaigns in Persia (421-422) and, as magister
militum,was sent against the western usurper John (424). His son Aspar, the most prominent member of the family, served with his father against the usurper and was instrumental in securing John's downfall in 425. In 431 Aspar commanded an expedition against
the Vandals in Africa, and in 441 one against the Huns, this time clearly as magistermilitum
praesentalis.Aspar was kingmaker in the East, supporting Marcian (450-457) and promoting Leo (457-474), both of whom had served under him in the army.'27
A silver shield is extant commemorating Aspar's consulship in the West in 434 and
his son Ardabur's praetorship in the same year. Depicted with them are Ardabur Senior
and Fl. Plinta, possibly Aspar's father-in-law."12 The dynastic implications are clear. Arda121E.g., the translation of the relics of the three holy children from Babylon, VitaDanielis 92: ed. Delehaye,
87; Ebersolt, Sanctuaires,108.
Vita Danielis 22: ed. Delehaye, 23. Leo had unsuccessfully demanded the body of St. Symeon:
HE 1.13: ed. Bidez and Parmentier, 22-23.
'24Above,note 113; also Janin, Eglises, 237.
'25Janin,Eglises, 161-62; Babii, Chapellesannexes, 36-37, 39; cf. Walter, Art and Ritual, 147. Av. Cameron,
"The Early Religious Policies of Justin II," in The OrthodoxChurchesand the West,Studies in Church
13, ed. D. Baker (Oxford, 1976), 66-67 (repr. in Av. Cameron, Continuityand Changein Sixth-CenturyByzantium, Variorum Reprints [London, 1981]), argues that Justin II and Sophia built the chapel for the Virgin's
126PLRE, II, 137-38 (Fl. Ardabur 3), 164-69 (Fl. Ardabur Aspar), 135-37 (Ardaburjunior 1); Jones, LRE,
I, 181-82, 218-24, 323-30, and Bury, LRE, I, 222-25, 314-22. See also B. S. Bachrach, A Historyof theAlans
in the West(Minneapolis, Minn., 1973), 41-51, 76, 98.
des Untergangsder antiken Welt,VI (Stuttgart, 1920), 270, 356-57; A. Demandt, "Ma1270. Seeck, Geschichte
suppl. 12 (1970), 769-72. On Leo's accession ceremony, the first described in the Book
of Ceremonies,see S. MacCormack, Art and Ceremonyin Late Antiquity(Berkeley, Calif., 1981), 164, 241-43.
128 For the shield or disk, see R. Delbrueck, Die
und verwandteDenkmdler(Berlin-Leipzig,
1929), 154-56, pl. 35. For Fl. Plinta, PLRE, II, 892-93; Jones, LRE, II, 1104-5 n. 18. Plinta is credited with
healing the Arian Psathyrian controversy (the Father had always been Father, even when the Son was not);
Soc. HE 5.23: Soz. HE 7.17; E. A. Thompson, The Visigothsin the Timeof
Wulfila(Oxford, 1966), 135-38.
bur Junior was consul in the East in 447 and was appointed magistermilitumper Orientem
by Emperor Marcian. Two other sons also held the consulship, Patricius in 459 and Hermineric in 465.
By 466, however, Aspar had lost his hold on Leo. His son Ardabur, for example, was
implicated by the future emperor Zeno (474-475, 476-491) in treason with Persia and
forced to resign as magistermilitumper Orientem.But the power of Aspar and his family
was not so easily broken; only by assassinating Aspar and Ardabur in 471 was the way
paved for Zeno. Even as late as 469, Aspar's son Patricius was declared Caesar and Zeno
temporarily driven from Constantinople. He returned only in 471 after assisting in the
assassination, an event that triggered a Gothic uprising in Constantinople and the revolt
of the Goths under Theoderic Strabo.129 It is in this context that I return to the Vita
Marciani and the Ardaburs' donation to the Anastasia.
A passage in the Vita Marciani enumerating all those who loved and respected St.
Marcian names a particular member of the Senate, Ardabur, identified as the son of
Aspar with whom he had been enrolled among the patricians.'30 Although they were
and had provided
Arians, we are told, they at least revered the Father (ai6oi toi ~tamp6g)
the Anastasia with a number of beautiful and costly vessels, because they lived in its
vicinity, north of the church. In return, Marcian had the Scriptures read in Gothic in the
martyrion on festal days (ai ~itfigo t igepat).1'3 This is the complete account of the donation.
Although Ardabur is singled out as the special donor, he was inseparable in contemporary minds from his more famous father, and both are said to have presented the
vessels (o(Kcerl... RpooTiv~yKlav).132
A later, and unreliable, tradition that the Ardaburs
the construction of the Anastasia is erroneous.133
The vita does not state when or in what circumstances this gift to the Anastasia was
made, but in context one can assume Marcian's purported rebuilding as a likely time. As
we have seen, some remodeling for the reception of the relics of the saint appears reasonable, and the generals undoubtedly made their donation in connection with the highly
public and ceremonial depositio.'34
Demandt has convincingly demonstrated that two ecclesiastical vessels inscribed with
the name Ardaburios were gifts of Ardabur Junior. One is a silver goblet in the Dumbarton Oaks collection, the other a bronze disk and bell from a hanging candelabrum in the
'29E. Stein, Histoiredu Bas-Empire,I (Paris, 1959), 360-61; Demandt, "Magister Militum," 775-76; Kaegi,
ByzantineMilitary Unrest,26-27; P. Heather, Gothsand Romans,332-489 (Oxford, 1991), 255-56, 268; PLRE,
II, 1200-1202 (Fl. Zenon 7).
'13Ed. Gedeon, 277 (92B1 -B2): 6'v
'Anmaptypae;ig 'Ap8apoaptoq;Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 188r,
aptpKiotg (Yobv)
col. 2: 6'v narpt-1tot 'Ap8apo0o"ptog.
Since both witnesses have a plural verb
the Athos manu(npoolivweyKav),
script undoubtedly preserves the correct reading. Aspar was patricius already in 451, Ardabur already ca.
453, though he appears to have lost this status in 466: Demandt, "Magister Militum," 765, 769.
131For Gothic as an Arian liturgical language, see Schmidt, Die Bekehrungder Ostgermanen,284-96.
132The Metaphrast (PG 114:453D) lists Aspar first.
133Patria, 111.43: ed. Preger, 233. Janin (Eglises, 23, and "Etudes de topographie," 139) incorrectly reads
(and cites) Sym. Metaphr. VitaMarciani 21: PG 114:453D-456A; the Metaphrast only adds to Sergius' account
that the vessels were silver and gold.
'34On the arrival of relics, see K. G. Holum and G. Vikan, "The Trier Ivory, Adventus Ceremonies, and
the Relics of St. Stephen," DOP 33 (1979), 116.
Benaki Museum in Athens. The inscriptions on both objects are dedicatory.135 Demandt
comments on the piety of Ardabur; we can now add a third, though literary, witness to
that "piety." There seems little reason to question the accuracy of the VitaMarciani here.
Demandt narrows the provenance of the Dumbarton Oaks goblet to Antioch and
environs-Ardabur served there as magistermilitumper Orientem(453-466) and owned
property in Daphne. We do not know in which church the goblet was dedicated, but
there certainly could have been Arian churches in the vicinity of Antioch in the mid-fifth
century. The city had been a vital center of Arianism under Valens, and Theodoret is
witness to the persistence of Arian belief in the area.136 But the evidence of the VitaMarciani does not make this a necessary assumption. At the Anastasia, Ardabur dedicated
vessels not only to a Nicene church, but to one that was a symbol of anti-Arianism in
Constantinople. There is in this gesture, it would seem, something more than simple
The explanation for the donative-that the Ardaburs were neighbors of the Anastasia-is found only in the Athos manuscript of the vita and is likely a gloss.'37 The Patria
(11.71: ed. Preger, 188) mentions an oiKo; roi 'AAcoapo;whose site is said by Janin to be
unknown; he finds no reason to connect it with the cistern of Aspar that lay outside the
Constantinian walls.'38 The VitaMarciani would, however, place the residence of Aspar
squarely in the old city, that is, a little north of the Anastasia, and its location in the
Emboloi tou Domninou (Not. Urb. Cp., Regio VII) between the Forum of Constantine
and the Forum Tauri.139This makes sense because of the residence's proximity to the
Strategion, or soldiers' quarters in the city north of the Great Palace.140 The Patria (II.99:
ed. Preger, 204) also mentions a Stele of Aspar in the area of the Forum Tauri and notes
(in a gloss) that his house passed to a certain Basileios.141 Significantly, Dagalaiphus, Ardabur's son-in-law, lived near the Forum Tauri142in a locale named after him.143 The
Goth Dagistheus' name is later attached to baths built facing the Anastasia.144 It is likely
that throughout the fifth century the quarter was a Gothic neighborhood.
Evidence for a Gothic community in Constantinople dates from the time of Chrysostom (bp. 398-404). John's first sermon in 398 was against the Arians,145 and he actively
fostered the orthodox Goths of the capital (and their co-religionists in the Crimea), desig'35A.Demandt, "Der Kelch von Ardabur und Anthusa," DOP 40 (1986), 111-17.
'36 See above, note 5; cf. Marcellinus Comes, Chronicon,PL 51:929AB, a. 453, for an Arian priest of Emisena
briefly in possession of the head of John the Baptist.
'37Ed. Gedeon, 277 (92B2): ota tp6;gipcKTov
arlTjiytcvtoivTeSg;omitted in Vat. gr. 1638, fol. 188r, col. 2.
'38Janin, Constantinoplebyzantine,316.
'39The porticoes of Domninos were probably at the crossroads formed by the Mese and the Long Portico
of Maurianos: Janin, Eglises, 24-25. Regio VII was residential; see Strube, "Der Begriff Domus," 127-28.
'40R. Guilland, Etudesde topographiede Constantinoplebyzantine(Berlin, 1969), 3.
'41Cf.Berger, Patria, 612-13.
142 VitaDanielis, ed. Delehaye, 76, lines 12-17; PLRE, II, 340-41 (Fl. Dagalaiphus 2); R. S. Bagnall et al.,
Consulsof the Later RomanEmpire (Atlanta, Ga., 1987), 457.
143Janin, Constantinoplebyzantine,331, cf. 352. Gainas' house gave his name to a region in Constantinople
whose location is unknown (Patria, 111.109: ed. Preger, 252).
144PLRE, II, 341 (Dagistheus), and cf. Janin, Constantinoplebyzantine,331-33. The baths were begun by
Anastasius and completed by Justinian. See also Berger, Patria, 439-42.
"45ContraAnomoeos:PG 48:796-98; Gregory, VoxPopuli, 46; cf. Frend, Rise of Christianity,749 and 778 n. 44.
nating a church for them and preaching among them himself.146 He provided as well for
a Gothic clergy by establishing a monastery/seminary. 47 Presumably, the church in question was that of the orthodox Goths, "near the palace" (Zosimus 5.19.4), that was burned
to the ground on July 12, 400, after Gainas' brief "coup."148
The exact identity, location, and denomination of this Gothic church is, however,
unsettled. Synesius implies it was Arian (De Prov. 1268), but this is likely a barbarophobe
generalization, not reliable evidence:149 Chrysostom had refused Gainas permission for
an Arian Gothic church in the capital.'15 Socrates (HE 6.6; cf. Soz. HE 8.4.17, 'l aakolgvry
does not specifically name or locate the "church of the Goths"
czovF6t mov
other than to say it is inside the city walls. Despite later evidence to the contrary,1'5 Zosimus' statement that the church was near the palace appears the most plausible.
There is an oration that Chrysostom delivered during the course of a Gothic service
(PG 63:499ff), according to its title ev tfi ~iiXk fz tfjxCitaHa6ou. This St. Paul's was the
church of Macedonius that under Theodosius the Great (379-395) received-undoubtedly pointedly-the remains of the Nicene bishop Paul.'52 As some scholars have noted,
the wording of the title argues for a church besidethat of St. Paul,'53 a point certainly
worth emphasizing since "the church of the Goths" was destroyed in 400, whereas St.
Paul's was still standing in the thirteenth century. J. Zeiller, however, interpreted
VitH-aMXou to mean "beside the tomb of Bishop Paul."154 If St. Paul's church itself were meant,
ed. L. Parmentier, 3rd ed., ed. G. C. Hansen, GCS 44 (5) (Berlin, 1998),
'46Theodoret, Kirchengeschichte,
330; Wolfram, Historyof the Goths,78-79; J. Zeiller, Les origineschritiennesdans lesprovincesdanubiennesde l'empire
romain (Paris, 1918), 545.
'47Dagron, Naissance, 466; K. G. Holum, TheodosianEmpresses:Womenand ImperialDominionin LateAntiquity
(Berkeley, Calif., 1982), 70 and n. 87. The monastery was in r HIpog6,ov, i.e., on the Mese near the church
of the Holy Apostles. See Janin, Constantinoplebyzantine,417.
148Dagron, Naissance, 110-11; Wolfram, Historyof the Goths, 149-50; Albert, Goten, 157-58 and n. 42. Most
recently, Alan Cameron argues persuasively against an actual coup by Gainas, in Barbariansand Politicsat the
Courtof Arcadius (Berkeley, Calif., 1992), 199-223.
'49Cameron, Barbarians, 385-86 n. 254; cf. also 38-39, and, in general, on Synesius' dubious value as an
eyewitness, 199-223. Cf. Zeiller, Les origines,545; contraJ. H. W. G. Liebeschuetz, Barbariansand Bishops:Army,
Church,and Statein theAge of Arcadiusand Chrysostom(Oxford, 1990), 190-91.
'50Albert, Goten, 157 n. 41, effectively counters E. Demougeot's (De l'unite ai la division de l'Empireromain,
395-410: Essai sur le gouvernementimperial[Paris, 1951], 254 n. 111) contention that the Arians had a church
inside the city. Even under Theodosius I (379-395) and during the immediate transition from the Arian to
Nicene domination, the Arians were only allowed a church outside the (Constantinian) walls (St. Mocius);
see Dagron, Naissance, 305, and Miller, Birthof theHospital, 81-82. In Chrysostom's time
they used the church
of St. John the Baptist (Soz. HE 8.5; Soc. HE 6.6: John the Apostle), 7 miles outside the
city; see Janin,
Eglises, 414. Nestorius (428-431) also prohibited a church for the Arians in the city (Barhadbeshabba, Histoire
21: PO 9:529-30), and burned down an Arian chapel (Soc. HE 7.29); see Gregory, VoxPopuli, 84. Like
the Nicenes under Arian domination (e.g., the Anastasia), the Arians must have had
house-chapels within
the walls.
151Thesources are collected in Cameron, Barbarians,385 n. 254; e.g., the 7th-century ChroniconPaschale's
statement (PG 92:780AB) that many Goths were killed in the Leomakellion is
probably historically suspect
since the name derived from Emperor Leo's assassination of the "Goths" Aspar and Ardabur.
152Janin, Eglises, 394; Snee, "Valens' Recall," 408 and n. 72.
153p.Batiffol, "De quelques hom1lies de S. Jean Chrysostome et de la version gothique des 6critures (1),"
Revue bibliqueinternationale8 (1899), 568-69 (who identifies this church with the "church of the Goths");
Cameron, Barbarians,385 n. 254; cf. Liebeschuetz, Barbariansand Bishops, 169 and n. 21.
154Zeiller, Les origines, 545 n. 5. According to Janin (Eglises,394), there is a variant ~xi
Fla-Uov. 'Ent{of place
is more regularly "upon," and it is worth noting that at least in 1200 the relics of Paul were under the altar.
there is no need to infer from Gothic services-as the Anastasia demonstrates-that this
was the church of the Goths. Gothic services need only imply a Gothic audience.
The obvious, and traditional, candidate for a St. Paul's in the time of Chrysostom is
the church of that name located by the Notitia (5th century) in Regio VII along with the
Anastasia and St. Irene of Perama.'55Although later evidence appears to question this
localization,156 the use of Gothic at the Anastasia in the third quarter of the fifth century
lends credence to the traditional identification,'57 and, in any event, the cumulative
weight of the evidence indicates that the core of Constantinople in that century must
have had a significant Gothic population.
The Ardaburs' interest in the Anastasia, however, must have gone beyond mere
neighborly goodwill. According to E W. Deichmann, there was, under Theoderic, an important church in Ravenna dedicated to St. Anastasia (not to the Anastasis, i.e., Christ's
Resurrection).'58 In supporting his contention, he finds the Ardaburs' association with
the Constantinopolitan Anastasia,159 as well as her Pannonian origin, compelling evidence for the saint's favor with the Goths. Anastasia is certainly among the company of
martyrs depicted in St. Apollinare Nuovo, but Theoderic was a hostage in Constantinople from 461 to 471 (!) and inspiration for a Ravenna St. Anastasia church may simply
have come from his experience in the eastern capital.160 The question of the saint's Pannonian origin is more intriguing.
Anastasia's relics were brought from Sirmium, an area long associated with Arianism
and, since the fall of Attila's Huns, a residence of the Ostrogoths. Anastasia was apparently revered in a chapel in a cemetery outside Sirmium and possibly in a basilica in the
city as well.161 The acquisition of the relics during the period following the Ostrogothic
settlement in Pannonia certainly makes sense, as there was relative peace between
'55Janin,Fglises, 395 (first suggested by Du Cange).
'56Janin,Eiglises:the Typikonappears to locate St. Paul's in Regio III, i.e., south, not north, of the Forum
of Constantine. I have yet to locate the passage cited in Janin. He gives a faulty reference: 1.90 is Paul the
Confessor's synaxis on Nov. 6 at Hagia Sophia.
'57It may be worth noting that in both homilies that Chrysostom delivered in the Anastasia he complains
of low attendance: Homily 4: PG 63:477-86 (A.D.398); Homily 7: PG 63:493-500 (A.D.399).
'58E W. Deichmann, Ravenna: Hauptstadtdes spdtantikenAbendlandes,II (Wiesbaden, 1976), 301-3. Deichmann does not fully consider that 6vaorawwacould be a colloquial form of v60oaotg; see above, note 44. See
also Wolfram, Historyof the Goths,325-26, and Zeiller, Les origines,545-46 n. 5, for a refutation of the suggestion that the Anastasia was the church of the Goths in Constantinople.
'59FollowingJanin, Eglises, 23, and Cedrenus (PG 121:712), Deichmann thinks the Ardaburs paid to have
the church rebuilt to house the relics of St. Anastasia. Cedrenus and the Patria (111.43: ed. Preger, 233) (but
not, as Janin claims, Sym. Metaphr., PG 114:456A) do credit Aspar with paying for construction. If so, why
does the near contemporary VitaMarciani fail to mention it? See further below, and cf. the magistermilitum
Anatolius' donation of a silver reliquary for the bones of the Apostle Thomas (A.D.442): PLRE, II, 85 (Anatolius 10).
16oSee M. J. Johnson, "Toward a History of Theoderic's Building Program," DOP 42 (1988), 73-96. Theoderic may even have attended Gothic services at the Anastasia.
'61Zeiller, Les origines, 188-90 (Anastasia in Sirmium), 535-37 (Arianism in Pannonia); and, on the Ostrogoths in Pannonia, E. Demougeot, La formationde l'Europeet les invasions barbares,11.2 (Paris, 1979), 776-83.
St. Anastasia also had a cult following in the 5th century in the Chersonese: H. Delehaye, Les originesdu culte
des martyrs(Brussels, 1933), 255; Zeiller, Les origines,412; and particularly E. Kurtz in BZ 9 (1900), 308-10, a
review of V. Laty'ev, "Studien zur byzantinischen Epigraphik. 4. Einige mit Inschriften versehene Denkmiler der byzant. Epoche aus dem Taurischen Chersones," VizVrem6 (1899), 337-69. (Kurtz entertains the
possibility that this Anastasia was only a local saint.)
Romans and Goths for a decade (459-469),162 and the dating accords with that of Anagnostes (458-471). Ardabur was serving in Thrace in the late 460s,163 and, considering
Aspar's connections in the Balkans,164 could have acquired the relics for the capital. The
VitaMarciani mentions only Marcian's attempts to find a suitable resting place for them
in Constantinople.165 Circumstantial evidence, notably the Ardaburs' donation of ecclesiastical vessels to the Anastasia, suggests a more intimate involvement with the relics than
the vita allows, but there is in the end no proof.
An important question remains. St. Marcian had the Gospels read in Gothic at the
Anastasia on festal days. Can this imply that the services were Arian? The VitaMarciani
shows a spirit of generosity in acknowledging that at least the Arians had proper reverence for the Father, and the use of their ancestral language was meant to honor the
Ardaburs for their donation. On the whole, it would appear more likely that the Ardaburs
and their "fellow" Goths attended a Nicene liturgy much along the lines Chrysostom had
established in the early part of the century.
As we have seen, the Anastasia was a long-standing symbol of Nicene orthodoxy, and
the Ardaburs in their official capacities were frequently called upon to intervene in orthodox ecclesiastical affairs. Theodoret of Cyrrhus (Ep. 140, A.D. 450) thanked Aspar for
helping rescind the acts of the Latrocinium (Second Council of Ephesus, A.D.449), which
had condemned him as a Nestorian. Pope Leo (Ep. 153.1, A.D. 458) asked Aspar-unsuccessfully-to oppose the Monophysite bishop of Alexandria, Timothy Aelurus.166 Ardabur Junior, in 459 as magistermilitumper Orientem,was charged with protecting the
remains of St. Symeon Stylites the Elder from relic hunters.167 In general, the Ardaburs'
official positions took precedence over their Arian beliefs, both in the eyes of others and
in their own. 168
In Arian Gothic Christianity there were some paradoxical tendencies. On the one
hand, Arianism reinforced Germanic ethnocentricity, keeping the Goths distinct from
their Roman-orthodox neighbors.169 At the same time, the newly converted Goths exhibited more religious tolerance than did Roman Christianity;170 the niceties of theological
controversies were of little concern.171
162Wolfram, Historyof the Goths,260-63.
163Demandt, "Magister Militum," 764f.
165Interestingly, Marcian's first attempt was with the property of the widow Nico from Antioch in Syria
Christology dominated fifth- and sixth-century religious politics; Arianism was significant only as the religion of the Goths. Because of their importance in the military, it
was frequently deemed prudent to ignore the Goths' religious beliefs, but when circumstances dictated, it was possible to mobilize a powerful anti-Arian undercurrent against
them. Long after its demise, Arianism remained the archetypal experience of heresy.'72
It is outside the scope of this study to give a full account of the Ardaburs' fall from
power during the period 466-471, that is, from Ardabur's recall to Constantinople on
charges of treason with the Persians, and his subsequent dismissal as magistermilitumper
Orientem,until the assassination."73The sources are problematic, and it is frequently difficult to ascertain whether allegations against the Alans were true or simply trumped up
in order to curb their power.174 To judge from the hagiographical sources, however, religion played a definite role in those final years to which I now turn my attention.
First, the events that led up to the Ardaburs' assassination: as early as 464 the seeds
were being sown for their destruction. In that year two important military fronts were
vested elsewhere: Basiliscus, Verina's brother, was appointed magistermilitumin Thrace,
and Tatianus was envoy to the Vandals.175 It is true that Aspar's son Hermineric was
consul in the East in 465, but this was undoubtedly meant to placate a still powerful rival.
Hermineric himself appears to have posed no serious threat; he eventually married a
granddaughter of Zeno and died a natural death.176
The year 466 was the real turning point. Ardabur was removed as magistermilitumper
Orientemon a charge of treason with Persia, an accusation contrived by Zeno who was
himself appointed count of the domestics that year."77As has often been noted, Leo was
playing one barbarian general against another, and in 467 Zeno became magistermilitum
in Thrace (replacing Basiliscus) and married Leo's daughter Ariadne.178 Also in 467, Leo
appointed Anthemius western emperor, thereby both asserting Constantinople's authority and ridding himself of a potential rival.179 In 468, in a continuing bid for indepen1720n Photius' comparison of Arianism and Iconoclasm, see E Dvornik, "The Patriarch Photius and Iconoclasm," DOP 7 (1953), 87-89, but for an opposing view on the strength of Iconoclasm in this period, see
C. Mango, "The Liquidation of Iconoclasm and the Patriarch Photius," in Iconoclasm,ed. Bryer and Herrin
(as in note 47 above), 133-40.
17~See, e.g., the comments of W. Goffart, Barbariansand Romans,A.D.418-584: The Techniques
ofAccommodation (Princeton, N.J., 1980), 34-35 and n. 55. See esp. A. Demandt, Die Spditantike,Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft,3.6 (Munich, 1989), 183ff, 186f; and idem, "Magister Militum," 764-81. See also Heather, Goths
and Romans, 251-63, passim; Scott, "Aspar,"59-69.
174Cf. Aetius' misrepresentation of Boniface, see Procopius, Historyof the Wars, III.iii.35-36. See also the
discussion in Kaegi, ByzantineMilitary Unrest,52-53, of Procopius' report of false accusations brought against
Belisarius. For an analysis of source problems for the Ardaburs, see R. C. Blockley, TheFragmentaryClassicizing
Historiansof the Later RomanEmpire:Eunapius, Olympiodorus,Priscusand Malchus (Liverpool, 1981), 33, 34, 50,
67, 80, 81, 83, 115, 166 nn. 24 and 25.
175Bagnall et al., Consuls,465-67; PLRE, II, 1053-54 (Tatianus 1); Bachrach, Alans, 46.
176PLRE,II, 549 (Herminericus).
177Jones,LRE, I, 222.
178Heather, Gothsand Romans, 255; PLRE, II, 1200-1201 (Fl. Zenon 7); Demandt, "Magister Militum,"
766-67 (date of marriage to Ariadne as 466 or 467), 777.
'79PLRE,II, 96-98 (Anthemius 3); E M. Clover, "The Family and Early Career of Anicius Olybrius," Historia 27 (1978), 195 (Anthemius a "political menace" to Leo). Cf J. M. O'Flynn, "A Greek on the Roman
Throne: The Fate of Anthemius," Historia 40 (1991), 124-25.
dence from his one-time mentor, Leo ignored Aspar's advice for nonintervention and
sent military aid to the Sciri in their war against the Pannonian Goths.'18
Leo's expedition against the Vandals in North Africa in 468 was commanded by Basiliscus. Aspar went along as a military adviser, and the disastrous failure of the expedition was blamed on Aspar's advice in dealing with the Vandal king Geiseric.181 Zeno's
influence continued to wax as Aspar's waned: in 468 he advanced to magistermilitumper
Orientem,saw the birth of his son Leo II, and in 469 was honored with the eastern consulship.'82 Once again rejecting Aspar's advice, in 469 Leo supported Anthemius' ill-fated
attack on the Pannonian Ostrogoths.183
The revolt of Anagastes, the new magistermilitum in Thrace, in 469 was blamed on
Ardabur, possibly rightly, and has been seen as the most important reason why Leo decided to murder the Alans.184 Aspar was still in a position of power as magistermilitum
praesentalisat the head of loyal Gothic troops and supported by the federated Goths under Theoderic Strabo (as the Gothic reaction to the assassination clearly shows); he and
his son were by no means dispensable in time of crisis, for example, the Hunnic-Gothic
invasion of Thrace."85They energetically sought to counter Zeno and his Isaurians. Aspar
is said to have instigated mutiny among Zeno's soldiers, causing Zeno to absent himself
from Constantinople from 469 to 471.186
It is in this period that Aspar's son Patricius was declared Caesar, and either betrothed
or briefly married to Leo's other daughter, Leontia.'87 (If the marriage indeed took place,
it was annulled. Patricius survived the assassination plot, and we later find Leontia married to Anthemius' son, Fl. Marcianus.)188The sources claim that Leo was trying to induce
Aspar to remain loyal, while modern scholars attribute the elevation of Patricius to presWolfram, Historyof the Goths, 264-65, though others date this incident to 466, e.g., PLRE, II,
167. See also Burns, Ostrogoths,54-55.
181Asparis said to have advised against the expedition (he had commanded the expedition defeated in
431), and, according to Scott ("Aspar,"65-66), could have had the command if he wanted it. For Aspar's
advice as the cause for failure, see, e.g., Theod. Anagn. HE 25; Procopius, Historyof the Wars,, 3, 11,
13-16. Jones (LRE, I, 222) attributes the defeat to Basiliscus' incompetence. Cf., on the
question of Aspar's
collusion, PLRE, II, 496-99 (Geisericus); C. Courtois, Les Vandaleset l'Afrique(Paris, 1955), 200-205, esp. 202
n. 2; Bachrach, Alans, 47 and n. 55; Demandt, "Der Kelch," 114-15 (Ardabur =
Anonymous 110 [PLRE, II,
1235] and also accompanied Basiliscus).
182The dating given here may be off by a year; cf. Demandt, "Magister Militum," 773-74, and PLRE,
II, 1201.
183 Wolfram, Historyof the Goths, 263-65. (One of the DOP anonymous readers, however,
interprets Sidonius, Carm. 2.377, as "no more than some kind of diplomatic contact.")
184PLRE, II, 75-76 (Anagastes). For Ardabur to blame, B. Croke, "The Date of the 'Anastasian Long Wall'
in Thrace," GRBS 23 (1982), 65. For reason for assassination,
Kaegi, ByzantineMilitary Unrest,26.
185Above, note 129. Also Jones, LRE, I, 221-22; Wolfram, History of the Goths, 259-60 and 265
second in command, a Hun, defeats Hunnic-Gothic forces). Invasion dated to 469: Demandt,
Militum," 768; see also 764f for Ardabur's defeat of the Gothic king Bigelis under Zeno's command in
186E. W. Brooks, "The Emperor Zenon and the Isaurians," EHR 30 (1893), 214; Demandt,
Militum," 767-68; Croke, "The Date," 65-66. Jones (LRE, I, 222) attributes the mutiny to Zeno's unpopularity rather than Aspar's "machinations." According to Heather (Gothsand Romans, 255), Ardabur tried to use
Anagastes to kill Zeno, but (p. 263) Anagastes was won over by Zeno.
187Possibly A.D. 470: Brooks, "Emperor Zenon," 213-14; PLRE, II, 842 (Iulius Patricius 15). A.D. 468:
Demandt, "Magister Militum," 772; Seeck, Geschichte,VI, 369.
188PLRE,II, 667 (Leontia 1); she was thirteen in 470. Demandt, "Magister Militum," 772, 774; married
to Marcianus in 471-472; PLRE, II, 717-18 (Fl. Marcianus 17).
sure from Aspar.189 In either case, it is worth noting that Caesars were unusual after
Constantius II; designated heirs were more normally co-opted as Augusti. Leo, however,
made an exception: he first appointed Anthemius Caesar and only when he reached
Rome had him declared Augustus.190
Leo undoubtedly had no intention that Patricius would succeed him, but the incident
must be viewed as a concession to the still powerful Ardaburs. To judge from the account
in the Life of Marcellus of the popular riot in the hippodrome, Patricius' appointment as
Caesar and imperial marriage were taken seriously by monks, clergy, and a frequently
barbarophobe population.191 The focus of the riot, however, was not ethnicity but religion. Significantly, Patriarch Gennadius and the archimandrite of the Akoimetoi (Sleepless Ones), Marcellus, stirred up popular reaction against the Arian Patricius. To what
extent might this have been the design of Leo?192
Certainly the disastrous fire of 465 and the recent failure of the massive expedition
against the Vandals hardly put Leo in a good light with the populace, nor for that matter
did his courting of the Isaurians.193 Aspar, on the other hand, seems to have enjoyed
considerable popular favor. His construction, in 459, of the great cistern that still stands
near the Sultan Selim mosque must have provided employment for many.194 Tradition
records his active role in combating the fire of 465 (Leo fled Constantinople for six
months).195 Leo's murder of the Ardaburs gained him the epithet "Macelles" (the
Butcher).196 Blaming Aspar for the failure of the North African campaign and "setting
up" the Ardaburs for a popular attack on their Arianism reflect the complex maneuvering that characterized these years.
The Life of Marcellus (chap. 34: ed. Dagron, 316-18) records that Leo, Aspar, and
Ardabur resolved to end their potentially mutually destructive enmity by conferring the
rank of Caesar on Patricius and marrying him to Leo's daughter. This arrangement, we
are told, disturbed the Church because an Arian might succeed to the throne. The Life
of Marcellus emphasizes that Aspar and his entire family were afflicted with the "pagan
madness of Arius" (1XXhrvtKci
'Apefoo avia). The Christian (i.e., orthodox) people and
1s8E.g.,Evagr. HE 2.16: ed. Bidez and Parmentier, 66; Heather, Gothsand Romans, 255; Demandt, "Magister Militum," 771; Jones, LRE, I, 222.
190Jones,LRE, I, 323. Leo acted similarly with his grandson Leo II who was proclaimed Caesar in October
473 and Augustus shortly before Leo's death in early 474: PLRE, II, 664-65 (Leo 7).
191G.Dagron, ed., "La Vie Ancienne de saint Marcel l'Ac6mite," AB 86 (1968), 316-18 (chap. 34). On the
popular uprising against Gainas and his Gothic followers in 400, cf. Liebeschuetz, Barbariansand Bishops,
111-31, and Cameron, Barbarians, 199-223, 316-36. Anti-Germanism would appear sporadic and unorganized. It also cut across class lines: Gregory, VoxPopuli, 24.
192Cf.(briefly) Bachrach, Alans, 48.
193 Unpopularity of Zeno and the Isaurians: Bury, LRE, I, 389-90; Blockley, Fragmentary
ClassicizingHistorians, 80-81 (on Malchus).
194Cistern of Aspar: Janin, Constantinoplebyzantine,316; Beck, "GroBstadt-Probleme," 10; C. Mango, Le
urbainde Constantinople(IVe-VIIesiecles)(Paris, 1985), 49. In this period, the popularity of buildddveloppement
ing projects is best illustrated by Cyrus of Panopolis, for whose meteoric rise and fall see Holum, Theodosian
Empresses,189-91. Cf. Gregory, VoxPopuli, 142. For the stele depicting an equestrian Aspar bearing a lance
set up near the Forum Tauri, see above, p. 177.
'95Aspar is said to have paid citizens to form a bucket brigade: Bury, LRE, I, 332; PLRE, II, 167. For Leo,
see Life of Daniel the Stylite,chaps. 45-46, in ThreeByzantineSaints, trans. E. Dawes and N. H. Baynes (Oxford,
1948), 33-34 and 79 n.
196PLRE, II, 664; Scott, "Aspar,"63; cf. Heather, Gothsand Romans, 236-37. See also Berger, Patria, 515-16.
clergy met at Hagia Sophia and from there went to the hippodrome, led by Patriarch
Gennadius and the archimandrite Marcellus who had come into town from his monastery (the Irenaion, across the Bosphorus) specifically for this purpose.197 There they intended to affirm the orthodox faith and to ready the emperor for action-not unwillingly-against his oppressors, Aspar and Ardabur. The patriarch surrounded by clergy,
and Marcellus by monks (with an angel on his left), took their stand in the middle of the
hippodrome in front of the imperial box and shouted for hours, Kuipte
ic1rlocov. They
asked that the Caesar be orthodox or give up his title, and that he not marry the daughter of the emperor. Marcellus encouraged the crowd, saying that the emperor would
defeat his powerful enemies (Marcellus had earlier prophesied the Ardaburs' assassination). Leo, in rather vague terms (cKaiga^ h O~tl i6giv
6Q86a), said he was of
one accord with their thinking. According to the Life of Marcellus,shortly thereafter Ardabur, Aspar, and Patricius met their end: the lion (Leo) swallowed the snake.198
The author of the Life of Marcellus, a monk of the monastery of the Akoimetoi, was
writing toward the middle of the sixth century,199at a point not too far removed from
the events he describes. Popular demonstrations in the hippodrome were a feature of
the age, and it has been suggested that formulaic chants indicate considerable organization.200 That emperor, patriarch, and monastics act in concert on a "religious" issue was
not the norm.20' One suspects choreography. Leo had long been working to rid himself
of the Ardaburs: Zeno, though avoiding Constantinople, was still active as magistermilitum
per Orientem,and is said to have helped in the assassination plot from Chalcedon where
he had stationed his Isaurian troops;202 Heraclius (comesrei militaris?)was recalled from
Libya and was on hand in 471 in anticipation of the Gothic revolt after the Ardaburs'
murder.203 We have no evidence for Gennadius' relations with the Alans, but the Life of
197The Akoimetoiinhabited one of the most important monasteries in Constantinople; Marcellus was hegemon ca. 448-484. See J. Pargoire, "Ac6mites," in DACL 1 (Paris, 1924), 315-21; Dagron, "Les moines et la
ville," 231-38; and, most recently, J.-M. Baguenard, Les moinesacedmtes:Viesdes saintsAlexandre,MarceletJean
Calybite(Maine-et-Loire, 1988), 123-42.
198In a dream, Marcellus saw a lion harassed by a serpent eventually gulp it down and predicted the
downfall of Ardabur and his father (VitaMarcelli, chap. 33: ed. Dagron, "La Vie Ancienne," 314). On the lion
prophecy, cf. Demandt, "Der Kelch," 111, and Scharf, "Der Kelch," 215-16.
199Dagron,"La Vie Ancienne," 276-79; he bases his dating in part on the curious fact that the Life does
not mention Marcellus' contest with the Monophysite Eutyches between 448 and 451, and suggests this
reflects the climate of the period after the monks' papal condemnation for Nestorianism in 534 through the
attempts of Justinian and his immediate successors to reconcile the Monophysites. Baguenard, Les moines
acemetes,124-25, repeats Dagron's arguments. See also Dagron, "Les moines et la ville," 237, and Pargoire,
200In general, on popular demonstrations in this period, see Av. Cameron, TheMediterraneanWorldin Late
Antiquity,A.D.395-600 (London, 1993), 171-74. See Gregory, VoxPopuli, 104 (formulaic slogans), 116 (organized demonstrations), 130 (another instance of kyrieeleison).
201 E.g., Leo had to force Gennadius to ordain Daniel
Stylites, VitaDanielis 42: ed. Delehaye, "Les Saints
stylites," 38-39. Gregory, VoxPopuli, 109 (supporting Dagron's thesis that usually in Constantinople monks
and clergy clashed), 112; Dagron, "Les moines et la ville," 274 n. 222, aware that the hippodrome scene
contradicts his thesis, lays emphasis on the fact that, though acting in concert, the patriarch and the archimandrite had their own "troops."
202Demandt, "Magister Militum," 773; Heather, Gothsand Romans, 274.
203PLRE,II, 541-42 (Heraclius 4); Blockley, FragmentaryClassicizingHistorians, 171; cf. W. E. Kaegi Jr.,
Byzantiumand theDecline of Rome(Princeton, N.J., 1968), 40, and E M. Clover, "Leo I's War of A.D.470 against
the Vandals," BSCAbstr2 (1976), 2-3, who argues that the disaster of the 468 campaign was exaggerated in
the sources, while the campaign of 470 achieved some success but had to be recalled before the showdown
with Aspar.
Marcellustells of a confrontation between Ardabur and the Akoimetoi (chap. 32: ed. Dagron, 314-16). A certain John who had offended Ardabur took refuge at the monastery
(the emperor was powerless against the Ardaburs). The valiant Marcellus refused to hand
over John, and eventually a miraculous apparition-a crown of fire with a cross in the
Ardabur's soldiers, and he gave up the siege. This dramatic story
hints at the hostility between the Ardaburs and the Akoimetoi, and Gennadius, we know,
showed favor to the monks, allowing some of them to take up residence in Constantinople
at the newly founded Stoudios monastery.204Whatever the ecclesiastics' precise motivation, they were clearly ready to lend their combined weight in swaying popular opinion
against the Alans.205
Without question, the family of Aspar was debarred from the purple because of its
Arian faith.206 And again, without question, Aspar recognized this. Rather than aspiring
to the throne himself, he preferred to maintain his military power;207remaining Arian
was an important link with his power base, the Germanic peoples. For Patricius there
were no such concerns. Clearly, the status of Caesar and son-in-law of the emperor-if it
were to be taken at all seriously-required conversion to "Chalcedonian" orthodoxy.
There was contemporary precedent for Arians converting in order to win imperial favor
and promotion, for example, Jordanes, Ardabur's immediate successor as magistermilitum
Modern scholars treat Patricius' conversion as fact,209 though, as Demandt
per Orientem.208
is no evidence for this in the sources.210 But there is a hint, however
points out,
distorted, in Cedrenus that Patricius was at least contemplating this necessary step. According to the twelfth-century historian (PG 121:668A), in 469 when Patricius was made
Caesar he was sent to Alexandria because he led Aspar away from the Arian sect and
made him pleasing to the emperor. I need not dwell on the improbability of this highly
curious trip to Alexandria; what is important is the "confirmation" of what otherwise
must be inferred: Patricius' renunciation of Arianism and the fact that such a conversion
was not pleasing to Leo.
Whether or not Patricius' decision to convert was the result of the hippodrome scene
or not is impossible to say. The Vita Marcelli, as noted earlier, is very vague about any
result other than the Ardaburs' assassination. Most likely, the hippodrome scene represents Leo's efforts to play a final card, the Alans' Arianism.211Not to be outdone fits well
204Theod. Anagn. HE 17: PG 86:173B; Bury, LRE, I, 386, and Pargoire, 'Ac6metes," 316-18, 320-21,
emphasize that this did not make the Studites Akoimetoi.The latter were monks of a monastery, not an order.
205The Akoimetoihad a long history of rioting: (A.D.426 over Nestorius) Life of Daniel, trans. Dawes and
Baynes, 75 n.; Cameron, TheMediterraneanWorld,64; (518 over the Henoticon) Beck, "The Early Byzantine
Church," 435; Pargoire, 'Ac6mites," 319; (533-534 over the Theopaschite doctrine) Bury, LRE, I, 376;
Stallman-Pacitti, Cyril, 64 n. 50, 86-88 (related riot in 512 over the wording of the Trisagion).The Akoimetoi
were Antiochene Chalcedonians.
206Demandt, "Magister Militum," 770, argues against their race as a barrier; cf. Dagron, Naissance, 208.
207Demandt, "Magister Militum," 770-71.
208PLRE,II, 620-21 (F1.Jordanes 3).
209E.g., Dagron, "Les moines et la ville," 237 n. 49; PLRE, II, 842.
210Demandt, "Magister Militum," 772.
211Malalas,Chronikon14: PG 97:553B (cf. Chron.Pasch., PG 92:828A) says that Leo forbade churches and
gatherings to the Exakionite Arians after the execution of Aspar and Ardabur. (I am grateful to Frank M.
Clover for this reference and other advice and assistance.) "Exakionite" appears to be a term of derision for
Eudoxian Arians, in this period primarily Goths. Cf. Lampe, 491
('EarKtovitrg)and 501
(ooK6vto og;),
see Theodoret, HaereticarumFabularumCompendium4.3: PG 83:421B; Chron.Pasch., PG 92:845A.
with everything else we know about Aspar, and the donation to the Anastasia in the
general context of vying for popular favor and the specific context of Patricius' imminent
conversion may find a plausible historical explanation. The pageantry of the depositio
(made even more poignant if the Ardaburs did supply the relics), the oikonomosMarcian's
gratitude for the ecclesiastical vessels, the Gothic language in a famous shrine to Nicaea,212all this must have provided Leo with yet another compelling reason to play his
final card-murder.
Pacific Lutheran University
212The Anastasia seems to have had a dwindling congregation (see above, note 157). Marcian, having
made the churches fiscally independent, may well have expected an increase in revenue with the Anastasia
welcoming its Gothic neighbors.