Mr. King
English 1
Lets say there is a group of people who are working to complete a task all together. In
order to complete the task everyone has to contribute the same amount of effort to accomplish
the goal. Well say one person fails to put inasmuch effort as the group...they fail all as one. Some
people might think its better that they contributed something at all rather than nothing to the
group. This theory or thought is called collectivism. Although the rest of the group still
contributed, they did not succeed. So imagine if the person was working for himself, they aren't
depending on another person to to do their part in order to accomplish the goal because it is a one
mans job. They are most likely to be prosperous when depending only upon himself. This theory
or idea is called individualism.
A lot of people see individualism as a selfish way to live life but in reality its a smart idea.
Looking through certain life lenses, its clear to see why they would want to live in such a
society as individualism. Individualism recognizes the quality of a person. It gives full
recognition where it deserves. Whereas collectivism is more of a we than me situation. In
some cases this is okay but its not exactly fair when credit is not given to each individual.
Collectivism can cause lack of motivation knowing that the other has the other end. With this
problem, everyone will become less motivated and willing to do as much work. This will cause
the group to collapse as one.
Individualism has a sense of freedom to explore different things. This can expand and improve
society in the right direction. Whereas collectivism, you have a boundary or limit due to the fact
that it is a group effort. In collectivism, it can cause an individual to feel like they must fit in
because it is a group. This may cause that person to deny and questions its religious beliefs
and/or sexuality.
Some people see individualism as a selfish society but in reality individualism is more about self
awareness. Its not mainly about only helping yourself, it's more about having a sense of
individuality and freedom. People also believe that working together as one is more beneficial
than working together but that's not entirely true. When working together you are depending on
the entire group. Meaning if one falls then all fails.
All in all collectivism does have positives but individualism overpowers. Individualism has a
sense of power over your own life, freedom, individuality, right to full self cognition. These
things are significantly important in life. Collectivism cannot provide all of these things.
Collectivism can cause you to change your mindset on pretty heavy things for the worst just to
feel accepted into the group. While living in a individualism society there is no group to fit in or
to have to depend on to succeed because its only you. So are you a we or a me?