Drama Techniques

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Speaking, Listening and Drama Across the Curriculum

Speaking, Listening and Drama Techniques can be used across all

areas of the curriculum to enable students to develop vocabulary,
learn, consolidate and retain more effectively.
You are not teaching drama you are using drama to teach.
It is not the intention that every teacher will become a drama teacher, but it
might give you sufficient confidence to introduce a range of new approaches
into your teaching. If these add interest to lessons, foster pupil engagement
and encourage them to listen, think, interact and articulate, then they are
worth doing. Having something to say will in turn impact on their writing.

Here are a few strategies and activities to begin with.

Consider how they could be used in your curriculum area?
Improvisation and Role Play
Definition: Making it up as you go along!
There are no lines to learn, therefore no real right and wrong. Some pupils
find this challenging while others are freed-up by it. Improvisation can be
used to explore characters, feelings, relationships and situations. In order for
this to be successful, pupils need to have background knowledge of the
characters and context and a way in eg First Lines, Freeze Frame.
Pupils can sometimes be given specific characteristics and/or scenarios and
can explore different points of view, practice use of language and consider
implications of actions.
Role play is the basis of all dramatic activity. The ability to suspend disbelief
by stepping into another character's shoes comes quite naturally to some
pupils. By adopting a role, children can step into the past or future and travel
to any location, dealing with issues on moral and intellectual levels. Thus role
play can be easily utilised to illuminate themes across the curriculum.

Mantle of the Expert

Definition: A specifc form of role-play - working in the role of an expert,
firstly to explore and then to inform others
Developed by British drama guru Dorothy Heathcote, this technique involves
the creation of a fictional world where the children assume the roles of experts
in a particular field. The teacher's role is of someone who knows nothing
about the particular issue. The children may be involved in mimed activities,
improvisation, research or discussion. The technique gives pupils an
opportunity to assume responsible roles and can be an effective method of
interactive learning. This can be used to draw a number of curriculum areas
together. An in-depth MoE website is entirely devoted to this technique.

Hot Seating
Definition: The questioning of, and interacting with, a character in role.
This provides and opportunity to explore the background, behaviour and
thinking of a character, real or fictional, contemporary or historical. Characters
may be hot-seated individually, in pairs or small groups. The technique is
additionally useful for developing questioning skills with the rest of the group.

Conscience Alley
Definition: a though tunnel providing the opportunity to explore a
decision, problem or dilemma.
A useful strategy for exploring any kind of dilemma faced by a character. The
class forms two lines facing each other. One person (usually the
teacher/leader to begin with) takes the role of the protagonist and walks
between the lines as each member of the group speaks their advice. It can be
organised so that those on one side give opposing advice to those on the
other. When the central character reaches the end of the alley, he/she makes
her decision.

Flashbacks/Flash Forwards
Definition: An extension of role play to explore events leading up to, and
as a result of, a specific situation.
Performers in a scene are asked to improvise scenes or incidents which take
place seconds, minutes, days or years before or after a dramatic moment.
This enables the exploration of characters' backgrounds, motivations and the
consequences of their actions. The technique can be combined with image
theatre or still images.

Forum Theatre
Definition: A specific form of improvisation when the audience can stop
the action and interact with the scene
A technique pioneered by Brazilian radical Augusto Boal. A play or scene,
usually indicating some kind of oppression, is shown twice. During the replay,
any member of the audience ('spect-actor') is allowed to shout 'Stop!', step
forward and take the place of one of the oppressed characters, showing how
they could change the situation to enable a different outcome. Several
alternatives may be explored by different spectators. The other actors remain
in character, improvising their responses. A facilitator/narrator is necessary to
enable communication between the players and the audience.

Still Images and Freeze Frames

Definition: Both are a form of tableau, where the pictures may or may
not come to life.
With freeze-frame, the action in a play or scene is frozen, as in a photograph
or video frame. Still images, on the other hand, require individuals or groups
to invent body-shapes or postures, rather than freeze existing action.
Groups can be asked to tell a story through a series of prepared still-images.
This can be an effective method for students who are less inclined to
improvise dialogue. The still images can also be brought to life through
improvisation, though ideally only for a short time. Freeze-frames and still
images can be usefully combined with thought tracking, forum theatre or
flashbacks and flash forwards.

Image Theatre
Definition: Role play using body shapes and movements but no words.
Another technique developed by Augusto Boal. Participants rapidly sculpt
their own or each others' bodies to express attitudes, situations and emotions.
These images are then placed together and brought to life. The method is
often used to explore internal or external oppression, unconscious thoughts
and feelings. It is a flexible tool for exploring issues both with groups who are
confident with drama and those with little or no experience. No-one has lines
to learn or has to 'act' or move around in front of others. Image theatre can
enable individuals to explore their own feelings and experiences in a less
forbidding way than that offered by improvisational techniques.

Teacher or Visitor in Role

Definition: The teacher/visitor assumes a role in relation to the pupils.
This may be as a leader, a peer, an expert, a character or any other role
which is useful in the development of the lesson. The teacher may ask
questions of the students, perhaps putting them into role as members of a
specific group and encouraging them to hot seat him/her in return. A token
piece of costume, a hand prop or special chair can be useful to denote when
the teacher steps into and out of role.

Thought Tracking
Definition: Individuals in a group freeze in position and, one at a time,
are asked to speak their thoughts or feelings aloud - just a few words.
This can be done by tapping each individual on the shoulder or holding a
cardboard 'thought-bubble' above their head. Alternatively, thought tracking
(also called 'thought tapping') can involve other members of the class
speaking one character's thoughts aloud for them.

First Lines
Definition: A way-in to most role play and improvisation activities.
Pupils, in pairs or small groups, are given the first line of the conversation and
they then continue the conversation for a short period of time. It allows pupils
to explore situations and empathise with the characters and can be used
across many curriculum areas, eg. Youll have to leave, we start logging
tomorrow, or But why are you sending us to the country?

The Loop Game

Definition: A quick and easy speaking and listening game to consolidate
knowledge of facts.
Pupils are each given cards with a question on one side, and the answer to
someone elses question on the other. The first person reads their question
and another pupil reads the appropriate answer from their own card. They
then immediately read their own question and so on. All the questions and
answers form a loop so the first person to ask a question should be the last on
to answer.

Think Tank
Definition: Creating a situation for pupils to teach each other
Pupils are put into departments to explore/learn about one aspect. They then
form a new group consisting of one person from each of the original
departments. It is then their job to inform the rest of their new group about
what they have learned.

Dragons Den
Definition: An opportunity to demonstrate knowledge by pitching to an
expert or to the rest of the class/ school, in order to persuade, gain
votes, etc.
Based on the successful TV show, pupils must research, prepare and perform
in front of others, demonstrating the ability to give information clearly and
answer questions concisely.

Challenge TV
Definition: the creation of a short TV Documentary, advertisement,
instruction video or public information film.
Pupils are asked to research, plan and write a TV-style film using digital
cameras and IT skills. This can then be shared with a wider audience.

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