Theorizing Communication
Theorizing Communication
Theorizing Communication
A History
Dan Schiller
New York
Oxford University Press
1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper
[M]en fight and lose the battle, and the thing that they fought for
comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out not
to be what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they
meant under another name. . . .
William Morris, A Dream of John Ball
structured critical inquiry into the character of communication as a determinate social force. Over the last century, as we will see, this claim of
social power has been acknowledged in a variety of distinct and even
disparate ways. The need, in turn, is to assess this sprawling and unruly
intellectual progression across its range. But according to what guiding
theoretical principles?
The question itself may be discomfiting. The field's longstanding
preoccupation with narrowly instrumental problems has undoubtedly
helped to obscure its theoretical affiliations. What intellectual history
worthy of the name can attach to such mundane, and frequently manipulative, pursuits as how to develop a more reliable opinion poll,
how to measure the extent of TV violence, or how to create a more
effective political or marketing campaign? The difficulty of laying claim
to a tradition of real significance for social theory would seem to be
intrinsic in a curriculum that has contented itself, in Robert K. Merton's
celebrated euphemism, with "theories of the middle range."1 Are we not
bound to recount the field's development as a mere parochial progression?
Nor is it obvious how to situate communication studywhich became an established scholarly enterprise only during the middle decades
of the 20th centuryin relation to the inspiring concerns of the 19th
century's master disciplines: philosophy, history, and political economy.
The work of connecting formal thought about communication to classic
lines of inquiry into the nature and forms of social life, the origins of
economic value and surplus, and the purposes and character of human
thought and action remains largely to be done. What does the historical
record show?
I shall argue here that it reveals that the firmament of social theory
has not been omitted or forsaken by communication study, but only at
key points signally displaced. The theorizations which have indeed
shaped and guided formal thought about communication lie largely tacit
and submerged, and their unrecognizability ironically may owe as much
to social theory's own abiding indifference as to communication study's
malfeasance.2 In turn, the challenge is to salvage the infrastructure of
theory that underlies inquiry into communication, and to make sense of
its historical logic. But again, then, according to what principles?
Much can be learnedas Golding and Murdock3 suggested some
years agoby seeking to explicate the concepts of society and of social
relations which have spiraled through this field. These two cardinal axes
of modern social theory will be found also to have played an immanent
role in the evolution of communication inquiry. On one hand, then,
following a recommendation offered in a different context by Martin
Jay,4 the need is to tease out the field's successive notions of a purported
social whole or totality, that we may trace a first subterranean axis of its
theoretical identity and development. On the other hand, we must si-
multaneously seek to comprehend the ascribed linkages between communication and social relations. For my purposes in this book, this can
be done best by fastening on how formal thought about communication
has continually positioned itself in regard to "labor." A few words on
each of these admittedly opaque claims will not be out of place.
Let me begin with the concept of social totality. What, we may ask,
have been the schemas through which successive schools have thought
to pose the relationship between the communication process and an
overarching social field?
There are three formal alternatives; each has been variously pursued
over the course of a century of communication study. First, some
thinkers have tried to add communication processes or functions to a
pre-existing concept of social totality; conceptions of totality are thereby
mechanically modified, via one or another new ingredient. The ubiquitous declaration that there is something radically new about this or that
communication technology is often made against such a background; so
is the observation that mass media should be apprehended as distinctively contemporary agencies of social control. At a certain point,
however, we can sense in such claims a second tendency, toward a more
thoroughgoing substitution: in this case communication is employed,
sometimes quite comprehensively, to supplant or stand in for any preexisting conception of social totality. To say that "communication is the
fundamental social process" is an example. Finally, there have also been
synthetic efforts whereby "communication" is brought into "society"
even as, in consequence, both ideas are altered. To say that "the system
of communication exists interdependently with the political and economic systems" provides a nominal instance of such a synthetic mode of
These three conceptual framessupplementary, substitutive, and
syntheticare not mere abstract or random alternatives. Rather they
have succeeded one another in an overarching historical progression,
whose significance has gone generally unnoticed. This historical orbit,
we will find, has been a function mainly of the way in which seemingly
disparate theories of communication, offered within the divergent circumstances of each new watershed in the field's development, have
approached the second of our two concepts: labor.
Discomfiture may now give way to disbelief. What, after all, has
"communication" to do with "labor"? The answer is Nothingand
therefore everything. This book is, in large part, the story of how their
polarization has shaped the fortunes of communication inquiry.
The idea that human activity is always integral in that it comprises
both mental and physical dimensions has not managed to predominateor for long periods even to survivein social theory. Instead such
a unitary framework for comprehending human self-activity has been
continually relinquished. Communication study has been an active
Acknowledgment must be made to the Speech Communication Association, for permission to use material from my article, "From Culture
to Information and Back Again: Commoditization as a Route to Knowledge," in Critical Studies in Mass Communication 11(1) (March 1994):
92-115; and to the International Communication Association, for permission to use material from my article, "Back to the Future: Prospects
for Study of Communication as a Social Force," in the Journal of'Communication 43 (4) (Autumn 1993): 117-124.
Del Mar, California
December 1995
D. S.
John Dewey1
The separation of hand and brain is the most decisive single step in
the division of labor taken by the capitalist mode of production.
Harry Braverman2
" . . . what solution, if any, have you found for the labor question?
It was the Sphinx's riddle of the nineteenth century. . . .
"As no such thing as the labor question is known nowadays.
. . . I suppose we may claim to have solved it. . . ."
Edward Bellamy3
In the 19th-century United States, criticism of communication institutions and practices was rife and often sharp. The widest and most significant antipathetic current, during the century's final decades, streamed
through labor organizations and oppositional political movements.
Lodging repeated protests against the accelerating integration of major
mediaboth the press and the wireline systems of telegraphy and
telephonyinto the expanding circuits of corporate capital, a broad
Theorizing Communication
Theorizing Communication
In 1883, the same year that Joseph Pulitzer purchased the New York
World in hopes of finding a lucrative means of redirecting the relationship between commercial journalism and the urban working class,
Scots-born typefounder and union organizer Edward King reiterated
Jarrett's ideas:
The relation of the press to the labor movement of course is a very bitter one.
The laboring classes . . . have great antipathy to the newspapers. . . . It
is also a very widespread belief among the working classes that you should
not believe anything you read in the newspapers. The want of that faith in
the veracity and truthfulness of literary men is one of the phases of the labor
movement that I consider very remarkable indeed. The feeling is away
beyond what could be accounted for by anything else than very gross cases
of misrepresentation, and very exaggerated cases of opposition. . . . The
influence of capital upon the fourth estate I regard as most corrupt and fatal,
and a thing very much to be regretted, because when you recognize the fact
that these influences have not that hold they once had on the formation of
the opinions of the people, and when you remember that the press is rapidly
taking the place of what the pulpit once did, I think it is a matter of very
grave concern that any large body of people should lose faith in the veracity
and justice of a power like the press. . . . it is a most unhealthy state of
things that a power such as the press should be believed by the working
classes to be warring with them and against their interests.20
King added, as well, that it was now "beyond question that the
working class believe they must have papers of their own."22 Far from
being specialized trade union organs, moreover, these journals, he held,
should cater to a general interest. King testified, "While the working
classes want their trade news, want a labor paper, still they have a
burning desire to know what has happened connected with other affairs
besides trades affairs, and workingmen cannot be counted upon as willing to throw over their interest in everything else for the sake of a trade
paper." But a "want of capital sufficient to advertise a daily labor paper"
combined with the difficulty of getting into the Associated Press to rule
out such a possibility. The working classes had come, he said, to believe
that the only solution was to cooperate. "[T]he tendency now amongst
the people," King asserted, "is to believe that all efforts [to start up
working-class newspapers] must be failures except co-operative, under
a law which prevents the capture of the paper by the shareholders, and
prohibits any person from having more than one share, &c."23
King's antagonism to the Associated Press news agency was tributary to a wide current of radical criticism.24 To comprehend this concern,
we must know that in the decades after the Mexican-American War
(1846-48), newsgathering became profoundly dependent on the telegraph. Telegraphy, in turn, was one of a trio of infrastructural functions
(the others were rail transport and banking) whose economic roles attracted increasingly widespread popular antipathy. Many historians
agree that railroads, banks, and telegraphs acted as pivots of an emergent
corporate capitalism. Before them, no truly interregional capitalist
economy could be contemplated. By their means, on the other hand,
comparative economic advantages were enlarged and deepened, centralization of industry generative of vast productivity increases became
feasible, and corporate decisionmaking on a nationwide scale emerged.
Theorizing Communication
bringing within the reach of the many that prompt intelligence as to the
health and movements of their far-removed members which is now the
luxury of the few?" asked Senator Nathaniel Hill in 1884.34 Sky-high
telegraph rates for many critics, however, were only a symptom of Western Union's massively invasive and disequilibrating monopoly over
what the Populists generalized as "the transmission of intelligence," or
"the means of transmission of information." At the center of the problem, as Charles A. Sumner focused the issue in 1879, was the nation's
sorry failure to establish the telegraph as "a common carrier of intelligence."35
The historical status of the ensuing campaign to restructure telegraphy has been undervalued, even by sympathetic historians, who tend to
subordinate it to the railroad, while also emphasizing the ideological
limitations of the reform effort overall. William Appleman Williams, for
example, declares that, far from amounting to some sort of agrarian
socialism, the Populists' plan to nationalize the railroad, telegraph, and
telephone systems was "merely carrying the logic of laissez faire to its
classic fulfillment. Given the absolutely essential role of an open and
equitable marketplace in the theory and practice of laissez faire, they
concluded that the only way to guarantee the cornerstone of the system
was by taking it out of the hands of any entrepreneur."36 Leon Fink
dissents from Williams's stress on "the limited ideological reach of
. . . political demands focusing on 'commercial arteries' of the marketplace" that left "the system of private enterprise otherwise untouched." Fink suggests that a "more convincing explanation for the
centrality of transit and communication systems to the radical demands
of the period lies in the fact that it was here that public authority appeared most baldly not only to have sanctioned but also to have colluded
with private 'monopoly.'"37
The popular critique of corporate ownership and control of communications as a site and an agency of class power may have been fiercely
pointed, but it was hardly for this reason limited, misguided, or naive.
What needs to be underscored is, in fact, its radicalism. The journalist
Richard Hinton declared: " . . . as an observer and a student I have
long since come to the conclusion that in this country at least the artificial person called a corporation, who is in possession of the public functions of a community, such as the railroad, the telegraph, and the bank,
is a person, speaking of him as an artificial person before the law, whose
existence is dangerous to the safety of the Republic."38 The prevailing
social purposes of the new telecommunications technology even intermittently provoked forcible responses, such as among Native Americans,
who sometimes recognized a strategic need to defend themselves against
the U.S. military by burning or ripping down "the singing wire."39 In
eastern Oklahoma as late as August 1917, for example, some 800 to
1000 tenant farmers, militantly opposed to U.S. entry into World War I,
Theorizing Communication
Something of the same idea appeared as well in the socialist Laurence Gronlund's more formal proposal, itself embedded in his encompassing reform projection. Borrowing from the influential early writings
of Herbert Spencer, Gronlund insisted that "the State is a living Organism" whose growing interdependence had come to require "that central
Theorizing Communication
set of public responsibilities. Second-class mails, rural free delivery, parcel post, postal expresses, postal savings banksthese pyramiding extensions of postal service were some of the results. Extensive debate and
theorization of course accompanied this steady augmentation of government responsibility. Protesting that the telegraph had come under the
sway of "one overgrown company which has absorbed to itself all other
lines, with which no competition is possible, and which can absolutely
disregard the rights of the citizen," political economists such as Henry
George and Richard Ely thus sought to justify a government takeover by
developing the theory that the telegraph, like the railroad, was a "natural monopoly." Said George in the mid-1880s: "Practically, I think the
progress of events is toward the extension and enlargement of businesses
that are in their nature monopolies, and that the State must add to its
functions continually."60
This movement in favor of telegraph system restructuring repeatedly
attained formal political prominence. Czitrom61 notes that Congress
considered seventy-odd bills designed to reform telegraphy between
1866 and 1900, most of which contemplated either a "postal telegraph"a government chartered and subsidized private competitor to
Western Unionor a government-owned and operated telegraph system. "I do not recognize the necessity of our telegraphic industry ... being a capital stock concern," was the position of John S.
McClelland, telegrapher and trade unionist, testifying before a Senate
committee in mid-August 1883.62 Following the failure that same
month of the telegraphers' "Great Strike" against Western Union, as
Edwin Gabler has asserted, many telegraph operators rallied to Henry
George's United Labor Party and other groups calling for a postal telegraph.63
Trade unions continued to bring the issue to the fore during a new
round of reform effort after the strike debacle.64 Postalization, asserted
the Cincinnati Typographical Union No. 3, would comply "with the
wishes of the great majority of our trades-unionists, agriculturalists,
merchants, etc., thus placing all who are compelled to use the telegraph
or to rely on the same for their living or any part thereof, on an equal
footing."65 The Knights of Labor claimed to have submitted petitions to
the 50th Congress (1887-88) containing no less than 530,000 signatures on behalf of postal telegraphy, and to have spent some $21,000 on
public lectures on this subject throughout the country.66 Unions were
not alone in demanding telegraph industry reform. Members of the
Farmers' Alliance, as well as a parade of Postmasters General and other
government officials, also hoped to enfold telegraphy within the postal
service. So too did many leading businesses. In 1890, Postmaster General Wanamaker enumerated the support for a postal telegraph shown
by major business users of telegraph services. Memorials in favor of a
postalized system had been received, he wrote"without any effort on
Theorizing Communication
my own part"from the National Board of Trade and from some two
dozen local boards of trade and chambers of commerce, representing
commercial users in, among other places, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago,
Cincinnati, Detroit, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New York,
Philadelphia, and San Francisco.67 "That man must be willfully blind
who does not see the vast and rising tide of public sentiment against
monopoly," declared Wanamaker, in proposing yet another version of
the postal telegraph, in his 1890 Annual Report.68 National journals of
opinion, such as the Arena, continued to devote substantial space to the
subject, while scholars supplied learned argument and documentation.
The telegraph controversy was perhaps the first media debate in which
academic economists played prominent parts.69
Although some reformers were boldly undaunted by the qualitative
changes such steps entailed for the practice and theory of government,70
others were acutely mindful that, absent stringent safeguards, a government takeover might only inaugurate new evils. The chief worry was
that a government telegraph system would be incorporated into the
sprawling networks of patronage and political preferment which honeycombed existing state agencies. "I don't think it should be regarded as
the province of lawyers and doctors and rum-shop politicians to pass
upon the qualifications of a man in telegraphy," declared P. J. Maguire,
the General Secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners.71
Maguire's considered proposal merits our scrutiny:
. . . first, we want the Brotherhood of Telegraphers legalized as an organization by Congress, like any other corporate organization. Then let the
Government inaugurate a postal telegraph service under its jurisdiction; or
let it purchase the plant and place that plant in the control of this brotherhood, to be paid for by the brotherhood, the Government holding a mortage
on it, and the brotherhood, at stated periods, making payments on it to the
Government. But if the Government desires to institute a postal telegraphic
service under its own direct administration, then I contend that, to avoid the
evils of Government patronage incident to such a service, we should have a
provision in the law that will institute a civil service commission composed
entirely of members of the Brotherhood of Telegraphers to examine and
pass upon the application of persons desiring positions in the service. My
reason for that is, that I consider that if the brotherhood be legalized and the
postal-telegraph service becomes the property of the national Government,
then under those circumstances it would be to the interest of every employe
to belong to the brotherhood; and I hold that the power of patronage in the
corporation known as the State could be offset by the influence of the
corporation composed of the telegraphers themselves, who, from their
knowledge of their own profession, must be the people best qualified to pass
upon the fitness of applicants for positions in the service. . . . There is this
danger, if the Government takes the postal telegraph without some such
check, that when, for instance, an employe gives some offense to the Government officialsperhaps does not vote the ticket of the party in power
Theorizing Communication
merited its just reward. The radical journalist John Swinton, supporting
this position, took care to urge (though without specifying a workable
mechanism for achieving such a goal) "freedom of patents . . . but
with a royalty system."85 And Palmieri proved quick to counter the
claim "that although the laborer was worthy of his hire the inventor was
not." "In this great bloodless war between labor and capital, and on the
labor side of the question," Palmieri unequivocally declared, "we find
the inventor, the creator of all improvements in the arts and sciences, the
father of progress. . . ,"86 When pressed as to whether he considered
himself "a laboring man," however, Palmieri hedged: "Yes, sir; I am
essentially a laboring man."87 His slight hesitation betrayed one important, and quickly fraying, end of the attempt to create an inclusive cooperative commonwealth.
In the twenty years between 1870 and 1890, by one estimate, members of the professions in the U.S. more than doubledfrom 342,000 to
876,000; over this same span, moreover, the number of clerical and
kindred workers shot up nearly sixfold, from 82,000 to 469,000.88 If
inventors and journalists, like the rest of this growing pyramid of academics and engineers, sales and clerical workers, were to achieve legitimate inclusion within the ranks of the "producing classes"that expansive, imagined community at the heart of producer republicanismtheir
efforts had to be widely understood and accepted as labor. It is then
profoundly significant that such acknowledgment remained, at best,
haphazard. The character of so-called "intellectual" labor or "brain"
work, into which this whole genus of activity seemed to fall, instead
tended to become impenetrably opaque.
During the antebellum era, as Nicholas Bromell has shown, writers
and critics had regularly invoked a basic distinction between mind and
body, the better to dichotomize "mental" from "manual" labor. Militant
craftsmen, such as the shoemaker William Heighten, had regularly proclaimed that the rich were, overall, "unproducers," who with their own
hands "shape no materials, erect no property, create no wealth."89 The
artisans who developed this producer republican synthesis were confident that their own labor involved skilla useful blend of mental and
physical activity; bankers and commercial capitalists, by contrast, apparently by relinquishing any bodily investment in toil, transformed
themselves into parasites. This distinction, which eventually found its
way into Thorstein Veblen's biting analysis of the "leisure class," was
useful in differentiating worthy producerseven while a growing proportion of them were becoming, simply, factory "hands"from others,
such as lawyers, who continued to be widely reviled for their occupational attachment to the use of state power against the working class.
But by the late 19th century, this theory's purchase on social reality
was being placed under intense strain. Clerks and salespersons struggled
to distinguish themselves from the unskilled, by identifying themselves
Theorizing Communication
as laborers on a par with the skilled trades, or on the other hand with
middle-class professionals.90 While lawyers were pridefully prohibited
from membership in the Farmers' Alliance, and in the deliberately inclusive national union the Knights of Labor, local organizations of retail
clerks did sometimes successfully affiliate.91 Distinctions drawn between
the salutary endeavors of the inventor and the predatory machinations
of the great capitalist likewise grew troublesomely elusive.
The distinction that tended to be employed between "productive"
and "unproductive" labor was anything but clearly drawn. "[I]n our
Commonwealth," declared Gronlund, "there will be a demand for the
labor of every citizen. . . . Mark! We speak of productive labor, and
mean thereby labor that creates anything which men desire," be its
products "physical, artistic or intellectual."92 Such an encompassing
category, however enticing and however much needed, was not easy to
ground conceptually, nor even to demarcate. Indicative were the difficulties faced in this regard by a leading German-American socialist, at a
congressional hearing:
Q. Where do you limit the line of labor? Who is a laboring man and
who is not a laboring man, according to your idea? A. Useful labor, I have
already explained, is the only labor. All the rest is wasteful labor.
Q. What is useful labor? A. That which produces wealth, directly or
Q. Take Mr. Vanderbilt, for instance. I do not know Mr. Vanderbilt, and
I merely mention him as an example; nor have I any connection with men
of such large wealth; but take him as a representative of his class, does not
the man that directs the great influences that control industry become a
working man?
A. He does not direct anything. He pays directors, who do the work.
Q. Is not his brain worth anything? A. No, not at all, since it is not
exercised for the advantage of the country.
Q. I should like you to tell me where is the line of distinction between
useful labor and labor that is not useful. Is it in industrial employment
manual laboror is it in all the exercises of the brain, just such as you have
shown us to day?
A. I have not for a moment denied that intellectual labor is labor; but
this intellectual labor that is exercised to the damage of the whole society
and country is not useful labor. Every labor must be useful in order to be
true labor. That is the first distinction of political economy.93
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Theorizing Communication
tion study that these confused and collisive impulses left numerous radical intellectuals bereft of a comfortable home within the European "labor movement."
In the U.S., meanwhile, the academic concern with "communication," as we are now in a position to see, emerged as a complex and
contradictory response to this self-same inability to retain and think with
a comprehensively unified category of labor. The vast expansion and
enlargement, during the later 19th century, of a realm where "intellectual" labor held apparent swaykey segments of which were socially
organized in ways strikingly distinct from those which governed the
deployment of "manual" laborindeed worked to endow "communication" with a seemingly transcendent autonomy. If formal thought
about "communication" found its point of departure in this rapidly
hardening social division of labor, finally, it in turn acted to make the
place of "labor" within the social totality all but vanish.
Around the turn of the 20th century, several fields of organized social
scientific inquiry were each successively acquiring distinct and formal
disciplinary niches within a reorganized research university.106 However, the question which now needs to be faced is not simply how to
comprehend the origins of communication study considered as an academic enterprise. It is, rather, how to place the migration of thinking
about communication into the new research universities in relation to
the coeval popular critique on which that thinking demonstrably drew.
It is of the utmost importance for comprehending the emergence of an
academic communication study, indeed, that we recognize that the latter coincided historically with the apex of popular efforts to restructure
institutionalized communication.
"Probably no subject in economics is of more interest in the dawn of
the era of the co-operative commonwealth," generalized one trade
unionist as late as 1912, "than is the question of communication."107
With this enigmatic assertion, a handful of intrepid scholars, at least,
were in desultory agreement. The sociologist Edward Ross penned an
article detailing "The Suppression of Important News."108 Academic
economists such as Frank Parsons and Richard Ely, and the latter's
disciple Edward A. Bemis, publicly advocated government ownership of
telegraphs and telephones, but their orthodox colleagues drifted away
from history and institutional analysis and toward a general equilibrium
theorywhich took for granted perfect access to information even as
telecommunications media were rendering this very assumption fatally
The iconoclastic economist Thorstein Veblen, most consequentially,
took up directly the producer-republican dichotomy between "produc-
Theorizing Communication
presidents and trustees and, significantly, also with colleagues bent, despite the cost for academic freedom, on legitimating their own professional autonomy, radical propensities within academic social science
were effectively disciplined.114 "In case after case of university pressure
brought against social scientists in the 1880s and 1890s, the conservative
and moderate professional leaders carefully parceled out their support,
making clear the limited range of academic freedom and the limited
range of political dissent they were willing to defend."115 This response
was concordant with the virtual exclusion, within the emergent research
university, of nonwhites and (to a lesser extent) of women, and the
rampant prejudices that greeted Jews and Catholics.116 In this denatured
milieu, academic interest in "communication"and in anything else
not surprisingly tended to eschew any direct evidence of rough-hewn
Yet this again is not to say that, beyond a few mavericks, an academic concern with "communication" was absent. Far from it; during
the Progressive era scholarly concerns about this subject diffused broadly
throughout the social sciences. Between the early 1890s and the 1910s,
an increasingly prominent group of academicsabove all, John Dewey,
his onetime students Robert Park and Charles H. Cooley, and his colleague George Herbert Meadcame to be overtly and sustainedly concerned with "communication." What may be said, then, about the relationship of Dewey an instrumentalism, or pragmatism, to the adjacent
radical attempts to forward more mutualistic communication systems?
Biographers will no doubt continue to debate how much of the spirit
and substance of pragmatism may be attributedas regards Dewey and
Meadto the outward-directed religiosity which so clearly infused
them, akin to many other leading Progressives, and how much to other
factors, including their early training in philosophical idealism, and their
perhaps equally schooled innocence of direct social exploitation and
domination. However, it is pertinent to emphasize that, in the case of
Deweya vital figure in the gestation of academic communication
studythere were also significant lines of descent linking him with the
concurrent radical critique. Dewey indeed evinced close and sustained
involvement with a broad range of contemporary reform projects.
Think, for example, of his participation, at the University of Michigan, in
an emerging "social gospel" movement during the 1880s. The latter
carried forward into his intimate association, beginning in the next decade, with the Chicago settlement houses, where he learned from and
disputed disparate radicals and reformers. Then, too, there is his (and
Mead's) alliance with Chicago trade unionists during the early 1900s, in
a convulsive struggle over the character of public education. Not least,
finally, Dewey enjoyed a set of personal contacts that included such
reformers as the economist Henry Carter Adams, Florence Kelley, Jane
Addams, and his own formidable wife, Alice Chipman Dewey.117 Late in
This project, predictably, failed before getting off the ground, leaving
Ford in subsequent years to speculatein both senses of that word
regarding the organization of the nation's system of "intelligence."122
Theorizing Communication
Ford positively reveled in his discovery of "intelligence as a commodity," exclaiming that it offered up nothing less than a "new reading
of life." "With truth and commerce at one," he heralded, "the organizing and controlling principle of society is revealed." This quasi-religious
stance became explicit in the title of what Ford projected to be the
inaugural work in a companion twelve-volume book series: "The Day of
Judgment."124 Given these ambitions, it was beside the point that Ford's
venture, had it succeeded, would necessarily far exceed the reach and
power of any monopoly made of human clay, notably including that of
the AP. "Organized intelligence" was a response to crisis, notalbeit
only in virtue of eminently questionable "nationalist" assumptions,
probably garnered from Edward Bellamy's recently published Utopian
novelits cause. Like other middle-class reform schemes building from
the work of Gronlund and Bellamy, Ford's was marked by its apocalyptic tone and by its concerted effort to supplant class antagonism with an
ostensibly unitary and organic social basis for the realization of an industrial Utopia.125
After some wandering in the wilderness, Ford brought his idea to
the University of Michigan, where for a time it thrived through his
ongoing association with Dewey, and with the younger men George
Herbert Mead and Robert E. Park. Park, conceding Ford's influence, later
He had reported Wall Street and had gained a conception of the function of
the press by observing the way the market responded to news. The market
price was, from his point of view, a kind of public opinion and, being a man
of philosophic temperament, he drew from this analogy far-reaching inferences. I cannot go into that. Suffice it to say he came to believe, and I did
too, that with more accurate and adequate reporting of current events the
historical process would be appreciably stepped up, and progress would go
forward steadily, without the interruption and disorder of depression or
violence, and at a rapid pace.126
Theorizing Communication
securing the freedom of intelligence, that is, its movement in the world of
social fact; and (4) the resulting social organization. This is, with inquiry as a
business, the selling of truth for money, the whole would have a representative as well as the various classes,a representative whose belly interest,
moreover, is identical with its truth interest.132
Dewey's interest in Ford's project centered foursquare on this beckoning notion of "organized intelligence." Decades later, Dewey's onetime student Sidney Hook was to observe that "the central emphasis
Dewey places on 'the methods of intelligence' in all areas of human
experience . . . suggests that 'intelligence' functions as the only absolute value in Dewey's ethical and educational philosophy. . . ." Democracy itself, wrote Hook, was for Dewey based on his "faith that
intelligence could discover or create shared interests sufficient to preserve civilized society."133 Ford thus seems to have provided a specific
platform for Dewey's growing and much-cherished conviction that, as
another authoritative commentator puts it, "[effective distribution of
knowledge" was "essential to the development of the 'social sensorium,'
and democracy rested as much if not more on the egalitarian distribution
of knowledge as it did on the egalitarian distribution of wealth."134
What, we must therefore ask, were the lineage and vital features of this
key word?
On one hand, "intelligence" figured directly in efforts by Dewey,
and subsequently Mead, to identify means of working toward a socially
configured psychology, whose most arresting feature was its restoration
of mind to an immanent role within experience including, above all,
individual experience. Dewey's breakthrough into the philosophical
psychology which he called "instrumentalism" can be conveniently indexed by recalling his insight, in 1896, into the need to reject the "reflex
arc" concept that then ruled over psychology. Refusing the idea that
mind and body were separate, and thus that individual experience could
be grasped through a modelthe reflex arcthat confined itself to studying cycles of purported stimulus and response between the two seemingly skewed planes, Dewey insisted instead on the organismic nature of
experience. Thinking had, for Dewey, the same ontological status as
action; together they encompassed, in this famous attack on dualism, a
ceaseless oscillation. Intrinsically intertwined functions, thinking
learned from and tried to correct action within a single unfolding
creativebut perhaps, as one critic pointed out long ago, overly
biologisticprocess135 which Dewey, in a term that is redolent of his
recently concluded association with Ford, here called "organized coordination." "[WJhat is wanted," he asserted, "is that sensory stimulus,
central connections and motor responses shall be viewed, not as separate
and complete entities in themselves, but as divisions of labor, functioning factors, within the single concrete whole. . . ,"136 Where uncertainty disrupted habitual activity, conscious purposethoughtwas
prompted to intervene, establishing its own role in the cycles of coordinative action which progressively ensued. The active construction, the
human meaning, of experience came therefore, as Feffer writes, to be
"guided by the principle that mind is a self-active, creative force."137
But "mind," or "intelligence," in turn was not to be located within
the individual in any simple or assumed physical sense. "If mind is
socially constituted," wrote Mead subsequently, "then the field or locus
of any given individual mind must extend as far as the social activity or
apparatus of social relations which constitutes it extends; and hence that
field cannot be bounded by the skin of the individual organism to which
it belongs."138 What then happened, as Dewey's salutary effort to transcend dualism, by impelling "organized co-ordination" to assume an
active creative role within individual experience, was transposed onto
this societal level? Here, in brief, "intelligence" was endowed with an
equally intrinsic, but far more problematic role.
The problem was that Dewey's admirable effort to configure mind as
a social form was confusingly intercut with a disparate emphasis on the
assumed role of "organized intelligence" within society. For who, aj; the
level of the social field, was to organize intelligence? What identifiable
social agency could function as the knower, whose goal was to press
ahead toward social reconstruction? For Dewey, this eventually
emerged as the problem of the "public,"139 where "communication"
augured not a return to religious faith, but a regeneration of democracy
a search, in his terms, for "the great community."140 On one hand,
validly enough, this became a matter of "discovering the means by
which a scattered, mobile and manifold public may so recognize itself as
to define and express its interests." On the other hand, Dewey severely
limited his ability to address this all-important question by continuing to
rely on a fatally problematic assumption: "The problem of a democratically organized public is primarily and essentially an intellectual
problem. . . ,"141 It hardly needs to be stressed how much this declaration, by the "mature" Dewey (he was in his mid-sixties at the time),
resurrected the edicts of Franklin Ford. In Ford's earlier, less considered,
and indeed inflammatory discussion of the character of "organized intelligence," there lies already a clear hint of what would emerge as the
definitive ambiguity within Dewey's public philosophythe respective
roles to be played in it by capital and labor. Ford, in a typical burst of
Bellamyite evolutionary doctrine, hailed his idea alternately as both a
"socialistic newpaper" and an "intelligence trust."142 "Organized intelligence," akin to the trusts that for Bellamyites formed the nuclei of
socialism, purported to transcend ensconced antagonisms between capital and labor by positing a category of activityknowingwhose very
function, as we have already seen, was for Ford inherently, indeed by
definition, to efface the division on which that conflict was based.
"No paper," Dewey had told Henry Carter Adams in 1889, "can
Theorizing Communication
afford to tell the truth about the actual conduct of the city's business."
But, he quickly added, "have a newspaper whose business, i.e. whose
livelihood, was to sell intelligence, and it couldn't afford to do anything
else. . . ."143 In this mystifying formulation, the "hindrances" posed by
"class interests" to the "free play" of intelligenceto which Dewey
himself briefly alluded, as we saw, in his sketch of Ford's thought
vanished altogether. Evidently he believed not only that "belly interest"
and "truth interest" could be reconciled, but also that the "intelligence
trust" could escape or, perhaps, overpower, any lingering effects of class
interest or social division. This optimism could be warranted only because the conception of class that Dewey employed spoke not to the
social relations of production but, in contrast, to any and all particular
group interestsbe they regional, occupational, or ideologicalthat
worked to undermine social union. Exactly here, Dewey's reach for
shared knowledge was transposed into a spiritual movement to effect
what Josiah Royce had taught his colleague Mead must be "the substitution of the social and universal for the private and particular."144
It takes nothing away from Dewey's achievement to suggest that
much of the conceptual basis of his theorization was prefigured in the
historically adjacent producer republican synthesis. Producer republicans held that both mental and physical aspects were incarnated in an
integral category of skillful labor, and that this same category of labor
could be generalized, to supply a crucial common bond allying disparate
occupations in their opposition to the prevailing order. These ideas
metamorphosized, in Dewey's hands, into a rebuttal both of the reflex
arc and of the ontological distinctions which were so often drawn between different ranks of human activity. Utilizing what Feffer calls "a
radically democratic philosophy of self-activity . . . that reintegrated
the manual with the mental,"145 Dewey carried forward into theory as a
general premise the producers' dream of a social totality peopled solely
by laboring folk. While producer republicans often failed on the horns of
a dualist dilemma, therefore, and found themselves powerless to prevent
a defensive lapse onto the body's physical labor as the apparent paramount criterion of productive activity, Dewey refashioned their ideas to
mount an adamant attack against dualism in all its forms: not only
subject versus object and body versus mind, but also action versus
thought, work versus play, and labor versus leisure. In a work that he
himself long considered to be the fullest exposition of his philosophical
stance, Dewey blasted away at all such divisions, arguing that
educationwith philosophy itself, the form of "organized intelligence"
to which he was most committed personallyshould work to efface
them, both in itself and within the larger society. "What has been termed
active occupation includes both play and work," declared Dewey. "In
their intrinsic meaning, play and industry are by no means so antithetical to one another as is often assumed, any sharp contrast being due to
undesirable social conditions."146 And, he continued, the "social distinction between those whose pursuits involve a minimum of selfdirective thought and aesthetic appreciation, and those who are concerned more directly with things of the intelligence and with the control
of the activities of others" was itself largely responsible for the reproduction of this same dualism within the prevailing system of educational
provision. "The problem of education in a democratic society," however, "is to do away with the dualism and to construct a course of studies
which makes thought a guide of free practice for all and which makes
leisure a reward of accepting responsibility for service, rather than a state
of exemption from it."147
Yet where, then, within this determined and admirable attack on
dualism, was "production" or "labor"? A recent proponent of Dewey
has utilized the concept of production effectively, as a heuristic device for
trenchantly explicating the full range of Dewey's thought.148 But Dewey
himself, despite occasional experiments with the idea,149 did not; perhaps even could not. The category of labor evidently was not free to fill
the encompassing and multifaceted function on which Dewey tried so
scrupulously to insist. "That a certain amount of labor must be engaged
in goes without saying,"150 he suggested, signaling that he had acceded
to the prevailing equation of "labor" solely with necessary toil.
In place of "labor," Dewey fell back on a seemingly more inclusive
and elastic category, "experience," as his preferred alternative. "Experience," he emphasized in 1916, included "an active and a passive element peculiarly combined""trying" and "undergoing. " In itself, it
was "not primarily cognitive." However, to "'learn from experience' is
to make a backward and forward connection between what we do to
things and what we enjoy or suffer from things in consequence." What
Dewey termed "the measure of the value of an experience" established,
moreover, a uniquely cognitive function: "Thinking," that is, "is the
accurate and deliberate instituting of connections between what is done
and its consequences."151 Upon "inquiry" or "intelligence" was plainly
conferred the lead role, in making "experience" the basis for continuing
action in the world. As a result, in turn, the problems of an industrializing capitalism were refocused through the lens of what was too often
presumed to be a conciliatory and inherently progressive communication function.152
According to Andrew Feffer, conservative capital, which for Dewey
as well as Mead was a chief source and site of social "habit," and radical
labor, an equally important site of what they called "impulse," coexisted
in a "functional evolutionary relation": "the two sides psychologically
and socially needed each other, and needed to resolve social conflict
through reconciliation." "Communication"a process equated with
reciprocity and cooperationbecame synonymous with this functional
bond;153 put differently, "communication" became for Dewey the
Theorizing Communication
Until late in his long life, in turn, Dewey transmuted the mutualism
of the concurrent popular critique of communicationwith its necessary emphasis on the distortive organization of the agencies of intelligence under current social conditionsinto an assumedly ameliorative
precursor of ideal social relations. Working both from and back toward
the idea of democracy, of aiding the "common good," Dewey fell back
on an ideal of service159 to bolster his assumption that "the current has
set steadily in one direction: toward democratic forms."160 On this optimistic but unsatisfactory premise, once again, he long convinced himself
that organized intelligence was well-nigh immanent within the socialhistorical process. "We have every reason to think that whatever
changes may take place in existing democratic machinery," he extolled
in 1926, "they will be of a sort to make the interest of the public a more
supreme guide and criterion of governmental activity, and to enable the
public to form and manifest its purposes still more authoritatively."161
Mead's project was even more pointedly to ground communication systematically in a stabilizing psychology of cooperative sociability.162 Sustaining Ford's quasi-religious overtones, this shared approach allowed
Dewey to call communication a "wonder" beside which "transubstantiation pales."163 There were significant intimations, finally, that "communication" comprised an anomaly, even an ineffable agency. When
Dewey wrote of the role of communication in societal reproduction
("transmission"), he went on at once to mandate that for people "to
form a community" they must have
aims, beliefs, aspirations, knowledgea common understandinglikemindedness as the sociologists say. Such things cannot be passed physically
from one to another, like bricks; they cannot be shared as persons would
share a pie by dividing it into physical pieces. . . .
And again:
Things can be physically transported in space; they may be bodily conveyed.
Beliefs and aspirations cannot be physically extracted and inserted.164
Theorizing Communication
even as they thrust themselves into the flux, their commitment to democratic reconstruction was premised on an uncompromising belief that
the chief task was to identify and thence to activate neutral agencies of
social reconciliation.171 That such neutrality was itself not only desirable, but also feasible, they scarcely doubtedand this article of faith
pervaded their related conceptions of society and communication. To
the Chicago pragmatists even a mild cleavage of what Mead, remember,
had called the "integral unit of society"172 was neither necessary nor
even tolerable. Attempting precisely to overcome what they variously
identified as "force," "desire," or "the unregenerate element in human
nature," they soughtin language that again transported Dewey's earlier critique of the reflex arc unproblematically onto the social field
"the perfecting of the means and ways of communication . . . so that
genuinely shared interest in the consequences of interdependent activities may inform desire and effort and thereby direct action."173
Such usages led at times to unconscionable concessions. Dewey's
and Mead's support for U.S. involvement in World War I is the most
widely cited demonstration that the prewar pragmatists turned consistently "to the state as the source of cooperative authority," while seeking
to chastise and exclude as "Utopians" all who did not meet their liberal
standards of "responsibility."174 But the same potential also may be
detected elsewhere, in a wide series of historical resonances established
by Ford's originating recipe for social "union." Finally, in this vital sense
as well, "organized intelligence" was not unique or even especially unusual; rather, once again it embodied what historians since Richard
Hofstadter have shown was a common aspiration of middle-class reform
schemes at the fin de siecle: that the educated, native-born, "new"
middle class in general, and intellectual experts in particular, should play
a "directive role" in society's regenerationand, not coincidentally, act
along the way to institutionalize their own newfound role. Within
Dewey's academic cohort, related ideas were frequently voiced. Among
economists, John Bates Clark, for example, categorized social classes by
their degree of "cephalization," denoting the extent to which the brain
purportedly controlled the body's animality; Richard Ely called for reform to be directed by "men of superior intelligence"; Simon Patten
declared that society was undergoing "the transition from anarchic and
puny individualism to the group acting as a powerful, intelligent organism." Directly within the ambit of reform, Henry George insisted in 1883
that "the great work of the present for every man and every organization
who would improve social conditions, is the work of educationthe
propagation of ideas." Edward Bellamy's Utopia not only left entrenched
the profound social distinction between mental and manual labor, but
also ensured that an elite of brain workers, rather than any organized
movement of the working class, would direct society.175
The effort to "socialize intelligence" by means of a for-profit "Intel-
Theorizing Communication
The thesis was both liberal and technocratic.180 "It accepted as inevitable the inequality and conflict generated by capitalism, and sought to
counter them with an enlarged version of social control." Modern society, in this view, might be most happilyand perhaps more important,
Theorizing Communication
communication functioned as workaday tools of an antidemocratic social order, let alone for systematic scrutiny of the forms of domination
more generally. "One looks vainly to Dewey," Czitrom aptly concludes,
"for a plain sense, or even hints, as to just how we might transform
privately owned media of communication into truly common carriers."184
Mutualism thus had been retained, but also transmuted: What
producer republicans developed in direct opposition to the ongoing corporate reconstruction of the U.S. political economy came through in
instrumentalism as an a priori assumption, of the very kind that Dewey
otherwise tended to abjure. Not for the last time, "communication"
passed into abstraction even as it was rendered into a supposed palliative
of strained social relations. For of course "society" tugged, as it tugs
today, in contrary ways. Property, like mind, may be "social" in character without being equal in society. Likewise, to consecrate shared meaning is merely to declare for an inspiring ideal. Not all meanings are
shared, and those that are may take innumerable social shadings, ranging from the thoroughgoing informed cooperation favored by the pragmatists all the way to coercive indoctrination. Ignorance of an idea, as
well as indifference and active opposition to it, must also be accounted
for somehow. What is shared in "communication," and on what terms,
are deeply problematic issues. How, then, to reconcile an idea of communication limited to an undoubted but systematically exaggerated capacity for shared meaning, with a concept of society capable of bearing
the twin realities of structural conflict and domination, not least, into the
sphere of communication itself? The pragmatists did not pose this problem; not surprisingly, therefore, they did not surmount it. Instead they
subsumed social relations in a putatively transcendent and anterior
ethos of cooperative communication.
Faced with the dual catastrophe of economic depression and fascist
mobilization, however, instrumentalism's ineffable optimism became
strained to the breaking point. In the 1930s, Dewey himself publicly
claimed that the free use of the method of intelligence "is incompatible
with every social and political philosophy and with every economic
system which accepts the class organization and vested class interest of
present society."185 The contemporary devaluation of labor, he now
argued in a discussion of art, could be changed only through "a radical
social alteration, which effects the degree and kind of participation the
worker has in the production and social disposition of the wares he
produces."186 In this altered social context, as the next chapter details,
"organized intelligence" was recast so as to make "communication" the
agency no longer of a presumed informed consensus, but rather of what
now appeared to be a newly anomalous variant of social domination.
The Anomaly
of Domination
During the interwar period, all hope of preserving "manual" and "mental" activities as a complex theoretical unityeven under another name,
as Deweyan instrumentalism had attemptedwas forsworn. This more
definitive categorial displacement of "labor," however, did not prevent
thinking about communication from evincing that singularly direct and
repeated absorption with great historical processes and controversies
which has ineluctably marked it throughout each successive era. Nowhere, indeed, has communication study's capacity to organize a substantial knowledge of reality been more evident than in its interwar
engagement with "propaganda."1 Here it became increasingly plain that
the cooperative construct favored by the pragmatists"organized
intelligence"was vulnerable to routine and unprecedentedly systematic media attacks staged by powerful corporate and governmental actors. Hard on the heels of this revelatory shift in the terms of thought, the
discussion of communication also began to lose its restricted reference to
news and public affairs, and to be redirectedin a portent of later
developmentstoward "culture" more generally. In this chapter, after
first canvassing the fierce interwar debate which broke out over the
social import of propaganda, I then sketch briefly the reactive sequence
of changes through which an academic communication study successfully cast itself as the legitimate heir to inquiry in this quickly changing field, principally by attempting to isolate a communicative dimension of interpersonal influence.
Theorizing Communication.
indeterminate class identity borne by the growing throngs of whitecollar workers in Germany offered a specific, and widely remarked,
social basis for fascist authoritarianism. This anomalous stratum of "intellectual" laborers in fact constituted the social subject in whose presence mass culture, above all in the context of the Cold War clamp-down,
became a similarly enigmatic and portentous object.
The initial sources of an emergent conceptual synthesis around propaganda were multiple and complex. The muckrake journalism of the
Progressive era, which made the health of the press a significant concern,5 also forged an important bond with the earlier traditions of
popular criticism; a second tide of negative sentiment accompanied
widespread awareness that extensive media manipulation had occurred
during World War I. Throughout the initial postwar decade, however, it
should be emphasized that one might meet as well with unabashed
appeals to the new media's efficiency at performing what also might
be called "mass persuasion." "It was, of course, the astounding success of propaganda during the war that opened the ideas of the intelligent few in all departments of life to the possibilities of regimenting the public mind," wrote Edward L. Bernays in 1928. "The
conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and
opinions of the masses," declared Bernays, himself a pioneer of U.S.
public relations and an aggressive advocate of the legitimacy of such
is an important element in democratic society. . . . Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a
smoothly functioning society. . . . To avoid . . . confusion, society consents to have its choice narrowed to ideas and objects brought to its attention through propaganda of all kinds. . . . Whatever of social importance
is done to-day, whether in politics, finance, manufacture, agriculture,
charity, education, or other fields, must be done with the help of propaganda. Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.6
Theorizing Communication
shall touch on them further below. For now it is enough to mention the
canonical construction that was fashioned during the 1950s, most notably by Elihu Katz and Paul F. Lazarsfeld, to justify the research approach
of which their own work, Personal Influence, became the signal instance:
that Depression-era analysts had been captivated by crude theories
"hypodermic needle" and "magic bullet" are the capsule terms of
disparagementwhich overstated, out of prescientific ignorance, the
nature and extent of media influence. Systematic scholarly rejection of
propaganda analysis, in this view, in turn "set the definitional stance" of
a newly elevated field of scientific communication research.8
It is true enough that during the 1930s analysts of mass persuasion
often attributed to media messages a commanding role. Their stress,
however, was neither necessarily nor even generally on the onetime
effects of individual messages on essentially passive audiences. A recent
authoritative survey of 20th-century research on media and children
emphasizes that "the pre-1940 period included study of cognitive concepts, attention to developmental differences in children's use of media,
and a focus on children's knowledge of the world, their attitudes and
values, and their own moral conduct. Although the commentators felt
that media effects could be powerful, they also recognized that other
factors, such as the child's developmental level or social class, could
modify the media's impact."9 Perhaps more important, the synthesis
around propaganda pivoted neither on messages nor on audience cognition but, as Sproule has insisted, rather on the ongoing institutionalization of publicity and censorship in the hands of powerful social actors
pursuing self-interested objectives.10 A focus on propaganda permitted
the great contours of power within American society to be traced into
the nation's public cultureas, indeed, it still does today.ll
The convergence of international fascism, severe economic depression, and domestic political ferment could not but qualitatively transform the intellectual climate. The 1930s were characterized by compounding anxiety over the place and functions of the media and by a
broad left-liberal recoil against "the propaganda menace."12 "Nations
have seized upon communication as a prime instrument of social control
under modern conditions," summarized O. W. Riegel in 1934. "They
are assuring themselves of the control of transmission facilities and of
news, as well as mobilizing accessory forms of propaganda, with the
purposes of forging an obedient and patriotic mentality in the population, and of spreading advantageous propaganda outside of the state as
an instrument of national policy."13 For decades to come, anxieties
about strong media would carry an implied reference, at least, to systematic exploitation of propaganda by authoritarian regimes.
Such worries were inspired by more than foreign dictators. Critics
and reformers indeed began to turn the established idea of social control
into what Sproule calls an "ethical issue," through which the present
Theorizing Communication
Theorizing Communication
Theorizing Communication
Coast, where arch-conservative publishers dominated big-city newspaper markets, negative feeling about the press ran significantly higher.
Echoing this continuing conviction that "the press has failed to gain
broad acceptance as a disseminator of accurate, complete, and unbiased
news and as an instrument of social leadership," public relations impresario Edward Bernays found a receptive audience among editors and
publishers, as late as 194445, for his assertion that the press needed to
concentrate on enhancing its own tarnished image.46
Was press credibility undergoing dilution in part owing to competition from the robust new mass medium of radio broadcasting? At
least some business leaders must have pondered the question with more
than a trace of anxiety. The unpredictability of public opinion could
be connected in different ways to the spectacular popularity to which
radio had catapulted: By a wide margin, Fortune glumly reported,
Roper's respondents considered radio to be more believable and dispassionate than the printed press.47 No less than 80 percent of the nation's
households possessed a receiver in 1939more than double the proportion of a decade before. Radio, furthermore, was by the late 1930s cutting into newspaper advertising revenues. If you wanted to hear what
was going on, sang Huddie Ledbetter, "Turn yo' radio on."48 Publishers
responded by investing ever more heavily in their newfound competitor,
but they could not prevent radioforced to strive for commercial
success and popular identity amidst the hardship and strife of this
Depression decadefrom becoming the medium through which Franklin Roosevelt was enabled "to go over the heads of a largely hostile
press."49 Leaving aside the hundreds of non-network stations, whose
political instincts might prove even less reliable, network radio itself
clearly enjoyed sufficient autonomy from the print mediaan independence that New Dealers, including Roosevelt himself, tried to protect
by repeated attacks on press-radio cross-ownership50to permit the
new medium to develop a relative and largely self-interested accessibility
to the New Deal.51 Such accessibility in turn further destabilized
the newspapers' hitherto unchallenged role within the news media system, as did the growing competitiveness of radio as a source of spot
In spirit and substance, of course, network radio was far from insurrectionary; during the presidential campaign of 1944, for example, the
CIO's Leila A. Sussmannwho was soon to become a media analyst for
the Hutchins Commission on Freedom of the Pressamply documented
her contention that radio network news reporting of labor news "is
biased and unfair."52 The point meriting emphasis is rather that, at a
moment of gathering social conflict, the media system was itself in flux.
The "press-radio war" which broke out during the mid-1930s53 thus
discloses an importance far beyond the particular interests of the contending media, for it cannot but have complicated attempts by the na-
Some months after the United States entered World War II, similar
perspectives echoed from Archibald MacLeish, Roosevelt's Librarian of
Congress: "The man who attempts, through his ownership of a powerful
newspaper, to dictate the opinions of millions of Americansthe man
who employs all the tricks and dodges of a paid propagandist to undermine the people's confidence in their leaders in a war, to infect their
minds with suspicion of their desperately needed allies, to break their
will to fight, is the enemy, not of the government of this country, but of
its people."57 That such views could find authorized expression among
high-ranking members of the administration is, by present standards,
signally remarkable. Again, however, what was to be done?
A vital answer came from the Rockefeller Foundation, operating, as
William Buxton relates, "as a de facto arm of the American state,"58 as it
Theorizing Communication
"are based on dominant motives and have the support of group leaders."61
An increasingly formidable academic enterprise found its basis here.
Within business's overall need to find improved means of monitoring,
and intervening in, public opinion formation, the specific efforts were to
find means of making radio harmonize more sonorously with the
printed press and to underwrite more systematic and reliable polling.62
Among the first fruits of this emergent institutional response before U.S.
entry into World War II was Lazarsfeld, Berelson, and Gaudet's classic
study of voting decisions in the 1940 presidential election. This work,
which guided academic interest toward the mechanisms and networks
of "personal influence," constituted another of Lazarsfeld's canny responses to the prevailing climate of business anxiety. In The People's
Choice, moreover, the leading institutional exponents of a science of
audience response made common cause: The study was financed not
only by the Rockefeller Foundation, but also by "special contributions"
from Life magazine, a Luce publication, and Elmo Roper, the pollster
whose results Luce had used in the 1939 Fortune article on the crisis of
public opinion.63 "We do not know how the budget of the political
parties is distributed among different channels of propaganda," the
study's authors concluded, "but we suspect that the largest part of any
propaganda budget is spent on pamphlets, radio time, etc. But our findings suggest the task of finding the best ratio between money spent on
formal media and money spent on organizing the face-to-face influences, the local 'molecular pressures' which vitalize the formal media by
more personal interpretation and the full richness of personal relationships into the promotion of the causes which are decided upon in the
course of an election."64
Opinion leaders, Lazarsfeld's group stressed, were "not identical
with the socially prominent people in the community or the richest
people or the civic leaders. They are found in all occupational groups."65
The authors attached special significance to this finding: Was it not
indeed a key insight, at once confirming and further specifying the nature of the obstructions which impeded effective control over public
opinion? The thesis clearly spoke toand crucially modifiedcruder
extant formulations of the process of interpersonal influence. The National Association of Manufacturers, for example, had been targeting its
propaganda at what public relations experts called "group leaders"
whose influence had been taken for granted: "persons whose word the
public will accept: educators, clergymen, columnists, writers on public
affairs, political leaders. . . ,"66 In the gap between such "group leaders" and the "opinion leaders" identified by Lazarsfeld lay an eminently
serviceable and unmistakably instrumental rationaleand agendafor
an ascending "empirical" communication research. The rise of the mislabeled "limited effects" approach, in turn, occurred not so much as a
Theorizing Communication
Theorizing Communication
the media, the better to reflect the New Deal orientation which still
prevailed in public opinion. One thinks here of the FCC's attempt, in
1946, to codify the public service responsibilities of broadcasters by issuing a general programming policy, and, ironicallygiven its funding by
Luceof the release in the same year of the Hutchins Commission Report on Freedom of the Press.76 But there were additional, like initiatives: the FCC's earlier Report on Chain Broadcasting, for example, and
the agency's desultory investigation of co-ownership of newspapers and
broadcast stations, as well as the Justice Department's subsequent Paramount Decree, which sundered ownership of film theaters from the
major production-distribution complexes. Even the still inadequately
explained 1949 antitrust case brought against AT&T by the Justice Department might be placed in this same context. Cumulatively, these
interventions amounted to a resounding declaration that unrestricted
laissez-faire in institutionalized communication was no longer tolerable.
The isolationist right wing in American business and politics would
neither forgive nor forget this tectonic shift in the media's ideological
placement; forty years later, the so-called "New Right" was able to
promote its own revanchist objectives by mercilessly exploiting the notion that the "liberal media" had become a prime instigator of social
Though the postwar accent on the "social responsibility" of the
press is incomprehensible outside the framework of Depression-decade
social conflict, even as World War II's end drew near, it came through
most resoundingly only as rhetoric. Practical measures for media reform
were soon contained. Certainly nothing as radical as the producer cooperatives sought by late 19th-century working-class reformers was ever
contemplated (although hints of this idea were, interestingly, retained
by Ickes78), while government media ownership was peremptorily dismissed. And the Hutchins Commission's advocacy of a common carrier
role for the press was explicitly severed from any prospective change in
the latter's substantive legal status: Voluntary restraint and self-imposed
responsibility instead served as its watchwords. Even so, its report was
greeted with suspicion and antagonism by media ownersnotably including Luce himselffor whom any deviation from market freedom
now posed a threat to the vaunted "free flow of information," the policy
with which they, joining the dominant wing of transnational business,
sought to assure the ascension of a U.S. global paramountcy.79 The
public service obligations sought by the FCC, in turn, were viciously
rejected by commercial broadcasters.80 Even as the New Deal was left
behind in the ensuing Cold War, finally, what soon became the dominant bloc within academic communication study pried itself loose from
the synthesis that had governed inquiry into mass persuasion, andas
we are about to seecodified into a pluralistic dogma the chief lesson
learnt from the 1930s: that public opinion and propaganda did not
always coincide.
After the 1948 election, a sweeping societal mobilizationat once military,81 economic,82 and cultural83quickly resulted in the formation of
a national security state. Communication was institutionalized as a
scholarly discipline during this period of brutal intellectual constraint.84
In a process combining opportunism with Cold War allegiance, critical
concerns about the far-flung implications of mass persuasion in America
were driven to the margins.
To support and bolster a global order maximally conducive to U.S.
big business, the propaganda machine created during World War II was
refurbished and placed at the service of a generation of class-conscious,
interventionist policymakers. Even as mass persuasion was actually becoming an ever more significant domestic and international staple of
U.S. policy, however, it was increasingly cast as a defining feature of
"totalitarian" states alone. By fiat, propaganda did not exist in liberal
democracies, and the issues that had clustered around mass persuasion
were thus comparably distanced from mainstream study of American
society. Propaganda analysis in turn now denoted not engagement with
the ever more central forms and agencies of modern-day mass persuasion, but a narrow fixation on the typical products of state-controlled
foreign media and a well-indulged commitment to psychological warfare.85 It thrived, that is, by being telescoped onto what Allen Ginsberg
objectified as "the Russia" and its real and purported satellites around
the globe. As Christopher Simpson has recently revealed, leading academic communication researchers made indispensable, if often covert,
contributions to this Cold War propaganda effort. Battening on a stream
of military and quasi-military contracts, and drawing on the personal
and scientific networks they had found during the war,86 their practical
study of propaganda flourished. At the same time, as postwar recovery
was succeeded by unprecedented, seemingly unremitting economic
boom, communication study was recruited as a prime instrument of a
ubiquitous corporate marketing and promotion apparatus.87 Dispassionate analysis of mass persuasion in such a world required a daunting
critical engagement with the very institutions which, while depending
increasingly routinely on propaganda's practical exercise, had also come
to be staffed and serviced by social scientists themselves.88 Universitybased social scientists now found themselves within a thickening web of
philanthropic foundations, government agencies, corporate sponsors,
and, of course, the media industries, willing and able to contribute individual research grants, program endowments, student recruitment prospects, and even access to attractive research sites. Small wonder that
many in the new crop of scholarly communication experts became
Theorizing Communication
Increasingly, the chief power groups, among which organized business occupies the most spectacular place, have come to adopt techniques for manipulating mass publics through propaganda in place of more direct means
of control. Industrial organizations no longer compel eight year old children
to attend the machine for fourteen hours a day; they engage in elaborate
programs of "public relations." They place large and impressive advertisements in the newspapers of the nation; they sponsor numerous radio programs; on the advice of public relations counsellors they organize prize
contests, establish welfare foundations, and support worthy causes. Economic power seems to have reduced direct exploitation and turned to a
subtler type of psychological exploitation, achieved largely by disseminating
propaganda through the mass media of communication.
This change in the structure of social control merits thorough examination.96
This argument placed Lazarsfeld and Merton beyond the pale of the
"administrative" research perspective of which they were soon to be
taken as exemplars.97 The authors went further still, however, by isolating three highly significant social functions with which, they argued,
mass media could be prominently identified: status conferral, enforcement of social norms, and the so-called "narcotizing dysfunction,"
through whichvia an "unplanned mechanism""large masses of the
population" nonetheless became "politically apathetic and inert."98
Next admitting "the structure of ownership and operation" into their
argument, Lazarsfeld and Merton proceeded to explain that because, in
the United States, "the mass media are supported by great business
concerns geared into the current social and economic system," it was
only to be expected that "the media contribute to the maintenance of
that system," specifically by "restrainfing] the cogent development of a
genuinely critical outlook," or, in other words, cultivating "conformism."99
They next led into a revealing discussion of "propaganda for social
objectives": "the promotion, let us say, of non-discriminatory race relations, or of educational reforms, or of positive attitudes toward organized labor."100 One or more of three conditions, wrote Lazarsfeld and
Merton, needed to be satisfied for such propaganda to "prove effective."
These conditions were: the uniformity of message content that could be
achieved by "monopolization" of mass media, a focus on "canalization
rather than change of basic values," and supplementation of media
messages through the use of face-to-face contacts.101 Herein the full
range of interpersonal and mediated channels that could beand were
beingsystematically exploited by leading institutional actors, achieved
a true measure of theoretical recognition:
Students of mass movements have come to repudiate the view that mass
propaganda in and of itself creates or maintains the movement. Nazism did
not attain its brief moment of hegemony by capturing the mass media of
Theorizing Communication
communication. The media played an ancillary role, supplementing the use
of organized violence, organized distribution of rewards for conformity and
organized centers of local indoctrination. . . . the machinery of mass persuasion included face to face contact in local organizations as an adjunct to
the mass media. . . . In a society such as our own, where the pattern of
bureaucratization has not yet become so pervasive or, at least, not so clearly
crystallized, it has likewise been found that mass media prove most effective
in conjunction with local centers of organized face to face contact.102
The contrast could not be more compelling between thisa balanced view of the ratio of coercion and consent which, as we will see,
was also evident within the early critique of mass cultureand the
agenda for research which immediately succeeded and supplanted it.
While Merton turned to other concerns, Lazarsfeld and his proteges,
Joseph Klapper and Elihu Katz, perversely proceeded to develop a rationale for analysis of personal influence, abstracted, exactly as Lazarsfeld
and Merton in 1948 had proposed it should not be, from the social and
historical processes of media monopolization, canalization, and supplementation. What Lazarsfeld and Merton had synthesized as "the conditions for effective propaganda" were, therefore, now denied the visas
they required to remain resident within mainstream communication
It was Joseph Klapper, whose work was underwritten by CBS, who
first codified this quickly evolving new position. Klapper argued in an
influential book, first released as a publication of the Columbia Bureau
of Applied Social Research in 1949, that the media acted as agents of
reinforcement and that audiences actively sought gratifications to satisfy
pre-existing needs. What those needs were and how they had been
socially shaped and situated became conceptually irrelevant and methodologically untouchable.105 As the field of communication became a
substantial academic enterprise, boasting full-fledged departments and
programs of graduate study, discussions of media effects domestically
Theorizing Communication
another leading psychological researcher, David McClelland, were "simply not adequate" for rendering valid scientific judgments.110
But it was unquestionably only with what Katz and Lazarsfeld called
"the rediscovery of the primary group" that this resurgent individualism
definitively supplanted any larger social framework within mainstream
communication study.111 In Personal Influence Katz and Lazarsfeld
ironically criticized their precursors for supposedly relying on a concept
of society "characterized by an amorphous social organization and a
paucity of interpersonal relations."112 But it was, by comparison, their
own model of societyfrom which processes of social relationality were
all but absentwhich suffered such attenuation. Personal Influence, like
the scores of researches that followed in its mold, drew on narrowly
selective and mechanistic conceptions of the social process. The "primary group" which its authors did so much to resurrect was a concept
whose animating ideals had been lodged by its originator, Charles H.
Cooley, in the Teutonic village communities which he believed had
furnished America with its institutional and racial inheritance.113
If Katz and Lazarsfeld did retain a nominal sense of "the primarily
social character of ostensibly individual opinions, attitudes and actions,"114 the environing importance of social relations beyond the
workings of the primary group was all but obliterated. Thus they retained only a formal shell of the concept that had germinated out of
popular opposition to big business and established state institutions during the New Deal. As an intense focus developed on a separable plane of
individually communicated attitudes and behaviors, the social process
began quite consciously to be chopped and split into kindling wood.
"We shaped insights into hypotheses and eagerly set up research designs
in quest of additional variables which we were sure would bring order
out of chaos and enable us to describe the process of effect with sufficient
precision to diagnose and predict," fretted Klapper in 1960 about the
past decade of study of the effects of mass communication: "But the
variables emerged in such a cataract that we almost drowned."115 His
wry comment affirmed the successful internalization of an outstanding
norm: that research procedure in what many now preferred to call not
the social but the "behavioral" sciences had been endowed with seeming methodological rigor.
Despite, but also because of this burgeoning methodological fixation, obvious conceptual deficiencies sprung up. That processes of personal influence at work in the whole society might be read back unproblematically from a sample composed entirely of women was not even
questioned by the authors of, for example, the Decatur study (as it is
sometimes known). This lacuna, arguably, was no mere result of the
instrumental dictates of sponsorshipin this case by Macfadden Publications, whose romance magazines were directed mainly at women.
Apart from narrow commentaries on influences between the individuals
comprising the family unit (mainly husbands and wives), rather, it was a
byproduct of the more encompassing fact that gender relations remained
essentially unproblematized.116 Indeed the authors defined "girls" as
"single women under 35 years of age." Still without comment, insult
now passed into injury: "Those single women who are older than 35
years are usually outside the marriage market and probably differ from
the younger single women in their several activities and interests," Katz
and Lazarsfeld explained, concerning their decision simply to omit this
group of individuals from their now invalidated category of "girls."117
Race was similarly excluded from consideration, by the simple but profoundly far-reaching decisionoriginating as a self-conscious strategy in
the Muncie study that had been conducted by Lazarsfeld's senior colleague, Robert S. Lynd, and reappearing thereafter in Lazarsfeld's own
work, The People's Choiceto study a mid-sized midwestern community, with a high proportion of native-born whites, and relatively free of
what Katz and Lazarsfeld termed "sectional peculiarities."118 In attempting to isolate and map the flow of interpersonal influence, finally,
the authors relied on the by-now formulaic tripartite distinction (high,
middle, low) for transmuting "class" into "socioeconomic status." The
latter, assigned through a mechanical transcription of each sample member's rent and education, took the form of a series of seemingly objective
individual attributes.119 How, in such a conceptual setting, could engagement ever occur with the concept of social class as a relational
category? Instead, in Katz and Lazarsfeld's work, and in a slew of similar
efforts, consciousness and experience became, at best, thoroughly fragmented correlates of abstract and largely unspecified social locations.
The shaping effects of class, gender, and race were rendered all but
invisible, even as a purportedly isolable and infinitely graded communication process was highlighted.
For confirmation that these changes indeed did bespeak a general
conceptual alteration of the earlier set of governing research objectives
rather than a mere individual turning pointlet me turn, finally, to
another earlier article by Robert K. Merton. As late, once again, as 1948,
Merton had thought to pose the very same issue, "patterns of influence"
in an interpersonal context, in a strikingly different way. "The generic
problem," Merton had declared, "can be stated simply enough: to what
extent and in which situations does interpersonal influence operate
largely within one's own social group or stratum or category (age, sex,
class-power-stratum, prestige-stratum, etc.) and when does it operate
largely between groups, strata, or social categories?" Although, taking
due note of Lazarsfeld's previous research, Merton emphasized that "location within various social hierarchies of wealth, power, and class does
not predetermine location within a local structure of interpersonal influence," the search to establish and interrelate such social locations remained for him vitally relevant for the study of interpersonal influence.
Theorizing Communication
Although, again in concert with Lazarsfeld and Merton, Mills assigned substantial importance to the monopolization of control over the
agencies of mass persuasion, he differed dramatically from his colleagues
in his ability to point out during the postwar era that "the primary
public" remained "the great unsolved problem of the opinionmakers."123 It was this vital insight that allowed Mills unblinkingly to
identifyand criticizethe manipulative rationale which was working
its way, among other things through the Decatur study itself, into mainstream communication research.
The social psychological study of communication processes, for
which Personal Influence comprised the most hallowed text, developed at
a distance from a second, concurrent, conceptual tradition, known as
"information theory." But information theory acted only to reinforce
the field's newfound detachment from the study of social relations. Imperially inclusive, "information" was said by proponents of this latter
theory to cover messages, pattern, "the ability of a goal-seeking system
to decide or control,"124 and, as Krippendorff125 later cogently specified,
a potential for organizational workat levels of analysis ranging from
the psychological to the social to the biological. Endowing a lingering
conviction that there existed a transcendent, "informational" dimension
of disparate "systems"126 (which we will see in Chapter Four eventually
found its way into the theory of postindustrial society), information
theory helped in the meantime to accredit an academic communication
study as a Cold War social science fit for institutional accreditation.
"We have every reason to suspect," declared Wilbur Schramm, arguably the latter's foremost spokesman, in 1955, ". . . that a mathematical theory for studying electronic communication systems ought to
have some carry-over to human communication systems."127 Lazarsfeld, too, played a role in importing information theory into social
science.128 Even mainstream opinion has recently come to accept that
this comprised a largely facile transposition. As Ritchie emphasizes,
Claude Shannon's concept of information, of which the intended reference was to a specialized theory of signal transmission, was extended
only invalidly to questions of meaning. In this mechanistic reduction,
"the statistical characteristics of a code" were widely and enduringly
confounded "with the cognitive and social processes of communication." In contrast, Ritchie concedes, "even the most routine forms of
human communication can be understood only in the context of the
social relationships in which they take place."129 But we should remember that this is a judgment post hoc: For the two decades following 1950,
the considered comment by Wilbur Schramm was more apt: "We felt
that Shannon's information theory was a brilliant analogue which might
illuminate many dark areas of our own field." And Schramm likewise
gave definitive voice to the sentiment with which leading analysts undertook to institutionalize their new conceptual concerns: "Communi-
Theorizing Communication
cation is the fundamental social process."130 On the most general, explicit, and apparently decisive level, information theory thus conferred
legitimacy on the proposition under which academic communication
study now sought to operate: that communication processes could and
indeed should be studied in relative isolation from environing social
There remained dissenters. However, their terms of reference as well
were undergoing a dramatic inversion. This metamorphosis owed above
all to the radicals' sudden perception that the disparity between press
and public opinion, which had so shaped thinking about communication during the New Deal period, had been rendered obsolete. No longer
clinging to instrumentalism's benign view of "organized intelligence,"
nor blind, as the latter's philosophical advocate had been, to the class
structure of U.S. society, a full-blown radical critique of what now began
to be called "mass culture" associated a specifically ideological mode of
social domination with the anomalous growth of a gigantic white-collar
labor force.
In Personal Influence, Katz and Lazarsfeld had sought to innate the status
of "interpersonal relations" by deprecating the idea that media power
depended largely on the existence of an "atomistic mass of millions
of readers, listeners and movie-goers," comprising at best only an
"amorphous social organization."131 Yet, even as they attempted to
dispatch it to a bygone era, this selfsame idea of "mass society" was
reaching its apogee in social thought.
The "mass" had gravitated through earlier centuries into the repertoire of European intellectuals; "mass" was initially but an extension of
"mob," which had been in use among English elites since the late 17th
century. In 19th-century England, "masses" became an object of intellectual contestation.132 During the decades between the Paris Commune
and the Russian Revolution, the concept attained pan-European currency, and in this context its conservative connotations grew more pronounced. As German graduate seminars were a frequent destination for
late 19th-century U.S. aspirants to a career in social science, "the mass"
was also quickly imported into U.S. academic nomenclature. Transplanted to American soil, however, the concept shed none of its fearsome aspects for social analysts.133 The declining ability of U.S. protestantism to equip public taste with what it deemed to be exemplary
genteel standards, radical agitation before World War I, followed by the
Russian Revolution and an unprecedented postwar strike wave in the
United States all contributed to aggravating sensibilities about society's
restive potential.J 34 As what sociologists began to identify as a typological shift from "community" to "society" proceeded, many analysts por-
Theorizing Communication
class) of corrosively debilitating media effects. Instead, continuing popular concerns about the effects of mass culture achieved at least a limited
standing in their own pronouncements.143 Even some of those who
simultaneously pooh-poohed the domestic significance of mass persuasion were moved to wonder vaguely with Macdonaldas did Paul
Lazarsfeldwhether there was not "an inherent threat to highbrow
culture in mass society."144
Again, however, only the extent of such hyperbole was novel.
Throughout the early decades of the 20th century, the idea of mass
society had been sown with negative references to the agencies of mass
persuasionbehind which, through such newly visible media as film
and tabloid newspapers, there often lurked a hostile image of the U.S.
working class. Even in the heartlands of native white America, close
observers soon detected disruptive evidence of the media's presence.
During the late 1920s, Robert and Helen Lynd had charted the explosive
growth and disruptive impacts of "inventions remaking leisure," notably including radio and film, in Muncie, Indiana.145 Their often acute,
pioneering study of the conditions of contemporary community
heavily influenced by the pragmatism Lynd had accepted directly from
John Dewey at Columbia146quickly became a benchmark. In Cambridge, England, it offered grist for the mill of the critic F. R. Leavis, who
deemed Middletown an unusually sensitive portrayal of the disabling
innovations wrought by the machine in the service of "mass civilization."147 Dwight Macdonald, late to become the doyen of U.S. "mass
culture" critics, also cut his teeth on Middletown (as well as on Leavis,
and Ortegaa leading conservative voice in the chorus of earlier denunciations of "the revolt of the masses").148 Not least, James Rorty, whose
1934 book provides an early and substantial instance of what we may
identify as a full-fledged radical critique of mass culture, acknowledged a
major debt to Lynd and borrowed the idea of a "pseudoculture" from
A disparaging nomenclature resulted, bequeathing terms of reference which remain in wide currency to this day.150 Through commercialization, it was asserted, contemporary cultural production was being
"cheapened," "devalued," "debased," "homogenized"; while, it was
often protested, through the operations of what Macdonald was to call
"Gresham's Law in Culture," discriminating standards were being
routed by values which aimed only at "the lowest common denominator."151 Not the least revealing of the effects putatively associated with
such values was that, as Macdonald put it in 1953, "the upper
classes . . . find their own culture attacked and even threatened with
destruction. . . ."152
Originating during the interwar period, however, and quite remarkably jumbled together with this already entrenched conservative
response, might be found as well a series of incongruous radical tenets.
In this emergent usage, mass culture (or as Macdonald initially called it,
"popular culture") was "imposed from above," "manufactured by technicians hired by the ruling class," a manipulative "instrument of social
domination" which worked simultaneously to "integrate" the masses
into "the official culture-structure" and "to make a profit for their
rulers."153 Even during the 1950s, radical concerns about mass persuasion managed to subsist by taking refuge under the borrowed shell of
conservative apprehension regarding commercial, market-based cultural production. Whence came this distinctive hybrid, which resists
reduction either to a primordial conservativism or to some equally pristine radicalism?
This revision of the concept of mass society, which endowed the
idea of "mass culture"or, alternatively, of "culture industry"with
momentous import, was not altogether of one piece. During the later
1930s, one group of peculiarly alienated intellectuals promulgated
tenets regarding the organizational structure, aesthetic character, and
social purpose of market-based communication mainly so as to suggest
an explicit convergence between the United States and the Soviet
Union.154 This originating sectarian perspective, which quickly transformed, during the first postwar decade, into a mainstream Cold War
liberalism, identified parallels which convinced Clement Greenberg,
Dwight Macdonald, and like-minded anti-Communists that they could
discern in "kitsch" or "popular culture" a leading symptom of totalitarian potential.155
In a second and more sophisticated version, the concept of "culture
industry" was developed by intellectual refugees whoeven before they
fled west in the 1930s to the United States, rather than (like their peer,
the philosopher and aesthetician Georg Lukacs) east to the Soviet
Unionhad been repelled, and only secondarily fascinated, by the
sweep and character of organized capitalism's institutions of cultural
production.156 Their critique of the culture industry, however, again
betrayed, in characteristic combination, both a mandarin mistrust of the
new popular forms of film and broadcasting and a politically charged
insight into the repressive historical complex stretching "from Caligari to
Hitler" and, indeed, across all of capitalist modernity. In this intellectual
context, "culture industry" sought an oxymoron effect. Perhaps, as
Horkheimer and Adorno had not been especially impressed by Soviet
silent film experiments, "culture industry" did not seek to carry the
shock of an effective montage, but, still, it did attempt to perplexto
insist that the apparent widespread regimentation characteristic of contemporary society be brought up to a level of solitary critical awareness.
Within this framework, the accent was on the "ruthless unity in the
culture industry," as Adorno and Horkheimer had termed it, as a defining symptom of an encompassing domination.157 Adorno stated in 1967
Theorizing Communication
Did not contemporary culture at once affirm and exemplify an increasingly general form of "mass deception"? The latter could hardly be
a matter, then, of democratic expression. Theodor Adorno, who coined
the phrase "the culture industry/' is said by one of his longtime colleagues to have "intensely disliked" the rival term "mass culture." Decades later, Adorno expressly attempted to clarify the distinction:
The term culture industry was perhaps used for the first time in the book
Dialectic of Enlightenment, which Horkheimer and I published in Amsterdam in 1947. In our drafts we spoke of "mass culture." We replaced that
expression with "culture industry" in order to exclude from the outset the
interpretation agreeable to its advocates: that it is a matter of something like
a culture that arises spontaneously from the masses themselves, the contemporary form of popular art. From the latter the culture industry must be
distinguished in the extreme.159
Kenneth Fearing and the novelist Nathanael West were among those
who sought to clinch the argument for a revolutionary transformation.161 The system's economic failure had become only too obvious
during the Depression. Yet to the argument that capitalism evinced a
glaring inability to deliver the goods now could be added a potent supplement. The antic reifications of mass culture provided fresh evidences,
of patent import, perhaps, for those who gained a living through "intellectual" labor, of a way of life that had become intolerable. Thus it was a
profound irony that this break with mass culture, when it came, transpired not by way of a social revolution, but only via a headlong leap to
accommodate a forbidding modernist aestheticin decided preference
to any prospectively more common cultureby many erstwhile radicals
themselves. Again, however, through the mid-1930s at least, radical
criticism of mass culture did not preclude, but rather aimed to motivate,
a more thoroughgoing redress. An unduly neglected work by James
Rorty can be utilized to develop the point:
If one wishes to discover America, all one has to do is to forget all the
solemn and reasonable things that solemn and reasonable people have
spoken and written, and then go listening and pondering into cheap restaurants, movie palaces, radio studios, pulp magazine offices, police stations,
five- and ten-cent stores, advertising agencies. Out of this atomic, pulverized
life, the anarchic voices rise. They are shameless, these voices, and truthful,
and wise with a kind of bleak factual wisdom. Each atom speaks for itself, to
comfort itself, to assert itself against the overwhelming nothingness of all
the other atoms. . . .162
These rather robust "atoms" constituted, for Rorty, a not unsympathetic social subject, which in turn emblematized his own ambivalence regarding the advertiser-based "pseudoculture." On one
hand, Rorty's account was not one whit less keenly pointed than those
to follow, in assaying a radical explanation of the political and economic
functions of the "pseudoculture." The apparatus of advertising Rorty
held comprised a "machinery of ... super-government" which he repeatedly called an "instrument of rule," and whose economic function
"in a profit economy""the production of customers"he deemed
(after Veblen) "no less essential than the production of coal or steel."163
The adman himself in turn was only the latest in a long and rather
pathetic succession of "middle-class" "crowd heroes."164 On the other
hand, looking to Leavis, Rorty depicted the "pseudoculture" as locked in
a "perpetual conflict" with "the older, more organic American culture."
The "new, hard, arid culture of acquisitive emulation" he identified with
consumer magazines and other sites of the "pseudoculture," while, in
what may be judged a vital, if wishful, qualification, "the older more
human culture is what the reader wistfully desires." Subsequently,
Rorty became explicit about this epochal "battle of the cultures." His
precocious content analysis of a wide range of popular magazines
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Once again, thereforeto return to the major pointsocial relations were attenuated not merely by strong media, but by an encompassing and longstanding "preconditioning"183 of the populace. The latter,
in turn, was no longer associated only with an abstract turning-point
from community to society (as Bell was to suggest),184 but rather found
its leading feature in the all-too-apparent "amorphous" consciousness
of the key white-collar strata.
But, after the fascist enemy had been laid to rest, what could inspire
such ominous parallels between Nazi Germany and the United States?
What turned the premonitions observed during the interwar period into
a full-fledged scourge? The work of Robert Lynd's younger colleague,
the sociologist C. Wright Mills, allows us to trace this deeply felt development.
In a study of labor leaders performed at Lazarsfeld's Bureau of Applied Social Research and published in 1948, Mills projected a fraught,
but still relatively sanguine, future. "[T]he labor leaders," he wrote at
the very outset of this work, "are the strategic actors: they lead the only
organizations capable of stopping the main drift toward war and
slump." And again, although Mills conceded that "the number of the
politically alert is only a minute fraction of the U.S. population," he
quickly added this vital qualification: "That the great bulk of people are
politically passive does not mean that they do not at given times and on
certain occasions play the leading role in political change. They may not
be politically assertive, but it would be short-sighted to assume that they
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Mills therefore amplified the "ideological" line of argument introduced during the interwar period. Rather than being connected, however, overtly to the historical ascent of Nazism, the experience of the
Theorizing Communication
tween coercion and consent seemed, accordingly, to have tipped decisively toward the latter.
There can be no doubt that the mass culture critique dramatically
stretched the scope of debate over communication as a contemporary
social force. Under its aegis, academic "communication" began to expand beyond any narrower concern with news and documentary genres
and, certainly, beyond the individualistic psychology of Personal Influence, to encompassin perhaps the leading compilation of the period
bestsellers, paperback books, detective novels, cartoons, comic strips,
magazines, motion pictures, television, radio, popular music, and advertising.197 What was significant was that, across this whole vast range,
radicals theorized the popular arts in terms of their role within an implicit cultural hegemony. This sense that institutionalized communication comprised a powerful form of modern-day domination was extended from news to "culture" in part through the unlikely vehicle of
content analysis. Through content analysis, critical researchers extended
to a growing series of systems of representation the older and more
confined radical argument about propaganda as a form of ideological
control exerted through news media. This shift was evident in the earliest formulations of "mass culture" and "culture industry/"198 but was
given systematic expression during the 1950s and 1960s. Across an
increasingly broad range of media forms and genres, a stress on the
textual incarnation of ideology not only survived but prospered; the
assumption was that the most essential keys to the understanding of
media influence often lay in hidden or latent images and patterns. At the
same time, the study of textual meaning was placed on a plane seemingly better adapted to the increasingly industrial scale of cultural
production: the attempt was to study not only individual texts but entire "message systems"a week's prime-time television programming,
for example. Both ideas powerfully extended the purview of critical
George Gerbner's continuing content-analytic research offers what
is arguably the most important instance of this extension of the mass
culture argument. While mass culture critics like Macdonald sought
mainly, during the 1950s and 1960s, to expose successive evidences of
cultural debasement, Gerbner turned to media content for specific textual proofs of the "symbolic functions" performed on behalf of the ruling
order by romance magazines, television serial dramas, and journalistic
news accounts. While most humanities (let alone social science!) professors did not yet deign to allow such genres even provisional admission
into their seminars, Gerbner and a few like-minded communication
analysts insisted that "what an entire national community absorbs" in
the way of symbolic forms indeed did deserve serious and sustained
inquiry.199 In particular, what he came to call the "symbolic environ-
Theorizing Communication
not seek to counterpose a systematic alternative to the highly problematic notion that television programming sought out "the lowest common
denominator," but instead largely acceded to the dominative aesthetic
standards in which the mass culture thesis was awash.
Such slippages testify chiefly to a suddenly arisen limit on the radicals' terms of perception: a sharply restricted view of human social
agency. As earlier social relationships became progressively attenuated,
Mills declared, mass culture had metamorphosized into one of "the most
important of those increased means of power now at the disposal of
elites of wealth and power."204 Yet, as the first lines of The Power Elite
make clear, significant social action and organization he reserved, virtually by fiat, for a small minority of people in society's topmost ranks:
The powers of ordinary men are circumscribed by the everyday worlds in
which they live, yet even in these rounds of job, family, and neighborhood
they often seem driven by forces they can neither understand nor govern.
"Great changes" are beyond their control, but affect their conduct and
outlook none the less. The very framework of modern society confines them
to projects not their own, but from every side, such changes now press upon
the men and women of the mass society, who accordingly feel that they are
without purpose in an epoch in which they are without power.
But not all men are in this sense ordinary. As the means of information and of power are centralized, some men come to occupy positions in
American society from which they can look down upon, so to speak, and by
their decisions mightily affect, the everyday worlds of ordinary men and
women. . . . What Jacob Burckhardt said of "great men," most Americans might well say of their elite: "They are all that we are not."205
has happened is that the terms of acceptance of American life have been
made bleak and superficial at the same time that the terms of revolt
have been made vulgar and irrelevant," concurred Mills, his onetime
friend.208 Herbert Marcuse's reflections on a purported "one-dimensional society," though keeping barely alive in theory the idea "that
forces and tendencies exist which may break this containment and explode the society," circled similarly around its recurrent theme, "that
advanced industrial society is capable of containing qualitative change
for the foreseeable future." Social classes in particular, Marcuse argued,
had been altered in structure and function "in such a way that they no
longer appear to be agents of historical transformation." "Domination,"
he bleakly forecast, "in the guise of affluence and libertyextends to all
spheres of private and public existence, integrates all authentic opposition, absorbs all alternatives."209
Even toward the rowdy end of the 1960s, the identification of social
agents capable of challenging prevailing structures of power remained
meekly tentative: The "resistant" public opinion of the New Deal period
was a distant memory. University students and, especially, the African
American social movement, it is true, were now sometimes hesitantly
singled out.210 Ceasing to be the prerogative solely of the power elite,
therefore, agency now at least could begin to be glimpsed in what came
to be called (inadequately) "the new social movements." Even in radical
writing, however, social agency remained enigmatically disconnected
from U.S. capitalism's largest, theoretically vital, collectivity: the domestic working class. This was, in part, because such a prospect had been
pre-empted, for a generation, by the anomalous status assigned by observers to a growing plurality of the labor force. It was only outside the
United States, characteristically, in the "national liberation movements"
erupting across the world, that overarching and powerful forms of human social agency could be credited with an unassailable importance,
with profound intellectual consequences (to be scrutinized in the next
chapter). In the meantime, however, radical critics of mass culture found
themselves unable to shake off a series of intrusive and obfuscatory
tenets, introduced with the cryptic social subject which they saw as the
prime bearer of mass culture's stigma: the white-collar or "intellectual"
laborers who preponderated within the U.S. occupational structure.
Thus was disclosed a defining limit on the radical usage of "mass
culture." As the capacity for organized self-activity continued to be identified overwhelmingly with the capitalist class and its deputies in and
around the giant corporation, historically unfolding class relationships
between capital and labor tended to be conspicuous chiefly by their
absence. Raymond Williams's comment, offered in a different context,
catches this limitation precisely: "[w]here only one class is seen, no
classes are seen."211 For all its merits, the tendency to concentrate on the
tight directorate which rules "the culture industry" simply cannot sub-
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a corollary tenet, mass culture may no longer impose, virtually by definition, a unitary understanding or consciousness, either on its practitioners or its audiences; at its best, this new view takes seriously Bell's
early injunction, and restores to human agency its substantial and variegated historical role. It would seem, therefore, that the open-ended approach to mass culture of the early 1930s has been at least nominally
reinvented. But this gain is offset by a different and damaging assumption. The warrant for searching for opposition and resistance within mass
culture stems from a conviction that commercialized cultural production
has become more or less coextensive with human culture per se: Jameson simply accedes to what he deems to be "universal commodification," while Denning, hedging slightly, declares, "There is now very
little cultural production outside the commodity form."229
This totalization of mass culture can easily blind inquiry to the fact
that commoditizationof "culture" or, indeed, anything elseis, from
the perspective of capital, a forever unfinished and incomplete project.
Mass culture, in this fundamental sense, can never sweep the field. Some
forty years after the thesis was elaborated, current frontiers of "mass
culture," if one wished to identify them as such, are hardly lacking:
I think, for example, of the ongoing extrusion of enterprise into "virtual reality" software, explicitly market-based school curricula and
"courseware," and, perhaps, even genetic engineering ("designer
genes"). How are these dynamic outposts of accumulation to be apprehended, let alone resisted, by a theory whose inclination is to fix primarily on mass culture's purported intrinsic impulses to reification and Utopia, domination and resistance? How can such a revision account for
mass culture's historical, and still continuing, growth?
We will see in a later chapter that this myopia regarding the ongoing
commoditization of cultural production discloses its own substantial
significance as a theoretical development. Anticipating that discussion, it
is worth stressing here that the trend to reopen mass culture to contestation, by fixing the nature of that challenge primarily at a discursive or
textual level, itself acts to truncate, and even to omit, what had been a
second crucial component of the originating critique. From James Rorty
and New Masses onward, an emerging political economy of communication worked within the radical critique of mass culture, in an attempt to
specify the pressures and limits set by capital within mass culture's active
processits commercializing instinct. Exploiting a potential overlap
with more conventional institutional economists, to take a pioneering
example, Dallas Smythe sought to explicate the structures of resource
allocation and policy decision in media and telecommunications.230
Smythe suggested that "as our culture has developed it has built into
itself increasing concentrations of authority and nowhere is this more
evident than in our communications activities."231 By emphasizing that
mass culture indeed had its political economy, the tradition of research
The Opening
Toward Culture
By the 1960s, extra-academic circumstances were again infusing communication study with a critical edge, and a multifaceted but commonspirited intellectual heterodoxy was beginning to crystallize around the
concept of "culture." On one hand, the need became to understand and
challenge modern-day neocolonialism, a concern shaped and intensified
by the spread of militant movements for decolonization and national
self-determination throughout what now was being called the Third
World. The humanities and social sciences in general were convulsed,
most vocally around the U.S. war on Vietnam; a series of related domestic agitations, notably including the struggle for African American civil
rights, increased the pressure.l On the other hand, a surging revisionism,
originating in Britain but powering across the Atlantic, was freshly problematizing the status of "culture" in the metropoles of developed capitalism. Full-fledged radical opposition to the behavioral orthodoxy which
continued to dominate communication study was accompanied by a
deepening critical engagement with received political economy.
This complex movement activated not one but two revisionary theorizations, which became known, respectively, as a critique of "cultural
imperialism" and a "cultural studies." Yet we will see that these two
positions were developed in light of a single shared concern. Their common basis lay in a mutual effort to restore human social agency
inclusive of "mental" as well as "physical" aspectsto a pre-eminent
place within analysis. This synthetic orientation was, however, press
The critique of cultural imperialism is, today, surrounded by almost as
many misconceptions as those that cling to the earlier synthesis around
propaganda. The thesis remained admittedly provisional and incomplete; it was the subject of developing argument rather than established
doctrine. The need remains, however, to specify this intellectual position, whose very terms of reference now threaten to become impermeably opaque. Ignorance has played a considerable role here; but scholars
often unfriendly to any idea of imperialism, cultural or otherwise, have
also effectively transmuted the basic issues at stake into quite otherand
misleadingterms. In order to situate the initial theorization, therefore,
it is useful to begin by considering briefly the argument brought against it
by subsequent detractors.
Mainstream analysts tried to utilize their finding that wide and continuing variations in the interpretation of media content differentiated
members of different cultures as proof that cultural imperialism itself
was a chimera. "Theorists of cultural imperialism," wrote two leading
researchers in 1990, "assume that hegemony is prepackaged in Los
Angeles, shipped out to the global village, and unwrapped in innocent
minds." Where, they inquired, is the evidence?
To prove that Dallas is an imperialistic imposition, one would have to show
(1) that there is a message incorporated in the program that is designed to
profit American interests overseas, (2) that the message is decoded by the
receiver in the way it was encoded by the sender, and (3) that it is accepted
uncritically by the viewers and allowed to seep into their culture.2
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ness. It creates a straw man: It is not Dallas per se that was "an imperialistic imposition/' as this metonymic substitution invalidly holds, but
the system of social relationships in which the program was embedded,
and within which responses to the program, in any truly critical method,
themselves also have to be situated.3
Elementary methodological reflection would suggest, moreover,
that even at the level of cultural consumption this revisionary account
has been anything but exacting. The relevant comparison is notas Katz
and Liebes assumedbetween viewers in today's Los Angeles (or
Amsterdam4), and their counterparts in today's Tel Aviv (or even Lagos
or Mexico City or Manila). Such a rigid focus on abstracted acts of
television viewing is but a poor substitute for a process that was grasped,
by the initial critique, as essentially historical. There can be no surrogate
for concrete study of the cultural practices and preferences of inhabitants
of whichever specific location is selected, before and after the introduction of a Western commercial media system. It is not overly intemperate
to suggest that such facile procedures testify to an intellectual, and ideologically inflected, regression; for, long before the critique of cultural
imperialism took root, orthodox communication researchers themselves
took a Western-dominated "world culture" to be an unobjectionable
Radicals of the 1960s were not, by a long shot, the first metropolitan
analysts to perceive that members of each of the ninety-odd mainly poor
states that had gained formal political independence since 1945 were on
the receiving end of the global system of marketed cultural production
and distribution. Such insight was feasible even before the process of
decolonization attained irresistible worldwide momentum. Already by
1934, an early critic of mass culture wrote of the motion-picture industry
as "emulative promotion machinery, used as such both at home, and as
an 'ideological export,' to further the conquests of American imperialism
in 'backward' countries."5 A second critic of mass culture observed in
1939 that such "kitsch" "had shown little regard" for geographical and
national-cultural boundaries:
Another product of Western industrialism, it has gone on a triumphal tour
of the world, crowding out and defacing native cultures in one colonial
country after another, so that it is now by way of becoming a universal
culture, the first universal culture ever beheld. Today the Chinaman, no less
than the South American Indian, the Hindu, no less than the Polynesian,
have come to prefer to the products of their native art magazine covers,
rotogravure sections and calendar girls.6
plier," acting as "both index and agent of change" within "the Western
model of modernization [which] is operating on a global scale."7 It was
not Michel Foucault but again Lernerwhose research in Turkey proceeded in tandem with the domestic initiatives undertaken by Lazarsfeld's Bureau of Applied Social Research at Columbia University
who wrote, making free use of Mead's conception of the social self, that
the mass media "have been great teachers of interior manipulation. They
disciplined Western man in those empathic skills which spell modernity. . . . Their continuing spread in our century is performing a similar function on a world scale."8 A few years later, Lucien W. Pye referred
matter-of-factly to the "leveling qualities" of the new "world culture."9 Leonard Doob, in a study of communications in Africa, concurred: As Africans "accept more and more practices and values from
the West, they come to be intimately dependent upon the . . . mass
media of the culture they absorb."10
Once again, the real issue concerned not media potency but the
preferred conceptual framework in which media effects were to be
sought. Mainstream analysts thus could portray international communication as a powerful force principally because they also freighted the
mass media with unique and benign significance. Typified by "primitive" agriculture-based economies, underdeveloped nationssaid these
researchersneeded to pass through a sequence of developmental
stages before landing in the nirvana of consumer capitalism. Prominent
in prodding them along to this familiar endpoint was a series of interrelated institutions and agencies, the more unsavory of which usually
went unmentioned: foreign aid projects and bank credits, CIA "advisors" mounting counterinsurgency operations, direct foreign investment
by transnational corporations, and, finally, communications media. As
Pye put it, albeit with considerable indirection, the need was for "the
coordinated and reinforcing use of both the impersonal mass media and
the more personal, face-to-face pattern of social communication."11 In a
direct reprise of the 1948 argument made by Lazarsfeld and Merton,
mass media were enlisted within a multitiered campaign to redress the
purported human deficits that supposedly crippled prospects for economic development. The media would consolidate and multiply the
individual drive for achievement or, alternately, the empathic personality structure, absent which, underdeveloped nations would continue
to lack an essential prerequisite of the so-called "take-off" into sustained
economic growth.12
Through these dubious and self-serving arguments had been introduced a not-so-innocent discrepancy. Strong media effects among nonwhite peoples in "undeveloped" countries continued to be emphasized
by some of the same researchers who scoffed at the very idea of media
power when studying Main Street, USA. But a deeper congruence appeared in the essential support for American capitalism offered by both
Theorizing Communication
voted too little attention to the sphere of culture; that, for example in
Magdoffs characterization, "culture" should have been characterized as
something more than a residual appendage. The critique of cultural
imperialism swam against the stream of established doctrine, including
established Marxian doctrine, by insisting at once that "culture" be
restored to front-rank importance, and that such an elevation required
more, rather than less, analytical engagement with political-economy.
Far from being disparate elements, it seemed to those who would develop this critique that "mass communications and American empire"
were fusing into a single generative process.
Amidst an unquenchable postwar world trend toward decolonization and formal freedom, substantively inegalitarian and exploitive
political-economic structures nonetheless threatened to become widely
re-established. But it was not only the endurance of colonialist values, as
Magdoff conceded, that demanded attention. For those who sought to
comprehend the dynamics of this newly expansive but informal imperialism, prominent room needed to be made for communications,
alongside the conventional forms of military and political-economic
power. "The communications apparatus," therefore, in one early and
influential account, was taken as an Archimedean point, "without
which the new imperial surge would be ineffective, coming as it does on
the heels of political liberation in so many former colonial territories."16
In contrast to mainstream researchers, on the other hand, the radicals asserted that the appropriate unit of analysis for the study of communication and culture had to be supranational. This choice underwrote
their empirically documented attack on the dominant conceptual framework. Orthodox scholarly conceptions, with their simplistic equation of
modern personality-types with economic growth,17 not to mention their
Pollyanna-ish optimism about the prospects for national economic development itself, were vulnerable to an approach which carefully traced
the substantive features of a political economy dominated by transnational corporations and extraterritorial state agencies. No less than for
international agricultural commodity flows, the structural relations
shaping international communications also gave the lie to nominal notions of national sovereignty, which combined credulity with opportunism in about equal proportion. Because of the cardinal role assigned
to communications by influential analysts of the development process,
moreover, the radicals were able to challenge some of the vital assumptions governing the entire discussion. In particular they showed that the
emergent "world culture" was inequitable because, and inasmuch as, it
was dominated to an ever-increasing degree by U.S. capital. Their critique of cultural imperialism thus exposed, as well as opposed, an emergent political-economic enclosure which, in the absence of permanent
colonial occupationthough not, it should be emphasized, of the repeated projection of armed forcecould rely on the real and prospective
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States, acting as the capitalist world's momentarily unchallenged hegemon. Great power rivalries, accordingly, began to take a back seat, while
attention shifted to the role.being played by a "neocolonial" or "neoimperial" United States.
Perhaps inescapably, the great postwar boom, which brought unprecedented levels of wealth and consumer abundance to the "metropolitan" capitalist nations, likewise deeply colored perceptions of the
troubled economic status of the colonial and post-colonial "periphery."
The apparent "economic retrogression" of the Third World indeed now
positively cried out for explanation. What was the source of this chronic
stagnation? Was the powerful developmental lag that afflicted wide segments of the globe intrinsic to exchange relations within a "capitalist
world economy"? Alternatively, did it attach to the globalization of a
monopoly stage of capitalist development, in which a tendency to stagnation was again inherent? In either case, if the impoverished countries
of the Third World were indeed enmired in a permanent state of economic "dependence" on the metropolitan centers of capitalist modernity, then it seemed necessary to inquire above all into how the formers'
economic surplus came to be systematically expropriated by transnational companies, and how local elites were induced to collaborate with
foreign capitalists to suppress their own countries' prospects of economic
Preserving the notion of imperialism's overwhelming presence,
ideas of "cultural invasion" and of "leveling" emerged within this
analytical framework. Notions of "cultural dependence," however, bespoke not a simple extension of the mass culture thesis but, rather,
adherence to a theory of imperialism which stressed the stagnationist
tendencies that were generated by the contemporary capitalist world
This theorization itself wasand remainshighly debatable. A competing interpretation, growing in visibility through the economic turbulence of the 1970s, emphasized that the transnationalization of corporate capital had to be interpreted not in terms of the creation and
distribution of an economic surplus, but rather with the social relations of production that prevailed within particular societiesIndia or
Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) or Congo-Brazzaville.22 This rival theorization
never attained extended expression within the critique of cultural
imperialism; but, as we shall see, it could find tacit accommodation in
the critique's evolving emphasis on the role played by domestic elites in
a process of "cultural domination" that was spearheaded by transnational capital.
The critique's adherence to stagnationist views of imperialism, however, did bear directly on its theorization of media effects on social consciousness. The formalism of the critique's approach to media effects is
noteworthy: Why, we may ask, did the critique tend simply to posit a
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threat posed by dominative forces to a putative "national cultural identity"? Why, that is, did it stop short of any more comprehensive and
substantive engagement with what we, today, have come to identify as a
continuing interaction rather than a summary end point? Is all this to be
attributed to sheer thoughtlessness or indifference? Is it, more damningly, because the discourse of cultural imperialism "is inescapably
lodged in the culture of the developed West," and therefore betrays its
own naively ethnocentric preoccupation with metropolitan notions of
nationalism?23 Once again, the answer lies elsewhere. It is more apt to
view the critique as having aligned itself with a corollary thesis of the
stagnationists': That the way out of underdevelopment could be found
not within any further process of capitalist "development," since the
latter only blocked and limited economic growth, but rather only in
social revolution.
The radicals' apparent inability to reckon with national cultures
stemmed in significant part from their hopeful demand that the character
and ultimate object of the decolonization process should remain substantively
open. Successive militant movements for national liberation across colonial and backward capitalist zones, notably in Algeria, Cuba, and above
all, Vietnam, seemed to offer powerful proofs that just such an assumption was warranted. Besides, above all in Africa, were not national borders themselves often merely settlements between rival imperialisms,
lines scrawled on maps, whose relation to indigenous languages, ethnicities, cultures and societies was profoundly arbitrary? The very term
"Third World" removes a large majority of the world's people from any
ascertainable relations of production, be they either capitalist or socialist.
Today this may be criticized as residualizing;24 during the 1960s and into
the 1970s, in contrast, it underscored a profound social and political
question mark.
For radicals, national culture was a thing of the future. Necessarily,
as well, it was an emergent siteperhaps even the emergent siteof
struggle. Only arduous and deliberate processes of social and cultural
construction, they believed, could offer an effective challenge to a dying
colonialism, on one side, and an emergent neocolonial encirclement, on
the other. Disengagement from extant national culture aimed above all
to make adequate analytical room for what radicals dared hope would
come to be a thoroughgoing metamorphosis of established social relations.
The critique of cultural imperialism looked not toward academic
advancement, in turn, but toward an increasingly acute and overarching
social struggle. In conception it projected not only inward, as is usually
argued,25 toward the imperializing culture industry, but also, and crucially (and this has not been enough acknowledged), outward, into the
imperialized territories. In 1979, in an argument concerning "culture in
the process of dependent development," Salinas and Paldan wrote that
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". . . the effects of cultural dependence on the lives of Latin Americans are not a consequence of an 'invasion' led by a foreign 'enemy/
but of choices made by their own ruling class, in the name of national
development. Through this choice, national life and national culture
are subordinated to the dynamics of the international capitalist system,
submitting national cultures to a form of homogenization that is considered a requirement for the maintenance of an international system."
What is happening is that "the cultural and ideological homogenization of the world is being pursued not by a single nation but by an integrated
system of different national sectors, committed to a specific form of socioeconomic organization."30
among the villagers, he argued, formed the only possible basis for the development of a nationalist consciousness. . . . strategy for political mobilisation was based on a respect for and utilisation of local traditional culture.36
On the other hand, Cabral also singled out for rejection "social and
religious rules and taboos contrary to development of the struggle,"
among which he specified "gerontocracy, nepotism, social inferiority of
women, rites and practices which are incompatible with the rational and
national character of the struggle."37
Some of Cabral's ideas were anticipated by the psychiatrist and revolutionary activist and theorist Frantz Fanon. Born in Martinique in 1925,
Fanon died at age 36 after a long, firsthand involvement with the Algerian Revolution. "It is a question of the Third World starting a new
history," Fanon summed up; in this struggle, he suggested, "the demand
for a national culture and the affirmation of such a culture represent a
special battlefield."
To fight for national culture means in the first place to fight for the liberation
of the nation, that material keystone which makes the building of a culture
possible. There is no other fight for culture which can develop apart from
the popular struggle. . . . The national Algerian culture is taking on form
and content as the battles are being fought out, in prisons, under the guillotine, and in every French outpost which is captured or destroyed. . . . A
national culture is the whole body of efforts made by a people in the sphere
of thought to describe, justify, and praise the action through which that
people has created itself and keeps itself in existence. A national culture in
underdeveloped countries should therefore take its place at the very heart of
the struggle for freedom which these countries are carrying on.38
Neither Fanon nor Cabral would have had any difficulty at all in
assimilating Raymond Williams's insight (explicated later) that culture is
ordinary, in the sense of persons partaking of a common realm of vernacular creativity and experience; yet, for them, culture was perhaps
more saliently extraordinary, because the people's experience was only
now in the process of being created and defined. To be precise, it was
being actively created through an open-ended anticolonial struggle:
We believe that the conscious and organized undertaking by a colonized
people to re-establish the sovereignty of that nation constitutes the most
complete and obvious cultural manifestation that exists. It is not alone the
success of the struggle which afterward gives validity and vigor to culture;
culture is not put into cold storage during the conflict. The struggle itself in
its development and in its internal progression sends culture along different
paths and traces out entirely new ones for it. The struggle for freedom does
not give back to the national culture its former values and shapes; this
struggle which aims at a fundamentally different set of relations between
men cannot leave intact either the form or the content of the people's
culture. After the conflict there is not only the disappearance of colonialism
but also the. disappearance of the colonized man.39
Theorizing Communication
different than this. Content to serve as "the Western bourgeoisie's business agent," the national bourgeoisie's mission, Fanon wrote, "has
nothing to do with transforming the nation"; "it consists, prosaically, of
being the transmission line between the nation and a capitalism, rampant though camouflaged, which today puts on the mask of neocolonialism." "It is absolutely necessary," he insisted, "to oppose vigorously and definitively the birth of a national bourgeoisie and a privileged
It is in this connection, crucially, that the critique of cultural imperialism verged uponthough in truth it never fully becamea theory of
transnational class struggle. Time and again the preference of this national bourgeoisie was, as we now know, to append itself to imperialism.
This, as Ngugi wa Thiong'o reminds us, was already obvious in Fanon's
scathing comments in The Wretched of the Earth (1961). The process "of
creating a colonial elite in the image of the Western bourgeois," Ngugi
declared, in a paper he wrote for UNESCO in 1982, comprised "an
achievement . . . which is now proving so fatal to real development in
The remaking of the culture of decolonized states, finally, although
often certainly a process of forging new national traditions out of disparate elements, took as its chief priority the need to claim the nation for its
own inhabitants, rather than for transnational capital:
On the cultural level, in the colonies and neocolonies there grew two cultures in mortal conflict: foreign imperialist; national and patriotic. And so,
out of the different nationalities often inhabiting one geographic state, there
emerged a people's literature, music, dance, theater, art in fierce struggle
against foreign imperialist literature, music, dance, theater, art imposed on
colonies, semicolonies, and neocolonies. Thus the major contradiction in
the third world is between national identity and imperialist domination.49
Theorizing Communication
The concern, again, was that such practices carried punishing opportunity costs. Opportunity costs: I mean that they signified, at best,
that a wide range of all-too-scarce social resources would be channeled
into affiliation with the transnational culture industry, rather than directed toward a thoroughgoing democratic cultural transformation.
What, for instance, could the media do, as Fanon put it, to teach about
"the experiments carried out by the Argentinians and the Burmese in
their efforts to overcome illiteracy or dictatorial tendencies of their leaders"?55 Normally, affiliations with an expansionary culture industry
helped rather to propel the newly independent states back into the emergent capitalist world system, or to deter their departure from it in the first
place. Unfriendly researchers, in contrast, worked from the ill-founded
idea that evidence of cultural imperialism had to be sought outside and
apart from the very changes that comprised its primary axis. They sought
to employ each evidence of continuing difference as a refutation of the
reality of cultural domination.
The critique's own elemental claim was that national self-determination mandated that far more stringent attention be accorded to the fact
that cultural production has its political economy. Not individual artistic
inspiration, nor putative standards of taste and morality, both of which
continued to captivate those committed to conventional elitist conceptions of culture, but ownership and control of means of communication
were seen as determining, increasingly on a transnational scale, of a
widening range of contemporary cultural practice. This, together with its
allied insight into the necessity for national cultural reconstruction,
brought communication study nearer than it had come in many decades
to the idea of culture as a domain or type of production. To be sure, no
such link as yet managed to become explicit and theoretically productive. But it was soon to rise to a prominent place in the agenda. On the
other hand, a telling indicator of the impact of this critique on the academic field of communication came through even at the time, in what
Everett Rogersa pioneer of the academic canon to which he referred
styled "the passing of the dominant paradigm."56 Rogers acknowledged
that the established orthodoxies had been effectively delegitimated by a
decade of radical pressure on the abstracted patterns of national development and personal influence favored by mainstream scholars.
Although radical positions, especially those relating to the critique of
neocolonialism, remained secondary, they were no longer marginal.
The critique itself, to be sure, never assimilated into a formal theory
all of the insights that it generated. Even as neocolonialism made unprecedented use of the culture industry in the service of capitalist reintegration, however, the critique tried to show how it likewise was eliciting a new front of contestation and resistance around culture and
consciousness. "[T]he preservation of cultural options to peoples and
nations only now becoming aware of their potential," wrote Herbert I.
Theorizing Communication
and anti-imperialist opposition was checked, transnational capitalist reintegration proceeded, and the whole matrix of affinities and concepts
likewise began to shift.
Aijaz Ahmad writes of the era that succeeded these heady years
the period in which we now livethat it saw "the consolidation of the
national-bourgeois state in the majority of the Asian and African states
that had been newly constituted as sovereign nations, where the expanding dynamic of global capitalism was bringing unprecedented
growth and wealth to the newly dominant classes."60 In Western Europe, Japan, and North America this succeeding period is best characterized, again, as one of massing reaction. Over large parts of the world,
very distinctly after the mid-1970s, the prospects for democratic social
transformation receded: Both the domestic class basis of the national
state and the latter's articulation toward transnational capitalism grew
stronger and more overt. The critique of cultural imperialism, whose aim
was precisely to contribute what it could to challenging these developments, was not well situated of itself to addressthat is, to investigate
and theorizetheir consequences. The critique's originating concern,
simultaneously situated in the structures of domination and the capacity
for active opposition to them, contracted increasingly around a single
pole. As various national agents of social transformation became increasingly isolated and beleagueredsome time around UNESCO's
Mass Media Declaration in 1978the critique responded by emphasizing an austere and apparently unbridgeable political economy of transnational capitalist domination.61 "Culture" in turn lost much of the
open potential with which the critique initially sought to invest it.
But by this timethe 1980s and on into the presenta wide range
of crosscutting issues had come to bedevil the discussion. Before turning
to appraise this complex passage of thought, we must complete our
assessment of the inclusive radical heterodoxy of which the critique of
cultural imperialism comprised one aspect. Let us turn, therefore, to the
other chief site of revisionary effort, which was Britain. Here, what
Raymond Williams sought to conceptualize as "the shaping process"62
again appealed to human social agency to suspend the problematic dichotomy between "intellectual" and "manual" labor, and indeed to
inaugurate a direct challenge to its dualistic legacy.
By the 1960s, a fresh and vital revision was developing in and through a
British project that was beginning to be known as "cultural studies." As
this new thinking percolated into communication study in the United
States, many graduate students and some professorsincluding some of
those open to the critique of neocolonialism and/or to the 1960s
"counterculture"began to find the ethnocentric codes of inquiry man-
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tialities, and by constructing new channels of communication between industrial workers and experts in the sciences and arts.69
In the tradition of William Morris, the English artist-craftsman, writer, and socialist who formed the subject of his own first major work,
Thompson thus issued a passionate call to reintegrate "manual" and
"mental" labor. But this was by no means the sole, or even a generally
recognized, focus of early cultural studies. Those who purport to find in
"culturalism" a common wellspring, as Thompson himself later reprimanded, widely ignore the fact that, from the start, the revision around
"culture" occasioned deep-seated disagreements. Involved here were, in
the first place, disputes regarding the respective analytical placement of
"culture" and "class," and such conflicts could not fail to register pragmatic political divergences.70
Hoggart, briefly, accorded pride of place to the media in his survey of
continuities and discontinuities in the felt experience of the working
class; his chief work, The Uses of Literacy, was subtitled "aspects of
working-class life with special reference to publications and entertainments." As against those who simply hailed the "embourgeoisement" of
the working class, however, Hoggart insisted that an older and "more
genuine class culture," which he recalled and vividly rendered across an
anthropologized register of urban lifeways, faced the threat of severe
erosion at the hands of a new and significantly "less healthy" "mass
culture."71 Conspicuously secondary, in his account of encroachment by
this "candy-floss world" on the experience of the working class, were
politics and ideology. A chasm thus separated the culture of the
working-class majority, in Hoggart's depiction, from the politics of an
"earnest minority." Stuart Hall's views find more detailed exposition in
Chapter Four, but it is worth underlining that his early thought substantially overlapped that of Hoggartwho, in 1964, helped him obtain a
post as Research Fellow in Cultural Studies at Birmingham University.
Hoggart's stress was on what Hall consistently agreed could be seen as
"the break-up of traditional culture, especially traditional class cultures," under "the impact of the new forms of affluence and consumer
The Uses of Literacy in turn was recognized by Raymond Williams as
a "welcome" and "natural successor and complement" to the cultural
criticism that had begun to cohere in the early 1930s around F. R. Leavis
and the journal Scrutiny.7^ In extending the range of criticism beyond
the characteristic procedures of the Scrutiny groupfrom documents to
the anthropology of everyday life, or what Williams now called "the
reading public as people"The Uses of Literacy succeeded, he declared,
in raising problems of "exceptional contemporary interest." Hoggart's
answers, however, he found far from conclusive. Hoggart had "taken
over too many of the formulas" and, in particular, Williams charged,
essentially "conservative ideas of the decay of politics in the workingclass"; relatedly, Hoggart had admitted "the extremely damaging and
quite untrue identification of'popular culture' . . . with'working-class
culture.' "74 Williams, as we will see, explicitly rejected the notion "that
the working class was becoming 'deproletarianized.'" It was, he thoroughly agreed, "of the utmost importance that we should try to understand the complex social and cultural changes" under way.75 About
these, however, Williams harbored an optimistic reformism. Changes
apparent in and around communication hinged, he believed, on what he
implied was a potentially decisive process of democratizationagain, of
"clearing the channels" along which art, learning and education could
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cades of the 19th century, these craft producers had helped to mount an
epochal challenge to the ascent of a more fully articulated industrial
capitalism and, he suggested, in that process had gone far to constitute
the early British working class. Thompson thus tacitly insisted that capitalism's own progressive historical bifurcation of "manual" and "mental" labor comprised a fundamental historical turning point. In the process, he not only developed the idea of "culture" as a means of throwing
new light on the history of social class, but also identified conscious class
struggle as the prime motor of historical eventuation; his review of
Williams's Long Revolution, no less stinging than solidary, turns repeatedly on the latter of these points.78
We can do no better in glossing Thompson's perspective than to
attend to his often-quoted admonition:
By class I understand a historical phenomenon, unifying a number of disparate and seemingly unconnected events, both in the raw material of experience and in consciousness. I emphasize that it is a historical phenomenon. I
do not see class as a "structure," nor even as a "category," but as something
which in fact happens (and can be shown to have happened) in human
. . . The class experience is largely determined by the productive
relations into which men are bornor enter involuntarily. Class-consciousness is the way in which these experiences are handled in cultural
terms: embodied in traditions, value-systems, ideas, and institutional forms.
If the experience appears as determined, class-consciousness does
not. . . . Class is defined by men as they live their own history, and, in the
end, this is its only definition.79
This was in 1963. Around the same time Thompson also suggested
that class"a social and cultural formation"referred to "a very
loosely defined body of people who share the same categories of interests, social experiences, traditions and value-system, who have a disposition to behave as a class . . . ."80 In this context, the chief burden of
"culture" was, patently, to sustain the reorientation of social class toward experience; class or perhaps even class consciousness never relinquished its unifying thematic and conceptual role.81 There remained for
Thompson a fruitful tension over whether "class experience" was "determined" by "productive relations" or more loosely rendered via subjective "interests, social experiences, traditions and value-systems." For
Williams, on the other hand, this tension was almost entirely suspended;
"culture" in its own right for him comprisedthough in an awkward,
plural sensethe basic and enveloping category. Further explication of
Williams's curiously authoritative, complex application of the culture
concept constitutes the most useful benchmark against which to chart
that pivotal idea's subsequent declension.
After sweeping the Conservative Party out of office, the Labour government had successfully undertaken to launch a progressive welfare
state during the immediate postwar years. Nationalization of key industries took place, and social security measures and income-redistribution
efforts also proceeded. But, as the Cold War cranked up, any will the
leaders of the Labour Party might have had to continue to restructure
British society was subdued. The 1951 General Election conferred on a
now-refurbished Conservative Party, who as a group had acquiesced to a
"modernizing" welfare state, a new lease on power. A Labour reconquest languished through two subsequent elections, occurring only with
the Wilson victory of 1964.
This unseasonable Conservative enthronement appeared to many
on the left to comprise the most visible, but perhaps not the most formidable, of the novel blockages associated with the postwar settlement.
During the first half of the 1950s, despite unprecedented material abundance, Britain seemed to those who would come together to form a New
Left "a society in which creative, popular and intellectual initiative was
at low ebb."82 Were the two conditionsabundance and apathy
connected? "Effective Conservatism," wrote Williams in 1964, "in
theory and practice, has idolized the super-administrator, the salesman,
the speculator; the institutions it will leave as a legacy are the supermarket, the betting shop, commercial television and the motorway beside the closed railway."83 However, was not the accompanying state of
political debility perversely and, perhaps, definitively, compounded by
Labour's collaborationeven as the party's own leaders and theorists
heralded "Welfare Britain" as the very realization of socialism?84
This last question got down to the core of the controversy in which
"culture" was to figure so prominently. "In place of its own order of
priorities," Stuart Hall declared, "Labour has followed along the trail
which consumer capitalism opened up. . . . The new aspirations of a
skilled working class have been diverted into the satisfaction of personal
wants. . . ,"85 Again, Hall's view of this formative period explicitly
emphasized the apparent "undermining impact of the mass media and
of an emerging mass society on this old European class society."86
Williams, in 1964, could agree that Labour might be characterized as
"not the party of the working majority, but the party of the latest wave of
the rising commercial and technical middle class."87 But he wanted no
part of an explanation of the impasse that rested on a familiar appeal to
mass culture's corrosive impact. Williams later looked back on this moment, with its "probability" that "the stylish consumer society . . .
would be the new form of capitalism," in deeply revealing personal
terms: "[B]ecause I saw the process as options under pressure, and
knew where the pressure was coming from, I could not move" to accept
the mass culture position, which he characterized as being founded on
"contempt of people, of their hopelessly corrupted state, of their vulgarity and credulity by comparison with an educated minority . . . ."
Such a position, Williams was to suggest during the 1970s, "was the
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The central problem, as I see it, is cultural. The society of individual consumers which is now being propagandized by all the weight of mass advertising and mass publications, needs a new kind of socialist analysis and
alternative. We are full of confectionery and short of hospitals; loaded with
cars and ludicrously short of decent roads; facing an educational challenge
of major proportions, yet continuing a limited class system of schools. These
are incidental examples of a crisis which needs different analysis and different programs from those appropriate to poverty and depression. That such
analysis and such programs must be socialist seems more clear than ever
before. Only in projecting a new kind of community, a new kind of social
consciousness, can the Labour Party offer anything distinctive and positive.
It may take a long time, and some may be impatient for power and therefore
restive. But, short of ruin or folly, this is the only way in which the Labour
Party can now ever win, and it is not after all anything out of the tradition
that is being offered: Labour came into existence, not as an alternative party
to run this society, but as a means of making a different society.106
"Culture's" cardinal import bespoke "the Labour Party's permanent
task of creating a new kind of social consciousness."107 "[l]n contemporary Britain," Williams wrote in 1957, "many of the questions which
most radically affect the working-class movement are quite clearly cultural questions."108 To speak of "culture" indeed was to work toward
nothing less than an "effort at total qualitative assessment" of "the
conditions of our common life."109 It was, once more, to clear the way
for a sustained opening of theory to the gathering revisionary energies of
a changing, and newly unfamiliar, social experience. Here we get very
close indeed, needless to say, to the tenor of the subsequent critique of
cultural imperialism.
The power of Williams's revisionary attempt is, however, more difficult to recapture. His belief that postwar Britain could effect a transit by
degrees toward a common culture was soon overtaken by events. Nonetheless, Williams's dogged reworking of "culture" carried explosive possibilities for "the Tradition," as he called it, still with enough respect to
raise Edward Thompson's hackles.110 In particular, his intransigent
claim that "art and culture are ordinary"111 directly confronted and,
backed by the whole range of accumulating anthropological and psychological findings, effectively counterweighed the disabling and selfserving elitism which dominated formal cultural criticism. "We speak of
a cultural revolution," he declared in 1961, "and we must certainly see
the aspiration to extend the active process of learning, with the skills of
literacy and other advanced communication, to all people rather than to
limited groups, as comparable in importance to the growth of democracy
and the rise of scientific industry."112 Thus did this longtime lecturer for
the Workers Education Association seek to enfranchise those who had
been locked out by reigning standards of criticism and, indeed, of education in general.113 In a sharply critical book review, Thompson went out
of his way to credit Williams on this point: "With a compromised tradi-
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tion at his back, and with a broken vocabulary in his hands, he did the
only thing that was left to him: he took over the vocabulary of his
opponents, followed them into the heart of their own arguments, and
fought them to a standstill in their own terms. He held the roads open for
the young, and now they are moving down them once again." But
Thompson went on to explicate his major point, that Williams "has not
yet succeeded in developing an adequate general theory of culture."114
The latter's arguments about "culture" indeed did pivot around not
just one analytical pole, but two. Though not mutually exclusive, each
not only carried a different intellectual spin, but was also itself a site of
active and incomplete theorization. Coexisting problematically within
Williams's work, but also giving the latter its authority and force, this
difficult conception has offered a complex inheritance for scholarship
right on down into the present.
At one pole, Williams was revising an established anthropological
If the art is part of the society, there is no solid whole, outside it, to which, by
the form of our question, we concede priority. The art is there, as an activity,
with the production, the trading, the politics, the raising of families. To
study the relations adequately we must study them actively, seeing all the
activities as particular and contemporary forms of human energy. If we take
any one of these activities, we can see how many of the others are reflected
in it, in various ways according to the nature of the whole organization. It
seems likely, also, that the very fact that we can distinguish any particular
activity, as serving certain specific ends, suggests that without this activity
the whole of the human organization at that place and time could not have
been realized. . . . I would then define the theory of culture as the study of
relationships between elements in a whole way of life.115
This synthetic impulse was thus deliberately shorn of a priori notions of the primacy of the economy. Williams, that is to say, effectively
held in abeyance the Marxian tenet of "economic determination," from
"base" to "superstructure."116 All domains of experience, all "active
relations," Williams asserted, had to be "seen in a genuine parity"; none
could be isolated and then shown to determine the features of any other.
Indeed "any concession of priority" to a given activity was invalid: "If
we find, as often, that a particular activity came radically to change the
whole organization, we can still not say that it is to this activity that all
the others must be related; we can only study the varying ways in which,
within the changing organization, the particular activities and their interrrelations were affected."117 The point was that notions of determination had been too often utilized in abstract and ahistorical ways, so that
analysts (and not solely Marxists) presented themselves with what then
appeared to be an autonomous category, "the economy," seemingly
capable on its own of controlling or predicting developments occurring
elsewhere in a society.
At the second pole, revising away from the received Arnoldian emphasis on "culture" as the best that has been thought and known,
Williams declared that "culture" instead denoted a universal human
capacity for creative endeavor. This capacity was, for him, evident not
only in classic literary texts and paintings but, above all, in the series of
collective working-class institutions underscored above. Despite its overt
effort to batter away at the dominant traditions of criticism and education, Williams's projection of "culture" was designed, in its very universality, to disable mechanical appeals to a concept of social class which
divorced "manual" from "intellectual" effort. Williams, for example,
took considerable care (doubtless looking over his shoulder to prewar
aesthetic debates) to emphasize that "[t]he body of intellectual and
imaginative work which each generation receives as its traditional culture is always, and necessarily, something more than the product of a
single class."118 Rather than seeking, with Thompson, to refer "culture"
to conscious class conflict, however, Williams instead over-optimistically permitted it to become synonymous with an apparent general
process of human communication:
The emphasis that matters is that there are, essentially, no "ordinary" activities, if by "ordinary" we mean the absence of creative interpretation and
effort. . . . Since our way of seeing things is literally our way of living, the
process of communication is in fact the process of community: the sharing
of common meanings, and thence common activities and purposes: the
offering, reception and comparison of new meanings, leading to the tensions and achievements of growth and change.119
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whole world of active and interacting relationships, which is our common associative life."122 And again: "[W]e cannot understand the process of change in which we are involved if we limit ourselves to thinking
of the democratic, industrial, and cultural revolutions as separate processes."123 The search for such interrelationships constitutes the guiding
axis of Williams's method throughout the succession of case studies
which comprises the central section of The Long Revolution and, indeed,
his overall quest. Their significance even led him to caution, undoubtedly with an eye to formalist criticism, against a possible inversion of
economic determinismagainst, that is, "a new abstraction" in cultural
theory: "The pattern of meanings and values through which people
conduct their whole lives can be seen for a time as autonomous, and as
evolving within its own terms, but it is quite unreal, ultimately, to separate this pattern from a precise political and economic system, which can
extend its influence into the most unexpected regions of feeling and
behavior. To isolate the system of learning and communication, as the
key to change, is unrealistic."124 Williams therefore attached a vital
caveat to each of his two usages of "culture": respectively, first, to avoid
economic reduction, and, second, to avoid any "new abstraction" toward an autonomized plane of expression.
For in Williams's formulation, "culture" was ultimately intended to
be something qualitatively other than would be allowed by either of his
two distinct uses, taken by itselfmore, that is, than what might be
conveyed by the accustomed anthropological sense, of an analytical site
of study of the interrelationships binding together diverse human practices and activities; and, again, more than an ordinary, already given
capacity for shared expression, meaning, and experience. Williams indeed deliberately sought to erase the distinction between these two
poles. The theoretical bridge that he tried to build between analytical
synthesis and expressive ethos he called the "structure of feeling." A
coinage destined to achieve a lasting but opaque currency, the "structure
of feeling" originated in Williams's criticism of the drama. "What I am
seeking to describe," Williams wrote, in a passage worth quoting in its
is the continuity of experience from a particular work, through its particular
form, to its recognition as a general form, and then the relation of this
general form to a period. We can look at this continuity, first, in the most
general way. All that is lived and made, by a given community in a given
period, is, we now commonly believe, essentially related, although in practice, and in detail, this is not always easy to see. In the study of a period, we
may be able to reconstruct, with more or less accuracy, the material life, the
general social organization, and, to a large extent, the dominant ideas. It is
often difficult to decide which, if any, of these aspects is, in the whole
complex determining; their separation is, in a way, arbitrary, and an important institution like the drama will, in all probability, take its colour in
varying degrees from them all. But, while we may, in the study of a past
period, separate out particular aspects of life, and treat them as if they were
self-contained, it is obvious that this is only how they may be studied, not
how they were experienced. We examine each element as a precipitate, but
in the living experience of the time every element was in solution, an
inseparable part of a complex whole. And it seems to be true, from the
nature of art, that it is from such a totality that the artist draws; it is in art,
primarily, that the effect of a whole lived experience is expressed and embodied. To relate a work of art to any part of that whole may, in varying
degrees, by useful; but it is a common experience, in analysis, to realize that
when one has measured the work against the separable parts, there yet
remains some element for which their is no external counterpart. It is this,
in the first instance, that I mean by the structure of feeling. It is as firm and
definite as "structure" suggests, yet it is based in the deepest and often least
tangible elements of our experience. It is a way of responding to a particular
world which in practice is not felt as one way among othersa conscious
"way"but is, in experience, the only way possible. Its means, its elements,
are not propositions or techniques; they are embodied, related feelings. In
the same sense, it is accessible to othersnot by formal argument or by
professional skills, on their own, but by direct experiencea form and a
meaning, a feeling and a rhythmin the work of art, the play, as a
As Martin Jay has shown, the idea of social totalityof a coherent
social whole whose parts may be shown somehow to fit togetheroffers
an indispensable means of distinguishing the theories propounded by
different Western Marxists, for whom the concept comprised a subterranean but no less central preoccupation. Now we may see that the idea of
social totality also provides a necessary heuristic tool for comprehending
Williams's notion of culture, for which the structure of feeling acted as a
kind of index.126
We have it on the authority of Williams himself that he was working
consciously in light of just such a notion. "I did not want to give up my
sense of the commanding importance of economic activity and history,"
he reminisced in 1971: "My inquiry in Culture and Society had begun
from just that sense of a transforming change. But in theory and practice
I came to believe that I had to give up, or at least to leave aside, what I
knew as the Marxist tradition."
[T]o attempt to develop a theory of social totality; to see the study of culture
as the study of relations between elements in a whole way of life; to find
ways of studying structure, in particular works and periods, which could
stay in touch with and illuminate particular art works and forms, but also
forms and relations of more general social life; to replace the formula of base
and superstructure with the more active idea of a field of mutually if also
unevenly determining forces. This was the project of The Long Revolution,
and it seems to me extraordinary, looking back, that I did not then know the
work of Lukacs. . . , 127
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effort at maturity": a synthesis around "culture" which sought its revisionary effect not only in the universalization of working-class values
but, simultaneously, through the superordinate importance it sought to
confer on an apparent human universal, the ordinary capacity for creative expression. Williams's expressive totality then became a casualty,
both of a sharpening sense of capitalist domination and, paradoxically,
of the heightened opposition which the latter simultaneously provoked.
The year 1966 demonstrated, finally and decisively, that what Williams
still called "the most plausible formation for intermediate reform"the
Labour Partyhad "not only defaulted on its own best purposes but at
the level of government has shown itself, unmistakably, to be an active
part of the very system which it has appeared to oppose."145 With an
unprecedented majority of 100 in Parliament following the 1966
electionsurely more than enough, at last, to pursue an autonomous
course dictated by an opposing social visionWilson's Labour government instead accepted cuts in social services to keep up the pound's
exchange rate. Believing that a fateful juncture had been reached,
Williams swiftly resigned from the party. He placed himself instead in
the thick of the New Left, a movement to reconstitute an effective political opposition around workers and students; supercharged by the MayJune days in France and student activism throughout Europe and the
United States, this effort peaked between 1968 and 1970.
Amidst the left's continuing differences of political perspective and
strategy around the 1970 election, however, the Conservatives, led by
Edward Heath, returned to power. The upshot was what Williams
termed a "whole series of battles up to the miners' strike of 1973/4,"
signifying what he hailed, evidently with relief, as "a return to real class
politics." The National Union of Miners brought down the Heath government, in what Perry Anderson has termed, despite its severe and all
too evident limitations, "the most spectacular single victory of labour
over capital since the beginnings of working-class organization in Britain."146 The Labour government which formed after the March 1974
election, however, offered an all-too-predictable reprise of its dispiriting
role during the mid-'60s, by swinging left and then, upon election,
working to contain and defuse "[t]he very considerable crisis to which
British society had been brought by the conflicts of Conservative
rule."147 It thus effectively prepared the way for its own demise, and for
the postwar period's second protracted Conservative ascendancy, beginning late in 1978: "Thatcherism."
The first intellectual fruit of this wrenching history was, paradoxically, to cement a unified heterodoxy around "culture," now explicitly inclusive both of cultural studies and of the critique of cultural
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imperialism. This was not altogether unanticipated. It should be recalled, for example, that Edward Thompson had already linked his epochal history of English class formation during the industrial revolution
to the movement for contemporary decolonization: "Causes which were
lost in England might, in Asia or Africa, yet be won."148 This comment
may be read as a riposte to Frantz Fanon's declaration, two years earlier:
"The Third World today faces Europe like a colossal mass whose aim
should be to try to resolve the problems to which Europe has not been
able to find the answers."149 Raymond Williams too had made a similar
association, in 1961, in introducing the need to scrutinize a third, cultural revolution, alongside the industrial revolution and "the democratic
revolution": "[I]n any general view it is impossible to mistake the rising
determination, almost everywhere, that people should govern themselves, and make their own decisions, without concession of this right to
any particular group, nationality or class. In sixty years of this century
the politics of the world have already been changed beyond recognition
in any earlier terms. Whether in popular revolution, in the liberation
movements of colonial peoples, or in the extension of parliamentary
suffrage, the same basic demand is evident. . . . If we take the criterion
that people should govern themselves (the methods by which they do so
being less important than this central fact) it is evident that the democratic revolution is still at a very early stage."150 And, a few years later,
with greater pungency: "What are still, obtusely, called 'local upheavals,' or even 'brushfires,' put all our lives in question, again and
again. Korea, Suez, the Congo, Cuba, Vietnam, are names of our own
crisis."151 Hall too would insist that "[t]he goals, interests, structures
and ideological drives of a society are nowhere so clearly expressed as in
the imperial, neo-imperial and colonising context." Citing Fanon directly, he was to suggest that, "in the context of Latin America and
Vietnam . . . the slogans of' Afro- Americanism' and 'Black Power' can
be seen as international revolutionary slogans."152
For a fraught few years toward the end of the 1960s, then, these
three progenitors of cultural studies achieved a delicate, politically
charged unity, in the practical work of editing May Day Manifesto, a
touchstone work of the period. The Manifesto was conceived, during the
summer of 1966, as "a bringing together of existing socialist positions
and analysis, as a counter-statement to the Labour government's policies
and explanations." From the process of intellectual revision which necessarily followed, there emerged a work of kaleidoscopic scope covering,
in fifty pointed segments, everything from poverty, work, and unemployment; housing, health, and education; communications and advertising; to the transnational corporation, imperialism, and foreign aid;
U.S. foreign policy and the cold war; and the British state. May Day
Manifesto's editors had no hesitation, moreover, in identifying the operative mechanism of this changing capitalism in the "economic drive
Despite this manifest echo of Williams's earlier synthesis, a watershed had been reached.157 The point stands out, with sudden definitude:
felt opposition to an existing state of domination precedes mention of "a
different whole society." This was a sharp break, and it provoked a
specific recognition that the process of communication could not be
looked to as the vehicle of reform. Far from it: "[W]e can see in the
communications system the effective priority of the institutions and interests of a new capitalism," declared the Manifesto unequivocally. This
pivotal change would also endure. Williams was arriving at an implacable conviction that, as he would put it a few years later, Britain's communications institutions, rather than acting as means of extension and
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Williams likewise now countered Hall by claiming that he had always intended the term "common culture" "as a way of criticising that
divided and fragmented culture we actually have":
If it is at all true that the creation of meanings is an activity which engages all
men, then one is bound to be shocked by any society which, in its most
explicit culture, either suppresses the meanings and values of whole groups,
or which fails to extend to these groups the possibility of articulating and
communicating those meanings. This, precisely, was what one wanted to
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process in which meanings and values are determined if we do not also
include, even in periods of intense struggle, the seriousness and responsibility of work, and the recognition and care of each other, that must
continue and be extended. We cannot properly call culture anything less
than this range of active life, which is what the struggle is for.165
Therefore, he concluded, straining to its outermost bounds the conception that had underlain his earlier work, the notion of a common
culture might be equated increasingly with "the detailed practice of
revolution."166 For if there now existed an "absolute" need to struggle,
to universalize throughout capitalist society that same mutualistic idea
of social relationship with which, as we have seen, Williams credited the
British working class, then it was exactly the status of this social subject
and this hoped-for historical operation which were now coming in question.
Williams had not yet fully responded to Hall's proposed alternatives:
race, poverty, and war on one side; theoretical revision to accommodate
"outsiders" on the other. Or, rather, he assumed that such a response
involved "merely" the prospective transformation of the proletariat into
a universal class. The unity that animated May Day Manifesto disguised
this underlying fracture; but the latter still harbored profound, though
often inchoate, implications both for the theorization of class relations
and, therefore, for the interlocked theorization of culture. Although of
course feminism and anti-racism enjoy longer histories than this, the
challenge proffered by the "new social movements" to traditional Marxism indeed was to become inexorable. It took a further decade for this
vital issue to be met head-on; but, in 1978, Hall and his collaborators
would write:
[W]ithout question, the most important feature of this level of the
crisis . . . is the role of "labourism"specifically that of the Labour Party,
but also the labourist cast of the organised institutions of the working class.
Labourism has emerged as an alternative party of capital, and thus an
alternative manager of the capitalist crisis. At the most fundamental political
leveland shaping every feature of the political culture before itthe crisis
of British capitalism for the working class has thus been, also, a crisis of the
organised working class and the labour movement.167
The question was, what inference should be drawn from this dismally valid generalization? Williams, in the late 1960s, was tacking back
and forth between "class society" and a still-to-be-demarcated open
totality. While he did so, he resolutely consulted his accustomed compass: "[W]ith a majority of English people (though not of Scots or
Welsh) opting for consumer capitalism," he later reminisced about the
experience of the British working class during the 1950s, "it was hard to
hang on, but it was still not true that the existing resources of the people
were so depleted or corrupted that there was no option but to retreat to a
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with social class, was simply turned to other uses, now that the way
could be opened to the assumption of a rough equivalence between any
and all experiences, identities, subjectivities. This preoccupation with
subjective experience had and continues to have useful and even desirable consequences, not least because it preserved intact Williams's vision
of cultureor, at least, of cultural studiesas a battering ram aimed at
the socially exclusive and constrained forms of the ensconced canon,
that is, as a means of broadening the franchise for a regenerative "new
social consciousness." Analysts, in other words, remained free to search
across the social field for sources of opposition and resistance, as well as
of social containment and ideological subjection. As Hall came later to
emphasize, in turn, not gender oppression alone, but the feminist movement as well, forced "a major rethink in every substantive area of work"
being undertaken by the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies.173
In the wake of the postwar decades' experience of decolonization and
anti-imperial struggle, furthermoreto mention the other leading site of
redefinition"race" could be seen as a defining factor in the head-on
collision in Britain between "authoritarian populism" and the vindicative energies of people of color hailing from different outposts of the
erstwhile empire. Hall and his colleagues detailed in a brilliant and wideranging work of the later 1970s how "race" offered an efficacious means
of reorienting the polity to the rightand, vitally, a means in whose
creation Labour had been characteristically complicit. As Hall later came
to gloss the shift:
The problem of racism arises from every single political development which
has taken place in Britain since the new right emerged.
Blacks have themselves, at times, tried to isolate the issue of race from
the wider questions of social politics in Britainas if black people have
nothing to do with rates and ratecapping and monetarism and the Falklands
factor until they affect the black communities directly. This separation, if it
ever existed, has long since departed. In Policing the Crisis, a book some of us
wrote in the mid-1970s when Thatcherism was still only a tiny gleam in Sir
Keith Joseph's eye, we argued that race was deeply and intimately intertwined with every single facet of the gathering social crisis of Britain; and
that it was no longer possible for blacks to have a political strategy towards
that part of the dynamic which affected them without having a politics for
the society as a whole. That argument has immeasurably strengthened over
the years. . . ,174
From the 1970s to the present, this need to work all the way
through, to a positive theorization with which to replace Williams's
version of "culture" as an expressive totality, remained unrelievedly
problematic. This rejection or closure ushered in an interval of often
confusing effort, in which continued reliance on an unmoored category
of "experience," opening helpfully outward to "race" and "gender,"
vied with attempts to give theory new points of self-conscious reference.
It should not be surprising that, as this transition proceeded, the gyroscope with which Williams had contrived to keep in view the mutual
constitution of "mental" and "manual" activity would be set off balance. But perhaps it will be less obvious that this metamorphosis itself
turnedas we are about to findon a series of new reifications of
"intellectual" activity/justification for which was sought, very precisely,
in a repeated rejection of the category of "labor" itself. And it could
hardly have been forecast that the medium through which this blowout
transpiredor, at least, to which it made sustained referencewas
During the late 1960s and 1970s, the category of labor staged a series of
profoundly significant, direct appearances within three leading conceptions of culture and communicative activity, clustering respectively
around Althusserian structuralism, post-industrial theory, and poststructuralism. This engagement, which rendered "labor" an immediate
intellectual touchstone, was predicated on a broad and explicit encounter with orthodox Marxism, in which each school selectively identified a
tradition of cardinal importance for its own more or less discrete theorization. Far from being simply reproduced and carried over, however,
orthodox Marxism's concept of labor was taken up only so as to be
categorically rejected.
In the eyes of its disparate beholders, Marxism's validity hinged on
how wellor poorlyits conception of labor fared in accommodating
the distinctive features of late 20th-century society. Figuring prominently among the latter, in the cases of structuralism and poststructuralism, were issues cast up by the renewed emphasis on human social
agency discussed in the previous chapter, issues which emanated specifically from feminism, anti-racism, and anti-colonialism. But it is less well
appreciated that a concern for "intellectual" labor's contemporary status
also lay at the very heart of this multifaceted revisionary impulse. To a
significant extent, indeed, latter-day theorizations of "culture" and
"communication" were rendered possible only by breaking, albeit in
disparate ways, with the treatment of "intellectual" labor by a received
Theorizing Communication
"culture" and "ideology,"4 and remained content with capsule totalizations: "late capitalism," "state capitalism," "the administered society."5
Not despite but because of this loose agreement regarding what could be
and, at points, seemingly had to be taken for granted, Western Marxism's attention was redirected toward a series of seemingly strategic
anomalies: What role was being played in 20th-century society by the
processes of "reification"again, "the petrifaction of living processes
into dead things, which appeared as an alien second nature"6which
seemed so massively to overreach the capital-labor relation? What was
the theoretical standing of the intermediate social strata, the growing
numbers of white-collar workers whose existence increasingly appeared
to interdict the confrontation projected by classical Marxism between
proletariat and bourgeoisie? What did the cultivation of mass consumerism mean for the self-consciousness of the proletariat and, therefore, for
the prospect of revolutionary social transformation? Lying at the core of
Western Marxism, such questions seemed to require that theory veer
ever further away from "labor," which some of this tradition's leading
representatives contemplated, in any case, with a distinct unease.
On one hand, as we will find in the conclusion, Marx's use of
"labor" as providing the basis of human species-being was intermittently reaffirmed. Even so, this category's unifying ontological promise
remained essentially unrealized, again because contemporary social
conditions appeared to have led beyond the categorial apparatus of classical Marxism, thereby engendering a whole series of unbridgeable impasses and contradictions. Adorno and Horkheimer, as I mentioned in
an earlier chapter, remained actively suspicious of "labor" for comprising a recrudescence of an ascetic bourgeois sensibility;7 while Herbert
Marcuse, conceding "labor's" ontological significance, nonetheless
sought to envision a world where "play" would be free to supercede toil
and its associated reality principle; even Georg Lukacs evidently could
not find means of translating his commitment to a "social ontology"
grounded in labor into a comprehensive theorization, spanning "art" as
well as more familiar "material" realms. Alfred Sohn-Rethell, an isolated representative of the tradition, on this point only accentuated
Western Marxism's overall propensity when he insisted that truly to
understand "the enigmatic 'cognitive faculties' of civilised man" required a "complete methodological separation from any consideration
of . . . the role of human labour."8 The leading result, as we have seen,
was in this instance a protracted diversion into theories of ideology and
mass culture.
It now may be added that, despite other differences, leading Marxist
political economists paradoxically reproduced this same tendency to
dispense with "labor." This again owed chielly to the difficulties that
seemed to inhere in any attempt to fit the category to the seeming
mutations of contemporary capitalism. Across a broad range, all the way
through the 1960s and 1970s, and stretching from intellectual affiliates
of Communist Parties to a variety of "non-aligned" and academic Marxisms, political economic theorists were generally agreed that the labor of
white-collar workers was not productive of surplus value.9 Concerning
this question, the structural Marxist Nicos Poulantzas offered an especially uncompromising certitude: "[W]age-earners in commerce, advertising, marketing, accounting, banking and insurance," he asserted in
1974, regarding those whose toil occurred ostensibly within the realm of
circulation rather than production; lawyers, doctors, teachers, and other
service workers whose labor was said not to be exchanged directly with
capital; "the agents of the state apparatuses, the civil servants"; and
even, finally, the scientists whose research was "no more directly involved in the process of material production today than it was in the
past"for Poulantzas these manifold forms of what could be classed as
mental labor remained, simply, "unproductive."10
Albeit basing themselves on different premises, neo-Ricardian political economists went so far as to assail Marxism on its own high ground,
with arguments that the Marxian concepts of value and, indeed, of
labor, had been rendered obsolete. And Harry Braverman, whose momentous achievement was to resurrect the thesis of white-collar proletarianization by endowing it with a substantive historical content, via a
learned focus on the labor process, generally characterized the work of
this stratum as unproductive of surplus value.11
No matter how extensive a portion of the waged labor force whitecollar workers might come to constitute, and no matter how substantial
their manifold contributions to the overall process of accumulation, the
character and historical significance of their labor therefore could
be registered only obliquely. In the mind's eye of Marxian political
economy, this hardly condemned mental laborers to exercising a mere
residual influence within modern-day capitalism. What it did mean was
that their role could be theorized only in light of classical Marxism's
prior commitment to the primacy of industrial waged labor. For a second
leading variant of Marxist theory, thus, the swelling numbers of whitecollar workers visible in the mid-20th-century United States seemed to
portend a political-economic metamorphosis, for which valid account
might be made only by positing a discontinuous historical stage of "monopoly capitalism." The latter, on this view, could be distinguished by
the massively intensified "sales effort," which had been occasioned by
capital's increasingly aggravated need to find means of disposing of
wholly unprecedented levels of economic surplus. As this sales effort,
centering on a host of marketing, design, advertising, and related functions, "reachfed] back into the process of production"via such icons
of postwar American life as the automobile industry's annual model
changethe "necessary costs of production" in turn grew exponentially. Productive and unproductive labor had become so intertwined, in
Theorizing Communication
We may begin by turning to look in some detail at the evolving thought
of Stuart Hall, who, under the aegis of structural Marxism, during the
1970s made a direct, though finally unrealized, attempt to bring "labor"
into cultural studies. Hall's intellectual predispositions impinged substantially on this effort, and these early affinities may be traced in his
1958 discussion of the contemporary "interpenetration of base and superstructure," where he noted that "there are periods when cultural
alienation and exploitation become so ramified and complex, that they
take on an independent life of their own, and need to be seen and
analysed as such."15 This contemplated flight into a detached dimension
of culture avowedly originated in Hall's pessimistic assessment of the
character and potential of the British working class. Changes in the
capitalist economy, Hall observed in the very first issue of a flagship
journal of the New Left (which he then coedited)changes centering
above all on the growth of supervisory jobs in industry, often filled, Hall
said, by "young men of talent . . . from the lower-middle class"
were working fundamental changes in attitudes and consciousness.
Thus, here is Hall, in 1957: "As Alistair Cook observed, at the time of the
1955 General Election, the result would depend on how many workingclass men, looking into their mirrors, saw middle-class faces." For Hall
then "[t]he Conservative victory was reply enough." He rechristened
the period of structural reform over which the Labour Party had presided
between 1945 and 1951 "as the focal point in a challenging new-style
middle class revolution."16 In a provocative article published the following year, Hall fleshed out this assessment. Massive rebuilding programs
resulting in transformed physical surroundings; the unprecedented
availability of consumer goods and the new spending habits that attended them; and changes in the rhythm and nature of industrial work,
above all within "the technological industries," now combined to create
a general feeling of "class confusion."17
George Orwell had noted in 1941 the growth, during the earlier
interwar period, of what healongside, as we have seen, many others
Theorizing Communication
"The gap between the rising standard of living of the skilled worker
and the casino holidays of the very rich is bridged not in the real world,
but in dreams," Hall wrote two years later in an article entitled, again
portentously, "The Supply of Demand." The sole concession to
Williams's emphasis on an unabating differential in class subjectivities
was hidden within parentheses: "The Press and the mass media, which
(whenever we are off our guard) shape our consciousness of the society
in which we live, continually feed and nourish these fantasies. . . ."20
Hall's penchant for the characteristic arguments proffered by theorists of
mass culture continued, without interruption, into the late 1960s, when
he relied substantially on Herbert Marcuse in a survey of the American
youth movement.21
The divide that thereby opened between Hall and Williams notably
did not center on whether the mass media were capable of potent effects.
"The existence of immensely powerful media of mass-communication,"
declared Williams already in 1958, was "at the heart" of the problems of
contemporary democracyfor, through these media, "public opinion
has been observably moulded and directed, often by questionable
means, often for questionable ends."22 The "stylish consumer society"
pulling toward a "new form of capitalism" was, ratheras Williams
later put itbest apprehended as a process of "options under pressure."23 With this characterization, we reach the heart of the perspectival clash that framed the two writers' early efforts, though without
eroding their continuing mutual regard and sustained intellectual and
political cooperation.24 For Hall, as we have already seen, harbored a
significant contrasting urge to make the media themselves his analytical
It was, howeverand significantlyHall who initially tried to negotiate this divergence, for Williams's position as yet could be neither
dispensed with nor dislodged. After a somewhat strained attempt at
incorporating Williams's protest against abuses of the term "masses,"
therefore, Hall nonetheless emphasized that "consumer capitalism" had
become skillful at "producing the consumer" through "persuasive manipulation." Again the overlap with later fashions within cultural
studies is already palpable: "When we speak of 'communications' in a
consumer society, we have to think . . . of how other people speak at
us." And, perhaps responding to the critical responses provoked by his
earlier assertions about classlessness, Hall now qualified his argument by
invoking Hoggart: "[W]hat should be taking our attention is not the
smooth shift to middle-class attitudes, but the coarsening and loss of
working-class values when faced with the appeals to individualism and
selfishness of a revived, status-conscious capitalism." At issue, he said,
artfully staking his argument also to Williams, was "the whole notion of
community responsibility"; the current crisis was one that existed "in
the psychology of the working class itself, and therefore, in extension of
that . . . in the Labour Movement."
The bromides being handed round by 1950s Labour leaders provoked Hall, however, to a revealing fury: "Has the Labour Movement
come through the fire and brimstone of the last fifty years to lie down
and die before the glossy magazines? Has Labour no sense of the capacities, the potential of a society, more various, more skilled, more literate,
less cramped and confined, less beaten down and frustrated? So that
now, we are going to fade away in front of the telly and the 'frig.?"25
Such a public show of frustration has no parallel in Williams, and surely
symptomatized Hall's continuing attempt to comprehend what appeared to him to be Britain's specifically ideological blockages and deformations via forms of freestanding cultural criticism.
A work Hall coauthored with Paddy Whannel in 1964 originated in
a more widespread concern over the impact of popular culture in the
schools; its terms of engagement pronounced that "the struggle between
what is good and worth while and what is shoddy and debased is not a
struggle against the modern forms of communication, but a conflict
within these media."26 Therefore, they went on, "the distinction which
we want to make is based not on the institutions but on the quality of the
work done within them."27 Elaborating:
Theorizing Communication
We often write and speak as if the new mediathe cinema, television,
radio, record, popular printed matterhad simply extended the means
available for communicating between groups of people. Had this been true,
their impact on our social life would have been far less direct than it has
turned out to be. But when the means of communication are extended on
this scale the development cannot be judged in simple quantitative terms.
People are brought together in a new relationship as audiences, new kinds
of language and expression are developed, independent art forms and conventions arise. The media are not the end-products of a simple technological
revolution. They come at the end of a complex historical and social process,
they are active agents in a new phase in the life-history of industrial society.
Inside these forms and languages, the society is articulating new social
experiences for the first time.28
This inward turn toward media "forms and languages" was already
differentiated by an aversion to any supposed too-thoroughgoing reliance on political economy: "It is a mistake of some left-wing critics of
the mass media to suppose that a change in ownership, organization and
control will solve all our problems. No doubt such changes are necessary, but unless they are accompanied by some greater concern for the
experiences that art and entertainment have to offer we shall find that
we have changed the form while the substance remains the same."29
True, this might be read as an utterly level-headed criticism of the postwar settlement and, specifically, of the terms on which significant segments of British industry had been nationalized. It might be equally well
understood as a criticism of the culture of Soviet socialism. In the context
of Hall's and Whannel's work, howeverwhich comprised a virtuoso
demonstration of the applicability of critical procedures to "the popular
arts" in postwar Britainit is unmistakably dismissive.
Emphasized are not collective social relationships, but individual
fulfillment and alienation. While the media's institutional underpinnings receive minimal scrutiny, for examplethis, too, exactly as commercial broadcasting was making determined inroads into Britaina
bow in the other direction concedes far more, surely, than was needed to
"the Tradition": "No system can guarantee either freedom or cultural
health. Ultimately it is our quality as individuals that will count."30 Hall
and Whannel likewise skipped over Williams's arguments about social
class, thereby obscuring the basis of his demand to force back what they
termed "an exclusive tradition denying people access to what should be
part of the common life." Reverting to the very language of "high and
low" that Williams was arguing should be jettisoned, they insisted rather
that "the radical aims at a common culture based on a community in
which the culture at the top is a more refined, more articulated expression of the values shared by all."31
As late as 1971, Hall's predilection for "forms and languages" finds a
closely equivalent expression in his concern with how, immediately
before and during the Second World War, "the conditions were created
which enabled a historical experience directly to inform a style" of photojournalism: a "socially-structured 'way of seeing'" that he termed
"the social eye." In the British journal touched on by Orwell, Picture
Post, Hall observed, this "collective social experience and the formation
of a distinctive 'social eye' reciprocally informed and determined each
other." Picture Post's documentarists thus "returned to their readers
their own experience, augmented by the resources of popular journalism
and photography; augmentedand of course transformed."32 This subsumption of "experience" or "social consciousness" in "style" within
Picture Post is both consistent and prefigurative of what shortly was to
become a more overtly powerful intellectual current:
The documentary style, though at one level, a form of writing, photographing, filming, recording, was, at another level, an emergent form of social
consciousness: it registered, in the formation of a social rhetoric, the emergent structure of feeling in the immediate pre-war, and the war, periods.
Here, once again, we encounter that fateful nexus where the subject-matter
and content of historical experience, the revolutionary development of the
means of reproduction, andin responsethe evolving forms and styles of
collective social perception made a striking rendevous.33
"Forms and languages" here remained tightly interwoven with Williams's expressive totality, a concept which, as we found, had already
been placed under mounting strain. A climactic intellectual "break"
was, however, already imminent. Paradoxically underscoring the continuities within Hall's own work, Althusser's Marxist structuralism
nevertheless afforded him distinctly new grounds for reasserting his
longstanding commitment to the thesis of an overarching social discontinuitya discontinuity, moreover, whose basis could be lodged
with seeming newfound rigor in "culture" or "ideology." Through the
prism of structural Marxism, therefore, Hall was enabled to resolve cultural studies' concerted emphasis on social experience, including working-class experience, into what appeared to be its own unique and brilliant hue.
Theorizing Communication
In contrast, Hall himself held, "structures can be temporally simultaneous, but they need not thereby be causally equal." A chief virtue of
this sharply distinct and formidable new theorizationagain, we are
now in the mid-1970s-was that it appeared to offer a valid means by
which to accommodate within Marxism "the irreducible heterogeneity
of the material world."37 Gaining admittance to high theory via structural Marxism, the manifold contradictions which so evidently laced
through contemporary capitalismabove all, those of "race" and
"gender"were now reconstituted so as to pose an explicitly theorized
response to the "expressive totality" which we have seen animated
Williams's early cultural studies.
Hall's own erstwhile supposition, as we also found, had been that
through its encounter with mass culture, the working class was being
tamed and reincorporated. His emergent focus, in contrast, not only
Theorizing Communication
"Ideology" was sustained, then, by conscious or unconscious "adherence to an ensemble of representations and beliefsreligious, moral,
legal, political, aesthetic, philosophical, etc."46
"Ideology" thereby also wrenched away from conceptions, notably
the radical variant of mass culture theory, which continued to equate it
with an instrumental manipulation, whose intention and effect were to
instill acquiescence to social domination. Ideology's role in social reproduction was rather redirected toward "experience," across its great
range. It became "a matter of the lived relation between men and their
world" or, again, " . . . the way they live the relation between them
and their conditions of existence":47
The representations of ideology thus consciously or unconsciously accompany all the acts of individuals, all their activity, and all their relationslike
so many landmarks and reference points, laden with prohibitions, permissions, obligations, submissions and hopes. If one represents society according to Marx's classic metaphoras an edifice, a building, where the
juridico-political superstructure rests upon the infrastructure of economic
foundationsideology must be accorded a very particular place. In order to
understand its kind of effectivity, it must be situated in the superstructure
and assigned a relative autonomy vis-a-vis law and the State; but at the
same time, to understand its most general form of presence, ideology must
be thought of as sliding into all the parts of the edifice, and considered as a
distinctive kind of cement that assures the adjustment and cohesion of men
in their roles, their functions and their social relations.
In fact, ideology permeates all man's activities, including his economic
and political practice; it is present in attitudes towards work, towards the
agents of production, towards the constraints of production, in the idea that
the worker has of the mechanism of production; it is present in political
judgements and attitudescynicism, clear conscience, resignation or revolt,
etc.; it governs the conduct of individuals in families and their behaviour
towards others, their attitude towards nature, their judgement on "the
meaning of life" in general, their different cults (God, the prince, the State,
etc.). Ideology is so much present in all the acts and deeds of individuals that
it is indistinguishable from their ' 'lived experience,'' and every unmediated
analysis of the "lived" is profoundly marked by the themes of ideological
Much has been made of the fact that Althusser's conception pulled
in two contrary directions: on one hand, toward consideration of a
resisting subjectivity, and, on the other hand, toward a resurgent concern with the ingrained capacity to equip subjects, as Eagleton has put it,
"with the forms of consciousness necessary for them to assume their
'posts' or functions within material production."49 But, while each
poleresistant or oppositional subjectivity, as against a dominated
subjection50became a site of heated debate and prolific revision within
a refocused cultural studies, the momentous gap that emerged between
Theorizing Communication
man.54 This admirable effort to situate "culture" in reference to a concept of labor55 was inflectedbut not effacedby Hall's customary
stress on language: "Human culture . . . is not a 'knowledge' which is
abstractly stored in the head. It is materialized in production, embodied
in social organization, advanced through the development of practical as
well as theoretical technique, above all, preserved in and transmitted
through language.' '56
It may be easily forgotten that Hall's was but one of many noteworthy attempts during the late 1960s and 1970s to place "labor" higher up
on the agenda of formal social study. One thinks, for example, of Harry
Braverman's masterpiece, Labor and Monopoly Capital, with its sustained
and innovative treatment of the historical separation of conception from
execution within the labor process, and its powerful impact on the field
of sociology; and one recalls as well the plethora of historical studies
guided by David Montgomery's Workers' Control in America?"7 And what
of the other proximate attempts to link "labor" directly to communication, Vincent Mosco's programmatic assimilation of the labor process as
a central category for the theorization of communication in contemporary capitalism, for example?58 Equally promising was a fledgling tradition of sociological analysis of media production processes. In Britain
such work had originated during the late 1960s, with a book-length
study by researchers at Leicester University of press coverage of a major
demonstration against the Vietnam War; for around a decade the work
carried through in a series of revealing analyses, undertaken by Philip
Elliott, Peter Golding, Paul Hartmann, Graham Murdock, Philip Schlesinger, Jeremy Tunstall, and others, of news and documentary production in the press and television.59 Then, too, we may remember Dallas
Smythe's attempt to join "communication" to "production" by resituating the process of commercial media audience reception within the category of labor.60 Disparate revisionary linkages between productive activity and signification were likewise being pursued by poststructuralists
such as Jean Baudrillard61 and by Raymond Williams; these last two
attempts find further explication in subsequent portions of this book.
Within this larger matrix, the distinctive attempt of the Althusserian
Marxism on which Hall drew was to seek a special warrant for the
scientific enterprise. Althusser viewed science as a determinate social
labor, "distinct from other practices."62 But the place ascribed by him to
science, or theory, within the totality went well beyond this legitimate
differentiation. Althusser explicitly sought to ground theory in terms of
"intellectual" labor's putative contribution to a revolutionary transformation of society. "For intellectuals, scientists or literary specialists, the
question takes a precise form," he declared in 1967: "What place does
our activity occupy in the world, what role does it play? What are we as
intellectuals in this world?"63 His answer was to confer on intellectuals a
putatively independent, even a superordinate, function within the revo-
lutionary socialist process: "[T]he working class cannot, by its own resources, radically liberate itself from bourgeois ideology, " Althusser proclaimed. "For 'spontaneous' working-class ideology to transform itself
to the point of freeing itself from bourgeois ideology it must receive, from
without, the help of science. . . . "64" [Everything"and this particular
"everything," of course, carried great gravity"depends on the transformation of the ideology of the working class, on the transformation which can
extricate working-class ideology from the influence of bourgeois ideology and
submit it to a new influencethat of the Marxist science of society. "65
No matter how justified by the need to think about the diverse forms
of signification as determinate practices in their own right, this scientistic
tenet, which reiterated Lenin's dictum that the task of intellectuals was
to introduce Marxist science into proletarian practice "from without,"66
this conception of science also introduced into radical social theory a
crucial feature drawn from structuralism proper. Implicit within the idea
of "theoretical practice"or, sometimes, "theoretical labour"was, to
be sure, "a material history, [which] includes among its determinant
conditions and elements non-theoretical practices (economic, political and ideological) and their results." Pride of place, nevertheless,
Althusser explicitly and repeatedly reserved for thought's own "internal
relations" and for the supposedly rigorous "fixing" of theoretical meaning "by the relations between theoretical concepts within a conceptual
system."67 Here "theoretical practice" evidently shared a vital common
property with what was, for Althusser, its unscientific antagonist
ideological practice:
Ideology comprises representations, images, signs, etc., but these elements
considered in isolation from each other, do not compose ideology. It is their
systematicity, their mode of arrangement and combination, that gives them
their meaning; it is their structure that determines their meaning and function.68
Althusser claimed to have revealed a Marx who, upon comprehending the massive error of his early Hegelian ways, therewith broke irreversibly with humanism and its categorieschief among which was the
"anthropological ideology of labour" which was equated with the essence of human species-being, of which we will soon hear morein
order to undertake the astringent "theoretical practice" required by a
fully scientific analysis of modes of production:69
. . . we regard what is commonly called theory, in its "purest" forms,
those that seem to bring into play the powers of thought alone (e.g., mathematics of philosophy), leaving aside any direct relation to "concrete practice," as a practice in the strict sense, as scientific or theoretical practice,
itself divisible into several branches (the different sciences, mathematics,
philosophy). This practice is theoretical; it is distinguished from the other,
nontheoretical practices, by the type of object (raw material) which it trans-
Theorizing Communication
forms; by the type of means of production it sets to work, by the type of
object it produces (knowledges).70
In short, as Martin Jay summarizes, for Althusser, "theoretical production was carried out within theory itself."71 Theoretical practice was
a process of production whose "product" was ostensibly "knowledges,"
created and assembled out of a unique "raw material"facts and concepts.72
We have it on the authority of Althusser himself that this theorization was infused with a "most unusual structuralism. "73 It was from
structuralism, in turn, that he imported what Frederick Newmayer calls
"the autonomous approach to linguistics,"74 and gave it a seemingly
rigorous Marxist warrant. Fredric Jameson drew the proper conclusion
over two decades ago: "For Althusser, in a sense, we never really get
outside our own minds: both ideology and genuine philosophical investigation, or what he calls 'theoretical practice/ run their course in the
sealed chamber of the mind." In this system, as Jameson insightfully
adds, "materialism is thus preserved by an insistence on the essentially
idealistic character of all thinking."75 The paradoxical hallmark of
Althusser's effort to merge theoretical and ideological practices into the
thriving corpus of contemporary thinking about labor was, all protestations notwithstanding,76 a presumption that cognition subsists within a
pristine and self-enclosed zone.
Within Britain, a historian and a historically minded critic took
increasingly pointed issue with this formulation. At the far end of the
1970s, Edward Thompson's fiery and often trenchant book-length denunciation of Althusser's "orrery of errors" subjected his structuralist
assumptions to a masterful rhetorical decapitation.77 Less well known,
however, is that Raymond Williams found that he could take the measure of his own evolving theorizationa point to which I return in the
conclusionby means of a sharp distinction with Althusser's structural
Marxism. Across its putatively extended range, neither "ideology" nor,
certainly, "superstructures," Williams asserted, could validly substitute
for the sweepingly synthetic totality of experience whose employment in
The Long Revolution, though it might indeed now require significant
revision, remained for him absolute. "[T]he only thing right" about the
attempt made by the "theory of Ideology" to link "art" with "mass
communication," and other practices, wrote Williams unequivocally in
1976, "is the realization that the theoretically separated 'areas' have to
be brought within a single discourse. The main error of this solution is
that it substitutes Ideology, with its operative functions in segments,
codes and texts, for the complex social relations within which a significant range of activities, in a significant range of situations, were being at
once expressed, produced and altered. . . ,"78 Williams's acute and
hard-edged reaction to Marxist structuralismwhich helped him, as we
Yet what became the mainstream of cultural studies programmatically ignored these substantial rebukes. Quoting Althusser, Hall instead took over exactly the same idea of practice, as "any process of
transformation of a determinate raw material into a determinate product, a transformation effected by a determinate human labour, using
determinate means (of 'production')."81 It was his acceptance of this
pivotal but fatally problematic doctrinethat signification itself comprised a self-enclosed practicewhich in turn barred Hall from continuing further with the effort to reconcile "labor" and "language."
"Knowledge, whether ideological or scientific, is the production of a
practice," Hall would write, integrating Althusser with the early Roland
Barthes: "It is not the reflection of the real in discourse, in language.
Social relations have to be 'represented in speech and language' to acquire meaning. Meaning is produced as a result of ideological or theoretical work."82 Signification, more precisely, again involved nothing
other than its own "determinate form of labour, a specific 'work': the
work of meaning production. . . ."The latter, in Hall's scheme, did not
much lend itself to analysis as a "social practice"; critical researchers
who sought to liken the labor of media production to that employed in
the production of other sorts of commodities were barking up the wrong
tree.83 Indeed what needed highlighting beyond this. Hall further asserted, was actually "what distinguishes discursive 'production' from
other types of production in our society and in modern media systems."84 Hall even hazarded that the process of meaning construction
was not only distinct from but also anterior and superordinate to, for
example, motor car production: in this case, at least, "the exchange and
use values depend on the symbolic value which the message contains.
The symbolic character of the practice is the dominant element although
not the only one."85
Leave aside for now this assertion (with its nod toward contemporary work by Baudrillard) that "symbolic value" dominates the ex-
Theorizing Communication
change and use values of cultural commodities. This was merely symptomatic of the more elemental displacement which transpired through
the assumption that, despite its standing as a form of "labor,"
"culture"and, in a reciprocally denning variant which we must soon
examine, "information"because it has its own "specificity," must be
held to exist in self-determining isolation from the rules and practices
which structure other kinds of production. Because for Althusser's
Marxism they purportedly eventuated in "discursive objects," just as,
under the different name of white-collar work they had for C. Wright
Mills, signifying practices were to be seen as categorically different from
"other modern labour processes."86 Even years later, after having shed
other trappings of Althusserian Marxism, Hall continued to assert flatly
that "[i]deology has its own modality, its own ways of working and its
own forms of struggle."87
What evidence did Hall furnish, what justification, to support this
foundational claim that the labor of signification is not only distinct, but
categorically self-enclosed and inward-looking, because its product is
ostensibly equally sharply differentiated from the products created by
other kinds of labor? Nonenoneis offered. Yet both premisesthat
signifying practice results in a unique species of "discursive object," and
that the production of ideology is a unique type of laborare essentially
and aggressively exclusionary. Exactly how far and in what ways are
discursive objects "different" from other products? Can such a difference
merely be presumed? Why, on the other hand, should the most salient
property of the ideological labor process be taken as that which serves,
precisely, to detach it from other social relations of production?88 Perhaps, on the contrary, it is the similarities, overlaps, and correspondences that it evinces with other labor processes which help to mark a
distinct ideological labor process as significant. Or perhaps, as Hall himself sometimes allowed, an ideological aspect should be looked for in
labor processes in general. Merely because meaning "is not the reflection
of the real," in short, patently need not require that it be produced
within an independent dimension of signification, over which jurisdiction is exercised by self-determining generative principles.
The terms on which Hall attempted to shore up his argument in the
face of the subsequent post-structuralist dismissal of any nondiscursive
social field revealed both his own reservations about, and the ultimate
damage wrought by, the growing effort to privilege signification,
whether as "forms and languages" or as "ideology":
The designation of ideologies as "systems of representation" acknowledges
their essentially discursive and semiotic character. Systems of representation
are the systems of meaning through which we represent the world to ourselves and one another. It acknowledges that ideological knowledge is the
result of specific practicesthe practices involved in the production of
meaning. But since there are no social practices which take place outside the
domain of meaning (semiotic), are all practices simply discourses?
Here we have to tread very carefully. . . . It does not follow that
because all practices are in ideology, or inscribed by ideology, all practices
are nothing but ideology. There is a specificity to those practices whose
principal object is to produce ideological representations. They are different
from those practices whichmeaningfully, intelligiblyproduce other
commodities. Those people who work in the media are producing, reproducing and transforming the field of ideological representation itself. They
stand in a different relationship to ideology in general from those who are
producing and reproducing the world of material commoditieswhich are,
nevertheless, also inscribed by ideology. Barthes observed long ago that all
things are also significations. The latter forms of practice operate in ideology
but they are not ideological in terms of the specificity of their object.89
Hall frontally rejected poststructuralism's claim that "there is nothing to social practice but discourse."90 Yet his effort at rebuttal was
marred by a profound concession, which had previously escaped overt
acknowledgment.91 Charging that those who subscribed to the idea that
discourse was the only social practice were exhibiting a "mechanical
materialism," Hall now was forced back on the argument that poststructuralists invalidly sought to "abolish the mental character . . .
[and] the real effectsof mental events (i.e., thought)."92 Notwithstanding its admirable concern to defend the idea of an active and consequential subjectivity, this admission still provided a telling glimpse of
just how selective had been Hall's own rendering of the work of "representation." The latter simply threatened to lapse into an artifact of
the prevailingdominativedivision of labor. Hall thus specifically ignored the fact that the prime locus of ideological production"those
people who work in the media"necessarily comprises not only different kinds of storytellers, but also engineers and blue-collar technicians.
What better index of Hall's reification of "intellectual" labor could be
found? Within his account of the process of "ideological" construction,
technical labor is accorded no standing whatever. This can hardly be
accidental. For were the contribution of technical labor not to be elided,
where could the line between mental and manual labor be drawn? How
in turn could the ostensibly "differentiated" character of signification,
representation, knowledge as production, be salvaged? Hall's endeavor
to privilege what he now called "representation" therefore ultimately
fell prey to the same affliction that inhered in Althusser's notion of
"theoretical practice." Martin Jay's apt pronouncement regarding
Althusser thus may be validly extended to Hall, for in both thinkers the
"characteristic bourgeois distinction between mental and manual labor
of exchange-oriented societies was thus valorized rather than undermined."93
Theorizing Communication
exactly this reduction. But what actually transpired was a rather different, reciprocal process. Thompson wrote, in a 1977 discussion of
Christopher Caudwell, "of a phenomenon repeatedly witnessed within
bourgeois culture: that is, the repeated generation of idealism and
mechanical materialism, not as true antagonists but as pseudo-antitheses, generated as twins in the same moment of conception, or, rather,
as positive and negative aspects of the same fractured moment of
thought."96 For communication and cultural studies during the mid1970s, no conception of social totality, seemingly, could be retained
absent a resurgent dualism between "political economy" and its compensatory rival, "signification." The resulting dualism was to remain
predominant down to the present, and, in the next section of this chapter, I will have reason to present a further indication of its significance for
a separating pole of study around "information."
For the moment, it is more important to trace the significance of
this dichotomizing instinct within cultural studies. Here, as Lawrence
Grossberg has recently conceded, there was betrayed a heightening tendency to reduce "human reality to the plane of meaning"; "questions
about the effects of the materialities which exist 'outside the sphere of
the discursive'" were habitually "bracket[ed]."97 The practical consequence of acquiescence to a self-enclosed domain of "mental" labor was
a marked tendency, not least in Hall's efforts to apprehend contemporary Britain through the lens of "Thatcherism,"98 to exaggerate "ideology's" domain of effectivity. Reference might come to be made to a
series of arresting economic changesas in the eventual assimilation of
"Post-Fordism" by the New Times project, to which Hall was a major
contributorbut these could not eventuate in a revival of the economic
as a category of specific relevance for "culture" itself. Sundered from
other processes of production, significationproperly credited with being "a real and positive social force"veered off as an increasingly selfdetermining generative principle.99
Instead, British cultural studies began to sanction an often bellicose
denial of standing to anything that could not be apprehended primarily
in terms of a seemingly self-sufficient signifying practice. Sometimes this
trend was expressed through a forthright insistence on the primacy of
forms of communication, alongside an equally explicit refusal to situate
meaning within any environing social field. Sometimes it took a milder
guise, as in John Fiske's declaration that "meanings are the most important part of our social structure."10 Either way, the full range of productive activity, which was to remain of vital importance for Williams and
others who challenged the classic model of base and superstructure, was
severely truncated. Whether economic activities were to be selectively
reassimilated or, rather, rhetorically dispatched, seemed increasingly a
matter of mere preference.101 In turn "culture's" growing autonomization countenanced, even invited, attempts to confer upon signification
Theorizing Communication
the axial role in organizing the entire social process, ironically, notwithstanding that such attempts themselves sometimes supplied objects of
animadversion (and even of self-definition) for some of the denizens of
the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies. Hall's project, in turn,
defines the limiting case, never sliding over into a full-fledged cultural
autonomism, but portending, as Williams and Thompson had feared,
just such a slippage.
The singular ambivalence that continued to typify British cultural
studies during the 1970s is apparent, for example, in the treatment Hall
accorded to language. During the mid-1970s, theories of language garnered intensive critical scrutiny at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural
Studies. Some members of the group, including Hall himself, tried to
place themselves at a distance from structuralism proper, by seeking to
accredit Volosinov's "Marxist linguistics" as a rival theory, as they put it,
"in opposition to Saussurean linguistics." Relying on Volosinov as well
as Althusser, Hall leveled a battery of cogent criticisms at the nearhermetic theorizations which were even then being pyramided atop
Saussure by a variety of French thinkers.102 Yet, although Hall also
cautiously suggested that ideology and language should not be treated as
identical,103 and even conceded in 1980 that there existed an "immensely powerful pull towards idealism in Cultural Studies,"104 the
hold exercised over theory by structuralist conceptions of language was
such that Hall could arrive at no thoroughgoing alternative formulation.
Thus Hall never freed his thought from a somewhat contradictory assertion "that the elaboration of ideology found in language (broadly conceived) its proper and privileged sphere of articulation."105 Instead he
contented himself with carving out within Althusser's complex social
totality an ambivalent space, in which one might remain free to assail
selectively the self-enclosed conceptions of language that began to proliferate, but still without overturning the governing interpretive "problematic" within which they were encased.
Under Hall's direction British cultural studies took its programmatic
warrant from Althusser's theory "of different contradictions, each with
its own specificity, its own tempo of development, internal history, and
its own conditions of existenceat once 'determined and determining':
in short . . . of the relative autonomy and the specific effectivity of the
different levels of a social formation."106 Through the 1970s, in turn, its
procedures remained broadly congruent with Hall's declaration, that
Marx's method and epistemology implied that "any attempt to construct
'thinking' as wholly autonomous . . . constitutes an idealist problematic, which ultimately derives the world from the movement of the Idea.
No formalist reductionwhether of the Hegelian, positivist, empiricist
or structuralist varietyescapes this stricture."107 Hall's acceptance of
the matrix of separate and specific Althusserian instances in turn engendered praiseworthy research, in which the pursuit of interrelations
Theorizing Communication
it is the process by which the real is created, maintained, celebrated, transformed and repaired. The product of that activity, meaning, establishes a
common and shared world. . . . Language is the one collective and sharable phenomenon we have: not something created and then shared but
only created in the act of sharing.111
Theorizing Communication
studies within and around the academy have not been adequately
But the inward turn toward academe itself may be seen as coincidentnay, concordantwith cultural studies' changed intellectual
compass. Hall himself offered two markedly different comments on what
he hailed as a structuralist "break." First, in 1980: "From this point
onwards, Cultural Studies is no longer a dependent intellectual colony.
It has a direction, an object of study, a set of themes and issues, a
distinctive problematic of its own."127 A decade later, having had to bear
up under the damage of Thatcherism, he had grown markedly more
somber about this pivotal moment, during the 1970s: "The Center for
Cultural Studies was the locus to which we retreated when . . . conversation in the open world could no longer be continued."128 Each of
these disparate characterizations conceals a nugget of truth.
Structural Marxism imbued the left with a heady self-awareness
whose seeming remoteness from "material" labor comported all too
well with cultural studies' migration into the academy. But at the same
time that structural Marxism appeared to supply a rigorous means of
scrutinizing "forms and languages"reappearing now as "codes and
practices"it continued to lay claim to a sweeping intellectual territory.
Academic security, to say nothing of repute, could be gained only by
finding means of surmounting the tensions which not surprisingly
sprang up with adjoining disciplines.129 Faced, in sociology, with a particularly significant rivalfor sociology itself was institutionalized as a
social science in Britain only during the 1950scultural studies successfully staked its future on the unique inheritance to which it could lay
claim: the encompassing topical warrant of English literary criticism
during the interwar period. This tradition of criticism comprised the best,
and perhaps even the only, basis for an academic cultural studies in
Britain. For it was not, crucially, sociology, but English literature
(alongside anthropology) which, as late as the 1950s, comprised the
chief refuge "of the idea of a social totality within English culture."130
Hall's characterization of cultural studies as a "retreat," however,
also remains suggestive, pre-eminently in the context of what Perry
Anderson initially tried to portray not as a general defeat administered to
Marxism by a suddenly formidable intellectual adversary, but as a regional intellectual responselargely restricted to the Latin countries of
Europeassociated most centrally with the debacle of Eurocommunism.131 Yet this, after all, was rapidly revealed to be a phenomenon of
grosser proportion. We must now see that the ascent of an increasingly
academic cultural studies coincided, indeed, with what Ahmad has
called a "global offensive of the Right, [and] global retreat of the Left
. . . [that] is the essential backdrop for any analysis of the structure of
intellectual productions and their reception in our time."132 Or, as
Graham Murdock asserts, "[t]he takeoff of cultural studies to growth is
almost exactly conterminous [sic] with neoliberalism's dominating economic and social policy and with the gathering crisis in the traditional
rhetorics and organizational forms of established politics, and more particularly of socialism."133
This context is surely implicatedthough the question merits additional scrutinyin cultural studies' shifting conceptual affinities.134 Hall
again furnishes a ready benchmark. In theorizing "the capacity of the
Right . . . to hegemonise [the] defeat" of the working class, Hall's appropriation of Gramsci worked to displace, rather than altogether disengage, a class-based problematic.135 Gramsci's concepts of "the national
popular" and "power bloc" became, for Hall, helpful categories precisely inasmuch as they allowed questions of domination and struggle to
be posed at a level one step removed from the immediacies of social class
relations. Here is a passage from his remarkable essay of 1981, "Notes on
Deconstructing 'The Popular'":
The term "popular" has very complex relations to the term "class." We
know this, but are often at pains to forget it. We speak of particular forms of
working-class culture; but we use the more inclusive term, "popular culture" to refer to the general field of inquiry. It's perfectly clear that what I've
been saying would make little sense without reference to a class perspective
and to class struggle. But it is also clear that there is no one-to-one relationship between a class and a particular cultural form or practice. The terms
"class" and "popular" are deeply related but they are not absolutely interchangeable. The reason for that is obvious. There are no wholly separate
"cultures" paradigmatically attached, in a relation of historical fixity, to
specific "whole" classesalthough there are clearly distinct and variable
class-cultural formations. Class cultures tend to intersect and overlap in the
same field of struggle. The term "popular" indicates this somewhat displaced relationship of culture to classes. More accurately, it refers to that
alliance of classes and forces which constitute the "popular classes." The
culture of the oppressed, the excluded classes: this is the area to which
the term "popular" refers us. And the opposite side to thatthe side with
the cultural power to decide what belongs and what does notis, by definition, not another "whole" class, but that other alliance of classes, strata and
social forces which constitute what is not "the people" and not the "popular
classes": the culture of the power-bloc.136
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Elsewhere, Veblen was still more explicit. "The foundation and driving force" of the industrial system "is a massive body [of] technological
knowledge." It followed "that those gifted, trained, and experienced
technicians who now are in possession of the requisite technological
information and experience are the first and instantly indispensable factor in the everyday work of carrying on the country's productive industry." What Veblen called the corps of "production engineers" thus
constitutedin stark contrast to the claims made by the captains of
industry regarding their own indispensability"the General Staff of the
industrial system," whose role it was to ensure the "painstaking and
intelligent coordination of the processes at work, and an equally painstaking allocation of mechanical power and materials." However, drawing on a veritable arsenal of weaponry to limit or "sabotage" production,
absentee owners and their henchmen, top business managers and financiers, were systematically preventing science and technology from
achieving the productivity and material welfare of which they were
easily capable if freed from this "commercial bias." Truly optimal allocation and deployment of resources and labor could be maximized, to
promote the material well-being of the people, only by allowing unbiased technicians and production engineers to reign directly and comprehensively over production and, as Bell pointed out, over the entire direction of American society. Indeed "any question of a revolutionary
overturn, in America or in any other of the advanced industrial countries, resolves itself in practical fact into a question of what the guild of
technicians will do."155
During the 1930s, Veblen's positive valuation of intellectual work
was outshined by an ascending negative theorization, which found its
rationale in linkages between fascism, propaganda, and, soon, mass
culture. But related portents of Bell's postindustrial theses nevertheless
continued to appear. Lewis Corey, who was moving from Communist to
anti-Communist militance, and who Daniel Bell in the 1940s befriended
and published, declared in much the same terms as Veblen that only
socialism could liberate production, and thereby place the fulfillment of
human needs on a beneficent scientific basis. "Limitation of production
represses the growth of technology and science," wrote Corey, "for their
growth under capitalism is conditional on the upward movement and
profitability of production. Never fully utilized even during the upswing
of capitalism, the utilization of technology and science must steadily
decline under the conditions of capitalist decline." On the other hand:
All the economic elements of a new social order are already in existence:
immensely efficient forces of production, an abundance of skilled labor and
of raw materials (including the increasing creation of synthetic materials),
and a constantly larger mass of scientific knowledge capable of technological applicationall united in the collective forms of production which are
the objective basis of socialism. It is wholly possible today not only to
Theorizing Communication
abolish poverty but to make plenty available to all; and it is wholly possible
to multiply almost indefinitely the professional and cultural services which
it is the function of many groups in the middle class to provide.156
Richard Hofstadter underlined, to seek a rapprochement with their society.159 Hofstadter found good grounds for chargingwith modesty and
mellifluous insightthat the cyclical havoc wrought by "anti-intellectualism" over the span of American history had been evidenced most
recently during the McCarthyist spasm of the 1950s. He shrewdly observed that "the resentment from which the intellectual has suffered in
our time is a manifestation not of a decline in his position but of his
increasing prominence."160
On one hand, Cold War intellectuals had to find means of passing
muster before "anti-Communist pundits, offended by the past heresies
of a large segment of the intellectual community."161 On the other hand,
they wished to sustain their newfound preferment. Able to play offense
during the comparative ideological relaxation of the Kennedy years. Bell
crafted a positive theorization, fully commensurate with the intellectuals' enhanced contemporary social significance. Education, or
"human capital," he wrote, figured increasingly clearly "as the basic
resource for technological and productive advance in society." Technology, or what Veblen had termed "the industrial arts," indeed comprised
"a joint stock of knowledge derived from past experiencea social asset,
which is no man's or no firm's individual property, though it is often
claimed as such." And, finally, "[i]n the coming decades, as any reading
of changes in our occupational structure indicates, we will be moving
toward a 'post-industrial society/ in which the scientist, the engineer,
and the technician constitute the key functional class in society." For
Bell, "this wave of the future," which would establish "the technological rule of society" was, unmistakably and simply, "good."162
Bell set Veblen's ideas within an apparently symbiotic, but truly
quite disparate, framework. Postindustrial argument indeed cannot be
separated from the "information theory" that emergedas we saw in
Chapter Twoas a scientistic capstone in the postwar reformulation of
academic communication study, and in which an "informational" aspect or dimension of diverse "systems" was singled out.
Bell163 was ultimately to concede that, in an important sense, "every
human society has always existed on the basis of knowledge." How,
then, to identify and distinguish "information societies"? Because message processing is a ubiquitous feature of human social organization, he
needed to do more than merely isolate and catalog an unfolding array of
contemporary information functions, occupations, and processes. In order to differentiate postindustrial societies, postindustrial theorists also
had to associate information with other, apparently distinctive or
changed societal features. In The End of Ideology (1960), Bell had already
argued that a "breakup of the 'ruling class'" that had been grounded in
"family capitalism" had stripped that class of any significant political
role; that the "independent" managers who now led large corporations
had largely eliminated any moral reliance on the "fiction" of private
Theorizing Communication
productive property, and instead were motivated chiefly by "'performance' for its own sake"; that the twin "'silent' revolutions" which
were bringing all this about centered on a decline in the importance of
property inheritance and on a vital shift in the "nature of power-holding itselfinsofar as technical skill rather than property, and political position rather than wealth, have become the basis on which power is
After the convergence with information theory, these tenetswhich
expanded on the idea of a "managerial revolution," put forward earlier
by James Burnham and otherscould be associated with other apparent
shifts and transitions. Postindustrial analysts accordingly began to stress
not only the codification of theoretical knowledge through modern science and technology, and the growing numbers and reputedly changing
status of "knowledge workers," but also the astonishing capacities of
microelectronics, the shifting international division of labor, and the
vital role of the university. Virtually unanimously, however, they concurred that the ultimate source of social discontinuity emanated, apparently of itself, from the anomalous nature of information.
Those who trumpeted the news of postindustrial society's imminent
arrival pivoted their theory on information's apparent inherent singularity. Their attempts at historical specificity coexisted, in an uneasy but
muted tension, with this anti-historical impulse. The leading variant of
the theory pre-empted recognition of this tension, however, by grafting
postindustrialism onto the powerful idea that there exist discernible
"stages" of economic growth. The latter, recall, had come to the fore in
the context of "underdeveloped" countries, to sustain arguments about
the proper course of policy for "development." Now, in information
society theory, the stages of growth concept was again mobilized, but
within a massively altered context. This time, the theory was used to
sustain an argument, not about the supposedly necessary and desirable
passage of the "underdeveloped" countries toward consumer capitalism, but, rather, about the purported ongoing historical movement of
"advanced" economies into a new and even higher phase of the development process.
Just here, however, the exceptionalism which underlay postindustrial theory also entered as an axiom. In Daniel Bell's The Coming of
Post-Industrial Society, the locus classicus of the theory, the scientific and
technological revolutionor what he called "the centrality of theoretical knowledge as the axial principle of social organization"constituted
the new "determining feature of social structure." However, in a striking
parallel to Mills's earlier supposition concerning white-collar work, and
to Hall's subsequent effort to justify a separate ideological sphere, Bell
charged that science "has a distinct character which is different from
other modes of activity, including labor; it is this character that sets apart
a society based on science from industry."165 This pair of unsubstanti-
ated assertions was soon taken over by those who wished to emphasize
that information's singularity comprised a defining anomaly of the
emerging era. "Information," underscored the then executive director of
Bell Laboratories, "has properties quite different from those of the substantive goods with which we are used to dealing." He declared that
these "important differences" should "form a backdrop for our thinking about . . . the information age."166 "The information resource,"
another leading proponent summarized baldly, " . . . is different in
kind from other resources." Not subject to the laws of thermodynamics,
according to this writer, information is "expandable, compressible, substitutable, transportable, leakable, shareable." These vexingly unique,
"inherent characteristics" supplied, he held, the vital clue to information's mounting economic importance.167 On these twin assumptions
that information production was radically divergent from other forms of
production, and that information was qualitatively different from other
resourceswas borne the idea that information had supplanted capital
and labor as the transformative factor of production. Postindustrial
theory utilized its exceptionalist premise to invoke a comprehensive but
undemonstrable historical rupture, and therefore to draw back decisively from the predominating social relations of production, and into
essentially schematic and false models of societal development.
Postindustrial theory might easily have suggested that this presumed
liftoff of the social order toward parts unknown should be attended with
anxiety, even fear. Instead, in its dominant variant especially, it greeted
the future complacently, exhuberantly confident that it would prove
congenial. This stance both required and appeared to validate a whole
series of abstractionsin direct contrast with British cultural studies
from the defining matrices of contemporary social experience: economic
stagnation, the critiques of contemporary society being mounted by the
new social movements, and, not least, the crisis of American empire that
erupted over Vietnam, with which the critique of cultural imperialism
was intertwined. Webster and Robins168 have emphasized postindustrialism's ideological basis in an incisive appraisal of Bell's "informed
anti-Marxism." The theory's ideological work was based, however, on a
sleight-of-hand: in place of engagement with lived realities, it offered a
sustained abstraction toward information's supposed intrinsic and transcendent universal properties.
That information exceptionalism served this overt ideological purpose is easily confirmed: "The distinction . . . between the industrial
society and the post-industrial, or scientific-technological society,
means," Bell169 proclaimed, "that some simplified Marxian categories
no longer hold." The latter included the purported "leading role of the
working class" in social change and, more generally, the overall conceptions of social developmentthat is, of history and of social process
promulgated by diverse radicals. Once again, it was labor's revaluation
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defended, for the moment successfully, against any full-scale engagement with the radical heterodoxy whose fulcrum was "culture."
Nowhere was this defense more active than in the response to the
movement for a New International Information Order. Despite a decade
of political effort, the latter's advocates proved unable to prise open an
organizational space in which the politicization of "culture" could be
forcefully extended into the new modalities of "information technology."177 By the 1990s, a crude descendant of Bell's postindustrial
theorythe fruit of an unrelenting agitation by Alvin Toffler (another
ex-staffer at Fortune) and othersshowed strong signs of having metamorphosized into a hard-shell reactionary futurism, fully capable of encompassing both the diktats of the Republican right wing and the racist
revival of the discredited thesis that "intelligence" is a genetic endowment.178 But the theory had been vulnerable to such revision from the
first; its most damning feature was always speciously to reserve pride of
place for a mere segment of the social division of labor. Specifically, of
course, it favored professionals, scientists, and managers: the stratum
that the great weight of historical prejudiceas Baptist Hubert had
complainednever ceased to equate with "intellectual" activity itself.
An emergent radical critique of postindustrial theory, thankfully,
also began to develop. Coming through in the work of Herbert I. Schiller
and others, already by the late 1970s, were hints of the transformative
shift from "culture" and the established mass media to what the postindustrialists were purporting to generalizebut also, as we have seen,
covertly to redirectunder the unfamiliar names of "information" and
"information technology." The latter specified a panoply of emerging
instrumentation, whose progressively more manifold and impactful applications, it was becoming clear by the late 1970s, would revolve
around controlling hubs of computer communications. Even a decade
before this, presentiments of this development might be found in the
critique of the ongoing process of cultural imperialism. "[T]he volume,
form, and speed with which current electronic systems transmit intelligence," wrote Herbert I. Schiller in 1969, "have produced a qualitatively new factor in human and group relationships. Telecommunications are today the most dynamic forces affecting not only the ideological
but the material bases of society."179 "We are now in an epoch of the
most far-reaching changes in technology that man has ever devised,"
emphasized May Day Manifesto; among the ramifying effects of this continuing innovation in the "forces of production" wasas John Fekete
separately insistedthat "electronics and computers" might be seen as
"essential new productive forces" within an ongoing "neocapitalist
transformation, reconsolidation and integration."180 Though still only
suggestive, such comments bespeak a continuing search for alternatives
to the mechanical consignment of the media to something called the
'' superstructure.''
Theorizing Communication
transmuted by radical critics, but not forcefully retheorized. From agriculture to manufacturing industry towhat? Where postindustrial
theorists spoke of "information societies," their adversaries tended to
substitute ideas of "informational" or "cybernetic" capitalism. How
much discontinuity was there, and where did it lie? The answers remained vexingly unclear, because "information's" apparently anomalous character continued to go largely unquestioned.182
By staking its hopes for social transformation on the numerous real
and apparent agents of national liberation, the critique of cultural imperialism had already abstracted, as we saw, from national culture. It is a
signal fact of our era, however, that capitalism persists, much strengthened, in the wake of the radicalizing moment of decolonization. Thus
the onset of political reaction which began to deflect British cultural
studies likewise inflicted damage on the critique of cultural imperialism.
The latter, to be sure, effectively braided "information" into political
economy so as to reinforce its existing concern with the lineaments of an
increasingly full-blown transnational capitalism. As the moment of decolonization and national liberation faded, indeed, political economists
of information technology were enabled to make unique provision for
the forms and modalities of contemporary corporate power. While unrivaled critical insights were thereby attained, however, the formative
idea of "culture" as the practice of an active human agency also became
sidetracked. Mainly implicitly, the concept of social totality was utilized
chiefly as a space into which capital strived, all too efficiently, to make
an epochal new round of incursions. Transnational capital, no longer
countered and conceptually offset by movements for national liberation,
instead became the overwhelmingly preponderant force for social transformation. The portrait radical analysts sought to draw of "information"
thus demonstrated an unrivaled use of line and shape, but its monolithic
use of movement was a testimony to the resurgent dualism which, as we
found, was likewise reciprocally regenerated within cultural studies.
In yet a third variant of theorypoststructuralismthere was often
heralded a sort of rapprochement. Once more, however, as we now may
see, yet another reification of "intellectual" labor intruded on this final
theorization, exactly as this latter project sought to predicate itself on a
direct, and damaging, dismissal of "labor."
assessment of either its beginnings or its chief claims. I wish rather only
to emphasize what I take to be one of its characteristic acts of selfdefinition. For, no matter what else it may claim to do or to be, poststructuralism differentiated itself only through a widely repeated categorial dismissal of "labor."
In itself this is not a novel claim. Mark Poster, for example, showed
that the thought of Michel Foucault could be illuminated by sustained
reference to Western Marxism's typifying distance from classical Marxism's concern for labor and the mode of production.183 We shall find,
however, that Foucaultlike another leading poststructuralist, Jean
Baudrillarddefined his project only via negative reference to a very
particular concept of labor. This theorization in turn sustained a series of
overarching reifications of "intellectual" labor, which covertly substituted an abstracted momentnow variously called "representation" or
"signification" or "discursive practice"to act as the theory's center of
gravity. How, then, may we apprehend this "labor," whose impact on
the elaboration of poststructuralism was to prove simultaneously ubiquitous and elusive?
Poststructuralism was bound, positively and negatively, to the entire
forbidding edifice of postwar French social thought. "Labor" was, in
this context, a principalperhaps even the primearea of conceptual
overlap between prospective poststructuralists and a whole succession
of other writersexistentialists and phenomenologists, independent
Marxists, structuralists, Catholic thinkers. Across this disparate range,
"labor" was generally seen as a crude and economistic category, presided over by the French Communist Party, and existing largely within
the intellectual force field of orthodox dialectical materialism. It denoted, first and foremost, the exploited work of the industrial proletariat;
anything beyond this could be enfolded into the category only with
difficulty. Here lay the shared problem; and, as Mark Poster has
shown,184 it was through a recovery of Hegel, as well as the closely
associated discovery and translation of previously unknown texts by the
young Marx, that half a generation's worth of intellectuals attempted to
distance themselvesalbeit in divergent waysfrom this straitened
"Labor," however, remained at the root of their projected differentiation: For was not "labor" incapable of capturing such vital aspects of
the human condition as faith and alienation and, indeed, as the phenomenologists insisted, consciousness? How could the great range of
human activity, subjectivity, and desire, be confined in "labor's" procrustean bed? This crucial and multifaceted issue, seething on the French
intellectual scene during the first postwar decades, moved accordingly to
the forefront of radical inquiry. It did so, paradoxically, during a period
whenas a result simultaneously of effortful retheorizings prompted by
the new social movements coupled to massing political reactionthe
Theorizing Communication
Theorizing Communication
excess of production, all cause the labour market to shrink, lowering wages
and increasing unemployment. Thrust back by poverty to the very brink of
death, a whole class of men experience, nakedly, as it were, what need,
hunger, and labour are.195
Whether of a Marxian or Ricardian (or, though it is left unsaid, of a
directly Hegelian) derivation, political economy's ostensible commitment to the liberation of what Foucault disdainfully called man's "material truth"196 is left to comprise its defining typification.
A year earlier, we may note, Edward Thompson had utilized
strikingly similar phrases to get at the very same problem: " . . . the
bare forked creature, naked biological man, is not a context which we
can ever observe, because the very notion of man . . . is coincident
with culture."197 In general substance if not in name, for Thompson and
for Raymond Williams, in direct contrast to Foucault, the needful effort
was to enlarge the very basis of the humanist concept of the subject.
Only by making "labor" grasp thinking and language, in this prospective view, could there be any return to the idea of sensuous selfobj edification which had supplied, for the young Marx, the analytical
foundation for "man's act of self-creation."198 As a harbinger of the
theme to be pursued at the conclusion of this book, it may be emphasized that this historically attuned variant of "Marxist humanism" was
to remain vitally significant to the progressive reformulation of "labor."
But for now we may reiterate that the immediate context for Foucault's
concept of the episteme was not humanism but anti-humanism.
In a book published in 1955, in which he sought to pinpoint key
linkages between Hegel and Marx, Jean Hyppolitethe Hegel scholar
whom Foucault credited with a momentous significance in his own
developmenthad written of "the empirical postulate underlying the
whole Marxian edifice, namely, the conception of man's production of
his own life through the process of labor."199 Despite his skepticism
regarding Marx's prediction that alienation would end with the transcendence of the reign of capital, Hyppolite accepted the contention
(shared as he emphasized by Hegel as well as Marx) that the historical
reshaping of the division of labor and the concomitant progressive
mechanization of production by capitalism had "transform [ed] intelligent and integral labor into a stupefying and partial labor."200 This
meant, on one hand, that "the proletarian struggle for its liberty" was
not useless: "It is never useless to struggle to overcome an alienation that
is insupportable once one is conscious of it," concluded Hyppolite.201
On the other hand, it also meant that Hyppolite had retained Hegel's
humanistic conception of the subject, whose "labor," both writers held,
had been deformed by capitalism. It was this humanistic dimension at
which Foucault took aim.
His rebuttal, ironically, could rely on the selfsame conception of
labor in light of which Hyppolite also wrote. However, it is crucial that
Hyppolite's attempt to depict "intelligent and integral labor" as a historical casualty of industrial capitalism (and one, moreover, which can be
resisted by subjects newly "conscious" of their condition) is summarily
dropped by Foucault. "Labor" instead is presented by Foucault as an
elementally physical or "material" activity, apparently denuded at its
discursive birth of any symbolic or linguistic dimension. With this drastic
truncation, a rigid, though essentially subterranean, dichotomy can be
introduced, between a material production purportedly stripped of any
thoughtful element and the "episteme"which, here working through
the rhetoric of political economy, is said to instigate "labor" itself. By
deftly utilizing this elided concept of labor, Foucault is enabled to unveil
political economy's contribution to the human subject as an ostensive
"knowledge effect" of a deep "anthropological sleep"wherein "the
precritical analysis of what man is in his essence becomes the analytic of
everything that can, in general, be presented to man's experience." It is
not going too far to suggest that, in this respect, Foucault's reliance upon
the predominant concept of labor is a tactic, a means with which to
sidestep or, better, to disrupt, the concurrent effort to rethink this category within the terms of a prospective settlement between Marxism and
existentialism, that is, within "humanism." Thus it is Foucault's systematic dislodgment of thought from the body, which here clears the way for
his own revision: the "episteme." The "episteme" encapsulates that
which Foucault rigorously excludes from political economy's own ostensive domain: "mental" labor.202 Small wonder to learn that, several
years after The Order of Things appeared, Foucault conceded just such a
dualistic instinct, when he explicitly earmarked the intellectual as "a guy
hooked into the system of information rather than into the system of
production."203 Foucault, that is, preserved in the "episteme"and
thence in "discourse"a reified image of the domination that had seemingly come to be exercised in society by "intellectual" labor.
Of itself, Foucault's reification of "intellectual" labor does not invalidate his endeavor, whose debunking of the human subject proceeds
from other bases as well. It does, however, offer a glimpse of the basic
congruence that existed between Foucault's ostensibly anomalous project and other concurrent reifications of "intellectual" labor.
In the philosophical battle royale against humanism, therefore, the
reigning conception of labor, though fiercely assailed by both sides,
remained for the moment unbreached by either. Althusser's concurrent
shift toward "practice" has already been underscored; but even the
tradition of humanistic Marxism, as represented by such eminences as
Henri Lefebvre, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Jean Hyppolite, could not yet
sustain a thoroughgoing reconceptualization of "labor" such as would
be needed to rebut Foucault.204 A decade later, indeed, another philosopher heir to humanistic Marxism, Jurgen Habermasthis time on disparate evolutionary and ethnological groundswould assert that a recon-
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Deferring the issue of social struggle, f wish only to stress how Fiske
shifts between "physical reality" and "events" and "specific social
conditions"and even "social formations"as if they were synonyms.
Through such loose and multiform usages, the question of "discourse's"
relations with what appears still to be some kind of environing social
totality is kept at arm's length. What do "specific social conditions"
within, or against, a given "social formation" have to do with "discourse's" production of "a knowledge of the real"? The same question
might be posed to Hall, when he suggests that subjects "are positioned by the discursive formations of specific social formations."218
"[R]egimes of power," answers Fiske, change in vague and unpredictable fashion, "when changes in the social conditions mean that the old
regime has lost its efficiency."219 But by what right is "efficiency"or,
to speak to the underlying issue, any principleaccorded a global presence, a priori, in accounting for supposedly disparate discourses? Here
we find ourselves in the face, once again, of the problem of incommensurable epistemes. As, echoing Sartre, Fredric Jameson put the issue
years ago in reference to Foucault's own writings, "one cannot . . .
reduce history to one form of understanding among others, and then
expect to understand the links between these forms historically."220 For
Fiske, in turn, "old regime" and "social formation" have become equivocations, serving mainly to mitigate and disguise the disparate stances
toward totality that had respectively characterized British cultural
studies, either in its expressive or structuralist renditions, and Foucault's
concept of discourse.
Let us now briefly attend to a second influential variant of poststructuralism, with its own pronounced bearing on communication study, in
which signification became primary by virtue of a rejection of "labor"
that was far more thoroughgoing and severe than that attempted by
Theorizing Communication
wealth. . . ."And again, when "he brands Nature and himself with the
seal of production, man proscribes every relation of symbolic exchange
between himself and Nature." And yet again, when he neatly skewered
Althusser's unsuccessful effort to wed Marxism and structuralism by
flatly asserting that "[historical materialism . . . is incapable of thinking the process of ideology, of culture, of language, of the symbolic in
general."225 Such assertions substantiate the view of Baudrillard put
forward by Douglas Kellner, to the effect that he believed "that it is
impossible to combine radically different logics of production and signification."226 Do they not also provide whatever foundation exists for his
signature claim, that ". . . we must move to a radically different level
that . . . permits the definitive resolution of political economy"? "This
level is that of symbolic exchange and its theory. . . . For lack of a
better term, we call this the critique of the political economy of the
The fatal flaw in "productivist discourse" lay in its supposed incapacity to grasp "symbolic articulation" (and thereby to account, in reference to "the work of art," "for the moment of its operation and of its
radical difference") specifically with regard to "the strategic configuration of modern societies."228 "[T]he center of gravity has been displaced," Baudrillard writes; "the epicenter of the contemporary system
is no longer the process of material production."229 What Baudrillard,
like so many other postwar intellectuals, apprehended as a widely disjunctive society of consumption230 comprised the taproot of his hostility
to productivist discourse.
"[A] revolution has occurred in the capitalist world without our
Marxists having wanted to comprehend it," he asserts. This "decisive
mutation" toward "culture . . . consumption . . . information . . .
ideology . . . sexuality, etc.," attends the historical passage toward
"consumption" as the "strategic element": after 1929, "the people were
henceforth mobilized as consumers; their 'needs' became as essential as
their labor power." To correspond with this widely accepted assumption, the "theoretical basis of the system" also needed to shift, claimed
Baudrillard, from political economy to "the new master disciplines of
structural linguistics, semiology, information theory, and cybernetics."
Only thus might the "new ideological structure," which "plays on the
faculty of producing meaning and difference," be sharply enough distinguished from its predecessor, "which plays on labor power."231 Baudrillard's entire conceptual edifice was built on this presumed dichotomy, which alone underwrote his reification of "symbolic exchange."
Ironically but fittingly, the infinite and, for some, unrestrained productivity of language turns out to be basedalbeit negativelyon the ostensive finitude of "labor."
Via Baudrillard and others, "culture"during the late 1980sgave
signs of rejoining what hitherto had remained a largely separate discus-
Here, even as "culture" and "information" were reified and separated, the former was irredeemably colonized by the latter: the concept
of "culture" was endowed by Geertz with the trappings of "information": instructions, programs, "control mechanisms," codes. Prefigured
here were attempts to enlarge "information's" presence within "culture," via more recent ideas of a supposed "InfoCulture"235 and, now
returning to Baudrillard, a "mode of information." In this latter conception, offered by Mark Poster, the attempt is simultaneously to reject
postindustrial theory, while nevertheless reintroducing on new grounds
the characteristic exceptionalism on which Bell's project had been
basedthat science constitutes a distinct enterprise. Poster concedes that
the broad reordering of society that postindustrial theorists perceive as
dramatically disruptive in fact might be encompassed by the "capitallabor relation" posited by Marx. Yet, evidently, he regards such an explanation as a dead letter,236 for he goes on to posit peremptorily that
"these changes are less important in understanding the quality of social
relations than are changes in the structure of communicative experience."237 The chief difference between Poster and Bell thus once again
becomes that, for the former, the purportedly exceptional nature of science is properly seen as a function not of labor at all, but rather of
Science . . . is a form of knowledge, a discourse. As such it cannot be
examined, from the perspective of critical social theory, by use of the concepts designed to reveal the structures of the domination of labor. The
production, distribution and consumption of science, to employ economic
Theorizing Communication
categories, are governed by a different logic from those of labor. The theoretical step from a notion of the emancipation of the labor act to liberation of
scientific discourse is not obvious and requires drastic conceptual reformulation. When the transformation of natural materials into commodities is
mediated not simply by manual labor operating on machines but by scientific discourses, discourses that are tied to research institutions, government
granting agencies, the apparatuses of journals, and the social ritual of conferences, then the master/slave relation of capital and labor has become
unrecognizably changed.238
Toward a Unified
Conceptual Framework
Labour is blossoming or dancing where
The body is not bruised to pleasure soul,
Nor beauty born out of its own despair,
Nor blear-eyed wisdom out of midnight oil.
0 chestnut tree, great rooted blossomer,
Are you the leaf, the blossom or the bole?
0 body swayed to music, 0 brightening glance,
How can we know the dancer from the dance?
W. B. Yeats1
[W]hat is in question is . . . the necessary social process through
which the materialist enterprise defines and redefines its procedures,
its findings and its concepts, and in the course of this moves beyond
one after another "materialism. "
Raymond Williams2
Our subject has repeatedly recreated itself in the half-light of its enigmatic object. Rippling across the field of vision of communication study
from generation to generation, the epic question of "intellectual" labor
has been episodically remodulated and reshaped.
In the period before World War I, widespread popular concern focused on a series of social problems that accompanied the rise of corporate monopolies over telegraphy and news. Abstracting from this sharply
pointed criticism, John Dewey gestured toward the mutualistic concepts
Theorizing Communication
of communication which pervaded late 19th-century producer republican thought. Dewey's instrumentalism proved far more successful in
isolating the limits and drawbacks of dualistic thinking, however, than
in effectuating a positive synthesis with which to override them. Rather
than opting to subject the intellectual inheritance of producer
republicanism"labor"to sympathetic critique and revision, Dewey
chose to apprehend human self-activity by means of a free-floating concept of "experience," whose steering mechanism was for him an intrinsically benevolent notion of "organized intelligence." As "labor" was
displaced, the first of what proved to be a succession of reifications of
"intellectual" labor was launched within communication study.
During the interwar decades, this initial displacement was massively
extended, even as concern about communication became freshly energized. While some influential proponents of "organized intelligence"
waxed enthusiastic, others began to recoil before the ideological mobilization of established institutions, including both corporations and,
above all, the state; the latters' growing reliance on "mass persuasion"
gave these institutions a strong and worrisome anti-democraticfor
some, "totalitarian"potential. Even before World War II, as we found,
concerns about "mass persuasion" began to extend beyond a restricted
set of media of news and information, so as to engage both private life
and the encompassing field of "mass culture" or "culture industry." As
the massive and conflicted crisis of the Depression era was put behind,
and the U.S. assumed the mantle of postwar international supremacy,
mass culture was said by radical critics to comprise a vital but enigmatic
social supplement. The latter's defining characteristic was the ideological
basis which it seemed to give to contemporary domination, a feature
rooted not only in manipulation from above, but as well in the
anomalous status of the white-collar strata.
As challenges to U.S. international supremacy became pronounced,
communication studies again refashioned itself. Coming through in the
critique of cultural imperialism, a reintegrative political economy of
transnational corporate communication confronted what it took to be a
still-to-be-formed national identity. At roughly the same time, the concept of human social agency also began to propel a profound intellectual
engagement with the history and present status of the British working
class and, soon, with the anti-racist and feminist movements that began
once again to burgeon. In both cases, "culture" appeared to satisfy, or at
least, to raise the prospect of satisfying, the need for drastic conceptual
revision of entrenched Marxian formulations.
But the nature of the needful revision remained far from clear and,
out of these direct confrontations with Marxism, there eventuated only a
new set of reifications. The concepts of communication that resulted
seemed to be coextensive not with a limited set of media, but with
thoroughgoing substitutive visions of social totality, themselves or-
dained by acceptance of a purportedly autonomous plane of signification. Brainwork could be credited, and speciously generalized, as the
dominant factor or principle of social organization, only inasmuch as
through Marxist structuralism, postindustrial theory, and poststructuralismit shed its identity as "labor."
This history, at the end, discloses a significant new question: How
may we work out from under the sedimented reifkations which have so
constrained inquiry? How, that is, may we find means with which to
bypass what we have seen has been the supervening, and repeatedly
damaging, assumption that an isolable category of "intellectual labor"
can be accorded substantial significance?
I suggest that such an attempt requires that we identify a valid
conceptual alternative to any kind of exceptionalism. "Culture" or "information," in short, must not be viewed as expressions of an
anomalous, self-enclosed logic. Rather they need to be situated, in all
their singular specificity, in light of some more general and inclusionary
categorial principle.
Such a generative category, as I have repeatedly urged, can be found
in labor, which must then likewise be made to sustain a "labor theory of
culture."3 As we have seen, however, it has proven an exceedingly
difficult business to grasp "culture" as production. Not the least significant consequence of the reifications which have so preoccupied us has
been to compel a continued reliance on quite inadequate conceptions of
this formative category. We may begin to explicate the prospects for such
a labor theory of culture, I think, by returning to Raymond Williams,
whose historical and theoretical orientationas now at last may be
emphasizeddeveloped in mounting tension with the substitutive characterizations of "culture" that ascended during the 1970s and 1980s.
A word of clarification before we commence. Williams's work did
not tend to evince the pointed prepositional structure with which I have
tried to endow it. Or, rather, it overlaid a scaffolding of active argument
with a series of cross-cutting and sometimes confusing, incompletely
theorized, assertions. "What I would now claim to have reached,"
Williams wrote in 1976, " . . . is a theory of culture as a (social and
material) productive process and of specific practices, of 'arts,' as social
uses of material means of production (from language as material 'practical consciousness' to the specific technologies of writing and forms of
writing, through to mechanical and electronic communications systems)."4 For all its suggestiveness, this formulationWilliams dubbed it
"cultural materialism"generated an ambiguous oscillation, for it explicitly assigned to language, communication, and consciousness as such
"a primacy co-equal with other forms of the material social process,
including . . . 'labour' or 'production.'"5 A vital confusion, in turn,
originated not in the corrective impulse that motivated this assertion, but
rather in the imprecision with which it came to be conveyed: Williams
Theorizing Communication
is then never only the "dead husk" which limits social and individual
fulfillment. It is always also a constitutive process with very powerful pressures which are both expressed in political, economic, and cultural formations and, to take the full weight of "constitutive," are internalized and
become "individual wills." Determination of this whole kinda complex
and interrelated process of limits and pressuresis in the whole social
process itself and nowhere else. . . .1]
Theorizing Communication
Williams was striving not so much, as he once had done, to circumvent as now to positively transcend, the historically embedded legacy of
"base and superstructure." His unique reintegration of these categories
was developed, as Perry Anderson was to comment, "not on the usual
grounds that the ideal sphere of the latter was indefensibly reduced to its
material supports, but rather because if anything the former was
wrongly narrowed and abstracted by the exclusion from it of the forces
of cultural production"; thus, "Williams taxed Marxism with too little
rather than too much materialism."24
It should be stressed that Williams's emerging revision concorded
with a tenaciousand, from the perspective of institutionalized socialism, often a hereticaltradition, which sought its inspiration in Hegel
and in the young Marx. The latter had written in one place that "the
human essence . . . is the ensemble of the social relations";25 and, in
another, that "[r]eligion, family, state, law, morality, science, art, etc.,
are only particular modes of production, and fall under its general
law."26 Thereafter this tenet was approached by Morris in the 1880s and
1890s, and by the philosophers Herbert Marcuse (in 1933)27 and Georg
Lukacs. The latter came to assert that productive activitylaborhad
fundamental ontological significance. Productive activity became for
him what C. J. Arthur calls the "primary mediation" through which the
self-creation of humankind occurs.28 As Lukacs put it in regard to humankind's evolutionary "leap to labour"that is, to social being and
thus to historylabor acts as the essential condition and agency of the
ongoing metabolism between society and nature:
Through labour, a Ideological positing is realized within material being, as
the rise of a new objectivity. The first consequence of this is that labour
becomes the model for any social practice. . . . 29
Such was the sweep of these tendencies that Williams was moved
momentarily to contemplate a point of synthesis between "culture" and
"information." "Information processes," he wrote, at the very end of
Cultureassimilating what he found useful in postindustrialism and,
perhaps, in the associated radical critique of "information""have become a qualitative part of economic organization." Yet at once he also
noticed that this meant that "a major part of the whole modern labour
process must be defined in terms which are not easily theoretically
separable from the traditional 'cultural' activities."32 "Culture" and "information" thus specified overlapping aspects or segments of a single
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of course is replete with its own originating limits and pressures. Indeed,
by reproducing the very dichotomy between consumption and production that is itself institutionalized by the culture industry, such research
may truncate its own critical potential, and ironically introduce affinities
with the very researchers whose manipulative interventions into audience reaction and response helped to resubordinate women in the home
after the Second World War. So much has been aptly noted by John
[T]his view of cultural creativity highlights consumption as an active social
practice and relegates exchange and commodity relations to the background. What we see is the excess of signs, not the conditions of production, distribution and exchange which make them available. The effect,
ironically, is to replicate that view of capitalism which capitalism would
most like us to see: the richness of the market-place and the freely choosing
consumer. The other sidethe structures of production and the inequalities
of access to the market-placeare missing, and these absences emphasize
the "free-floating" quality of the sign, making it available for any use or
meaning that may be attached to it. ... In a sense, these approaches miss
the structured secondariness of consumption.41
Yet this imputed "secondariness" in its turn hints at a familiar putdown: capitalism precedes and overrides patriarchy. How might we redirect ourselves away from this approaching cul-de-sac? Only, I think,
by moving expressly against the familiar dichotomy between "production" and "consumption," toward the sort of scheme I am proposing.
Are we not entitled to insist that, in this context, "production" itself
requires not one but two moments: the first centering on the media as
sites of institutionalized cultural production, and the second on
audience-members as producers who contribute to their own selfunderstanding?42 If so, then we must expend significantly greater effort
in cultivating the study of audience members not simply as viewers or
readers, engaging in repeated acts of spectatorship, but rather as persons
whose labors include paying attention to the media.43 We must ready
ourselves to contemplate a more exotic range of activities in this way.
A further revision must also be contemplated. With Williams's vital
thesis, that productive activity extends to both base and superstructure,
to "intellectual" as well as "manual" practice, an overt apparatus
through which to apprehend and analyze "production" becomes indispensable. A vast body of human activity remains informal; but, as
anthropologists long have known, this does not mean it is disordered or
ad hoc. In order to comprehend the disparate expanse of practice that is
society, we will need means with which to describe and classify this
interrelated and dynamic complex of historically determinate human
activities. "[T]he difficulty is," Williams himself was to note, "that if
we ... describe productive forces as all and any activities in the social
process as a whole, we have made a necessary critique but, at least in the
first instance, lost edge and specificity. To go beyond this difficulty will
be a matter for later argument. . . ."44 Williams died without having
fully and explicitly surmounted this challenge. Yet he did commence on
the work of building toward such a theorization; indeed the problem of
endowing "production" with a determinate form lay close to the heart of
his continuing intellectual endeavor. In Culture, once more, we find the
provisional results:
[W]e can distinguish, in the whole range of social practice, different and
variable measures of distance between particular practices and the social
relations which organize them. . . . Some forms of work, including . . .
some forms of cultural work, operate outside the conditions of wage-labour.
. . . Thus the hypothesis of degree of distance between the conditions of a
practice and the most immediately organized forms of social relations seems
to be a useful working procedure in the differential sociology of the range of
practices which compose a culture and a society.45
Theorizing Communication
1. Robert K. Merton, "On Sociological Theories of the Middle Range," in
idem, Social Theory and Social Structure (1945; New York, 1968), 39-72.
2. This latter point made by Dallas Smythe, "Communications: Blindspot
of Western Marxism," Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 1(3) (Fall
1977): 1-27.
3. Peter Golding and Graham Murdock, "Theories of Communication and
Theories of Society," Communication Research 5 (3) (July 1978): 339-56.
4. Martin Jay, Marxism and Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from
Lukacs to Habermas (Berkeley, 1984).
5. Raymond Williams, Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society, rev.
ed. (New York, 1983), 176-79.
6. Harry Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work
in the 20th Century (New York, 1974), 126.
7. Fredric Jameson, The Political Unconscious (Ithaca, 1981), 9.
8. On this point, which receives further attention in the conclusion to this
book, Hannah Arendt asserts: "[T]the seemingly blasphemous notion of Marx
that labor (and not God) created man or that labor (and not reason) distinguished man from the other animals was only the most radical and consistent
formulation of something upon which the whole modern age was agreed."
Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (Chicago, 1958), 86.
9. Cf. Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital, 45-58.
10. Dan Schiller, "Enlightenment, Mass Deception, and Beyond in Communication History," George Gerbner Lecture in Communications, Annenberg
School of Communications, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 22,
ing at Armageddon: The United States, 1877-1919 (New York, 1987); David Nord,
"The Experts versus the Experts: Conflicting Philosophies of Municipal Utility
Regulation in the Progressive Era," Wisconsin Magazine of History 58 (3) (Spring
1975): 219-36.
14. David Montgomery, Citizen Worker: The Experience of Workers in the
United States with Democracy and the Free Market during the Nineteenth Century
(Cambridge, 1993) is the most recent and synoptic assessment of this tradition,
which infused 19th-century U.S. working-class movements for reform.
15. One partial exception to this claim is Linda Lawson, Truth in Publishing: Federal Regulation of the Press's Business Practices (Carbondale, 1993), which
characterizes reform efforts around the commercial press as falling within a
shared "Progressive" impulse. Robert W. McChesney's study of a later phase of
the reform effort, centering around radio, must also be noted: Telecommunications, Mass Media, and Democracy: The Battle for the Control of U. S. Broadcasting,
1928-1935 (New York, 1993). I survey and explicate the popular movement to
restructure telecommunications around the turn of the century in Dan Schiller,
'"Everybody's Common Means of Communication'?: Rethinking the Public
Service History of U.S. Telecommunications, 1894-1919," paper presented to
the Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians, April 1417,
1994, Atlanta. A study of struggles around the structure and content of the early
film industry is promised from Steven Ross.
16. Lambert A. Wilmer, Our Press Gang: Or, A Complete Exposition of the
Corruptions and Crimes of the American Newspaper (Philadelphia, 1859), 14.
17. See Lawson, Truth in Publishing, 12-44. Though the statistical series
are not comparable, they give a general sense of the movement toward corporate
control: in 1899, corporations owned 17% of U.S. newspapers and periodicals,
but by 1909 corporations controlled over 71 % of the newspaper industry's revenues. Alfred M. Lee, The Daily Newspaper in America: The Evolution of a Social
Instrument (New York, 1937), 197.
18. Thomas Ainge Devyr in U.S. Congress, Senate, 48th Congress, Committee on Education and Labor, Report of the Committee of the Senate upon the
Relations between Labor and Capital, and Testimony Taken by the Committee
(Washington, 1885), 11:835.
19. John Jarrett in ibid., 1:1165.
20. Edward King in ibid., 11:80-81, 82.
21. King, in ibid., 11:82.
22. On the emergence of a working-class press in this period, see Jon
Bekken, "'No Weapon So Powerful': Working-Class Newspapers in the United
States," Journal of Communication Inquiry 12 (2) (Summer 1988): 104-19; and
idem, "The Working-Class Press at the Turn of the Century," in William S.
Solomon and Robert W. McChesney, eds., Ruthless Criticism: New Perspectives in
U.S. Communication History (Minneapolis, 1993), 151-75; Shore, Talkin' Socialism: Green, Grass-Roots Socialism, 128-43. On the Populists' use of the newspaper and their critique of the commercial press, see Theodore Mitchell, Political
Education in the Southern Farmers' Alliance 1887-1900 (Madison, 1987),
23. King, in Report on Relations between Labor and Capital, II: 8283.
24. See, for example, Henry George in ibid., I: 480-88; Richard Hinton in
ibid., II: 412; Daniel H. Craig in ibid., II: 1268-70, 1279. For a cogent analysis of
the common class interest that animated the tie between Western Union and the
AP, and the opposition that recognition of this overlap provoked, see James G.
Smart, "Information Control, Thought Control: Whitelaw Reid and the Nation's
News Services," Public Historian 3 (2) (Spring 1981): 23-42. The best-documented study of the 19th-century Associated Press unfortunately removes the
news agency too far from its social, as opposed to business, context. Popular
criticisms are thus arbitrarily subordinated to the narrower interests of publishers, politicians, and telegraph magnates. Menahem Blondheim, News over the
Wires: The Telegraph and the Flow of Public Information in America, 1844-1897
(Cambridge, 1994).
25. Richard B. Du Boff, "The Telegraph and the Structure of Markets in the
United States, 1845-1890," Research in Economic History, vol. 8 (Detroit, 1983),
25377; see also idem, "The Telegraph in Nineteenth-Century America: Technology and Monopoly," Comparative Studies in Society and History 26 (4) (Oct.
1984): 571-86.
26. Richard B. Du Boff, "The Rise of Communication Regulation: The
Telegraph Industry, 18441880," Journal of Communication 34 (3) (Summer
1984): 52-66 at 58-59.
27. Lester G. Lindley, The Constitution Faces Technology: The Relationship of
the National Government to the Telegraph 1866-1884 (New York, 1975), 160-62.
28. Ann Moyal, "The History of Telecommunication in Australia: Aspects
of the Technological Experience, 1854-1930," in Nathan Reingold and Marc
Rothenberg, eds., Scientific Colonialism: A Cross-Cultural Comparison (Washington, D.C., 1987), 40.
29. Richard B. Du Boff, "Business Demand and the Development of the
Telegraph in the United States, 1844-1860," Business History Review 54 (4)
(Winter 1980): 467; for European comparisons, Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of
Capital (New York, 1975), 48-68.
30. Nathaniel P. Hill (Senator), "Postal Telegraph," a report submitted to
the U.S. Senate, May 27, 1884, in Hill, Speeches and Papers on the Silver, Postal
Telegraph, and Other Economic Questions (Colorado Springs, 1890), 189.
31. U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, 51st Cong., 2d Sess., Report of
the Postmaster-General, Executive Document 1, Part 4 (Washington, 1890), 113.
32. Gene Fowler, A Solo in Tom-Toms (New York, 1946), 83; for the contrast between "social" uses of the telegraph in Europe and the United States, see
also Charles A. Sumner, The Postal Telegraph: A Lecture Delivered at Dashaway
Hall San Francisco, Oct. 12, 1875 (San Francisco, 1879), 4.
33. AT&T Annual Report 1911 (New York, 1912), 37.
34. Hill, "Postal Telegraph," 190.
35. Sumner, The Postal Telegraph, 1.
36. William Appleman Williams, Contours of American History (Chicago,
1966), 337.
37. Fink, Workingmen's Democracy, 31.
38. " . . . I am not afraid," Hinton continued, "of a government that cooperates with the people in an endeavor to correct the evils that may grow up in
any community." In Report of Relations between Labor and Capital, II: 4056.
39. William E. Unrau, Tending the Talking Wire (Salt Lake City, 1979), 12.
In California, Nevada, and Utah, aboriginal groups also had a record of attacking
mail coaches and post riders throughout the 1850s; "A Brief History of the Mail
munication by telegraph was stressedsee Fuller, "Populists and the Post Office," 1-16. One demand for further enlargement of Post Office responsibilities,
common in the labor movement at the time, is especially salient: elimination of
private banks and their replacement by government-owned postal savings
banks. Another endeavor, in which Congressman David Lewis, a key figure in
the movement to nationalize the telephone in the 1910s, played a pivotal part,
was the successful campaign for a parcel post. Joining metropolitan retailers and
Grangers in that cause were the National American Woman's Suffrage Association, the Equal Suffrage Association of the District of Columbia, and the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor. The effort to enlarge the range of beneficiaries of
postal services thus again continued into the 1910s. U.S. House of Representatives, 62d Cong., 1st Sess., Parcels Post, Hearings before Subcommittee No. 4 of the
Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, June 1911 (Washington, D.C., 1911),
esp. at 166, 168, and 117.
60. Henry George in Report on Relations between Labor and Capital, I: 48081; Richard T. Ely, Socialism: An Examination of Its Nature, Its Strength and Its
Weakness, with Suggestions for Social Reform (New York, 1894), 265.
61. Daniel J. Czitrom, Media and the American Mind (Chapel Hill, 1982),
25-29. See also Lindley, Constitution Faces Technology.
62. Report on Relations between Labor and Capital, 1:213, 147. During the
contemporaneous strike against Western Union, McClelland, a member of the
Brotherhood of Telegraphers and Secretary of the Knights of Labor, "deserted his
own union near the end . . . and charged that the strike was unwise in its
inception." Vidkunn Ulriksson, The Telegraphers: Their Craft and Their Unions
(Washington, D.C., 1953), 48.
63. Edwin Gabler, The American Telegrapher: A Social History, 1860-1900
(New Brunswick, 1988), 204-8.
64. H. C. Frantz, "Make the Journal a WeeklyTelegraph Nationalization
Organization," Typographical Journals (19) (May 15, 1891): 2-3.
65. "Government Control of Telegraphs," Typographical Journal II (15)
(March 16, 1891): 4.
66. U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, 51st Cong., 2d Sess., Report
of the Postmaster-General, Executive Document 1, Part 4 (Washington, D.C.,
1890), 112.
67. Ibid., 113. See also Ulriksson, Telegraphers, 56-57; McMath, American
Populism, 118, 141,167.
68. Report of the Postmaster-General (1890), 8.
69. For example, see David A. Wells, The Relation of the Government to the
Telegraph (New York, 1873); Frank Parsons, The Telegraph Monopoly (Philadelphia, 1899); Richard T. Ely, "Why the Government Should Own the Telegraph," Arena 15 (Dec. 1895): 49-54.
70. Gideon Tucker, probably a journalist, in 1883 testified eloquently to the
changes of heart that were transpiring: "The United States Government should
own and work telegraph wires for public use as an adjunct of the postal system.
It should own and run interstate transportation systems. I began life as a Staterights Democrat, fearing governmental interference and centralization, and especially the Federal Government. But this is as different a world from that into
which I was born as though it were another planet. There is now no way to
protect the people from the monopolies of almost demoniac power which they
have created but by and through the action of Government. If you say this is
unconstitutional which is demanded by our supreme necessities, the reply is that
constitutions can be amended, and that they must be made to conform from time
to time to new popular wants." In Report on Relations between Labor and Capital,
II: 906.
71. P. J. Maguire in ibid., I: 345.
72. Ibid., 1:345-46. See also Alfred H. Seymour, a longtime telegraph operator, in ibid., I: 385-86.
73. H. W. Orr, in ibid., I: 178-79.
74. McClelland in ibid., I: 148.
75. Schiller, '"Everybody's Common Means of Communication'?";
Meighan Maguire's ongoing dissertation research into telephone system development in San Francisco should shed additional light on local efforts to place the
telephone utility under public service obligations.
76. N. G. Warth to Woodrow Wilson, Oct. 6, 1913, U.S. National Archives
and Records Administration RG 60 Box 38, 60-1-0 Section 6.
77. Johnson, National Party Platforms.
78. Report on Relations between Labor and Capital, II: 194.
79. Ibid., II: 196-97.
80. David F. Noble, America by Design (New York, 1977). Also see Paul
Israel, From Machine Shop to Industrial Laboratory: Telegraphy and the Changing
Context of American Invention, 1830-1920 (Baltimore, 1992).
81. Report on Relations between Labor and Capital, II: 193-94, 196.
82. Gronlund, Cooperative Commonweath, 33.
83. Report on Relations between Labor and Capital, I: 147.
84. Gronlund, Cooperative Commonwealth, 75. For links between technological invention and artisanal labor, see Nicholas K. Bromell, By the Sweat of the
Brow: Literature and Labor in Antebellum America (Chicago, 1993), 40-58.
85. Report on Relations between Labor and Capital, I: 1095.
86. Ibid., II: 188.
87. Ibid., II: 189.
88. Jurgen Kocka, White Collar Workers in America 1890-1940 (London,
1980), 45-46. An early emphasis on the salience of this trend was given in
Richard Hofstadter, The Age of Reform (New York, 1955), 148-73.
89. In Bromell, By the Sweat of the Brow, 28.
90. Kocka, White Collar Workers, 83, 136-37, 147-53.
91. Fink, Working-men's Democracy, 24. Local assemblies of the Knights of
Labor accepted as members not only factory workers, but also self-employed
businessmen, and farmers, artisans, and middle-men, and unpaid women domestic workers. Kocka, White Collar Workers, 55, 299.
92. Gronlund, Cooperative Commonwealth, 101, original emphasis.
93. Dr. A. Douai in Report on Relations between Labor and Capital, II: 719.
94. Susan Levine, Labor's True Woman: Carpet Weavers, Industrialization,
and Labor Reform in the Gilded Age (Philadelphia, 1984), 10, 39, 63,103-4, 1068, 121, 126-27; Voss, Making of American Exceptionalism, 72-89.
95. Kocka, White Collar Workers, 66-68, 71-73, 84-85, 97-101, 131-32,
25758; cf. David M. Gordon, Richard Edwards, and Michael Reich, Segmented
Work, Divided Workers: The Historical Transformation of Labor in the United States
(Cambridge, 1982).
96. Montgomery, Fall of the House of Labor, Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital.
97. I survey political economy's attempts to wrestle with the concept of
intellectual labor in a companion work in progress. Dan Schiller, "The Information Commodity from Grub Street to the Information Highway."
98. The history of pervasive social degradation of manual labor is developed by Stuart M. Blumin, The Emergence of the Middle Class: Social Experience in
the American City, 1760-1900 (Cambridge, 1989), esp. 122-23. The commanding work on the distinction between mental and manual labor in antebellum
literary discourse is now Bromell, By the Sweat of the Brow, esp. 22,39; the quote
is from Jonathan A. Glickstein, Concepts of Free Labor in Antebellum America
(New Haven, 1991), 7.1 owe this latter reference to Michael Bernstein.
99. A different index of this change: "The half-million store clerks and
clerical office workers of 1880 had tripled by the end of the century, and by far
the greatest numbers of additions were in the lowest-paying jobs that offered the
least chance of promotion or salary improvement." Blumin, Emergence of the
Middle Class, 291. Illuminating studies of different facets of this larger movement
include: Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital; Margery W. Davies, Women's
Place Is at the Typewriter: Office Work and Office Workers, 1870-1920 (Philadelphia, 1982); Cindy Sondik Aron, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Civil Service:
Middle-Class Workers in Victorian America (New York, 1987); Dale L. Johnson,
ed., Class and Social Development: A New Theory of the Middle Class (Beverly Hills,
1982); Kocka, White Collar Workers.
100. McMath, American Populism, 192; Fones-Wolf, Trade Union Gospel,
20, 80-82, 102.
101. Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith, eds. and trans., Selections
from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci (New York, 1971), 8.
102. Baptist Hubert in Report on Relations between Labor and Capital,
II: 946.
103. Joseph Dietzgen, The Nature of Human Brain Work: An Introduction to
Dialectics, trans. Ernest Untermann (Vancouver, 1984), 28. Marx called Dietzgen
"one of the most gifted workers I know," and wrote that his book was an
"independent achievement" which, despite a "certain confusion," "contained
much that was excellent, andas the independent product of a workereven
admirable." Engels concurred that Dietzgen's book testified to "a remarkable
instinct to think out so much that is correct on the basis of such inadequate
studies." Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works, vol. 43 (New York,
1988), 149, 154-55, 173, 153.
104. Anson Rabinbach, The Human Motor: Energy, Fatigue, and the Origins
of Modernity (Berkeley, 1992). The signal exception to this generalization is
William Morris. See E. P. Thompson, William Morris: Romantic to Revolutionary
(New York, 1961), esp. 800. Even Morris, however, found no true path all the
way through the question. See William Morris, "Useful Work versus Useless
Toil," in Asa Briggs, ed., William Morris: News from Nowhere and Selected Writings and Designs (Harmondsworth, 1986), 117-36.
105. Walter L. Adamson, Marx and the Disillusionment of Marxism (Berkeley, 1985), esp. 40-105; Rabinbach, Human Motor; Marshall S. Shatz, Jan Waclaw Machajski: A Radical Critic of the Russian Intelligentsia and Socialism (Pittsburgh, 1989); Stanley Pierson, Marxist Intellectuals and the Working-Class
156. Cf. Westbrook, John Dewey, 81; cf. Dewey, Public and Its Problems,
161-62, 169.
157. Feffer, Chicago Pragmatists, 117-46. Also see Westbrook, John Dewey,
150-94, 401.
158. Dewey, Public and Its Problems, 211. For more extensive discussion of
the pretense of individuality, in psychology and philosophy, see ibid., 88, 102,
158, 186-91.
159. Coughlan, Young John Dewey, 129.
161. Ibid.
162. In 1909 Mead wrote that "the probable beginning of human communication was in cooperation . . . where conduct differed and yet where the act
of the one answered to and called out the act of the other." Thus, as Feffer
comments, Mead purported to solve Dewey's earlier difficulties concerning the
origins of cooperative intelligence: "Communication (hence humanness) did
not begin in prudence or competition, or in imitation, but in constructive cooperation, suggesting that sociability likewise did not emerge as a prudent strategy
for individual adaptation but was present with the appearance of language."
Feffer, Chicago Pragmatists, 239. Also see Coughlan, Young John Dewey, 113-33,
163. In his Experience and Nature (1925), quoted in Czitrom, Media, 108.
Much has been made of this by James W. Carey, Communication as Culture
(Boston, 1989), 13ff.
11. Perhaps above all in works by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky,
such as their Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
(New York, 1988).
12. Frederick E. Lumley, The Propaganda Menace (New York, 1933).
13. O. W. Riegel, Mobilizing for Chaos: The Story of the New Propaganda
(New Haven, 1937), 211.
14. Sproule, "Propaganda Studies," 74. Cf. Steven H. Chaffee and John L.
Hochheimer, "The Beginnings of Political Communication Research in the
United States: Origins of the 'Limited Effects' Model," in Michael Gurevitch and
Mark R. Levy, eds., Mass Communication Review Yearbook Volume 5 (Beverly
Hills, 1985), 75-104 at 97, 95.
15. Sproule, "Propaganda Studies," 66.
16. A journalistic exposure of the unprecedented growth and invasiveness
of corporate public relations, published in 1938, asserted that, in response to the
widespread loss of confidence in American business generated by the Depression, business had found in public relations "a new social force" aimed specifically at restoring the faded legitimacy of the market system. "This campaign is
distinguished from innumerable previous compaigns by one fact: it is not designed to gain a competitive advantage or to favor the interests of one man, firm,
or industry independently of the rest of business; this campaign, and the basic
movement of which it is the expression, are designed to establish business
as a whole securely in what business men believe to be its rightful place
in the national polity." In "selling" the public on this "general philosophy"
"sufficiently extensive to guide our every public action, social, political, and
economic"U.S. business insisted "that business management cannot be supposed to have interests differing basically from labor's, the consumer's, or the
general public's; which, in turn, implies that the principles which guide the
present management of business cannot be overturned, replaced, or materially
altered (except, in special cases, by management itself) without causing the
country to cease to function as a going concern." S. H. Walker and Paul Sklar,
"Business Finds Its Voice," Harpers 176, (Jan. 1938): 113-23 at 113; idem, Part
II: "Motion Pictures and Combined Efforts," Harpers 176 (Feb. 1938): 317-29 at
317; Part III: Harpers 176 (March 1938): 428-40. A full-scale study of the rise of
public relationsa sorely neglected component of U.S. communication
historyis promised from Stuart Ewen.
17. Malcolm M. Willey and Stuart A. Rice, "The Agencies of Communication," in Report of the President's Research Committee on Recent Social Trends,
Recent Social Trends in the United States (New York, 1933), 216-17.
18. Harold D. Lasswell, "The Propagandist Bids for Power," American
Scholar?, (July 1939): 357.
19. Harold D. Lasswell, "The Study and Practice of Propaganda," in
Lasswell, Ralph D. Casey, and Bruce Lannes Smith, Propaganda and Promotional
Activities: An Annotated Bibliography, prepared under the direction of the Advisory Committee on Pressure Groups and Propaganda, the Social Science Research Council (1935; Chicago, 1969), 27.
20. Robert K. Mertoii, Marjorie Fiske, and Alberta Curtis, Mass Persuasion:
The Social Psychology of a War Bond Drive (New York, 1946), 1, 185, 188.
21. Propaganda analysis indeed may be seen, therefore, as Carey and
Sproule have separately argued, as a home-grown version of ideology critique
a carryover into the 1930s of Progressive-era beliefsbut it was not free of the
accent of class, which these writers suggest was only imported with alien ideologies. Carey, "Communications and the Progressives," 278-79; Sproule, "Progressive Propaganda Critics," 228.
22. Michael E. Brown, Randy Martin, Frank Rosengarten, and George
Snedeker, eds., New Studies in the Politics and Culture of U.S. Communism (New
York, 1993).
23. Carlos Blanco Aguinaga, "On Modernism, from the Periphery," unpub.
ms., 1994, 16. A vivid memoir of the League of American Writers during the late
1930s is Franklin Folsom, Days of Anger, Days of Hope (Niwot, Colo., 1994).
24. Paul Buhle, Marxism in the United States (London, 1987), 179. These
concurrent shifts in cultural theory and practice are insightfully scrutinized in
Rita Barnard, The Great Depression and the Culture of Abundance: Kenneth Fearing, Nathaniel West, and Mass Culture in the 1930s (Cambridge, 1995). Partisan
Review, oriented toward Trotsky and highly critical of the Soviet Union and the
U.S. Communist Party, published articles on media and propaganda in Germany
and the Soviet Union. Ignazio Silone, "The School for Dictators," Partisan Review 6 (1) (Fall 1938): 20-41; and Dwight Macdonald, "Soviet Society and Its
Cinema," Partisan Review 6 (2) (Winter 1939): 80-95. It also published an
influential early article on mass culture and a historical assessment by Rorty of
the decline of "muckrake" journalism. See Clement Greenberg, "Avant-Garde
and Kitsch," Partisan Review 6 (5) (Fall 1939): 34-49; and James Rorty, "The
Socialization of Muckraking," Partisan Review 6 (5) (Fall 1939): 90-101. In
addition to film reviews, New Masses, aligned with the Communist Party, devoted significant space both to criticism of mainstream commercial journalism
and to telecommunications. For the former, see the series of articles by Robert
Terrall on the newspaper press: "Mrs. Ogden Reid's Paper," New Masses 31 (5)
(April 25, 1939): 13-15; "Don't Mention Scripps to Howard," New Masses 31
(7) (May 9, 1939): 7-9; "Nobody Appreciates Mr. Stern," New Masses 31 (9)
(May 23, 1939): 8-10; "Hearst Is Still Alive," New Masses 31 (12) (June 13,
1939): 3-7; "Who Reads Hearst?," New Masses 31 (13) (June 20, 1939): 9-12.
For the latter, Douglas Ward, "Our Telegraph Monopoly," New Masses 32 (2)
(July 4, 1939): 15-16.
25. I know of no works of scholarship which attempt systematically to
explore this crucial set of developments across the communication industry. One
of the most important features of this unionization drive was to challenge the
established division of labor; ongoing doctoral research by Dennis Mazzocco will
help us to understand better the contemporary efforts made to organize radio's
technical workers into CIO-affiliated industrial unions.
26. See, for example, "Radio Cleans House," New Republic 99, no. 12 (July
1939); Jerome H. Spingarn, "These Public-Opinion Polls," Harpers 178 (Dec.
1938): 92-104; Dickson Skinner, "Music Goes into Mass Production," Harpers
178 (April 1939): 484-90; Walker and Sklar, "Business Finds Its Voice," 113;
idem, "Motion Pictures and Combined Efforts," 317. PM devoted regular sections to "movies," "the press," and "radio," which made room for both program
criticism and labor news. One should also mention here the attempt to create a
left-liberal magazine for the mass marketcalled Kenthe Insider's World
whose projected press department, overseen by George Seldes, was to comprise
around a third of the magazine, and to feature monthly investigations, whose
71. Ibid., 221-32. For MacLeish's background and wartime role see Donaldson, Archibald MacLeish, 262-365.
72. Gary, "American Liberalism," 230-31.
73. Cf. Sproule, "Propaganda Studies," 72. Lazarsfeld, Radio and the
Printed Page, xvii.
74. In Gary, "American Liberalism," 276.
75. Ibid., 261, 270.
76. U.S. Federal Communications Commission, Public Service Responsibility
of Broadcast Licensees (Washington, D.C., 1946); Commission on Freedom of the
Press, Report (Chicago, 1946). On the FCC, see Richard J. Meyer, "Reaction to
the 'Blue Book,'" in Lawrence W. Lichty and Malachi C. Topping, American
Broadcasting: A Source Book on the History of Radio and Television (New York,
1975), 589-602; on Hutchins, Jerilyn S. Mclntyre, "Repositioning a Landmark:
The Hutchins Commission and Freedom of the Press," Critical Studies in Mass
Communication 4 (2) (June 1987): 136-60.
77. Actively complicit in this later reversal, significantly, were the dominant media themselves, whose changing stance thereby nominally recapitulated,
even as it substantively undercut, efforts during the 1940s to transmute the tenor
of the press so as to emphasize its "social responsibility." For a specific demonstration of this flip-flop in the dominant media's stance, see Richard B.
McKenzie, Times Change: The Minimum Wage and the New York Times (San
Francisco, 1994). Arguing from within the terms of the right-wing critique, the
economist McKenzie shows that the Times editorially opposed minimum wage
legislation all the way through the New Deal, turning to embrace it only in 1950;
in a second about-face, the paper rejected as outmoded the theory that lay
behind the minimum wage, beginning in 1977.
78. "In my credo with reference to our newspapers," wrote Ickes, "is embedded the sincere belief that if editorial direction were left to the editors and
reporters there would be little occasion for criticism." Ickes, America's House of
Lords, viiviii.
79. Herbert I. Schiller, Communication and Cultural Domination (White
Plains, 1976), 24-45.
80. Dallas Smythe, Counterclockwise: Perspectives on Communication, edited
by Thomas Guback (Boulder, 1994), 34.
81. Blanche Wiesen Cook, The Declassified Eisenhower (New York, 1980).
82. Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy, Monopoly Capital (New York, 1966).
83. Elaine Tyler May, Homeward Bound (New York, 1986); George Lipsitz,
"A Rainbow at Midnight": Class and Culture in Cold War America (New York,
1982); Ellen Schrecker, No Ivory Tower (New York, 1986); Joel Kovel, Red
Hunting in the Promised Land (New York, 1994).
84. It may be noted that one of the founding figures in the establishment of
academic communication study devoted a book-length study to the impact of
Cold War mobilization on academic social scientists. See Paul F. Lazarsfeld and
Wagner Thielens, Jr., The Academic Mind: Social Scientists in a Time of Crisis
(Glencoe, 1958).
85. Looking back during a later interview, the Yale-based author of the
most influential social psychological text on propaganda in the 1930s, Leonard
Doob, reported that by 1960 "he would not have dreamed of using propaganda
as a significant theoretical term." It was, Doob declared, too crude; by which he
95. Elihi Katz and Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Personal Influence (1955; New York,
1964), 15-30.
96. Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Robert K. Merton, "Mass Communication,
Popular Taste and Organized Social Action," in Lyman Bryson, ed., The Communication of Ideas (New York, 1948), 95-118, at 96 and 97.
97. Lazarsfeld's close affiliations, through the 1930s, with the left-wing
Institute for Social Research, largely vitiates efforts to absolutize the familiar
dichotomy between "administrative" and "critical" researcha dichotomy Lazarsfeld himself introduced, mainly as an attempt to exhibit solidarity in the
popular-front atmosphere of the wartime emergency. For a compelling treatment
of this important intellectual relationship, see Rolf Wiggershaus, The Frankfurt
School: Its History, Theories, and Political Significance (Cambridge, 1994), 236-46.
98. Lazarsfeld and Merton, "Mass Communication, Popular Taste,"
99. Ibid., 107.
100. Ibid., 111.
101. Ibid., 113.
102. Ibid., 115-16.
103. Ibid., 117.
104. Ibid., 117-18.
105. Joseph T. Klapper, The Effects of Mass Communication (Glencoe, 1960).
Also see Rowland, Politics of TV Violence, 72: and Gitlin, "Media Sociology."
106. Joseph T. Klapper, "Mass Media and the Engineering of Consent,"
American Scholar 17 (4) (Autumn 1948): 419-29 at 419-20.
107. Klapper, "Mass Media," 422.
108. Ibid.; Klapper, Effects of Mass Communication, x, 13.
109. Klapper, Effects of Mass Communication, 252.
110. David C. McClelland, The Achieving Society (New York, 1961), 50.
111. Katz and Lazarsfeld, Personal Influence. For an exception that proves
the rule, see John W. Riley, Jr., and Matilda White Riley, "Mass Communication
and the Social System," in Robert K. Merton, Leonard Broom, and Leonard S.
Cottrell, Jr., eds., Sociology Today: Problems and Prospects (New York, 1959),
537-78. Riley and Riley argued that individual communicators and the recipients of their messages had been located primarily only in relation to "diverse
primary groups." However, a "less developed" but no less crucial line of research, they asserted, would have to begin from the fact that, "just as the audience is not composed of discrete individuals, neither is it composed of discrete
primary groups. These smaller, solidary groupings must also be viewed in their
interdependence with one another and as belonging to some still more inclusive
system. . . . the relevant theory also invokes wider structures and longer-term
changes which include and also transcend the individual or the primary group as
such." Ibid., 554. Klapper termed the highly schematic model provided by Riley
and Riley for situating mass communication "within a social system" "particularly provocative." Klapper, Effects of Mass Communication, 296 n. 3.
112. Katz and Lazarsfeld, Personal Influence, 16.
113. It is perhaps worth recalling that Cooley, who himself also had been
quick to dismiss the relevance of social class to the American context, boasted in
1898 in the privacy of his journal, at the advent of the Spanish-Cuban-American
War, that the conflict "makes me proud of the race and the American stock." His
adumbration of "the primary group" aimed to provide nothing less than the
concept of human nature needed "for a new liberal society." Ross, Origins, 242,
245, 244.
114. Katz and Lazarsfeld, Personal Influence, 63.
115. Klapper, Effects of Mass Communication, 3.
116. Katz and Lazarsfeld, Personal Influence, 114-15, 140-45, 245, 258,
117. Ibid., 225, 224. The gendered categories and conceptions of this era of
research have not received the scrutiny they merit. For another instance, see
McClelland, Achieving Society, where a so-called "need for achievement," in
turn associated with economic growth, is identified and universalized from a
sample including only boys.
118. On Lynd's explicit decision to study Muncie, owing to its small proportion of African Americans, immigrants, Catholics, and Jews, see Richard
Wightman Fox, "Epitaph for Middletown: Robert S. Lynd and the Analysis of
Consumer Culture," in Fox and T. J. Jackson Lears, eds., The Culture of Consumption (New York, 1983), 111. The People's Choice study selected Erie
County, Ohio, for study in part because "it was relatively free from sectional
peculiarities," which seems to have meantthe authors later statethat its
population was "almost all native-born white." Lazarsfeld, Berelson, and
Gaudet, People's Choice, 3, 10. For "sectional peculiarities," Katz and Lazarsfeld,
Personal Influence, 335.
119. Not especially surprisingly, "status" turned out to play the "least important" role of three different indicators in predicting opinion leadership. Katz
and Lazarsfeld, Personal Influence, 220-22, 225-26, 322-24.
120. Robert K. Merton, "Patterns of Influence: Local and Cosmopolitan
Influentials," in idem, Social Theory and Social Structure (New York, 1968), 466,
469, 472.
121. The subtitle of Katz and Lazarsfeld, Personal Influence. It should be
noted, however, that the field's continuing major concern for content analysis
comprised an important, unbroken continuity with the war period and even
122. See Gitlin, "Media Sociology," 237-39, who argues that Mills had
"not yet grasped," as he would a decade later (in The Power Elite), "the emergence of a high-consumption society," and Irving Louis Horowitz, C. Wright
Mills: An American Utopian (New York, 1983), 77-81.
123. Gitlin, "Media Sociology"; Mills, Power Elite, 316.
124. Abbe Mowshowitz, On the Market Value of Information Commodities I:
The Nature of Information and Information Commodities, Management Report
Series No. 90 (Rotterdam, 1991), 6.
125. Klaus Krippendorff, "Paradox and Information," in Brenda Dervin
and Melvin J. Voigt, eds., Progress in Communication Sciences, vol. 5 (Norwood,
N.J., 1984), 50.
126. For a spectacular example, purporting to present an integrated
analysis of the roles of information, matter, and energy, in "systems" ranging
from cell to society, see James G. Miller, Living Systems (New York, 1978). Also
moving far too effortlessly across these levels is James Beniger, The Control
Revolution (Cambridge, 1986).
1993), 189.1 would argue that most of the key elements in the critique of mass
culture remain publicly prevalent down to the present day.
151. See Carey, Intellectuals and the Masses; Macdonald, "A Theory of
'Popular Culture,'" 20-23; Macdonald, "A Theory of Mass Culture," 59-73.
Valuable here are Brantlinger, Bread & Circuses: 200203; and Donald Lazere,
ed., American Media and Mass Cutlure: Left Perspectives (Berkeley, 1987), 78.
F. R. Leavis had identified "standardization" and "levelling-down" as inexorable features of British decline in 1929. Mulhern, The "Moment" of Scrutiny,
49. Rorty declared that the advertiser-supported press, functioning as an effective agent of "cultural stultification" on behalf of business, also acted to "level all
cultural values to the common denominator of emulative acquisition and social
snobbism." Rorty, Our Master's Voice, 31.
152. Macdonald, "A Theory of Mass Culture," 61-62.
153. Macdonald, "A Theory of 'Popular Culture/" 20, 21.
154. Also worth noting here was the growing convergence in U.S. public
thought between fascism and Communism. See Les K. Adler and Thomas G.
Paterson, "Red Fascism: The Merger of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia in the
American Image of Totalitarianism," American Historical Review 75 (4) (April
1970): 1046-64.
155. "The Russian masses like the Hollywood type of film," wrote Macdonald: "A film studio can be a dream factory, whether it is on the shores of
the Black Sea or of the Pacific." Dwight Macdonald, "Soviet Society and Its
Cinema," Partisan Review 6 (2) (Winter 1939): 86, 85. Macdonald's discussion
of popular culture as indoctrination appears in his "A Theory of 'Popular Culture.' " "If kitsch is the official tendency of culture in Germany, Italy and Russia,
it is not because their respective governments are controlled by philistines, but
because kitsch is the culture of the masses in these countries, as it is everywhere
else. The encouragement of kitsch is merely another of the inexpensive ways in
which totalitarian regimes seek to ingratiate themselves with their subjects.
Since these regimes cannot raise the cultural level of the masseseven if they
wanted toby anything short of a surrender to international socialism, they will
flatter the masses by bringing all culture down to their level. . . . Kitsch keeps a
dictator in closer contact with the 'soul' of the people. Should the official culture
be one superior to the general mass-level, there would be a danger of isolation."
Clement Greenberg, "Avant-Garde and Kitsch," Partisan Review 6 (5) (Fall
1939): 46-47. It was "non-communist leftists," according to one recent historian, who most avidly supported enlarging the social base for paternalistic but
noncommercial leisure practicesembracing churches, concerts, museums, libraries, and adult educationhoping by this means "not only to broaden their
political base beyond the narrow social world of labour through the appeal of
enhanced recreational and cultural programmes, but to wage a cultural battle
with 'totalitarians.'" Cross, Time and Money, 100, 10514.
156. Horkheimer and Adorno's crucial essay was not translated into English until 1972, but some earlier work in a similar vein was accessible, for
instance, T. W. Adorno, "Television and the Patterns of Mass Culture," in Bernard Rosenberg and David Manning White, eds., Mass Culture: The Popular Arts
in America (Glencoe, 1957). The products of U.S. mass culture, in the form of
Hollywood films, were abundantly available in interwar Europe and, not least,
in Berlin and Vienna. For an argument that Adorno's concept of culture industry
was unrelated to any particular aversion to popular culture, see Peter Uwe
Hohendahl, "The Frozen Imagination: Adorno's Theory of Mass Culture Revisited," Thesis Eleven 34 (1993): 17^1.
157. Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment
(New York, 1972), 122.
158. Theodor W. Adorno, "Culture Industry Reconsidered," New German
Critique no. 6 (Fall 1975): 12, 18.
159. Leo Lowenthal, An Unmastered Past (Berkeley, 1987), 186; Adorno,
"Culture Industry Reconsidered," 12; Horkheimer and Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment, 120-67.
160. Macdonald, "A Theory of Mass Culture."
161. Barnard, The Great Depression and the Culture of Abundance, 132, 186,
211; Cf. Alan M. Wald, Writing from the Left: New Essays on Radical Culture and
Politics (London, 1994), 120.
162. Rorty, Our Master's Voice, 279-80.
163. Ibid., 30, 18, 73, 33.
164. Ibid., 291.
165. Ibid., 75, 104-6
166. Ibid., 133.
167. Ibid., 394.
168. For a critical discussion of this, a dominant strand in explanations of
European fascism, see Val Burris, "The Discovery of the New Middle Classes," in
Arthur J. Vidich, ed., The New Middle Classes (New York, 1995), 16, 24-46. For
an extensive and insightful study of the comparative historical proclivity, among
U.S. white-collar strata, to accept authoritiarian rule, see Jurgen Kocka, White
Collar Workers in America 1890-1940: A Social-Political History in International
Perspective (London, 1980). Kocka emphasizes that white-collar identity became
a problem in U.S. public discussion in the 1930s, decades later than it did in
Germany. Ibid., 200-206.
169. Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism (New York, 1970), 1019; Wiggershaus, Frankfurt School, 173; Hans Speier, German White-Collar
Workers and the Rise of Hitler (New Haven, 1986), 9.
170. Lewis Corey, The Crisis of the Middle Class (1935; New York, 1992),
286. On Corey, see Paul M. Buhle, A Dreamer's Paradise Lost (Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 1995). In Sinclair Lewis's novel, It Can't Happen Here (New York,
1935), fascism can be seen as a struggle for the soul of the middle class: the antifascist protagonist is an aging, small-town New England newspaper editor, while
his spineless, deal-making sonin marked contrast to his willful and principled
daughterbecomes a collaborator.
171. Harold D. Lasswell, "The Psychology of Hitlerism," Political Quarterly
4 (1933): 374, 375, 383, 384, 377.
172. Corey, Crisis of the Middle Class, 261, 280, 272.
173. Robert A. Brady, The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism (1937;
New York, 1969), 23. "[P]radically all the 'white collar' salaried and professional classes," wrote Brady, were to be found within "the great mass of the
middle-class." The latter, lacking "any forces, organization, or principles to unite
it, made up of the hesitant, the confused, and the compromising elements of
society," comprised the decisive social force in the run-up to fascism: "The real
significance of the Nazi Party lay in the fact that it had a certain following
amongst the amorphous and hesitant central mass, and that it reflected in its
confused platform the very state of mind in which the bulk of the citizens found
themselves. Ideal for the purposes to which it was to be put, there was a plank in
the Nazi platform to meet the prejudices of nearly every group to be appealed to,
and it conducted its campaigns so as to combine a proper degree of idea-dulling
fanaticism with further confusion of the issues." Ibid., 18, 20. Herbert I. Schiller
suggested that I should emphasize the significance of this now unfortunately
obscure work. Brady, it also should be noted, was an important and direct
influence on a pioneering figure in radical communication study, Dallas Smythe.
174. Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom (1941; New York, 1969); Bruno
Bettelheim, "Individual and Mass Behavior in Extreme Situations," Journal of
Abnormal and Social Psychology 38 (4) (Oct. 1943): 45152, original emphasis.
175. Wiggershaus, Frankfurt School, 378-80.
176. Mills, "Mass Media and Public Opinion," 584.
177. Ibid., 582-83.
178. It is worth emphasizing that, taking account of slight differences in
chronology and of divergent starting points, both Macdonald and Horkheimer
and Adorno likewise subsequently bluntedand in the latter case perhaps even
censoredtheir pointed wartime criticisms of capitalist cultural production as
serving the purpose of class domination. For the former, see Lazere, American
Media and Mass Culture, 7-8; for the latter, Wiggershaus, Frankfurt School, 401.
179. There were as well, predictably, significant intellectual disagreements
on the character of the culture industry between the members and hangers-on of
the Frankfurt Schoola point recently emphasized, by Martin Jay, "Mass Culture and Aesthetic Redemption: The Debate between Max Horkheimer and
Siegfried Kracauer," in Seyla Benhabib, Wolfgang Bonss, and John McCole,
eds., On Max Horkheimer (Cambridge, 1993), 365-86.
180. Siegfried Kracauer, From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of
the German Film (Princeton, 1947), v.
181. Institute of Social Research, "Research Project on Anti-Semitism,"
Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 9, no. 1 (1941): 125. Franz Neumann,
Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism (New York, 1942),
436-37. See also: Martin Jay, "The Jews and the Frankfurt School: Critical
Theory's Analysis of Anti-Semitism," in Anson Rabinbach and Jack Zipes, eds.,
Germans and Jews since the Holocaust (New York, 1986), 287-301; and John B.
Thompson, Ideology and Modern Culture (Stanford, 1990), 101-101, for a more
general treatment of this point.
182. Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man (Boston, 1964), 8.
183. The sources of this preconditioning were, it is true, left vague in the
varied formulations of Frankfurt School writers.
184. Bell, End of Ideology, 27-28.
185. C. Wright Mills, The New Men of Power: America's Labor Leaders
(1948; New York, 1971), 3, 15, 30.
186. Mills, Power Elite, 309-10. My treatment of Mills is generally indebted
to Horowitz, C. Wright Mills. Mills's approach to the power elite was anticipated
in his first major study, in his comments on the views of "the independent
left"with whom his own affinities lay: "They see coming a great coalition of
business, labor, and government; they see bureaucracy everywhere and they are
afraid. To them unions seem one more bureaucratic net ensnaring the people,
part of the whole alien and undemocratic apparatus of control. All the bureaucratic elite, in labor as in business and government, are against the rank and file;
they are trying to manage it, and it is immoral that man should be the object of
management and manipulation. He is the root, and he is being choked." Mills,
New Men of Power, 18.
187. Horowitz, C. Wright Mills, 257.
188. Arthur J. Vidich, "Foreword," in Speier, German White-Collar
Workers, xv.
189. C. Wright Mills, White Collar (New York, 1951), 65, 72, 71.
190. Horowitz, C. Wright Mills, 231.
191. Fritz Machlup, The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the
United States (Princeton, 1962), 381, 382.
192. Mills, White Collar, dust jacket.
193. Ibid., 110. It bears mention that this same linkage emerged in the
semiotic discussion of "myth" propounded in France by the critic Roland
Barthes at the same time: "The political alliance of the bourgeoisie and the
petite-bourgeoisie has for more than a century determined the history of France;
it has rarely been broken, and each time only temporarily (1848, 1871, 1936).
This alliance got closer as time passed, it gradually became a symbiosis; transient
awakenings might happen, but the common ideology was never questioned
again. . . . By spreading its representations over a whole catalogue of collective
images for petit-bourgeois use, the bourgeoisie countenances the illusory lack of
differentiation of the social classes: it is as from the moment when a typist
earning twenty pounds a month recognizes herself in the big wedding of the
bourgeoisie that bourgeois ex-nomination achieves its full effect." Roland
Barthes, Mythologies (1957; New York, 1975), 141. See also Louis-Jean Calvet,
Roland Barthes: A Biography (Bloomington, 1995), 123, 143.
194. This critical assessment was fully in keeping with Mills's overall intellectual propensity: "Always and everywhere," writes his leading biographer,
"Mills's pragmatism overwhelmed his Marxism." Horowitz, C. Wright
Mills, 216.
195. David Caute, The Great Fear: The Anti-Communist Purge under Truman
and Eisenhower (New York, 1979).
196. Brady, Spirit and Structure, 22, original emphasis. Horkheimer in
David Held, Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas (Berkeley,
1980), 52. Held himself quotes from Max Horkheimer, "Die Juden und Europa," Zeitschrift fur Sozialforschjung 8, nos. 1-2 (1939): 115. Thanks to Lora
Taub for recalling this reference.
197. Rosenberg and White, Mass Culture.
198. "The masses are exploited culturally as well as economically. . . .
The deadening and warping effect of long exposure to movies, pulp magazines
and radio can hardly be overestimated. . . . this culture-pattern stamped deep
into the modern personality, much deeper than conscious political ideas, is a
factor always to be reckoned with." Macdonald, "A Theory of 'Popular Culture,'" 22.
199. George Gerbner, "Violence in Television Drama: Trends and Symbolic
Functions," in George A. Comstock and Eli A. Rubinstein, eds., Television and
Social Behavior: Reports and Papers, vol. I : Media Content and Control, a Techni-
Blackburn, ed., Ideology in Social Science (New York, 1973); Jesse Lemisch, On
Active Duty in War and Peace (n.p., n.d.).
2. Tamar Liebes and Elihu Katz, The Export of Meaning: Cross-Cultural
Readings of Dallas (New York, 1990), v. 4.
3. Liebes and Katz actually concede much of this point themselves, but in
a tacit form. They propose three reasons for the "worldwide success of American
television." The first is the supposed "universality, or primordiality, of some of
its themes and formulae"; second is "the polyvalent or open potential of many of
the stories." The third contributing factor is presented as though it were just one
more dimension of their own theory, rather than an essential plank in the
approach they seek to discredit: "the sheer availability of American programs in
a marketplace where national producershowever zealouscannot fill more
than a fraction of the hours they feel they must provide." Liebes and Katz, Export
of Meaning, 5.
4. Ten Ang, Watching Dallas: Soap Opera and the Melodramatic Imagination
(London, 1985).
5. James Rorty, Our Master's Voice: Advertising (New York, 1934), 288.
6. Clement Greenberg, "Avant-Garde and Kitsch," Partisan Review 6 (5)
(Fall 1939): 41. Herbert I. Schiller has observed that Lerner, Schramm, and other
U.S. international communication scholars of the 1950s and 1960s "had no
doubt that the modern media and the new information technologies were means
of great potential influence." Herbert I. Schiller, Culture, Inc.: The Corporate
Takeover of Public Expression (New York, 1989), 141.
7. Daniel Lerner, The Passing of Traditional Society (Glencoe, 1958),
52, 56.
8. Ibid., 52, 54. Wilbur Schramm was even blunter: "No one who has
seen modern communication brought to traditional villages will ever doubt its
potency." Schramm even worried about the ethical issues of using mass media to
encourage "productive" attitudes among the peoples of poor countries: "Are we
advocating that mass communication should be used in the developing countries
to manipulate people?" His answerreally only a rationalizationwas that
"change is inevitable." Wilbur Schramm, Mass Media and National Development
(Stanford, 1965), 20,35.
9. Lucien W. Pye, ed., Communications in Political Development (Princeton,
1963), 15, 19.
10. In Schramm, Mass Media, 51.
11. Pye, Communications in Political Development, 10, see also 25-27. See
also Christopher Simpson, Science of Coercion (New York, 1994), 90-92.
12. This formulation is a composite based on W. W. Rostow, The Stages of
Economic Growth (Cambridge, 1960); Lerner, Passing of Traditional Society;
Schramm, Mass Media; Robert C. Hornik, Development Communication (New
York, 1988), 15; Alex Inkeles and David H. Smith, Becoming Modern: Individual
Change in Six Developing Countries (Cambridge, 1974); and David C. McClelland,
The Achieving Society (New York, 1961).
13. Herbert I. Schiller, Mass Communications and American Empire (New
York, 1969), 13-16. At the dawn of the postwar era, David Sarnoff, chairman of
RCA's board, claimed: "When television has fulfilled its destiny, man's sense of
physical limitation will be swept away, and his boundaries of sight and hearing
will be the limits of the earth itself. With this may come a new horizon, a new
philosophy, a new sense of freedom and greatest of all, perhaps, a finer and
broader understanding between all the peoples of the world." Cited in Lynn
Spigel, Making Room for TV (Chicago, 1992), 214 n. 46. Parallel conditions were
apparent in the domestic scene. In the United States itself, wrote Schiller, the
"cultural process" had emerged as society's "deepest concern"; the intractable
difficulty was once again that marketplace domination "largely removed [it]
from general consideration and public decision-making." Schiller, Mass Communications, 151.
14. Harry Magdoff, "Colonialism (c. 1450-c. 1970), Part II: European Expansion since 1763," The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed., Macropaedia,
vol. 4 (Chicago, 1974), 904-5.
15. John Tomlinson, Cultural Imperialism (Baltimore, 1991), 34.
16. Schiller, Mass Communications, 16.
17. One eminent analyst thus wrote casually of "countries where people
work harder and therefore reach a higher level of economic development."
McClelland, Achieving Society, 52. Wilbur Schramm, incorporating Daniel
Lerner's defining work, wrote: "This is the dynamic of social development as
Lerner sees it: a nucleus of mobile, change-accepting personalities; then a growing mass media system to speed the ideas and attitudes of social mobility and
change; then the interaction of urbanization, literacy, industrialization, and media participation to bring modern society into being." Schramm, Mass Media, 47.
18. A fact celebrated without reflection in the mass market press of the
U.S.still the epicenter and self-interested supplier of transnational cultureon
a regular basis. See Rone Tempest, "American TVWe Are the World," TV
Guide 41 (27) (July 3, 1993): 8-14.
19. Mitchell Stephens, "Pop Goes the World," Los Angeles Times Magazine,
Jan. 17, 1993, pp. 26, 24, 34. The deliberate suppression of native languages
other than English has of course been a regular feature of policy within the
United States, most recently, for example, in Alaska, where just two of the
twenty languages that once flourished are considered viable candidates for survival. Lee Dye, "Alaskans Speak Out to Save Dying Languages," Los Angeles
Times, July 7, 1994, p. A7.
20. Herbert I. Schiller, Communication and Cultural Domination (White
Plains, 1976), 17.
21. Anthony Brewer, Marxist Theories of Imperialism: A Critical Survey, 2nd
ed. (London, 1990), 109-99, quotes at 130, 281. Fora useful explication of the
emergence and metamorphosis of dependency theory, first articulated in the
mid- to late 1960s by Latin American economists, see Magnus Blomstrom and
Bjorn Hettne, Development Theory in Transition (London, 1984).
22. Ernesto Laclau, Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory (1971; London,
1977), 15-50; Brewer, Marxist Theories, 179-82, 225-84; Aidan Foster-Carter,
"The Modes of Production Controversy," New Left Review 107 (Jan.-Feb. 1978):
23. Tomlinson, Cultural Imperialism, 2; cf. Frederick Buell, National Culture and the New Global System (Baltimore, 1994), 7-8.
24. Aijaz Ahmad, In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literatures (London, 1992).
The entire intellectual register was different: "We know," wrote Sartre about the
Third World in a famous preface, "that it is not a homogeneous world; we know
too that enslaved peoples are still to be found there, together with some who
have achieved a simulacrum of phony independence, others who are still fight-
ing to attain sovereignty and others again who have obtained complete freedom
but who live under the constant menace of imperialist aggression. . . ." JeanPaul Sartre, "Preface" to Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth (New York,
1968), 10.
25. Fred Fejes, "Media Imperialism: An Assessment," Media, Culture &
Society (3) (1981): 284-85.
26. Raquel Salinas and Leena Paldan, "Culture in the Process of Dependent
Development: Theoretical Perspectives," in Kaarle Nordenstreng and Herbert I.
Schiller, eds., National Sovereignty and International Communication (Norwood,
1979), 84.
27. "One avenue of research that shows hope of progress particularly to
communication researchers," he continued, "is the work by literary scholars and
some communication researchers which attempts to explicate the symbolic universe that is contained in the content of the mass media in dependent societies
and relate this to the overall system of dependency. . . . Such works are useful
to communication researchers in that they establish a baseline for the content of
the media which enables researchers to say something about the products of the
transnational media in dependent societies. The next stepgoing from a discussion of the content of the popular media to a study of its actual impact on the
lives and human relationships of Third World populationsis, of course, an
extremely difficult step. . . ." Fejes, "Media Imperialism," 286, 287.1 remember conversations during 1978-79 in which Peter Golding, then of the Centre for
Mass Communication Research at the University of Leicester, chafed at the
difficulty of finding funds to underwrite such a studywhich, he believed,
would be of inestimable valuein an African national context.
28. Schiller, Communication and Cultural Domination, 85 (original emphasis). For a massive compendium of the same era, in which the links between
"communication and class struggle" were explicit and sustained, see Armand
Mattelart and Seth Siegelaub, Communication and Class Struggle, 2 vols. (New
York, 1979, 1983).
29. Tomlinson, Cultural Imperialism, 70-75.
30. Schiller, Communication and Cultural Domination, 16-17, quoting
Evelina Dagnino, "Cultural and Ideological Dependence: Building a Theoretical
Framework," in F. Bonilla and Robert Girling, eds., Struggles of Dependency
(Stanford, 1973). The projected social transformation of Chile, a state which, like
most other South American nations, had achieved formal political independence
during the 19th century, rested not on an armed movement for national liberation but on the electoral victory of Salvador Allende, within a continuing context
of parliamentary democracy. This context offered many important lessons for
radical analysts of communication and cultural production. The Chilean counterrevolution succeeded with strong support from the CIA and other state agencies, and from the American corporate community, most especially including the
then communications conglomerate ITT; however, the relentless attack on the
Allende Popular Unity government by the domestic media, and the domestic
social classes for which they spoke, could not be, and were not, overlooked.
Schiller, Communication and Cultural Domination; Armand Mattelart and
Michelle Mattelart, Rethinking Media Theory (Minneapolis, 1992), 180-82.
31. Herbert I. Schiller, "Computer Systems: Power for Whom and for
What?," Journal of Communication 28 (4) (1978): 192.
munication and Cultural Domination; Many Voices, One World (MacBride Report)
(London, 1980); Armand Mattelart, Multinational Corporations and the Control of
Culture (Sussex, 1979); Alan Wells, Picture-Tube Imperialism? (Maryknoll, N.Y.,
1972); Jeremy Tunstall, The Media Are American (Beverly Hills, 1977); Thomas
H. Guback and Tapio Varis, Transnational Communication and Cultural Industries
(Paris, 1982).
55. Fanon, Wretched of the Earth, 203, quoted in Schiller, Mass Communications, 162.
56. Everett M. Rogers, "Communication and Development: The Passing of
the Dominant Paradigm," Communication Research 3, no. 2 (April 1976):
57. Schiller, Mass Communications, 121-22.
58. Kaarle Nordenstreng, The Mass Media Declaration of UNESCO (Norwood, 1984).
59. Schiller, Communication and Cultural Domination, 8489, makes explicit mention of such issues.
60. Ahmad, In Theory, 40. This theme has been a regular preoccupation of
leading contemporary novelists. In anglophone and francophone African contexts, see Ngugi Wa Thiong'o, Devil on the Cross (London, 1982); and Sembene
Ousmane, The Last of the Empire (London, 1983); Chinua Achebe, Anthills of the
Savannah (New York, 1988).
61. Nordenstreng, Mass Media Declaration of UNESCO. This of course is not
to imply that critical research in international communications has not continued, but only to say that its ability to energize and influence the larger field has
been attenuated. For a recent example of continuing radical revisionism in this
subfield, see Gerald Sussman and John Lent, Transnational Communications
(Newbury Park, 1991).
62. Williams, Culture and Society, 312.
63. Stuart Hall, "The Emergence of Cultural Studies and the Crisis of the
Humanities," October 53 (Summer 1990): 11-23 at 12; Patrick Brantlinger,
Crusoe's Footprints: Cultural Studies in Britain and America (New York, 1990);
Michael Denning, "The Academic Left and the Emergence of Cultural Studies,"
Radical History Review 54 (Fall 1992): 21-47; John Clarke, New Times and Old
Enemies (London, 1991), 1-19, esp. 10-11; Richard Hoggart, The Uses of Literacy
(1957; New York, 1970); Williams, Culture and Society; Raymond Williams, The
Long Revolution 2nd ed. (Harmondsworth, 1965); E. P. Thompson, William
Morris Romantic to Revolutionary (1955; New York, 1961); E. P. Thompson,
The Making of the English Working Class 2nd ed. (Harmondsworth, 1968);
E. P. Thompson, "The Long Revolution," New Left Review 9 (May-June 1961):
24-33; and 10 (July-Aug. 1961): 34-39. Indispensable complements to Hall's
essay in October, cited in this footnote, are Raymond Williams's discussions in
"The Future of Cultural Studies," which was produced from a transcript of a
lecture, and "The Uses of Cultural Theory," both in Williams, The Politics of
Modernism (London, 1989).
64. "Indeed, it can hardly be stressed too strongly that Cultural Studies, in
the sense we now understand it, for all its debts to its Cambridge predecessors,
occurred in adult education: in the WEA, in the extramural Extension classes.
. . . as a matter of fact, already in the late forties, and with notable precedents in
army education during the war . . . Cultural Studies was extremely active in
adult education." Williams, Politics of Modernism, 154. See also Hall, "Emergence of Cultural Studies," 12.
65. E. P. Thompson, The Poverty of Theory (London, 1978), 199.
66. Richard Hoggart and Raymond Williams, "Working Class Attitudes,"
New Left Review 1 (Jan.-Feb. 1960): 26.
67. Raymond Williams, "Working Class Culture," Universities and Left Review 1 (2) (Summer 1957): 30.
68. Stuart Hall, "The 'First' New Left: Life and Times," in Robin Archer et
al., eds., Out of Apathy (London, 1989), 26, 27.
69. In ibid., 37.
70. "This category of culturalism is constructed from some sloppy and impressionistic history. . . . In the mid- 1950s Richard Hoggart's attitude to Marxism was one of explicit hostility, Raymond Williams's was one of active critique,
Stuart Hall's (I would surmise) was one of sceptical ambivalence, whereas, from
1956 onwards, the Reasoner group, with which was associated, closely or
loosely, a number of Marxist historians . . . was attempting to defend, reexamine and extend the Marxist tradition at a time of political and theoretical
disaster." E. P. Thompson, "The Politics of Theory," in R. Samuel, ed., People's
History and Socialist Theory (London, 1981), 397. See also Hall, "The 'First' New
Left," 21-23.
71. Hoggart, Uses of Literacy, 280, 23-24.
72. Hall, "Emergence of Cultural Studies," 12. Compare Stuart Hall, "A
Sense of Classlessness," Universities and Left Review 1 (5) (Autumn 1958):
73. For a thoroughgoing treatment, see Francis Mulhern, The Moment of
Scrutiny (London, 1979).
74. Raymond Williams, "Fiction and the Writing Public," Essays in Criticism 1 (4) (Oct. 1957): 422-23, 425.
75. Raymond Williams, "Class and Voting in Britain," Monthly Review 11
(9) (Jan. 1960): 327.
76. Williams, Culture and Society, 283.
77. Thompson, William Morris.
78. Thompson, "The Long Revolution."
79. Thompson, Making of the English Working Class, 9-10, 11.
80. Thompson, "Peculiarities of the English," in idem, Poverty of Theory,
85, original emphasis.
81. For an extended and provocative treatment of Thompson's thinking,
see Perry Anderson, Arguments within English Marxism (London, 1980).
82. Editorial, Universities and Left Review 1 (1) (Spring 1957): i.
83. Raymond Williams, "The British Elections," The Nation 199 (8) (Sept.
28, 1964): 155.
84. Editorial, Universities and Left Review 1 (1) (Spring 1957): i.
85. Stuart Hall, "The Supply of Demand," in E. P. Thompson, Kenneth
Alexander, Stuart Hall, Alasdair Maclntyre, Ralph Samuel, and Peter Worsley,
Out of Apathy (London, 1960), 70. Thanks to Michael Meranze for making
available this text.
86. Hall, "Emergence of Cultural Studies," 12.
87. Williams, "British Elections," 156.
Studies and the Centre: Some Problematics and Problems," in Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, Culture, Media, Language (London, 1980), 28.
117. Williams, Long Revolution, 63, 62.
118. Williams, Culture and Society, 320. "A man cannot be interpreted in
terms of some original sin of class; he is where he is, and with the feelings he has;
his life has to be lived with his own experience, not with someone else's." Ibid.,
292. And, in 1961: "Comparative studies of different societies have added to our
historical evidence to show how various are the learned systems of behaviour
and attitudes which groups of human beings adopt. Bach of these systems, while
it lasts, is the form of a society, a pattern of culture to which most of its individual
members are successfully trained." Williams, Long Revolution, 98.
119. Williams, Long Revolution, 54, 56.
120. Ibid., 61.
121. "Any theoretical account of the analysis of culture," wrote Williams,
"must submit to be tested in the course of actual analysis." Long Revolution, 70.
Williams thereby established a crucial point of common ground with Thompson.
122. Ibid., 55.
123. Ibid., 11-12.
124. Ibid., 139.
125. Raymond Williams, Drama from Ibsen to Brecht (London, 1968),
126. Martin Jay, Marxism and Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from
Lukacs to Habermas (Berkeley, 1984), 14. Jay notes that "[ajside from several
suggestive references to culture as a 'whole way of life' in the early work of
Williams, totality did not really enter the English debate until the Althusserian
wave of the 1970s." Jay, Marxism and Totality: 4 n. 7. Cf. Stuart Hall, "Culture,
the Media and the 'Ideological Effect,'" in James Curran, Michael Gurevitch,
and Janet Woollacott, Mass Communication and Society (London, 1977), 319-20.
127. Raymond Williams, "Literature and Sociology: In Memory of Lucien
Goldman," New Left Review 67 (May-June 1971): 10.
128. Georg Lukacs, History and Class Consciousness (Cambridge, 1971), 27.
For discussion of Lukacs's concept of the totality in this work, see Jay, Marxism
and Totality, 102-27.
129. Ibid., 109.
130. Lukacs, History and Class Consciousness, 92. Lukacs himself wrote that
"[t]he journalist's 'lack of convictions,' the prostitution of his experiences and
beliefs is comprehensible only as the apogee of capitalist reification." Ibid., 100.
Yet those inclined to Althusser's structural Marxism (of which more in the next
chapter) sometimes faulted Lukacs for neglecting "the whole institutional superstructure of bourgeois class power: parties, reformist trade unions, newspapers,
schools, churches, families. . . ." For Lukacs, in this account, "the bourgeoisie
maintains its ideological rule, not through the corporeal communication of its
political organizations, voluntary associations, press or educational systems but
solely through the ghostly discourse of commodities." Gareth Stedman Jones,
"The Marxism of the Early Georg Lukacs," in New Left Review, Western Marxism: A Critical Reader (London, 1978), 40. For a useful account of Lukacs's life,
see Arpad Kadarkay, Georg Lukacs: Life, Thought, and Politics (Cambridge,
131. Williams, "Literature and Sociology," 11.
the British Left is again open and active." Raymond Williams, "The British Left,"
New Left Review 30 (March-April 1965): 26.
158. Williams, Communications, 181. Already in 1966 he had hinted at
an even stronger position, writing of Britain as "a society powered by great
economic inequality and by organised manipulation." Williams, Modern
Tragedy, 79.
159. Hall, "New Revolutionaries," 182, 207, 217.
160. Williams, "Culture and Revolution: A Response," in Eagleton and
Wicker, eds., From Culture to Revolution, 297.
161. Williams, "Culture and Revolution: A Comment," in ibid., 31, 30.
162. Williams, "Culture and Revolution: A Response," 297.
163. Williams, "Culture and Revolution: A Comment," 29.
164. Williams, "Culture and Revolution: A Response," 297-98.
165. Ibid., 298-99.
166. Ibid., 308.
167. Stuart Hall, Chas Critcher, Tony Jefferson, John Clarke, and Brian
Roberts, Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State, and Law and Order (London,
1978), 318.
168. Williams, "Notes on Marxism," 87.
169. Stuart Hall, "Gramsci and Us," Marxism Today 31(6) (June 1987): 21.
170. Alexander Cockburn, "Introduction," in Alexander Cockburn and
Robin Blackburn, eds., Student Power/Problems, Diagnosis, Action (Baltimore,
1969), 16.
171. Juliet Mitchell, "Women: The Longest Revolution," New Left Review
40 (Nov.-Dec. 1966): 11-37.
172. Hall, "Gramsci and Us," 20.
173. Hall, "Cultural Studies and the Centre," 38. According to Grossberg,
the denizens of Hall's Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies were, as early as
1968, "exploring issues of the gendered relations of power, without assuming
that these were merely epiphenomenal expressions of deeper, more real,
bottom-line economic or class relations." Lawrence Grossberg, "Cultural
Studies vs. Political Economy: Is Anyone Else Bored with This Debate?," Critical
Studies in Mass Communication 12 (1) (March 1995): 77. Thanks to Lora Taub for
this timely reference.
174. Stuart Hall, "Cold Comfort Farm," in idem, The Hard Road to Renewal
(London, 1988).
Alfred Sohn-Rethell, Intellectual and Manual Labour (London, 1978), xii. That
there existed a "sociological deficit" in Critical Theorylately underlined by
Axel Honneth and other writersmay be inferred from the following earlier
admission that ". . . if the work of Adorno nowhere yields that bald statement
about the administered world which would seem to be its presupposition, if he
nowhere takes the trouble to express in outright sociological terms that theory of
the structure of the 'institutionalized society' which serves as a hidden explanation and essential cross-reference for all the phenomena under analysis, this is to
be explained not only by the fact that such material belongs to a study of the
infrastructure rather than of ideological materials, and that it is already implicit
in classical Marxist economics, but above all by the feeling that such outright
statements, such outright presentations of sheer content, are stylistically
wrong. . . ." Fredric Jameson, Marxism and Form (Princeton, 1971), 54; Axel
Honneth, "Max Horkheimer and the Sociological Deficit of Critical Theory," in
Seyla Benhabib, Wolfgang Bonss, and John McCole, eds., On Max Horkheimer
(Cambridge, 1993), 187-214; and Moishe Postone and Barbara Brick, "Critical
Theory and Political Economy," in ibid., 215-56. Following Perry Anderson, it is
reasonable to see this "deficit" as a concomitant feature of Western Marxism's
general divorce from political practice. But why this divorce occurred initially
requires further explanation. Perry Anderson, Considerations on Western Marxism
(London, 1979), 42-48 at 44.
4. See also Perry Anderson, "The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci," New
Left Review 100 (Nov. 1976-Jan. 1977): 41-46.
5. Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism; Or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (Durham, 1990), xviii.
6. Martin Jay, Marxism and Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from
Lukacs to Habermas (Berkeley, 1984), 109.
7. Jay, Marxism and Totality, 212, 270-71.
8. Sohn-Rethell, Intellectual and Manual Labour, 34.
9. See, for example, in addition to later references, James O'Connor, "Productive and Unproductive Labor," Politics and Society 5 (3) (1975); 297-336;
Erik Olin Wright, Class, Crisis and the State (London, 1978), 30-61; Ian Gough,
"Marx's Theory of Productive and Unproductive Labour," New Left Review 76
(Nov.-Dec. 1972): 47-72. Ernest Mandel gives strong hints of an emphasis on
the existence of the wage relation as the key arbiter of labor's productive status,
but even here there are qualifications. Mandel, Marxist Economic Theory (New
York, 1968), I: 191-92, 206.
10. Nicos Poulantzas, Classes in Contemporary Capitalism (London, 1975),
211, 213, 214, 222.
11. Harry Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work
in the 20th Century (New York, 1974), 410-23.
12. Paul A. Baran and Paul M. Sweezy, Monopoly Capital (New York,
1966), 130-31, 141.
13. Ali Rattansi, Marx and the Division of Labour (London, 1982), 139.
14. Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital, 13.
15. Stuart Hall, "A Sense of Classlessness," Universities and Left Review 1
(5) (Autumn 1958): 27, 32. Around the same time, Williams cited Marx's distinction between base and superstructure to make the point "that changes in the
latter are necessarily subject to a different and less precise mode of investigation." Williams, Culture and Society, 266.
16. Stuart M. Hall, "The New Conservatism and the Old," Universities and
Left Review 1 (1) (Spring 1957): 22, 21.
17. Hall, "A Sense of Classlessness," 26.
18. George Orwell, The Lion and the Unicorn (London, 1941), 112, 54. Cf.
Cross, Time and Money, 74. Hall, as we shall see, later took up Orwell's implied
suggestion, in an in-depth study of Picture Post.
19. Hall, "A Sense of Classlessness," 31 (order of quotations altered). The
previous year Hoggart had concluded about "an emerging Classlessness" that "in
at least one sense we are indeed becoming classlessthat is the great majority of
us are being merged into one class. We are becoming culturally classless." Hoggart, Uses of Literacy, 279.
20. Hall, "The Supply of Demand," 81, 83.
21. Stuart Hall, "The New Revolutionaries," in T. Eagleton and B. Wicker,
eds., From Culture to Revolution (London, 1968), 182-222.
22. Williams, Culture and Society, 298.
23. Raymond Williams, "Notes on Marxism in Britain since 1945," New
Left Review 100 (Nov. 1976-Jan. 1977): 87.
24. During Hall's stint as editor of New Left Review, in 1960-61, Williams
defended his policy of according emphasis on "new cultural styles . . . in a
language that differed from the typical left magazine" against pressures emanating from editorial board members, notably including Thompson, who thought
that the journal should take up a more traditional political role in the movement.
Willaims, Politics and Letters, 365.
25. Hall, "The Supply of Demand," 86. 96, 93, 95-96.
26. Stuart Hall and Paddy Whannel, The Popular Arts (New York, 1965),
15, original emphases. The connection of this work to the National Union of
Teachers is appropriately emphasized by John Storey, An Introductory Guide to
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture (Athens, 1993), 60.
27. Hall and Whannel, Popular Arts, 67.
28. Ibid., 45.
29. Ibid., 363.
30. Ibid., 384.
31. Ibid., 380, 382. In this work, the debt to Leavis, as much as to Williams, is unmistakable, a point aptly emphasized by Storey, Guide to Cultural
Theory, 44.
32. Stuart Hall, "The Social Eye of Picture Post," Working Papers in Cultural
Studies no. 2 (1971/72): 89, 87, 103.
33. Hall, "The Social Eye," 100-101, original emphasis.
34. Stuart Hall, Chas Critcher, Tony Jefferson, John Clarke, and Brian Roberts, Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State, and Law and Order (London, 1978).
35. Stuart Hall, "Signification, Representation, Ideology: Althusser and the
Post-Structuralist Debates," Critical Studies in Mass Communication 2 (2) (June
1985): 97.
36. Hall, "Williams Interviews," 313-14, original emphasis. Hall's attempt
to work through the theoretical issues surrounding the idea of a complex totality
is best expressed in Stuart Hall, "Marx's Notes on Method: A 'Reading' of the
'1857 Introduction,'" Working Papers in Cultural Studies 6 (1974): 132-70, and
Stuart Hall, "The 'Political' and the 'Economic' in Marx's Theory of Classes," in
Alan Hunt, ed., Class and Class Structure (London, 1977), 15-60.
37. Alex Callinicos, Marxism and Philosophy (Oxford, 1983), 95, as quoted
in Gregory Elliott, "Introduction" to Louis Althusser, Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists (1965; London, 1990), xii.
38. Hall, "The Rediscovery of 'Ideology/ " 83. In the pages of the theoretical journal of the British Communist Party, Hall later repeated this assertion:
"[D]o not fall into the trap of the old mechanical economism and believe that, if
you can only get hold of the economy, you can move the rest of life. The nature
of power in the modern world is that it is also constructed in relation to political, moral, intellectual, cultural, ideological, sexual questions." Stuart Hall,
"Gramsci and Us," Marxism Today 31 (6) (June 1987): 20-21, original emphasis.
39. These are reviewed in Peter Golding and Graham Murdock, "Ideology
and the Mass Media: The Question of Determination," in Michele Barrett, Philip
Corrigan, Annette Kuhn, and Janet Wolff, Ideology and Cultural Production (London, 1979), 198-224.
40. Stuart Hall, "Introduction to Media Studies at the Centre," in Center
for Contemporary Cultural Studies, Culture, Media, Language (London, 1980),
41. Louis Althusser and Etienne Balibar, Reading Capital (London,
1970), 13.
42. Louis Althusser, For Marx (London, 1990), 113. For Hall's appreciative
comment, see Stuart Hall, "Rethinking the 'Base-and-Superstructure' Metaphor," in Jon Bloomfield, ed., Papers on Class, Hegemony and Party (London,
1977), 68.
43. Louis Althusser, "Contradiction and Overdetermination," New Left Review 41 (Jan.-Feb. 1967): 31, 32, original emphasis.
44. Louis Althusser, "Theory, Theoretical Practice and Theoretical Formation: Ideology and Ideological Struggle," in Althusser, Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy, 6. See also Althusser and Balibar, Reading Capital, 58.
45. Althusser, "Theory, Theoretical Practice," 23.
46. Ibid., 24.
47. Althusser, For Marx, 233, original emphasis.
48. Althusser, "Theory, Theoretical Practice," 25. "What does it mean,
then, to say that ideologies are basically unconscious?" asks Althusser's onetime
collaborator, Etienne Balibar, in a recent essay: "Not that they would lack consciousness: rather, they produce forms of consciousness for individuals and
groups, that is, modes of representation, modes of 'being in the world' and
subjective identities, always already knit together with non-representative elements (such as hopes, fears, beliefs, moral or immoral values, moves toward
liberation or dominationpossibly both). In doing so they must depend on
conditions that no 'subject' can ever master or create himself: material constraints from the division of labor, the forms of property, etc., and the no less
material constraints of language, desire, sexuality, etc. Ideologies are the various
historical forms in which unconscious conditions can be elaborated to allow
individuals and groups to imagine their own practices." Etienne Balibar, "The
Non-Contemporaneity of Althusser," in E. Ann Kaplan and Michael Sprinker,
The Althusserian Legacy (London, 1993), 10. This entire collection contains
much useful material.
Taking Soaps Seriously (New York, 1987). This research converged with a series
of related U.S. studies, influenced by phenomenological and organizational sociology. See Gaye Tuchman, "Objectivity as a Strategic Ritual: An Examination of
Newsmen's Notions of Objectivity," American Journal of Sociology 77 (1971-72):
660-79; Harvey Molotch and Marilyn Lester, "News as Purposive Behavior,"
American Sociological Review 39 (1974): 101-12; idem, "Accidental News,"
American Journal of Sociology 81 (2) (1975): 235-60.
60. Dallas W. Smythe, "Communications: Blindspot of Western Marxism,"
Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 1 (3) (Fall 1977): 1-27. Smythe
was far from alone in his effort to treat consumption as labor; for another
significant attempt along these lines see James O'Connor, "Productive and Unproductive Labor," Politics and Society 5 (3) (1975): 297-336, esp. 314-15.
61. Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings, ed. Mark Poster (Stanford, 1988),
21. One authority writes that, for Baudrillard, "the imperatives of an entire
system of needs and objects require a vast labor to learn about the products, to
master their use and to earn the money and leisure to purchase and use them.
Consumption is thus productive activity" and even "a kind of labor." Douglas
Kellner, Jean Baudrillard: From Marxism to Postmodernism and Beyond (Stanford,
1989), 13, 19.
62. Althusser, "Theory, Theoretical Practice," 16.
63. Althusser, Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy, 82.
64. Althusser, "Theory, Theoretical Practice," 30-31, original emphasis.
However, Althusser also added, "the Party refuses to reserve the knowledge of
theory as a monopoly for some specialists, leaders and intellectuals. . . ."Ibid.,
41. The link between intellectuals, as the supposed bearers of correct theory, and
the working class, as the purported bearer of practice, as I have already asserted,
has been of long and deeply problematic standing within Marxism.
65. Althusser, "Theory, Theoretical Practice," 37-38, original emphasis.
66. Cf. ibid., 16.
67. Althusser, "On Theoretical Work: Difficulties and Resources" (orig.
1967), in Althusser, Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy, 51, 45.
68. Althusser, "Theory, Theoretical Practice," 26.
69. Althusser and Balibar, Reading Capital. For "anthropological ideology
of labour," 172.
70. Ibid., 59.
71. Jay, Marxism and Totality, 394, 399-^01.
72. See Gregory Elliott, "Althusser's Solitude," in E. Ann Kaplan and Michael Sprinker, eds., The Althusserian Legacy (London, 1993), 26; and Ted Benton, The Rise and Fall of Structural Marxism: Althusser and His Influence (London,
1984), 36.
73. In Elliott, "Althusser's Solitude," 31. See also Sebastiano Timpanaro,
On Materialism (London, 1980), 170, 176.
74. Frederick J. Newmayer, The Politics of Linguistics (Chicago, 1986),
6, 28.
75. Fredric Jameson, The Prison-House of Language (Princeton, 1973), 106.
76. "For there is not one side of theory, a pure intellectual vision without
body or materialityand another of completely material practice which 'gets its
hands dirty,'" writes Althusser in regard to the concept of practice. Althusser
and Balibar, Reading Capital, 58.
it situates discourse within the field of "four major social processes . . . : the
political, the economic, the social and the cultural." Ibid., 1.
91. In his previous spirited defense of a social totality comprised of distinct
but "differentiated" instances. Hall, "Marx's Method," 147-51.
92. Hall, "Signification, Representation, Ideology," 100.
93. Jay, Marxism and Totality, 412.
94. Antonio Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebooks (New York,
1971), 8.
95. Hall, "Cultural Studies and the Centre: Some Problematics and Problems," 30.
96. E. P. Thompson, "Caudwell," in Miliband and Saville, eds., Socialist
Register 1977, 242.
97. Larry Grossberg, We Gotta Get Out of This Place (New York, 1992), 43,
47. Hall's later criticism of the engagement with structuralism never concedes
this point: [T]he impact of structuralism, one must repeat, does not consist of
positions unqualifiedly subscribed to. We must acknowledge a major theoretical
intervention. . . . It obliged us really to rethink the 'cultural' as a set of practices: to think of the material conditions of signification and its necessary determinateness." Hall, "Cultural Studies and the Centre: Some Problematics and
Problems," 31.
98. "What is the nature of this ideology which can inscribe such a vast
range of different positions and interests in it, and which seems to represent a
little bit of everybody. . . . What Thatcherism, as an ideology, does, is to address the fears, the anxieties, the lost identities, of a people." Hall, "Gramsci and
Us," 19.
99. E. Veron, quoted in Hall, "Rediscovery of 'Ideology,'" 71, 70. This
tendency to exaggerate ideology's domain in turn was attacked, without confronting the need to place "the specificity of the cultural" on a distinctly different
basis, in Nicholas Abercrombie, Stephen Hill, and Bryan S. Turner, The Dominant Ideology Thesis (London, 1980). Cf. Eagleton, Ideology, 149.
100. John Fiske, "Television: Polysemy and Popularity," Critical Studies in
Mass Communication 3 (4) (Dec. 1986): 405, 392.
101. Cf. Jay, Marxism and Totality, 390.
102. Stuart Hall, "Recent Developments in Theories of Language and Ideology: A Critical Note," in Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, Culture,
Media, Language, 157-62; and Chris Weedon, Andrew Tolson, and Frank Mort,
"Introduction to Language Studies at the Centre," in ibid., 177-85. The reformulation toward "semiology and the theory of the subject" was exemplified
by Rosalind Coward and John Ellis, Language and Materialism (London, 1977).
103. "[T]hough ideology and language were intimately linked, they could
not be one and the same thing." Hall, "Rediscovery of 'Ideology,'" 80.
104. Hall, "Cultural Studies and the Centre," 283 n. 58.
105. Hall, "Rediscovery of'Ideology/" 65.
106. Stuart Hall, "The 'Political' and the 'Economic' In Marx's Theory of
Classes," in Alan Hunt, ed., Class and Class Structure (London, 1977), 23.
107. Hall, "Marx's Notes," 151. On the other side of the historical divide
announced by Prime Minister Thatcher's unrelenting counterattack on the British working class, furthermore, Hall's socialism generated unease about the
more glaring forms of idealism which were now running rampant through academe. He wished to be "dissociated," Hall now declared, from "the discourse
theoretical approach to the analysis of whole social formations, or ... the idea
that the production of new subjectivities provides, in itself, an adequate theory of
ideology (as opposed to a critical aspect of its functioning)." Stuart Hall, "Authoritarian Populism: A Reply to Jessop et al.," New Left Review 151 (May-June
1985): 121. See also Hall, The Hard Road to Renewal, 10. Around this same time
Hall also characterized cultural studies as having made a "headlong rush into
structuralism and theoreticism." "Stuart Hall: Discussion," in Gary Nelson and
Lawrence Grossberg, eds., Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture (Urbana,
1988), 69. With the disclaimer that he had never assumed "economic questions
to be residual or unimportant," and the ability to point to real although limited
evidence, certainly throughout the 1970s, that the synthetic study favored by
Williams retained legitimacy in the Centre's work, Hall now offered this rather
sympathetic self-justification: "I work on the political/ideological dimension (a)
because I happen to have some competence in that area, and (b) because it is
often either neglected or reductively treated by the left. . . ." Hall, "Authoritarian Populism," 121. The closest Hall would come to an integrative synthesis
was to unite "culture," now inflected toward "ideology," with the state; a
displacement of the economic which drew criticism by the end of the 1970s from
Peter Golding and Graham Murdock: "Stuart Hall, like Williams, maintains that
questions of economic determination are central to a Marxist sociology of culture. However, unlike Williams they make no significant appearance in his
substantive analysis of the contemporary mass media. They are announced and
placed in a theoretical bracket." Golding and Murdock, "Ideology and the Mass
Media," 204.
108. David Morley, Television, Audiences and Cultural Studies (New York,
1992); Hall et al., Policing the Crisis.
109. Paul Willis, Learning to Labor (1977; New York, 1981), 192.
110. Carey, Communication as Culture, 51.
111. James W. Carey, "Communications and Economics," in Robert E.
Babe, ed., Information and Communication in Economics (Boston, 1994),
325, 329.
112. Wilbur Schramm and Donald F. Roberts, The Process and Effects of
Mass Communication, 3d ed. (Urbana, 1971), 5. Murdock and Golding took issue
with this approach in their 1978 article, "Theories of Communication and Theories of Society."
113. Stuart Hall, "Negotiating Caribbean Identities," New Left Review 209
(Jan./Feb. 1995): 12-13.
114. Hall et al., Policing the Crisis, 55. John Fiske's conception of language
filters Hall through Foucault and Bakhtin: "Language is a crucial site of struggle,
for of all our circulation systems it is the one with the widest terrain of operation.
It works extensively across the globe and across the nation to spread its own
preferred ways of thinking, and intensively to carry the same cultural work into
the innermost areas of consciousness. A language is a historical product and has
inscribed within it the knowledges that serve the interests of the social formations who have dominated that history. Though it is a resource available to all
members of a society, it is neither neutral, nor equally available." John Fiske,
Power Plays, Power Works (London, 1993), 31.
significantly, at the community colleges and comprehensive four-year institutions where most working-class and minority students were enrolled. See "Fellowships," Chronicle of Higher Education (Oct. 14, 1992): A15.
127. Hall, "Cultural Studies and the Centre: Some Problematics and Problems," 26.
128. Hall continues that this was simply "politics by other means," but the
use of "retreat" remains pivotal. Stuart Hall, "The Emergence of Cultural Studies
and the Crisis of the Humanities," October 53 (Summer 1990): 12.
129. Hall, "Emergence of Cultural Studies," 12.
130. Perry Anderson, English Questions (London, 1992), 238. See also
Perry Anderson, "Components of the National Culture," in Alexander Cockburn
and Robin Blackburn, eds., Student Power/Problems, Diagnosis, Action (Baltimore, 1969), 268-76.
131. Perry Anderson, In the Tracks of Historical Materialism (London,
1983), 33, 68, 74.
132. Ahmad, In Theory, 192.
133. Graham Murdock, "Across the Great Divide: Cultural Analysis and
the Condition of Democracy," Critical Studies in Mass Communication 12 (1)
(March 1995): 91.
134. For some indications, see Ellen Meiksins Wood, The Retreat from Class
(London, 1986).
135. Hall, "Gramsci and Us," 16.
136. Stuart Hall, "Notes on Deconstructing 'The Popular,'" in Raphael
Samuel, ed., People's History and Socialist Theory (London, 1981), 238.
137. John Fiske, in "Popular Cultures: Summary Perspectives," civitas:
Cultural Studies at MIT, 2, no. 3 (Spring 1993): 12.
138. George Lipsitz, A Life in the Struggle (Philadelphia, 1988).
139. Fredric Jameson, "Reification and Utopia in Mass Culture," Social Text
1 (1) (1979): 139.
140. John Fiske, "Television: Polysemy and Popularity," 392. One often
might have difficulty distinguishing why one "struggle" should be seen as better
than the next. The effect of even a well-intentioned stress on resistance, as
Richard Butsch observes, is therefore often to "erase questions of domination . . . from the agenda." Richard Butsch, "Introduction: Leisure and Hegemony," in idem, ed., For Fun and Profit (Philadelphia, 1990), 5. See Mike
Budd, Robert M. Entman, and Clay Steinman, "The Affirmative Character of
U.S. Cultural Studies," Critical Studies in Mass Communication 7, no. 2 (June
1990): 169-84.
141. Fiske, Power Plays.
142. Edward Said, Culture and Imperialism (New York, 1992), retreats from
this earlier position. Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, The Empire
Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures (London, 1989). See
Ahmad, In Theory.
143. Paul Gilroy, The Black Atlantic (Cambridge, 1993), 31, 32.
144. The best work on this general subject is Oscar H. Gandy, Jr., The
Panoptic Sort: A Political Economy of Personal Information (Boulder, 1993). A
congenial counterpart is Stuart Ewen, All Consuming Images (New York, 1988).
145. For journalistic accounts of media articulation toward gays, minorities, and women, respectively, see Andrew Jacobs, "Mainstream Advertisers
Dare Speak Their Names in Formerly Taboo Media," San Diego Union-Tribune,
May 22, 1994, p. 11; Bruce Horovitz, "Major Sponsors Warming Up to the Gay
Games," Los Angeles Times, June 7, 1994, p. Dl; Bruce Horovitz, "More Advertisers Are Tailoring TV Spots to Ethnicity of Viewers," Los Angeles Times, May 3,
1994, p. Dl; Catherine Jordan, "Go Ahead, Make Her Day," Los Angeles Times,
April 26, 1994, p. Dl. As I write, even as affirmative action is under siege,
"ethnic marketing" appears to be still gaining ground. Leah Rickard and Jeanne
Whalen, "Retail Trails Ethnic Changes," Advertising Age, May 1, 1995, p. 1,41.
146. A reliance that Hall condemned for always threatening to slide back
into "a complex class reductionism." Hall, "Cultural Studies and the Centre,"
38. See also Joan Scott, Gender and the Politics of History (New York, 1988). For
some pointed dissents to the "cultural racism" that underlay some left positions,
see Paul Gilroy, There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack (Chicago, 1987), 49-50;
Hall, "Culture, Community, Nation," 35761; for a further extension see Gauri
Viswanathan, "Raymond Williams and British Colonialism: The Limits of Metropolitan Cultural Theory," in Dennis L. Dworkin and Leslie G. Roman, Views
Beyond the Border Country: Raymond Williams and Cultural Politics (New York,
1993), 217-30.
147. Hall, "Culture, Community, Nation," 361.
148. Fiske, Power Plays, 43.
149. Krishan Kumar, Prophecy and Progress: The Sociology of Industrial and
Post-Industrial Society (Harmondsworth, 1978), 235.
150. Marshall S. Shatz, Jan Waclaw Machajski: A Radical Critic of the Russian Intelligentsia and Socialism (Pittsburgh, 1989); for Bell's allusion to this
tradition, Daniel Bell, The End of Ideology 2nd ed. (Cambridge, 1988), 355-57.
For a useful bibliographic assessment, see Alvin W. Gouldner, The Future of the
Intellectuals and the Rise of the New Class (London, 1979), 94-101.
151. Bell not only had spent years covering "labor" for Luce's Fortune
magazine, but also had grown unusually familiar, both through study and via
personal association (among others, with Lewis Corey and Max Nomad), with
the enigmas introduced specifically into Marxism by the need to grapple with
"intellectual" work.
152. The latter accorded special emphasis to the "distinctive language behavior," or "culture of discourse," and to the similarly anomalous "human
capital," said to be embodied in the new class. Gouldner, Future of Intellectuals,
7, 5, 21-27.
153. Daniel Bell, "Introduction to the Harbinger Edition," in Thorstein
Veblen, The Engineers and the Price System (New York, 1963), 34-35.
154. Thorstein Veblen, The Engineers and the Price System (New York,
1921), 28.
155. Ibid., 132, 133, 55; Bell, "Introduction," 28.
156. Lewis Corey, The Crisis ofthe New Middle Class (New York, 1992), 323,
194; cf. 349.
157. Harold D. Lasswell, "The Psychology of Hitlerism," Political Quarterly
4 (1933): 376-77.
158. Michael Rogers Rubin and Mary Taylor Huber, The Knowledge Industry in the United States, 1960-1980 (Princeton, 1986), 194-95.
159. "The proliferation of new jobs in the mass-culture industries and in
the growing college and university system had helped the intellectuals to become
absorbed into the permanent war economy" was the way in which Hofstadter, a
historian, characterized the leading criticism of these developments. Richard
Hofstadter, Anti-Intellectualism in American Life (New York, 1963), 394, 396.
160. Ibid., 6.
161. Ibid., 21.
162. Bell, "Introduction," 29, 34, 35.
163. Daniel Bell, "The Third Technological Revolution," Dissent 36 (2)
(1989): 169.
164. Bell, End of Ideology, 44, 45.
165. Daniel Bell, The Coming of Post-Industrial Society (New York, 1976),
112, 109.
166. Robert W. Lucky, Silicon Dreams (New York, 1989), 5.
167. Harlan Cleveland, The Knowledge Executive (New York, 1985), 33, 25,
34, 29.
168. Frank Webster and Kevin Robins, Information Technology: A Luddite
Analysis (Norwood, 1986), 33. Jameson, too, points out aptly that theories of
postindustrial society "have the obvious ideological mission of demonstrating, to
their own relief, that the new social formation in question no longer obeys the
laws of classical capitalism, namely, the primacy of industrial production and the
omnipresence of class struggle." Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism; or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (Durham, 1991), 3.
169. Bell, Coming of Postindustrial Society, 107, 108.
170. Daniel Bell, "The Social Framework of the Information Society," in
Michael L. Dertouzos and Joel Moses, eds., The Computer Age: A Twenty-Year
View (Cambridge, 1979), 178; cf. Webster and Robins, Information Technology,
171. Bell, "Social Framework," 168.
172. Cf. Burton W. Adkinson, Two Centuries of Federal Information
(Stroudsburg, Pa., 1978), 29-78.
173. An African American packinghouse worker and trade unionist interviewed at his home in Chicago in the mid-1960s (Studs Terkel, Division Street
America (1967; New York, 1993), (134135)) "walks over to the piano, removes the plastic cover, and noodles some roughhewn blues chords as he talks.
" 'I call this culture. That's my best definition of culture. When people are
oppressed, sometimes they have to have some way . . . Mahalia [Jackson] is a
typical example of what I'm trying to say. Like when my mother died, her music
made me cry, but it gave me hope.'"
174. John P. Sears, "With Nixon: 'Politics Is GreatExcept for People/"
Los Angeles Times, April 24, 1994, p. M6.
175. Daniel Bell, "The Eclipse of Distance," Encounter 20 (5) (May 1963):
54; idem, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (New York, 1976), xi, 12.
176. Bell, Cultural Contradictions, xii, xv, 10-15; cf. Fred Block, Postindustrial Possibilities: A Critique of Economic Discourse (Berkeley, 1990), 7.
177. Eileen Marie Mahoney, "Negotiating New Information Technology
and National Development: The Role of the Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics" (Ph.D dissertation, Temple University, 1986).
178. See Gingrich's "Forward" to Alvin and Heidi Toffler, Creating a New
Civilization (Atlanta, 1995), 13-18; and Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (New York,
1994). The intellectual context for the latter work is comprehensively established
in Russell Jacoby and Naomi Glauberman, eds., The Bel! Curve Debate: History,
Documents, Opinions (New York, 1995). A shorter but equally pungent critical
reception is accorded in Steven Fraser, ed., The Bell Curve Wars: Race, Intelligence, and the Future of America (New York, 1995).
179. Herbert I. Schiller, Mass Communications and American Empire (New
York, 1969), 33.
180. John Fekete, "McLuhanacy: Counterrevolution in Cultural Theory,"
Telos no. 15 (Spring 1973): 77. It is worth noting that such linkages were
growing rather widespread. An often-cited radical media manifesto of the period
opened with these words: "With the development of the electronic media, the
industry that shapes consciousness has become the pacemaker for the social and
economic development of societies in the late industrial age. It infiltrates into all
other sectors of production. . . ." Hans Magnus Enzensberger, "Constituents of
a Theory of the Media," New Left Review 64 (Nov.-Dec. 1970): 13.
181. Herbert I Schiller, Who Knows: Information in the Age of the Fortune
500 (Norwood, 1981); idem, Information and the Crisis Economy (New York,
1988); idem, Culture, Inc. (New York, 1989). HamidMowlana, George Gerbner,
and Herbert I. Schiller, eds., Triumph of the Image (Boulder, 1992); Webster and
Robins, Information Technology; Mosco, Pushbutton Fantasies; idem, The Pay-per
Society (Norwood, 1990); Dan Schiller, Telematics and Government (Norwood,
182. See, for example, J. Davis and M. Stack, "Knowledge in Production,"
Race & Class 34 (3) (Jan.-March 1993): 1-14; Tessa Morris-Suzuki, "Capitalism
in the Computer Age," New Left Review 160 (Nov.-Dec. 1986): 81-91; and
Nicholas Garnham, Capitalism and Communication (London, 1990), 38-40.
183. Mark Poster, Foucault, Marxism and History: Mode of Production versus
Mode of Information (Oxford, 1984).
184. Mark Poster, Existential Marxism in Postwar France from Sartre to
Althusser (Princeton, 1975), esp. 52-75.
185. Althusser, "On Theoretical Work," 62, see also 45-46; and cf.
Althusser and Balibar, Reading Capital, 171-72.
186. Michel Foucault, Remarks on Marx: Conversations with Duccio Trombadori (New York, 1991), 98.
187. Foucault, Remarks on Marx, 101-2.
188. Ibid., 101.
189. "[W]hat was lacking here," he said in this later account, "was this
problem of the 'discursive regime,' of the effects of power peculiar to the play of
statements. I confused this too much with systematicity, theoretical form, or
something like a paradigm." Michel Foucault, "Truth and Power," in Paul Rabinow, ed., The Foucault Reader (New York, 1984), 55.
190. Foucault, Remarks on Marx, 85-86. A useful examination of this encounter may be found in Poster, Existential Marxism.
191. Rabinow, Foucault Reader, 59.
192. Michel Foucault, The Order of Things (New York, 1973), 168, 217.
193. Michel Foucault, The Use of Pleasure (New York, 1990), 7.
194. Foucault, Order of Things, 252, 257.
195. Ibid., 261. For the CP's continuing reliance on "the formula of increasing pauperization," see Poster, Existential Marxism, 362.
210. Foucault was to suggest that the intellectual moment of French structuralism had centered on the question of ". . . to what extent is it possible to
conduct a theoretical, rational, scientific program of research that can surpass the
laws and dogmatism of dialectical materialism?" Foucault, Remarks on Marx, 95.
211. Michel Foucault, The Archaelogy of Knowledge (New York, 1972),
125, 29.
212. Foucault, for example, later criticized semiology's approach to the
conflictful event, for which war was the prototype, as "a way of avoiding its
violent, bloody, and lethal character by reducing it to the calm Platonic form of
language and dialogue." Foucault, "Truth and Power," 57.
213. Foucault, Archaelogy of Knowledge, 229.
214. Mark Poster, "Foucault's True Discourses," Humanities in Society 2
(2), 1979, 157.
215. Poster, "Foucault's True Discourses," 156; and idem, Foucault, Marxism and History.
216. Hall found, as we saw, that he needed to identify means of distinguishing his preferred variant of cultural studies from those of rivals who, ironically,
had only transmuted his own longstanding affinities into ironclad assumptions.
For a strong sense of Hall's awareness of this tension, see Stuart Hall, "ReThinking the 'Base-and-Superstructure' Metaphor," in Jon Bloomfield, ed., Papers on Class, Hegemony and Party (London, 1977), 43-72.
217. Fiske, Power Plays, 14-15.
218. Hall, "Signification, Representation, Ideology," 106.
219. Fiske, Power Plays, 48.
220. Jameson, Prison-House of Language, 194.
221. Baudrillard's propensity for "setting up a straw-man Marx" with regard to human needs and in other respects is documented well by Douglas
Kellner, Jean Baudrillard: From Marxism to Postmodernism and Beyond (Stanford,
1989), 35, 36,41.
222. Jean Baudrillard, The Mirror of Production (St. Louis, 1975), 123.
223. Ibid., 17, 19, 20.
224. Ibid., 33, 31, original emphasis.
225. Ibid., 118-19, 42-43, 58, 109.
226. Kellner, Baudrillard, 52.
227. Baudrillard, Mirror, 51.
228. Ibid., 107, 99, 108.
229. Ibid., 130.
230. Kellner, Baudrillard, 1-32, is helpful in explicating this feature of
Baudrillard's early writing.
231. Baudrillard, Mirror, 121, 120, 144, 122. Baudrillard's extensive debt
to Lefebvre is apparent here, as the latter emphasized that, out ot the twin crises
of depression and fascism, advertising and propaganda emerged to effect a "gigantic substitution": "For work and for the worker as subject (individual and
collective) the consumer has been substituted." In Poster, Existential Marxism, 253.
232. See, for example, Mark Poster, The Mode of Information: Poststructuralism and Social Context (Chicago, 1990). Moving toward Poster's version of the
same convergence was the sociologist Fred Block's depiction of "the choice of
the label postmodern or postindustrial to describe the intellectual project of con-
9. Ibid., 364.
10. Ibid., 362.
11. Raymond Williams, Marxism and Literature (New York, 1977), 87-88.
12. Raymond Williams, "Marxism, Structuralism and Literary Analysis,"
New Left Review 129 (Sept.-Oct. 1981): 64-65.
13. Raymond Williams, Culture (n.p., 1981), 207-10, original emphasis.
14. Ibid., 145, original emphasis.
15. Hall, "Williams Interviews," 313.
16. Williams, Marxism and Literature, 94.
17. Hall, "Williams Interviews."
18. "Williams has submitted some of his own culturalist positions to a
self-critique far more thoroughgoing than any that I offered in 1961," observed
Thompson in 1981: "today I am very close indeed to Raymond Williams
on critical points of theory." E. P. Thompson, "The Politics of Theory," in
R. Samuel, ed., People's History and Socialist Theory (London, 1981), 399. On
culture as "a way of struggle," see Thompson, "The Long Revolution," 33.
Thompson gave tacit hints that he had moved toward Williams's position in an
essay from the mid-1970s: "For value will be found, most often, in particular
historical contexts, and in particular men and women's struggle with, or adjustment to, or love for, other particular women and men." Thompson, "Caudwell,"
in Ralph Miliband and John Saville, eds., The Socialist Register 1977 (New York,
1977), 256.
19. "Gramsci always insisted that hegemony is not exclusively an ideological phenomenon. There can be no hegemony without 'the decisive nucleus of
the economic.'" Stuart Hall, "Gramsci and Us," Marxism Today 31 (6) (June
1987): 20. For Gramsci, wrote Hall as early as 1980, "'[h]egemony' retains its
base in the way the productive life of societies is organized." Hall claimed that
the use of the concept by the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies could be
distinguished from that of Williams (supposedly in Marxism and Literature), who
tried to "restrict it to questions of 'cultural power' and ideology." Stuart Hall,
"Cultural Studies and the Centre: Some Problematics and Problems," in Centre
for Contemporary Cultural Studies, Culture, Media, Language (London, 1980),
36 and 286 n. 94.
20. "[T]he empirically unsustainable emphasis on the state ideological apparatus can be replaced by the more plausible proposition of control of the
ideological apparatus by a dominant class, working in general institutional and
market terms as well as (or rather than) directly through state organizations."
Williams, Culture, 222. The importance of the balance between coercion
and consent is emphasized by Perry Anderson, "The Antinomies of Antonio
Gramsci," New Left Review 100 (Nov. 1976-Jan. 1977): 5-78, esp. 44-49.
21. Williams, Long Revolution, 63.
22. Williams, Marxism and Literature, 90-94.
23. Ibid., 93. Williams had similarly written that "labor," through the early
modern period, had in its most general usage meant "all productive work." Only
as capitalism developed did it acquire the specialized meaning of work for wages.
Raymond Williams, Keywords (New York, 1983), 177.
24. Perry Anderson, English Questions (London, 1992), 239. Cf. Williams,
Marxism and Literature, 9294.
25. Karl Marx, "Theses on Feurbach," in Karl Marx and Frederick Engels,
Selected Works (New York, 1980), 29.
26. Karl Marx, "Economic and Philosophic.Manuscripts of 1844," in Karl
Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works 3, Marx and Engels: 1843-44 (Moscow, 1975), 297. For commentary on the young Marx's concept of labor, see
Douglas Kellner, Jean Baudrillard (Stanford, 1989), 41, 53; Rabinbach, Human
Motor, 72-83; Adamson, Marx and the Disillusion of Marxism, 81-82.
27. Herbert Marcuse, "On the Philosophical Foundation of the Concept of
Labor in Economics," Telos no. 16 (Summer 1973): 9-37.
28. C. J. Arthur, Dialectics of Labour: Marx in His Relation to Hegel (Oxford,
1986), 5.
29. Georg Lukacs, The Ontology of Social Being: Labour (London, 1980), 39,
iv, 3.
30. See, for example, ibid., 57, 118.
31. Williams, Culture, 54.
32. Ibid., 231, 232.
33. Ibid., 114-15.
34. Concerning his projected sociology of culture, Williams wrote in 1981,
"there is also direct overlap with economic analysis, and this is becoming especially important in work on modern capitalist cultural organizations and especially the 'media.' The recent development of a 'political economy of culture'
(see Schiller (1969), Murdock and Golding (1974), Garnham (1977)) is especially necessary and welcome, and should be seen as not only distinct from, but
complementary to, a cultural sociology." Ibid., 31-32. Reference was to Herbert
I. Schiller, Mass Communications and American Empire (New York, 1969); Peter
Golding and Graham Murdock, "For a Political Economy of Mass Communication," in Ralph Miliband and John Saville, eds., Socialist Register 1973 (London,
1974), 205-34; and Nicholas Garnham, "Towards a Political Economy of Culture," New Universities Quarterly (Summer 1977), extended and developed in
idem, "Contribution to a Political Economy of Mass Communication," Media
Culture & Society 1 (2) (1979).
35. L. S. Vygotsky, "Tool and Symbol in Child Development," in his Mind
in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, ed. Michael Cole,
Vera John-Steiner, Sylvia Scribner, and Ellen Souberman (Cambridge, 1978),
24. For useful secondary works, see: David J. Bakhurst, "Social Memory in
Soviet Thought," in David Middleton and Derek Edwards, eds., Collective Remembering (London, 1990), 203-26; James V. Wertsch, Vygotsky and the Social
Formation of Mind (Cambridge, 1985); and Rene Van Der Veer and Jaan Valsiner, Understanding Vygotsky: A Quest for Synthesis (Oxford, 1991).
36. Sylvia Scribner, "Studying Working Intelligence," in Barbara Rogoff
and Jean Lave, eds., Everyday Cognition: Its Development in Social Context (Cambridge, 1984), 9-40. Thanks to Michael Cole for this suggestion.
37. Cf. Len Doyal and Roger Harris, "The Practical Foundations of Human
Understanding," New Left Review 139 (May-June 1983): 59-78.
38. An important historical study of the origins of this development in the
U.S. context is Jeanne Boydston, Home & Work: Housework, Wages, and the
Ideology of Labor in the Early Republic (New York, 1990).
39. Lynn Spigel, Make Room for TV: Television and the Family Ideal in Postwar America (Chicago, 1992), 5. len Ang, Watching Dallas: Soap Opera and the
Melodramatic Imagination (London, 1985): esp. 1720; Janice A. Radway, Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature (Chapel Hill, 1991).
Radway's romance readers, deeply committed to the ethic of bourgeois achievement and self-striving, attempted regularly to distinguish their own efforts at
education and self-instruction from the supposedly inferior and unrewarding
activity of soap opera viewing. The two genres thus would appear to manifest
significant interconnections in social class terms. A rare effort to connect gender
with class in the context of media audiences is Andrea L. Press, Women Watching
Television: Gender, Class, and Generation in the American Television Experience
(Philadelphia, 1991).
40. Both Ang and Spigel evince a strong tendency to substitute texts as
supposed surrogates for the experience of audience memberswhich in turn
acts as a substitute for the more encompassing theorizations at which each of the
two writers hints. Ang's reliance on personal letters in which her correspondents
express, in lesser or greater detail, their feelings about Dallas, moreover, suffers
from the same subjectivism that is evinced by the absence, in Spigel, of any
discussion of the institutional placement and biases of the women's magazines
that comprise a mainstay of her evidence. This latter point stands out with
particular clarity as a result of a recent useful study of such magazines. Ellen
McCracken, Decoding Women's Magazines: From Mademoiselle to Ms. (New
York, 1993).
41. John Clarke, New Times and Old Enemies (London, 1991), 85, 102.
42. Cf. Dallas Smythe, "Communications: Blindspot of Western Marxism,"
Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 1 (3) (Fall 1977): 1-27; and idem,
"Rejoinder to Graham Murdock," Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory
2 (2) (Spring-Summer 1978): 120-27, both collected in Dallas Smythe, Counterclockwise: Perspectives on Communication, ed. Thomas Guback (Boulder, 1994).
43. Where women have worked in great numbers and in obvious ways
as producers of a communications commodityas telephone operators, for
examplefeminist scholars have been free to effectuate salutary and significant
junctures of just this kind. Michele Martin, "Hello, Central?": Gender, Technology, and Culture in the Formation of Telephone Systems (Montreal, 1991);
Stephen Norwood, Labor's Flaming Youth: Telephone Operators and Worker Militancy, 1878-1923 (Urbana, 1990). Such connections have also been forged by
studies of working-class women's film-going around the First World War, which
situate the intersections between gender inequality and domination in a context
of generational, ethnic, and social class conflicts. Elizabeth Ewen, "City Lights:
Immigrant Women and the Rise of the Movies," Signs: Journal of Women in
Culture and Society 5 (3) (Supplement, 1980): S45-65; Kathy Peiss, Cheap
Amusements (Philadelphia, 1986), 139-62; Roy Rosenzweig, Eight Hours for
What We Will (Cambridge, 1983), 191-221.
44. Williams, Marxism and Literature, 93.
45. Williams, Culture, 189-91.
46. I am relying here, among other things, on continuing research by
Marcus B. Rediker and Peter Linebaugh. I think it might be shown that Edward
Thompson was thinking along similar lines during the later 1970s. At the University of California, San Diego, Lora E. Taub's doctoral dissertation utilizes the
idea of labor systems to analyze the first capitalist culture industrythat which
developed through Elizabethan theatreand there will be more on labor sys-
ganda, 43, 50, 57, 58, 59, 84; radio versus newspaper, 48; and
"salesmanship," 23; and structural
Marxism, 161
African Americans, 4, 81, 83
Ahmad, Aijaz, 105, 158
Althusser, Louis. See Structural
America's House of Lords (Ickes), 49
Anderson, Perry, 40, 123, 133-34,
Ang, len, 193
Anti-Monopoly Party, 10
Anti-Semitism, 71, 72, 73
Apprenticeship system, 19
Aronowitz, Stanley, 83
Arthur, C.J., 191
Associated press, 7, 8, 10-11
AT&T: antitrust case against, 54
Audience ratings, 50, 51
Authoritarianism, 40, 129, 130
Bakunin, Mikhail, 162
Barnard, Rita, 68
Barthes, Roland, 149, 151
industrial theory, 164-65; propaganda in, 55-64
Colonialism, 132. See also Decolonization; Neocolonialism
The Coming of Post-Industrial Society
(Bell), 166-67, 169
Common culture: and cultural
studies, 109, 113, 114, 115, 117,
118, 122-23, 126-28, 130, 196;
and structural Marxism, 15657;
and unified conceptual framework,
Communication: as fundamental social process, 156; institutionalized
as scholarly discipline in academia,
55-64; as isolated from social relations, 63, 64; political economy of,
86-87; "shared," 38; and social
consensus, 3233; as social process, 63-64. See also specific theorist
or theory
Communism, 44, 109, 114, 173, 174
Computers, 170
Concentration camps, 7172
Congress of Industrial Organizations
(CIO), 44,46-47
"Conscientious withdrawal of efficiency," 23
Consciousness: and cultural imperialism, 94, 95-96, 102; and cultural
studies, 110, 115, 120, 130, 182,
188; and mass culture, 71-72; and
post-structuralism, 173; and propaganda, 71; and structural Marxism, 138; and unified conceptual
framework, 182, 188
Conservative Party (Britain), 110,
"Conspicuous consumption" (Veblen), 23
Consumer culture, 83, 84, 85, 134,
Cook, Alistair, 137
Cooley, Charles H., 24, 60
"Cooperative commonwealth"
(Gronlund), 5, 11-12, 17, 36
Cooperative communication, 38,
Cooperative newspapers, 7
"Cooperative sociability," 33
Corey, Lewis, 71, 163-64
Counterculture, 105, 168
The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (Bell), 169
Cultural dependence, 96-98
Cultural domination: and cultural
imperialism, 95, 98, 103, 104,
105; and cultural studies, 120,
121, 196; and mass culture, 186;
and structural Marxism, 144; and
unified conceptual framework,
186, 196
Cultural exchange, 92, 102
Cultural hegemony, 40, 78, 85, 89,
189-90, 196. See also Mass culture; Mass persuasion
Cultural imperialism: and capitalism,
91-92, 94-95; cardinal role of
communication in, 93; and class
issues, 97-98, 100-101, 105; and
consciousness, 94, 95-96, 102;
and cultural dependence, 95, 9698; and cultural domination, 95,
98, 103, 104, 105; and cultural
exchange, 92, 102; and cultural
hegemony, 89; and cultural
studies, 88-89, 105-6, 115, 12331; and definition of imperialism,
94-95; depth/range of impact of,
9496; and experience, 94, 99
100, 104; and ideology, 124; informal, 94; and labor, 100, 102,
104, 105; and leveling of culture,
91, 94, 95, 97, 98-99; and
Marxism/socialism, 92-93, 186;
and mass culture, 87, 94-95, 100,
104; and mass media, 91; and
May Day Manifesto, 124-26; misconceptions about, 89-105; and
national culture, 94-97, 99-100,
101-2, 103, 104-5; and opportunity costs, 103; and ownership
of communication, 103; and
political/economic domination,
92-94, 95, 97, 98-99, 103, 104,
125, 186; and popular culture,
125; and popular movements,
104-5; and post-industrial theory,
Democratic Party, 56
Denning, Michael, 86
Depression (1930s), 38, 42, 44-45
Dewey, Alice Chipman, 24
Dewey, John: and class issues, 30,
34; and definition/function of
communication, 3132, 33; and
democracy, 28, 29, 31-32, 33; and
experience, 31, 107, 186; and
Ford, 25, 26-29, 30, 33-35; influence of, 66; instrumentalism of, 4,
24, 25, 28-35, 37-38, 39, 64, 68,
72, 186; and labor, 76; mentioned,
12; mutualism of, 185-86; and organized intelligence, 117, 186;
radicalism of, 2425; and social
control, 37; and unified conceptual
framework, 186; and U.S. entry
into World War I, 35
Dies, Martin, 45
Dietzgen, Joseph, 21, 152, 19293
Discourse, 174, 177, 178-80, 182,
Doob, Leonard, 91
Du Boff, Richard B., 8
Eagleton, Terry, 144
Economic growth: stages of, 166
Economy. See Political economy
Education, 32,165
Education and Labor Committee
(U.S. Senate), 45
Elections: in Britain, 111, 112, 123,
137; in U.S., 10,46,48, 51,62
Elliott, Philip, 146
Ely, Richard, 13, 22, 23, 35
The End of Ideology (Bell), 164, 165
Engels, Friedrich, 21, 145
Essentialism, 160-61
Ethnicity, 19, 129
Evolutionary socialists, 5
Experience: and cultural imperialism,
94, 104; and cultural studies, 106,
107, 110, 113, 116, 129-30, 131;
and Deweyan instrumentalism, 31,
107, 186; and ideology, 144; and
Marxism/socialism, 142; and mass
culture, 83; and post-industrial
theory, 169; and structural Marxism, 141-42, 144, 161
163, 164, 165-66, 167, 168-70,
171, 172, 184; and poststructuralism, 182-83, 184; and
structural Marxism, 150, 184; and
unified conceptual framework,
187, 191-92, 197
Intellectual labor: and antiintellectualism, 16465; and cultural imperialism, 100, 102, 104,
105; and cultural studies, 107,
108, 110, 117, 131, 184, 192, 194;
and Deweyan instrumentalism,
30-31; limitations in nineteenthcentury thinking about, 4; and
Marxism/socialism, 132, 133, 135,
136; and mass culture, 4041, 69,
71, 75-77, 81, 84; and organized
intelligence, 77; ownership of, 15
17; and patent system, 1517; and
post-industrial theory, 137, 161,
162, 163, 164-65, 170, 184, 187;
and post-structuralism, 172, 173,
174, 176-77, 181, 184, 187; and
propaganda, 8485; and structural
Marxism, 145, 146-47, 151, 152,
153, 160, 184, 187; and unified
conceptual framework, 185, 186,
187, 192-94; white-collar workers
as, 41; in World War II, 40-41.
See also Labor
"Intelligence trust," 25-27, 35-36
Interpersonal communication. See
Personal influence
Inventors, 15-17
Isolationism, 45, 54
Jakobsen, R. O., 152
James, William, 27
Jameson, Fredric, 86, 148, 180
Jarrett, John, 6
Jay, Martin, 85, 119, 120, 148, 151
Joseph, Keith, 130
Justice Department, U.S., 45, 53,
Katz, Elihu, 42, 58, 60-61, 62, 64,
82-83, 90
Kazan, Elia, 65
Kelley, Florence, 24
workers, 13436. See also
Structural Marxism; specific theorist
"Mass Communication, Popular
Taste and Organized Social Action" (Lazarsfeld and Merton), 5658
Mass culture: and capitalism, 81-82,
83-84, 86, 87; and children, 65;
and class issues, 64, 70, 71, 75-77,
80-82, 83; and Cold War, 67, 7785; and consciousness, 71-72;
consensus in, 82, 84; and consumer culture, 83, 84, 85; content
analysis of, 7879; and cultural
hegemony, 78, 85; and cultural
imperialism, 87, 94-95, 100, 104;
and cultural studies, 109, 111,
112, 114, 120; and culture industry, 67-68, 80, 81-82, 84; and democracy, 77; and Deweyan
instrumentalism, 34, 68; and enforcement of social norms, 67-68,
82; expansion of concept of, 78;
and experience, 83; exposes of,
65; and fascism, 70, 71-72, 77;
and force versus acquiescence, 4041; and governmental oversight/
regulation, 87; and highbrow culture, 66; and ideology, 144, 186;
and intellectual labor, 40-41, 69,
71, 75-77, 81, 84; and labor, 7477, 81-82, 84-85, 134; and liberalism, 42, 45, 67; and Marxism/
socialism, 71, 84, 85, 134; and
mass media, 72-73, 79, 80; and
mass persuasion, 67; and mass society, 67; media role in formation
of, 79, 80, 82-83; and New Deal,
45; oppositional impulses in, 6869, 79-80; and organized intelligence, 77; and organized labor,
4415; and ownership, 87; and
pluralism, 82; and power, 75-77,
80; present status of critique of,
85-87; as pseudoculture, 69-70;
as revolutionary force, 65; and social control/domination, 64, 67
68, 77-78, 80-81, 83, 84, 85, 186;
and social totality, 86; and struc-
Personal influence, 42, 51, 58, 6063, 64, 73, 82-83
Personal Influence (Katz and
Lazarsfeld), 42, 60-61, 62, 63, 64,
Peters, John, 27
Photojournalism, 141
Pluralism, 161
PM (newspaper), 45
Policing the Crisis (Hall), 130
Political economy: and cultural imperialism, 92-94, 95, 97, 98-99,
103, 104, 125, 186; and cultural
studies, 116, 118, 119, 120, 122,
125, 153, 192; emergence of theory related to, 86-87; and labor,
174; and Marxism/socialism, 13336; and post-industrial theory,
169, 171, 172; and poststructuralism, 174, 175-76, 177,
181, 182; and structural Marxism,
140, 145, 152-53, 169; and unified conceptual framework, 186,
Popular culture, 56, 67, 109, 125,
139-40, 159. See also Mass culture
Popular Front, 44
Popular movements, 1045
Populism, 9, 20, 129, 130. See also
"Cooperative commonwealth"
Port Huron statement, 107
Post Office, U.S., 5, 8, 11, 12-17, 33
Post-industrial theory, 63, 132, 137,
161-72, 183-84, 187, 191
Post-structuralism, 132, 146, 151,
172-84, 187
Poster, Mark, 173, 179, 183
Poulantzas, Nicos, 135
Power, 40, 42, 43, 45, 49, 75-77,
The Power Elite (Mills), 75-77, 80
Practices: and cultural studies, 189,
192, 194, 195, 196; and poststructuralism, 174, 177, 178, 179;
and structural Marxism, 147-48,
149, 150-51, 152, 158, 174, 177;
and unified conceptual framework,
189, 192, 194, 195, 196
Propaganda (continued)
60-64; and power, 42, 43, 49;
and preconditioning of populace,
71-74; and primary group, 60-61;
public opinion versus, 54-55; and
publicity programs, 43; and radiopress competition, 48-49, 50, 51;
and social control, 4243, 56, 64;
for social objectives, 5758; and
violence/terrorism, 72-73; and
white-collar workers, 71; and
World War I, 41; and World War
II, 43-44, 46, 52-53. See also Advertising; Mass culture; Mass persuasion; Mass society; Ownership
Public opinion: class control of, 6-7,
44, 45, 46, 49-50, 51; and mass
media, 138; propaganda versus,
5455; slippage between press
and, 46-48, 50, 64. See also Mass
culture; Mass persuasion
Public relations, 57
Public service: responsibilities of
broadcasters for, 54
Pulitzer, Joseph, 6
Pye, Lucien W., 91
Rabinbach, Anson, 20
Race, 19, 132, 161, 186; and cultural
studies, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131;
and personal influence studies, 61;
and post-industrial theory, 170
Radio: bias of network, 48; business
interests in, 57, 58; crossownership of press and, 48, 54;
and development of mass culture,
44; economic power of, 45; popularity of, 48; press as competition
to, 4849, 50, 51; as propaganda
tool, 53; war bond sales by, 44
Radio and the Printed Page (Lazarsfeld),50
Railroads, 7, 9, 13
"Reflex arc" concept, 28, 30, 35
Reform/reformers: of communications in nineteenth century, 4, 5,
9-22; ideological strains in nineteenth century, 5; rivalries among,
5. See also specific person
182, 184; and structural Marxism,
153-54; and unified conceptual
framework, 188, 189, 192, 193,
Simpson, Christopher, 5 5
Smith, Kate, 44
Smythe, Dallas, 86-87, 146
Social control: communication as
mechanism of, 41; and cultural
studies, 106, 114, 125, 126, 129;
and culture industry, 6768; and
democracy, 42-43; emergence of
concept of, 36-37; as ethical issue,
4243; and mass communication,
56; and mass culture, 64, 67-68,
77-78, 80-81, 83, 84, 85; and
media, 5051; as new science, 36;
and organized intelligence, 38; and
popular culture, 56, 67; and propaganda, 42-43, 56, 64
Social Democratic parties, 21, 133
"Social gospel" movement, 24
Social norms: mass media as means
of enforcing, 57, 58-59, 82
Social relations: communication as
isolated from, 63, 64
Social Security Act (1935), 45
Social totality: viii-ix; and class issues, 128-29; and cultural studies,
118-22, 123, 125, 126, 128-29,
131, 153, 158, 180, 196; and
Marxism/socialism, 186-87; and
mass culture, 86; and postindustrial theory, 172; and poststructuralism, 174, 178, 179, 180;
and structural Marxism, 141, 142,
145, 148, 153, 154, 158; and unified conceptual framework, 186
87, 196
Socialism. See Marxism/socialism;
specific theorist
Technology (continued)
about, 33-34; and post-industrial
theory, 163, 164, 165, 166-67,
168, 170, 171, 172
Telegraphy: access to use of, 8-9,
11-12; Brotherhood of Telegraphers to take over, 14-15; business domination of, 8; campaign
to restructure, 911; co-operative,
14-15; in Europe, 8; as monopoly,
5, 8-11, 13, 185; nationalization
of, 9, 22; newsgathering as dependent on, 7; opposition to
ownership/practices of, 9-22; and
organized labor, 11, 13; and Post
Office, 8, 11, 12-15, 33; and press,
7, 10-12; rates for, 8, 9; social responsibility of, 1112; social uses
of, 8, 9; societal ownership of, 1617
Telephones, 9, 15, 22, 45
Television, 65, 79-80
Temporary National Economic Committee (U.S. Senate), 45
Thatcherism, 123, 130, 153, 158
Third World, 88-105 passim, 124
Thompson, Edward: and class issues,
110, 114, 117, 121, 124; and
common culture, 109, 114, 11516; and consciousness, 110; and
cultural domination, 121; and cultural imperialism, 124; and experience, 106, 110; and labor, 108,
109-10; and Marxism/socialism,
133, 136; Morris study by, 108,
109; and organized labor, 107-8;
and post-industrial theory, 168;
and post-structuralism, 176; as
progenitor of cultural studies, 106;
and social totality, 121; and structural Marxism, 148, 153, 154,
156-57; and unified conceptual
framework, 189, 197
Toffler, Alvin, 170
Tomlinson, John, 97
Transnational capitalism: and cultural imperialism, 93, 94, 95, 97,
98, 100-102, 103, 104, 105, 12425, 171, 186; and freedom of the
122, 123, 128-29, 138, 140, 190,
196; and common culture, 108-9,
113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 122-23,
126-28, 130, 196; and consciousness, 99, 115, 120, 138, 182, 183;
and consumer society, 13839;
and cultural hegemony, 189-90;
cultural materialism of, 182, 183;
and definition of culture, 12728;
and dynamic aspect of culture, 83;
and experience, 99-100, 106, 113,
141, 142; and information, 191
92; and labor, 117-18, 122, 131,
182, 191-92, 194, 195-96; and
language, 182, 183; and Marxism/
socialism, 107, 133, 136, 138, 189,
190; and mass culture, 81-82,
111, 112, 120; and mass media,
138-39; and materiality of signs,
157; and "metaphor of solution,"
192; and popular culture, 108-9,
125; and post-industrial theory,
191; and post-structuralism, 146,
176; and practices, 189, 192, 194,
195, 196; revision of thesis of,
114-18, 120, 121, 126, 148-49,
187-92, 194-96; and signification,