Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies: Modernization Theory
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies: Modernization Theory
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies: Modernization Theory
Modernization theory studies the process of social evolution and the development of
societies. There are two levels of analysis in classical modernization theory: the
microcosmic evaluations of modernization, which focuses on the componential elements
of social modernization; and the macrocosmic studies of modernization focused on the
empirical trajectories and manifest processes of the modernization of nations and their
societies, economies, and polities. However, there are two key sources of problems with
classical modernization theory. The first is the determinism implied in the logic of
modernization, while the second relates to the specific development patterns that
modernization theory must contend with. A contemporary theory on modernization
relates structural change at a higher level of analysis to instrumental action at a lower
level of analysis, doing so within a stochastic framework rather than the deterministic
one that classical modernization theory implied. In addition, the refocused attention of
social scientists on the process of development has led to a renewed interest in the
characterization of the relationship between economic development and democratization.
The transformation of knowledge into economic development can be examined by looking
at the weightless economy—a collection of “weightless” knowledge products such as
software, the Internet, and electronic databases. It is closely connected to a weightless
political concept called the credible polity, which is a government that creates institutions
that credibly protect property rights and are also transparent in their functioning to all
members of its society.
Keywords: modernization theory, classical modernization theory, contemporary modernization theory, economic
development, democratization, weightless economy, credible polity, social modernization
Fundamentally, modernization theory studies the process of social evolution and the
development of societies. Given the complexity that arises from tracing the
multidimensional development of social processes, the goal of discovering a single
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definitive social theory of evolution is perhaps the most ambitious research goal in all of
social science. It is therefore unsurprising that, with the benefit of hindsight that is
advantaged by cumulative research, we find classical modernization theory unsatisfactory
due to its Western bias, capitalist ideological underpinnings, and an overall social
Darwinism in its logic. Most troubling, though, is that it displays a poor understanding of
the socioeconomic development process, especially when it comes to issues such as
economic sustainability, political freedoms, and social emancipation. Empirically, too, the
logic of classical modernization theory has been shown to be unsophisticated at best and
expressly erroneous at worst. So there is a strong case to be made for arguing that, in
fact, modernization theory is extinct and hardly deserves an essay devoted to it in this
However, this essay looks ahead and suggests a considered methodical resuscitation of
social evolution theory – a new modernization theory that attempts at providing a social-
scientific metastructure within which the constituent development processes relevant to
sociologists, political theorists, and economists all form contributory substructures. As
such, it suggests salvaging not the message, but rather the spirit of classical
modernization theory, which attempted a single conjoint explanation for social
development processes, democratization, and economic growth.
This essay consequently requires the reader to be ready for a distinct change of gears
from the survey it presents of modernization theory in its classical form to the basis for a
research program it proposes for continuing research into a modernization theory for the
future. The suggested approach is based on social choice theory and more recent insights
gained from political and economic development theory. It is meant to be accessible to
any social scientist with an interest in this area. It is presented as one possible and
exciting way forward and as a call for addressing key weaknesses in classical
modernization theory by using a tractable formal structure that remains true to the
eclectic social scientific research that classical modernization theory spawned, and not to
introduce needless overformalization.
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Why the timing of the birth of classical modernization theory spans the late 1950s to the
1970s is in itself an interesting question worth addressing. Arguably key contributions at
both the micro and macro levels came around the time the behavioral revolution was
sweeping across the social sciences, albeit at different rates in economics, sociology, and
political science. It essentially espoused the merits of methodical analysis and treating
social science as a science of social processes, and naturally the study of development
took center stage in this ambition. The benefit of the behavioral revolution to the study of
modernization was in social scientists recognizing that it deserved a treatment that
prevented variegated and ethnocentric interpretations for the definition of “modernity”
from overwhelming its practical usefulness. In a review published in 1976, Portes noted
this fundamental difference between the more contemporary studies on social
development and those that came earlier, and interestingly attributed the drive for the
methodical study of development to discovering systematic sociological differences
between the Western developed European societies and the underdeveloped societies
around the world (Portes 1976).
At the level of the microcosm of modernization, emphasis was therefore focused more
squarely on characterizing the modern social entity, be it an individual, a family, or even a
firm. Sociologists with an interest in sociometry devised surveys to study the effects of
industrialization, urbanization, and the acquisition of skills on the development of a
modern social being that shared certain similarities across nations (Smith and Inkeles
1966; Inkeles 1969) and generally discovered emergent social values that evolved from
the process (Feldman and Hurn 1966). Pinning down changes in social values resulting
from the idea that an increasingly specialized modernizing society can effect is
understandably an arduous task owing to the complex dimensionality of social change.
However, this complexity is also interesting in that it reinforces the humanistic reality of
modernization that macro studies simply cannot address. For instance, in an interesting
study, Delacroix and Ragin (1978) conducted a panel regression analysis on the effects of
schooling and the cinema on the development process in third world countries. They
reaffirmed the observation made by classical theorists that schooling helps modernization
but attributed this to schools being generally secular institutions; in contrast, they
suggested how cinemas may hinder growth by promoting Western social values that are
not compatible locally.
In contrast to these macro-level grand theories, it is fair to say that contemporary eclectic
social scientific study of the modernization of societies has sputtered to a halt, and there
are two chief reasons for this. First, the study of each of the constituent social dimensions
of modernization theory has advanced independently and created significant barriers to
entry for anyone who wishes to retain the social-scientific perspective to modernization
rather than select and commit to a component area and concentrate his or her efforts
from the perspective of either a social development theorist, a democratization scholar, or
a researcher on economic development or economic growth theory.
As a result of these developments, the status quo for classical modernization theory is
that it is discounted as being overly deterministic in its logic. Ironically, the endogeneity
that made modernization theory in its classical form an interesting unifying theory in the
first place appears now to be its principal failing because that makes it too deterministic
in the eyes of any empiricist worth his or her salt. Additionally, it is also critiqued as
simply being unable or at least wanting in its ability to be reconciled with the various
empirical truisms that have been established through specialist study of the political,
social, and economic strands since its advent.
How, after all, can a political scientist make peace with a theory that is unable to explain
the process of probabilistic regime transition negotiated by key political actors in one
instance and by exogenous forces in another? How can an economist allow a theory to
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suggest that no process of economic growth can be studied without taking sociopolitical
developments as prior, and, therefore, all growth theories must ideally inform themselves
with social transformations and political realities? Indeed, how can a social development
researcher agree to a theory that suggests social development is necessarily conditioned
by political process and economic structure? These are all uncomfortable requirements
that ask too much of a social scientist. It is easiest to start with a subset of social science
and study its modernization in isolation, assuming independence from other social
One may hold the view that ignoring the holistic and eclectic view of classical
modernization theory and emphasizing the separate strands of social, economic, and
political development has yielded much insight and, ergo, if modernization theory must
be sacrificed at the altar of scientific progress then so be it. I agree wholeheartedly with
the first part of that statement but would argue that the conclusion it arrives at sets the
bar too low. The beauty of classical modernization theory is that it forces the researcher
to study development as a social process. Just as no theory of development within each of
the social sciences is considered as being definitive and is thus constantly revised,
neither was classical modernization theory a definitive theory of social development and
also deserves more constant attention than it gets.
Primary among those is the econometric sophistication and the quality of data now
available to social scientists, which has made it far easier for us to reassess the validity of
the trends we observe and then establish the factual basis for what a theory of
modernization must explain.
A concrete illustration of this sort of thinking comes from both the economic growth
literature and the political science literature. In economics, in a series of articles, chiefly
Quah (1993; 1994; 1996) among others suggested that, in per capita income, countries do
not all necessarily converge to a single steady-state future like many before them had
argued (see Solow 1956; Mankiw et al. 1992), which had inspired the idea of
unconditional convergence by Barro (1991; 1999), Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1992; 1999)
and Sala-i-Martin (1996). The economies of countries might, on the contrary, be forming
two distinct clubs of convergence, a club of high-income countries and a club of low-
income countries, with any middle-income groups disappearing over time as the global
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system approached a steady state. So while there is convergence within each of those
clubs, the world, on the other hand, is characterized by divergence as the difference in
economic income between the clubs increases. Exactly what causes this surprising
outcome is not entirely resolved in the economic growth literature and remains somewhat
of a puzzle. The controversy is summarized rather well in Durlauf (1996).
In political science, since Huntington (1991) gave us the now well-embedded idea that
democratization comes in waves and that we are riding the crest of the third such wave,
the implication drawing considerable interest has obviously been whether this latest
wave, too, will subside as the two that have come before it or whether, on the other hand,
this time the wave is here to stay. The notion that it will stay and culminate in the global
convergence to a Western form of liberal democracy across all nations is itself an
empirical extension of Francis Fukuyama’s idea that we have arrived at the End of
History, as it were, as far as the ideological evolution of the forms of political regimes is
concerned (Fukuyama 1992).
These two observations pertaining to economic incomes and political regimes are usually
seen in isolation. While the former is debated in a relatively more methodical manner
using the more precisely defined standards for convergence versus nonconvergence, the
latter can essentially be formulated in similar terms as well. In fact, Goorha (2007)
reviews and discusses them together using similar methodological perspectives. It
presents an empirical investigation employing Quah’s suggestion on economic income
dynamics to test for nonconvergence in the ergodic distribution of political regimes and
shows that twin clubs of convergence in the attainment of democracy do indeed appear to
be forming over time. This result of polarization in regimes appears to be rather robust
under a variety of specifications, and seems to be even more exaggerated in the post-war
years. Convergence to perfect democracy for the global distribution of political regimes
does not appear imminent at all. While Goorha (2007) is certainly not a definitive
characterization of the ergodic global distribution of political regimes, the message of
twin clubs of convergence in political regimes it provides is quite clear.
Second, and rather obvious, is the fact that the number of political and economic
transitions over the preceding two decades has refocused our attention as social
scientists on the process of development. From the reunification of Germany, the fall of
the Soviet Union, and the enlargement of the EU to the overwhelming relevance of the
BRIC countries in global economic growth, relatively recent global developments have,
time and again, reminded us of the need for a better understanding not of political regime
transitions or socioeconomic development, but of the links between them. We are clearly
living in a period of history where we have moved beyond a simpler preoccupation with
an understanding of the process of economic growth or democratization to one where we
need to understand social development in its entirety.
An area where this has led to a renewed interest is in the characterization of the
relationship between economic development and democratization, and the trend this has
recently taken is related intrinsically to the first point about the empirics of convergence.
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The strictly structural view institutional approaches often seem to present might not
appeal to those interested in seeing the bottom-up (or instrumental rational actor)
counterpart to social change that modernization suggests. Constructive contribution to
increasing our understanding of the modernization process, especially given its
increasing complexity in contemporary societies, can only be made if the structural and
instrumental perspectives can be reconciled with each other and informed by one
another. Here, Williamson (2000) remains a very worthwhile contribution in its
suggestion that the level of institutional “embeddedness,” which is a function of the
length of time over which the process of change needs to be studied, determines the sort
of institutional analysis that is required. At one extreme the best manner of approaching
the analysis is standard neoclassical agent-based economics, and at the other extreme,
sociological and even anthropological explanations might be far more useful. This
perspective, in the true spirit of what is required to advance modernization theory in the
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twenty-first century, explicitly encourages the researcher to recognize the limits of any
given traditional approach. Moreover, it encourages donning a basic social science
perspective – one that espouses methodical and tractable interdisciplinary analysis – to
study the variegated social processes associated with all levels of modernization and at
different amounts of embeddedness.
Therefore, when political scientists are looking at parametric changes across broad
classifications of regimes, they are usually operating at a high level of institutional
embeddedness and must consequently look over a longer period of time to study their
change. A classic example of this is Huntington (1991), where the interpretation and
explanation of an empirical regularity – essentially that of a periodicity in the time series
of political regime – in regime change is the impetus. However, this obviously does not
restrict general political analysis of regimes strictly to the temporal domain provided the
order of the analysis is made explicit at the outset. For instance, still at a high level of
embeddedness, a researcher may study institutional or regime transitions at the level of
the country or polity, where he or she may concentrate on debating and evaluating the
relevance of the various factors germane to regime change. After all, classics in
comparative political analysis such as O’Donnell et al. (1986) or Rueschemeyer et al.
(1992) are illustrative examples of this type of regime-change analysis; the former
considers the role of the economy, the military and its junta, the structure of the
bureaucracy, the private sector, and the international environment, whereas the latter
concentrates on the role of the middle class in its relation to other social classes. This
sort of research is fundamentally an effort at specification of the general structural model
and as such remains vital when conceptualizing the parameters of the social evolutionary
process. At a lower level of embeddedness, the researcher switches interest to the
comparative statics of the specification, dealing, therefore, with higher order conditions.
An excellent example of this is Geddes (1996), where the approach is expressly built on
assessing behavior derived from studying the compatibility of incentives that political
actors face.
The essential point is that a contemporary theory on modernization must ideally be able
to relate structural change at a higher level of analysis to instrumental action at a lower
level of analysis, but do so within a stochastic framework rather than the deterministic
one that classical modernization theory implied. While this would then allow it to explain
variable real-world outcomes and is obviously preferable, it is no mean task given that
modernization theory is a holistic theory of general social evolution and as such sets the
bar very high for a methodologically sophisticated and tractable yet flexible model. Let us
take three specific examples that suggest the scale of this task.
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suggesting the impact of social capital on even the most general dimensions of
modernization pertaining to democracy, economic development, and social welfare cannot
be ignored. This requires looking at its logical and empirical influence on societies and
cultures at the highest level of institutional embeddedness as well as studying its role on
private market and civil interactions at far lower levels of institutional embeddedness –
indeed, at the level of an agent. Its manifestation at higher levels of analysis has been
studied for a very long time, but most recently and significantly by Robert Putnam (1994;
2001). However, the conceptual link that social capital has with social network analysis
and thereby a whole host of other scale-free networks in numerous spheres of the natural
and social sciences allows it to be more succinctly and systematically considered in more
general and formal models. After all, Metcalf’s law and Reed’s law on networks suggest
that the “value” of a network increases in proportion to the number of users the group
has; social network theory allows studying social capital as an intrinsic feature of a social
network with a defined architecture, and allows interpreting less and more
interconnected nodes in the network as individuals or social organizations all operating
within the same social context.
A second such valuable link across institutional levels of analysis that a contemporary
theory on modernization could benefit from is provided by the efforts within social choice
theory to transform the institutional structure into a simple tractable parameterization of
rational actor optimization behavior, be it a political actor or an institutional collective
actor. The contributions of social choice theory are of fundamental importance owing to
their concentration on how the regime structure specifically affects the first principles of
political competition itself. Perhaps the most well known application of this in political
science has been the veto player terminology developed by Tsebelis (1995) for a variety of
political institutions using spatial voting theory. The use of social choice theory in
understanding the basics of political regime operation also hints at why the mechanism
design approach to studying endogenously evolving institutions and constitutional design
simultaneously with political and social learning forms a very sound basis for the analysis
if not the basic formulation of a social modernization theory. See Mantzavinos et al.
(2004) for recent discussion of this view. The language in such analysis changes from the
economist to the political scientist, but its relevance is rarely debated.
As an application of this, consider Shepsle and Weingast (1984A), who suggest the role of
self-interested rational actors as the basis for the evaluation of public sector institutions
since the adoption of such an approach facilitates an evaluation of public sector
institutions not too unlike their private sector counterparts. McKelvey and Ordeshook
(1984) then support the suggestion that when rules engender political constraints that
lead to results that are not to the liking of politicians, they (political groups) are able to
bypass such constraints. They are unable, however, to support a stronger version of the
hypothesis that institutions are therefore subservient to political actors to the extent that
they can permit certain equilibria not to obtain in spite of the original institutional design.
To this, Shepsle and Weingast (1984B) answer that rules have consequences and
therefore politicians are indeed interested in them in accordance with their preferences.
They believe that their first hypothesis is necessary but the second fails due to a
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sufficiency condition not being met – that of Coasian transactions costs, which themselves
are a product of the mechanism design or “rules of the game.” If these are incorporated,
then we find that certain institutionalized procedures are more susceptible to
manipulation by motivated politicians than others. It is precisely this sort of
interpretation of the politician as a rule creator as well as a player of the political game
that is very enlightening in developing the basis for social modernization, as is illustrated
The third and final example of an issue that any modern theory on modernization must be
able to comfortably deal with is actually related to two strands of literature within
political science and economics. Broadly, this is related to the debate among political
scientists about the ability of political development processes to endow stable and
consolidated regimes with accountable institutions and veto players, and the debate
among economic growth theorists regarding the process of convergence in economic
income mentioned above. The point is that a logical connection between these largely
separated literatures is needed for any contemporary modernization theory that jointly
deals with the dynamics in both economic growth and political development. Gladly, this
logical link does exist and is a product of the research done on the reasons for failure and
success of macroeconomic stabilization programs, which have increasingly recognized
the importance of sociopolitical issues in equal measure as the economic ones. Therefore,
it is unsurprising that the insight comes from the development economics literature this
time, where Rodrik (1989; 1992), Calvo (1989), Dornbusch (1990; 1993), Garrett (1998),
and Dixit (1992; 1993), among others, have suggested that countries undergoing
economic reform (without much attention to regime) face a polarized outcome too.
Unreformed countries form one group and reformed ones form the other. Those countries
that are reforming must credibly suggest their sincerity to the domestic private sector
and foreign investors in order to successfully jump from one group to the other. If reform
is seen as fleeting or “incredible” then distorted incentives will cause capital flight,
mobile capital investment (which is less complementary with long-run growth),
intertemporal substitution in consumption, and so on, which, in turn, is likely to hinder
the progress of reform. This credible commitments idea gives us the virtuous versus
vicious cycle theory, a dynamic relevant for modernization theory since it makes
economic and political outcomes logically codependent.
It is easy to see that this argument is obviously closely related to the economic
convergence literature. Simply, the idea is that virtuous cycles are virtuous for the reason
that they reinforce economic reform, which eventually leads to higher growth; it takes no
far stretch of the imagination to see that these countries are liable to be the ones that
form the high-income convergence club. Likewise, the low-income convergence club is
composed of the countries facing a vicious cycle of pathetic reinforcing economic
performance, which in steady state should be a stable group if the cost of reform
outweighs those elusive benefits accrued even in the slightly longer run that initially tend
to be a significant component of the lure toward reform. But, crucially, there is no
deterministic link in this with political regime types; a virtuous cycle may include
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nondemocratic countries provided their polities have the ability to make credible
Those difficulties pertain primarily to two key issues. The first is the determinism implied
in the logic of modernization. Partly this criticism of determinism is justified since
economic modernization indeed cannot deterministically create a democracy if
democracy itself is predicated on more requisites than those obvious ones visible at a
higher level of analysis (and highlighted by classical modernization theorists), such as
increasingly specialized and organized economic activity and social groups capable of
informed collective action. It often has to contend with time inconsistent political actors
at a lower level of analysis or cultural incompatibilities at a much higher one. However,
this is also a somewhat unfair criticism simply because we are evaluating a long-existing
theory with the benefit of a better understanding of game theory, nonlinear dynamics,
better data (both in terms of our datasets as well as many more observations that have
created more variance in the variable of interest), econometric sophistication, and so on.
This is not an excuse for classical modernization theory, but rather an effort to suggest
that those tools should be brought to bear on understanding whether an endogenous
social modernization theory can in fact be formulated rather than dispensing with the
whole idea in favor of an exogenous view to social modernization processes.
The second issue relates to the specific development patterns that modernization theory
must contend with. That the economic development path selected by a country is
increasingly a sociopolitical issue just as much as an economic one is very evident in the
recent debates on defining, agreeing to, and implementing a sustainable development
plan that reengineers traditional economic development, and also in the debates on
knowledge-based growth or clean development. It is for these reasons that for research
on modernization theory to progress into the next century, it must be able to produce an
endogenous social modernization theory that, while being internally consistent, can also
produce varying outcomes and is empirically testable.
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What is peculiar about knowledge that requires cognizance by the modern modernization
theorist is that it fundamentally changes the pattern and nature of development.
Knowledge has two basic features. First, it is a resource that paradoxically grows when
exploited (and therefore features the comedy of the commons rather than the traditional
tragedy of the commons we are familiar with). Second, it requires a credible regulatory
structure that allows demand aggregation, and therefore a society that has experience in
creating social institutions that do this more effectively is more likely to be able to exploit
the benefits of knowledge more rapidly.
Regarding the first of these features, it does not require long hours of deliberation to
understand that knowledge is accumulated with increasing returns. Most phenomena we
study as advanced students of a field are ultimately related to a smaller and smaller set of
basic principles and it is, in turn, the effective comprehension of those principles that
enables us to expand our knowledge exponentially. This temporal “path dependence”
creates the potential for increasing returns and positive network externalities in
acquiring knowledge. It is thus the nature of knowledge that it is best when it is
cumulative and there is therefore a reason why MIT, Harvard, Brandeis, Boston College,
Boston University, Tufts University, and almost 60 other academic institutions thrive
within the Greater Boston area while the entire northwestern region of the United States
suffers from a paucity of first-rate colleges. Generally, clustering and spatial
agglomeration of knowledge-based economic activity is not uncommon, ranging from the
various fashion capitals of the world to the various Silicon Valley look-alikes.
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economy concept in recognizing the distinct impact that knowledge – a largely invisible
product – has on the structure and size of an economy.
Now, one of the most interesting features of the weightless economy is that for it to have
maximal impact on the state of economic development in a country what is essential is an
effective demand aggregation mechanism, for it is the nature of a knowledge product that
suboptimal demand will prevent it from becoming fundamentally and continuously
effective in facilitating long-term overall economic development. A preference for the use
of copyrights for certain knowledge products over patents, for instance, allows for more
demand-side flexibility in the consumption of a knowledge product, in its subsequent
improvement, and consequently in extracting maximal benefit from it for the economy as
a whole by popularizing its usage. UseNets and beta versions for various software
products illustrate significantly the fact that producers realize this phenomenon full well.
A key feature in at least Lerner’s and Lipset’s perspectives on modernization theory was
that of urbanization and specialization being a prerequisite for the successful
modernization of societies. Urbanization is fundamentally just a social agglomeration
process, and agglomeration and the clustering of economic activity in cities, regions, and
nations have been studied extensively in the literature. Agglomeration is typically shown
to be related to minimizing both transportation costs for a production line and the
negative externalities of proximal production while concomitantly maximizing the
advantages of increasing returns through scale and scope economies (see Krugman 1991;
Venables 1996). Interestingly, though, it seems to be an idea that was initially suggested
by Simon Kuznets, who was mentioned above as an important early contributor to
modernization theory for his crucial attempts to link development dynamics and
socioeconomic outcomes (Kuznets 1966).
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On the whole, this agglomeration dynamic, while very relevant for modernization in the
industrial era of the twentieth century, does not seem wholly appropriate for knowledge
products of a weightless economy that theoretically incur negligible transportation costs.
Indeed, as mentioned above, what is different about agglomeration in the weightless
economy is that it seems to be driven by consumer demand instead. A high consumer
demand for a knowledge product implies its popularization, which in turn leads to
improvements and enhancements in a cumulative path-dependent manner. A low
consumer demand or controlled consumerism would thereby increase the long-term cost
of adjustment and this would lead to clustering. Spatially, this represents itself in the
form of cities while temporally this provides some motivation for observing
nonconvergence in economic income across countries.
Numerous studies in the Northian tradition (North 1981; 1993) have mentioned the
importance of credibility in political institutions in creating positive economic
development outcomes. For some interesting examples see Weingast (1993), Ruge-Murcia
(1995), and Leblang (1996). A credible polity is thus simply a government that creates
institutions that credibly protect property rights and are also transparent in their
functioning to all members of its society. Therefore, studying the weightless economy and
the credible polity in conjunction with each other provides a useful construct for the
modernization researcher.
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In the abstract theoretical construct, a credible polity is simply one that abides by two
simple principles. First, a credible polity has complete political representation and has
zero barriers to entry in being represented directly. And, second, a credible polity is
characterized by political representatives with only one objective – maintaining power. A
polity satisfying both conditions completely is a credible polity in pure form – or a fully
perfect credible polity – and, arguably, is more than what is required to generate the
symbiotic relationship between the political and the economic spheres, which leads to
that clustering of economic activity that aids political and economic development and the
modernization of a society. Let us begin with an important remark. The credible polity is
independent of a specific political regime type even though a fully perfect credible polity
has close resemblance to an ideal form of democratic government and a fully imperfect
credible polity has implications that make it appear remarkably like a textbook autocratic
government. The credible polity is for this reason a useful tool for studying the
relationship between political regimes and economic development without falling into the
trap of selecting on the dependent variable that has brought many such analyses under
embarrassing scrutiny.
We can now start by examining the major characteristics of a fully perfect credible polity.
The political entity in charge – let us simply call it the government – in such a polity
receives no economic rent since there are zero barriers to entry and all supernormal
profits are therefore driven away by competitor governments. All governments thus face
a perfectly elastic demand for their services. Imagine that a real-time election process is
at work even while a government is in office with an infinite set of governments in the
running. It also represents the entire population directly and there are thus no brokers
between a citizen and the political entity. The government itself has no objective other
than staying in power – it desires no legacy (for there is no term limit), has no charisma
(since all governments are identical), and certainly enjoys no loyalty, say in the form of a
sticky partisanship effect.
The name, fully perfect credible polity, of such an unexciting polity derives from the fact
that the government will have an infinite stock of credibility with its population since the
threat of recall is immediate and perfect. An even more interesting feature is that the
stock of credibility is set to its maximum possible value at the start of time, and even a
theoretical change in government, owing perhaps to a shift in preferences, would not
alter its value since adjustment to a new government would be instantaneous.
Now let us consider the fully imperfect credible polity, which in turn is a polar opposite of
its fully perfect version. The government in this equally colorless setup is a perfect
monopoly and thus never has any competitors to contend with. It creates impenetrable
barriers to entry into the political sphere at zero cost to itself and extracts maximum rent
by virtue of it having a monopoly status. The government, of course, represents no one
from the general populace yet the population has a perfectly inelastic demand for this
government. Credibility in a fully imperfect credible polity is an oxymoron. The
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population has no threat of recall ever and the stock of the credibility it thus provides its
government remains at the lowest possible value indefinitely.
While a more exact derivation of these results would be a needless digression due to their
obvious reliance on standard microeconomic theory, it is still instructive to understand
intuitively some more formal foundations for these hypothetical cases. The usefulness of
this abstract construct will hopefully become more transparent if we understand its
Let us employ the language of spatial voting theory in our analysis, famously done by
Tsebelis (1995), as mentioned above, in his development of the veto player construct,
simply because it forces us to start from the very first principles of political competition.
Assume a simple two-dimensional issue space (packages of guns and butter perhaps
being the only choices) with preferences measured in Euclidean distance. In this setup, it
is possible to define two concepts. The first is that of a yolk (see Miller et al. [1989] for a
formal presentation on this and other elementary concepts in spatial voting theory). The
second, owing to remarkable work by Wuffle et al. (1989), is that of a finagle circle. While
these concepts are theoretical constructs primarily useful to studying majority voting
behavior, they also provide some useful insight here as well. A yolk is simply a circle that
contains a minimum set of ideal points or preferred positions represented in the issue
space that cannot be beaten by any and all ideal points outside of it. A finagle circle, by
contrast, is a much smaller circle within the yolk that outlines all points that would allow
a political incumbent – who is assumed to have the valuable advantage of rallying her
supporters after all her competitors have done so – to finagle or adjust her position
infinitesimally to beat a competitor – even one that is situated within the yolk. So it
suggests all points that one could finagle to and successfully beat all competitors. The
finagle circle has two further characteristics of relevance here. First, the radius of the
finagle circle outlines the population’s tolerance for political finagling, and, second,
minimizing the distance an incumbent must move preserves his credibility with his
Consider now how things might play out over time. Clearly, it behooves a political entity
to locate his election position within the yolk. The trouble is that there exists no strict and
direct connection between the number and position of ideal points represented in the
issue space and the size of the yolk. Therefore, infiltration into the issue space (positive
and negative) through enfranchisement or, generally, any increase in the number of
preferred positions represented in the issue space over time should not be expected to
have a discernible and tractable affect on the behavior of the politician. If, however, we
assume, as we have done in developing the credible polity argument above, that the
government’s sole objective is to remain in power then it is better served by locating
within the smaller subset of points in the yolk or the competitive solution set known as
the finagle circle. In fact, with this objective – rather like Milton Friedman’s pool shark
who unknowingly learns how to solve complex geometry and physics problems to pocket
a shot – we can rest assured that the successful politician will learn to locate within the
finagle circle in a long-term evolutionary sense. While adopting a strategy of being in the
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yolk might provide for a win in an election and is thus necessary, adopting a strategy of
being in the finagle circle guarantees it and is thus sufficient.
Now we can return to the analysis of the credible polity again. Note that the position of
the finagle circle will likely alter with any positive rate of infiltration into the issue space
over time or a change in the preferences of those already represented, and a concomitant
rate of adjustment to the finagle circle becomes an issue in determining the length of
time the polity stays out of equilibrium and perhaps loses credibility. In a fully perfect
credible polity, of course, a rate of issue space infiltration is not applicable since everyone
is represented at the start of time. The radius of the finagle circle remains unchanged
and, under some conditions, is actually zero, with the finagle point and the median voter
being superimposed. Similarly, in a fully imperfect credible polity, the rate of issue space
infiltration is zero since everyone is disenfranchised forever and any change in the
preferences of the population is disregarded. The radius of the finagle circle is the
maximum possible value allowed by the issue space since the government can “finagle” to
whatever part of the issue space it pleases, provided, of course, that it is feasible.
In a polity that exists anywhere on the spectrum between these extrema the rate of
infiltration into the issue space and any shifts in preferences (perhaps simply from
economic development raising social awareness) would matter. An example would be
illustrative here. Assume that such infiltrations happen in discrete time and at regular
intervals. Elections might be a helpful imagery to have in mind. Every time there is an
issue space infiltration or a shift in preferences, the position of the finagle circle is
perturbed. Even with politicians actively seeking to rediscover the position of the finagle
circle, for any time spent politicking from outside the finagle circle or, for that matter,
even possibly the yolk, the polity is in disequilibrium and the government loses credibility
and popularity. The speed of readjustment is a function of the level and quality of
information the polity has about such changes. Disenchantment with the new government
in many countries undergoing economic and political transitions occurs precisely because
of the poor quality of information politicians have access to at a time when the shifts in
preferences and the rates of issue space infiltrations are large and frequent.
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Usage of the term credibility in such a plethora of contexts gives it a very amorphous
character, thus making it uncomfortable for some to see it as a crucial factor in the
construction of a contemporary theory of social modernization. But in this variety of
applications, the fundamental common factor is the effect of risk, ameliorated by
credibility, on the variable of interest. That is, in essence, also the driving force behind
the credible polity and precisely why it is so closely related to the weightless economy.
The credibility capital of a polity determines the political risk investors and consumers
perceive, and risk in any form dictates where productive capital (in any form) is
employed. A polity, for instance, that fails to employ its credibility capital in guaranteeing
ownership of a knowledge product and subsequent right to the income stream it
produces, cannot sustain a weightless economy and thereby hampers the process of the
modernization of its society. After all, if a weightless economy could grow independently
of a credible polity, it could in theory thrive in North Korea and Cuba to the same extent
as it does in the US or Germany.
Some Remarks
The credible polity construct is more than just a method of introducing political relevance
to economic development simply for the benefit of researchers on modernization theory.
It is, in itself, also a framework for analyzing transitions in political regimes. And it does
so without simply ordering existing regime classifications and providing an argument
with deterministic step functional form. The credible polity is a continuous latent process
that does not come to life only in times of transition in economic systems or political
regime. Note that we can start from any specific location on the imperfect to perfect
credible polity spectrum less than the perfect and, by application of its two principles,
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converge toward a perfect credible polity directly, without oscillation and theoretically in
one shot.
Another implication of the analysis here is that as democracies start becoming more and
more perfect in the sense implied by credible polities, we should start witnessing fewer
and fewer changes in government and a convergence of all candidate governments to the
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Prateek Goorha
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