Impact PDF
Impact PDF
Impact PDF
the Social ScienceS
How academics and tHeir researcH make a difference
There is an interesting asymmetry between the huge volume of literature on the mis-
sion and core practices of the individual social science disciplines and the very
restricted amount of serious discussion of the social sciences taken as a whole. For
each subject like economics, sociology, social psychology or political science, there are
swathes of inward-looking books, papers, commentaries and reflections, setting out
radically different views and disputing fiercely over future directions, subject priori-
ties, methods issues and rival conceptions of the discipline. When we first began this
research in 2009 we naively expected that what was true of the component disci-
plines must also be true of the discipline group. Yet our searches for any equivalent
massing of views and approaches at this broader level yielded only a smattering of
gold-dust (extensively referenced in the pages to follow), after which our searches
quickly petered out in subject-specific discussions of little wider relevance or in silted-
up backwaters of the history of academia or methods development.
So in the end we have written a far larger and more ambitious book than we
originally anticipated. In some small part this has been to compensate for the miss-
ing contemporary literature on the broader role and mission of the discipline group
and its place in the development of contemporary human societies. But far more
extensively it reflects the extraordinary value of the ‘impact’ lens as a way of captur-
ing and addressing some common problems and current changes across the social
sciences as a whole. When we ask why social science research and insights have been
scantily adopted in business, and have been less influential than one might expect in
government and civil society; and why the public prestige and government funding
of the social sciences lags so far behind that of the ‘physical’ sciences – these ques-
tions automatically point to and prompt a social science solidarity. They draw on a
commonality of experience, and awaken awareness of some foundational affinities
that the daily academic practice of each discipline tends to fragment and sublimate.
There is a fundamental similarity in how social science disciplines are placed within
the fabric of our modern, globalizing civilization, one that is thrown into sharp focus
by questions about improving impact.
Every social science focuses on constantly shifting human behaviours; conscious
that human beings have an innate and un-erodible capacity to change what we do in
response to being told why we act as we do, or how we are expected to act in future.
No social science produces immutable laws that once established last unchanged.
And despite the apparatus of proofs and lemmas found in some mathematicized
sub-disciplines, no social science propositions can be proven logically – without
depending on a usually extensive and always contestable repertoire of assumptions
and ‘primitives’ (such as the concept of what a ‘rational actor’ will or must do). All
social science generalizations are inherently probabilistic, none are determinate, and
all depend on large and baggy ceteris paribus clauses. Every social science must
handle an inescapable tension between knowledge advanced by the reductionist
research tactic of focusing down on simple processes while ‘controlling’ for more and
more factors; and the recognition that all social processes operate in complex, multi-
causal environments, where hundreds or thousands of influences flux and interact
with each other to shape any given social or behavioural outcome, and where the
same outcome can eventuate through multiple diverse causal pathways.
As a result of these features, every social science has a research process that is
cumulative, largely missing the ‘breakthrough’ discoveries or ‘lone genius’ insights on
which public images of the physical sciences and technological disciplines still focus.
Only a tiny percentage of social science research results in patents (for which embed-
ding in physical products remains essential), and the vast bulk of university social
scientific achievements are solely new (or partly new) ideas. They cannot be copy-
righted, protected by intellectual property rights nor used to build scaleable products
or comparative advantage for firms in the way that physical technologies often may.
And despite many social scientists lusting after the outward trappings of ‘normal sci-
ence’ practices, all social science disciplines still operate in ways that are a long way off
what Randal Collins (1994) calls the ‘high consensus, rapid advance’ model that has
served the physical sciences so well since the mid-nineteenth century. Asking about
the ways in which social science subjects resonate (or not) with business, government,
civil society or the media, unfailingly throws these inherently shared features across
the discipline group into a tightly focused spotlight.
Impact as a focus also addresses some critically important aspects of contemporary
change in the social sciences. For any societal research to be successfully applied in
public or organizational decisions it must be timely, produced speedily, capturing the
salient features of a situation and behaviours that may shift quickly in response to new
factors, or interaction with previously separate phenomena. All applied and impactful
academic knowledge must also be ‘translated’ from single-discipline silos; ‘bridged’
and integrated with the insights of other disciplines in the social sciences or beyond in
the applied and human-focused physical sciences; and assimilated into a joined-up
picture so as to adequately encompass real world situations. Research advances and
insights must also be communicated or transferred to non-academic people and
organizations, and their lessons mediated, deliberated and drawn out in useable ways.
In the modern world the transformations of information systems and now
scholarship itself via digital changes condense and accelerate many of these neces-
sities, creating a vastly extended set of interfaces between academia and business,
government and civil society; allowing the direct and open access publication and
broadcasting of academic research and ideas without the intermediation of conven-
tional publishing or media systems; and greatly speeding up the potential tempo of
knowledge production and transfer. Again the impacts agenda speaks directly to
these potentially common, civilization-wide changes that now occupy a central
place in the evolution of modern academia.
For these reasons we make no apology for the resolutely ‘broad-front’ focus of
this book on the social sciences as a whole, and our complete refusal to discuss in
particular detail any component subject within the discipline group. We recognize
that thinking at this scale is not familiar or easy for most social scientists. But we
urge readers to make the intellectual leap involved, to scale up their frame of refer-
ence, and to look wider than has become customary in universities in our special-
ized age. The social sciences have a critical role to play in the development of
human civilization, but it will not be achieved in fragments or by focusing down on
bit-part roles or narrowly technical scraps of argumentation. The post-war wave of
research specialization has yielded enormous benefits and advances, so that all the
social sciences of today are almost unrecognizably further developed than they were
in the 1930s. Yet the dialectic of intellectual development has now swung emphat-
ically towards an open social science – one that is far more inter-disciplinary, far
more integrated with many applied physical sciences, and far more democratically
accessible to and directly interacting with citizens and organizations in civil society.
Of course, a necessary defect of working on a big canvass is that key details may
be brushed over, and no small group of authors can have mastery of the whole field.
So we warmly encourage readers to update us, and to contest, critique, extend or
comment on the book’s analysis in any form that seems best.
The social sciences in
modern research
Thou shalt not sit With statisticians nor commit A social science.
W.H. Auden1
[N]o public policy can be developed, no market interaction can occur, and no
statement in the public sphere can be made, that does not refer explicitly or
implicitly to the findings and concepts of the social and human sciences.
Björn Wittrock2
Quote from the poem Under Which Lyre: A Reactionary Tract for the Times (Auden, 1946).
Wittrock (2010: 207).
new phase as digital scholarship produces knowledge that is ‘shorter, better, faster,
free’. The social sciences play a key and more integrated role in contemporary
knowledge development. Yet the processes involved in social science research
influencing wider decision-making have been relatively little studied in systematic
ways, and consistently under-appreciated by observers outside academia. Within
universities themselves scholars in other discipline groups have also been consistently
and often vocally sceptical, especially physical scientists and technologists, whose
central roles in knowledge development is already universally recognized and
(mostly) lauded.
This book is an attempt to redress this past neglect and to re-explain the
distinctive and yet more subtle ways in which the contemporary social sciences now
shape and inform human development. It is based on a three-year research study of
UK social science, which on most indices and for most disciplines is ranked either
second in the world (to the US), and sometimes first (BIS, 2011). In objective world
terms the UK is a small island of 60 million people – but in academic terms it can yet
punch above its weight, and not least in the social sciences.
Britain is also a mature advanced industrial country, with a stable (perhaps
inflexible) system of governance and political process, a services-dominated economy
with a vibrant civic culture and media system. These generally favourable background
conditions set up very neatly some of the key problems in the funding, organization and
transfer of academic knowledge into other spheres of the economy and society. While
the UK is in no sense ‘typical’ of anywhere else in the world, it is none the less a case
study with many lessons for elsewhere. Britain as a medium-sized country is large
enough not to face the ‘group jeopardy in world markets’ problem that sustains
exceptional academic and societal cooperation in the small economies of Scandinavia.
At the same time it does not have the ‘imperial’ reach of the US’s or (now) China’s
political systems and corporations, a scale and exceptionalism that creates distinctive
problems and opportunities in the interactions between universities and external
actors. Finally, Britain inherently sits within a European civilization and society (much
broader than the country’s recurrently disputed membership of the European Union).
In Europe the practices of higher education institutions have converged rapidly over the
last two decades, partly on an Anglo-American model. So although our focus is
primarily on UK social science, the impacts that we chart here play out on EU, wider
European and international scales. The issues we discuss are far from being only
domestically focused.
We begin by defining what we count as the social sciences, and scoping out how
large this field of academic endeavour is in the UK, in terms of resources and the
numbers of academics and students involved. The second part concludes our
scene-setting by discussing in a preliminary way how the social sciences fit into the
wider analysis of ‘human-dominated’ and ‘human-influenced’ systems, and the
burgeoning inter-connection of knowledge that such complex systems encourage
and necessitate. If we are to understand academic research contributions it is vital
that we have schemas and concepts in mind that are attuned to contemporary
realities, and not defined by the entrenched mental silos of disciplines, professions
and universities.
1.1 The scale and diversity of the social sciences
For historical reasons, the social sciences are often defined
as the disciplines that are in between the humanities
and the natural sciences. As a result, the decision
on which disciplines are parts of social sciences and
which are not varies a great deal from one country to
another and over time.
Françoise Caillods and Laurent Jeanpierre3
Most of the core social sciences with the strongest ‘scientific’ aspirations (such as sociol-
ogy and economics) do not have science anywhere in their name. Even in political sci-
ence there are scholars who insist on a broad ‘political studies’ label still, while other
analysts distinguish between a wider, eclectic mass of ‘political scholarship’ and its
vanguard area ‘political science’ (Dunleavy, 2010). The social science discipline group
also spans across a very wide range of subjects shown in Figure 1.1, some of which make
many, and others relatively few, claims to scientific practice. Many social sciences
Figure 1.1 The social sciences and how they relate to other disciplines
CAD disciplines −
Creative Arts and Social Sciences
Design Economics, Sociology,
Anthropology, Political
Music, Drama Crossover with Science, International
Humanities Relations, Management
and Business Studies,
Law, Cultural Studies,
Finance, Accounting,
History of Art International and
Social Policy, Social Work,
History, Philosophy, Comparative Studies,
Education, Planning,
Literature studies, Library Studies
Demography, Actuarial
Modern Languages and Informatics,
Science, Operational
Humanities Archaeology, Crossover with
Architecture STEM
Geography, Health Studies
Psychology, Information Systems, some parts of
ISCC (2010: 3).
overlap extensively with the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
discipline group. Here, our focus includes strong ‘social’ sub-disciplines within wider
disciplines such as psychology, geography, health studies, information systems and
archaeology. The most qualitative modes of enquiry occur in large sub-fields that are
centred and rooted in social science theories and analytic or quantitative methods, yet
that also stretch into the humanities discipline group, including law, history, philoso-
phy and modern media analysis.
What unites the disciplines grouped as social sciences in Figure 1.1? The key
common features are:
Many sub-disciplines within the Figure 1.1 social science category harbour doubts
about one or two of the features above, or contain scholars whose work stresses very
informal modes of theorizing, very detailed qualitative work, or authors who
emphasize narrative and persuasive writing in their scholarship. But such variation
does not qualify the common features above. And wherever disciplines use quantitative
data and analysis, ‘digital scholarship’ methods, formal theoretical statement, or
social theory as their intellectual spine, their identity as social sciences seeking ‘laws’
of social development is especially apparent.
We shall use the core discipline group labels in Figure 1.1 repeatedly across the rest
of the book:
These categories seem obvious, in some sense sanctified by recurrent usage and
myriad variants of ‘similar discipline’ groupings enshrined in university organization
across the world. Most universities and governments also denominate the physical
sciences more carefully. In government’s case this is because it is these disciplines that
receive the lion’s share of funding, so a boundary has to be drawn. The longer-estab-
lished physical science professional organizations (like the Royal Society in the UK)
have long played an important role in determining government policies and priori-
ties. Yet still, a report by the Science and Technology Select Committee of the House
of Commons (STSC, 2012) found considerable difficulties in defining what consti-
tuted STEM subjects. The MPs pointed out the need for concerted action by govern-
ment and university groups to agree on a common definition of STEM subjects. To
go further in firming up any of the four discipline groups above is still surprisingly
difficult because of an absence of any well-developed official or government categori-
zations. Systematic statistics can only be produced when such typologies are fully and
stably elaborated. So the problems that we tackle here for the social sciences are not
unique to them.
To characterize UK-based social science research, we set out to determine the
number of staff active in research across the discipline group, the numbers of post-
graduate research students, and the financial resources flowing into the university
sector both from government funding and from non-academic external sources.
Because building up such a well-quantified picture in a reliable way is not a
straightforward undertaking, the sketch of the scale and diversity of social science
research as a discipline group that we provide here is littered with ‘rule of thumb’
approximations or assumptions that are eminently contestable. We offer it as a
preliminary picture only.
Our key source is the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), which has
collected data for many years from British universities on numbers of university
research staff and post-graduate research students, as well as other supplementary
figures, such as the monies spent on research grants from external funders to
universities. Collating standardized information of this kind is supposed to be the
core competence of HESA, yet it is still not possible to reach what we might call a
definitive set of figures on the number of academic research staff working in social
science disciplines. Whereas HESA collects data on the numbers of students studying
particular social science disciplines, they do not collect equivalent data on the areas
in which staff do research (and teach). They record only the subject disciplines in
which staff received their highest qualification. In this format, they ask universities to
provide a primary subject discipline for their researchers, and then also give a sub-
discipline or a secondary discipline where applicable, in order to narrow down their
field of expertise. For example, a political scientist may specialize in public policy or
a researcher may have qualified in computer science, but minored in sociology. These
data give a reasonably layered picture of the qualification background and expertise
of researchers. But they do not provide an accurate picture of the disciplines in which
researchers are currently or primarily working. Some degree of estimation is therefore
inherent in our numbers.
HESA also does not collate together in any standard way a discipline group for the
social sciences, opting instead for a large number of highly specific subject or single
Figure 1.2 Our definition of the ‘social sciences’
Figure 1.3a The numbers of students in UK universities, by discipline groups for academic
year 2010–11
Total students in 000s
All Creative Arts All Humanities All Social All STEM
and Design Sciences
Figure 1.3b The numbers of academic staff in UK universities, by discipline groups for
academic year 2010–11
Total academic staff in 000s
All Creative Arts All Humanities All Social All STEM
and Design Sciences
discipline labels. So we have had to decide which HESA categories are inside or
outside the social science grouping. Figure 1.2 shows the ‘blueprint’ classification that
we ended up using, after making many different checks. We distinguish ‘core’ social
science subjects, such as sociology, economics, or anthropology, where all the staff
Figure 1.4 The numbers of research students and research staff, by discipline groups for
academic year 2010–11
Number in 000s
All Creative Arts All All Social All STEM
and Design Humanities Sciences
involved are social scientists, and ‘crossover’ subjects where varying proportions of
staff are social scientists. We cannot measure this last number in any fine-grained
way using HESA data, and have instead opted for assigning quartiles of staff as lying
within overlapping areas. This is an important limitation, which should be carefully
borne in mind when interpreting all the data below.
Using this template, Figure 1.3a shows that there were just under 630,000 social
science students registered in UK universities at undergraduate and postgraduate
levels in 2010–11. There were approximately 35,500 academic staff involved in social
science teaching, research, or a combination of both (as shown in Figure 1.3b). For
comparison there were just over 800,000 students and more than 75,000 staff in
STEM disciplines in UK universities, while the humanities and CAD discipline
groups were far smaller. Roughly speaking, the staff:student ratio in social science
was one staff member for every 19 students. This is a lower level compared to the
staff:student ratio of 1:11 in STEM subjects. Comparing ratios is somewhat mislead-
ing, however, because around 35 per cent of STEM scientists work in research-
only jobs and therefore have little or no contact with students, whereas for the social
sciences this proportion is only 11 per cent.
Some social science staff across the university sector hold ‘teaching only’ positions,
but in Figure 1.4 we estimate that there are around 32,500 academics in UK univer-
sities engaged in research work in social science disciplines (the bulk of those in the
field). This number is broadly compatible with previous detailed estimates carried
Figure 1.5a Estimated number of social science academics doing research in UK
universities, 2010–11
Academic Studies in Education
Business Studies
Management Studies
Social Work
Social Policy
Human and Social Geography
Media Studies Core Social
Anthropology Science
Human Resource Management
Tourism, Transport and Travel
Information Services
Planning (Urban, Rural and Regional)
Publicity Studies
Social Psychology
Finance Crossover with
Architecture STEM
Information Systems
Operational Research
Philosophy Crossover with
Linguistics Humanities
Theology and Religious Studies
out in the last ten years by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the
government funding agency for social science (ESRC, 2006).
Looking in more detail, Figure 1.5a shows the disciplinary backgrounds of research
active staff, shedding light on how many researchers are working in core social sci-
ences or the social science components of crossover social science disciplines (again
using the allocations in Figure 1.2). The HESA category for ‘academic studies in
education’, economics and sociology are top in terms of staff numbers. But there are
several business-focused sub-disciplines included in the HESA categories (including
business studies, management, marketing and accounting). If they were cumulated
into a single ‘business studies’ heading they would be close to the top of the list with
around 4,000 staff. In the crossover disciplines, social psychology and statistics are the
largest STEM overlap disciplines, and law and history are the largest subjects in the
overlap area with the humanities.
Turning to the profile of research students as shown in Figure 1.5b, both ‘academic
studies in education’ and business studies/management studies clearly top the core
disciplines table, while economics research students are less common than staff num-
bers might lead us to expect. In the humanities crossover area there are relatively few
law research students and relatively numerous history ones. In the STEM crossover
Figure 1.5b Estimated number of social science students doing research in UK
universities, 2010–11
area social psychology students are relatively numerous, but numbers elsewhere are
fairly low.
A final important dimension of assessing social science research concerns the
funding of research efforts across the discipline group. Of course, in Britain much of
the funding flows ‘automatically’ into research from government via two mechanisms:
Figure 1.6 Estimated value of research grants and contracts to UK universities
in 2010–11, by type of donor and discipline area
It might be argued that these inflows to the university sector do not reflect concrete
‘demands’, since they are basically administered by academic committees and
reviewers on behalf of government and the research councils involved. However, all
these inflows are highly responsive to the efforts made by academics and departments
to attract funding through academic success.
We estimate the breakdown of these two flows in the first two lines of the table in
Figure 1.6. In the STEM subjects the research councils accounted for over a third of all
Figure 1.7 Total expenditure across simplified discipline group categories in UK
universities, 2010–11
research income. And their proportion was almost half for the humanities and CAD
disciplines (which receive few funds from elsewhere). However, these ‘automatic’ funds
accounted for only just over a quarter of funding for social sciences research. The rest
of Figure 1.6 shows that a big component of the remaining funding for the social sci-
ences comes from research directly paid for by UK government departments and
agencies. A further large component comes from overseas governments, including
here European Union agencies and funding programmes. STEM disciplines receive
large amounts from UK civil society (chiefly foundations or charities supporting
medical research). Apart from this, the social sciences funding patterns is quite similar
to that for STEM subjects, albeit on a much smaller scale (less than a fifth of the large
grouping). By contrast the amounts received by the humanities and CAD disciplines
from funding sources other than government are very small.
We show only the second of these two flows in the first line of the table in Figure
1.6 looking at the value of research grants. In the STEM subjects the research councils
accounted for over a third of all research income. And their proportion was almost
half for the humanities and CAD disciplines (which receive few funds from else-
where). However, these ‘automatic’ funds accounted for only just over a quarter of
funding for social sciences research. The rest of Figure 1.6 shows that a big compo-
nent of the remaining funding for the social sciences comes from research directly
paid for by UK government departments and agencies. A further large component
comes from overseas governments, including here European Union agencies and
funding programmes. STEM disciplines receive large amounts from UK civil society
(chiefly foundations or charities supporting medical research). Apart from this, the
social sciences funding pattern is quite similar to that for STEM subjects, albeit on a
much smaller scale (less than a fifth of the large grouping). By contrast the amounts
received by the humanities and CAD disciplines from funding sources other than
government are very small.
Figure 1.8 How spending is allocated within the main discipline groups
Figure 1.9 The economic impacts of the spending of UK social science departments, in
£ billions
Overall, although social science disciplines account for just over 20 per cent of all
research staff and research students in the UK, they receive around 14 per cent of the
total research funding flowing to UK universities. By comparison, STEM subjects
account for around 60 per cent of research staff, compared to 80 per cent of total
research funding.
Finally in sketching the importance of the social sciences we asked Cambridge
Econometrics to analyse the scale of economic activity undertaken across the discipline
group. Because of the make-up of the financial statistics used by HESA, it was neces-
sary in this analysis to use a more simplified and condensed version of the discipline
groupings than that we deployed above. In particular, the consultants merged the
humanities and CAD disciplines data from Figure 1.6 into one category. And the divid-
ing line between the social sciences and STEM disciplines was necessarily somewhat
cruder to fit with available statistics. The key conclusion shown in Figure 1.7 though is
that the social sciences accounted for over £3,350 million of expenditure in 2010–11:
approximately a third of all UK university spending from all sources. The STEM disci-
plines accounted for the largest slice (over half the total), and the humanities and CAD
subjects for somewhat less than a sixth. Even on this cruder basis of division, the social
sciences as an ‘industry’ are clearly more than twice as large as the humanities and CAD
Using the same groupings, Figure 1.8 shows that patterns of spending are rela-
tively similar. All three spent around three fifths of expenditure on academic staff,
somewhat more in humanities and less in STEM subjects where other staff costs
are higher – for instance to operate laboratory equipment – which also boosted
depreciation here. The social sciences showed the largest proportion of ‘other oper-
ating expenses’, for reasons that are not entirely clear.
By 2010–11 the UK government was no longer providing any grant support for
students undertaking first degrees in social science, so most resources flowing into
social science departments consisted of student fees for courses, plus support for
research and some limited grants for students to do PhDs. It should be apparent that
the UK social sciences are a large-scale activity, and it is worth mapping out their role
in the wider economy in somewhat more detail.
These sources of income sustained the bulk of expenditure across the depart-
ments, which on the limited Cambridge Econometrics definition amounted to
£2,700 million, as Figure 1.9 shows. In addition, however, this volume of extended
economic activity had two extra effects:
Adding these effects to direct spending, and remembering that the definition of social
science used here is a restrictive one, we can conclude that by 2010–11 the social
sciences were a substantial industry sub-sector, creating more than £5 billion
annually in gross value added to the UK economy.
The concepts we use to organize our thinking are never neutral. Instead they tend to
produce specific effects that are progressively lost to sight the more they become
‘conventional’ categories. The juxtaposition of the social sciences with the ‘natural’ or
‘physical’ sciences, deployed in the previous section, is a case in point. The contrast
seems intuitive, has spread universally and is easily recognized by wide audiences. It
From the song ‘Walking Town’ by Jackson Browne featured on the album ‘The Naked Ride Home’
(released 2001 on Elektra Records).
Craig Calhoun, ‘Social sciences in North America’ (ISSC 2010: 58).
also lends itself readily to the propensity of western thought to revolve around
antonyms and contrasts. For decades, almost from the moment that ‘social science’
came into use, a surprisingly wide range of scholars in STEM disciplines have revelled
in the sense of superiority that the dichotomy creates for them. As late as 2009
Michael Kinsley could write without fear of contradiction that: ‘Many “hard”
scientists regard the term “social science” as an oxymoron. Science means hypotheses
you can test, and prove or disprove. Social science is little more than observation
putting on airs’ (Kinsley, 2009).
Yet the invocation of an acronym, STEM, to group together science disciplines,
and even more overtly the antonymic and ideological terminology of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’
disciplines, both speak to the decreasing usefulness of the idea of ‘natural’ or ‘physi-
cal’ sciences. In an increasingly human-made world, in what sense are the subject
matters of engineering, medicine, dentistry, agricultural science or modern mathe-
matics concerned only with ‘natural’ or even ‘physical’ systems? In what ways too are
mathematical or quantitative social sciences such as econometrics or actuarial sci-
ence any less ‘hard’ than biology or zoology? How is a randomized control trial car-
ried out in social work or public management any less ‘hard scientific’ than one in
medical pharmacology?
The mathematicization, quantification, formalization and theorization of the
social sciences are still very partially advanced, but they are clearly the intellectually
dominant trends in most disciplines – although the first three shifts are contested
bitterly by a still predominant rear-guard of ‘constructivists’ opposed to any ‘normal
science’ or ‘positivist’ model of the social sciences. But the impact of successive waves
of scientific advances and fashions have made evident changes to the standards of
what counts as ‘evidence’ in every social science discipline. In 1995 the biologist
Edward O. Wilson could still lament in highly critical language the persistence of
foundational disputes in social science: ‘A great many [scholars] even enjoy the
resulting overall atmosphere of chaos, mistaking it for creative ferment’ (Wilson,
1995: 182). Yet constructivist critiques have shifted character in all the social sci-
ences in the last decade, only infrequently now decrying the use of organized empir-
ical evidence. Instead they emphasize the need for multiple sources of evidence,
multiple methods of study, a focus on holistic phenomena, close attention to mean-
ings as well as behaviours, and frequent triangulation of different kinds of evidential
From the early 1960s commentators began to note that the old C.P. Snow con-
cept of ‘two cultures’ – one formal, mathematical and scientific versus the other
informal or thematic, literary and qualitative, and mutually unable to understand
each other – seems inadequate (Leavis, 1962). Recognizing the scale and salience of
the intellectual effort charted in Section 1.1, some observers suggest ‘three cultures’,
with social science in some sense bridging the previous divide, deploying mathemat-
ical and quantitative approaches in similar ways to STEM subjects, yet also in
repeated dialogue with more foundational internal critics inside and across human-
ities disciplines. The ‘third culture’ is also adapted to the fact that law-like proposi-
tions are hard to formulate when applied to human behaviours, with their
ever-changing capacity for reflexivity, where actors may change behaviours as they
discover that their previous patterns of response have been analysed. Thus, most
social scientists would probably now agree with John Gerring (2011: xxi) that:
‘Social science is not simply an offshoot of the natural sciences or the humanities …
It is, rather, a distinct realm of inquiry’.
It is also important to point out that both in their origins and in their current
patterns of development, most social sciences do not form any kind of field opposed
to STEM disciplines, or are in orthogonal conflict, contradiction or even competition
with them. The social sciences were founded initially, and expanded (after 1945
especially), in a kind of lock-step with STEM subjects. Craig Calhoun (2008: 20)
observed that in the latter half of the nineteenth century
the social sciences came to the fore as part of a rebellion against exclusive study of
the old disciplines [such as classics, law, philosophy, or rhetoric]. They grew
along with science and technology because they were deemed forward-looking
and important to ‘progress’, relevant to solving contemporary problems and
furthering positive innovations.
In their book on the changing knowledge institutions and forms of academic work,
Ian McNeeley and Lisa Wolverton (2009) credited ‘the laboratory’ together with the
German model of a research university as the last two of the essential ingredients of
the modern academic paradigm. Yet they also stressed that it is wrong to think of a
closed laboratory as just a building, or an isolated physical environment where closely
controlled conditions can be created for the reductionist testing of single causes in
experiments. Instead, many sciences have fieldwork where lab-like conditions of con-
trol are replicated externally. For instance, in Pasteur’s key investigations leading to the
development of inoculations against anthrax, although closed lab work was vital, an
equally important role was played by the development of an ability to undertake care-
fully specified field investigations in complex, multi-causal environments (Stokes,
1997). For many physical sciences, ‘the lab’ was not just something inside the univer-
sity, but an ability to create an environment for close observation, measurements and
manipulation in the wider natural or social world outside. This is overwhelmingly a
matter of professional training, socialization and careful organizational specification.
The other key element of lab experiments and field investigations alike was the
development of reliable statistical analysis to allow researchers to systematically
anticipate probabilities, and to differentiate results from small samples that might
apply within wider populations from those that could not. These techniques
developed first in physical sciences to help researchers distinguish causal influences
from multiple confuser variables in multi-causal field situations. Later the
development of randomized control trials played a key role in medical and drug
development, extending scientific methods into realms (like holistic human
physiology) where lab controls were infeasible. But the same sequences of statistical
developments also impacted and defined the social sciences, albeit often requiring
long time lags for the successful specification and accumulation of controlled data
and the development of theories to explain multi-causal processes.
The growth of well-informed social reflexivity and understanding from the late
nineteenth century drew extensively on the societal applications of statistics, but
also on key social science theories and expansions of understanding. Between the
1880s and the early 1950s the development of reasonable economic analysis of
economic cycles, the development of reliable social surveys and opinion polls, and
the extension of social psychology created radically changed self-knowledge
capabilities in advanced industrial societies. Combined with rapidly evolving
capabilities in organizational design and analysis they also made feasible huge
increases in social control capabilities, changes that have been variously
characterized as liberating or oppressive (Dunleavy and Tinkler, 2014, section 1.1).
It was during the explosive growth of the research university – first in late nineteenth
century Germany, and then the United States, fed back later into the slower-changing
university systems of Britain and France – that the social sciences emerged and grew,
especially in sociology, psychology and anthropology, with Marshallian economics
already beating a significantly differentiated and more Anglo-American path. This
familiar story is regularly told in terms of ‘great books’ and classic authors, who at
first like Marx or Comte often operated outside university systems as independent
intellectuals. Yet the less familiar story is of the initially German and later American
specialization of disciplines that first strongly created sociology, psychology, political
science and anthropology as separate academic professions, each based around PhDs
and professional journals following the science model. Figure 1.10 charts some later
significant institutional milestones for the mainly Anglo-American and European
development of these four core disciplines, in terms of the founding of key depart-
ments, professional bodies and journals.
The most extensive period of foundational activity stretched from the 1880s to the
early 1950s, with many apparently ‘obvious’ developments often taking decades to
achieve, and involving many detours, especially in political science. For instance, the
first chair of ‘political science’ in England was founded in the 1890s in the history
faculty at Cambridge, before later becoming part of an anti-social-science humanities
bloc that stopped Cambridge creating a genuine politics department until the 2000s.
Similarly, the London School of Economics and Political Science was founded in
1905, but chose to later create a Department of ‘Government’. And it was nearly 50
years before a UK Political Studies Association was established, which to this day also
eschews any scientific pretensions in its name.
Yet particularly since the late 1960s the concreting-in of highly siloed disciplines
spread from STEM subjects across the social sciences, with
As Debray (1981) noted for France, from around 1930 the universities progressively
ceased to be the key habitat of public intellectuals, with this locale moving first to
Figure 1.10 Timeline of some key developments in US and European social sciences
1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
•Anthro Society •LSE Dpt of Ethn •LSE Anthro Chair •Manchester Dpt of Anthro
•Royal Anthro Institute •LSE Prof of Ethn •Oxford Anthro Chair
Anthropology •German Society for Anthro •Chair in Ethn (Leipzig) •Assoc of Social Anthro
(Anthro) & Ethn •Chair in Anthro (Zurich)
•Harvard Dpt of Anthro •SSRC •ESRC
& Ethnology •Columbia Dept of Anthro •SSRC (US)
(Ethn) •Berkeley Dpt of Anthro
•Anthro Chair (Florence) •American Anthro Assoc •Chair in Anthro (Paris SB)
•PS Chair (G’burg) •Oxford PPE course •Political Studies Association
•Free School of PS (Paris) •Dpt of Intl Politics (Aberyswyth)
•Harvard Pol Ec Chair •Harvard Pol Ec Dpt •SSRC •ESRC
Political •Columbia PS Chair •Columbia PS Dpt
•John Hopkins PS
science •PS Quarterley (Columbia)
•American SS Assoc •SSRC (US)
(PS) •Midwest PS Assoc
•American PS Assoc •American Jnl of PS
•American PS Review
•British Assoc for •Royal Ec Society •Warwick Dpt of Ec
Advancement of Science •British Ec Assoc
•British Ec Jnl
Economics •Harvard Pol Ec Chair •Harvard Dpt of Ec •US Council of Ec Advisors
•American SS Assoc
(Ec) •Chicago Dpt of Ec •SSRC •ESRC
•American Ec Assoc
•Quarterley Jnl of Ec (US) •SSRC (US)
Gross value added (£ billions in real terms 650
from 2007)
Manufacturing Business services Civic services
Primary Utilities and amenities
literature or independent authors, and from the 1960s onwards towards media-
intellectuals (see also Reul, 2003).
Only from the 1970s did formalized peer review really lock down across the social
sciences, with the explosive growth of academic journals and sub-fields within disci-
plines made possible by staff expansions and more generous government research
funding support. Here too was the heyday of ‘physics envy’, as western mainstream
economists and psychologists especially, pursued a ‘normal science’ model of discipli-
nary endeavour, aspiring to the ‘rapid advance, high consensus’ model of early physi-
cal sciences (Collins, 1994). This period also saw the beginning of a wider sequence
of intellectual ‘fashions’ in methods approaches across the social sciences inspired by
STEM changes such as evolutionary theory development, systems theory, chaos the-
ory, advances in genetics and most recently emulation of science and engineering ‘big
data’ approaches. The differentiation of the social sciences from each other, and from
the STEM subjects in particular, was matched by the wider and wider gulf opened at
many points between the operating approaches of the core social sciences and the
older, unformalized or thematic/literary humanities disciplines.
A fundamental post-1945 shift in advanced industrial economies also particularly
affected the inter-relationships of the social and STEM sciences. Figure 1.11 shows
that in the UK, business and civic services were far and away the most strongly grow-
ing economic sectors, and these were inherently sectors far closer to many social sci-
ences. Services are not easily defined and most attempts made have limitations. For
instance, the popular Economist definition, that services are ‘anything sold in trade
that cannot be dropped on your foot’, fails to take account of public sector services.
And by overstressing the intangible aspect of services it omits the strong modern
trend for services to be ‘productized’ and ‘commoditized’ (Cusumano, 2010), espe-
cially using zero touch technologies where human interactions are minimized in
favour of nearly complete digital transaction processes. Yet this trend also has a coun-
terpart, for products to be servitized for instance, leasing fully operational aero
engines to airlines instead of selling the physical product and later maintenance kits.
Many modern services (such as mobile or cell phones and data) equally centre on
hard technology and specific products, pulling in complex technologies, and highly
skilled engineers, IT and technical staff from many STEM disciplines. Yet these are
the minority of private service sector employees, with greater numbers for marketing,
administration, pricing and business organization specialists. The relevance of busi-
ness schools and disciplines in modern business services is stronger than for older
economic sectors. And in the public sector, the welfare state and state health care
provision virtually created new social science disciplines across Europe, such as pub-
lic administration and management, social policy, social work, housing and urban
studies. State health services absorb many psychologists and health discipline
researchers with a social science orientation. Government patronage of professional
services like law, planning, or infrastructure remains huge, despite years of privatiza-
tion waves in advanced industrial economies. We shall see below that an orientation
towards government and public policy issues spread widely and deeply across the
social sciences for this reason. Meanwhile Figure 1.11 shows that three other sectors
traditionally linked in very integral ways to the STEM disciplines (manufacturing,
utilities and primary industries) have at best oscillated or gradually declined as
sources of gross value added over the last four decades in the UK.
So both current economic and technological trends essentially call into question
the woefully inadequate contrasting of ‘natural’ or ‘physical’ or ‘hard’ sciences with
human-focused or ‘soft’ social sciences inherited from earlier periods. Instead Figure
1.12 makes a three-fold distinction as follows:
Figure 1.12 How the social sciences focus on human-dominated and human-influenced
systems – also
includes IT,
Social engineering
sciences and medicine Natural
influenced systems
In these terms, the social sciences are primarily centred in the study of human-domi-
nated systems, but their coverage also spans extensively across into human-influenced
systems. It follows that there is no sharp contrast between the social sciences and many
STEM subjects – especially medicine and health sciences, IT and information analysis,
and engineering and risk management in all their forms (Wittrock, 2010). As Kenneth
Boulding (1966: 7) noted: ‘The case for the social sciences is simply the case for special-
ized, organized knowledge-producing industries at the level of complex systems’.
Increasingly, a recognition of this argument underlies the ways in which social
science approaches of many kinds interpenetrate and inform STEM disciplines, cre-
ating knowledge of organizational arrangements, organizational cultures, ‘soft’ tech-
nologies, citizen or consumer demands, social behaviour in complex systems, critical
self-awareness of potential biases, collective action and co-ordination problems,
behavioural science and ‘nudge’ insights, and so on.
Equally the social sciences themselves incorporate many toolkits and approaches
inherited from or first developed in STEM disciplines, including a now distinct tradi-
tion of mathematical and formal theory expression, and the rigorous quantification
and assessment of evidence, plus some version of the ‘normal science’ apparatus of
critical evidence accumulation and peer review. Fifty years ago, at a point of great
optimism for the social sciences, Boulding (1966: 22) observed that:
Every great advance in science seems to have been associated with a twofold
movement … One is the development of a new theoretical insight or point of view,
a restructuring of the image of the world, which creates, as it were, evolutionary
potential for the increase of knowledge. The second condition is an improvement
in instrumentation, that is, in the methods by which information coming from the
outside world can be detected, sampled, and processed.
Today the onset of digital convergence in the social sciences is especially highlighted
by shifts towards ‘big data’ approaches:
In the last half-century, the information base of social science research has primarily
come from three sources: survey research, end of period government statistics, and
one-off studies of particular people, places, or events. In the next half-century, these
sources will still be used and improved, but the number and diversity of other
sources of information are increasing exponentially, and are already many orders of
magnitude more informative than ever before. (King, 2013: 3)
As a result new areas of cooperation in the handling and analysis of massive data sets have
already developed, and the kind of people working in key social sciences has begun to shift:
Other developments pulling the social sciences towards their partner disciplines
focusing on human-dominated systems include the spread of randomized control
trials, systematic review and meta-studies from medicine and health sciences into
many different social sciences; and the rapid generalization of ‘public understanding
of science’ approaches into increasingly similar and increasingly digital knowledge
exchange efforts in the social sciences also, on which we have much to say below.
We did the thing that social science does best, right? Which is not to answer
a particular question, but to change the way in which people think about
what the questions are.
Research executive in a major US hi-tech firm
Tracking the impacts of the STEM sciences and especially medicine has become a huge
industry. Governments and philanthropic foundations pump billions of dollars or
pounds annually into these disciplines, and are naturally keen to monitor closely what
Douglas (1986: 128).
economic benefits they secure in return. Modern theories of economic development
assign huge significance to scientific innovations, as measured by indices such as the
numbers of scientific patents registered; the frequency of launching new products with
a high university value-added embedded in them; or the numbers of ‘spin out’
companies for science, technology, bio-genetics, or medical research that are linked to
the university sector.
None of these measures work when applied to the social sciences, and so the impression
has been created a long time ago, and consolidated by waves of superficial commentaries
and ‘evaluations’ since, that the social sciences lack external impacts, especially in business
and the private economy. Writing in 1963, Leeds and Smith commented:
Industry consistently utilizes the findings from the physical scientists who work in
universities and laboratories. Units and departments that specialise in determining
the practical uses of the research of a physical scientist are established in industrial
organizations. But there is no counterpart of this in the social sciences; there is
virtually no similar machinery for developing and testing the application of social
ideas. (p. 50)
Asked to explain their impacts, social scientists in earlier times themselves often took
refuge either in very specific case studies of particular disciplines, mapped across long
historical eras, or in ‘hand-waving’ generalities. A frequent theme was that social science
ideas were imperceptibly changing how society operated, but on a very long time-scale
analogous to that of the long historical lags involved in many scientific innovations really
being industrialized and generalized for extensive use. Thus Kenneth Boulding argued:
I suspect that the story of the impact of the social sciences will not be written for
five hundred years. It will take at least that long for the implications of present
knowledge to work themselves out. (1966: 19)
This was the title of a large public seminar convened at Kings College, London in May 2013.
the remainder of this book, but it is worthwhile taking a brief aerial look or
advanced reconnaissance of some of the key factors:
1 Social science research is generally ‘collective’ in character – it does not lend itself
to the ‘unique discovery’ image of research closely associated (by outsiders) with
STEM subjects. Figure 1.13 shows Boyer’s famous four-way categorization of
scholarship with ‘discovery’ research – finding new and unknown empirical or
theoretical phenomena – as only one of four types of scholarship (Boyer, 1997).
The other three types of scholarship are: ‘integration’, sifting and making sense
of new discoveries and creating systematic theories to accommodate them;
‘application’, using integrative theories and discoveries to tackle practically
useful problems; and ‘renewal’ of the scholarly or scientific profession itself via
teaching and socialization.
Discovery research accounts for a relatively small part of overall scholarship
activities, and only a tiny fraction of work genuinely uncovers new findings, but
especially for STEM subjects this activity is often seen by disciplines themselves and
the wider world as the core part of or even the ‘be all and end all’ of the scientific
mission. Discovery work also lends itself well to the populist ‘lone wolf ’ narrative of
scientific genius, with its characteristic stress on mavericks and isolated nerds
battling against the odds or a conventional wisdom to achieve breakthrough results.
In fact, almost all scientific work is replicating or incremental, and cannot be
patented. But the exceptions that can, and the industrial implications of the
most successful patents, still dominate professional, government, and university
thinking. By contrast, almost all social scientific work is either incremental or
integrative, either extending, consolidating, refining or reinterpreting known
phenomena, or seeking to integrate it within complex causal models and
theoretical frameworks. The only exceptions focus on mapping genuinely new
social behaviours (e.g., how people use brand new social media), or accounting
for unexpected or unparalleled developments (e.g., perhaps an ‘out of the blue’
crisis of state or economic stability). All social science work clearly depends on
and feeds into the collective knowledge of its disciplines and professions,
rendering the non-applicability of the unrealistic ‘discovery’ archetype
particularly visible.
2 Social science research has also not been capital intensive, nor have its key results
been patentable (which essentially requires embodying innovations into physical
products). Especially since the spread of PCs, the cheapening of computing
power following Moore’s Law, and the diffusion of cheap analytic software into
firms and governments, social science departments cannot fence around their
knowledge with the protective apparatus of equipment or unique skill sets found
in STEM departments, nor embody it in a physical product. Their products are
ideas and information that cannot even be copyrighted. So, taken together with
the collective nature of research advances, the social sciences have received little
or no support from the dominant intellectual property (IP) regimes of western
countries in internalizing a flow of benefits from their work. The apparatus of
patents and trademark protections has offered little or no opportunities for
social scientists to create any IP returns beyond author fees for books and
copying fees for articles or book chapters.
Figure 1.13 Visualizing the flow and potential impacts of social science research in the
academic, mediating and wider societal domains
Media Media,
Bridging cultural
Renewal Specialist and civil
media society
University Professions
Integration − local
integration Corporations
Entrepreneurs and
Discovery systems
Think tanks
bodies are also often able to commoditize the benefits of scholarly work essentially
undertaken in universities, and claim credit for ideas and innovations conceived
elsewhere. All the intermediary bodies shown also combine social science
knowledge advances and ideas with their own proprietary procedures, ‘ordinary
knowledge’, or applied modes of working so as to create amalgam products that
cater more directly to the needs of companies or government agencies. The biggest
companies, such as management consultancies like McKinsey or the ‘big four’
accounting firms in the UK, use huge amounts of legal expertise to create relatively
strong IP rights protections for their systematically developed ‘expertise’ – in ways
that universities could never hope to manage. Overall, the social sciences are
strongly exposed to competition from (and exploitation by) a wide range of
intermediaries in ways that STEM counterparts, with highly esoteric expertise and
strong capital equipment advantages, are not.
5 The value of social science expertise in external realms is also less linked to
specific projects or pieces of research than in the physical or STEM sciences.
When employed by corporations or public sector agencies:
Researchers bring not so much discrete findings as their whole theoretical,
conceptual, and empirical fund of knowledge into the decision-making process
… The ‘use’ of social science research in this mode is part of a complicated set
of interchanges that also uses practical knowledge, political insight, social tech-
nologies, and judgement. (Weiss and Bucuvalas, 1980: 12)
Critics of the Research Excellence Framework’s (REF) way of assessing external
impacts via case studies have pointed out that its focus on discrete research projects
or publications having specific impacts is STEM-centric and misses the importance
of the ‘wise counsel’ aspects of academic service by social scientists (Tinkler, 2012).
Social scientists’ work for government advisory committees or as consultants to com-
panies often draws on their cumulative, lifetime experience of a research field, and
not on any one single (and necessarily incremental) research output or discovery.
6 A great deal of external influence of the social sciences is concentrated in the
public policy realm, as we show below. Yet here social scientists themselves have
often suggested naïve or overstated views of what should count as ‘impact’,
creating an ‘impossibilist’ image or benchmark of what real influence would
consist of, implying a level or style of power that inherently cannot be attained.
This problem has several component parts, beginning with an over-claiming
of what a fully developed social science could do. At the start of the 1980s, Weiss
and Bucuvalas (1980: 14) noted that a:
tendency to inflate the real contributions of the social sciences into eternal
truths, good for all seasons, places a burden on them that they are not yet
prepared to meet. And since each advance in research seems to uncover
unsuspected complexities and new sources of variability, the quest for elegant
and parsimonious laws of social behaviour, on the model of the laws of the
physical sciences, may never be successful.
Charles Lindblom and David Cohen mounted a strong critique of a kind of ‘hyper
rationalist’ approach to ‘professional social inquiry’ (PSI, a term they used to represent
not just the social sciences but also the work of many social science educated
professionals outside the higher education sector itself). They critiqued the tendency
of professionals to over-claim authoritativeness, and under-estimate their dependence
on the ‘ordinary knowledge’ with which we all navigate the social world. At any one
point in time, Lindblom and Cohen argued, the contributions of PSI knowledge are
inherently likely to always constitute isolated pinpricks of superior knowledge, located
within a wider landscape of causation. The implications and salience of these islands
of PSI knowledge can only be understood using ordinary knowledge and this situation
will never change – there is never going to be a complete algorithm or a fully-PSI-
tested body of knowledge to rival the STEM sciences.
Research is only one of the various ways of human learning, but one which,
amidst other forms of obtaining knowledge, occupies a special position because
of its objectivity, its susceptibility of control, its dependence and reliability.
7 Finally applying social science and wider PSI knowledge that is limited in all the
above ways within the public sector and government has created particular diffi-
culties as bodies of knowledge seem to be ‘politicized’ or ‘subjective’. The first
problem here is the danger that we overlook the intrinsically political nature of
public policy. ‘Unless there is total consensus about the ends to be achieved, the
knowledge component is only part of the solution. In fact, the knowledge itself is
often mired in value and interest assumptions’ (Weiss and Bucuvalas, 1980: 15).
Getting to a realistic conception of what is possible here has not been helped by the
highly over-simplified (and automatically pessimism-inducing) ideas of what effective
public policy influence should look like, stressing some kind of Platonic guardian role
for social scientists advising public officials devoid of knowledge or competences:
The implicit image is decision maker as fresh blotter: the decision maker is
expected to soak up all the relevant research. An even better metaphor might
be decision maker as fresh stencil. Social science research imprints its message,
and the decision maker is expected to transfer it to the stack of blank pages
awaiting his [or her] action. If pressed to examine their assumptions,
presumably no social scientist would make such extravagant claims. Yet much
of the [academic] chorus of disillusion about the state of research use seems
to rest on premises almost this farfetched. (Weiss and Bucuvalas, 1980: 15)
Again Lindblom and Cohen took a far more robustly pluralist line, arguing that in
any liberal democracy policy making will and must always be subject to ‘adversary
politics’ influences, where decision-making responds to a contest of rival advocacy
At the same time, the authors clearly were not just arguing for the minimal impact
of the social sciences, stressing instead the often key role of PSI compared with
any other knowledge framework. PSI will normally succeed in displacing less
adequate ‘ordinary knowledge’, without necessarily having the capacity to replace
it in a way that rivals the prestige or frequent high levels of control-effectiveness
achieved by many STEM disciplines:
[E]ven if policy makers do not turn to PSI in many of the ordinarily expected
ways – for specific data, hypotheses, evidence, or policy evaluation – they may
take the whole organizing framework or perspective for their work from
academic social science. It may be decisive though not authoritative. (Lindblom
and Cohen, 1979: 79)
These realism views undoubtedly gained a lot of traction during the 1980s and ‘90s
when neutralist social science research conceptions (emphasizing long-run,
longitudinal studies and ‘pilot before implementation’ advice) were overwhelmed and
displaced by a wave of ‘best practice’ research in liberal democracies swinging to the
political right, with many authors promising not just to describe the world but to
change it. The strongly ideological advance of Thatcherism, Reaganism and later the
‘Washington consensus’ in international development were all driven by eclectic
collations of multiple possible prescriptions, all derived from first principles
economics (or market-analogy or public choice thinking). They were then speedily
applied in joined-up ways where solutions that worked in very different contexts were
appropriated and pooled into complete handbooks for economic or public sector
change. This contrasted with the long-time horizons and siloed nature of academic
work, about which Ansoff (1986: 20–21) remarked:
In today’s world of ‘big science’, research is costly and no longer has a uniformly
beneficial impact. The ethic of basic research for the sake of research is being
challenged on the basis of both economic and social relevance. On the level of
applied research there is the additional challenge of the utility of projects which
consume large amounts of money but produce no visible benefits for society …
Perhaps the most dramatic example of the gap between researchers’ choices and
society’s needs is in the fact that most research is being done from the vantage
point of single disciplines, whereas the key social problems are multi-disciplinary.
Between a third and two fifths of all the university research (and much of the wider
professional, government and business research) being undertaken in advanced
industrial societies takes place in social science subjects. In addition to those working
directly in the social sciences, many professional people are working in jobs where
they either produce social science research themselves, or else ‘translate’ it back to
business, government departments and public sector agencies, and a wide range of
civil society organizations. (We look in more detail at the role of translation later on
in Chapter 9.) The scale of this knowledge-intensive industry is substantial.
In this chapter we have established the boundaries of the social sciences as a
discipline group and defined the subjects that are wholly included and the key overlap
areas with the STEM and humanities subject groupings. We have also argued that the
old oppositions or contrasts between the ‘physical’ or ‘natural’ sciences and the ‘social’
sciences have little or no contemporary relevance. The social sciences are concentrated
in the fields of human-dominated and human-influenced systems, but so too are
many of the most salient modern STEM disciplines, such as medicine, engineering,
and information and computer sciences – in all of which it is crucial to understand in
depth how human behaviour conditions the operations and risks of physical science
interventions and strategies. A huge range of methods and approaches, ranging from
randomized control trials, through systematic review, most core statistical methods,
key types of algorithms, big data analytics, and systematic qualitative or text-based
research are appropriately deployed across both STEM disciplines and the social
sciences. Neither in terms of their subject matter, nor in terms of their methods, are
the social sciences necessarily any less quantitative or ‘scientific’ than STEM
counterparts. There have been many key historic limitations of the social sciences,
especially the past paucity of data, restriction to survey-based methods, long time
periods for research, highly siloed discipline structures and exceptionally poor
communication to lay audiences. But as we explore later in the book many of these
problems are now being rapidly addressed and eroded by shifts to a digital social
science where research is ‘shorter, better, faster, free’ (Dunleavy and Tinkler, 2014).
Yet a negative or impoverished impression of the external impacts of the social
sciences has been created over many decades by misleading efforts to read across
what normal science looks like from STEM-specific archetypes, and by crudely
formulated notions of what real influence would entail. Some of the worst false
standards of influence have also been propagated by hyper rationalist social scientists
themselves telling ‘fairy tales of influence’ to governments or funders in efforts to
secure more research support. And some of the most pessimistic estimates of
influence have been made by observers who seem to believe in ‘imperialist’ visions of
a caste of Platonic social science guardians guiding ‘blank slate’ decision-makers in
simplistic ways on what they ought to do.
The rest of this volume undertakes the difficult work of redressing this imbalanced
and badly-awry view of the social sciences, seeking to replace it with an integrated but
also detailed and articulated view of how the whole discipline grouping operates. We
set out the role that university research already plays, and yet might play, in the
co-operative guidance of complex multi-causal social systems. The role of academic
scholarship and science will necessarily be only a small component in the way that
economic, social and political developments evolve – but it has already been of
immense significance, and can be more so for the future. We begin in Part I by
etching a quick pen portrait of how the modern social sciences function as academic
professions, and how the work of individual researchers and scholars gets to be
known and picked up outside higher education itself.