Murmuring & Complaining

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Murmuring & Complaining

Dont complain about the state of the world! Fill your heart and mind so much with My presence, with My praise, with
thankfulness for the things Ive done for you, I am doing for you, and the even greater things I will yet do for you; for My
faithfulness, which will never leave you nor forsake you, that there will be no more room for anything negative. Love Me
enough to praise Me and thank Me for all Im doing and have done! (I:28)
If you would realize how irrelevant the circumstances of those individual situations are, how each of them is really only
there to pose a new challenge before you, a new opportunity to make another grade, to climb another step higher,
spiritually... you would take each of them much more gracefully.
Take them as from Me, saying, 'Thank You, Lord, for entrusting me with another test, another challenge, for You know I can
handle this one by Your grace!'
If you had a glimpse of the blessings I have in store for you when you pass those tests the way you should, you would put
on your best behavior, there would be no complaint or murmur on your lips, only praise! (I:77)
Youve really got no reason to murmur about yourself and the way you are made. (I:137)
Praise is the voice of faith, and the opposite is also true: cursing is the voice of unbelief, its the ultimate statement that I
am not in control, its the life-blood and breath of murmuring, the epitome and manifestation of thanklessness and
ingratitude! (I:140)
It is the Fathers will that you thank Me and keep a thankful attitude in everything and every situation, and not start
complaining and murmuring about it! Give thanks in every situation you find yourself in and youll see its up to you and
your attitude what will become of it.
Even the worst situations can turn into good and lead to a better one, if youve simply got the right attitude, one of trust
and of thankfulness for whatever I bring. (I:200)
Stay on guard and on the attack against anger and murmuring! (I:300)
I test you and see how you will behave even if you dont receive your hearts desire. Whether you will have a murmuring
attitude about it or stay cheerful, loving, giving and thankful for those things I do bless you with. (I:332)
Whenever "fate" is handing you a burden that's too big and heavy for you, or you think it is, commit it to Me and rolling it
all over onto My shoulders, and dont start moaning and complaining, and acting as if it's all too much to bear! (I:403)
Often people walk through life completely dissatisfied because they're constantly expecting something greater, something
better to happen to them, all the while completely neglecting and despising what theyve got. (I:411)
The rough times you're going through are exactly what you need in order to make you what you're supposed to become.
It's in trusting that you're getting just what you need and deserve, and realizing that if you want something better,
murmuring and complaining won't help at all to get it. (I:449)
Be thankful even for the difficulties and the parts that are a little rough. Anybody can murmur and go through life with a
"Why me?" attitude and expect more out of life than they're willing to invest. But the overcomers - and that's what I have
called and chosen you to become - see with the eyes of faith. They see the good even in the bad. (I:457)
Thankfulness is happiness, and if you're not thankful, you're not happy!
If you don't make a conscious effort to count your blessings and to focus on the things you could and should be thankful
for, the devil is always quick to point your attention towards things and flaws in the overall picture you can start murmuring
in your heart about. (I:474)
Murmuring and negativity are the voices of death, but praise is the voice of life. (I:475)
Instead of being thankful for what you're given, and "faithful in the little things," you despise the little things, but My Word
says, "He that is (not) faithful in that which is least is (un-)faithful also in much." (II:86)
The little people make this Kingdom stand. The big shot types are rather unreliable in comparison to the faithful little ones,
who are just thankful for the little things they've got...
Whether I will be able to bless you with more, something bigger or better in the long run depends on whether you're
thankful for what you've got already!
Those who appreciate what they've got and are thankful for it also love to share it, and thus are able to receive more. While
those who complain and murmur and wait for "the perfect thing" to come around until they're going to start sharing of
what they lose what they think they had and get less and less. (II:103)

Being thankful for what you've got is an important lesson; to learn to be "content in whatsoever state" you're in. The
enemy comes along with all those shiny temptations of all there is "on the other side," when you could have Heaven in
your heart right where you are, right now, if you only have the right attitude. (II:125)
Escape the thinking of the carnal mind, which will only criticize, belittle and complain about all the innumerable little
imperfections you see in creation! (II:310)
It's the bad and dark times that actually bring you closer to Me, so don't curse them, but accept them, say, "Let it be!"
Thank Me for them! (II:363)
I will always take care of you and see you through every battle, every dangerous and frightful situation, no matter what.
Learn to thank Me for it, and use those weapons of praise and prayer to a greater extent, and see how much further they
will carry you than the talents and abilities I've given you in the flesh. The spiritual gifts are much more precious, more
relevant, more efficient and reliable.
Be thankful that I'm not letting you continue as you have been! Be thankful for My corrections and chastisements, for
showing you that something is wrong, things can't keep going the same way...
There is a happy side to the life of faith, but also the serious side of life. The great lesson is to take both with a grin, just the
same, with thankfulness. If you can learn to be thankful for both, the good and the bad times, then you will indeed be a man
of faith.
Everything is made pure by thanksgiving and receiving it as from My hand. So, thank Me, even if the Devil brought it!
Thank Me, even for your besetting sins, for your lack of accomplishing great things, for being so weak in the flesh, because
all these factors are what keep you humble, dependent on Me.
You can sanctify things through praise and prayer and thanksgiving, and by sanctifying them, you can make them less
subject to time, corruption and erosion... Try it!
If you're thankful for what you've got, your house, your room, your car, whatever it is, then you won't mind investing a little
elbow grease in maintaining it, making sure it stays clean, respectable and a good sample. However, if you think that you
really deserve something better, why, you ought to live in a palace, and so you're not going to waste your time cleaning up
this dump, then you've got a very common problem...
The enemy tries to have you believe that you're having a legitimate reason and excuse for self-pity.
He tries to make everybody's situation look like the worst possible to them. That's why it's so important to praise Me and
be thankful; show an attitude of gratitude
Taking things for granted is a killer. Gratitude and appreciation bring new life. Want some new life? Give thanks for the
things you've got, and the very act will breathe new life into your being!
It's going to help you to stay happy when the devil tempts you to get unhappy, to stay thankful when the Enemy will try to
get you to murmur, to stay in the victory when he'll try to defeat you!
Don't worry about being a sinner. Be thankful for the ability to recognize it and that it will be a way to experience My love
and pardon.
Learn to give thanks to the One Who giveth all things, and that all things in this life come from My hands, sometimes as
blessings in disguise, as lessons to learn from, as mountains and goals to tackle; that life isn't just one joyride, but it's
much more like a school
Being a good steward over the things I have given you shows that you appreciate them, that youre thankful for them. Of
course, the Enemy will fight that. He always makes what youve already got look like nothing, compared to all the elusive
things he would offer you, ever since Adam and Eve in the Garden. They didnt know they were living under the most
perfect circumstances possible right there, they fell for Satans lie that there was something better than that, which I was
withholding from them.
You dont know what youve got till its gone, but Im helping you to learn to appreciate what youve got a bit more while
you have it!
How important and life-changing a more praiseful and grateful attitude would be in your life. But nothing drives home a
point like a real-life lesson, and by temporarily having to do without the blessings I brought into your life, I have made you
recognize the real danger of ingratitude!
Being thankful for what you've got is an important lesson; to learn to be "content in whatsoever state" you're in. The
Enemy comes along with all those shiny temptations of all there is "on the other side," when you could have Heaven in
your heart right where you are, right now, if you only have the right attitude.

There's so much to be thankful for and rejoice about, you just need to see it.
I want you to learn to appreciate and be thankful for even the less than perfect!
You've got a golden opportunity to make the best out of what you've got right now! Look at the positive, the opportunities,
and not at the negative, the obstacles. That's the devil's tactic: drawing your attention to what's missing.
Whereas, if you make it your priority to zoom in on Me, the Perfect factor in your life, Who at the same time can make all the
other aspects of your life as perfect as possible by pouring out My blessings on you in response to your seeking them in
the first place, the whole story is going to sound different!
Make the best out of what you've got, instead of always seeing whatever is missing that keeps it from being perfect! Enjoy
what you have! It could be worse! Things won't ever be totally perfect in this life. They're meant to be imperfect, and for a
good reason, as you'll fully understand in due time. Just trust and enjoy!
It's the hardest thing for a lot of people, to just be thankful for what I have made them to be. So many want to be something
else or would prefer to be somebody else. But that's often just because the devil has been causing you to compare.
Be thankful for what you are, just enjoy the life I've given you to live, instead of looking at what others have or do and
I frequently give you good ideas, but that's not supposed to mean that you're supposed to find all the answers there
yourself. In fact, if you would thank Me and give Me the credit for those ideas, I could bless you with a lot more of them.
It's the bad and dark times that actually bring you closer to Me, so don't knock'em, don't curse them, but accept them, say,
like Mary, "Let it be! Let it be done unto Your servant/handmaiden even as You have said!" That's the yielding, that's the
submission I need. Just say, "Let it be!" Thank Me for them!
If you can learn to be thankful for both, the good and the bad times, then you will indeed be a man of faith.
Dont act like some kind of victim! Let a lot more praise and cheerfulness come from your lips.
Everything is made pure by thanksgiving and receiving it as from My hand. So, thank Me, even if the Devil brought it, and
bathe it in prayer, do it for My glory, and I will accept it.
Thank Me, even for your besetting sins, for your lack of accomplishing great things, for being so weak in the flesh, because
all these factors are what keep you humble, dependent on Me.
If you realize that every breath you breathe is a gift from Me, instead of taking it for granted, then you will also be grateful
for the other things I supply for you, instead of taking them for granted or despising them.
Less is more! Instead of trying to stuff your days with things to fill, watch and consume, just be more grateful for what you
already have.
Always maintain a grateful attitude!
If you're thankful for what you've got, your house, your room, your car, whatever it is, then you won't mind investing a little
elbow grease in maintaining it, making sure it stays clean, respectable and a good sample.
Beware of taking for granted what you have, and wanting something different, the "grass on the other side" syndrome. It
prevents you from ever putting your whole heart into the situation you're in, from applying any elbow grease to it, and
instead of being enthusiastic and on fire, you just passively wait for the day when things will change for the better, which
might never happen, because I'm waiting for you to take the initiative to change things yourself!
Rising above means not looking at the negative circumstances, but beyond them, at My power to alter them, and at My
purpose in them to teach, train and strengthen you, trusting Me that I know what I'm doing. Then you can thank Me for
them, instead of complaining about them.
Please don't become angry, impatient or upset with Me or your circumstances, or yourself. Learn to gratefully embrace life
as it comes.
Be thankful; show an attitude of gratitude!
What's your attitude: gratitude or resentment? That's what it all boils down to, your constant choice. Will you resent the
trial, the empty half of your cup, or show gratitude for the full half? Life is never all good nor all bad. You might say there
are always good things and bad things present in it; it all just depends which ones you choose to look at or emphasize on.
Learn to give thanks to the One Who giveth all things, and that all things in this life come from My hands, sometimes as
blessings in disguise, as lessons to learn from, as mountains and goals to tackle; that life isn't just one joyride, but it's
much more like a school.

Be thankful for every less-than-perfect day to remind you that this world is not your home, for too many of My believers
seem to have forgotten that, and seem to think that this is all the home they'll ever need...
Be thankful for the times when things go wrong and haywire, for they indicate that you've been either going in the wrong
direction, or that you've been neglecting some pretty important things.
When you've got a lot to be desperate about, then you'll also have a lot to be thankful for, because you'll know that it wasn't
merely coincidence that you made it through the dire straits, you'll know it was Me Who got you through the rough times.
Ingratitude hurts, you know?
How grateful are you?
What would make you think that you've gotten to a point where you deserve more than what you've got?
What have you got that you have not received?
It's really an art to focus on the Donut, not the hole.
No matter how much the Devil takes away from you, there will always be more than plenty left to be grateful for.
It's all about gratitude for what you've already got, instead of applying your majesty of choice to the acquisition of ever
more things you haven't got yet but think you need in order to be completely happy.
Only if you realize that all things come from My hand and are - contrary to what may seem at first glance - carefully
planned, are you able to appreciate all the factors in your life for what they really are, the tremendous blessings in disguise
you so often take for granted.
I'm trying to train you in the usage of the weapon of praise, to make it known to yourself, to Me and the universe that you
are grateful for and appreciate what you've got, so that none of these murmuring spirits that make you begrudge what you
have, and none of those enticing spirits that lure you into ever wanting what you don't have, can take ahold of you and
make your life and that of others miserable. (III:251)

III (add: 31, 126, 133, 224), 288, 305, 400, 435, 451, 495, 510, 511, 569, 590, 600, 612
Do not murmur in your heart about somebody else getting more than you!
Criticizing Me for what Ive given you, murmuring in your heart about it, and failing to appreciate it, wont get you the
perfect world youd like to be living in. (IV:114)
It wont really make things easier to murmur, complain and raise a big fuss about the discomforts of life.
What good does it do to murmur, bellyache, moan and gripe and complain? It only makes matters worse. And they could
be worse, and probably will be!
Moaners, groaners and complainers make it tougher and harder on themselves by their own attitude. (11:53)
Before you complain about not having it just as nice as you would like, and not quite as comfortable, remember the
martyrs and their sacrifice! Dont make them look as if they died in vain by your murmuring and complaining and wishing
to have it better in this world. (11:84)
Whining and complaining weakens you. Looking at the positive, counting your blessings and praising Me for them will
strengthen you. (11:101)
As long as you walk through life whining, moaning and complaining, and constantly seeking something better for yourself,
murmuring in your heart about your lot and thinking you deserve better its just not the right attitude that I can bless with
greater things. (11:120)
A lot depends on you, and your fate rests to a large extent in your hands, which is why complaining is really of no avail.
It basically all depends on your attitude and on how you choose to confront and face your daily challenges. (12:19)
When you complain a lot, it shows that youve been placing your faith in the wrong factors.
When you complain, you obviously choose to place your faith in the circumstances. (12:22)
If you realize why you feel so miserable at times, namely because youre under attack from the powers that rule this world,
then its no occasion to complain, but rather to fight.
Complaining doesnt do anything to improve the situation; in fact, it only makes matters worse and gives the Enemy a
sense of victory. If he can get you to complain, murmur and get all down and grumpy about your fate, then he has just
about won the day. (12:27)
Im trying to make you stronger than the perpetual complainer and wannabe quitter.
Overcomers are made of a different kind of material than the complaining kind. (12:28)

Resolve to make an effort to murmur and complain less, or to improve in whichever way! What many fail to see is the
extent to which improvement would be not only desired, but actually needed, and more than just a good idea.
Complaining about the way things fail to live up to your unrealistically high standards isnt going to do the trick
Its the garden of your life. Dont keep on complaining about the messed up state its in, but start tending it appropriately
and youll see results. (12:53)
Instead of making the best of what youve got, you murmur and complain about it, neglect any opportunity your situation
might have to offer, and invest all your energies in looking for something better. (12:59)
If you have nothing but complaints in your heart about the situation youre in, and you come to Me in an accusatory
manner, blaming Me for this and for that, its usually harder for Me to get through to you to get you to see My point of view,
which is usually the positive side of things you often fail to see. (12:89)
Remember the admonition not to murmur as others have murmured before and perished! (12:111)
You can keep hanging in there with an attitude of trust, knowing on the grounds of My Promises, that somehow youre
going to make it, or you can spend your time whining, murmuring and complaining about your plight is energy-consuming,
and not really conducive to any victorious results. (12:129)
Lots of folks have to work hard, and put up with a lot of hardship, and you dont hear them complain as much. Even
unbelievers. So, why make things harder than they are by murmurs and complaints?
Prayer and praise draw good things and people into your life, whereas murmuring and a negative attitude drive them away
and attract negative repercussions instead. (13:28)
The entire older generation of Israelites perished in the wilderness, never to see the Promised Land, because of their
murmuring, ungrateful attitude, and Ive made it clear in My Word that this happened as a warning for generations to come.
Blessed is the man who at the end of his lifes journey has unlearned that life-long habit of whining, a curse that every
human is presently born with as a reminder of what caused their fall in the first place. Need I say more? (13:53)
Sometimes its important to sit and make it through dreadful experiences in order for you to make it through to the more
pleasant or less dreadful ones without much murmuring.
So, one thing you need to learn is to make it through life without that much murmuring.
Sometimes dreadful times are needed and necessary for folks to learn to make it through the less dreadful times a bit more
joyfully! (14:35)
Whats the advantage of complaining about being where you are?
Sometimes it pays best to accept as My will where you are for the moment or time being and make the best of it, instead of
complaining Remember: faith is supposed to be shown by the positive way in which you can survive no matter where.
Complaining about things a lot is not a great sign of faith! (14:102)
If you could thank Me by faith, youd experience a lot of times that things eventually will get better when you do.
Murmuring and complaining just doesnt have the same positive effect. (14:120)
When you go through a situation, its for a purpose. - So, no reason for murmuring and complaining about it. Take it by
faith! (14:134)
You consider your fate a rough and a cruel one. But trust Me that many of My followers endured a much tougher fate, and
yet without any murmuring! (2014:167)
Murmuring and complaining doesnt bring you closer to Gods protection!
Better keep praising Him than murmuring! Praising Him means, you know and appreciate His strength! Murmuring means,
you underestimate it and almost consider the enemys higher and thats a mistake! (2014:174)
You need to learn to get through the rough stuff a bit better, not as a complainer! (2014:186)
Sometimes you have to learn that complaining doesnt help at all and doesnt bring any advantage. Just learn to appreciate
and cope with what youve got and what you have left, instead of murmuring about whats not perfect or missing! (15:18)
Humility and appreciation work together; whereas constant complaints instead are more likely representing pride. (15:72)
If you want to make it, get a victorious attitude, and out of complaining! (2015:105)
Theres something to learn from a life in a world pretty much taken over by the enemy! At least itll help you appreciate the
Hereafter more and teach you a lot of lessons about whats good or bad, better or worse So, being able to discern
between those two is already worth quite a lot, and you should appreciate it and go through it without complaining about it,

if you can.
Life is a School; and youve just got to learn what there is to learn, and go through it without murmuring and complaining if
you can. Just accept what life has to offer you! Just accept it without complaining, and go through it as thankfully and
appreciative as you can! (15:111)
Sometimes its the negative happenings that make the former times look a lot more valuable, and make folks realize how
foolish it was to murmur about them or take them for granted. (15:127)
Dont complain about the harder times youre having to go through... remembering that it could all be a lot tougher still!
And, unfortunately, the reason Im having to let you go through this, is because they will, and youve got to get ready for
whats coming somehow!
Even if youre having to suffer, dont get into complaining too much, but make the effort to bear with it! (15:158)
How much have you prayed for My help yet, today? In other words, how much have you paid attention to and obeyed My
recent counsel to you? So, if you havent, why do you, and how can you keep complaining?
How can you complain that you dont experience or feel much help from Above, if you hardly ever ask for it? (15:165)
Getting prepared for tougher times than ever is whats on the schedule, and not much use complaining about it! (15:167)
To be content in whatsoever state youre in (see Phil.4:11), is a good thing and way to make it to be grateful, instead of
murmuring. (15:195)
Not exactly gratefulness or positiveness, to be complaining about lifes toughness, when you actually should be grateful
and appreciative of the blessings I bestow on you. (15:233)
Just take things the way they come! Doing it without complaining is one of the arts of life. (2016:13)
Show some thankfulness for what youve got, instead of complaining about the current state of your situation! (2016:35)
Just complaining about what you see and notice around you doesnt help! Complaining never helps!
That ought to be a challenge for you to do what you can in order to improve things! The one thing that definitely wont help
is complaining about it! (2016:40)
Many of My followers and disciples have had to suffer throughout their lives, just as I had to, and when its your turn, you
shouldnt start complaining as one of My followers!
Take things the way they come! Taking with grace what life has to offer, depending on the help from Above to make it, and
not complaining about it with an ungrateful attitude! (2016:42)
Make an effort to see it through and make it, without much murmuring and complaining about the imperfect
circumstances! (2016:48)
I know its hard to go through tough times, but dont let them be an incentive for complaint, but see their sense and
purpose: to strengthen you! (2016:65)
Dont spend your time complaining about whats going on around you, but let those conditions strengthen you in order to
make it through the hardest time yet to come! (2016:67)
To be willing to let it be instead of murmuring and complaining about it has been one of My earliest messages for you, so
time for you to take it, apply it and learn it. (2016:86)

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