BUSI2800 Assignment #1
BUSI2800 Assignment #1
BUSI2800 Assignment #1
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1.5 Posting:
a) Help us form your team by completing the 5 minute survey below, including the data
from exercises 1.1 (and 1.4 if completed) above.
b) Commentary from the first exercise (1.1). Do some research into what your own
Myers-Briggs personality type might mean in entrepreneurial practice (i.e. a new
venture scenario). Were you surprised with what was indicated? What do think this
would predict about your strengths and weaknesses in performing with a team? What
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personality types do you think would most effectively compliment your own in a team
c) Commentary from the second exercise (1.2). Copy your results from the BDC quiz
into your assignment posting. What did you learn from this that might apply to your
current, or future startup?
d) From the HBR post (1.3), summarize in 3-4 sentences which of Conant's suggestions
are most important and how you intend to put them to work in your future team.
e) Some believe that entrepreneurs are 'born' rather than 'made'. Do you believe
entrepreneurship can be taught? Why or why not?
1.6 Discussion board posting: This week, for those students with last names beginning with
the letter "A" or "B" only:
Post some separate, public commentary relevant to entrepreneurship to
the class discussion board on cuLearn: General Discussions on
Entrepreneurship. (Please don't use the news forum at the top of
cuLearn for this). It could be a link to something topical on
entrepreneurship along with some remarks about why you chose it, or
some insights of your own. Good places to look for articles include
entrepreneur.com, fastcompany.com, forbes.com, techcrunch.com,
inc.com, wired.com, bdc.ca, globeandmail.com, strategy-business.com,
hbr.com, or anything else you think is appropriate and worth sharing with
your peers.
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