June 2014 Board Exam Aechitecture
June 2014 Board Exam Aechitecture
June 2014 Board Exam Aechitecture
Day 1 Morning- 105 items (Planning, Bldg. Laws, Professional Practice, Theory and
Day 1 Afternoon 150 items (Building Construction and Materials, Structural and
Day 2 200 items (Design and Planning)
[a] none [b] 1 to 3 [c] 4 to 10 [d] 10 to 20 [e] more than 20
1 .History C (Architects and their works, Buildings, system of Constructions of
ancient civilization, Latin Cross, Greek Cross, Cruciform , Alure, )
2. Theory C (dictums Nuetra house is like a flower pot, Cheerful Color,)
3. Principles of Planning C (coordination of spaces, rhythm, etc., Definition of
Angular, Cross Sections, Faade, Free Plan)
4. Building Laws- E (Standard sizes, dimensions and bill boards, signage heights/
clearance, BP220, Toe kick, HUDCC- President Binay, minimum size of door .6 x
5. Architectural Practice E (Situational, decision making, SPP documents)
6. Structural Design D (Ultimate Strength, Elasticity, Max allowable Stress, Yield
Point, Lateral resistant diaphragm, )
7. Building Materials E (Concrete, Aggregates, Admixtures, Reinforced concrete 3x
asked, types of stone used in etc. like granite, marble etc. Truss used when exposed
Tubular, Roofing used in sidewalks Curvilinear)
8. Methods of Construction- E (types of wood joinery, Concrete mix Cement-SandGravel, scaffolds, types of wall, trombe wall, BEST among the choices types of
finishes, flooring for carport, types of windows, wainscoting)
9. Plumbing/Sanitary -C (Plan reading, identify the parts of lavatory, Trap, used in
the drawing, definition of vents, color of pipes for high pressure, color of Ground
wire, layout of sanitary pipes in Design)
10. Electrical -C (Plan reading, counting of lights connected in a switch/ in a circuit,
Load schedule READING answers are already in the Schedule, total load, types and
sizes of pipe to be use)
11. Mechanical B (basic air conditioning and heating)
12. Acoustics - B
13. Other Utilities System - C (Lighting, what lighting fixture for these particular
14. Estimates E (number tiles/ construction cost per sq.m. and cost per tile
indicated, Roofing, Beam, sanitary pipes layout in Linear meters, paints in galoons
and in tin/can in a given area and with the number of coats etc.)
15. Specifications- B (Brand names, HCG, Crown, Bostik, brand of paints, locksets
16. Urban Design- B (linear, Concentric, etc.)
17. Architectural Interiors- C (terms used in chair like Ottoman, colors)
18. Architectural Design- E (Computation of AMBF, PSO, ISA, USA, MACA)
19. Site Planning E (Location of room, Parking, Accessibility)
20. NBC Rules 7&8 E (familiarization of tables, value of PSO, ISA, USA, MACA
based on table, Setbacks based on tables)
Other items (please identify or describe) _______________________________________