Fundamentals of Architectural Design

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Fundamentals of Architectural Design

* before concepts

Architectural design as a creative process engages to the following considerations:

Sense of place - site and context

Andy Goldsworthy artist Architecture in context

Image source: World wide web

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Program - function and inspired-use/ celebration of use

Assyafaah Mosque, Singapore by Forum Architect

Igualada cemetery, Spain by EMBT

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Human dimension - experience, celebration of human spirit and social values

Atelier Muji, Japan Ashimizu cold footbath, Tokyo

Assyafaah Mosque, Singapore by Forum Architect
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Making poetics of construction: materials, assembly and detail

A poetic act of revelation related to experience and meaning.

Image source: World wide web

Igualada cemetery, Spain by EMBT

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In order to design buildings with a sensuous connection to life, one
must think in a way that goes far beyond form and construction.

Peter Zumthor

Bruder Klaus Chapel, Germany by Peter Zumthor

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Mood board - conceptual expression

Potential to become powerful factors in informing/forming a strong conceptual basis for
architectural form, space, experience, and meaning.

Image source: World wide web
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Concepts - conceptual thinking

* ideas and issues
that have value and provide meaning.

* explore
how ideas originating from program, site, social/ cultural/ political circumstances, personal
values and interests in architecture, human and experiential considerations, tectonics, etc


sketches models sketches

Image source: World wide web
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Image source: World wide web
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Design process - * intuitive + rational

Is the essential mechanism and understanding of how one can successfully move
conceptual and poetic ideas and inspiration (intuitive) into the realm of architecture
and built work (rational).

Simple terms from concepts to making

linear sequence
testing and
production of
alternatives in a

Source: Christian Ganshirt - Tools for ideas, An introduction to Architectural Design


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Mediums to show exploration during design process could be in the form of sketches,
drawings, paintings, physical models, digital modeling, & etc

Image source: World wide web
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Above all

Your own personal values and agenda

I explore the idea of the journey. Through the journey you arrive at the idea of
variations and you learn that these are as important as the final results... The end
result is no more than a more defined vibration that grows out of all changes that have
been between the initial project and the final construction. In its very formation,
architecture incorporates the idea of the journey, of the variable.

Enric Miralles, EMBT (1955-2000)

Vat Now?

Guide to design process
Stay out of politics.

Observe, breathe and experience architecture.

Be critical and engage in an architectural dialogue.

Architecture is a multi-disciplinary art.

Be experimental and open.

Take risks with precision.

Design is self discovery.

Youve got to give a damn.

Have faith and believe in yourself.

lecture notes prepared by Lisa Foo

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