Precedent Study

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Precedent [meaning ]

1: an earlier occurrence of something similar

2: a. something done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or justify a
subsequent act of the same or an analogous kind <a verdict that had no precedent>
b. the convention established by such a precedent or by long practice
3: a person or thing that serves as a model
(Merriam Webster Dictionary)
Precedent as a [Tool ]
+ Creates Links between new Concept/Idea and its manifestation in the past
+ By establishing reference through precedent valueis established in your design
+ Enables tojustify ideas by equating it with a model design
+ Helps solvespecific architectural problems
+ Identify problems in a previous design in order to avoid similar mistakes in the new design
Precedent [Selection ]
Based on one or all of the following;
+ Context- Site Forces
+ Design Program-Functional arrangements
+ Design Concept-Architectural exploration
Precedent based on [Context ]
Site Forces
+ Location: Urban, Rural, Campus, Proximities
+ Topography: Flat, Contoured
+ Climate: Sun movement, Wind
+ Approach: Central, Side, Accessibility [Pedestrian & Vehicular]
+ Landscape: Flora and Fauna
Precedent based on [Design Program]
Functional arrangements
+ Overall Project Configuration: Box, U-shaped, L-Shaped, Doughnut, Pin-wheel, Radial,
Clustered, etc.
+ Spatial relationships: Served/Servant Spaces, Public/Private Spaces, Space within a
space, Interlocking, Spaces, Adjacent Spaces, Spaces linked by a common space, etc
+ Proportion and Scale: Programmatic Hierarchy
+ Circulation: Introvert, Extrovert, Nodal, Peripheral, Pass through, Pass by
+ Relationship of Built and Open Spaces
Precedent based on [Design Concept ]
Architectural Exploration
+ How is the concept manifested Architecturally in the Chosen Precedent?
+ Understanding the link between Concept, Built Form and Spatial Relationships
+ Role of Structure and 3D form in exploring the Design Concept
Precedent [Analysis]
Key Analysis Points:
Analysis of the Chosen Precedents must contain the following and their significance:
+ Scale, Hierarchy, Geometry, Massing, Structure, Plan and Section relationship, Solid Void
Study, Parti, Repetitive/Unique, Circulation, Overall spatial & formal relationships, Play of
Light, Location, Context and Typology
(All of these attributes should help in understanding Architectural elements. Avoid Long
descriptions and Focus on Significances)
+ Use SCALED DRAWINGS: Plans, Sections, Photos, Location Maps, 3D Massing, etc
Precedent [Analysis]

Describe the Significanceof Each Category:

How does it add to the architectural outcome?
Precedent Study Examples [Analysis]
Student Works
Architecture: Form, Space and Order by Frank Ching
Analyzing Architecture by Simon Unwin


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