The Six Fundamentals of Architecture
The Six Fundamentals of Architecture
The Six Fundamentals of Architecture
Having the skill to intelligently build and design is the context of architecture if it
will be perceived in the bird’s eye view. It is defined as the art and science of building and
designing, but, under its comprehensive definition is the unseen yet indispensable
fundamentals that enriches every building in its different aspects. These are the 6 specific
properties namely; order, arrangement, harmony, symmetry, propriety, and economy.
The aforementioned properties came from the ideas of the great Vitruvius. These are the
fundamentals that have been underpinning architecture into becoming an architectural
which is:
The arrangement. Like order, this property also helps in making the components
of the building placed in the right location. In architecture it is also important to take into
account the importance of the division of the space; it makes the building conveniently
arranged. By focusing on the details and inducing innovations, the arrangement becomes
effective on its purpose.
The 3 property is harmony. Many great buildings radiate the energy of being
aesthetically coordinated, this is due to this one. Harmony is correlating every different
element of the building in order to achieve balance and aesthetic.
This property does not work alone on incorporating beauty in architecture as the
next one also holds a big purpose.
The 6 fundamentals of architecture are not exactly new to me. I have encountered
these kinds of things as I study but it made me surprised that these little things that we
see on a daily basis are what makes architecture effective, functional and as is.