Past Continuous by Me
Past Continuous by Me
Past Continuous by Me
I was You were He was She was It was We were You were The were I was not You were not He was not She was not It was not We were not You were not The were not
Negative ()
was not = wasn!t were not = weren!t "#ee$in
Interrogative (?)
was I "#ee$ing? were you "#ee$ing? was he "#ee$ing? was she "#ee$ing? was it "#ee$ing? were we "#ee$ing? were you "#ee$ing? were they "#ee$ing?
Read the following passage and underline only the past continuous verbs:
I was walking in the street yesterday afternoon when I saw an old friend of mine. She did not see me as she was waiting for the bus. I waved to her but in vain. So, I decided to cross the street to meet her. %: &"e + '(am$#e":
We u"e the $a"t )ontinuou" to say that the action was happening / was in progress * It +a" a #ong a)tion, ! It was raining all day yesterday" #$%&'() *+,-() .),/ 0123 %&145) 67&8 9! :ast night at ; o<clock, I was sleeping"& = >?&7 @ 6A8
A: Form = the verb to be in the past simple + verb + ing Affirmative (+)
I was You were He was She was It was We were You were The were I was not You were not He was not She was not It was not We were not You were not The were not
Negative ()
was not = wasn!t were not = weren!t "#ee$in
Interrogative (?)
was I "#ee$ing? were you "#ee$ing? was he "#ee$ing? was she "#ee$ing? was it "#ee$ing? were we "#ee$ing? were you "#ee$ing? were they "#ee$ing?
Read the following passage and underline only the past continuous verbs:
I was walking in the street yesterday afternoon when I saw an old friend of mine. She did not see me as she was waiting for the bus. I waved to her but in vain. So, I decided to cross the street to meet her. %: &"e + '(am$#e":
We u"e the $a"t )ontinuou" to say that the action was happening / was in progress * It +a" a #ong a)tion, ! It was raining all day yesterday" #$%&'() *+,-() .),/ 0123 %&145) 67&8 9! :ast night at ; o<clock, I was sleeping"& = >?&7 @ 6A8
-: '(er)i"e N./: -hoo"e the correct verb form for each of the following sentences BA or %CD
E Fhile my family and I GGGGGG breakfast, somebody knocked at the door. Whi#e =HI() 6J,() KL / &>A-M AC had %C were having.N&'() OP1Q RST$UM )V) %,1W X () + X &Y/ KZ[?&\ ] &7^ . @ ]&AZ7 &A8 &>A-M 9E Fhen I met my maths teacher, I GGGGG her to help me with a difficult e_uation. AC was asking %C asked.#'Y` #(a&Y4 KL K7T\&b3 c^ &2A4 6 @ '[/ *d&-e&QP() KL K3V&ZfUM 6-gZ() &4TA\ hE I GGGGGG with my friend when you )a##e0 me. AC chatted %C was chatting.KM 6[i3) &> j ( KgQT` k4 la%a^ 6A8 mE :ast night, I GGGGGG my homework. Suddenly, the light +ent out. AC did %C was doing.n,o() p X )% = q&rL ] *#-(sA>() K3&'t),M +,J^ 6 @ A8 *#$%&'() #[-( uE I GGGGGG to Ifrane two years ago. AC was travelling %C travelled. v<ai voyage w ifran il y a 9 ans & X Z[x y-ZAf c)PL) z() d @ PL&f
'(er)i"e N.1: {ut the verbs in brackets in the $a"t "im$#e or $a"t )ontinuou"
E Fhile I B)ro""C GGGGGGGG the street, I B"eeC GGGGGGGG an accident. . |%&}() P'\^ 6 @ A8 &>A-M* 9E I cut myself while I B"haveC GGGGGGGG. hE Sally BeatC GGGGGGG..GG dinner last night when someone B2no)2C GGGGGGGG on the door. mE vane B"#ee$C GGGGGGGG when the telephone rang. uE A: I B)omeC GGGGGGGG to see you last night at ~D;; but I Bnot3 fin0C you. GGGGGGGG. Fhere were you? %: I B"#ee$C GGGGGGGG. E A: Fhat were you doing yesterday at ~D;; p.m.? Byou/ +at)hC GGGGGGGG. ? %: o, I wasn<t. I B)oo2C GGGGGGGG dinner.
-: '(er)i"e N./: -hoo"e the correct verb form for each of the following sentences BA or %CD
E Fhile my family and I GGGGGG breakfast, somebody 2no)2e0 at the door. Whi#e =HI() 6J,() KL / &>A-M AC had %C were having.N&'() OP1Q RST$UM )V) %,1W X () + X &Y/ KZ[?&\ ] &7^ . @ ]&AZ7 &A8 &>A-M 9E Fhen I met my maths teacher, I GGGGG her to help me with a difficult e_uation. AC was asking %C asked.#'Y` #(a&Y4 KL K7T\&b3 c^ &2A4 6 @ '[/ *d&-e&QP() KL K3V&ZfUM 6-gZ() &4TA\ hE I GGGGGG with my friend when you )a##e0 me. AC chatted %C was chatting.KM 6[i3) &> j ( KgQT` k4 la%a^ 6A8 mE :ast night, I GGGGGG my homework. Suddenly, the light +ent out. AC did %C was doing.n,o() p X )% = q&rL ] *#-(sA>() K3&'t),M +,J^ 6 @ A8 *#$%&'() #[-( uE I GGGGGG to Ifrane two years ago. AC was travelling %C travelled. v<ai voyage w ifran il y a 9 ans & X Z[x y-ZAf c)PL) z() d @ PL&f
'(er)i"e N.1: {ut the verbs in brackets in the $a"t "im$#e or $a"t )ontinuou"
E Fhile I B)ro""C GGGGGGGG the street, I B"eeC GGGGGGGG an accident. . |%&}() P'\^ 6 @ A8 &>A-M* 9E I cut myself while I B"haveC GGGGGGGG. hE Sally BeatC GGGGGGG..GG dinner last night when someone B2no)2C GGGGGGGG on the door. mE vane B"#ee$C GGGGGGGG when the telephone rang. uE A: I B)omeC GGGGGGGG to see you last night at ~D;; but I Bnot3 fin0C you. GGGGGGGG. Fhere were you? %: I B"#ee$C GGGGGGGG. E A: Fhat were you doing yesterday at ~D;; p.m.? Byou/ +at)hC GGGGGGGG. ? %: o, I wasn<t. I B)oo2C GGGGGGGG dinner.