Case Study Leptospirosis
Case Study Leptospirosis
Case Study Leptospirosis
13/6/11 10.27pm at emergency department Hospital Sungai Buloh 45 Indonesian Male no medical illness before High grade fever 3 days a/w chills and rigors headache, arhtralgia, myalgia, lethargy and malaise abd pain at epigastric area vomiting 2/7 20x per day diarrhoea 1/7 6x watery stools
LL swelling progressively worsening with rashes over the shins In Malaysia for 6 years Had recently gone home Indonesia for 3 months and came back to Malaysia 3 weeks ago Currently staying in Sungai Sirih Works in agriculture farm vegetable farm in Kuang for 3 weeks No river swimming, jungle tracking
BP 92/60 HR 112/min, moderate volume, regular rhythm SPO2 100% on NP 3L/min O2 RR 24/min Temp 37.9 Abd: No tenderness, liver palpable 3FB, Traube's space resonant RS: Decreased breath sounds over both LZ CVS: DRNM
a) Dengue fever decompensated shock b) Severe malaria c) Leptospirosis d) Malaria e) Gram negative sepsis F) typhoid
What empirical antibiotic would you start after blood culture? a) IV C penicillin b) IV Rocephine/3rd gen cephalosporin c) IV Rocephine/3rd gen cephalosporin + azithromycin d) IV rocephine/3rd gen cephalosporin+ doxycycline e) no antibiotic
14/6/2011 at 4.30am ED Rx as gram negative sepsis TRO leptospirosis SPO2 on NP3L/min 100% BP 114/70 --> total 3.5L of fluids given; currently on 5mL/kg/hr --> 350mL/hr and IVI Noradrenaline 0.1mcg/kg/min ABG on NP 3L/min O2
pH 7.340 pCO2 30.1 pO2 94.5 HCO3 17.6 BE -8.8 Glu 5.0 Lac 2.9 sO2 97.4 BFMP: no malarial parasites seen
14/6/11 11.16am anaesth review in medical ward GCS full tachypnoeic, RR 40 on HFM 15 L/min
jaundice, petechia rashes , oedema bilateral limbs up to thigh periheries warm pulse bounding BP 87/50 on norad 31ml/H & dobutamine 4.1 ml/H PR 115 Lungs crepts Lt LZ & reduce a/e bibasal abd soft, tenderness over RHC region, liver palpable Patient intubated due to impending respiratory arrest and septicaemic shock
Hb 8 TW 11 plt 10
Urea 14.2 mmol/L Sodium 127 mmol/L Potassium 4.00 mmol/L Creatinine 268.6 umol/L Bilirubin Total 117.3 umol/L ALT 75 U/L ALP 191 U/L INR 1.03 CK 4947 Amylase 1044 CRP 92
iv hydrocortisone 100mg stat and 50 mg 6 hourly iv ceftriaxone 2 g od iv azithromycin 500 mg od iv doxycycline 100mg od vasopressin Packed cell transfusion 15/6/11 Leptospira IgM taken on 13/6/11 positive 15-16/6/11 CRRT
21/6/11 Day 8 ICU patient extubated 22/6/11 Transferred from ICU to general ward 27/6/11 Discharged home 21/6/11 Amylase 283 CK 356 27/6/11 TW 7.8 Hb 9.8 Plt 556 Creat 57 Bil 36