Drug Study

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generic name  buscopan

 calcium gluconate – 258-261

brand name
 carbofrost - 1760
general action  diazepam – 442-445
 lidocaine – 1776-1777
 magnesium so4 - 1726
indication/use  methergine - 1781
 nubain- 1063-1066
 oxytocin – 1178-1180
side effects  tranexamic acid -
 vitamin k – 1720-1721
adverse drug reactions

nursing actions

Generic Brand General Dose Indication/Use Contraindication Side Adverse Nursing

Name Name Action Effects drug Actions
BUSCOPAN + + + + + + +
CALCIUM + + + + + + +
DIAZEPAM + + + + + + +
NUBAIN + + + + + + + +
OXYTOCIN + + + + + + + +
VIT. K + + + +
1. Buscopan (430)
Generic Name Scopolamine butylbromide
Brand Name buscopan
General Action Inhibits muscarinic actions of acetylcholine on autonomic effectors innervated by postganglionic cholinergic
Dose Adults: 0.5 to 1 mg PO t.i.d. to q.i.d.; 0.3 to 0.6 mg SC., IM., or IV (with suitable dilation) t.i.d. to q.i.d.
Children: 0.006mg/kg PO t.i.d. to q.i.d.; or 0.2 mg/m2
Contraindication - Contraindicated in narrow-angle glaucoma, obstructive uropathy, obstructive disease of the GI tract, asthma,
chronic pulmonary disease, myasthenia gravis, paralytic ileus, intestinal atony, unstable cardiovascular status in
acute hemorrhage, or toxic megacolon. Use with caution in patients with autonomic neuropathy, hyperthyroidism,
coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhythmias, CHF, hypertension, hiatal hernia associated with reflux, esophagitis,
hepatic or renal disease, ulcerative colitis; in patients over 40 years old because of the increased incidence of
glaucoma; and in children under 6 years. Use with caution in hot or humid environments. Drug-induced heatstroke

Side Effects
Adverse Drug CNS: disorientation, restlessness, irritability, dizziness, drowsiness, headache
Reactions CV: Palpitations, tachycardia, paradoxical bradycardia
EENT: dilated pupils, blurred vision, photophobia, increased intraocular pressure, difficulty swallowing
GI: constipation, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, epigastric distress
GU: Urinary hesitancy, urine retention
Skin: Rash, flushing, dryness
Other: Bronchial plugging, fever, depressed respirations
Nursing Actions Considerations:
- Some patients become temporarily excited or disoriented. symptoms disappear when sedative effect is complete.
Raise side rails as precaution.
- In therapeutic doses, scopolamine may produce amnesia, drowsiness, and euphoria. These effects are desirable
when used as adjunct to anesthesia. May need to reorient patient.
- Warn patient to avoid activities requiring alertness until CNS effects of the drug are known.
Advise patients to report signs of urinary hesitancy or urine retention.
- Tolerance may develop when given over a long period of time.
- Many of the adverse reactions (such as dry mouth, constipation) are expected extension of the drug’s
pharmacologic activity.
- To determine m2for dosage calculation in children, use a nomogram.

2. Calcium Gluconate -
Generic Name Calcium gluconate
Brand Name
General Action Replaces calcium and maintains calcium level.
Dose  Hypocalcemia
Indication/use Adults: 7-14 mEq elemental calcium I.V. May give as a 10% calcium chloride solution.
Children: 0.136 to 0.252 mEq elemental calcium/kg I.V.
 Adjunctive treatment of magnesium intoxication
Adults: Initially, 7 mEq I.V. Base subsequent doses on patient’s response
 During exchange transfusions
Adults: 1.35 mEq I.V. with each 100 mL citrated blood
Neonates: 0.45 mEq I.V. after each 100 mL citrated blood
 Hyperphosphatemia
Adults: Initially 2 capsules or tablets or 10 mL oral solution calcium P.O. t.i.d. with meals. Titrate dose every
2 to 3 weeks until an acceptable serum phosphorus level is reached and watch for hypercalcemia. Most
dialysis patiets need 3-4 capsules or tablets or 15-20 mL oral solution with each meal.
 Dietary supplement
Adult: 500 mg to 2 g P.O. daily
 Hyperkalemia with secondary cardiac toxicity
Adults: 2.25 to 14 mEq I.V. Repeat dose after 1 to 2 minutes, if needed.

Contraindication Contraindicated in cancer patients with bone metastases and in those with ventricular fibrillation,
hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, or renal calculi
Side Effects
Adverse Drug Reactions CNS: tingling sensations, sense of oppression or heat waves with I.V. use, syncope with rapid I.V. use.
CV: bradycardia, arrhythmias, cardiac arrest with rapis I.V. use, mild drop in BP, vasodilation
GI. constipation, irritation, chalky taste, hemorrhage, nausea, vomiting, thirst, abdominal pain
GU: polyuria, renal calculi
Metabolic: hypercalcemia
Skin: Local reactions, including burning, necrosis, tissue sloughing, cellulitis, soft-tissue calcification with I.M. use
Nursing Actions

3. Carboprost - 958
Generic Name
Brand Name
General Action
Side Effects
Adverse Drug Reactions
Nursing Actions

4. Diazepam
Generic Name
Brand Name
General Action
Side Effects
Adverse Drug Reactions
Nursing Actions

5. Lidocaine
Generic Name
Brand Name
General Action
Side Effects
Adverse Drug Reactions
Nursing Actions

6. Magnesium SO4
Generic Name
Brand Name
General Action
Side Effects
Adverse Drug Reactions
Nursing Actions

7. Methergine - 960
Generic Name
Brand Name
General Action
Side Effects
Adverse Drug Reactions
Nursing Actions

8. Nubain - 292
Generic Name
Brand Name
General Action
Side Effects
Adverse Drug Reactions
Nursing Actions

9. Oxytocin
Generic Name
Brand Name
General Action
Side Effects
Adverse Drug Reactions
Nursing Actions

10. Tranexamic Acid

Generic Name
Brand Name
General Action
Side Effects
Adverse Drug Reactions
Nursing Actions

11. Vitamin K - 936

Generic Name
Brand Name
General Action
Side Effects
Adverse Drug Reactions
Nursing Actions

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