The Essay Reflection

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Grant Fox

Final Reflection
Reflection Paper
As a young adult I grew up with kids who had strict parents as well as kids who didn't
have parents, but lived with another authority figure. Every kid turns out differently and I set out
to determine if their life at home would affect them in the later stages of their lives. Some of my
very good friends have gone through life with divorced parents or parents who really didnt care
what they did. Fortunately, I was blessed to grow up with outstanding parents that supported me
in every way. Being friends with those kids, although I supported them in every way, I never felt
like I could connect with them and help them to the extent that they needed. I researched what
affects parenting has on children in a hope to connect with people like this in the future.
Starting off with my proposal essay I wanted to determine what made people commit
rash and impulsive decisions. Taking a deeper look into the subject I then realized that making
everyone makes decisions in different ways. A decision process is affected by how a person
may feel or think which goes hand in hand with their personality. Next came the hard part of my
research. Determining where someones personality may come from is no easy task. In my
efforts to come to a conclusion I took a look at where the person may have originated from or
acquired their beliefs. In conclusion of my research I determined that peoples personality
comes from the authority figure than instills their values upon the child.
In conclusion of my research I finished with six sources of which five of them were very
helpful. Some sources worked better than others due to the fact that I used some sources as
background knowledge while using the rest of the sources to add factual detail to my paper.
Before I started researching into more detail I was determined that parental control was the only
effect on the way their kids turn out. As my research began into more thorough thinking my

opinion was persuaded by all of the statistical analysis. How a child is raised makes up only part
of how the child will end up. Factors such as genes, environmental and societal impact all play a
major role in a persons life. The facts that I found while researching lead me to write a research
paper in order to inform my readers of the point I was trying to make. Looking back to high
school I can remember how much my sophomore English teach drilled into me about citing my
sources, while still making them credible.
While participating in UWRT-1102-007 I was assigned to a table. My table was assigned
a name of a house from harry potter, I was lucky enough to get Gryffindor. Amongst the four
groups in the class, I could tell that my group connected with one another the most. When I
came to an in class project or just revising each others paper everyone was very helpful. Input
of group participation was delegated very well in order to get tasks done in a timely manner.
When we started our project we immediately knew what to do. One person was writing and
copying down notes as the rest of the group brainstormed and spat out ideas.
As a sophomore in high school I took a class just like the 1102. From the first day of
class we were assigned a topic to research and discover more about. Each part was broken
down into different sections with different assigned due dates. Once the class came to an end
the entire project was then completed and presented to the class through some form of website.
Although I have done this before, 1102 has led me to discover more of the human involved
aspect of life and not just the past or some sort of event. My entire educational career has
taught me something different and I can feel myself grow from it. Professor Intawiwat has taken
the time to open the minds of her students in order to help them think freely and outside of the
box. I have never had a teach less vague about an assignment before. For this project
Professor Intawiwat told us what we needed to accomplish, and then left it up to our
interpretation of how it should be completed. I have never had a teacher do this, I have only had
a teacher give strict instructions on how to do something. The previous teachers would strictly

grade on what they expected from you. Professor Intawiwat gives an assignment and grades a
student on their critical thinking of a topic.

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