Report2014 PDF
Report2014 PDF
Report2014 PDF
UK Renal Registry
Southmead Hospital
Southmead Road
Bristol, BS10 5NB, UK
+ 44 (0) 117 323 5665
+ 44 (0) 117 323 5664
[email protected]
Web site
Management Team
Ron Cullen (Director)
Fergus Caskey (Medical Director)
David Bull (Head of Operations)
Hilary Doxford (Head of Business Support)
Melanie Dillon
Chrissie Jacobs
Sue Shaw
Karen Thomas
Teresa Wallace
Fran Benoy-Deeney
Rupert Bedford
Lynsey Billett
Fiona Braddon
Shaun Mannings
George Swinnerton
Jo Wilson
Business Support
Sharece Charles
Steph Shearn
Laura Woodward
Welcome to the 2014 edition of the UK Renal Registry report. The UK kidney community is fortunate to have such
a mature source of information, with statistics that demonstrate the clinical effectiveness of treatment regimes and
real-world data for research. For years it has provided an invaluable repository of information which is extracted
and used by healthcare professionals to improve patient care, and to show how well their hospital is managing
kidney failure in clinical terms.
However, whilst the UK Renal Registry is a resource created to improve patient care it has traditionally done this for
patients – now it plans to do it with patients. People and families affected by kidney disease want to know about how
well their care is being delivered, whether it is better or worse (for outcomes and experience) in their hospital or the
one up the road. The UK Renal Registry reports on areas that are essential to patients, but not many patients know
about it. It is a resource for all and 2014 marks the year when its first Patient Council was formed to advise and guide
on its work from the perspective of those who receive care. This year the first, more accessible report, aimed at a
patient audience was published, with a selection of facts and figures for kidney patients, showing for example the
proportion of patients on home dialysis therapies, numbers starting dialysis by age, gender and race, and numbers
on the transplant waiting list. Perhaps in time it can bring out differences in outcomes for those on different dialysis
therapies, or waiting times for transplant by different units.
The Kidney Health: Delivering Excellence report (2013) (
Kidney-Health-Delivering-Excellence.pdf.aspx) demonstrated the effectiveness of patients and professionals working
together. This is espoused in in new UK Renal Registry projects such as that addressing the huge patient safety issue
that is Acute Kidney Injury and another to test how activating and coaching people with Chronic Kidney Disease
might lead to improved outcomes, including experience.
The core reporting data about access to, quality of and outcomes from dialysis will become even more important to
monitor patient care in the face of significant economic challenges and commissioning changes. Publishing registry
data to guide commissioners and to assure patients that they continue to receive the right care and choices is key
for the future.
The word data is derived from the Latin word ‘datum’, meaning ‘something given’. The UK Renal Registry can give
something to all of us, so sharing it, making it accessible and keeping it timely can guide and protect us and help us
work together to assure consistency of care and to answer our questions. Congratulations to registry staff for their hard
work in producing the 2014 report in good time.
Fiona Loud
UK Renal Registry Patient Council
British Kidney Patient Association
Chapters and appendices
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013: National and Centre-specific Analyses 9
Julie Gilg, Rishi Pruthi, Damian Fogarty 9
Introduction 10
Definitions 10
UK Renal Registry coverage 10
Renal Association Guidelines 10
1. Geographical variation in incidence rates 11
2. Demographics and clinical characteristics of patients starting RRT 19
3. Late presentation and delayed referral of incident patients 31
International comparisons 36
Survival of incident patients 37
Conclusions 37
Chapter 2 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Prevalence in 2013: National and Centre-specific Analyses 39
Anirudh Rao, Anna Casula, Clare Castledine 39
Introduction 40
Methods 40
Results 40
Prevalent patient numbers and changes in prevalence 40
Prevalent patients by RRT modality and centre 40
Changes in prevalence 41
Prevalence of RRT in Clinical Commissioning Groups in England (CCGs), Health and
Social Care Areas in Northern Ireland (HBs), Local Health Boards in Wales (HBs) and
Health Boards in Scotland (HBs) 41
Factors associated with variation in standardised prevalence ratios in Clinical
Commissioning Groups in England, Health and Social Care Trust Areas in Northern
Ireland, Local Health Boards in Wales and Health Boards in Scotland 43
Case mix in prevalent RRT patients 46
International comparisons 63
Conclusions 64
Chapter 3 Demographic and Biochemistry Profile of Kidney Transplant Recipients in the UK
in 2013: National and Centre-specific Analyses 65
Rishi Pruthi, Anna Casula, Iain MacPhee 65
Introduction 66
Transplant activity, waiting list activity and survival data 66
Introduction 66
Methods 66
Results 66
Conclusions 67
Transplant demographics 68
Introduction 68
Methods 68
Results and Conclusions 68
Clinical and laboratory outcomes 76
Introduction 76
Methods 76
Results and conclusions 80
Analysis of prevalent patients by CKD stage 87
Introduction 87
Methods 87
Results and conclusions 88
eGFR slope analysis 88
Introduction 88
Methods 89
Results and conclusions 89
Cause of death in transplant recipients 90
Introduction 90
Methods 90
Results and conclusions 90
Appendix 1: Reporting status of audit measures 93
Chapter 5 Survival and Cause of Death in UK Adult Patients on Renal Replacement Therapy
in 2013: National and Centre-specific Analyses 107
Retha Steenkamp, Anirudh Rao, Paul Roderick 107
Introduction 108
Methods 108
Incident (new RRT) patient survival 110
Overall survival 110
Survival by UK country 110
Survival by modality 111
Survival by age 111
Age and the hazard of death 113
Survival by gender 113
Survival in the 2003–2012 cohort 114
Long term survival: trends up to 10 years post RRT start 114
Change in survival on RRT by vintage 114
Centre variability in one year after 90 days survival 116
Survival in patients with diabetes 120
Median life expectancy on RRT 120
Survival in prevalent dialysis patients 121
Overall survival 121
Survival by UK country 121
One year survival of prevalent dialysis patients by centre 121
Survival by age group 123
One year death rate in prevalent dialysis patients in the 2012 cohort by age group 123
Time trends in survival, 2003 to 2012 124
Survival in patients with diabetes 124
Death rate on RRT compared with the UK general population 125
Cause of death 126
Data completeness 126
Cause of death in incident RRT patients 126
Cause of death in prevalent RRT patients in the 2012 cohort 126
Conclusions 128
Appendix 1: Survival tables 130
Chapter 7 Haemoglobin, Ferritin and Erythropoietin amongst UK Adult Dialysis Patients in 2013:
National and Centre-specific Analyses 151
Julie Gilg, Rebecca Evans, Anirudh Rao, Andrew J Williams 151
Introduction 152
Methods 152
Results 153
Anaemia management in incident dialysis patients 153
Anaemia management in prevalent dialysis patients 157
Success with guideline compliance 172
Conclusions 175
Chapter 8 Biochemical Variables amongst UK Adult Dialysis Patients in 2013: National and
Centre-specific Analyses 177
Catriona Shaw, Johann Nicholas, David Pitcher, Anne Dawnay 177
Introduction 178
Methods 178
Results 180
Mineral and bone variables 180
Conclusions 214
Chapter 12 Epidemiology of Reported Infections amongst Patients Receiving Dialysis for Established
Renal Failure in England in 2012 to 2013: a Joint Report from Public Health England
and the UK Renal Registry 265
David Pitcher, Anirudh Rao, Fergus Caskey, John Davies, Lisa Crowley, Richard Fluck,
Ken Farrington 265
Introduction 266
Methods 266
Results 267
Validation 267
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus 267
Methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus 268
Type of dialysis access and infection 268
Clostridium difficile 268
Escherichia coli 270
Conclusions 271
Acknowledgements 272
Appendix 1: Processes for reporting of infections to Public Health England 273
Appendix A The UK Renal Registry Statement of Purpose 275
Appendix D Methodology used for Analyses of PCT/HB Incidence and Prevalence Rates and of
Standardised Ratios 289
Appendix E Methodology for Estimating Catchment Populations of Renal Centres in the UK for
Dialysis Patients 293
Appendix F Additional Data Tables for 2013 new and existing patients 297
Appendix H Coding: Ethnicity, EDTA Primary Renal Diagnoses, EDTA Causes of Death 319
Appendix K Renal Centre Names and Abbreviations used in the Figures and Data Tables 329
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Activity since the last UK Renal Registry Annual step forward in December 2013 when it successfully com-
Report pleted a feasibility and pilot project with Intersystemsw.
Following this, and with approval from the Renal Infor-
We remain indebted to the founders of the UK Renal mation Governance Board of the Renal Association, the
Registry (UKRR), Professor Terry Feest and Dr David UKRR proceeded to purchase the necessary hardware
Ansell, whose foresight and innovative thinking led to to house an Intersystemsw HealthSharew database and
the automatic capture of data from electronic health obtain the necessary information governance per-
records in renal centres in the mid-1990s. With this missions. It is anticipated that data will start flowing
model however, issues such as timeliness of reporting into the new UKRDC data warehouse before the end of
and data completeness have proven difficult and stub- 2014.
bornly resistant to improvement. Overlapping requests For renal centres, commissioners and patients, this is
for extraction of the same or similar data have emerged likely to lead to a number of noticeable benefits:
from PatientView and NHS Blood and Transplant and
are leading to several extraction routines in local renal . Data will be collected from renal centres daily (rather
IT systems all needing to be maintained. There is also a than at the end of a quarter) and so the UKRR will
need to be able to evolve our dataset more quickly in
response to improved understanding of diseases and
treatments and in response to commissioners as they UK Renal Registry UKRR
monitor the quality of the services they are funding. In
short, the UKRR needs to innovate again if it is to survive Scottish Renal Registry SRR
collaboration between the UK Renal Registry and eight Welsh Renal Clinical Network
other major organisations with an interest in collecting
Renal Information Exchange Group
routine renal health data (figure 1). It has been in
development for several years now, but took a major Fig. 1. UK Renal Data Collaboration member organisations
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
have a dataset that (1) contains all laboratory results . the fields to capture dashboard indicator data auto-
from the quarter not just the latest one and (2) is a matically
real-time copy of the local renal IT system . the fields to capture the shared-care HD CQUIN
. It will be possible to improve and standardise data automatically
extractions and transfers with the ultimate aim of . the fields to capture the dialysis access data auto-
being able to transfer a patient’s electronic health matically
record between renal centres, with the patient’s . the first ever UKRR PD dataset – agreed through
permission, as required for continuity of clinical expert consensus
It is also worth pointing out that the Commissioning
. Only one data extraction routine will be required
Reference Group sent out a letter on the 2nd September
(rather than one for each of the partner organis-
2014 that mandates the reporting of dialysis-dependent
ations) making it easier to maintain mapping and
AKI from 1st January 2015.
therefore data completeness
We are in discussion with national standards groups
. Two-way data communication will become possible
about the formats to be used to transmit the data in
between renal centres, the UKRR and patients.
2016. They will be very different to our traditional format
For more information on the UKRDC and how it is and hence suppliers should not modify their extracts until
going to affect you and your renal centre please see the further guidance has been issued. Some particular
UKRR website ( changes are likely to include:
. Moving away from a quarterly or monthly block
towards a continuous feed of all activity including
blood results and dialysis sessions
An update of the UKRR’s dataset . Moving away from a modality timeline towards a
series of episodes
Recognising the changes that lie ahead with the . Moving away from multiple extracts (e.g. to PV,
implementation of the UKRDC, the UKRR released the RADAR, the UKRR and NHS BT) to a single stan-
latest version of its dataset in September 2014. The dardised extract serving all purposes.
main purpose of this release was to update the list of
data items for the core UKRR work and to enable the To help explain this we have included a sheet in the
automation of dashboard, dialysis access audit and dataset that begins to outline some of these formatting
some CQUIN returns. changes and will be of particular interest to the system
One of the main changes coming with this new dataset suppliers. We recognise the varying states of renal IT
was the change in the extraction rules for reporting systems around the UK and will continue to liaise with
patients to the UKRR. In recognition of the currently suppliers about these technicalities.
uncaptured conservative kidney management work and We appreciate that these modifications will require
the huge variation in adoption of the 2009 rule to record renal units to make some changes to their renal IT system
patients at the time of their first dialysis (and meaningless and the way they record data, but hope the reasons
0–90 day data as a result), the UKRR will move to extract behind them and the benefits they should be able to
data on: deliver are clear.
Introduction Introduction to the 17th UKRR Annual Report
Following a lot of consideration and discussion, a a Patient Council to oversee its work. Chaired by a patient
level 3 National Patient Safety Alert was issued by NHS and with 10–12 appointed patient representatives this
England in June 2014 requiring laboratories in all Trusts group will aim to advise and monitor present and future
in England to do two things essential for measuring AKI initiatives of the UKRR and increase the usefulness of
rates by 9th March 2015: the UKRR to patients.
1. Incorporate a standard, nationally-agreed algorithm
into local laboratory information management
systems to identify patients with KDIGO stage 1,
Other changes
2 or 3 acute kidney injury and create the appropri-
ate AKI Warning Stage Test Result for secondary
In addition to the establishment of the Patient Council,
and later primary care.
there have been a number of alterations to the organis-
2. Send a file of all cases of AKI, with identifiers and
ation of study groups. In order to provide concentrated
serum creatinine results from the preceding and
methodological expertise in one place, a Research
following 15 months to the UKRR.
Methods study group has been established with the aim
An AKI Measurement Work Stream Committee has of:
been established with representation from adult and . advising on analytical issues that have arisen during
paediatric nephrology, primary care, public health, phar- core UKRR work or identified in clinical study
macy and patients. The main purpose of that committee groups
at the moment is to plan the work required to validate the . evaluating and refining ideas for new high impact
data, once available, and begin to think about the best use analyses involving UKRR data.
for the data – from describing the epidemiology of AKI
and differences between areas to using the data to study It has also been decided to incorporate the UKRR’s
population level interventions. Health Research Authority Chronic Kidney Disease study group into the UK Kidney
temporary exemption from section 251 of the NHS Act Research Consortium CKD study group. The Measure-
2006 has already been granted allowing the UKRR to ment Workstream of the AKI National Programme will
hold identifiable data and link to other health datasets. act as the UKRR’s AKI study group for the duration of
For further information including details of the other that programme (figure 2).
workstreams of the Acute Kidney Injury National Pro-
gramme – Education, Detection, Intervention, Detection
and Commissioning – or to get involved, please visit the
AKI website ( Tony Wing fellowship
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
the adult and paediatric registries and second to use Completeness of data returns from UK renal centres
existing and new data to understand how lives are
affected by developing end-stage renal disease in young Data completeness has improved over the last few
adulthood. years for returns on ethnic origin, primary renal
diagnosis and date first seen by a nephrologist (table 2).
Comorbidity at the start of RRT remains poorly returned,
with almost half (27/62) of the adult renal centres in
Output during 2014 England Wales and Northern Ireland having less than
75% completeness for comorbidity data. For a number
A major achievement for one of the UKRR’s senior of centres this limits the UKRR’s ability to adjust their
statisticians, was the successful defence of Dr Retha survival for casemix, something that is particularly
Steenkamp’s PhD on ‘Multiple Imputation of Missing relevant to outlying centres [1]. The UKRR and the
Data and Prognostic Survival Modelling for Incident Health and Social Care Information Centre have agreed
Patients Starting Dialysis in England, Wales and North- that routine linkage with Hospital Episode Statistics
ern Ireland’. This took a very systematic approach to should become routine in the next two years [2], although
handling missing data in the UKRR before using that as with everything linked to the HSCIC the delivery of
new dataset to build a prognostic model that predicts this will depend on the outcome of the ongoing inquiry
survival on dialysis and then validating that model by the House of Commons Health Select Committee
using ANZDATA data. on Handling of NHS Patient Data [3] and the work
The UKRR’s collaboration with researchers at programme arising from the Partridge Review [4].
SCHARR has also been very successful, linking UKRR
data with Hospital Episode Statistics data at the RCP
and leading to a number of useful publications and the
award of Dr James Fotheringham’s PhD. Interpretation of centre-specific clinical measures and
The UKRR is keen to become formally included in survival comparisons
research grant applications, with early involvement to
ensure appropriate integration in the study design and The UKRR continues to advise caution in the
consideration of its costs. In the last 12 months it has interpretation of the comparisons of centre-specific
been a co-applicant on three grant applications: attainment of clinical performance measures provided
in this report. In general terms, the UKRR has not tested
. NIHR SBRI D4D: Medicines Reconciliation, led by for a ‘significant difference’ between the highest achiever
Dr Keith Simpson exploring possibilities for of a standard and the lowest achiever, as centres were not
medicines reconciliation using PatientView and identified in advance of looking at the data and statisti-
linkage to GP medication data cally this approach can be invalid. As in previous
. NIHR RfPB: UK PDOPPS-catheter, led by Dr UKRR reports, the arbitrary 95% confidence interval is
Martin Wilkie (Sheffield) exploring the practice shown for compliance with a guideline. The calculation
patterns associated with early PD catheter failure of this confidence interval (based on the binomial distri-
. Health Foundation: ASSIST-CKD, led by Dr Hugh bution) and the width of the confidence interval depends
Gallagher (Epsom and St Heliers) evaluating a on the number of values falling within the standard and
quality improvement intervention that involves the number of patients with reported data. However for
generating eGFR graphs for GPs in CKD patients many of these analyses no adjustment can be made for
with deteriorating kidney function. the range of factors known to influence the measured
variable as outlined above.
A number of requests for data sharing have been For a number of years de-anonymised centre specific
approved in the past 12 months and a number of projects reports on survival of RRT patients have been published.
previously approved remain open. For details see table 1. The Francis and Keogh Enquiries and the ongoing CQC
Data are shared for specific analyses only and securely inspections of patient care and outcomes at a number of
destroyed at the end of the agreed period. For further hospital trusts highlight the ongoing need for such trans-
details or to enquire about accessing UKRR data please parency. In 2011 (2010 data) the UKRR sent letters to six
see the UKRR’s website ( centres with lower than expected survival at one year after
Introduction Introduction to the 17th UKRR Annual Report
name and Original
organisation Aims and objectives application Data shared End Funding?
Albert Power, National Study of Acute Stroke June 13 Results shared June 16 None
North Bristol NHS in Patients on Renal June 13
Trusta Replacement Therapies
Catrin Treharne, The cost-effectiveness of July 13 Aug 13 July 16 For Masters research
City University, alternative treatment pathways project, City University
Londonb in patients with ESRD:
modality changes and survival
Francis Keeley, Sarah Patient and disease factors Sept 13 Mar 14 July 15 None
Fowler, John predictive of adverse
Henderson, BAUS perioperative outcomes after
Nephrectomya nephrectomy
Borislava Mihaylova, Vascular, non-vascular and Sept 13 Results shared Oct 13 SHARP study
University of Oxfordb overall mortality in CKD Oct 13
patients on RRT in the UK
Kate Birnie, University Erythropoietin therapy for April 14 July 14 May 19 MRC fellowship
of Bristolc treating anaemia among
haemodialysis patients:
associations with survival and
comparison of treatment
Charlie Tomsonc Analysis of questionnaire on Mar 13 Results shared Nov 14 NHS Institute for
Treatment decision making June 14 Innovation and
in CKD patients Improvement
Lyn Atlass, NHS RRT Incidence in London, by Sept 13 Nov 13 Dec 14 None
England (London CCG and by London renal
Region)b centres
Cath Byrne, East Numbers of treatment swaps Jan 14 Jan 14 Jan 15 None
Midland Networkb and death rates in last 3 years
for Derby, Leicester and
Michelle Timeoney, Prevalent numbers in Preston July 14 Results shared Feb 15 None
Cheshire and to assess future demand for Aug 14
Merseyside Strategic HD in Lancashire
Clinical Networks
NHS Englandc
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 1. Continued
name and Original
organisation Aims and objectives application Data shared End Funding?
Graham Brushett, North West dialysis data for Sept 13 Oct 13 Oct 15 None
Salford Royal cost analysis
Foundation Trust
Bereavement and
Donation committee
Andrew Hughes, Public Prevalence by regions (GOR) Oct 13 Oct 13 Oct 16 None
Health Englandb over time for the Global
Burden of Diseases project
Bromley CCG Information on existing small Apr 14 Apr 14 Apr 2014 N/A
satellite dialysis units so that
feasibility of a potential new
small satellite can be considered
Neil Parkinson, NHS Renal indicators at CCG level July 2014 Sept 14 Sept 14 N/A
England for Commissioning for Value
UKRR will perform most of the analysis and the write up
no input from the UKRR after supplying the data
some support with statistics and interpretation required from the UKRR
90 days for incident patients starting on RRT; in 2012 the Clinical Governance department and Chief Executive
(2011 data) this was required for only three centres and of the Trust housing the service have been informed. In
in 2013 (2012 data) two centres. This year (2013 data) the event that no such evidence is provided, the Director
four centres were contacted because of lower than or Medical Director of the UKRR would inform the
expected survival in patients starting dialysis. President of the Renal Association, who would then
For the present, centres are asked to report their out- take action to ensure that the findings were properly
lying status internally at trust level and follow up with investigated.
robust mortality and morbidity meetings. The UKRR
has no statutory powers. However, the fact that the
UKRR provides centre-specific de-anonymised analyses
of important clinical outcomes, including survival, Information governance
makes it important to define how the UKRR responds
to apparent under-performance. The senior management At present the UKRR operates within a comprehensive
team of the UKRR communicate survival outlier status governance framework which concerns data handling,
with the renal centres in advance of publication of this reporting and research, including data linkages and
finding. The centres are asked to provide evidence that sharing agreements. The Chair of the Renal Association
Introduction Introduction to the 17th UKRR Annual Report
Table 2. Percentage completeness of data returns for ethnicity, primary renal diagnosis, date first seen by a nephrologist, comorbidity at
start of RRT (incident patients 2013) and cause of death (for deaths in 2013 amongst incident or prevalent patients)
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 2. Continued
Renal Information Governance Board is appointed as successfully completed the Connecting for Health infor-
the Lead for Governance, with the UKRR Director mation governance toolkit to a satisfactory standard.
responsible for day to day management of governance As the UKRR’s work expands, the importance of
compliance and the Head of Operations is the operational Information Governance only increases. These policies
information governance lead. The Framework is based on and procedures provide the solid reassurance to renal
good practice, as described in the Information Govern- centres, auditors, patients and the public so that they
ance Framework [5] and the Research Governance can have faith in the system. As more and more pressure
Framework for Health and Social Care (2005). The is exerted on health care spending, the role of the UKRR
UKRR has temporary exemption, granted by the Secretary in monitoring equity of access to renal services and the
of State under section 251 of The National Health Service quality of those services has never been greater.
Act (2006), to hold patient identifiable data. This
exemption is reviewed annually. The UKRR has Conflicts of interest: None
1 Fotheringham J, Jacques RM, Fogarty D, Tomson CR, El Nahas M, 3 House of Commons Health Select Committee: Handling of NHS patient
Campbell MJ: Variation in centre-specific survival in patients starting data. 2014.
renal replacement therapy in England is explained by enhanced comorbidity a-z/commons-select/health-committee/inquiries/parliament-2010/cdd-
information from hospitalization data. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2014;29(2): 2014/
422–30 4 Partridge N. Data Release Review: 2014.
2 Health and Social Care Information Centre: Release of health data to the uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/367791/HSCIC_Data_
UK Renal Registry (UKRR) Improvements in the analysis of renal care Release_Review_PwC_Final_Report.pdf
services for patients undergoing renal replacement therapy (RRT). 2014. 5 Health and Social Care Information Centre. 2014
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy
Incidence in 2013: National and
Centre-specific Analyses
Key Words
. From 2006 to 2013 the incidence rate pmp has
Acceptance rates . Clinical Commissioning Group . Comor- remained stable for England.
bidity . Diabetes . Dialysis . End stage renal disease . End
. The median age of all incident patients was 64.5
stage renal failure . Established renal failure . Glomerulone- years but this was highly dependant on ethnicity
phritis . Haemodialysis . Incidence . Peritoneal dialysis . (66.0 for White incident patients; 57.0 for non-
Registries . Renal replacement therapy . Transplantation . White patients).
Treatment modality . Diabetic renal disease remained the single most
common cause of renal failure (25%).
. By 90 days, 66.1% of patients were on haemo-
Summary dialysis, 19.0% on peritoneal dialysis, 9.5% had a
functioning transplant and 5.3% had died or
. In 2013 the incidence rate in the UK was stable at stopped treatment.
109 per million population (pmp) reflecting renal . The mean eGFR at the start of RRT was 8.5 ml/min/
replacement therapy (RRT) initiation for 7,006 1.73 m2 similar to the previous four years.
new patients. . Late presentation (,90 days) fell from 23.9% in
2006 to 18.4% in 2013.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Percentage of patients commencing RRT referred ,3 months Yes Registry dataset allows reporting on time elapsed between
and ,12 months before date of starting RRT date first seen and start of RRT
Percentage of incident RRT patients followed up for .3 No Not in UKRR dataset
months in dedicated pre-dialysis or low clearance clinic
Proportion of incident patients on UK transplant waiting list at No Not in UKRR dataset
RRT initiation
Proportion of incident RRT patients transplanted pre-emptively Yes
from living donors and cadaveric donors
Mean eGFR at time of pre-emptive transplantation No Numbers with data will be small, the UKRR will consider
doing a combined years analysis in future reports
Proportion of incident patients commencing peritoneal or Part Proportion starting on PD is reported
home haemodialysis
Proportion of patients who have undergone a formal education No Not in UKRR dataset
programme prior to initiation of RRT
Proportion of haemodialysis patients who report that they have No Not in UKRR dataset
been offered a choice of RRT modality
Proportion of patients who have initiated dialysis in an unplanned No Not in UKRR dataset
fashion who have undergone formal education by 3 months.
Evidence of formal continuing education programme for No Not in UKRR dataset
patients on dialysis
Proportion of incident patients known to nephrology services No Not in UKRR dataset
for 3 months or more prior to initiation (planned initiation)
Proportion of planned initiations with established access or Yes See appendix F for pre-emptive transplantation, and see
pre-emptive transplantation chapter 10 for dialysis access
Inpatient/outpatient status of planned initiations No Not in UKRR dataset
Mean eGFR at start of renal replacement therapy Part Reported but not at centre level due to poor data
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
Table 1.2. Number of new adult patients starting RRT in the UK in 2013
Methods 100
CCG/HB level 90
Crude incidence rates per million population (pmp) and age/ 80
gender standardised incidence ratios were calculated as detailed 70
in appendix D: Methodology used for Analyses (www.renalreg. 60
Centre level
For the methodology used to estimate catchment populations
see appendix E: Methodology for Estimating Catchment Popu- Fig. 1.1. RRT incidence rates in the countries of the UK 1990–
lations ( 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 1.3. Crude adult incidence rates (pmp) and age/gender standardised incidence ratios 2008–2013
CCG/HB – CCG in England, Health and Social Care Areas in Northern Ireland, Local Health Boards in Wales and Health Boards in Scotland
O/E – standardised incidence ratio
LCL – lower 95% confidence limit
UCL – upper 95% confidence limit
pmp – per million population
– per year
Areas with significantly low incidence ratios over six years are italicised in greyed areas, those with significantly high incidence ratios over six
years are bold in greyed areas. For the full methodology see appendix D
Confidence intervals are not given for the crude rates per million population but figures D1 and D2 in appendix D can be used to determine if a
CCG/HB falls within the 95% confidence interval around the national average rate
Mid-2012 population data from the Office for National Statistics, National Records of Scotland and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research
Agency – based on the 2011 census
% non-White – percentage of the CCG/HB population that is non-White, from 2011 census
2013 2008–2013
Crude Crude %
Tot pop 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 rate rate non-
UK Area CCG/HB (2012) O/E O/E O/E O/E O/E O/E pmp O/E LCL UCL pmp∗ White
Cheshire, NHS Eastern Cheshire 195,300 0.51 0.75 0.85 0.74 0.74 0.68 87 0.71 0.59 0.86 88 3.7
Warrington NHS South Cheshire 176,800 0.61 0.70 0.71 0.74 0.59 1.15 136 0.75 0.61 0.92 86 2.9
and Wirral NHS Vale Royal 102,100 0.54 0.88 0.81 0.87 0.78 1.27 147 0.86 0.67 1.11 96 2.1
NHS Warrington 203,700 0.61 1.01 0.61 0.46 0.86 0.67 74 0.70 0.57 0.86 75 4.1
NHS West Cheshire 228,100 0.61 0.90 1.18 1.04 0.81 1.01 123 0.92 0.79 1.08 109 2.8
NHS Wirral 320,200 0.72 0.81 0.88 0.94 0.59 0.99 119 0.82 0.71 0.95 95 3.0
Durham, NHS Darlington 105,200 1.05 0.95 0.97 0.94 1.27 0.83 95 1.00 0.79 1.26 111 3.8
Darlington NHS Durham Dales, Easington and 273,000 0.71 0.98 1.03 1.09 0.84 1.00 121 0.94 0.81 1.09 110 1.2
NHS Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees 284,600 1.01 0.69 0.81 0.91 1.04 0.86 95 0.89 0.76 1.03 95 4.4
NHS North Durham 241,300 0.68 0.52 0.49 0.55 1.28 0.64 75 0.69 0.58 0.84 78 2.5
NHS South Tees 273,700 1.03 0.77 1.06 0.93 0.96 1.20 135 0.99 0.86 1.15 108 6.7
Greater NHS Bolton 279,000 0.89 0.84 1.40 0.94 0.90 0.82 86 0.96 0.83 1.12 99 18.1
Manchester NHS Bury 186,200 0.78 0.82 0.73 0.71 1.35 0.79 86 0.86 0.71 1.05 91 10.8
NHS Central Manchester 182,400 2.20 1.79 2.08 1.11 1.70 2.22 154 1.85 1.56 2.18 125 48.0
NHS Heywood, Middleton & Rochdale 212,000 1.01 1.14 0.82 1.22 1.26 1.10 113 1.09 0.92 1.29 109 18.3
NHS North Manchester 167,100 0.99 1.68 0.93 1.50 1.43 1.48 120 1.34 1.11 1.62 106 30.8
NHS Oldham 225,900 1.15 0.86 0.88 1.03 0.71 0.96 97 0.93 0.78 1.11 91 22.5
NHS Salford 237,100 1.07 0.97 1.39 0.74 0.87 1.11 110 1.02 0.87 1.21 98 9.9
NHS South Manchester 161,300 0.90 0.89 0.99 1.17 1.18 1.23 105 1.06 0.86 1.31 89 19.6
NHS Stockport 283,900 0.80 0.53 0.92 0.87 0.64 0.51 60 0.71 0.60 0.84 80 7.9
NHS Tameside and Glossop 253,400 0.69 0.86 0.96 0.97 0.59 1.12 122 0.87 0.73 1.02 91 8.2
NHS Trafford 228,500 0.55 1.08 1.28 0.54 1.15 1.13 123 0.96 0.81 1.13 101 14.5
NHS Wigan Borough 318,700 0.79 0.58 0.77 1.04 0.77 0.73 82 0.78 0.67 0.91 85 2.7
Lancashire NHS Blackburn with Darwen 147,700 0.52 0.88 1.04 1.44 1.22 0.91 88 1.00 0.81 1.24 94 30.8
NHS Blackpool 142,000 1.00 0.98 0.62 0.85 1.45 1.12 134 1.01 0.83 1.22 116 3.3
NHS Chorley and South Ribble 167,900 0.83 1.30 0.55 1.02 0.75 1.31 149 0.96 0.80 1.16 106 2.9
NHS East Lancashire 371,600 0.71 0.85 0.74 0.92 0.54 0.89 100 0.78 0.67 0.90 84 11.9
NHS Fylde & Wyre 165,000 0.70 0.86 0.69 0.54 0.76 0.79 109 0.73 0.59 0.89 97 2.1
NHS Greater Preston 202,000 0.88 0.67 0.54 0.52 1.00 0.84 89 0.74 0.61 0.91 77 14.7
NHS Lancashire North 158,500 0.34 0.62 0.57 1.00 0.66 0.60 69 0.63 0.50 0.80 71 4.0
NHS West Lancashire 110,900 1.03 0.62 0.63 0.84 0.76 0.67 81 0.76 0.59 0.98 89 1.9
Merseyside NHS Halton 125,700 0.31 1.07 0.86 1.59 0.97 0.95 103 0.96 0.77 1.20 101 2.2
NHS Knowsley 145,900 0.46 0.78 0.93 1.16 1.28 0.69 75 0.89 0.71 1.10 94 2.8
NHS Liverpool 469,700 1.16 1.19 0.87 1.08 1.19 0.98 98 1.08 0.96 1.21 105 11.1
NHS South Sefton 159,400 1.12 0.77 1.28 1.36 1.02 1.27 151 1.14 0.95 1.35 131 2.2
NHS Southport and Formby 114,300 0.55 0.80 0.61 0.93 0.73 1.36 184 0.84 0.67 1.05 109 3.1
NHS St Helens 176,100 0.76 0.70 0.92 0.74 0.88 0.63 74 0.77 0.63 0.94 88 2.0
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
between areas. From the analysis using all six years ratio and the percentage of the CCG/HB population
combined, 49 areas were significantly high and 66 were that was non-White.
significantly low out of a total of 237 areas. The
standardised incidence ratios ranged from 0.45 to 2.25 Centre level
(IQR 0.82, 1.10). As previously reported, urban areas The number of new patients starting RRT at each renal
with high percentages of non-White residents tended to centre from 2008 to 2013 is shown in table 1.4. The table
have high incidence rates. Figure 1.2 shows the strong also shows centre level incidence rates (per million popu-
positive correlation between the standardised incidence lation) for 2013. For most centres there was a lot of varia-
bility in the numbers of incident patients from one year to
2.5 the next making it hard to see any underlying trend.
Some centres have had an increase in new patients over
time and others have fallen. The variation may reflect
chance fluctuation, the introduction of new centres,
changes in catchment populations or in completeness
Standardised ratio
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
B Heart 105 99 94 113 102 99 0.74 134 (108–161)
B QEH 267 256 198 216 213 191 1.70 112 (96–128)
Basldn 41 28 34 44 53 32 0.42 77 (50–104)
Bradfd 62 57 67 60 69 62 0.65 95 (71–119)
Brightn 118 117 106 119 135 139 1.30 107 (89–125)
Bristol 175 157 169 140 148 173 1.44 120 (102–138)
Camb 94 134 106 122 125 139 1.16 120 (100–140)
Carlis 30 28 22 28 19 41 0.32 128 (89–167)
Carsh 210 202 216 207 243 231 1.91 121 (105–136)
Chelms 36 51 45 47 46 42 0.51 82 (57–107)
Colchr 58 21 32 44 29 30 0.30 100 (64–136)
Covntb 113 115 114 110 113 96 0.89 108 (86–129)
Derby 96 77 78 76 79 74 0.70 105 (81–129)
Donc 26 40 45 43 40 60 0.41 146 (109–183)
Dorset 82 73 72 79 73 74 0.86 86 (66–105)
Dudley 47 67 43 43 56 47 0.44 106 (76–137)
Exeterb 135 145 139 112 135 108 1.09 99 (80–118)
Glouc 46 79 61 58 76 54 0.59 92 (67–116)
Hull 110 99 86 109 97 92 1.02 90 (72–109)
Ipswi 38 38 33 29 43 39 0.40 98 (67–128)
Kent 138 126 132 121 115 145 1.22 118 (99–138)
L Barts 206 236 201 251 268 291 1.83 159 (141–177)
L Guys 161 172 144 123 129 130 1.08 120 (99–141)
L Kings 151 127 144 139 124 162 1.17 138 (117–160)
L Rfree 172 170 203 220 237 228 1.52 150 (131–170)
L St.Gb 99 110 85 72 90 81 0.80 102 (79–124)
L West 294 357 365 365 355 303 2.40 126 (112–141)
Leeds 160 149 125 158 154 184 1.67 110 (94–126)
Leic 242 227 244 266 236 291 2.44 119 (106–133)
Liv Ain 42 38 50 58 63 66 0.48 136 (103–169)
Liv Roy 102 110 99 112 104 94 1.00 94 (75–113)
M RI 130 146 161 155 161 200 1.53 131 (113–149)
Middlbr 95 96 100 101 120 108 1.00 108 (87–128)
Newc 99 97 91 97 104 95 1.12 85 (68–102)
Norwch 84 71 85 85 74 76 0.79 97 (75–118)
Nottm 115 133 116 114 101 113 1.09 104 (85–123)
Oxford 147 174 165 177 170 166 1.69 98 (83–113)
Plymthc 69 57 56 60 55 63 0.47 134 (101–167)
Ports 170 149 149 187 160 198 2.02 98 (84–111)
Prestn 113 146 123 140 146 151 1.49 101 (85–117)
Redng 103 94 89 103 73 117 0.91 129 (105–152)
Salfordb 138 125 149 132 134 122 1.49 82 (67–96)
Sheff 179 149 142 135 157 137 1.37 100 (83–117)
Shrew 59 48 58 61 58 61 0.50 122 (91–152)
Stevngb 103 98 107 110 109 130 1.20 108 (89–127)
Sthend 36 23 27 29 26 42 0.32 133 (92–173)
Stoke 79 108 95 91 74 100 0.89 112 (90–134)
Sund 45 64 54 57 71 49 0.62 79 (57–101)
Truro 41 58 46 38 49 46 0.41 111 (79–144)
Wirral 39 63 60 60 44 68 0.57 119 (91–147)
Wolve 89 65 106 77 87 88 0.67 132 (104–159)
York 37 43 38 51 53 36 0.49 73 (49–97)
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
N Ireland
Antrim 41 22 41 30 26 29 0.29 98 (63–134)
Belfast 70 57 70 68 93 69 0.64 108 (83–134)
Newry 21 19 21 36 17 23 0.26 88 (52–124)
Ulster 14 13 20 36 29 29 0.27 109 (69–149)
West NI 31 37 26 38 21 30 0.35 85 (55–116)
Abrdn 56 55 51 50 53 58 0.60 97 (72–122)
Airdrie 39 48 57 48 60 51 0.55 92 (67–118)
D & Gall 19 17 10 10 18 9 0.15 61 (21–100)
Dundee 64 69 50 58 39 42 0.46 91 (63–118)
Edinb 103 98 70 77 78 71 0.96 74 (57–91)
Glasgw 159 174 154 177 185 173 1.62 107 (91–122)
Inverns 25 21 27 13 17 19 0.27 70 (39–102)
Klmarnk 33 39 43 33 40 41 0.36 113 (79–148)
Krkcldy 30 33 45 43 30 38 0.32 120 (82–158)
Bangor 40 30 26 20 21 24 0.22 110 (66–154)
Cardff 148 177 184 186 171 169 1.42 119 (101–137)
Clwydb 15 25 21 17 22 20 0.19 105 (59–152)
Swanse 125 113 135 117 119 110 0.89 124 (101–147)
Wrexm 21 19 25 26 34 37 0.24 154 (104–204)
between 2008 and 2013. Across all four countries the Patient Administration System (PAS). Ethnicity coding in these
change between 2008 and 2013 was an increase of 4.9%. PAS systems is based on self-reported ethnicity. For the remaining
centres, ethnicity coding is performed by clinical staff and
recorded directly into the renal IT system (using a variety of
coding systems). For all these analyses, data on ethnic origin
were grouped into White, South Asian, Black, Chinese or Other.
2. Demographics and clinical characteristics of The details of regrouping of the PAS codes into the above ethnic
categories are provided in appendix H: Ethnicity and ERA-
patients starting RRT EDTA Coding ( Chi-squared, Fisher’s exact,
ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis tests were used as appropriate to
Methods test for significant differences.
Age, gender, primary renal disease, ethnic origin and treatment Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at the start of RRT
modality were examined for patients starting RRT. Individual was studied amongst patients with eGFR data within 14 days
EDTA codes for primary diagnoses were grouped into eight before the start of RRT. The eGFR was calculated using the
categories, the details are given in appendix H: Ethnicity and abbreviated 4 variable MDRD study equation [2]. For the purpose
ERA-EDTA Coding ( of the eGFR calculation, patients who had missing ethnicity but a
Most centres electronically upload ethnicity coding to their valid serum creatinine measurement were classed as White. The
renal information technology (IT) system from the hospital eGFR values were log transformed in order to normalise the data.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Results 1,500
Age 1,250
Number of patients
years (figure 1.3). Figure 1.4 shows RRT incidence rates
for 2013 by age group and gender. For women, the 750
peak rate was in the 75–79 age group and in men in
the 80–84 age group. Showing numbers starting RRT 500
(rather than rates), figure 1.5 shows that the 65–74 age
group contained the most incident patients for both 250
HD and PD.
In 2013, the median age of patients starting renal 0
18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75–84 85+
replacement therapy was 64.5 years (table 1.5) and this Age group (years)
has changed little over the last six years (data not Fig. 1.5. Number of incident dialysis patients in 2013, by age
shown). The median age at start was 67.1 years for group and initial dialysis modality
patients starting on HD, 59.7 for patients starting on
PD and 49.7 for those having a pre-emptive transplant
Table 1.5. Median, inter-quartile range and 90% range of the age
of patients starting renal replacement therapy in 2013 by country
400 Country Median IQR 90% range
350 45–64
65+ England 64.2 (51.0–74.6) (31.3–83.9)
Total N Ireland 66.7 (50.9–75.0) (32.0–82.8)
Rate per million population
Scotland 64.1 (51.1–74.1) (31.7–82.8)
250 Wales 68.9 (57.2–75.9) (34.4–84.6)
UK 64.5 (51.2–74.7) (31.6–83.9)
(table 1.6). The median age of non-White patients (57.0
years) was considerably lower than for White patients
50 (66.0 years) reflecting CKD differences and the younger
age distribution of ethnic minority populations in general
compared with the White population (in the 2011 census
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
Upper quartile
80 Lower quartile
Age (years)
B Heart
Liv Ain
West NI
L West
L Kings
L St.G
L Rfree
L Guys
Liv Roy
L Barts
N Ireland
centres, chance fluctuations. The median age of patients (Carshalton) which fell from a completeness of 85.9 to
starting treatment at transplant centres was 62.8 years 54.1%. Completeness was 80% or more for all the other
(IQR 49.8, 73.8) and at non-transplanting centres 65.7 centres for 2013 (table 1.7) and was over 90% for all
years (IQR 52.4, 75.4) ( p , 0.0001). but seven centres. Ten centres reported no non-White
Averaged over 2008–2013, crude CCG/HB incidence patients starting in 2013 whilst some London centres
rates in the over 75 years age group varied from 99 per reported over 50%.
million age related population (pmarp) in Shetland to
947 pmarp in NHS Brent (data not shown). Excluding Primary renal diagnosis
two areas which had much higher rates than the rest, The breakdown of primary renal diagnosis (PRD) by
there was 7.3-fold variation (99 pmarp to 722 pmarp). centre is shown in table 1.8. The information was missing
The wide range of treatment rates suggests that there for 9.5% of patients. Fifty-eight centres provided data on
was geographical variation in the prevalence of comorbid over 90% of incident patients and 36 of these centres had
and predisposing renal conditions as well as uncertainty 100% completeness. There was only a small amount of
within the renal community about the suitability of missing data for Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland,
older patients for dialysis. The 7.3-fold variation between whilst England had 11.0% missing (up from 7.4% for
CCG/HBs seen in the over 75s was much greater than the 2012). The overall percentage missing was up on 2012
2.7-fold variation (64 pmp to 173 pmp) after excluding
two outliers seen in the overall analysis although some
of this difference is likely to be due to the smaller num- 80
bers included in the over 75 analysis.
Percentage male (95% CI)
There continued to be more men than women starting
RRT in every age group (figure 1.7). The overall break- 60
down was 63.4% male, 36.6% female equating to a M : F
ratio of 1.73.
As in previous reports, Scotland is not included in this
section as ethnicity completeness was low. Across centres 18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75–84 85+
in England, Wales and Northern Ireland the average Age group (years)
completeness fell slightly in 2013 to 95.2% (vs. 98.1% Fig. 1.7. Percentage of patients starting RRT in 2013 who were
for 2012). This was in large part due to one centre male, by age group
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 1.7. Percentage of incident RRT patients (2013) in different ethnic groups by centre
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
(9.5% from 6.3%) and was similar in under and over 65 example, the percentage with diabetes as PRD varied
year olds (9.3% and 9.7% respectively). Five centres had from about 8% to over 46% of incident patients. The
missing PRD for more than 25% of incident patients overall percentage with uncertain aetiology continued
and for these centres the percentages in the diagnostic to decrease (14.5% for 2013 versus 15.9% for 2012 and
categories are not shown in table 1.8. 17.3% for 2011).
The UKRR continues to be concerned about centres The overall UK distribution of PRDs is shown in
with apparently very high data completeness for PRD table 1.9. Diabetic nephropathy was the most common
but also very high rates of ‘uncertain’ diagnoses (EDTA renal diagnosis in both the under and over 65 year age
code 00: Chronic renal failure; aetiology uncertain). It is groups, accounting for 25% of all (non-missing) incident
accepted that there will inevitably be a number of patients diagnoses. Glomerulonephritis and autosomal dominant
with uncertain aetiology and that the proportion of these polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) made up higher
patients will vary between clinicians and centres as the proportions of the younger than the older incident
definitions of e.g. renal vascular disease and hypertensive cohorts (18% vs. 11% and 11% vs. 4% respectively), whilst
renal disease remain relatively subjective. There was patients with renal vascular disease comprised a much
again a lot of variability between centres but, as in higher percentage of the older rather than the younger
previous years, a small number of centres had far higher patients (10% vs. 1%). Uncertainty about the underlying
percentages with ‘uncertain’ diagnosis than other centres. diagnosis was also much more likely in the older rather
This year, there were three centres with diagnosis than the younger cohort (18% vs. 11%).
‘uncertain’ for over 45% of their incident patients – Cam- For all primary renal diagnoses except ADPKD, the
bridge (50%), Colchester (67%) and Ipswich (49%). As male to female ratio was 1.3 or greater. This gender differ-
the numbers with the specific PRDs are likely to be falsely ence may relate to factors such as smoking, hypertension,
low in these centres, the breakdown into these categories atheroma and renal vascular disease, which are more
has not been shown in table 1.8 or been used in the common in males and may influence the rate of pro-
country and UK averages. These centres have also been gression of renal failure.
excluded where PRD is used to stratify analyses. Table 1.10 shows the incidence rates for each PRD per
As in previous years, there was a lot of variability million population for the 2013 cohort. The incidence of
between centres in the percentages with the specific diag- RRT due to diabetes as PRD was somewhat higher in
noses (partly due to the reasons mentioned above). For Wales than in the other countries. As there were some
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 1.8. Distribution of primary renal diagnosis by centre in the 2013 incident RRT cohort
% N Renal
data not with Uncertain Glomerulo- Hyper- Polycystic Pyelo- vascular
Centre available data aetiology Diabetes nephritis tension Other kidney nephritis disease
B Heart 11.1 88 19.3 46.6 10.2 8.0 6.8 4.6 4.6 0.0
B QEH 1.6 188 10.6 23.4 14.4 10.6 24.5 6.4 3.7 6.4
Basldn 0.0 32 6.3 28.1 25.0 6.3 6.3 3.1 12.5 12.5
Bradfd 0.0 62 9.7 21.0 22.6 9.7 22.6 8.1 3.2 3.2
Brightn 2.9 135 23.0 20.7 15.6 3.7 20.7 7.4 5.2 3.7
Bristol 8.1 159 17.6 23.3 14.5 4.4 15.1 10.7 8.2 6.3
Camba 0.0 139 50.4
Carlis 4.9 39 2.6 7.7 12.8 12.8 15.4 28.2 12.8 7.7
Carshb 58.0 97
Chelms 0.0 42 14.3 19.1 11.9 4.8 21.4 7.1 16.7 4.8
Colchra 2.2 30 66.7
Covnt 0.0 87 16.1 21.8 11.5 12.6 13.8 10.3 8.1 5.8
Derby 0.0 74 18.9 28.4 14.9 5.4 20.3 5.4 4.1 2.7
Donc 0.0 60 21.7 11.7 11.7 10.0 25.0 8.3 6.7 5.0
Dorset 0.0 74 12.2 23.0 17.6 12.2 5.4 6.8 18.9 4.1
Dudley 0.0 47 12.8 19.2 4.3 14.9 40.4 6.4 2.1 0.0
Exeter 2.0 100 3.0 28.0 14.0 12.0 17.0 13.0 6.0 7.0
Glouc 0.0 54 29.6 20.4 24.1 3.7 5.6 9.3 3.7 3.7
Hull 0.0 92 17.4 18.5 20.7 4.4 13.0 9.8 9.8 6.5
Ipswia 0.0 39 48.7
Kent 0.7 144 15.3 23.6 13.2 4.9 26.4 4.2 9.0 3.5
L Barts 10.0 262 11.5 37.0 9.9 12.6 16.4 5.7 5.3 1.5
L Guysb 86.2 18
L Kings 0.0 162 11.1 35.8 10.5 21.6 7.4 3.7 6.2 3.7
L Rfree 4.4 218 8.3 34.4 11.5 8.7 25.7 5.1 2.8 3.7
L St.G 18.4 62 19.4 25.8 6.5 14.5 17.7 8.1 6.5 1.6
L West 0.0 303 10.2 40.6 17.2 3.3 13.9 4.0 5.0 5.9
Leeds 0.0 184 14.7 19.6 11.4 12.5 19.6 12.5 5.4 4.4
Leic 22.3 226 22.1 20.8 15.0 4.4 14.2 10.2 9.3 4.0
Liv Ain 1.5 65 7.7 24.6 21.5 10.8 9.2 3.1 10.8 12.3
Liv Roy 0.0 94 7.5 25.5 17.0 11.7 18.1 9.6 8.5 2.1
M RI 11.5 177 7.9 31.6 11.9 15.8 15.8 8.5 7.3 1.1
Middlbr 0.0 108 19.4 28.7 6.5 5.6 17.6 4.6 11.1 6.5
Newc 0.0 95 15.8 20.0 19.0 5.3 24.2 8.4 4.2 3.2
Norwch 1.3 75 29.3 14.7 14.7 5.3 20.0 4.0 8.0 4.0
Nottm 0.0 113 15.0 16.8 8.9 7.1 24.8 9.7 13.3 4.4
Oxford 1.2 164 14.0 24.4 18.9 6.1 16.5 9.2 5.5 5.5
Plymth 17.5 52 3.9 13.5 26.9 7.7 15.4 9.6 5.8 17.3
Ports 13.1 172 9.9 22.7 16.9 12.2 15.7 7.6 9.9 5.2
Prestn 2.0 148 14.9 19.6 13.5 12.8 12.2 7.4 10.8 8.8
Redng 2.6 114 15.8 30.7 12.3 1.8 21.9 5.3 5.3 7.0
Salfordb 85.6 16
Sheff 0.0 137 19.0 21.9 20.4 5.1 13.9 7.3 8.0 4.4
Shrew 1.6 60 16.7 18.3 15.0 0.0 36.7 6.7 3.3 3.3
Stevng 1.9 156 14.1 18.6 8.3 1.3 48.1 5.1 0.6 3.9
Sthend 2.4 41 22.0 12.2 17.1 2.4 14.6 19.5 7.3 4.9
Stokeb 35.0 65
Sund 2.0 48 2.1 29.2 12.5 14.6 16.7 4.2 8.3 12.5
Truro 0.0 46 4.4 26.1 23.9 8.7 10.9 6.5 8.7 10.9
Wirralb 32.4 46
Wolve 4.6 84 29.8 14.3 11.9 0.0 33.3 6.0 0.0 4.8
York 5.6 34 11.8 14.7 11.8 23.5 20.6 8.8 2.9 5.9
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
% N Renal
data not with Uncertain Glomerulo- Hyper- Polycystic Pyelo- vascular
Centre available data aetiology Diabetes nephritis tension Other kidney nephritis disease
N Ireland
Antrim 0.0 29 34.5 20.7 10.3 3.5 20.7 3.5 6.9 0.0
Belfast 4.4 66 13.6 18.2 9.1 4.6 19.7 15.2 13.6 6.1
Newry 0.0 23 13.0 21.7 13.0 0.0 17.4 17.4 13.0 4.4
Ulster 0.0 29 13.8 24.1 3.5 13.8 10.3 3.5 6.9 24.1
West NI 0.0 30 3.3 23.3 20.0 6.7 10.0 6.7 26.7 3.3
Abrdn 0.0 58 5.2 31.0 13.8 6.9 19.0 10.3 10.3 3.5
Airdrie 0.0 51 23.5 31.4 13.7 2.0 15.7 7.8 3.9 2.0
D & Gall 0.0 9 0.0 44.4 11.1 11.1 22.2 0.0 11.1 0.0
Dundee 0.0 42 9.5 9.5 21.4 7.1 31.0 9.5 7.1 4.8
Edinb 0.0 71 11.3 21.1 15.5 5.6 15.5 12.7 11.3 7.0
Glasgw 0.0 173 19.7 22.0 20.2 0.0 16.2 8.7 5.8 7.5
Inverns 0.0 19 21.1 21.1 21.1 0.0 21.1 0.0 15.8 0.0
Klmarnk 0.0 41 2.4 26.8 7.3 7.3 14.6 4.9 17.1 19.5
Krkcldy 2.6 37 21.6 29.7 13.5 0.0 13.5 2.7 13.5 5.4
Bangor 0.0 24 25.0 33.3 0.0 8.3 0.0 4.2 0.0 29.2
Cardff 0.0 169 26.6 26.0 16.6 3.0 11.2 10.1 2.4 4.1
Clwyd 14.3 12 16.7 16.7 16.7 0.0 16.7 8.3 0.0 25.0
Swanse 3.6 106 4.7 32.1 15.1 3.8 17.0 3.8 10.4 13.2
Wrexm 0.0 37 27.0 27.0 24.3 0.0 8.1 2.7 5.4 5.4
England 11.0 5,327 14.1 25.4 14.2 8.3 18.9 7.5 6.6 4.9
N Ireland 1.7 177 15.3 20.9 10.7 5.7 16.4 10.2 13.6 7.3
Scotland 0.2 501 14.8 24.2 16.6 3.2 17.6 8.2 9.0 6.6
Wales 1.7 348 19.5 28.2 15.8 3.2 12.1 6.9 4.9 9.5
UK 9.5 6,353 14.5 25.4 14.4 7.6 18.3 7.6 6.9 5.4
................................................. ........................... ............................
Min 0.0 7.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Max 34.5 46.6 26.9 23.5 48.1 28.2 26.7 29.2
The percentage in each category has been calculated after excluding those patients with data not available
For those centres judged to have high % uncertain aetiology, the percentages in the other diagnostic categories have not been calculated and
these centres have not been included in the country and UK averages or the min/max values
For those centres with .25% missing primary diagnoses, the percentages in the diagnostic categories have not been calculated
Table 1.9. Percentage distribution of primary renal diagnosis by missing data, the rates for at least some of the diagnoses
age in the 2013 incident RRT cohort will be underestimates.
Percentage with diagnosis
First established treatment modality
Diagnosis Age ,65 Age 565 All patients In 2013, the first treatment recorded, irrespective of
any later change, was haemodialysis in 72.0% of patients,
Diabetes 27.1 23.5 25.4 peritoneal dialysis in 19.4% and pre-emptive transplant
Glomerulonephritis 17.8 10.9 14.4 in 8.6%. The previous year on year fall seen in the
Pyelonephritis 7.7 6.1 6.9
proportion of patients starting on PD levelled off
Hypertension 6.4 8.8 7.6
Polycystic kidney 11.2 3.7 7.6 during the last six years (table 1.11). The percentage
Renal vascular disease 1.3 9.7 5.4 having a pre-emptive transplant has continued to rise
Other 17.5 19.1 18.3 (up by 65% from 2008). Table F.1.3 in appendix F:
Uncertain aetiology 10.9 18.3 14.5 Additional Data Tables for 2013 New and Existing
Percentages calculated after excluding those patients with data not Patients gives the treatment breakdown at start of RRT
available by centre.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 1.10. Primary renal diagnosis RRT incidence rates (2013) per million population (unadjusted)
Many patients undergo a brief period of HD before and 9.5% had received a transplant. Expressed as
switches to other modalities are, or can be, considered. percentages of those still receiving RRT at 90 days,
Therefore, the established modality at 90 days is more 69.8% were on HD, 20.1% on PD and 10.1% had received
representative of the elective first modality and this a transplant.
modality was used for the remainder of this section. Figure 1.8 shows the modality breakdown with the HD
For these analyses, the incident cohort from 1st October patients further subdivided. Of those still on RRT at
2012 to 30th September 2013 was used so that follow up 90 days, 39% were treated with hospital HD, 31% with
to 90 days was possible for all patients. By 90 days, 5.1% satellite HD, and only 0.2% were receiving home HD at
of incident patients had died and a further 0.2% had this early stage. This 0.2% on home HD was only 13
stopped treatment, leaving 94.7% of the original cohort patients (split between seven centres). Chapter 2 UK
still on RRT. Table 1.12 shows the percentages on each Renal Replacement Therapy Prevalence in 2013 shows
treatment modality at 90 days both as percentages of all that prevalent numbers of home HD patients have
of those starting RRT and then of those still on treatment grown to 4.1% of all dialysis patients.
at 90 days. Expressed as percentages of the whole incident The percentage of incident patients who had died by
cohort, 66.1% were on HD at 90 days, 19.0% were on PD 90 days varied considerably between centres (0% to
20%). Differences in the definition of whether patients
have acute or chronic renal failure may be a factor in
this apparent variation along with possible differences
Table 1.11. Treatment at start and at 90 days by year of start in clinical practice.
HD PD Transplant The percentage of patients still on RRT at 90 days who
Start (%) (%) (%) had a functioning transplant at 90 days varied between
centres from 0% to 31% (between 7% and 31% for trans-
Day 0 treatment planting centres and between 0% and 12% for non-
2008 75.4 19.4 5.2
2009 76.3 18.0 5.7
transplanting centres). The mean percentage of the
2010 74.6 18.6 6.8 incident cohort with a functioning transplant at 90 days
2011 72.7 20.4 6.9 was greater in transplanting compared to non-transplant-
2012 72.9 19.6 7.5 ing centres (13.4% vs. 6.0%). One possible reason could
2013 72.0 19.4 8.6 be that some patients transplanted pre-emptively were
Day 90 treatment
Oct 2007 to end Sept 2008 72.2 21.6 6.2 attributed to the incident cohort of the transplanting centre
Oct 2008 to end Sept 2009 73.9 19.2 6.9 rather than that of the referring centre.
Oct 2009 to end Sept 2010 72.6 19.4 8.0 Table 1.13 gives the HD/PD breakdown for those
Oct 2010 to end Sept 2011 70.8 20.6 8.7 incident patients on dialysis at 90 days. The breakdown
Oct 2011 to end Sept 2012 70.8 20.3 9.0
Oct 2012 to end Sept 2013 69.8 20.1 10.1
is given by age group and overall. The percentage on
PD at 90 days was about 65% higher in patients aged
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
Table 1.12. RRT modality at 90 days by centre (incident cohort 1/10/2012 to 30/09/2013)
Centre N HD PD Tx treatment Died HD PD Tx
B Heart 96 67.7 17.7 2.1 0.0 12.5 77.4 20.2 2.4
B QEH 203 71.9 15.8 11.3 0.0 1.0 72.6 15.9 11.4
Basldn 39 74.4 23.1 0.0 0.0 2.6 76.3 23.7 0.0
Bradfd 61 67.2 19.7 9.8 0.0 3.3 69.5 20.3 10.2
Brightn 154 62.3 24.7 7.1 0.7 5.2 66.2 26.2 7.6
Bristol 172 68.0 16.3 12.2 0.6 2.9 70.5 16.9 12.7
Camb 135 59.3 7.4 30.4 0.0 3.0 61.1 7.6 31.3
Carlis 38 50.0 39.5 10.5 0.0 0.0 50.0 39.5 10.5
Carsh 227 67.8 21.2 4.9 0.4 5.7 72.3 22.5 5.2
Chelms 41 80.5 14.6 0.0 0.0 4.9 84.6 15.4 0.0
Colchr 32 87.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.5 100.0 0.0 0.0
Covnt 99 64.7 22.2 7.1 0.0 6.1 68.8 23.7 7.5
Derby 76 52.6 43.4 1.3 0.0 2.6 54.1 44.6 1.4
Donc 61 60.7 24.6 1.6 0.0 13.1 69.8 28.3 1.9
Dorset 68 60.3 27.9 5.9 1.5 4.4 64.1 29.7 6.3
Dudley 50 72.0 26.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 73.5 26.5 0.0
Exeter 116 72.4 17.2 5.2 0.0 5.2 76.4 18.2 5.5
Glouc 60 66.7 23.3 5.0 0.0 5.0 70.2 24.6 5.3
Hull 91 64.8 30.8 2.2 1.1 1.1 66.3 31.5 2.3
Ipswi 35 74.3 17.1 8.6 0.0 0.0 74.3 17.1 8.6
Kent 146 71.2 16.4 8.2 0.0 4.1 74.3 17.1 8.6
L Barts 284 55.6 32.8 7.0 0.0 4.6 58.3 34.3 7.4
L Guys 128 68.8 9.4 18.8 0.0 3.1 71.0 9.7 19.4
L Kings 141 75.2 23.4 1.4 0.0 0.0 75.2 23.4 1.4
L Rfree 229 64.6 22.3 10.0 0.0 3.1 66.7 23.0 10.4
L St.G 73 53.4 23.3 17.8 0.0 5.5 56.5 24.6 18.8
L West 309 80.9 5.5 11.7 0.3 1.6 82.5 5.6 11.9
Leeds 181 67.4 11.1 15.5 0.0 6.1 71.8 11.8 16.5
Leic 267 65.9 17.6 10.9 0.0 5.6 69.8 18.7 11.5
Liv Ain 64 56.3 21.9 1.6 0.0 20.3 70.6 27.5 2.0
Liv Roy 95 41.1 21.1 27.4 0.0 10.5 45.9 23.5 30.6
M RI 190 58.4 15.3 23.2 0.0 3.2 60.3 15.8 23.9
Middlbr 109 70.6 10.1 11.0 0.0 8.3 77.0 11.0 12.0
Newc 98 66.3 12.2 13.3 0.0 8.2 72.2 13.3 14.4
Norwch 79 76.0 12.7 2.5 3.8 5.1 83.3 13.9 2.8
Nottm 116 45.7 29.3 18.1 0.0 6.9 49.1 31.5 19.4
Oxford 175 56.0 23.4 17.1 0.0 3.4 58.0 24.3 17.8
Plymth 61 57.4 21.3 16.4 1.6 3.3 60.3 22.4 17.2
Ports 176 66.5 17.1 9.1 0.6 6.8 71.8 18.4 9.8
Prestn 158 66.5 15.8 11.4 0.6 5.7 71.0 16.9 12.2
Redng 111 55.9 27.9 9.0 0.0 7.2 60.2 30.1 9.7
Salford 126 68.3 27.0 2.4 0.0 2.4 69.9 27.6 2.4
Sheff 133 72.2 15.0 6.8 0.0 6.0 76.8 16.0 7.2
Shrew 55 67.3 20.0 1.8 0.0 10.9 75.5 22.5 2.0
Stevng 163 71.8 13.5 10.4 0.0 4.3 75.0 14.1 10.9
Sthend 43 69.8 16.3 11.6 0.0 2.3 71.4 16.7 11.9
Stoke 98 56.1 31.6 0.0 0.0 12.2 64.0 36.1 0.0
Sund 54 74.1 14.8 5.6 0.0 5.6 78.4 15.7 5.9
Truro 48 68.8 20.8 4.2 0.0 6.3 73.3 22.2 4.4
Wirral 66 71.2 16.7 0.0 0.0 12.1 81.0 19.0 0.0
Wolve 83 59.0 32.5 1.2 0.0 7.2 63.6 35.1 1.3
York 45 68.9 22.2 4.4 0.0 4.4 72.1 23.3 4.7
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Centre N HD PD Tx treatment Died HD PD Tx
N Ireland
Antrim 30 70.0 16.7 0.0 0.0 13.3 80.8 19.2 0.0
Belfast 76 60.5 15.8 19.7 1.3 2.6 63.0 16.4 20.6
Newry 23 52.2 43.5 0.0 0.0 4.4 54.6 45.5 0.0
Ulster 30 70.0 6.7 0.0 6.7 16.7 91.3 8.7 0.0
West NI 29 51.7 31.0 10.3 3.5 3.5 55.6 33.3 11.1
Abrdn 56 64.3 23.2 3.6 0.0 8.9 70.6 25.5 3.9
Airdrie 55 85.5 14.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 85.5 14.6 0.0
D & Gall 6 83.3 16.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 83.3 16.7 0.0
Dundee 37 86.5 13.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 86.5 13.5 0.0
Edinb 67 71.6 6.0 17.9 0.0 4.5 75.0 6.3 18.8
Glasgw 180 72.8 11.1 13.9 0.0 2.2 74.4 11.4 14.2
Inverns 18 55.6 44.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.6 44.4 0.0
Klmarnk 39 71.8 18.0 5.1 0.0 5.1 75.7 18.9 5.4
Krkcldy 39 76.9 12.8 0.0 0.0 10.3 85.7 14.3 0.0
Bangor 27 74.1 14.8 0.0 0.0 11.1 83.3 16.7 0.0
Cardff 167 67.1 15.0 12.6 0.0 5.4 70.9 15.8 13.3
Clwyd 16 75.0 18.8 6.3 0.0 0.0 75.0 18.8 6.3
Swanse 118 63.6 21.2 5.9 0.9 8.5 70.1 23.4 6.5
Wrexm 40 70.0 20.0 5.0 0.0 5.0 73.7 21.1 5.3
England 5,958 65.5 19.5 9.7 0.2 5.1 69.2 20.6 10.3
N Ireland 188 61.2 20.2 9.6 2.1 6.9 67.3 22.2 10.5
Scotland 497 73.8 14.3 8.3 0.0 3.6 76.6 14.8 8.6
Wales 368 67.1 17.7 8.4 0.3 6.5 72.0 19.0 9.0
UK 7,011 66.1 19.0 9.5 0.2 5.1 69.8 20.1 10.1
under 65 years than in older patients (27.8% vs. 17.1%). The median age at start for those on HD at 90 days was
These percentages are similar to those for 2012. In both 66.7 years compared with 59.3 years for PD. There were
age groups there was a lot of variability between centres eight centres where the percentage of patients treated
in the percentage on PD. with PD was the same as or higher in the over 65s than
the under 65s (a similar number to the 10 centres for
Transplant Home – HD 2012 and 11 centres for 2011).
10.1% 0.2%
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
Table 1.13. Modality split of patients on dialysis at 90 days (incident cohort 1/10/2012 to 30/09/2013)
B Heart 82 71.8 28.2 86.0 14.0 79.3 20.7
B QEH 178 74.5 25.5 90.5 9.5 82.0 18.0
Basldn 38 68.4 31.6 84.2 15.8 76.3 23.7
Bradfd 53 67.7 32.3 90.9 9.1 77.4 22.6
Brightn 134 62.1 37.9 78.9 21.1 71.6 28.4
Bristol 145 74.6 25.4 85.9 14.1 80.7 19.3
Camb 90 83.3 16.7 91.7 8.3 88.9 11.1
Carlis 34 55.0 45.0 57.1 42.9 55.9 44.1
Carsh 202 69.7 30.3 81.4 18.6 76.2 23.8
Chelms 39 81.8 18.2 85.7 14.3 84.6 15.4
Colchr 28 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0
Covnt 86 65.0 35.0 82.6 17.4 74.4 25.6
Derby 73 50.0 50.0 62.1 37.9 54.8 45.2
Donc 52 62.1 37.9 82.6 17.4 71.2 28.8
Dorset 60 69.6 30.4 67.6 32.4 68.3 31.7
Dudley 49 59.1 40.9 85.2 14.8 73.5 26.5
Exeter 104 74.3 25.7 84.1 15.9 80.8 19.2
Glouc 54 60.9 39.1 83.9 16.1 74.1 25.9
Hull 87 58.7 41.3 78.0 22.0 67.8 32.2
Ipswi 32 80.0 20.0 82.4 17.6 81.3 18.8
Kent 128 72.9 27.1 88.4 11.6 81.3 18.8
L Barts 251 65.0 35.0 59.6 40.4 62.9 37.1
L Guys 100 84.5 15.5 92.9 7.1 88.0 12.0
L Kings 139 70.7 29.3 82.8 17.2 76.3 23.7
L Rfree 199 67.5 32.5 83.5 16.5 74.4 25.6
L St.G 56 64.3 35.7 75.0 25.0 69.6 30.4
L West 267 93.3 6.7 94.1 5.9 93.6 6.4
Leeds 142 80.6 19.4 91.4 8.6 85.9 14.1
Leic 223 69.5 30.5 87.3 12.7 78.9 21.1
Liv Ain 50 69.2 30.8 75.0 25.0 72.0 28.0
Liv Roy 59 68.9 31.1 57.1 42.9 66.1 33.9
M RI 140 79.2 20.8 79.4 20.6 79.3 20.7
Middlbr 88 83.3 16.7 91.3 8.7 87.5 12.5
Newc 77 87.2 12.8 81.6 18.4 84.4 15.6
Norwch 70 80.6 19.4 89.7 10.3 85.7 14.3
Nottm 87 48.7 51.3 70.8 29.2 60.9 39.1
Oxford 139 67.6 32.4 73.8 26.2 70.5 29.5
Plymth 48 50.0 50.0 80.6 19.4 72.9 27.1
Ports 147 78.9 21.1 80.3 19.7 79.6 20.4
Prestn 130 80.6 19.4 81.0 19.0 80.8 19.2
Redng 93 52.2 47.8 80.9 19.1 66.7 33.3
Salford 120 68.1 31.9 76.5 23.5 71.7 28.3
Sheff 116 71.2 28.8 92.2 7.8 82.8 17.2
Shrew 48 72.7 27.3 80.8 19.2 77.1 22.9
Stevng 139 84.0 16.0 84.4 15.6 84.2 15.8
Sthend 37 64.7 35.3 95.0 5.0 81.1 18.9
Stoke 86 51.3 48.7 74.5 25.5 64.0 36.0
Sund 48 69.6 30.4 96.0 4.0 83.3 16.7
Truro 43 62.5 37.5 85.2 14.8 76.7 23.3
Wirral 58 57.1 42.9 94.6 5.4 81.0 19.0
Wolve 76 59.0 41.0 70.3 29.7 64.5 35.5
York 41 72.7 27.3 78.9 21.1 75.6 24.4
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
N Ireland
Antrim 26 80.0 20.0 81.3 18.8 80.8 19.2
Belfast 58 78.6 21.4 80.0 20.0 79.3 20.7
Newry 22 70.0 30.0 41.7 58.3 54.5 45.5
Ulster 23 80.0 20.0 94.4 5.6 91.3 8.7
West NI 24 36.4 63.6 84.6 15.4 62.5 37.5
Abrdn 49 70.8 29.2 76.0 24.0 73.5 26.5
Airdrie 55 84.0 16.0 86.7 13.3 85.5 14.5
D & Gall 6 80.0 20.0 100.0 0.0 83.3 16.7
Dundee 37 82.4 17.6 90.0 10.0 86.5 13.5
Edinb 52 92.7 7.3 90.9 9.1 92.3 7.7
Glasgw 151 87.3 12.7 86.3 13.8 86.8 13.2
Inverns 18 46.2 53.8 80.0 20.0 55.6 44.4
Klmarnk 35 87.5 12.5 73.7 26.3 80.0 20.0
Krkcldy 35 76.9 23.1 90.9 9.1 85.7 14.3
Bangor 24 100.0 0.0 77.8 22.2 83.3 16.7
Cardff 137 74.2 25.8 88.0 12.0 81.8 18.2
Clwyd 15 66.7 33.3 88.9 11.1 80.0 20.0
Swanse 100 60.0 40.0 83.1 16.9 75.0 25.0
Wrexm 36 57.1 42.9 90.9 9.1 77.8 22.2
England 5,065 71.4 28.6 82.7 17.3 77.1 22.9
N Ireland 153 70.3 29.7 78.7 21.3 75.2 24.8
Scotland 438 82.7 17.3 85.0 15.0 83.8 16.2
Wales 312 69.1 30.9 85.7 14.3 79.2 20.8
UK 5,968 72.2 27.8 82.9 17.1 77.6 22.4
Table 1.14. Initial and subsequent modalities for patients starting RRT in 2008
HD 5,034 HD 88 72 48 30
PD 2 3 2 1
Transplant 1 4 12 16
Other* 0 1 2 1
Died 8 19 38 51
PD 1,297 HD 6 15 21 18
PD 91 69 30 11
Transplant 1 9 28 37
Other* 0 1 1 1
Died 2 7 21 33
Transplant 349 HD 1 1 3 4
PD 0 0 0 0
Transplant 99 97 94 92
Died 0 1 3 5
Other e.g. stopped treatment
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
Error bars = 95% Cl
for analysis may have been taken whilst they were already
receiving RRT. For details see the 12th Annual Report
Geometric mean eGFR ml/min/1.73 m2
chapter 13: The UK Renal Registry Advanced CKD
9.0 Study 2009 [4]. In the future the UKRR hopes to address
this and related timeline anomalies by more frequent data
3. Late presentation and delayed referral of
incident patients
18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75–84 85+ Introduction
Age group (years)
Late presentation to a nephrologist is regarded as a
Fig. 1.9. Geometric mean eGFR at start of RRT (2013) by age negative aspect in renal care. It can be defined in a
group number of ways as it has a range of possible causes.
There are many patients with chronic kidney disease
Renal function at the time of starting RRT
who are regularly monitored in primary or secondary
The mean eGFR at initiation of RRT in 2013 was
care and whose referral to nephrology services is delayed
8.5 ml/min/1.73 m2. This is shown by age group in
(delayed or late referral). In contrast, other patients present
figure 1.9.
late to medical services due to no particular deficiency in
Figure 1.10 shows serial data from centres reporting
the service; those with either such slowly progressive
annually to the UKRR since 2004. For the six years before
disease as to have remained asymptomatic for many years
2011 there was higher average eGFR at start of RRT for
or the opposite – those with rapidly progressive CKD.
PD than HD patients but the values were more similar
The main analyses presented here do not differentiate
between treatments for 2011 to 2013.
between these groups and include any patient first seen
Some caution should be applied to the analyses of
by renal services within 90 days of starting RRT as ‘late
eGFR at the start of RRT as data was only available for
presentation’. One analysis attempts to capture ‘late refer-
less than half of the incident patients (approximately
rals’: it shows the percentage presenting within 90 days of
3,000 for 2013) and almost half of these came from
starting RRT after excluding an acute renal disease group.
only 10 centres. Three-quarters of the values came from
22 centres. Further caution should be applied as a review
of pre-RRT biochemistry in nine renal centres revealed Date first seen by a nephrologist has not been collected from
that up to 18% of patients may have had an incorrect the Scottish Renal Registry and so Scottish centres were excluded
date of starting RRT allocated and thus, the eGFR used from these analyses. Data were included from all incident patients
in English, Welsh or Northern Irish centres in the years 2012 to
2013. This two year cohort was used for most of the analyses in
Error bars = 95% Cl HD order to make the late presentation percentages more reliably
Geometric mean eGFR ml/min/1.73 m2
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
malignant hypertension, renal vascular disease due to polyarteritis, RRT in 2012 to 2013. The overall rate of late presentation
Wegener’s granulomatosis, cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis, was 18.6% and was 14.0% once those people with diseases
myelomatosis/light chain deposit disease, Goodpasture’s syn-
drome, systemic sclerosis, haemolytic ureaemic syndrome,
likely to present acutely were excluded. Table 1.16 shows
multi-system disease – other, tubular necrosis (irreversible) or cor- the overall percentage presenting late for the combined
tical necrosis, kidney tumour(s) and surgical loss of kidney(s). 2012/2013 incident cohort, the percentages presenting
late amongst those patients defined as not having an
Results ‘acute diagnosis’ and the percentages amongst non-
Table 1.15 shows the percentage completeness of data diabetics (as PRD). The table also shows the percentages
for 2012 and 2013. The overall average completeness was presenting less than a year before RRT initiation.
over 85%.
Late presentation in 2013 and the trend over time
Late presentation by centre There has been a steady decline nationally in the pro-
Figure 1.11 shows that late presentation varied portion of patients presenting late to renal services, with
between centres from 6% to 36% in patients starting some centres achieving ,10% late presentation rates.
Table 1.15. Percentage completeness of time of presentation data (2012 and 2013 incident RRT patients) by centre
N Percentage completeness N Percentage completeness
Centre 2012 2013 2012 2013 Centre 2012 2013 2012 2013
England Norwch 74 76 91.9
B Heart 102 99 97.1 93.9 Nottm 101 113 98.0 97.3
B QEH 213 191 100.0 99.5 Oxford 170 166 98.2 96.4
Basldn 53 32 98.1 100.0 Plymth 55 63 40.0 68.3
Bradfd 69 62 97.1 100.0 Ports 160 198 96.9 86.2
Brightn 135 139 91.7 98.5 Prestn 146 151 95.8 99.3
Bristol 148 173 96.6 49.7 Redng 73 117 97.3 99.2
Camb 125 139 100.0 88.5 Salford 134 111 10.6 0.9
Carlis 19 41 94.7 100.0 Sheff 157 137 98.7 99.2
Carsh 243 231 88.0 68.7 Shrew 58 61 98.3 100.0
Chelms 46 42 97.8 100.0 Stevng 109 159 99.1 98.7
Colchr 29 30 100.0 100.0 Sthend 26 42 100.0 97.6
Covnt 113 87 99.1 97.7 Stoke 74 100 98.7 78.0
Derby 79 74 100.0 97.3 Sund 71 49 98.6 93.9
Donc 40 60 97.5 91.7 Truro 49 46 100.0 100.0
Dorset 73 74 98.6 100.0 Wirral 44 68 95.4 98.5
Dudley 56 47 98.2 100.0 Wolve 87 88 100.0 98.9
Exeter 135 102 97.0 97.1 York 53 36 100.0
Glouc 76 54 96.0 96.2 N Ireland
Hull 97 92 97.9 96.6 Antrim 26 29 100.0 96.6
Ipswi 43 39 97.7 94.9 Belfast 93 69 90.3 95.7
Kent 115 145 100.0 100.0 Newry 17 23 100.0 100.0
L Barts 268 291 1.5 1.7 Ulster 29 29 100.0 100.0
L Guys 129 130 22.1 54.3 West NI 21 30 100.0 100.0
L Kings 124 162 98.4 98.8 Wales
L Rfree 237 228 99.2 98.7 Bangor 21 24 90.5 95.8
L St.G 90 76 65.6 52.6 Cardff 171 169 98.8 97.6
L West 355 303 81.6 99.0 Clwyd 22 14 100.0
Leeds 154 184 98.0 98.3 Swanse 119 110 99.2 100.0
Leic 236 291 97.0 96.6 Wrexm 34 37 97.1 100.0
Liv Ain 63 66 100.0 97.0 England 5,795 5,962 87.0 84.4
Liv Roy 104 94 99.0 98.9 N Ireland 186 180 95.2 97.8
M RI 161 200 92.5 99.0 Wales 367 354 98.4 94.6
Middlbr 120 108 100.0 99.1 E, W & NI 6,348 6,496 87.9 85.3
Newc 104 95 88.5 94.7
Data not shown as .10% of patients reported as starting RRT on the same date as first presentation
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
Upper 95% Cl N = 10,502
% presenting late
Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
B Heart
West NI
L West
L Kings
Liv Roy
Liv Ain
L Rfree
N Ireland
E, W & NI
This may be a consequence of the National CKD guide- RRT. There were 7.8% of patients presenting within the
lines published by the Medical and GP Royal Colleges 6–12 month window before RRT, 5.2% within 3–6
[5], the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) initiat- months and 18.4% within three months of RRT start.
ive ( raising awareness of CKD amongst Figure 1.12 shows this breakdown by year for those 26
non-nephrologists and the introduction of estimated centres supplying data over 75% complete for each of
GFR reporting. the last six years. The figure shows an increase over time
In 2013, 68.6% of incident patients presented to in the percentage of patients presenting a year or more
nephrology services over a year before they started before starting RRT. As shown in previous reports this
Table 1.16. Percentage of patients presenting to a nephrologist less than 90 days before RRT initiation and percentage presenting less
than a year before initiation (2012/2013 incident patients) by centre
Centre N with data Overall (95% CI) Non-acutea Non-diab PRD (95% CI)
B Heart 192 5.7 (3.2–10.1) 4.8 7.7 9.9 (6.4–15.0)
B QEH 396 29.0 (24.8–33.7) 24.7 30.1 46.5 (41.6–51.4)
Basldn 84 13.1 (7.4–22.1) 11.3 18.0 34.5 (25.2–45.3)
Bradfd 127 12.6 (7.9–19.6) 9.2 15.8 23.6 (17.0–31.8)
Brightn 256 24.6 (19.7–30.3) 19.4 27.7 38.7 (32.9–44.8)
Bristol 143 21.0 (15.1–28.4) 14.1 24.6 31.5 (24.4–39.5)
Camb 247 22.7 (17.9–28.3) 38.5 (32.6–44.7)
Carlis 58 12.1 (5.9–23.2) 9.3 13.2 20.7 (12.1–33.0)
Carsh 213 15.5 (11.2–21.0) 11.3 15.9 34.3 (28.2–40.9)
Chelms 87 21.8 (14.4–31.7) 16.3 26.6 39.1 (29.4–49.7)
Colchr 59 22.0 (13.3–34.3) 21.4 21.7 33.9 (23.0–46.8)
Covnt 194 19.6 (14.6–25.8) 12.2 22.4 29.9 (23.9–36.7)
Derby 151 18.5 (13.1–25.6) 13.5 23.8 27.8 (21.3–35.5)
Donc 94 19.2 (12.4–28.4) 14.3 22.8 24.5 (16.8–34.1)
Dorset 146 16.4 (11.3–23.4) 15.0 17.9 25.3 (19.0–33.0)
Dudley 101 11.9 (6.9–19.8) 9.7 12.9 21.8 (14.8–30.9)
Exeter 229 9.2 (6.1–13.7) 7.7 11.3 28.8 (23.3–35.0)
Glouc 123 16.3 (10.7–23.9) 13.0 16.0 27.6 (20.5–36.2)
Hull 181 20.4 (15.2–26.9) 14.7 23.6 37.0 (30.3–44.3)
Ipswi 79 29.1 (20.2–40.0) 58.2 (47.1–68.6)
Kent 259 19.3 (15.0–24.6) 17.8 22.0 30.9 (25.6–36.8)
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Centre N with data Overall (95% CI) Non-acutea Non-diab PRD (95% CI)
L Kings 281 21.7 (17.3–26.9) 16.5 28.2 34.2 (28.9–39.9)
L Rfree 460 23.9 (20.2–28.0) 20.1 27.9 44.1 (39.7–48.7)
L West 587 21.5 (18.3–25.0) 18.1 23.6 34.4 (30.7–38.4)
Leeds 325 16.3 (12.7–20.7) 9.0 19.2 24.9 (20.5–29.9)
Leic 507 19.7 (16.5–23.4) 12.3 22.4 33.5 (29.6–37.8)
Liv Ain 127 23.6 (17.0–31.8) 21.0 29.9 37.8 (29.8–46.5)
Liv Roy 187 22.5 (17.0–29.0) 13.3 26.7 35.8 (29.3–43.0)
M RI 344 15.4 (12.0–19.6) 12.9 18.4 35.8 (30.9–41.0)
Middlbr 227 21.6 (16.7–27.4) 19.1 26.4 34.4 (28.5–40.8)
Newc 182 18.1 (13.2–24.4) 8.7 21.5 31.3 (25.0–38.4)
Norwch 68 13.2 (7.0–23.5) 11.1 16.1 22.1 (13.8–33.4)
Nottm 205 13.7 (9.6–19.1) 12.3 16.3 25.9 (20.3–32.3)
Oxford 324 17.0 (13.3–21.5) 12.8 22.4 28.7 (24.0–33.9)
Ports 322 10.3 (7.4–14.1) 5.4 11.7 17.7 (13.9–22.3)
Prestn 285 16.5 (12.6–21.3) 12.5 18.4 27.0 (22.2–32.5)
Redng 187 23.5 (18.0–30.1) 17.3 31.0 36.4 (29.8–43.5)
Sheff 286 17.8 (13.8–22.7) 13.4 22.0 27.3 (22.4–32.7)
Shrew 118 13.6 (8.5–21.0) 13.5 15.2 33.9 (25.9–42.9)
Stevng 264 14.8 (11.0–19.6) 11.3 16.2 20.1 (15.7–25.3)
Sthend 67 16.4 (9.3–27.3) 14.1 19.0 28.4 (18.9–40.2)
Stoke 151 27.2 (20.7–34.8) 22.2 29.1 45.0 (37.3–53.0)
Sund 116 12.9 (8.0–20.4) 10.8 11.8 21.6 (15.0–30.0)
Truro 94 19.2 (12.4–28.4) 14.3 22.1 31.9 (23.3–42.0)
Wirral 107 35.5 (27.0–45.0) 52.3 (42.9–61.6)
Wolve 172 20.4 (15.0–27.0) 17.8 21.3 36.6 (29.8–44.1)
York 53 20.8 (11.9–33.7) 15.6 21.4 28.3 (17.8–41.8)
N Ireland
Antrim 54 11.1 (5.1–22.6) 8.2 15.0 24.1 (14.5–37.2)
Belfast 150 20.7 (14.9–27.9) 14.1 24.0 34.0 (26.9–41.9)
Newry 40 12.5 (5.3–26.7) 10.5 18.5 30.0 (17.9–45.7)
Ulster 57 21.1 (12.4–33.5) 18.2 18.2 28.1 (18.0–41.0)
West NI 51 9.8 (4.1–21.5) 8.7 11.9 21.6 (12.4–34.9)
Bangor 42 19.1 (9.8–33.7) 19.5 26.9 28.6 (17.0–43.9)
Cardff 332 10.8 (7.9–14.7) 9.1 13.6 26.5 (22.0–31.5)
Clwyd 22 27.3 (12.8–48.9) 22.2 22.2 36.4 (19.3–57.7)
Swanse 219 22.4 (17.3–28.4) 14.8 27.7 38.8 (32.6–45.4)
Wrexm 70 8.6 (3.9–17.8) 7.6 11.5 25.7 (16.8–37.2)
England 9,465 18.9 (18.2–19.8) 14.3 21.3 32.2 (31.3–33.2)
N Ireland 352 16.8 (13.2–21.0) 12.7 19.3 29.3 (24.7–34.2)
Wales 685 15.3 (12.8–18.2) 11.7 18.9 30.8 (27.5–34.4)
E, W & NI 10,502 18.6 (17.9–19.4) 14.0 21.1 32.0 (31.2–32.9)
.......................................... ............... ................................... ............
Min 5.7 4.8 7.7 9.9
Quartile 1 13.6 10.9 16.0 25.9
Quartile 3 21.7 17.1 23.9 35.8
Max 35.5 24.7 31.0 58.2
Blank cells – data for PRD not used due to high % with uncertain aetiology
Non-acute group excludes crescentic (extracapillary) glomerulonephritis (type I, II, III), nephropathy (interstitial) due to cis-platinum, renal
vascular disease due to malignant hypertension, renal vascular disease due to polyarteritis, Wegener’s granulomatosis, cryoglobulinemic
glomerulonephritis, myelomatosis/light chain deposit disease, Goodpasture’s syndrome, systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), haemolytic ureaemic
syndrome, multi-system disease – other, tubular necrosis (irreversible) or cortical necrosis, Balkan nephropathy, kidney tumour(s), and
traumatic or surgical loss of kidney(s)
The remaining patients starting RRT therefore presented over 1 year beforehand
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
% <3 months
was somewhat lower than in Whites (16.3% vs. 18.7%:
p = 0.02).
Primary renal disease and late presentation
20 In the 2012/2013 cohort, late presentation differed
significantly between primary renal diagnoses (Chi-
0 squared test p , 0.0001) (table 1.17). Patients in the
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Year acute group or with data not available had high rates of
late presentation as anticipated. Those with diabetes and
Fig. 1.12. Late presentation rate by year (2008–2013)
Restricted to centres reporting continuous data for 2008–2013 pyelonephritis or adult polycystic kidney disease had low
rates in keeping with their longer natural histories of
CKD progression. There was a notable decline in the
increase was most marked in the years just before those proportion of diabetics presenting late up until 2007.
shown in the figure. In 2005, only 52.6% of incident Since then the proportion has been stable. The decline
patients presented over a year before they needed to start seen earlier likely reflects national initiatives to screen
RRT compared with nearly 70% in 2013. patients with diabetes for proteinuria and falling GFR.
Unlike elsewhere in the report, the RVD group includes hypertension
Polycystic and pyelonephritis are grouped together
2 Acute group includes crescentic (extracapillary) glomerulonephritis
(type I, II, III), nephropathy (interstitial) due to cis-platinum, renal
1 vascular disease due to malignant hypertension, renal vascular disease
due to polyarteritis, Wegener’s granulomatosis, cryoglobulinemic
18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75–84 85+ glomerulonephritis, myelomatosis/light chain deposit disease, Good-
Age band (years)
pasture’s syndrome, systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), haemolytic
ureaemic syndrome, multi-system disease – other, tubular necrosis
Fig. 1.13. Median duration of pre-RRT care by age group (incident (irreversible) or cortical necrosis, Balkan nephropathy, kidney
patients 2012/2013) tumour(s), and traumatic or surgical loss of kidney(s)
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 1.18. Percentage prevalence of specific comorbidities 101 g/L: p , 0.0001). This may reflect inadequate pre-
amongst patients presenting late (,90 days) compared with dialysis care with limited anaemia management, but
those presenting early (590 days) (2012/2013 incident patients)
alternatively those presenting late may be more likely to
Comorbidity ,90 days 590 days p-value have anaemia because of multisystem disease or inter-
current illness. More detailed analyses of haemoglobin
Ischaemic heart disease 15.9 19.7 0.003 at start of RRT and late presentation can be found in
Cerebrovascular disease 9.4 10.6 0.2
Peripheral vascular disease 10.4 12.0 0.1 chapter 7: Haemoglobin, Ferritin and Erythropoietin
Diabetes (not a cause of ERF) 9.2 9.9 0.5 amongst UK Adult Dialysis Patients in 2013.
Liver disease 4.3 2.8 0.01
Malignancy 21.3 11.5 ,0.0001 eGFR at start of RRT and late presentation
COPD 7.7 7.3 0.6 In the 2012/2013 cohort, eGFR at start of RRT was sig-
Smoking 15.2 13.6 0.2
nificantly lower in patients presenting late than those pre-
senting earlier (7.7 vs. 8.6 ml/min/1.73 m2: p , 0.0001).
RRT initiation this difference was reduced, although it Although these findings are in contrast to some of the
was still highly significant (12.8% vs. 22.0%: p , 0.0001). studies in the literature, many of those studies pre-date
the era of routine use of eGFR [6, 7]. A recent Cochrane
Comorbidity and late presentation review has shown that eGFR was indeed higher in RRT
In the 2012/2013 cohort, the percentage of patients patients [9] referred early (mean difference of 0.42 ml/
who were assessed as having no comorbidity was similar min/1.73 m2) compared to those presenting late (defi-
in those who presented late as in those presenting earlier nition: up to 6 months before starting RRT) consistent
(45.2% vs. 47.4%: p = 0.2). That said however, there were with UKRR data.
differences in those with comorbidities: ischaemic heart
disease was significantly less common and liver disease
and malignancy significantly more common in those
presenting late compared to those presenting early International comparisons
(table 1.18) perhaps reflecting underlying causes of
CKD and its progression. This is in keeping with findings Figure 1.14 shows the crude RRT incidence rates
from other studies [6–8]. (including children) for 2011 for several countries. The
data is from the USRDS [10]; 2011 was the latest year
Haemoglobin and late presentation available at time of writing. The UK incidence rate was
In the 2012/2013 cohort, patients presenting late had a similar to those in many other Northern European
significantly lower average haemoglobin concentration at countries, Australia and New Zealand but remained
RRT initiation than patients presenting earlier (91 vs. markedly lower than in some other countries, most
RRT incidence rate (pmp)
New Zealand
Chapter 1 UK Renal Replacement Therapy Incidence in 2013
notably Greece, Japan and the USA. There are numerous the last few years for Northern Ireland, Scotland and
reasons for these differences which have been documen- Wales compared with England. Wales continues to
ted and explored in other ecological studies and summar- have the highest incidence rate and there remains large
ised by this review [11]. between centre variation in incidence rates for RRT
some of which is likely explained by population
differences in ethnicity and age structure. There was a
seven-fold variation between CCG/HBs in the rates of
Survival of incident patients older people (.75) starting RRT and also substantial
between centre variation in use of different types of
See chapter 5: Survival and Causes of Death of RRT modality some of which suggests inefficient use of
UK Adult Patients on Renal Replacement Therapy in cheaper and more effective forms of treatment. Although
2013. significant numbers of patients continue to present late to
renal centres this proportion has dropped substantially in
the last eight years. Some centre’s lower rates (,10%)
suggest that local factors may be worth exploring in
Conclusions improving this aspect of renal care. Plans for more fre-
quent and more detailed data downloads will hopefully
Across the UK, as a whole, the renal replacement allow the UKRR to explore these areas of variation in
therapy (RRT) incidence rate for 2013 was similar to advanced CKD care.
those in 2012 and 2011. Partly because of the smaller
numbers involved, rates have been more variable over Conflicts of interest: none
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 2 UK Renal Replacement Therapy
Prevalence in 2013: National and
Centre-specific Analyses
Key Words
. The median age of prevalent patients was 58.4 years
Chronic kidney disease . Clinical Commissioning Group . (HD 66.9 years, PD 63.7 years, transplant 52.8
Comorbidity . Diabetes . Dialysis . End stage renal disease . years). In 2000 the median age was 55 years (HD
Established renal failure . Ethnicity . Haemodialysis . Perito- 63 years, PD 58 years, transplant 48 years). The
neal dialysis . Prevalence . Renal replacement therapy . percentage of RRT patients aged greater than
Transplantation . Treatment modality 70 years increased from 19.2% in 2000 to 25% in
. For all ages, the prevalence rate in men exceeded
Summary that in women, peaking in age group 75–79 years
at 3,010 pmp in men and for women at 1,560 pmp.
. There were 56,940 adult patients receiving renal . The most common identifiable renal diagnosis was
replacement therapy (RRT) in the UK on 31st glomerulonephritis (19.0%), followed by aetiology
December 2013, an absolute increase of 4.0 % uncertain (16.0 %) and diabetes (15.9%).
from 2012. . Transplantation continued as the most common
. The actual number of patients increased 1.2% for treatment modality (52%), HD was used in 41.6%
haemodialysis (HD), 7.1% for those with a function- and PD in 6.4% of RRT patients.
ing transplant but decreased 3.3% for peritoneal . Prevalence rates in patients aged .85 years contin-
dialysis (PD). ued to increase between 2012 and 2013 (983 pmarp
. The UK adult prevalence of RRT was 888 per to 1,020 pmarp).
million population (pmp). The reported prevalence . In 2013, 21.1% of the prevalent UK RRT population
in 2000 was 523 pmp. (with ethnicity assigned) were from ethnic min-
. The number of patients receiving home HD orities compared to 14.9% in 2007.
increased by 3% from 1,080 patients in 2012 to
1,113 patients in 2013.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
composition, prevalence of diseases predisposing to kid- From 2012 to 2013, for the first time there was a fall in
ney disease and the social deprivation index of that popu- prevalent HD patients with a 0.1% pmp decrease, a 5.8%
lation may contribute to this. Patient survival on RRT pmp increase in those with a functioning transplant and a
would also contribute and may be influenced by access 4.6% pmp decline in patients on PD.
to high quality health care for the comorbid conditions Between 2008 and 2013 there was an average annual
seen in these patients. 1.6% pmp growth in HD, 3.7% pmp fall in PD, and
4.9% pmp growth in prevalent transplant patients in
Changes in prevalence the UK (table 2.4). In the same period there was an
Overall growth in the prevalent UK RRT population average annual 13.3% pmp growth in the use of home
from 2012 to 2013 was 4.0% (table 2.3), an annual growth haemodialysis (data not shown).
rate which has been fairly consistent over the last 10–15 Prevalence rates between centres showed marked
years (figure 2.2). The increases in prevalence across variation (table 2.2); the long-term (1997–2013) UK
Scotland and Wales were similar at 1.4% and 1.6% prevalence pattern by treatment modality is shown in
respectively. The increase in prevalence in England was figure 2.2. The steady growth in transplant numbers
highest in magnitude at 4.5%. In Northern Ireland the was maintained in 2013. The increase in haemodialysis
increase in the prevalent RRT population was 2.2% patient numbers has been associated with an increase in
between 2012 and 2013. home haemodialysis, from 2.1% of the dialysis population
in 2004 (n = 449) to 4.1% in 2013 (n = 1,113) with
the number of patients doubling over the 10 year
period. In contrast PD has fallen by 6.5% between 2004
3,000 and 2013.
N Ireland
2,500 Prevalence of RRT in Clinical Commissioning Groups
Prevalence rate (pmp)
Scotland in England (CCGs), Health and Social Care Areas in
Northern Ireland (HBs), Local Health Boards in
1,500 Wales (HBs) and Health Boards in Scotland (HBs)
The need for RRT depends on many factors such as
predisposing conditions but also on social and demo-
500 graphic factors such as age, gender, social deprivation
and ethnicity. Hence, comparison of crude prevalence
rates by geographical area can be misleading. This
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 2.2. Number of prevalent RRT patients by treatment modality and centre on 31/12/2013
N Catchment 2013
population crude rate
Centre HD PD Dialysis Transplant RRT (millions) pmp (95% CI)
B Heart 435 41 476 182 658 0.74 892 (823–960)
B QEHa 933 137 1,070 981 2,051 1.70 1,207 (1,155–1,259)
Basldn 160 30 190 80 270 0.42 651 (573–728)
Bradfd 202 30 232 288 520 0.65 798 (729–866)
Brightn 398 79 477 398 875 1.30 675 (630–719)
Bristola 514 67 581 846 1,427 1.44 991 (940–1,043)
Camba 380 25 405 793 1,198 1.16 1,035 (976–1,093)
Carlis 68 28 96 131 227 0.32 708 (616–800)
Carsh 762 122 884 604 1,488 1.91 778 (738–818)
Chelms 123 21 144 95 239 0.51 468 (409–528)
Colchr 115 115 115 0.30 384 (314–454)
Covnta,b 383 86 469 471 940 0.89 1,054 (986–1,121)
Derby 217 85 302 170 472 0.70 672 (611–732)
Donc 163 35 198 61 259 0.41 632 (555–708)
Dorset 267 48 315 313 628 0.86 729 (672–786)
Dudley 175 56 231 81 312 0.44 706 (628–785)
Exeterb 410 73 483 413 896 1.09 823 (769–876)
Glouc 211 33 244 168 412 0.59 702 (634–769)
Hull 327 80 407 408 815 1.02 799 (744–854)
Ipswi 122 30 152 202 354 0.40 887 (795–980)
Kent 395 64 459 506 965 1.22 788 (738–838)
L Bartsa 954 197 1,151 952 2,103 1.83 1,149 (1,100–1,198)
L Guysa 630 29 659 1,182 1,841 1.08 1,701 (1,623–1,779)
L Kings 498 105 603 362 965 1.17 824 (772–876)
L Rfreea 731 131 862 1,093 1,955 1.52 1,288 (1,231–1,345)
L St.Ga,b 280 48 328 431 759 0.80 951 (884–1,019)
L Westa 1,398 61 1,459 1,683 3,142 2.40 1,310 (1,264–1,356)
Leedsa 507 69 576 890 1,466 1.67 878 (833–923)
Leica 905 152 1,057 1,015 2,072 2.44 851 (814–887)
Liv Ain 155 30 185 5 190 0.48 393 (337–448)
Liv Roya 359 58 417 852 1,269 1.00 1,269 (1,199–1,339)
M RIa 522 83 605 1,259 1,864 1.53 1,217 (1,162–1,272)
Middlbr 351 14 365 471 836 1.00 833 (776–889)
Newca 274 42 316 648 964 1.12 860 (806–914)
Norwch 330 40 370 322 692 0.79 880 (814–945)
Nottma 371 83 454 621 1,075 1.09 988 (929–1,047)
Oxforda 435 99 534 1,031 1,565 1.69 926 (880–972)
Plymtha 134 37 171 332 503 0.47 1,071 (977–1,164)
Portsa 600 85 685 870 1,555 2.02 768 (730–807)
Prestn 547 56 603 487 1,090 1.49 730 (687–773)
Redng 282 76 358 373 731 0.91 803 (745–861)
Salfordb 399 85 484 411 895 1.49 601 (561–640)
Sheffa 589 70 659 670 1,329 1.37 969 (917–1,021)
Shrew 187 32 219 123 342 0.50 683 (611–755)
Stevngb 464 40 504 254 758 1.20 630 (585–674)
Sthend 120 18 138 83 221 0.32 698 (606–790)
Stoke 311 87 398 328 726 0.89 816 (757–875)
Sund 197 11 208 215 423 0.62 684 (619–749)
Truro 151 24 175 202 377 0.41 913 (820–1,005)
Wirral 213 35 248 4 252 0.57 441 (386–495)
Wolve 301 82 383 180 563 0.67 842 (772–911)
York 140 27 167 242 409 0.49 831 (750–911)
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
N Catchment 2013
population crude rate
Centre HD PD Dialysis Transplant RRT (millions) pmp (95% CI)
Northern Ireland
Antrim 127 15 142 82 224 0.29 760 (660–860)
Belfasta 212 27 239 490 729 0.64 1,145 (1,061–1,228)
Newry 92 18 110 89 199 0.26 762 (656–868)
Ulster 106 6 112 44 156 0.27 586 (494–678)
West NI 113 15 128 110 238 0.35 676 (590–762)
Abrdn 223 25 248 271 519 0.60 865 (791–940)
Airdrie 192 14 206 187 393 0.55 712 (642–782)
D & Gall 45 15 60 57 117 0.15 788 (645–931)
Dundee 172 21 193 210 403 0.46 870 (785–955)
Edinba 276 30 306 433 739 0.96 766 (711–822)
Glasgwa 599 44 643 955 1,598 1.62 984 (936–1,032)
Inverns 69 15 84 132 216 0.27 800 (693–907)
Klmarnk 137 43 180 116 296 0.36 819 (726–912)
Krkcldy 147 19 166 117 283 0.32 894 (789–998)
Bangor 86 13 99 99 0.22 454 (364–543)
Cardffa 486 75 561 1,023 1,584 1.42 1,115 (1,061–1,170)
Clwyd 76 14 90 63 153 0.19 807 (679–935)
Swanse 329 58 387 304 691 0.89 780 (722–839)
Wrexm 101 22 123 127 250 0.24 1,041 (912–1,170)
England 20,095 3,176 23,271 24,782 48,053
N Ireland 650 81 731 815 1,546
Scotland 1,860 226 2,086 2,478 4,564
Wales 1,078 182 1,260 1,517 2,777
UK 23,683 3,665 27,348 29,592 56,940
Blank cells indicate no patients on that treatment type attending that centre when data were collected
Centres prefixed ‘L’ are London centres
The numbers of patients calculated for each country quoted above differ marginally from those quoted elsewhere in this report when patients are
allocated to areas by their individual post codes, as some centres treat patients from across national boundaries
Transplant centres
Subsequent to closing the 2013 database several centres reporting a variation to the numbers returned. Tables 2.1, 2.3 and 2.4 (but not the
remainder of this chapter) reflect these revisions (Covnt (+8), Exeter (+6), L St.G (+5), Salford (+9), Stevng (−7))
The impact of social deprivation was reported in the 2003 Factors associated with variation in standardised
UKRR Report [1]. prevalence ratios in Clinical Commissioning Groups
There were substantial variations in the crude CCG/ in England, Health and Social Care Trust Areas in
HB prevalence rates pmp, from 474 pmp (Shetland, Northern Ireland, Local Health Boards in Wales and
population 23,200) to 1,656 pmp (NHS Brent, population Health Boards in Scotland
314,700). There were similar variations in the standar- In 2013, there were 78 CCGs/HBs with a significantly
dised prevalence ratios (ratio of observed: expected low SPR, 112 with a ‘normal’ SPR and 47 with a signifi-
prevalence rate given the age/gender breakdown of the cantly high SPR (table 2.5). The areas with high and
CCG/HB) from 0.50 (Shetland) to 2.19 (Brent) low SPRs have been fairly consistent over the last few
(table 2.5). Confidence intervals are not presented for years. They tend to reflect the demographics of the
the crude rates per million population for 2013 but regions in question such that urban, ethnically diverse
figures D3 and D4 in appendix D ( populations in areas of high social deprivation have the
can be used to determine if a CCG/HB falls within the highest prevalence rates of renal replacement therapy.
range representing the 95% confidence limit of the Mean SPRs were significantly higher in the 88 CCGs/
national average prevalence rate. HBs with an ethnic minority population greater than
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 2.3. Number of prevalent patients on RRT by centre at year end 2009–2013
% change % annual change
Centre 31/12/2009 31/12/2010 31/12/2011 31/12/2012 31/12/2013 2012–2013 2009–2013
B Heart 626 635 666 671 658 −1.9 1.3
B QEH 1,821 1,844 1,912 1,971 2,051 4.1 3.0
Basldn 214 214 233 258 270 4.7 6.0
Bradfd 426 455 467 504 520 3.2 5.1
Brightn 737 770 777 831 875 5.3 4.4
Bristol 1,236 1,264 1,317 1,337 1,427 6.7 3.7
Camb 942 1,004 1,076 1,111 1,198 7.8 6.2
Carlis 205 206 215 216 227 5.1 2.6
Carsh 1,302 1,377 1,380 1,460 1,488 1.9 3.4
Chelms 228 238 216 224 239 6.7 1.2
Colchr 116 120 119 117 115 −1.7 −0.2
Covnt 794 844 874 897 940 4.8 4.3
Derby 419 459 467 476 472 −0.8 3.0
Donc 196 222 248 261 259 −0.8 7.2
Dorset 553 585 587 609 628 3.1 3.2
Dudley 292 303 286 314 312 −0.6 1.7
Exeter 731 785 809 842 896 6.4 5.2
Glouc 366 377 381 416 412 −1.0 3.0
Hull 725 725 757 782 815 4.2 3.0
Ipswi 312 316 340 339 354 4.4 3.2
Kent 744 797 864 919 965 5.0 6.7
L Barts 1,638 1,778 1,874 1,956 2,103 7.5 6.4
L Guys 1,616 1,627 1,684 1,741 1,841 5.7 3.3
L Kings 786 837 872 918 965 5.1 5.3
L Rfree 1,546 1,639 1,727 1,854 1,955 5.4 6.0
L St.G 663 684 716 710 759 6.9 3.4
L West 2,736 2,879 3,020 3,100 3,142 1.4 3.5
Leeds 1,348 1,383 1,425 1,413 1,466 3.8 2.1
Leic 1,737 1,809 1,927 1,975 2,072 4.9 4.5
Liv Ain 148 161 190 194 190 −2.1 6.4
Liv Roy 1,223 1,238 1,250 1,237 1,269 2.6 0.9
M RI 1,453 1,557 1,650 1,711 1,864 8.9 6.4
Middlbr 707 711 754 790 836 5.8 4.3
Newc 899 903 919 946 964 1.9 1.8
Norwch 594 617 611 623 692 11.1 3.9
Nottm 981 1,012 1,022 1,012 1,075 6.2 2.3
Oxford 1,343 1,423 1,451 1,533 1,565 2.1 3.9
Plymth 457 462 465 458 503 9.8 2.4
Ports 1,301 1,333 1,394 1,445 1,555 7.6 4.6
Prestn 941 970 1,018 1,078 1,090 1.1 3.7
Redng 618 636 688 672 731 8.8 4.3
Salford 785 837 832 880 895 1.7 3.3
Sheff 1,216 1,254 1,260 1,299 1,329 2.3 2.2
Shrew 337 345 345 357 342 −4.2 0.4
Stevng 584 608 641 668 758 13.5 6.7
Sthend 207 212 208 213 221 3.8 1.6
Stoke 643 659 696 699 726 3.9 3.1
Sund 368 369 388 422 423 0.2 3.5
Truro 320 336 356 377 377 0.0 4.2
Wirral 224 224 234 225 252 12.0 3.0
Wolve 490 532 513 524 563 7.4 3.5
York 321 340 340 396 409 3.3 6.2
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
% change % annual change
Centre 31/12/2009 31/12/2010 31/12/2011 31/12/2012 31/12/2013 2012–2013 2009–2013
N Ireland
Antrim 217 218 225 223 224 0.4 0.8
Belfast 680 682 685 703 729 3.7 1.8
Newry 172 179 190 188 199 5.9 3.7
Ulster 114 115 137 145 156 7.6 8.2
West NI 258 258 270 253 238 −5.9 −2.0
Abrdn 452 462 478 505 519 2.8 3.5
Airdrie 310 326 344 388 393 1.3 6.1
D & Gall 118 118 122 127 117 −7.9 −0.2
Dundee 395 385 400 401 403 0.5 0.5
Edinb 721 731 700 723 739 2.2 0.6
Glasgw 1,469 1,505 1,477 1,555 1,598 2.8 2.1
Inverns 229 232 225 221 216 −2.3 −1.5
Klmarnk 273 284 299 302 296 −2.0 2.0
Krkcldy 241 263 278 278 283 1.8 4.1
Bangor 110 113 109 105 99 −5.7 −2.6
Cardff 1,426 1,517 1,534 1,544 1,584 2.6 2.7
Clwyd 147 142 137 173 153 −11.6 1.0
Swanse 618 635 657 662 691 4.4 2.8
Wrexm 219 223 237 248 250 0.8 3.4
England 41,215 42,915 44,461 45,981 48,053 4.5 3.9
N Ireland 1,441 1,452 1,507 1,512 1,546 2.2 1.8
Scotland 4,208 4,306 4,323 4,500 4,564 1.4 2.1
Wales 2,520 2,630 2,674 2,732 2,777 1.6 2.5
UK 49,384 51,303 52,965 54,725 56,940 4.0 3.6
10% than in those with lower ethnic minority populations the relationship between the ethnic composition of a
( p , 0.001). The SPR was positively correlated with the CCG/HB and its SPR is demonstrated.
percentage of the population that are non-White Only two of the 149 CCGs/HBs with ethnic minority
(r = 0.9 p , 0.001). In 2013 for each 10% increase in populations of less than 10% had high SPRs: Abertawe
ethnic minority population, the standardised prevalence Bro Morgannwg University and Cwm Taf. Forty-five
ratio increased by 0.17 (equates to 17%). In figure 2.3, (51.1%) of the 88 CCGs/HBs with ethnic minority
populations greater than 10% had high SPRs, whereas
PD nine (10%) (NHS Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven;
50,000 Home HD NHS Brighton & Hove, NHS Chiltern, NHS Havering,
HD NHS East and North Hertfordshire, NHS Leeds
Number of patients
40,000 Transplant
North, NHS Leeds West, NHS Richmond, NHS Solihull)
30,000 had low SPRs. Some of the CCGs/HBs with a high
(.15%) ethnic minority population had a normal
20,000 expected RRT prevalence rate (e.g. NHS Bolton, NHS
Oldham, NHS North and South Manchester). The age
and gender standardised prevalence ratios in each region
of England and in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Year HD pmp PD pmp Dialysis pmp Transplant pmp RRT pmp HD PD Dialysis Tx RRT
2008 342 69 411 363 774
2009 354 64 417 377 794 3.5 −7.8 1.6 3.7 2.6
2010 359 62 421 397 818 1.5 −3.2 0.8 5.4 3.0
2011 365 60 426 416 841 1.7 −2.2 1.1 4.7 2.9
2012 370 60 430 436 866 1.3 −0.9 1.0 5.0 3.0
2013 369 57 427 462 888 −0.1 −4.6 −0.8 5.8 2.5
Average annual growth 2008–2013 1.6 −3.7 0.8 4.9 2.8
Differences in the figures for dialysis and RRT prevalence and the sum of the separate modalities are due to rounding
pmp – per million population
Tx = transplant
similar to their expected rates. Scotland had lower than 37.4% in Colchester). In most centres the prevalent PD
expected prevalence rates of RRT. population was younger than the HD population. This
is different to the Australian data where PD patients
Case mix in prevalent RRT patients were older on average than HD patients [2]. This high-
Time on RRT (vintage) lights the lack of evidence concerning which patients
Table 2.7 shows the median time, in years, since start- are best treated with PD and a potential area for future
ing RRT of prevalent RRT patients on 31st December research.
2013. Median time on RRT for all prevalent patients Colchester had the highest median age (69.9 years),
remained fairly static at 6.0 years. Patients with function- whilst Manchester RI and Belfast the lowest (54.1 years)
ing transplants had survived a median of 10.1 years on (table 2.8). This could reflect either variation in the
RRT whilst the median time on RRT of HD and PD demography of the catchment populations or follow-up
patients was significantly less (3.4 and 1.7 years respect- of younger transplant patients (as above in the case of
ively). Belfast and Manchester RI). The median age of the
The increase in the time on HD compared to a lesser non-White dialysis population was lower than the overall
time spent on PD could reflect early transplantation in dialysis population (61.1 vs. 66.6 years, data not shown).
the PD group. Time on transplant has decreased since The differing age distributions of the transplant and
2008 (median 10.4 years) which may reflect increased dialysis populations are illustrated in figure 2.4, demon-
use of DCD donors and transplantation of more marginal strating that the age peak for prevalent dialysis patients
candidates. is 24 years later than for prevalent transplant patients.
In the UK on 31st December 2013, 65.1% of patients
Age aged less than 65 years on RRT had a functioning trans-
The median age of prevalent UK patients on RRT at plant (table 2.15), compared with only 28.8% aged 65
31st December 2013 was static (58.4 years) compared years and over. There was a similar pattern in all four
with 2012 (58.3 years) (table 2.8) and significantly higher UK countries.
than in 2005 when it was 55 years. There were marked
differences between modalities; the median age of HD Gender
patients (66.9 years) was greater than that of those on Age profile was very similar for both males and
PD (63.7 years) and substantially higher than that of females (data not shown). Standardising the age of the
transplanted patients (52.8 years). Nearly half (49.9%) UK RRT prevalent patients, by using the age and gender
of the UK prevalent RRT population was in the 40–64 distribution of the UK population by CCG/HB (from
years age group (table 2.9). The proportion of patients mid-2012 population estimates), allowed estimation of
aged 75 years and older was 17.4% in Wales, 16.4% in crude prevalence rates by age and gender (figure 2.5).
Northern Ireland, 15.8% in England and 13.7% in Scot- This shows a progressive increase in prevalence rate
land (table 2.9). Furthermore, there existed a wide with age, peaking at 2,218 pmp (a slight increase from
range between centres in the proportion of patients 2,138 pmp in 2012) in the age group 75–79 years before
aged over 75 (7.9% in Liverpool Royal Infirmary to showing a reducing prevalence rate in age groups over
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
Table 2.5. Prevalence of RRT and standardised prevalence ratios in CCG/HB areas
CCG/HB – Clinical Commissioning Groups (England); Health and Social Care Trust Areas (Northern Ireland); Health Board (Scotland) and
Local Health Board (Wales)
O/E – standardised prevalence ratio. Ratio of observed : expected rate of RRT given the age and gender breakdown of the area
LCL – lower 95% confidence limit
UCL – upper 95% confidence limit
pmp – per million population
Areas with significantly low prevalence ratios in 2013 are italicised in greyed areas, those with significantly high prevalence ratios in 2013 are
bold in greyed areas
Population numbers are the 2012 mid-year estimates by age group and gender (data obtained from the Office of National Statistics, National
Records of Scotland and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency – based on the 2011 Census)
% non-White – percentage of the CCG/HB population that is non-White, from 2011 Census
ONS specifies that the populations should be rounded to the nearest 100 when being presented
2013 %
Total 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 95% 95% Crude rate non-
UK area Name population O/E O/E O/E O/E O/E O/E LCL UCL pmp White
Cheshire, NHS Eastern Cheshire 195,300 0.75 0.72 0.76 0.77 0.81 0.80 0.68 0.94 809 3.7
Warrington NHS South Cheshire 176,800 0.95 0.95 0.93 0.90 0.89 0.90 0.77 1.05 854 2.9
and Wirral NHS Vale Royal 102,100 0.72 0.76 0.73 0.75 0.71 0.77 0.61 0.97 724 2.1
NHS Warrington 203,700 0.88 0.94 0.86 0.83 0.82 0.85 0.73 0.99 771 4.1
NHS West Cheshire 228,100 0.91 0.95 0.96 0.98 0.94 0.97 0.85 1.11 938 2.8
NHS Wirral 320,200 0.85 0.82 0.80 0.79 0.78 0.79 0.70 0.90 753 3.0
Durham, NHS Darlington 105,200 0.83 0.85 0.81 0.76 0.81 0.81 0.65 1.01 751 3.8
Darlington NHS Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield 273,000 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.99 0.96 0.99 0.88 1.12 960 1.2
and Tees NHS Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees 284,600 0.90 0.87 0.86 0.90 0.93 0.93 0.82 1.06 840 4.4
NHS North Durham 241,300 0.79 0.75 0.75 0.74 0.82 0.78 0.67 0.90 725 2.5
NHS South Tees 273,700 1.11 1.06 1.03 1.06 1.05 1.05 0.93 1.19 953 6.7
Greater NHS Bolton 279,000 1.03 0.95 1.05 1.09 1.07 1.03 0.91 1.17 896 18.1
Manchester NHS Bury 186,200 0.88 0.95 0.91 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.78 1.08 822 10.8
NHS Central Manchester 182,400 1.46 1.45 1.53 1.47 1.51 1.62 1.40 1.87 987 48.0
NHS Heywood, Middleton & Rochdale 212,000 0.98 1.01 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.04 0.90 1.20 887 18.3
NHS North Manchester 167,100 0.97 1.12 1.09 1.10 1.14 1.14 0.96 1.35 796 30.8
NHS Oldham 225,900 0.97 0.96 0.94 0.93 0.94 0.98 0.85 1.13 819 22.5
NHS Salford 237,100 0.86 0.82 0.84 0.83 0.85 0.88 0.76 1.03 725 9.9
NHS South Manchester 161,300 0.94 0.94 0.97 0.97 1.01 1.01 0.85 1.21 744 19.6
NHS Stockport 283,900 0.87 0.83 0.86 0.88 0.88 0.81 0.71 0.93 761 7.9
NHS Tameside and Glossop 253,400 0.96 0.95 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.83 1.08 848 8.2
NHS Trafford 228,500 0.72 0.76 0.87 0.84 0.86 0.87 0.75 1.01 775 14.5
NHS Wigan Borough 318,700 0.83 0.82 0.83 0.90 0.93 0.95 0.85 1.07 876 2.7
Lancashire NHS Blackburn with Darwen 147,700 1.23 1.24 1.23 1.27 1.24 1.23 1.05 1.45 988 30.8
NHS Blackpool 142,000 0.80 0.87 0.80 0.80 0.91 0.98 0.83 1.17 937 3.3
NHS Chorley and South Ribble 167,900 0.70 0.81 0.78 0.83 0.89 0.94 0.80 1.11 876 2.9
NHS East Lancashire 371,600 1.05 1.01 0.98 0.99 0.94 0.95 0.85 1.06 864 11.9
NHS Fylde & Wyre 165,000 0.79 0.81 0.79 0.79 0.80 0.79 0.67 0.93 836 2.1
NHS Greater Preston 202,000 0.91 0.87 0.86 0.82 0.88 0.86 0.73 1.01 748 14.7
NHS Lancashire North 158,500 0.72 0.71 0.71 0.76 0.76 0.71 0.58 0.86 650 4.0
NHS West Lancashire 110,900 0.87 0.91 0.91 0.87 0.83 0.78 0.63 0.97 748 1.9
Merseyside NHS Halton 125,700 0.87 0.92 0.94 1.06 1.03 1.01 0.84 1.21 899 2.2
NHS Knowsley 145,900 1.08 1.04 0.96 0.94 0.97 0.91 0.76 1.09 809 2.8
NHS Liverpool 469,700 1.07 1.08 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.00 0.91 1.11 830 11.1
NHS South Sefton 159,400 0.87 0.84 0.86 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.78 1.09 878 2.2
NHS Southport and Formby 114,300 0.80 0.78 0.79 0.85 0.77 0.79 0.65 0.97 823 3.1
NHS St Helens 176,100 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.87 0.88 0.84 0.71 0.99 795 2.0
Cumbria, NHS Cumbria 505,200 0.76 0.73 0.73 0.72 0.72 0.74 0.67 0.81 748 1.5
Northum- NHS Gateshead 200,200 0.84 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.85 0.78 0.67 0.92 729 3.7
berland, NHS Newcastle North and East 141,600 1.01 1.00 0.97 1.00 0.92 0.88 0.72 1.08 678 10.7
Tyne and
NHS Newcastle West 140,900 1.02 0.99 0.89 0.83 0.89 0.88 0.72 1.06 724 18.3
NHS North Tyneside 201,400 0.96 0.99 1.00 0.94 0.94 0.96 0.83 1.11 903 3.4
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Modality N (years)
Fig. 2.3. Standardised prevalence ratios for CCG/HB areas by [3]. The relative proportion of patients reported to the
percentage non-White on 31/12/2013 (excluding areas with UKRR as receiving RRT and belonging to an ethnic
,5% ethnic minorities) minority has increased from 14.9% in 2007 which may
be due to improvements in coding and reporting of
ethnicity data as well as an increasing incidence of ERF
prevalent RRT patients improved in the UK from 92.0% and increased referral rates in these populations.
in 2012 to 92.8% in 2013, with 98.7% ethnicity complete- Amongst the centres with more than 50% returns
ness in England, 99.9% completeness in Wales and 100% there was wide variation in the proportion of patients
in Northern Ireland. Completeness of ethnicity data was from ethnic minorities, ranging from 0.5% in two centres
highest in prevalent transplant patients. This may relate (Truro and Newry) to over 55% in two centres: London
to the fact that the intensive work-up for transplantation St Bartholemew’s (61%) and London West (56.4%).
may increase the recording of data. Completeness of
ethnicity data from Scotland was low at 24%. Primary renal diagnosis
In 2013, 21.1% of the prevalent UK RRT population Data for primary renal diagnosis (PRD) were not
(with ethnicity assigned) were from ethnic minorities complete for 2.9% of patients (table 2.11) and there
(23.1% in England). The proportion of the prevalent remained a marked inter-centre difference in complete-
UK RRT population (with ethnicity assigned) from ness of data returns. Only one centre had 540% primary
ethnic minorities in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland renal diagnosis data coded as uncertain and has been
were very small, although it should be noted that there was excluded from the between centre analysis and other
a high level of missing ethnicity data in Scotland. The ONS analyses where PRD is included in the case-mix adjust-
estimates that approximately 14% of the UK general popu- ment (Colchester, 52% uncertain PRD); the UK and
lation are designated as belonging to an ethnic minority national totals have been appropriately adjusted. The
Table 2.6. Standardised prevalence rate ratio of RRT for each Strategic Health Authority in England and for Wales, Scotland and
Northern Ireland in 2013
UK Area Total population O/E 95% LCL 95% UCL Crude rate pmp
North England 15,149,700 0.93 0.91 0.94 834.9
Midlands and East of England 16,229,200 0.99 0.97 1.00 892.2
London 8,308,400 1.49 1.46 1.52 1,133.4
South England 13,806,400 0.90 0.88 0.92 836.6
Wales 3,074,100 1.01 0.97 1.05 939.8
Scotland 5,313,600 0.89 0.86 0.91 821.9
Northern Ireland 1,823,600 0.97 0.92 1.01 812.1
O/E – observed/expected prevalence rate ratio given the age/gender breakdown of each region
Bold – higher than expected prevalence rate ratio
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
Table 2.8. Median age of prevalent RRT patients by treatment modality in renal centres on 31/12/2013
Median age Median age
Centre HD PD Transplant RRT Centre HD PD Transplant RRT
England Prestn 64.9 64.6 53.3 59.2
B Heart 67.3 54.9 51.6 63.5 Redng 69.5 60.3 56.8 61.1
B QEH 64.0 59.5 51.8 57.4 Salford 63.2 59.7 52.2 58.0
Basldn 67.5 63.3 52.6 62.8 Sheff 66.3 63.4 52.1 58.5
Bradfd 60.1 53.8 51.4 54.5 Shrew 66.7 59.7 54.7 61.6
Brightn 67.8 66.2 54.8 61.9 Stevng 67.1 66.6 52.5 60.7
Bristol 70.4 56.2 53.8 59.0 Sthend 72.5 64.1 54.8 64.7
Camb 73.6 73.7 53.0 59.2 Stoke 67.4 68.7 50.9 59.7
Carlis 68.2 68.0 53.5 59.5 Sund 64.5 68.8 54.0 57.7
Carsh 69.0 64.5 53.4 62.1 Truro 70.8 64.0 57.5 63.9
Chelms 70.9 65.0 59.3 64.8 Wirral 67.1 55.9 61.5 65.6
Colchr 69.9 69.9 Wolve 66.8 60.8 50.5 59.4
Covnt 66.9 67.4 51.7 58.0 York 69.1 59.0 52.4 58.2
Derby 67.6 62.8 55.2 61.9 N Ireland
Donc 66.6 64.9 55.9 64.0 Antrim 70.7 67.8 52.4 64.2
Dorset 72.0 69.6 57.1 65.0 Belfast 66.0 61.1 51.2 54.1
Dudley 70.1 57.3 57.8 63.9 Newry 65.2 70.8 53.4 60.1
Exeter 73.3 68.2 53.8 62.8 Ulster 74.3 62.9 53.7 67.7
Glouc 70.7 65.8 53.3 64.7 West NI 68.6 73.0 50.2 59.1
Hull 67.9 62.7 52.4 58.9 Scotland
Ipswi 66.4 67.6 55.1 60.2 Abrdn 65.5 60.0 51.0 57.6
Kent 70.5 63.9 53.8 61.1 Airdrie 64.6 67.1 51.9 58.3
L Barts 60.6 61.3 50.6 55.1 D & Gall 67.3 66.6 52.5 56.9
L Guys 62.3 64.4 50.5 54.4 Dundee 67.8 63.5 52.8 60.6
L Kings 63.7 60.4 53.3 58.3 Edinb 58.7 66.2 52.1 54.8
L Rfree 67.5 58.7 51.6 56.8 Glasgw 66.9 61.5 52.5 56.7
L St.G 66.1 68.7 54.0 59.4 Inverns 69.0 63.8 49.3 55.4
L West 65.8 66.7 54.3 58.9 Klmarnk 65.9 63.6 52.2 58.6
Leeds 65.6 58.7 52.9 56.8 Krkcldy 69.2 65.3 52.3 61.7
Leic 66.7 64.8 52.9 59.4 Wales
Liv Ain 68.6 56.5 49.6 66.5 Bangor 67.2 69.5 67.4
Liv Roy 61.6 55.7 52.5 54.8 Cardff 68.8 64.9 52.6 57.3
M RI 61.5 64.5 50.8 54.1 Clwyd 66.9 73.0 58.4 64.5
Middlbr 67.1 60.0 53.5 58.0 Swanse 70.2 63.9 57.7 63.9
Newc 63.2 64.9 54.8 56.7 Wrexm 72.2 57.7 54.3 59.1
Norwch 71.3 70.7 53.8 61.3 England 66.8 63.5 52.8 58.5
Nottm 70.1 61.6 51.6 57.3 N Ireland 68.5 66.2 51.5 58.0
Oxford 66.3 63.9 52.0 56.4 Scotland 65.9 63.7 52.2 57.1
Plymth 71.7 65.8 55.6 60.0 Wales 69.3 65.0 53.6 60.0
Ports 67.0 66.5 53.3 58.6 UK 66.9 63.7 52.8 58.4
Blank cells indicate no patients on that treatment modality attending that centre when data were collected
percentage of patients with uncertain aetiology for the more common in the 565 year age group compared to
remaining 70 centres was between 4.2% and 34.9%, and the younger group (17.9% vs. 14.8%). This contrasted
has shown marked improvement over time. Complete- with incident patients where diabetes was the predomi-
ness of PRD data has also continued to improve and no nant diagnostic code in 25.4% of new RRT patients.
centre had .30% missing data in 2013. Younger patients (age ,65 years) were more likely to
Glomerulonephritis (GN) remained the most common have GN (21.6%) or diabetes (14.8%) and less likely to
primary renal diagnosis in the 2013 prevalent cohort at have renal vascular disease (1.0%) or hypertension
19% (table 2.11). Diabetes accounted for 15.9% of renal (5.2%) as the cause of their renal failure. Uncertain aetiol-
disease in prevalent patients on RRT, although it was ogy (19.5%) was the most common cause in the over 65s.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 2.9. Percentage of prevalent RRT patients in each age group by centre on 31/12/2013
Percentage of patients
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
Percentage of patients
As described before, the male : female ratio was greater groups except diabetes and renovascular disease. In those
than unity for all primary renal diagnoses (table 2.11). aged .65 years, dialysis was more prevalent than renal
In individuals aged less than 65 years, the renal trans- transplantation in all PRD groups except polycystic
plantation to dialysis ratio was greater than 1 in all PRD kidney disease (PKD) (table 2.12).
3.5 Males
Transplant Females
Dialysis 3,000
3.0 All UK
Prevalence rate (pmp)
Percentage of patients
15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95
Age (years) Age group
Fig. 2.4. Age profile of prevalent RRT patients by modality on Fig. 2.5. Prevalence rate of RRT patients per million population
31/12/2013 by age and gender on 31/12/2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 2.12. Transplant : dialysis ratios by age and primary renal Median time on RRT for patients with diabetes was less
disease in the prevalent RRT population on 31/12/2013 when compared with patients without diabetes (3.7
Transplant : dialysis ratio years vs. 7.0 years) and this difference in survival between
patients with diabetes and patients without diabetes has
Primary diagnosis ,65 565 not changed over the last five years (2.9 years vs. 6.2
Aetiology uncertain 2.1 0.3 years in 2008). Patients with diabetes starting RRT in
Glomerulonephritis 2.4 0.8 Scotland were four years younger compared with the
Pyelonephritis 2.7 0.5 UK average age of patients with diabetes starting RRT
Diabetes 0.9 0.1 (data not shown).
Polycystic kidney 2.7 1.6
Hypertension 1.2 0.3 Fifty nine percent of patients with diabetes as primary
Renal vascular disease 1.0 0.1 renal diagnosis were undergoing HD compared to just
Other 2.1 0.4 38% of patients with any other primary renal diagnosis
Not sent 1.3 0.2 (table 2.13). The percentage of patients with a functioning
∗ transplant was much lower in prevalent patients with dia-
See appendix H ERA-EDTA coding
Excluded centre: 540% primary renal diagnosis aetiology uncertain betes than in prevalent patients without diabetes (33% vs.
(Colchr) 56%). However, the proportion of patients with diabetes
as PRD with a functioning transplant has increased since
2013, from 8,456 in 2012, representing 15.9% of all preva- 2004 when only 26% of patients with diabetes had a func-
lent patients (compared with 13.5% in 2006) (table 2.13). tioning transplant. For older patients with diabetes (age
The median age at start of RRT for patients with diabetes 565 years), 12.1% had a functioning transplant com-
(56 years) was nine years higher compared with patients pared with 33.3% of their peers without diabetes
without diabetes (47 years), although the median age at (table 2.14). In Northern Ireland, 28% of prevalent
the end of 2013 for prevalent diabetic patients was only patients with diabetes had a functioning transplant com-
three years higher than for individuals without diabetes. pared with the UK average of 33%. A higher proportion
This reflects reduced survival for patients with diabetes of prevalent patients without diabetes (18.3%) were on
compared with patients without diabetes on RRT. home dialysis therapies (home HD and PD) compared
with prevalent patients with diabetes (14.4%).
Table 2.13. Age relationships in patients with diabetes and
patients without diabetes and modality in prevalent RRT patients Modalities of treatment
on 31/12/2013 Transplantation was the most common treatment
Patients with Patients without modality (52%) for prevalent RRT patients in 2013,
diabetesa diabetesb followed closely by centre-based HD (39.6%) in either
hospital centre (18.5%) or satellite unit (21.1%)
N 9,052 46,102
M : F ratio 1.61 1.54 (figure 2.6). Satellite HD was again more prevalent than
Median age on 31/12/13 61 58
Median age at start of RRTc,d 56 47 Table 2.14. Treatment modalities by age and diabetes status on
Median years on RRTd 3.7 7.0 31/12/2013
% HD 59 38
% PD 8 6 ,65 years 565 years
% transplant 33 56
All other All other
Excluded centre: 540% primary renal diagnosis aetiology uncertain Diabetesa causesb Diabetesa causesb
Patients with diabetes: patients with a primary renal disease code of N 5,369 29,894 3,683 16,208
diabetes % HD 44.9 26.5 79.0 58.7
Patients without diabetes: all patients excluding patients with % PD 7.9 4.8 9.0 8.0
diabetes as a PRD and patients with a missing primary renal disease % transplant 47.3 68.7 12.1 33.3
Median age at start of RRT was calculated from the most recent RRT Excluded centre with 540% PRD aetiology uncertain (Colchr)
start date Patients with diabetes are patients with a primary renal disease code
Patients with an initial treatment modality of transferred in or trans- of diabetes
ferred out were excluded from the calculation of median age at start of Patients without diabetes are calculated as all patients excluding
RRT and median years on RRT, since their treatment start date was patients with diabetes as a PRD and patients with a missing primary
not accurately known renal disease code
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
Home – HD Figure 2.7 shows the association between age and RRT
modality. Beyond 54 years of age, transplant prevalence
Hosp – HD declined, whilst HD prevalence increased. The pro-
portion of each age group treated by PD remained
Transplant more stable across the age spectrum.
The proportion of prevalent dialysis patients receiving
HD, ranged from 70.8% in Carlisle to 100% in Colchester
(table 2.16).
Overall, the proportion of dialysis patients treated in a
satellite haemodialysis unit has increased to 44.0% this
Satellite – HD year compared to 39.9% in 2010. Although there are
satellite units in Scotland, the data provided for 2013
did not distinguish between main centre and satellite
unit haemodialysis. In 2013, the number of centres that
3.4% 3.0% had more than 50% of their haemodialysis activity taking
place in satellite units was 30 (figure 2.8). There was also
Fig. 2.6. Treatment modality in prevalent RRT patients on
31/12/2013 wide variation between centres in the proportion of
dialysis patients on APD treatment, ranging from 0% to
21.7% (table 2.16). Ten of the 70 centres with a PD
in centre which was similar to 2012 when this was first programme did not report having any patients on
noted. Home therapies made up the remaining 8.4% of APD, whilst in the Northern Ireland centres the majority
treatment therapies, largely PD in its different formats of PD patients were on this form of the modality.
(6.4%) which was similar to 2012. The proportion on
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and Home haemodialysis
automated PD (APD) was 3.0% and 3.4% respectively, The use of home HD as a RRT peaked in 1982 when
although the proportion on APD may be an underesti- almost 2,200 patients were estimated to be on this
mate due to centre level coding issues which mean the modality, representing 61% of HD patients reported to
UKRR cannot always distinguish between these thera- the ERA-EDTA Registry at that time. The fall in the
pies. use of this modality to just 445 patients (2.4% of HD
As mentioned earlier, treatment modality was related patients) in 2006 was probably due to an increase in avail-
to patient age. Younger patients (age ,65 years), were ability and uptake of renal transplantation, and also the
more likely to have a functioning transplant (65.1%) expansion of hospital HD provision with the introduc-
when compared with patients aged over 65 years tion of satellite units. In the last seven years there has
(28.8%) (table 2.15). HD was the principal modality in been renewed interest in home HD and a target of 15%
the older patients (62.9%). However, in the elderly, inter- of HD patients on this modality has been suggested [4].
preting the proportion of patients on renal replacement Equipment changes and patient choice has helped drive
therapy who are transplanted is not straight forward as this change. Since 2006 there has been a gradual increase
this depends on approaches to dialysis and conservative in the proportion of prevalent patients receiving haemo-
care in this age group. dialysis in their own homes so that in 2013 it reached
Table 2.15. Percentage of prevalent RRT patients by dialysis and transplant modality by UK country on 31/12/2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
100 *
80 674
40 739 Transplant
627 Peritoneal dialysis
59 226 313 Haemodialysis
Fig. 2.7. Treatment modality distribution
0 by age in prevalent RRT patients on
18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75–84 85+
Age group 31/12/2013
N = 35
4.7% of HD patients (n = 1,113, figure 2.2). These num- Some patients are sent by their parent renal centre to
bers may be an underestimate as some centres have been centres known to have a strong programme for home
unable to submit data for patients coded as home HD and HD. In order to avoid the possibility of the parent
work is ongoing to address this. renal centre being wrongly penalised, we measured the
Table 2.16. Percentage of prevalent dialysis patients by dialysis modality by postcode centre on 31/12/2013
B Heart 476 91.4 4.8 4.8 80.3 6.3 5.7 2.9
B QEH 1,070 87.2 5.1 4.6 10.2 72.0 4.8 8.0
Basldn 190 84.2 0.0 0.5 80.5 3.7 6.8 9.0
Bradfd 232 87.1 1.3 2.9 71.1 14.7 4.3 8.6
Brightn 477 83.4 9.6 9.7 42.4 31.5 10.1 6.5
Bristol 581 88.5 4.5 3.6 16.2 67.8 5.5 6.0
Camb 405 93.8 4.7 4.0 39.5 49.6 0.0 0.0
Carlis 96 70.8 0.0 0.0 46.9 24.0 13.5 15.6
Carsh 884 86.2 2.6 2.9 20.6 63.0 3.7 10.1
Chelms 144 85.4 1.4 2.0 84.0 0.0 11.8 2.8
Colchr 115 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Covnt 461 81.8 4.1 3.5 77.7 0.0 18.2 0.0
Derby 302 71.9 9.6 9.6 62.3 0.0 18.2 9.9
Donc 198 82.3 0.5 4.4 45.0 36.9 0.5 17.2
Dorset 315 84.8 1.3 2.2 19.4 64.1 7.6 7.3
Dudley 231 75.8 5.6 6.1 56.3 13.9 15.2 9.1
Exeter 477 84.7 0.6 0.6 9.6 74.4 7.6 7.6
Glouc 244 86.5 0.4 2.0 74.2 11.9 4.1 9.4
Hull 407 80.4 2.2 2.2 37.4 40.8 10.1 9.6
Ipswi 152 80.3 1.3 0.7 67.1 11.8 12.5 7.2
Kent 459 86.1 4.4 5.0 22.0 59.7 12.4 1.5
L Barts 1,151 82.9 1.3 1.2 39.4 42.2 3.8 13.3
L Guys 659 95.6 6.8 2.9 14.0 74.8 1.8 2.6
L Kings 603 82.6 0.8 3.1 14.1 67.7 7.0 10.5
L Rfree 862 84.8 2.3 2.1 3.5 79.0 5.7 9.5
L St.G 323 85.1 1.6 2.5 37.2 46.4 4.0 10.2
L West 1,459 95.8 1.0 1.1 20.2 74.6 1.9 2.3
Leeds 576 88.0 3.3 2.5 16.5 68.2 3.1 8.9
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
% home HD
90 % sat HD
Percentage of haemodialysis patients
L Rfree
Liv Ain
L Kings
L Guys
L West
L St.G
L Barts
Liv Roy
B Heart
West NI
N Ireland
Fig. 2.8. Percentage of prevalent haemodialysis patients treated with satellite or home haemodialysis by centre on 31/12/2012
Scottish centres excluded as information on satellite HD was not available. No centres in Northern Ireland have satellite dialysis units
proportion of patients on home HD by centre, by assign- with 4.2% in Northern Ireland, 4.1% in England and
ing the patients to a given centre based on the patient 2.6% in Scotland (figure 2.8, table 2.16). The proportion
postcode, rather than to the centre that is returning on home haemodialysis has increased in each of the
data to the UKRR (table 2.16 – Geo-HHD). This showed four countries since 2011. Forty-seven renal centres
an increase in the prevalence of .1% of the Home HD across the UK had an increase in the proportion of
for some centres (Bradford, Doncaster, Gloucester, individuals on home haemodialysis compared with
London Kings, Liverpool Aintree, Reading, Wolver- 2011. By comparison, in 2007, the proportion of patients
hampton, Airdrie). receiving home haemodialysis was 2% in each of the four
In 2013, the percentage of dialysis patients receiving UK countries.
home HD varied from 0% in five centres, to greater
than 5% in 21 centres (table 2.16). In the UK, the overall Change in modality
percentage of dialysis patients receiving home haemodia- The relative proportion of RRT modalities in prevalent
lysis has increased from 3.4% in 2011 to 4.1% in 2013. patients has changed dramatically over the past decade.
The proportion of dialysis patients receiving home The main features are depicted in figure 2.9, which
haemodialysis was greatest in Wales at 6.3%, compared describes a year on year decline in the proportion of
Percentage on modality
10 % transplant
% HD
5 % PD
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Fig. 2.9. Modality changes in prevalent
Year RRT patients from 1998–2013
Chapter 2 UK RRT prevalence in 2013
Percentage on modality
% hosp HD
10 % sat HD
% home HD
Fig. 2.10. Detailed dialysis modality
changes in prevalent RRT patients from
0 1998–2013
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Scottish centres excluded as information on
Year satellite HD was not available
patients treated by PD since 2000 and a drop of 6.5% over Figure 2.10 depicts in more detail the modality
the last 10 years. The absolute number of patients on PD changes in the prevalent dialysis population during
decreased from 5,185 patients in 2004 to 3,666 patients in this time and highlights a sustained reduction in the
2013. Time on PD has decreased marginally over the last proportion of patients treated by CAPD. There was a
six years, from a median of 2.0 years in 2007 to 1.7 years sustained increase in the proportion of prevalent HD
in 2013 probably reflecting increased transplantation patients treated at satellite units with a steady decline in
rates in this largely younger patient group (table 2.7). hospital centre haemodialysis since 2004.
The percentage of patients undergoing PD for more
than seven years has significantly reduced over time
(2.3% PD patients starting in 2000 to 0.7% patients start-
ing in 2006) which might reflect increased awareness of
complications associated with long PD use or increased International comparisons
access to transplantation for these patients.
The proportion of patients treated with HD has Prevalence rates in the UK are similar to those in most
remained stable over the last three years. The downward other Northern European countries but lower than
trend seen in the proportion of patients with a function- Southern Europe and far lower than the USA. This
ing transplant has reversed since 2007 and was up by probably reflects differences in incidence rates and con-
1.6% from 2012, probably due to continued increases in servative care practices between countries in addition to
living organ and non-heart beating donation [5]. other healthcare system differences (figure 2.11).
Prevalence rate (pmp)
New Zealand
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
1 Ansell D, Feest T: The sixth annual report. Chapter 17: Social depri- 7 Foote C, et al.: Survival of elderly dialysis patients is predicted by both
vation on renal replacement therapy. Bristol, UK Renal Registry, 2003 patient and practice characteristics. Nephrology Dialysis Transplanta-
2 McDonald SP, et al.: Relationship between Dialysis Modality and tion, 2012
Mortality. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2009; 8 Brown PE:
20(1):155–163 =12386. 2014
3 Office for National Statistics: 9
4 NICE 2002. Technology appraisal No 48. National Institute Clinical geriatrics/. 2014
Excellence. 10 Marui A, et al.: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Versus Coronary
5 NHS Blood and Transplant activity report 2009/2010: Transplant Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease
activity in the UK. Requiring Dialysis (5-Year Outcomes of the CREDO-Kyoto PCI/
transplant_activity_report/current_activity_reports/ukt/activity_report_ CABG Registry Cohort-2). American Journal of Cardiology, 2014;
2009_10.pdf 114(4):555–561
6 Branka Sladoje-Martinovic IM, Ivan Bubic, Sanjin Racki and Lidija
Orlic: Survival of chronic hemodialysis patients over 80 years of age.
Clin Interv Aging, 2014;9:689–696
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 3 Demographic and
Biochemistry Profile of Kidney Transplant
Recipients in the UK in 2013: National and
Centre-specific Analyses
Key Words
. The median eGFR of prevalent renal transplant
Blood pressure . Bone metabolism . Chronic kidney disease . recipients was 51.8 ml/min/1.73 m2.
Clinical Commissioning Group . Deceased donor . eGFR .
. The median eGFR of patients one year after
Epidemiology . Ethnicity . Graft function . Haemoglobin . transplantation was 56.9 ml/min/1.73 m2 post live
Live donor . Outcomes . Renal transplantation . Survival transplant, 53.0 ml/min/1.73 m2 post brainstem
death transplant and 49.7 ml/min/1.73 m2 post
circulatory death transplant.
Summary . In 2013, 13.4% of prevalent transplant patients had
eGFR ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2.
. There was a 12% increase in overall renal transplant . The median decline in eGFR slope beyond the
numbers in 2013, with a significant rise in kidney first year after transplantation was −0.58 ml/min/
donation from donors after brainstem death (20%). 1.73 m2/year.
. In 2013, death-censored renal transplant failure . In 2013, infection (26%) and malignancy (24%)
rates in prevalent patients were similar to previous remained the commonest causes of death in patients
years at 2.4% per annum. Transplant patient death with a functioning renal transplant.
rates remained stable at 2.4 per 100 patient years.
. The median age of incident and prevalent renal
transplant patients in the UK was 50.3 and 52.8
years respectively.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
Table 3.1. UK kidney and kidney plus other organ transplant numbers in the UK (including paediatric), 1/1/2011–31/12/2013
Table 3.2. Risk-adjusted first adult kidney transplant only, graft and patient survival percentage rates for UK centresa
Deceased donor Deceased donor Living kidney donor Living kidney donor
1 year survival 5 year survival 1 year survival 5 year survival
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
rate of 2.4% per annum and patient death rate of 2.4 per Care Areas (HB) was estimated based on the postcode of the
100 patient years were similar to those noted in 2012. registered address for patients on renal replacement therapy
(RRT). Data on ethnic origin, supplied as Patient Administration
System (PAS) codes, were retrieved from fields within renal centre
IT systems. For the purpose of this analysis, patients were grouped
into Whites, South Asians, Blacks, Others and Unknown. The
Transplant demographics details of ethnicity regrouping into the above categories are
provided in appendix H: Coding
Results and Conclusions
Since 2008, all UK renal centres have established elec-
Prevalent transplant numbers across the UK are
tronic linkage to the UKRR or Scottish Renal Registry,
described in table 3.3.
giving the UKRR complete coverage of individual patient
The prevalence of renal transplant recipients in each
level data across the UK.
CCG/HB in England, Northern Ireland (Health and
The following sections need to be interpreted in the
Social Care Trust Areas), Scotland (Health Boards) and
context of variable repatriation policies; some transplant
Wales (Local Health Boards) and the proportion of
centres continue to follow up and report on all patients
prevalent patients according to modality in the renal
they transplant, whereas others refer patients back to non-
centres across the UK is described in tables 3.4 and 3.5
transplant centres for most or all ongoing post-transplant
respectively. After standardisation for age and gender,
care. Some transplant centres only refer back patients
unexplained variability was evident in the prevalence of
when their graft is failing. The time post-transplantation
renal transplant recipients, with some areas having higher
that a patient is referred back to their local centre varies
than the predicted number of prevalent transplant
between transplant centres. The UKRR is able to detect
patients per million population and others lower. There
duplicate patients (being reported from both transplant
are a number of potential explanations for these incon-
and referring centres) and in such situations care is usually
sistencies, including geographical differences in access
attributed to the referring centre (see appendix B2 for
to renal transplantation in the UK. This has previously
allocation procedure). This process may result in some
been analysed in detail by the UKRR [2] and is currently
discrepancies in transplant numbers particularly in
the focus of a large national study (access to Transplant
Oxford/Reading and Clywd/Liverpool Royal.
and Transplant Outcome Measures (ATTOM)).
The proportion of prevalent RRT patients with a
Two centres (Bangor and Colchester) did not have any transplant relative to the number on dialysis has been
transplant patients and were excluded from some of the analyses. relatively stable over the last decade.
Their dialysis patients were included in the relevant dialysis
population denominators. Age and gender
For the analysis of primary renal diagnosis (PRD) in transplant The gender ratio amongst incident and prevalent
recipients, a few centres were excluded from some of the take-on
years because of concerns relating to the reliability of PRD coding transplant patients has remained stable for at least the
(with these centres submitting a high percentage of uncertain or last ten years (table 3.6, figure 3.1). Note, absolute patient
missing aetiology codes). numbers differ from those published in previous reports
Information on patient demographics (age, gender, ethnicity as a result of additional data validation and reallocation
and PRD) for patients in a given renal centre was obtained from of patients. The average age of incident transplant
UKRR patient registration data fields. Individual patients were
assigned to the centre that returned data for them during 2013. patients has steadily increased during the same time
The prevalence of transplant patients in areas covered by individual period. There has also been a gradual increase in the
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) or Health Board/Social average age of prevalent transplant patients, which
Table 3.3. The prevalence per million population (pmp) of renal transplants in adults in the UK on 31/12/2013, by country
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
Table 3.4. The prevalence per million population (pmp) of patients with a renal transplant and standardised rate ratio in the UK, as on
31st December 2009–2013, by CCG/HB
CCG/HB – Clinical Commissioning Group (England); Health and Social Care Trust Areas (Northern Ireland); Health Board (Scotland) and
Local Health Board (Wales)
Population numbers based on the 2012 mid-year estimates by age group and gender (data obtained from the Office of National Statistics,
National Records of Scotland and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency – based on the 2011 Census)
O/E – age and gender standardised prevelence rate ratio
CCG/HBs with significantly high average rate ratios are bold in greyed areas
CCG/HBs with significantly low average rate ratios are italicised in greyed areas
LCL – lower 95% confidence limit
UCL – upper 95% confidence limit
% non-White – percentage of the CCG/HB population that is non-White, from 2011 Census
Age and gender %
Crude rate pmp standardised rate ratio 2013 non-
UK Area CCG/HBa populationb 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 O/Ec 95% LCL 95% UCL White
Cheshire, NHS Eastern Cheshire 195,300 307 363 394 415 450 0.89 0.72 1.10 3.7
Warrington NHS South Cheshire 176,800 345 396 396 413 452 0.93 0.75 1.15 2.9
and Wirral NHS Vale Royal 102,100 274 274 284 303 352 0.72 0.52 1.00 2.1
NHS Warrington 203,700 403 368 393 417 476 0.99 0.82 1.21 4.1
NHS West Cheshire 228,100 355 377 403 430 469 0.96 0.80 1.16 2.8
NHS Wirral 320,200 328 334 340 340 350 0.73 0.61 0.88 3.0
Durham, NHS Darlington 105,200 314 333 390 390 428 0.90 0.67 1.21 3.8
Darlington NHS Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield 273,000 421 429 469 476 520 1.05 0.89 1.24 1.2
and Tees NHS Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees 284,600 411 432 425 450 485 1.04 0.88 1.22 4.4
NHS North Durham 241,300 369 394 390 410 431 0.89 0.74 1.08 2.5
NHS South Tees 273,700 511 515 548 559 563 1.21 1.04 1.42 6.7
Greater NHS Bolton 279,000 423 452 498 527 548 1.20 1.03 1.41 18.1
Manchester NHS Bury 186,200 397 397 414 440 440 0.94 0.76 1.17 10.8
NHS Central Manchester 182,400 285 329 351 367 422 1.19 0.95 1.49 48.0
NHS Heywood, Middleton & Rochdale 212,000 382 396 429 453 486 1.07 0.89 1.30 18.3
NHS North Manchester 167,100 245 293 317 359 389 0.98 0.77 1.25 30.8
NHS Oldham 225,900 363 390 407 425 483 1.09 0.90 1.32 22.5
NHS Salford 237,100 299 337 363 413 418 0.95 0.78 1.16 9.9
NHS South Manchester 161,300 229 273 316 353 378 0.93 0.72 1.20 19.6
NHS Stockport 283,900 373 398 409 423 451 0.94 0.79 1.12 7.9
NHS Tameside and Glossop 253,400 403 430 470 478 497 1.05 0.88 1.25 8.2
NHS Trafford 228,500 289 328 359 390 416 0.90 0.73 1.10 14.5
NHS Wigan Borough 318,700 342 383 449 483 543 1.12 0.97 1.30 2.7
Lancashire NHS Blackburn with Darwen 147,700 311 311 359 386 433 1.00 0.78 1.28 30.8
NHS Blackpool 142,000 373 359 359 416 479 0.99 0.78 1.26 3.3
NHS Chorley and South Ribble 167,900 298 345 393 393 435 0.89 0.71 1.12 2.9
NHS East Lancashire 371,600 409 404 436 441 474 1.00 0.87 1.16 11.9
NHS Fylde & Wyre 165,000 315 315 321 364 400 0.79 0.62 1.01 2.1
NHS Greater Preston 202,000 317 327 337 376 396 0.87 0.70 1.08 14.7
NHS Lancashire North 158,500 328 334 347 347 366 0.79 0.61 1.02 4.0
NHS West Lancashire 110,900 316 370 388 415 406 0.83 0.62 1.12 1.9
Merseyside NHS Halton 125,700 342 382 406 446 453 0.96 0.74 1.24 2.2
NHS Knowsley 145,900 370 384 377 397 418 0.90 0.70 1.16 2.8
NHS Liverpool 469,700 326 349 381 398 422 0.96 0.83 1.10 11.1
NHS South Sefton 159,400 332 351 370 414 445 0.92 0.73 1.16 2.2
NHS Southport and Formby 114,300 254 306 315 289 350 0.71 0.52 0.97 3.1
NHS St Helens 176,100 307 335 346 352 397 0.82 0.65 1.03 2.0
Cumbria, NHS Cumbria 505,200 368 394 402 426 455 0.90 0.79 1.02 1.5
Northumber- NHS Gateshead 200,200 385 385 415 445 440 0.92 0.75 1.14 3.7
land, Tyne NHS Newcastle North and East 141,600 431 445 480 445 466 1.13 0.89 1.44 10.7
and Wear NHS Newcastle West 140,900 348 326 341 362 383 0.89 0.68 1.16 18.3
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
could reflect the increasing age at which patients are 29,592 patients at the end of 2013. The continued
transplanted and/or improved survival after renal trans- expansion of this patient group means there is a need
plantation over the last few years. The prevalent trans- for careful planning by renal centres for future service
plant patient workload across the UK increased to provision and resource allocation.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 3.5. Distribution of prevalent patients on RRT by centre and modality on 31/12/2013
Centre N % HD % PD % Transplant
Transplant centres
B QEH 2,051 45 7 48
Belfast 729 29 4 67
Bristol 1,427 36 5 59
Camb 1,198 32 2 66
Cardff 1,584 31 5 65
Covnt 940 41 9 50
Edinb 739 37 4 59
Glasgw 1,598 37 3 60
L Barts 2,103 45 9 45
L Guys 1,841 34 2 64
L Rfree 1,955 37 7 56
L St.G 759 37 6 57
L West 3,142 44 2 54
Leeds 1,466 35 5 61
Leic 2,072 44 7 49
Liv Roy 1,269 28 5 67
M RI 1,864 28 4 68
Newc 964 28 4 67
Nottm 1,075 35 8 58
Oxford 1,565 28 6 66
Plymth 503 27 7 66
Ports 1,555 39 5 56
Sheff 1,329 44 5 50
Dialysis centres
Abrdn 519 43 5 52
Airdrie 393 49 4 48
Antrim 224 57 7 37
B Heart 658 66 6 28
Bangor 99 87 13
Basldn 270 59 11 30
Bradfd 520 39 6 55
Brightn 875 45 9 45
Carlis 227 30 12 58
Carsh 1,488 51 8 41
Chelms 239 51 9 40
Clwyd 153 50 9 41
Colchr 115 100
D & Gall 117 38 13 49
Derby 472 46 18 36
Donc 259 63 14 24
Dorset 628 43 8 50
Dudley 312 56 18 26
Dundee 403 43 5 52
Exeter 896 46 8 46
Glouc 412 51 8 41
Hull 815 40 10 50
Inverns 216 32 7 61
Ipswi 354 34 8 57
Kent 965 41 7 52
Klmarnk 296 46 15 39
Krkcldy 283 52 7 41
L Kings 965 52 11 38
Liv Ain 190 82 16 3
Middlbr 836 42 2 56
Newry 199 46 9 45
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
Centre N % HD % PD % Transplant
Norwch 692 48 6 47
Prestn 1,090 50 5 45
Redng 731 39 10 51
Salford 895 45 9 46
Shrew 342 55 9 36
Stevng 758 61 5 34
Sthend 221 54 8 38
Stoke 726 43 12 45
Sund 423 47 3 51
Swanse 691 48 8 44
Truro 377 40 6 54
Ulster 156 68 4 28
West NI 238 47 6 46
Wirral 252 85 14 2
Wolve 563 53 15 32
Wrexm 250 40 9 51
York 409 34 7 59
England 48,053 42 7 52
N Ireland 1,546 42 5 53
Scotland 4,564 41 5 54
Wales 2,777 39 7 55
UK 56,940 42 6 52
Blank cells: no patients on that modality
Table 3.6. Median age and gender ratio of incident and prevalent transplant patients 2008–2013
1,200 Females
All UK
Rate per million population
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Aetiology uncertain 14.6 14.1 14.2 14.7 11.9 12.3 374 15.4 4,243
Diabetes 13.1 13.3 12.5 13.0 15.2 13.3 407 9.9 2,737
Glomerulonephritis 21.9 23.5 20.4 23.1 22.6 22.3 680 23.4 6,460
Polycystic kidney disease 13.4 13.4 14.0 12.5 13.3 13.7 419 12.9 3,555
Pyelonephritis 12.1 11.4 10.2 10.1 10.0 9.9 302 13.5 3,733
Reno-vascular disease 6.7 6.2 7.3 6.5 7.0 8.1 247 5.7 1,582
Other 16.8 15.7 16.4 17.2 17.5 16.0 488 17.3 4,769
Not available 1.4 2.4 5.0 3.0 2.5 4.3 132 1.9 526
Primary renal diagnosis (or possibly better extraction of data held within renal IT
The primary renal diagnosis of patients receiving systems) would facilitate more meaningful comparisons
kidney transplants in the UK has remained relatively between centres and help to determine the causes of
stable over the last five years (table 3.7). inter-centre differences in outcomes. For this reason,
along with differences in repatriation policies of prevalent
Ethnicity transplant patients between centres as highlighted pre-
It was difficult to compare the proportion of patients viously, caution needs to be exercised when comparing
within each ethnic group receiving a transplant to those centre performance.
commencing dialysis from the same group because data The 71 renal centres in the UK comprise 52 centres in
on ethnicity were missing in a considerable number of England, five in Wales, five in Northern Ireland and nine
patients who were classified as ethnicity ‘unknown’ in Scotland. Two centres (Bangor and Colchester) were
(table 3.8). The percentages of patients with unknown reported as having no transplanted patients and were
ethnicity between 2008 and 2013 provided in this year’s therefore excluded. After exclusion of these two centres,
chapter are different from those in last year’s chapter prevalent patient data from 69 renal centres across the
[3]; this reflects retrospective input of ethnicity data, UK were analysed.
improving data completeness. For the one year post-transplant analyses, in which
patients were assigned to the centre that performed
their transplant, all 23 transplant centres across the UK
were included in the analysis.
Clinical and laboratory outcomes
Introduction Data for key laboratory variables are reported for all prevalent
patients with valid data returns for a given renal centre (both trans-
There continued to be marked variation in the comple- planting and non-transplanting centres) and for one year post-
teness of data (tables 3.9a, 3.9b) reported by each renal transplant results for patients transplanted 2006–2012, with patients
centre, particularly for blood pressure. Better data records attributed to the transplant centre that performed the procedure.
Table 3.8. Ethnicity of patients who received a transplant in the years 2008–2013
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
Table 3.9a. Percentage completeness of ethnicity, eGFR and blood pressure by centre for prevalent transplant patients on 31/12/2013
Blood Blood
Centre N Ethnicitya eGFR pressureb Centre N Ethnicitya eGFR pressureb
Time since transplantation may have a significant effect on post-transplant comparisons could be biased by the fact that in
key biochemical and clinical variables and this is likely to be some centres, repatriation of patients only occurs if the graft is fail-
independent of a centre’s clinical practices. Therefore, inter-centre ing whereas in others it only occurs if the graft function is stable.
comparison of data on prevalent transplant patients is open to Centres with ,20 patients or ,50% data completeness have
bias. To minimise bias relating to fluctuations in biochemical been excluded from the figures. Scottish centres were also excluded
and clinical parameters occurring in the initial post-transplant from blood pressure analyses as data were not provided.
period, one year post-transplantation outcomes are also reported.
It is presumed that patient selection policies and local clinical Prevalent patient data
practices are more likely to be relevant in influencing outcomes Biochemical and clinical data for patients with a functioning
12 months post-transplant and therefore comparison of outcomes transplant followed in either a transplanting or non-transplanting
between centres is more robust. However, even the 12 months centre were included in the analyses. The cohort consisted of
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 3.9b. Percentage completeness of haemoglobin, serum cholesterol, serum calcium, serum phosphate and serum PTH by centre
for prevalent transplant patients on 31/12/2013
B Heart 177 92 65 89 88 23
B QEH 950 92 90 93 92 72
Basldn 79 99 49 99 94 44
Bradfd 278 87 73 78 62 46
Brightn 387 88 29 82 81 31
Bristol 812 100 94 100 99 99
Camb 744 98 97 99 99 97
Carlis 129 95 61 95 91 9
Carsh 587 80 60 86 86 19
Chelms 92 96 89 98 93 26
Covnt 455 96 0 95 70 40
Derby 158 96 94 96 96 92
Donc 61 97 44 93 93 64
Dorset 297 87 77 83 65 28
Dudley 79 97 92 97 96 70
Exeter 403 98 86 97 97 25
Glouc 160 96 66 96 96 24
Hull 396 89 27 89 88 7
Ipswi 190 95 57 96 96 67
Kent 492 97 77 95 95 17
L Barts 910 98 99 99 99 92
L Guys 1,147 0 55 90 90 40
L Kings 349 97 79 97 97 32
L RFree 1,064 95 81 95 95 77
L St.G 403 96 81 95 95 84
L West 1,640 98 45 98 98 36
Leeds 860 98 99 98 98 49
Leic 976 97 97 96 96 52
Liv Ain 4 75 25 75 75 50
Liv Roy 832 92 77 90 90 74
M RI 1,188 98 65 98 98 64
Middlbr 449 88 50 86 85 10
Newc 621 99 87 99 99 62
Norwch 316 98 97 95 98 30
Nottm 592 98 84 96 93 88
Oxford 990 98 74 98 98 34
Plymth 310 92 56 88 87 39
Ports 825 95 57 93 88 24
Prestn 468 97 71 95 94 58
Redng 361 99 92 98 85 48
Salford 401 98 87 97 97 80
Sheff 660 99 65 98 98 26
Shrew 122 81 79 72 72 14
Stevng 248 96 81 92 80 57
Sthend 78 99 35 99 96 8
Stoke 318 99 100 99 98 69
Sund 212 98 96 98 97 95
Truro 199 97 61 97 97 34
Wirral 4 75 75 75 75 75
Wolve 177 96 86 93 83 64
York 240 94 64 89 86 20
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
N Ireland
Antrim 82 100 100 95 100 98
Belfast 470 99 100 98 98 26
Newry 86 100 100 98 99 99
Ulster 41 100 100 98 98 39
West NI 107 97 99 96 96 92
Abrdn 259 96 n/a n/a 95 n/a
Airdrie 184 98 n/a n/a 97 n/a
D & Gall 56 95 n/a n/a 88 n/a
Dundee 204 99 n/a n/a 98 n/a
Edinb 415 95 n/a n/a 93 n/a
Glasgw 921 97 n/a n/a 97 n/a
Inverns 131 79 n/a n/a 63 n/a
Klmarnk 115 97 n/a n/a 96 n/a
Krkcldy 114 96 n/a n/a 96 n/a
Cardff 1,000 99 97 99 98 23
Clwyd 63 95 98 95 95 78
Swanse 287 96 88 96 96 70
Wrexm 127 95 98 95 95 98
England 23,890 91 73 95 93 52
N Ireland 786 99 100 97 98 51
Scotlanda 2,399 96 n/a n/a 94 n/a
Wales 1,477 98 95 98 97 41
UK 28,552 92 75c 95c 93 52c
Dataset provided by the Scottish Renal Registry for Scottish centres shown did not include data on serum cholesterol, serum calcium or serum PTH
Serum calcium corrected for serum albumin
Excluding Scotland
prevalent patients as on 31st December 2013. Patients were con- (which would necessitate use of the modified MDRD formula),
sidered as having a functioning transplant if ‘transplant’ was listed this was not the case at the end of 2013. Patients with valid
as the last mode of RRT in the last quarter of 2013. Patients were serum creatinine results but no ethnicity data were classed as
assigned to the renal centre that sent the data to the UKRR but White for the purpose of the eGFR calculation.
some patients will have received care in more than one centre. If
data for the same transplant patient were received from both the One year post-transplant data
transplant centre and non-transplant centre, care was usually Patients who received a renal transplant between 1st January
allocated to the non-transplant centre (see appendix B2). Patients 2006 and 31st December 2012 were assigned according to the
with a functioning transplant of less than three months duration renal centre in which they were transplanted. In a small number
were excluded from analyses. For haemoglobin, estimated of instances, the first documented evidence of transplantation in
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), corrected calcium, phosphate a patient’s record is from a timeline entry in data returned from
and blood pressure (BP), the latest value in quarter 3 or quarter a non-transplant centre, in these instances the patient was re-
4 of 2013 was used. assigned to the nearest transplant centre (table 3.10).
Patients who had died or experienced graft failure within 12
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) months of transplantation were excluded from the analyses.
For the purpose of eGFR calculation, the original 4-variable Patients with more than one transplant during 2006–2012 were
MDRD formula was used (with a constant of 186) to calculate included as separate episodes provided each of the transplants
eGFR from the serum creatinine concentration as reported by functioned for a year.
the centre (unless otherwise stated). A wide variety of creatinine For each patient, the most recent laboratory or blood pressure
assays are in use in clinical biochemistry laboratories in the UK, result for the relevant 4th/5th quarter after renal transplantation
and it is not possible to ensure that all measurements of creatinine was taken to be representative of the one year post-transplant out-
concentration collected by the UKRR are harmonised. Although come. Again, for the purpose of the eGFR calculation patients with
many laboratories are now reporting assay results that have valid serum creatinine results but missing ethnicity data were
been aligned to the isotope dilution-mass spectrometry standard classed as White.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 3.10. Number of patients per transplant centre after allocation of patients at non-transplant centres (transplanted between
Results and conclusions the scale. The accuracy of the 4-variable MDRD equation
Post-transplant eGFR in prevalent transplant patients in estimating GFR 560 ml/min/1.73 m2 is questionable
When interpreting eGFR post-transplantation, it is [5], therefore a figure describing this is not included in
important to remember that estimated GFR formulae this chapter.
only have a modest predictive performance in the Figure 3.4 shows the percentage of prevalent patients by
transplant population [4]. Median eGFR in each centre centre with eGFR ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2 as a funnel plot,
and percentage of patients with eGFR ,30 ml/min/ enabling a more reliable comparison of outcomes between
1.73 m2 are shown in figures 3.2 and 3.3. The median centres across the UK. The solid lines show the 2 standard
eGFR was 51.8 ml/min/1.73 m2, with 13.4% of prevalent deviation limits (95%) and the dotted lines the limits for 3
transplant recipients having an eGFR ,30 ml/min/ standard deviations (99.9%). With 66 centres included and
1.73 m2. Table 3.11 summarises the proportion of trans- a normal distribution, 3–4 centres would be expected to
plant patients with an eGFR ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2 by fall between the 95–99.9% CI (1 in 20) and no centres
centre. Whilst local repatriation policies on timing of should fall outside the 99.9% limits.
transfer of care for patients with failing transplants There continued to be variation between centres; these
from transplant centres to referring centres might explain data show over-dispersion with 16 centres falling outside
some of the differences, it is notable that both transplant- the 95% CI of which six centres were outside the 99.9%
ing and non-transplanting centres feature at both ends of CI. Three centres (Newry, London St Georges, London
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
Median eGFR ml/min/1.73 m2
Upper quartile
30 Median eGFR
Lower quartile N = 26,883
11 Bradfd
1 Stoke
4 L St.G
8 B Heart
2 Wolve
3 Abrdn
12 Middlbr
1 Dundee
0 Newry
1 Sheff
0 Antrim
4 Covnt
33 Airdrie
1 Nottm
6 York
2 Truro
7 Plymth
11 Brightn
14 Carsh
1 West NI
1 Newc
2 L West
2 Exeter
3 Derby
2 Oxford
21 Glasgw
2 Cardff
2 Leeds
0 Ulster
1 Redng
4 Krkcldy
1 Swanse
0 Belfast
3 Leic
4 L Guys
18 Inverns
3 L Kings
4 Edinb
12 Dorset
2 Donc
11 D&Gall
1 L Barts
11 Hull
3 Glouc
0 Bristol
4 L Rfree
31 Klmarnk
4 Carlis
1 Sund
2 Chelms
29 Stevng
2 Prestn
2 Salford
1 Sthend
5 Ports
1 Camb
2 M RI
3 Dudley
4 Ipswi
2 Norwch
36 Kent
26 Wrexm
7 Liv Roy
35 Shrew
1 Basldn
5 England
0 N Ireland
15 Scotland
8 Wales
6 UK
West) fell outside the lower 99.9% CI suggesting a lower 1.73 m2), followed by donation after brainstem death
than expected proportion of patients with eGFR ,30 ml/ (53 ml/min/1.73 m2) and donation after circulatory
min/1.73 m2. Liverpool Royal, Portsmouth and Preston death (49.7 ml/min/1.73 m2).
fell outside the upper 99.9% CI suggesting a higher Figures 3.6a, 3.6b and 3.6c show one year post-
than expected proportion of patients with eGFR transplant eGFR by donor type and year of transplan-
,30 ml/min/1.73 m2. tation. An upward trend in eGFR ( p = 0.001) over the
time period was noticed with both live and donation
eGFR in patients one year after transplantation after brainstem death transplant, but not with donation
Graft function at one year post-transplantation may after circulatory death ( p = 0.4).
predict subsequent long term graft outcome [6].
Figures 3.5a, 3.5b, and 3.5c show the median one year Haemoglobin in prevalent transplant patients
post-transplant eGFR for patients transplanted between Transplant patients have previously fallen under the
2006–2012, by transplant type. Living kidney donation remit of the UK Renal Association Complications of
had the highest median eGFR at one year (56.9 ml/min/ Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) guidelines. Updated
Upper 95% Cl N = 26,883
35 % with eGFR <30
Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
0 Newry
11 D&Gall
0 Antrim
4 L St.G
3 Derby
8 B Heart
1 Dundee
1 Stoke
0 Belfast
29 Stevng
6 York
2 Wolve
3 Abrdn
2 L West
3 L Kings
1 Nottm
4 Covnt
3 Glouc
0 Bristol
33 Airdrie
35 Shrew
2 Exeter
7 Plymth
2 Donc
1 Sheff
4 Carlis
12 Middlbr
1 West NI
3 Leic
2 Oxford
1 Redng
11 Hull
4 L Guys
14 Carsh
4 Edinb
2 Cardff
2 Chelms
4 L Rfree
11 Brightn
11 Bradfd
12 Dorset
1 Newc
2 Truro
21 Glasgw
3 Dudley
2 Leeds
0 Ulster
1 Camb
4 Ipswi
1 L Barts
1 Sthend
18 Inverns
2 M RI
1 Swanse
2 Norwch
4 Krkcldy
36 Kent
2 Salford
1 Sund
7 Liv Roy
31 Klmarnk
5 Ports
2 Prestn
26 Wrexm
1 Basldn
5 England
0 N Ireland
15 Scotland
8 Wales
6 UK
Fig. 3.3. Percentage of prevalent transplant patients by centre on 31/12/2013 with eGFR ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 3.11. Percentage of prevalent transplant patients with eGFR ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2 on 31/12/2013
Patients with eGFR data Percentage with Patients with eGFR data Percentage with
Centre N eGFR ,30 Centre N eGFR ,30
10–12 g/dl’ [8] (equivalent to 110 g/L, range 100–120 g/
25 L). However, many transplant patients with good trans-
20 plant function will have haemoglobin concentrations
15 .120 g/L without the use of erythopoiesis stimulating
10 agents, and so it is inappropriate to audit performance
using the higher limit.
A number of factors including comorbidity, immuno-
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 suppressive medication, graft function, ACE inhibitor
Number of patients with data in centre use, erythropoietin (EPO) use, intravenous or oral iron
Fig. 3.4. Funnel plot of percentage of prevalent transplant use, as well as centre practices and protocols for manage-
patients with eGFR ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2 by centre size on 31/ ment of anaemia, affect haemoglobin concentrations in
12/2013 transplant patients. Most of these data are not collected
Median eGFR ml/min/1.73 m2 Median eGFR ml/min/1.73 m2 Median eGFR ml/min/1.73 m2
Chapter 3
5 L Guys 0 Sheff
2 Cardff
Median eGFR
2 Oxford 1 Ports
Upper quartile
Lower quartile
5 Covnt
1 Plymth 2 L Rfree
3 Newc
5 Edinb 3 Newc
5 Edinb N = 5,283
0 Belfast 2 L St.G
6 B QEH 11 Glasgw 2 Cardff
2 L Rfree 1 M RI 3 L West
0 Sheff 0 Sheff 1 M RI
1 L Barts 2 Oxford
2 Oxford
3 Newc 5 Covnt
1 Bristol
3 Nottm 2 Leeds
1 L Barts
2 L Rfree 1 Plymth
5 L Guys
Transplant centre
Transplant centre
Transplant centre
1 Bristol 1 Bristol
2 Leeds
6 B QEH 5 Edinb
3 Nottm 4 Liv Roy 5 L Guys
N = 6,076
N = 2,884
4 Camb 0 Leic 3 Nottm
5 Covnt 1 L Barts
1 M RI
Median eGFR
Fig. 3.5b. Median eGFR one year post-brainstem death donor transplant by transplant centre 2006–2012
1 Ports 4 Camb
Lower quartile
Fig. 3.5c. Median eGFR one year post-circulatory death donor transplant by transplant centre 2006–2012
Upper quartile
1 Ports
3 England 3 England
Median eGFR
3 England
Lower quartile
Upper quartile
0 N Ireland 0 N Ireland
8 Scotland
8 Scotland 8 Scotland
2 Wales 2 Wales
2 Wales
3 UK 3 UK 3 UK
Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
N = 444 N = 667 N = 765 N = 831 N = 853 N = 859 N = 864
Median eGFR ml/min/1.73 m2
Upper quartile
Median eGFR
35 Lower quartile
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Fig. 3.6a. Median eGFR one year post-live donor transplant by year of transplantation 2006–2012
N = 728 N = 877 N = 876 N = 891 N = 897 N = 876 N = 931
Median eGFR ml/min/1.73 m2
Upper quartile
Median eGFR
30 Lower quartile
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Fig. 3.6b. Median eGFR one year post-brainstem death donor transplant by year of transplantation 2006–2012
N = 178 N = 262 N = 382 N = 431 N = 484 N = 516 N = 631
Median eGFR ml/min/1.73 m2
Upper quartile
30 Median eGFR
25 Lower quartile
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Fig. 3.6c. Median eGFR one year post-circulatory death donor transplant by year of transplantation 2006–2012
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
by the UKRR and therefore caution must be used when Two centres (London St Bartholemews and London
interpreting analyses of haemoglobin attainment. Royal Free) fell outside the upper 99.9% CI and two
Figures 3.7a and 3.7b report centre results stratified further centres (Leeds and Oxford) fell outside the upper
according to graft function as estimated by eGFR. The 95% CI indicating a higher than predicted proportion of
percentage of prevalent transplant patients achieving transplant patients not achieving the haemoglobin target.
Hb 5100 g/L in each centre, stratified by eGFR, is Six centres fell outside the lower 99.9% CI, indicating they
displayed in figures 3.8a and 3.8b. performed better than expected with fewer than predicted
Figure 3.9 describes the percentage of prevalent patients having a haemoglobin ,100 g/L.
patients by centre with haemoglobin ,100 g/L as a fun-
nel plot enabling more reliable comparison of outcomes Blood pressure in prevalent transplant patients
between centres across the UK. With 66 centres included In the absence of controlled trial data, the opinion based
and a normal distribution, 3–4 centres would be expected recommendation of the UK Renal Association (RA)
to fall between the 95%–99.9% CI (1 in 20) and no centres published in the 2010 guideline for the care of kidney
should fall outside the 99.9% CI purely as a chance event. transplant recipients is that ‘Blood pressure should be
N = 22,151 Upper quartile
Median Hb
150 Lower quartile
Median Hb g/L
2 Donc
2 West NI
9 Carsh
1 Belfast
0 Stoke
4 Dorset
0 Ulster
1 Sund
0 Bristol
0 Middlbr
3 Swanse
2 Glouc
1 Carlis
0 Antrim
5 Inverns
3 Chelms
0 Cardff
0 Sheff
0 Newc
1 Hull
0 Dundee
1 Truro
1 Airdrie
0 Shrew
1 Glasgw
1 Prestn
1 B Heart
0 Nottm
2 Derby
1 Leeds
1 Covnt
0 Exeter
1 Brightn
0 Norwch
1 Abrdn
2 Bradfd
1 Ipswi
1 Krkcldy
1 Liv Roy
1 Edinb
0 Salford
1 Plymth
0 York
0 Stevng
2 Wolve
0 Newry
2 D&Gall
1 Wrexm
0 Klmarnk
0 M RI
1 Leic
0 Redng
0 Dudley
0 Basldn
0 Oxford
0 Ports
0 Kent
0 Camb
0 L St.G
2 Sthend
0 L Kings
2 L Rfree
0 L Barts
0 L West
6 England
1 N Ireland
1 Scotland
1 Wales
5 UK
Fig. 3.7a. Median haemoglobin for prevalent transplant patients with eGFR 530 ml/min/1.73 m2 by centre on 31/12/2013
145 N = 3,447 Upper quartile
Median Hb
Lower quartile
Median Hb g/L
0 Sund
0 Dorset
0 Truro
2 Belfast
0 Edinb
0 Brightn
0 Stoke
0 Prestn
3 Bradfd
0 M RI
0 Ports
1 Liv Roy
0 Cardff
0 Bristol
0 Newc
0 Exeter
0 Camb
0 Glasgw
1 Salford
2 Norwch
0 L West
0 Ipswi
0 Sheff
2 Hull
0 Plymth
2 Swanse
0 Leic
2 Carsh
0 Kent
0 L Rfree
0 Redng
0 Abrdn
0 Leeds
0 Oxford
0 Middlbr
0 L Kings
0 L St.G
0 L Barts
0 Nottm
0 Covnt
0 York
0 Basldn
5 England
1 N Ireland
0 Scotland
1 Wales
4 UK
Fig. 3.7b. Median haemoglobin for prevalent transplant patients with eGFR ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2 by centre on 31/12/2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Percentage of patients
85 Upper 95% Cl
% with Hb >100 g/L
Lower 95% Cl N = 22,151
1 Krkcldy
3 Chelms
1 Wrexm
0 Basldn
2 Donc
0 Ulster
0 Stoke
1 Abrdn
0 Salford
1 Prestn
0 Exeter
2 Bradfd
2 West NI
0 Newry
0 Redng
1 Ipswi
2 Wolve
4 Dorset
0 Bristol
0 Cardff
2 Glouc
9 Carsh
1 Covnt
0 Kent
2 Sthend
0 Dundee
1 Belfast
0 Newc
1 Sund
1 Truro
0 York
1 B Heart
0 Nottm
3 Swanse
2 Derby
2 D&Gall
0 Ports
0 M RI
0 Sheff
5 Inverns
1 Brightn
1 Leic
0 Antrim
1 Plymth
1 Carlis
0 Shrew
1 Glasgw
0 Middlbr
1 Edinb
1 Leeds
1 Hull
0 Dudley
1 Liv Roy
0 L West
0 L Kings
0 L St.G
0 Oxford
1 Airdrie
0 Stevng
0 Norwch
0 Klmarnk
2 L Rfree
0 Camb
0 L Barts
6 England
1 N Ireland
1 Scotland
1 Wales
5 UK
Fig. 3.8a. Percentage of prevalent transplant patients with eGFR 530 ml/min/1.73 m2 achieving haemoglobin 5100 g/L by centre on
Percentage of patients
50 Upper 95% Cl
% with Hb >100 g/L N = 3,447
40 Lower 95% Cl
0 Dorset
0 Ipswi
0 Exeter
0 Sund
0 Stoke
0 Camb
0 Bristol
0 Brightn
0 Kent
0 Truro
2 Swanse
0 M RI
0 Edinb
0 Newc
0 L West
0 Cardff
0 Ports
2 Carsh
2 Norwch
0 Middlbr
3 Bradfd
0 Sheff
1 Liv Roy
0 L Kings
0 Covnt
0 Prestn
0 Redng
0 Leic
2 Hull
0 Abrdn
0 L Barts
0 Glasgw
2 Belfast
0 Plymth
0 Oxford
0 L Rfree
1 Salford
0 Nottm
0 Leeds
0 York
0 L St.G
0 Basldn
5 England
1 N Ireland
0 Scotland
1 Wales
4 UK
Fig. 3.8b. Percentage of prevalent transplant patients with eGFR ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2 achieving haemoglobin 5100 g/L by centre on
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
N = 9,179 Upper 95% Cl
% with SBP/DBP <130/80
Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
28 Bristol
1 L Kings
13 Dorset
11 Wolve
0 Swanse
8 West NI
27 Antrim
9 Exeter
22 L Rfree
12 Glouc
50 Leic
40 Belfast
11 Newry
19 Covnt
2 Donc
2 Cardff
1 Leeds
13 Nottm
6 Chelms
1 Camb
11 Kent
14 Plymth
6 Ulster
22 Bradfd
42 Sthend
8 Sheff
2 Derby
61 England
29 N Ireland
8 Wales
57 E, W & NI
Fig. 3.10a. Percentage of prevalent transplant patients with eGFR 530 ml/min/1.73 m2 achieving blood pressure of ,130/80 mmHg
by centre on 31/12/2013
N = 1,417 Upper 95% Cl
60 % with SBP/DBP <130/80
Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
0 L Kings
26 Bristol
15 Bradfd
11 Dorset
16 L Rfree
0 Swanse
11 Covnt
3 Cardff
4 Kent
1 Leeds
11 Nottm
3 Plymth
4 Sheff
7 Camb
46 Middlbr
18 Exeter
61 England
35 N Ireland
12 Wales
57 E, W & NI
Fig. 3.10b. Percentage of prevalent transplant patients with eGFR ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2 achieving blood pressure of ,130/80 mmHg by
centre on 31/12/2013
BP ,130 and diastolic BP ,80 mmHg) was higher poor outcomes, largely attributable to lack of specialist
(26.8% vs. 21.5%) in those with better renal function management of anaemia, acidosis, hyperphosphataemia
(eGFR 530 ml/min/1.73 m2). and to inadequate advance preparation for dialysis.
Transplant recipients on the other hand, are almost always
followed up regularly in specialist transplant or renal
clinics and it would be reasonable to expect patients with
Analysis of prevalent patients by CKD stage failing grafts to receive appropriate care and therefore
have many of their modifiable risk factors addressed before
Introduction complete graft failure and return to dialysis.
Approximately 2.4% of prevalent transplant patients
returned to dialysis in 2013, a similar percentage to that Methods
seen over the last few years. Amongst patients with native The transplant cohort consisted of prevalent transplant recipi-
chronic kidney disease, late presentation is associated with ents as on 31st December 2013 (N = 26,896) and were classified
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 3.12. Analysis by CKD stage for prevalent transplant patients compared with prevalent dialysis patients on 31/12/2013
according to the KDIGO staging criteria with the suffix of ‘T’ to 1.73 m2. The table also demonstrates that patients with
represent their transplant status. Patients with missing ethnicity failing grafts achieved UK Renal Association standards
information were classified as White for the purpose of calculating
eGFR. Prevalent dialysis patients, except those who commenced
for some key biochemical and clinical outcome variables
dialysis in 2013, comprised the comparison dialysis cohort less often than dialysis patients. This substantial group of
(N = 21,278) including 2,330 peritoneal dialysis patients. Only patients represents a considerable challenge, as resources
patients on peritoneal dialysis were considered when examining need to be channelled to improve key outcome variables
differences in serum phosphate between transplant recipients and achieve a safe and timely modality switch to another
and dialysis patients. For both the transplant and dialysis cohorts,
the analysis used the most recent available value from the last two
form of renal replacement therapy.
quarters of the 2013 laboratory data. Scottish centres were
excluded from blood pressure, calcium, cholesterol and PTH
analyses as corresponding data were not provided.
eGFR slope analysis
Results and conclusions
Table 3.12 shows that 13.4% of the prevalent trans- Introduction
plant population (3,603 patients), had moderate to The gradient of deterioration in eGFR (slope) may
advanced renal impairment of eGFR ,30 ml/min/ predict patients likely to have early graft failure. The
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
Table 3.13. Differences in median eGFR slope between subgroups of prevalent transplant patients
eGFR slope and its relationship to specific patient calculated using the CKD-EPI equation and results expressed
characteristics are presented here. as ml/min/1.73 m2/year. The CKD-EPI equation was used in
preference to the MDRD formula as it is thought to have a greater
degree of accuracy at higher levels of eGFR [11].
All UK patients aged 518 years receiving a renal transplant
between 1st January 2002 and 31st December 2011, were con- Results and conclusions
sidered for inclusion. A minimum duration of 18 months graft The study cohort consisted of 14,493 patients. The
function was required and three or more creatinine measurements median GFR slope was −0.58 ml/min/1.73 m2/year
from the second year of graft function onwards were used to plot
eGFR slope. If a transplant failed but there were at least three (table 3.13). The gradient was steeper for Black recipients
creatinine measurements between one year post-transplant and (−1.3 ml/min/1.73 m2/year), in keeping with previously
graft failure, the patient was included but no creatinine measure- published data suggesting poorer outcomes for this group
ments after the quarter preceding the recorded date of transplant [12,13]. There was no statistically significant difference in
failure were analysed. eGFR slope in recipients of deceased donor kidneys
Slopes were calculated using linear regression, assuming linear-
ity, and the effect of age, ethnicity, gender, diabetes, donor type, (−0.58 ml/min/1.73 m2/year) compared to patients who
year of transplant and current transplant status were analysed. received organs from live donors (−0.57 ml/min/1.73 m2/
P values were calculated using the Kruskal-Wallis test. eGFR was year). Female patients had a steeper slope (−0.91 ml/min/
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
1.73 m2/year) than males (−0.36 ml/min/1.73 m2/year), as Cause of death in transplant recipients
did diabetic patients (−1.23 ml/min/1.73 m2/year) com-
pared to non-diabetic patients (−0.47 ml/min/1.73 m2/ Introduction
year). The slope was steeper in younger recipients, possibly Differences in causes of death between dialysis and
reflecting increased risk of immunological damage. As transplant patients may be expected due to selection
might be expected, the steepest slope was in patients for transplantation and use of immunosuppression.
where the transplant subsequently failed. This analysis Chapter 5 includes a more detailed discussion on cause
has assumed linearity of progression of fall in GFR and of death in dialysis patients.
further work is underway to characterise the patterns of
progression more precisely. Methods
The findings in this study differ slightly from previous The cause of death is sent by renal centres as an ERA-EDTA
UKRR work exploring eGFR changes in transplant registry code. These have been grouped into the following
recipients [14]. This identified that male donor to categories: cardiac disease, cerebrovascular disease, infection,
malignancy, treatment withdrawal, other and uncertain.
female recipient transplantation, younger recipients, Some centres have high data returns to the UKRR regarding
diabetes, white ethnicity, and human leukocyte antigen cause of death, whilst others return no information. Provision
(HLA) mismatch were associated with faster decline in of this information is not mandatory. Analysis of prevalent
eGFR. These differences may be explained by patients patients included all those aged over 18 years and receiving RRT
with eGFR .60 ml/min/1.73 m2 at one year post- on 1st January 2013.
transplantation being excluded and the more complex
multivariable model used in the previous work. Udayaraj Results and conclusions
and colleagues [14] also adjusted for factors such as HLA Table 3.14 and figure 3.11 show the differences in the
mismatch and donor age, which were not available for the cause of death between prevalent dialysis and transplant
patients studied in this chapter. patients. Table 3.15 shows the cause of death for prevalent
Table 3.14. Cause of death by modality in prevalent RRT patients on 1/1/2013, who died in 2013
Cause of death N % N % N %
Table 3.15. Cause of death in prevalent transplant patients on 1/1/2013 by age, who died in 2013
Cause of death N % N % N %
Cardiac disease 87 17 47 18 40 16
Cerebrovascular disease 25 5 11 4 14 5
Infection 133 26 65 25 68 27
Malignancy 125 24 73 28 52 20
Treatment withdrawal 8 2 5 2 3 1
Other 117 23 54 20 63 25
Uncertain 25 5 9 3 16 6
Total 520 264 256
No cause of death data 223 30 110 29 113 31
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
Cardiac disease
Fig. 3.11. Cause of death by modality for
prevalent patients on 1/1/2013, who died
Cause of death
in 2013
transplant patients by age. Death due to cardiovascular in 2013). This change has also been reported in other
disease was less common in transplanted patients than in registries, e.g. ANZDATA (
dialysis patients, perhaps reflecting the cardiovascular and may reflect better management of cardiovascular risk
screening undertaken during transplant work-up; trans- (although table 3.12 shows blood pressure management
plant recipients are a pre-selected lower risk group of remained suboptimal). Explanations for the rising death
patients. The leading causes of death amongst transplant rate secondary to malignancy may include the increasing
patients were infection (26%), malignancy (24%) and age of transplant recipients and the increased intensity of
other (23%). There has been a reduction over time in the immunosuppressive regimens leading to complications of
proportion of deaths in transplant patients attributed to over-immunosuppression.
cardiovascular or stroke disease (43% in 2003 compared
to 22% in 2013) with an increase in the proportion ascribed Conflicts of interest: Dr I MacPhee has received research fund-
to infection or malignancy (30% in 2003 compared to 50% ing and speaker honoraria from Astellas.
1 Ansell D, Tomson CRV: UK Renal Registry 11th Annual Report 6 Hariharan, S, McBride MA, Cherikh WS, Tolleris CB, Bresnahan BA,
(December 2008) Chapter 15 The UK Renal Registry, UKRR database, Johnson CP: Post-transplant renal function in the first year predicts
validation and methodology. Nephron Clin Pract 2009;111(suppl 1): long-term kidney transplant survival. Kidney Int 2002;62:1:311–318
c277–c285 7 UK Renal Association Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee:
2 Pruthi R, Ravanan R, O’Neill J, Roderick P, Pankhurst L, Udayaraj U: Anaemia of CKD, 5th Edition. 2010.
15th annual report: Chapter 9 centre variation in access to renal GuidelinesSection/AnaemiaInCKD.aspx
transplantation in the UK (2006–2008). Nephron Clin Pract. 2013; 8 UK Renal Association Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee: Guideline
123(suppl 1):183–93. doi: 10.1159/000353328 3.7: Target haemoglobin. 2007 RA Guidelines – Complications of CKD,
3 Pruthi R, Casula A, MacPhee I: UK Renal Registry 16th annual report: 4th Edition. 2007.
Chapter 3 demographic and biochemistry profile of kidney transplant ComplicationsofCKD.aspx
recipients in the UK in 2012: national and centre-specific analyses. 9 UK Renal Association Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee:
Nephron Clin Pract. 2013;125(1–4):55–80. doi: 10.1159/000360022 Guideline: Post-operative Care of the Kidney Transplant Recipient,
4 Bosma RJ, Doorenbos CRC, Stegeman CA, Homan van der Heide JJ, 5th Edition. 2011.
Navis G: Predictive Performance of Renal Function Equations in Post-operative-Care-Kidney-Transplant-Recipient.aspx
Renal Transplant Recipients: An analysis of Patient Factors in Bias. 10 UK Renal Association Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee: Guide-
Am J Transplant 2005;5:2183–2203 line 2.1: Treatment of patients with CKD. 2007 RA Guidelines – CKD,
5 Froissart M, Rossert J, Jacquot C, Paillard M, Houillier P: Predictive 4th Edition. 2007.
Performance of the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease and CKD.aspx
Cockcroft-Gault Equations for Estimating Renal Function. J Am Soc 11 White CA, Akbari A, Doucette S, Fergusson D, Knoll GA: Estimating
Nephrol. 2005;16:763–773 Glomerular Filtration Rate in Kidney Transplantation: Is the New
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration Equation Any 13 Isaacs RB, Nock SL, Spencer CE, Connors AF Jr, Wang XQ, Sawyer R,
Better? Clin Chem 2010;56:3:474–477 Lobo PI: Racial disparities in renal transplant outcomes. Am J Kidney
12 Ng FL, Holt DW, Chang RWS, MacPhee IAM: Black renal transplant Dis 1999;34:4:706–712
recipients have poorer long-term graft survival than CYP3A5 expres- 14 Udayaraj U, Casula A, Ansell D, Dudley CRK, Ravanan R: Chronic
sers from other ethnic groups. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2010;25:628– Kidney Disease in Transplant Recipients – Is It Different From Chronic
634 Native Kidney Disease? Transplantation 2010;90:7:765–770
Chapter 3 Outcomes in UK renal transplant recipients in 2013
Included in
UKRR annual
RA audit measure report? Reason for non-inclusion
1. Proportion of blood results available for review, and reviewed, No UKRR does not currently collect these data
within 24 hours
2. Proportion of units with a written follow-up schedule available No UKRR does not currently collect these data
to all staff and patients
3. Percentage of patients accessing their results through Renal No Requires linkage with RPV
Patient View
4. Percentage of total patients assessed in an annual review clinic No UKRR does not currently collect these data
5. Percentage of total patients receiving induction with ILRAs and No Poor data completeness
6. Percentage of de novo KTRs receiving tacrolimus No Poor data completeness
7. Percentage of de novo KTRs receiving MPA based No Poor data completeness
8. Percentage of de novo KTRs receiving corticosteroid No Poor data completeness
maintenance therapy
9. Use of generic agents No UKRR does not currently collect these data
10. Severity of biopsy proven acute rejection (BPAR) recorded by No UKRR does not currently collect these data
BANFF criteria
11. Percentage of KTRs with BPAR in first 3 months and first No UKRR does not currently collect these data
12 months
12. Percentage of KTRs requiring TDAs to treat rejection in first No UKRR does not currently collect these data
13. Complication rates after renal transplant biopsy No UKRR does not currently collect these data
14. Proportion of patients receiving a target blood pressure of 130/ No Poor data completeness
80 mmHg or 125/75 mmHg in the presence of proteinuria
(PCR .100 or ACR .70)
15. Proportion of patients receiving an ACE inhibitor or No Poor data completeness
angiotensin receptor blocker
16. Proportion of patients with proteinuria assessed by dipstick No UKRR does not currently collect these data
and, if present, quantified at each clinic visit
17. Proportion of renal transplant recipients with an annual fasting No UKRR does not currently collect these data
lipid profile
18. Proportion of KTR taking statins (including the type of statin) No UKRR does not currently collect these data
for primary and secondary prevention of premature
cardiovascular disease
19. Proportion of patients on other lipid lowering agents No Poor data completeness
20. Proportion of patients achieving dyslipidaemia targets Yes
21. Incidence of new onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) No UKRR does not currently collect these data
at three months and at annual intervals thereafter
22. Proportion of patients who require insulin, and in whom No UKRR does not currently collect these data
remedial action is undertaken – minimisation of steroids and
switching of CNIs
23. Proportion of patients with ischaemic heart disease No Poor data completeness
24. Proportion of patients suffering myocardial infarction No Poor data completeness
25. Proportion of patients undergoing primary revascularisation No Poor data completeness
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Included in
UKRR annual
RA audit measure report? Reason for non-inclusion
26. Proportion of patients receiving secondary prevention with a No UKRR does not currently collect these data
statin, anti-platelet agents and RAS blockers
27. Proportion of patients who are obese No Poor data completeness
28. Proportion of patients having screening procedures for No UKRR does not currently collect these data
neoplasia at the annual review clinic
29. Incidence of CMV disease No Poor data completeness
30. Rate of EBV infection and PTLD No UKRR does not currently collect these data
31. Completeness of records for EBV donor and recipient serology No UKRR does not currently collect these data
32. Rates of primary VZV and shingles infection No UKRR does not currently collect these data
33. Completeness of records for VZV recipient serology No UKRR does not currently collect these data
34. Rates and outcomes of HSV infection No UKRR does not currently collect these data
35. Rates of BK viral infection in screening tests No UKRR does not currently collect these data
36. Rates and outcomes of BK nephropathy No UKRR does not currently collect these data
37. Frequency of bisphosponate use No UKRR does not currently collect these data
38. Incidence of fractures No UKRR does not currently collect these data
39. Incidence of hyperparathyroidism No Poor data completeness
40. Incidence of parathyroidectomy No UKRR does not currently collect these data
41. Use of cinacalcet No Poor data completeness
42. Frequency of hyperuricaemia and gout No UKRR does not currently collect these data
43. Prevalence of anaemia Yes
44. Prevalence of polycythaemia No Poor data completeness
45. Pregnancy rates and outcomes No UKRR does not currently collect these data
46. Prevalence of sexual dysfunction No UKRR does not currently collect these data
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 4 Demography of the UK
Paediatric Renal Replacement Therapy
Population in 2013
Key Words
Aetiology . Children . Demography . End stage renal disease .
. The most common diagnosis was renal dysplasia +
Established renal failure . Incidence . Prevalence . Pre- reflux, present in 34.2% of prevalent paediatric
emptive transplantation . Renal replacement therapy . patients aged ,16 years in 2013.
Survival . About a third of patients had one or more reported
comorbidities at onset of renal replacement therapy
Summary . The improvement in rates of pre-emptive trans-
plantation for those referred early has remained
. A total of 891 children and young people under 18 consistent over the last 10 years at 36.3%, compared
years with established renal failure (ERF) were to 26.9% in 1999–2003.
receiving treatment at paediatric nephrology centres . At transfer to adult services, 85.2% of patients had a
in 2013. functioning kidney transplant.
. At the census date (31st December 2013), 80.2% . Survival during childhood amongst children com-
of prevalent paediatric patients aged ,18 years mencing RRT was the lowest in both those aged
had a functioning kidney transplant, 11.7% were less than two years old with a hazard ratio of 5.0
receiving haemodialysis (HD) and 8.1% were receiv- (confidence interval 2.8–8.8), and in those receiving
ing peritoneal dialysis (PD). dialysis compared to having a functioning trans-
. In patients aged ,16 years the prevalence of ERF plant with a hazard ratio of 7.1 (confidence interval
was 58.2 per million age related population 4.7–11.7).
(pmarp) and the incidence 9.3 pmarp, in 2013.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 4 Demography of renal replacement therapy in children
Table 4.1. Data completeness for paediatric prevalent ERF population in 2013
Percentage completeness
Table 4.2. The UK paediatric prevalent ERF population ,16 years old in 2013, by age group and gender
Table 4.3. The UK paediatric prevalent ERF population ,16 years old by age and ethnic group in 2013a
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
HD Live transplant
13% 15%
Live transplant PD
39% 9% Deceased donor
Deceased donor
transplant PD
39% 45%
Fig. 4.1. RRT treatment used by prevalent paediatric patients Fig. 4.2. Treatment modality at start of RRT in prevalent paedia-
,16 years old in 2013 tric patients ,16 years old in 2013
Table 4.4. Current treatment modality by age in the prevalent paediatric ERF population in 2013
Current treatment
Chapter 4 Demography of renal replacement therapy in children
Table 4.5. Number, percentage and gender by primary renal disease as cause of ERF in the prevalent paediatric ERF population under
16 years in 2013∗
As for associated comorbidities at the onset of RRT, (43%). Causes of the variation in reporting need to be
table 4.6 shows that congenital abnormalities were the understood as there may be genuine differences between
commonest, reported in 9.0% of patients, followed by centres in willingness to accept patients with comorbidity
developmental delay at 8.3%. Overall 67.7% of patients onto the RRT programme.
had no registered comorbidities, with 21.8% having
one comorbidity listed, and 10.5% having two or more The UK incident paediatric ERF population in 2013
comorbidities. Centre analysis showed significant There were 124 patients under 18 years of age who
variation in reporting of registered comorbidities with commenced RRT at paediatric renal centres in 2013. As
some centres, e.g. Cardiff (89%), Birmingham (83%), previously, the following analyses are restricted to the
London GOSH (82%), Glasgow (80%) and London 112 patients who were under 16 years of age.
Evelina (80%) reporting no comorbidity in the majority
of their patients, as compared to other centres which
reported no comorbidity in a smaller proportion of Table 4.6. Frequency of registered comorbidities at onset of RRT
patients, e.g. Bristol (36%), Manchester (43%) and Belfast in prevalent paediatric patients aged ,16 years with ERF in 2013
Percentage of all
Malignancy & Prevalent Comorbidity N RRT patients
associated disease Incident
Uncertain aetiology Congenital abnormality 63 9.0
Metabolic Developmental delay 58 8.3
Syndromic diagnosis 55 7.8
Primary renal disease
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 4.7. The incident paediatric ERF population ,16 years old in the UK in 2013, by age group and gender
The incidence rate of RRT was 9.3 pmarp in 2013. between 1999 and 2013. Analysis of ERF demographics
Patients commencing RRT in 2013 are displayed by age for children less than 16 years of age over this period
and gender in table 4.7. included 546 patients reported to the paediatric registry
Table 4.8 shows that the reported incidence of RRT in 1999–2003, 575 in 2004–2008 and 560 in 2009–2013.
has remained between 9.2 and 10.0 pmarp since 1999, In table 4.9, comparing the current 5-year period with
with the highest incidence rates seen in both the youngest the two previous 5-year periods has shown a sus-
and oldest age groups. tained increase in the number of younger children aged
0–,8 years starting RRT. Conversely there has been a
Trends in ERF demographics sustained reduction in numbers of older children aged
There were 1,681 children under 16 years of age who 8–,16 years. The percentage of children on RRT who
had received RRT in the UK over the 15 year period were from a South Asian ethnic background also
increased during this period, although table 4.10 shows
Table 4.8. Reported average incident rate by age group in 5-year that the level of missing ethnicity data has recently
time periods of children under 16 years of age commencing RRT increased considerably. Table 4.11 demonstrates that
the reported patient population at most paediatric renal
Per million age related population
centres has fluctuated in size since 1999–2003.
Age group 1999–2003 2004–2008 2009–2013 Table 4.12 shows the number and percentage of
children receiving RRT with each of the major reported
0–,2 years 11.0 14.1 12.4 comorbidities over the last 15 years. Syndromic diagnoses
2–,4 years 6.2 6.5 8.4 (8.2%), developmental delay (7.7%) and congenital
4–,8 years 5.3 6.8 6.3
8–,12 years 9.1 8.3 9.0 abnormalities (7.3%) continued to be the most common
12–,16 years 13.6 14.0 12.7 reported comorbidities in 2009–2013. There has been a
Under 16 years 9.2 10.0 9.6 noticeable reported decrease in frequencies of con-
sanguinity, family history of ERF and chromosomal
Table 4.9. Number and percentage of children ,16 years old who commenced RRT by age group and 5-year period at start of RRT
Chapter 4 Demography of renal replacement therapy in children
Table 4.10. Number and percentage of children under 16 years who commenced RRT, by ethnicity and 5-year period of starting RRT∗
Table 4.11. Number and percentage of children under 16 years by renal centre and 5-year period of starting RRT∗
Centre N % N % N % % change
Table 4.12. Trends in comorbidity frequency at the start of RRT in the paediatric population under 16 years by 5-year period
Comorbidity N % N % N % % change
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Percentage of patients
HD PD Deceased donor Live transplant Fig. 4.4. Treatment modality at start of
transplant RRT for incident paediatric patients
Modality ,16 years old by 5-year time period
abnormalities. Overall there is a trend towards the increase in living donation from 8.8% to 18.4%, and a
reporting of no comorbidities in children receiving RRT corresponding fall in deceased donor transplantation
over the last 15 years and it should be clarified whether from 14.0% to 9.5% for the same time period.
this is truly due to identifying fewer comorbidities or a Table 4.13 shows the diagnostic categories for 540 of
result of underreporting. the 546 (98.9%) patients in 1999–2003, for 566 of the
As for changes in modality at the start of RRT, 575 (98.4%) patients in 2004–2008 and 540 of the 560
figure 4.4 shows that the percentage of children who (96.4%) patients in 2009–2013 aged ,16 years for
were using PD at the start of RRT has fallen from whom a causative diagnosis was reported. Overall there
53.7% in 1999–2003 to 40.5% in 2009–2013, whilst the has been an increase in the percentage of children receiv-
percentage commencing RRT on HD increased from ing RRT with renal dysplasia + reflux and obstructive
23.5% in 1999–2003 to 31.7% in 2009–2013. During uropathy whilst the frequency of glomerular disease has
this period the overall percentage receiving a transplant fallen markedly. In addition, numbers with uncertain
at the start of RRT rose from 22.8% to 27.9%, with an aetiology have increased whilst those with malignancy
Table 4.13. Number and percentage of children under 16 years for whom a primary renal diagnosis had been reported as a cause of
ERF, by 5-year time period and observed change in proportion of patients in each diagnostic group∗
Renal dysplasia + reflux 157 29.1 191 33.7 182 33.7 4.6
Obstructive uropathy 80 14.8 75 13.3 97 18.0 3.1
Glomerular disease 130 24.1 112 19.8 83 15.4 −8.7
Tubulo-interstitial diseases 42 7.8 46 8.1 41 7.6 −0.2
Congenital nephrotic syndrome 27 5.0 33 5.8 35 6.5 1.5
Metabolic 29 5.4 25 4.4 31 5.7 0.4
Uncertain aetiology 12 2.2 32 5.7 29 5.4 3.1
Renovascular disease 23 4.3 19 3.4 19 3.5 −0.7
Polycystic kidney disease 16 3.0 19 3.4 19 3.5 0.6
Malignancy & associated disease 10 1.9 9 1.6 4 0.7 −1.1
Drug nephrotoxicity 14 2.6 5 0.9 0 0.0 −2.6
Six children in 1999–2003, nine in 2004–2008 and twenty in 2009–2013 with no primary renal diagnosis recorded are excluded from this table
Chapter 4 Demography of renal replacement therapy in children
Table 4.14. Demographic characteristics of pre-emptive trans- 33.2% of patients and was significantly higher in males
plantation in children aged three months to 16 years in the UK (35.8%) than females (28.9%) ( p = 0.01). This difference
between 1999–2013, analysed by 5-year time period, gender,
ethnicity, age at start of RRT and primary renal diagnosis
is not significant however when adjusted for other factors
in a logistic regression. Ethnicity was also seen to be a key
N (%) factor, with children from Black (14.3%) and South Asian
pre-emptively (20.9%) ethnicity having significantly lower rates of
N transplanted
transplantation than their White counterparts (35.8%)
Total cohort analysed (1999–2013) 1,212 402 (33.2) ( p , 0.0001). Analysis by age at start of RRT showed
Time period
that as expected, the lowest rate of pre-emptive transplan-
1999–2003 405 109 (26.9) tation was in the three months to two year group (4.9%),
2004–2008 402 146 (36.3) whilst children aged four to sixteen years all had similar
2009–2013 405 147 (36.3) rates of pre-emptive transplantation. As for primary
Gender renal diagnosis, children with metabolic causes (46.6%),
Male 749 268 (35.8) polycystic kidney disease (46.5%), obstructive uropathy
Female 463 134 (28.9) (44.7%), renal dysplasia + reflux (42.2%) and renovascu-
Ethnicity lar disease (40.5%) had the highest rates of pre-emptive
Black 35 5 (14.3) transplantation, whilst those with malignancy (0.0%)
Other 59 19 (32.2)
South Asian 196 41 (20.9)
had the lowest rate. Table 4.14 demonstrates the initial
White 885 323 (36.5) rise in pre-emptive transplantation rates from 26.9% in
1999–2003 to 36.3% in 2004–2008 was maintained in
Age at start of RRT
3 months–,2 years 122 6 (4.9) 2009–2013 ( p = 0.005).
2–,4 years 130 36 (27.7)
4–,8 years 206 79 (38.4) Transfer of patients to adult renal services in 2013
8–,12 years 297 106 (35.7) A total of 101 patients were reported by paediatric
12–,16 years 457 175 (38.3)
nephrology centres to have transferred to adult renal
Primary renal diagnosis services in 2013. The median age of patients transferred
Renal dysplasia + reflux 398 168 (42.2)
out was 18.1 years with an inter-quartile range of 17.8
Glomerular disease 217 27 (12.4)
Obstructive uropathy 215 96 (44.7) years to 18.5 years. Table 4.15 shows that of the transferred
Congenital nephrotic syndrome 81 5 (6.2) patients 60.4% were male, with ethnic minorities consti-
Metabolic 73 34 (46.6) tuting 19.8% of patients. The vast majority (85.2%) had
Tubulo-interstitial diseases 71 17 (23.9) a functioning renal transplant at the time of transfer to
Polycystic kidney disease 43 20 (46.5)
Renovascular disease 37 15 (40.5)
an adult renal centre. Renal dysplasia + reflux, glomerular
Uncertain aetiology 28 9 (32.1) disease and obstructive uropathy accounted for the
Malignancy & associated disease 14 0 (0) primary renal diagnosis in over 70% of patients.
Drug nephrotoxicity 10 1 (10)
Survival of children on RRT during childhood
Of patients under 16 years of age, 1,569 were identified
and drug nephrotoxicity have fallen between 1999–2003 as starting RRT between 1999 and 2012 at paediatric
and 2009–2013 although in these categories absolute centres in the UK and were included in the survival
numbers are very small. analyses. At the census date (31st December 2013)
there were a total of 99 deaths reported in children on
Pre-emptive transplantation RRT under 16 years of age at paediatric centres. The
Of a total of 1,681 patients aged 0–16 years who started median follow up time was 3.5 years (range of one day
RRT between 1999 and 2013, 469 patients were excluded to 15 years). Table 4.16 shows the survival hazard ratios
from this analysis (94 patients were excluded due to being (following adjustment for age at start of RRT, gender
aged ,3 months, and a further 375 patients were and RRT modality) and highlights that children starting
excluded due to being late presenters). Of 1,212 patients RRT under two years of age had the worst survival out-
identified as being aged three months to ,16 years comes with a hazard ratio of 5.0 (confidence interval
and having started RRT between 1999–2013, table 4.14 (CI) 2.8–8.8, p , 0.0001) when compared to 12–16 year
shows pre-emptive transplantation was seen to occur in olds. Outcomes in both the 2–,4 age group and the
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 4.15. Modality, gender, ethnicity and primary renal Table 4.16. Survival hazard ratio during childhood for paediatric
diagnosis of patients transferred out from paediatric nephrology RRT patients aged ,16 years in the UK adjusted for age at start of
centres to adult renal services in 2013 RRT, gender and RRT modality
% Hazard Confidence
N distribution ratio interval p-value
Modality Age
Transplant 86 85.2 0–,2 years 5.0 2.8–8.8 ,0.0001
HD 11 10.9 2–,4 years 2.9 1.4–5.7 0.003
PD 4 4.0 4–,8 years 2.2 1.3–4.0 0.006
8–,12 years 1.4 0.7–2.9 0.4
12–16 years 1.0 – –
Male 61 60.4
Female 40 39.6 Gender
Female 1.2 0.7–1.9 0.5
Ethnicity Male 1.0 –
White 81 80.2
South Asian 17 16.8 RRT modality
Other 2 2.0 Dialysis 7.1 4.7–10.7 ,0.0001
Black 1 1.0 Transplant 1.0 –
4–,8 age group were also significantly worse with a hazard Mortality data in 2013
ratios of 2.9 (CI 1.4–5.7, p = 0.003) and 2.2 (CI 1.3–4.0, Eight deaths occurred in paediatric renal centres in
p = 0.006) respectively. Being on dialysis, as expected, 2013; of these, seven were under 16 years of age and
was seen to lower survival significantly compared to one was aged 18 years at the time of death. In children
Chapter 4 Demography of renal replacement therapy in children
aged ,16 years with treated ERF, the total reported and reporting of the 16–18 year old age group (n = 189
mortality in 2013 in the UK at paediatric centres was in 2013) who are not well represented in this report.
1.0% (7/702), and 3.3% (5/152) for those on dialysis.
The median age at death was 7.4 years with a range of Incidence, prevalence and trends
1.3 years to 18.0 years. The incidence rate of RRT in the less than 16 year age
group was 9.3 pmarp in 2013; this rate has been stable
Transplant deaths since 1999. The overall prevalence rate of RRT in the
At the time of death, two children had received a less than 16 year age group was 58.2 pmarp. The preva-
kidney transplant. Infection was the cause of death in lence of RRT increased with age and was higher in males
one, and the other patient died from drug related toxic across all age groups. Children from ethnic minorities
epidermal necrolysis during treatment for post-transplant displayed higher prevalent rates of RRT when compared
lymphoproliferative disorder. with White children, with South Asian children displaying
the highest rates. Overall, there was a continuing trend of
Dialysis deaths increased prevalence of children on RRT with increased
At the time of death, three children were on dialysis age, in keeping with improved survival with increasing
(two HD and one PD). Three further children died age. Over time, the prevalent paediatric population is
whilst receiving active palliative care (two HD and one younger, with more children aged less than 8, and fewer
PD). Infections were the cause of death in two patients, aged 8–16.
one of which was associated with HD and the other
with PD. One patient died as a result of complications Treatment modality of ERF
from treatment of malignancy. PD was the initial treatment modality for 45% of
patients in prevalent paediatric ,16 years old in 2013,
31% commenced HD and 24% received a pre-emptive
transplant. Age influenced the modality of RRT with the
Discussion majority of those under two (52%) receiving PD, although
absolute numbers are small in this group. Overall the
This report has focused on the current demography majority of prevalent children on RRT had a functioning
and the demographic trends over the past 15 years in transplant (78%), about half of which were deceased
the UK paediatric ERF population. It includes 702 chil- donors and the other half living donor transplants. Over
dren and adolescents under 16 years of age, who were the last 15 years, the proportion of incident paediatric
receiving RRT in 2013. The sub-section on the trends patients ,16 years old receiving PD as initial modality is
in demographics includes children and adolescents reducing whilst proportions of those receiving HD and
under 16 years of age on RRT; 546 from 1999–2003, living kidney donation are increasing, with more younger
575 from 2004–2008 and 560 from 2009–2013. and fewer older patients in the cohort over time.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
treatment. No cases of ERF secondary to ‘drug nephro- regarding terminology and process will facilitate future
toxicity’ were reported this year or in the most recent comparative interpretation.
5-year period. Survival data of children on ERF during childhood
who commenced RRT between 1999 and 2012 highlights
Comorbidities the less favourable outcome for children less than two
At the onset of RRT in prevalent paediatric patients years of age. These data also highlight the significantly
,16 years old, 32.3% of patients had one or more associ- better survival of children with functioning transplants
ated comorbidities. This overall proportion of children when compared to those on dialysis. Further work in
with reported comorbidities has fallen from 34.1% to this area will aim to identify the reasons why patients
28.5% over the past 15 years. There continues to be sig- are receiving dialysis and their barriers to transplantation.
nificant variation in registered comorbidity rates between Longer term survival data up to four years was available
centres (from 89% to 36% with no registered comorbid- for those aged 12 to 16 years and 10 year survival data for
ities); it is likely that this is influenced by different report- those aged 46 years of age.
ing practices between centres, however, importantly it
may reflect differing approaches to acceptance of patients Current and future work
with comorbidity for RRT between centres. Consequently A research project forming a collaboration between
understanding this variation remains an area for further the UKRR and the University of Bristol has begun and
work for the registry and individual centres. aims to identify broad outcomes for young adults on
RRT and examine the process of transition. Due to
variation in the age at transfer to adult centres and the
Pre-emptive transplantation
fact the adult renal centres begin reporting RRT patients
Over the past 15 years, pre-emptive transplantation
once they have reached the age of 18, young adults
was seen to occur in 33.2% of children under 16 years
presenting in renal centres before the age of 18 are not
of age. The improvement in rates of pre-emptive
reported to the UKRR. The creation of datasets for
transplantation for those referred early has remained
young adults on RRT will be able to report much more
consistent over the last 10 years at 36.3%, compared to
comprehensively on the 16–18 year old age group, solve
26.9% in 1999–2003. There were significantly lower
issues with patient timelines by linking those moving
rates of pre-emptive transplantation in girls, however
between paediatric and adult databases as well as estab-
this difference was not present once corrected for other
lishing longer term graft outcomes for those transplanted
factors. There were significantly lower rates of pre-
in childhood.
emptive transplantation in ethnic minorities and this
would be of interest for further research. Detailed
Conflicts of interest: none
analyses of late presenters may identify other barriers to
pre-emptive transplantation.
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 5 Survival and Cause of Death in
UK Adult Patients on Renal Replacement
Therapy in 2013: National and
Centre-specific Analyses
Key Words the older age group (565 years), where the death
Cause of death . Comorbidity . Dialysis . End stage renal rate fell from 395 per 1,000 patient years in 2003
disease . Established renal failure . Haemodialysis . Median to 261 in 2012.
life expectancy . Outcome . Peritoneal dialysis . Renal . The median life years remaining for an incident
replacement therapy . Survival . Transplant . Vintage patient aged 25–29 years was 18.5 years and
approximately 2.4 years for a 75+ year old.
. One year age adjusted survival for prevalent dialysis
Summary patients was 89.3% in the 2012 cohort, similar to the
2011 cohort (89.7%).
. Survival of incident patients on renal replacement . Some centre and UK country variability was evident
therapy (RRT) continued to improve over the last in incident and prevalent patient survival after
14 years for both short and long term survival up adjusting to age 60 and this would need further
to 10 years post RRT start. investigation.
. One year after 90 day age adjusted survival for inci- . The relative risk of death on RRT in the one year
dent patients in 2012 was 91.0%, similar to the 2011 follow up period in 2013 decreased with age from
cohort (90.9%). There was a difference in one year 16.2 times that of the general population at age
after 90 day incident patient survival by age group 35–39 years to 2.6 times at age 85 and over.
and diabetic status: diabetic patients aged ,65 . In the prevalent dialysis population, cardio-
years had worse survival than non-diabetic patients, vascular disease was the most common cause of
but survival for older diabetic patients (565 years) death, accounting for 27% of deaths. Infection
was better than for non-diabetic patients. and other causes of death accounted for 21% of
. There was a declining trend in the overall incident deaths each and treatment withdrawal for 16% of
patient death rate with a steeper rate of decline in deaths.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Introduction Methods
The analyses presented in this chapter examine a) sur- The unadjusted survival probabilities (with 95% confidence
vival from the start of RRT of adult patients; b) projected intervals) were calculated using the Kaplan–Meier method, in
which the probability of surviving more than a given time can
life years remaining for adult patients starting RRT; c) be estimated for all members of a cohort of patients overall or
survival amongst prevalent adult dialysis patients alive by subgroup such as age group, but without any adjustment for
on 31st December 2012; d) the death rate in the UK confounding factors such as age that affect the chances of survival.
compared to the general population; e) the cause of Where centres are small, or the survival probabilities are greater
death for incident and prevalent adult patients. They than 90%, the confidence intervals are only approximate.
In order to estimate the difference in survival of different
encompass the outcomes from the total incident adult subgroups of patients within the cohort, a stratified proportional
UK dialysis population (2012) reported to the UK hazards model (Cox) was used where appropriate. The results
Renal Registry (UKRR), including the 19.6% who started from the Cox model were interpreted using a hazard ratio.
on peritoneal dialysis and the 7.5% who received a pre- When comparing two groups, the hazard ratio is the ratio of
emptive renal transplant. These results are therefore a the estimated hazard for group A relative to group B, where the
hazard is the risk of dying at time t given that the individual has
true reflection of the outcomes in the whole UK adult survived until this time. The underlying assumption of a pro-
incident RRT population. Analyses of survival within portional hazards model is that the hazard ratio remains constant
the first year of starting RRT include patients who were throughout the period under consideration. Whenever used, the
recorded as having started RRT for established renal assumptions of the proportional hazards model were tested.
failure (as opposed to acute kidney injury) but who had To allow comparisons between centres with differing age distri-
butions, survival analyses were statistically adjusted for age and
died within the first 90 days of starting RRT, a group reported as survival adjusted to age 60. This gives an estimate of
excluded from most other countries’ registry data. As is what the survival would have been if all patients in that centre
common in other countries, survival analyses are also had been aged 60 at the start of RRT. This age was chosen because
presented for the first year after 90 days. it was approximately the average age of patients starting RRT 15
The term established renal failure (ERF) used through- years ago at the start of the UKRR’s data collection. The average
age of patients commencing RRT in the UK has recently stabilised
out this chapter is synonymous with the terms end stage around an age of 62 years, but the UKRR has maintained age
renal failure (ESRF) and end stage renal disease (ESRD) adjustment to 60 years for comparability with all previous years’
which are in more widespread international usage. Within analyses. Diabetic patients were included in all analyses unless
the UK, patients have disliked the term ‘end stage’; the stated otherwise and for some analyses, diabetic and non-diabetic
term ERF was endorsed by the English National Service patients were analysed separately and compared. Non-diabetic
patients were defined as all patients excluding those patients
Framework for Renal Services, published in 2004. with diabetes as the primary renal disease. All analyses were
Since 2006, the UKRR has openly reported and pub- undertaken using SAS 9.3.
lished centre attributable RRT survival data. It is again Centre variability for incident and prevalent patient survival
stressed that these are raw data which continue to require was analysed using a funnel plot. For any number of patients in
very cautious interpretation. The UKRR can adjust for the incident cohort (x-axis), one can identify whether any given
survival probability (y-axis) falls within, plus or minus 2 standard
the effects of the different age distributions of patients deviations (SDs) from the national mean (solid lines, 95% limits)
in different centres, but lacks sufficient data from many or 3SDs (dotted lines, 99.9% limits).
participating centres to enable adjustment for primary
renal diagnosis, other comorbidities at start of RRT Definition of RRT start date
(age and comorbidity, especially diabetes, are major The incident survival figures quoted in this chapter are from
factors associated with survival [1–3]) and ethnic origin, the first day of RRT whether with dialysis or a pre-emptive trans-
which have been shown to have an impact on outcome plant. In the UKRR all patients starting RRT for ERF are included
(for instance, better survival is expected in centres with from the date of the first RRT treatment wherever it took place
(a date currently defined by the clinician) if the clinician con-
a higher proportion of Black and South Asian patients) sidered the renal failure irreversible. Should a patient recover
[4]. This lack of information on case-mix makes renal function within 90 days they were then excluded. These
interpretation of any apparent difference in survival UK data therefore may include some patients who died within
between centres and UK countries difficult. Despite the 90 days who had developed acute potentially reversible renal
uncertainty about any apparent differences in outcome, failure but were recorded by the clinician as being in irreversible
established renal failure.
for centres which appear to be outliers the UKRR will Previously, the UKRR asked clinicians to re-enter a code for
follow the clinical governance procedures as set out in established renal failure in patients initially coded as having
chapter 2 of the 2009 UKRR Report [5]. acute renal failure once it had become clear that there was no
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
recovery of kidney function. However, adherence to this require- and also in the 2009–2012 cohort to investigate the effect on the
ment was very variable, with some clinicians entering a code for outlying status of centres.
established renal failure only once a decision had been made to The one year incident survival is for patients who started RRT
plan for long-term RRT [6]. All UK nephrologists have now from 1st October 2011 until the 30th September 2012 and followed
been asked to record the date of the first haemodialysis session up for one full year (e.g. patients starting RRT on 1st December
and to record whether the patient was considered to have acute 2011 were followed through to 30th November 2012). The 2013
kidney injury (acute renal failure) or to be in ERF at the time. incident patients could not be analysed as they had not yet been
For patients initially categorised as ‘acute’, but who were sub- followed for a sufficient length of time. For analysis of one year
sequently categorised as ERF, the UKRR assigns the date of this after 90 day survival, patients who started RRT from 1st October
first ‘acute’ session as the date of start of RRT. 2011 until 30th September 2012 were included in the cohort and
UKRR analyses of electronic data extracted for the immediate they were followed up for a full one year after the first 90 days
month prior to the start date of RRT provided by clinicians high- of RRT.
lighted additional inconsistencies in the definition of this first date Two year’s incident data (2011–2012) were combined to
when patients started on peritoneal dialysis, with the date of start increase the size of the patient cohort, so that any differences
reported to the UKRR being later than the actual date of start. between the four UK countries can likely be more reliably identi-
These findings are described in detail in chapter 13 of the 2009 fied. To help identify any centre differences in survival from the
Report [6]. This concern is unlikely to be unique to the UK, but small centres (where confidence intervals are large), an analysis
will be common to analyses from all renal centres and registries. of one year after 90 day survival using a rolling four year combined
In addition to these problems of defining day 0 within one incident cohort from 2009 to 2012 was also undertaken. For those
country, there is international variability on when patient data centres which had joined the UKRR after 2009, data were not
are collected by national registries with some countries (often available for all the years but the available data were included.
for financial re-imbursement or administrative reasons) defining A 10 year rolling cohort was used when analysing trends over
the 90th day after starting RRT as day 0, whilst others collect time and for long term survival, a cohort from 1997 to 2012 was
data only on those who have survived 90 days and report as analysed.
zero the number of patients dying within the first 90 days. The death rate per 1,000 patient years was calculated by
Thus as many other national registries do not include reports dividing the number of deaths by the person years exposed. Person
on patients who do not survive the first 90 days, survival from years exposed are the total years at risk for each patient (until
90 days onwards is also reported to allow international compari- death, recovery or lost to follow up). The death rate is presented
sons. This distinction is important, as there is a much higher by age group and UK nation.
death rate in the first 90 days, which would distort comparisons. Adjustment of one year after 90 day survival for the effect of
comorbidity was undertaken using a rolling four year combined
Methodology for incident patient survival incident cohort from 2009 to 2012. Twenty-four centres returned
The incident population is defined as all patients over 18 years 585% of comorbidity data for patients in the combined cohort.
old who started RRT at UK renal centres and did not have a Adjustment was first performed to a mean age of 60 years, then
recovery lasting more than 90 days within 90 days of starting to the average distribution of primary renal diagnoses for the 24
RRT. Patients were considered ‘incident’ at the time of their first centres. The individual centre data were then further adjusted
RRT, thus patients re-starting dialysis after a failed transplant for average distribution of comorbidity present at these centres.
were not included in the incident cohort (see appendix B:1 for a
detailed definition of the incident (take-on) population). Methodology of median life expectancy
For incident survival analyses, patients newly transferred into a Kaplan Meier survival analyses were used to calculate the
centre who were already on RRT were excluded from the incident median survival after the first 90 days by age group (18–34, 35–
population for that centre and were counted at the centre at which 44, 45–54, 55–64, 65–74, 75+) for incident patients starting
they started RRT. Some patients recover renal function after more RRT from 2001–2010, with at least three years follow up from
than 90 days but subsequently returned to RRT. If recovery was for 2011 to 2013. The patient inclusion criteria are the same as
less than 90 days, the start of RRT was calculated from the date of those of the incident patient cohort described above. Patients
the first episode and the recovery period ignored. If recovery was were followed until death, censoring (recovery or lost to follow
for 90 days or more, the length of time on RRT was calculated up) or the end of the study period. Median life years remaining
from the day on which the patient restarted RRT. is the difference between the age when reaching the 50% prob-
The incident survival cohort was NOT censored at the time of ability of survival and the age of starting RRT. Median life years
transplantation and therefore included the survival of the 7.5% remaining were calculated for all incident and diabetic incident
who received a pre-emptive transplant. An additional reason for patients
not censoring was to facilitate comparison between centres.
Centres with a high proportion of patients of South Asian and Methodology for prevalent dialysis patient survival
Black origin are likely to have a healthier dialysis population, The prevalent dialysis patient group was defined as all patients
because South Asian and Black patients are less likely to undergo over 18 years old, alive and receiving dialysis on 31st December
early transplantation [7], and centres with a high pre-emptive 2012 who had been on dialysis for at least 90 days at one of the
transplant rate are likely to have a less healthy dialysis population UK adult renal centres. Prevalent dialysis patients on 31st Decem-
as transplantation selectively removes fit patients only. However ber 2012 were followed-up in 2013 and were censored at trans-
censoring at transplantation was performed in the 1997–2012 plantation. When a patient is censored at transplantation, this
cohort to establish the effect on long term survival by age group means that the patient is considered as alive up to the point of
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Unadjusted Adjusted
survival survival
Interval (%) (%) 95% CI N
Survival at 90 day 94.5 96.2 95.6–96.7 6,881
Survival one year after 90 days 88.0 91.0 90.2–91.8 6,484
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
Table 5.2. Incident patient survival across the UK countries, combined 2 year cohort (2011–2012), adjusted to age 60
the general population within the UK. Table 5.3 shows RRT on HD and PD were 89.2% and 93.7% respectively,
differences in life expectancy between the UK countries with PD patient survival increasing by 0.8% from the
for the period 2010–2012. These differences in life previous year (figure 5.1). Over the last 10 years the
expectancy are not accounted for in these analyses and one year after 90 days survival has progressively
are likely to be one of the reasons contributing to the vari- improved in HD patients, but remained static in PD
ation in survival between renal centres and UK countries. patients (figure 5.1).
At birth At age 65
Table 5.5. Unadjusted one year after day 90 survival of incident
Country Male Female Male Female patients, 2012 cohort, by age
England 79.2 83.0 18.6 21.1 Age group Survival (%) 95% CI N
Northern Ireland 77.8 82.3 17.9 20.6
Scotland 76.6 80.8 17.2 19.5 18–64 93.8 93.0–94.6 3,444
Wales 78.2 82.8 18.0 20.6 565 81.3 79.8–82.6 3,040
UK 78.9 82.7 18.4 20.9 All ages 88.0 87.1–88.7 6,484
Percentage survival
82 Haemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis Fig. 5.1. Trend in one year after 90 day
incident patient survival by first modality,
2003–2012 cohorts (adjusted to age 60)
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Percentage survival
Age group
Fig. 5.2. Unadjusted survival of incident patients by age group, 2012 cohort
for patients aged 565 years (table 5.5). There was a steep
decline in survival with advancing age (figures 5.2 and
There was a curvilinear increase in death rate per 1,000 200
patient years with age for the period one year after 90 100
days (figure 5.3). There was evidence that the overall 0
death rate in Wales was higher than in the other UK 18–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75–84 85+
Age group
countries, mostly due to a higher death rate in Wales
for older patients (565 years old) (figure 5.3). There Fig. 5.3. One year after 90 days death rate per 1,000 patient years
by UK country and age group for incident patients, 2009–2012
was also evidence that the one year prevalent dialysis cohort
patient death rate in the 2012 cohort was higher in
Wales compared to England. 55–64 survived for about 5.8 years and 50% of
From figure 5.4 it can be seen that 50% of patients patients starting RRT aged between 65–74 survived for
starting RRT aged between 45–54 survived for over about 3.4 years (also see also median life expectancy on
10 years, 50% of patients starting RRT aged between RRT).
Percentage survival
40 35–44
30 35-44
20 65-74
10 75+ Fig. 5.4. Survival of incident patients
0 (unadjusted), 1997–2012 cohort (from
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 day 0), without censoring at
Years transplantation
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
Percentage survival
40 35–44
30 35-44
20 65-74
10 75+ Fig. 5.5. Survival of incident patients
0 (unadjusted), 1997–2012 cohort (from
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 day 90), without censoring at
Years transplantation
Figure 5.5 illustrates the survival of incident patients, A 10 year increase in patient age was associated with a
without censoring at transplantation and shows that 1.68 times increased risk of death within 90 days and a
50% of patients aged between 55–64 years survived for 1.65 times increased risk of death within one year after
6 years and 50% of patients aged between 65–74 years 90 days (table 5.6).
survived for about 3.6 years.
Censoring at transplantation would make the longer Survival by gender
term outcomes of younger patients (who were more likely There were no survival differences between genders in
to have undergone transplantation) appear worse than an incident cohort of patients starting RRT from 2001 to
they actually were. Without censoring, the 10 year survi- 2010 and followed up for a minimum of three years until
val for patients aged 18–34 years was 83.4% (figure 5.4), 2013 (figure 5.7). Gender differences were investigated in
which contrasts with a 56.9% survival if censoring at the the first 90 days and one year after the first 90 days and
time of transplantation (data not shown). For more
detailed information on this effect, refer to the 2008
Report [9]. Table 5.6. Increase in proportional hazard of death for each 10
year increase in age, 2012 incident cohort
Age and the hazard of death Hazard of death for
Figure 5.6 shows the monthly hazard of death from the Interval 10 year age increase 95% CI
first day of starting RRT by age group, which falls sharply First 90 days 1.68 1.54–1.82
during the first 4–5 months, particularly for older 1 year after first 90 days 1.65 1.56–1.75
patients (565 years).
0.06 35-44
0.05 65-74
Hazard of death
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
100 450
Male 65+
Female 400 All ages
80 350 18–64
Death rate
20 100
0 0
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Months Year
Fig. 5.7. Long term survival of incident patients by gender, Fig. 5.8. One year incident death rate per 1,000 patient years by
2001–2010 combined cohort, adjusted to age 60 age group, 2003–2012 cohort
there was also no evidence of a survival difference (data Long term survival: trends up to 10 years post RRT
not shown). start
Longer term survival of patients on RRT continued to
Survival in the 2003–2012 cohort improve (tables 5.7 and 5.8). There is a steep decline in
The death rate per 1,000 patient years in the first year survival with advancing age. The unadjusted survival
of starting RRT from 2003 to 2012 is shown in figure 5.8. analyses (figures 5.10, 5.11) show a large improvement
There was a declining trend in the overall death rate with in one to 10 year survival across the years for both
a steeper rate of decline in the older age group (565 those aged under and those 65 years and over. One
years). It is important to note that these death rates are year survival amongst patients aged ,65 years at start
not directly comparable with those produced by the of RRT has improved from 87.6% in the 1998 cohort to
United States Renal Data System (USRDS) Registry, as 93.1% in the 2012 cohort.
the UK data include the first 90 day period when death Similarly, for patients aged 565 years there has been a
rates are higher than subsequent time periods. 14.8% absolute improvement in one year survival from
The time trend changes are shown in figure 5.9. The the 1998 to 2012 cohorts (table 5.8). As these are observa-
left hand plot, which includes only those centres that tional data it remains difficult to attribute this reduction
have been sending data continuously since 2003, shows in risk of death to any specific improvements in care.
a similar improvement in survival to the plot in which
data from all renal centres are analysed. Change in survival on RRT by vintage
One year after 90 days incident patient survival in the Figure 5.12 shows the instantaneous hazard of death
2003–2012 cohort by centre, UK country and overall, can by age group. There is little evidence of a worsening
be found in appendix 1, table 5.24. prognosis with time on RRT (vintage) for the majority
Percentage survival
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
Table 5.7. Unadjusted survival of incident patients, 1998–2012 cohort for patients aged 18–64 years
95% CI for
Cohort 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6 year 7 year 8 year 9 year 10 year latest year N
Table 5.8. Unadjusted survival of incident patients, 1998–2012 cohort for patients aged 565 years
95% CI for
Cohort 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6 year 7 year 8 year 9 year 10 year latest year N
Percentage survival
1 year
70 2 year
3 year
65 4 year
60 5 year
6 year
55 7 year
8 year
50 9 year
45 10 year
40 Fig. 5.10. Change in long term survival by
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 year of starting RRT, for incident patients
Year aged 18–64 years
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Percentage survival
1 year
50 2 year
3 year
40 4 year
5 year
30 6 year
7 year
20 8 year
9 year
10 10 year
Fig. 5.11. Change in long term survival by
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 year of starting RRT, for incident patients
Year aged 565 years
0.4 55–64
Hazard of death
of incident RRT patients in the UK (not censored for decreasing numbers remaining alive beyond seven years
transplantation), although an increased hazard over accounting for the increased variability seen. Figures 5.13
time is evident for incident patients aged 75 years and and 5.14 show these data for the non-diabetic and dia-
older. The apparent vintage effect when censoring for betic patients respectively.
transplantation (data not shown) is at least in part
because these younger and healthier patients are only Centre variability in one year after 90 days survival
included in the survival calculation up to the date of In the analysis of the 2012 incident cohort survival
transplantation. In the older age groups there were data, some of the smaller centres had wide confidence
Hazard of death
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
0.4 55–64
Hazard of death
Percentage survival
formance. Similar to previous years, this is shown as a 92
rolling four year cohort from 2009 to 2012. These data 90
are presented as a funnel plot in figure 5.15. Table 5.9 88
allows centres to be identified on this graph by finding 86
the number of patients treated by the centre and then 84
looking up this number on the x-axis. One centre 82
(Swansea) had survival below the 95% lower limit whilst 80
four centres (London St. George’s, London Guy’s, Steven- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400
age, Western Trust Northern Ireland) had survival above Number of incident patients
the 95% upper limit. Fig. 5.15. Funnel plot for age adjusted one year after 90 days
With 71 centres it would be expected that only three survival, 2009–2012 incident cohort
centres would be outside these limits by chance. It is
important to acknowledge that these data have not no longer outliers after adjustment for HES-derived
been adjusted for any patient related factor except age case mix [10]. Swansea could not be evaluated in this
(i.e. not comorbidity, primary renal disease or ethnicity) analysis as this was only for England, but the study results
and have not been censored at transplantation, so the highlight that variability in survival between centres is
effect of differing centre rates of transplantation was affected by case mix.
not taken into account. Figure 5.16 illustrates the effect Also see appendix 1, table 5.22 and 5.23 for unadjusted
of adjusting for comorbidity on survival in centres with and adjusted survival together with 95% confidence
good comorbidity returns (585%), with the biggest intervals for incident patient survival one year after 90
improvement in survival seen in Swansea. Adjustment days and at 90 days. The one year after 90 days survival
for comorbidity could have an important effect on for the 2003 to 2012 cohort can be found in appendix 1,
survival results for in some renal centres like Swansea table 5.24.
that appear to have a higher comorbid burden in their
RRT population. This could affect the outlier status of Centre variability in one year after 90 day survival: impact of
centres as illustrated in figure 5.15, but due to poor adjustment for comorbidity
comorbidity returns for many renal centres, comorbidity Although comorbidity returns to the UKRR have
adjustment for the entire incident RRT population is not remained poor, there was an increase in the number of
yet possible. Case mix adjustment performed in a cohort centres returning 585% of comorbidity data to the
of incident patients starting RRT in England from 2002 to UKRR for patients starting RRT in 2012. Using the com-
2006 and linked to the Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) bined incident cohort from 2009–2012, 24 centres had
data, found that three of the four survival outliers were returned comorbidity data for 585% of patients and
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 5.9. Age adjusted (to age 60) one year after 90 day survival, 2009–2012 incident cohort
these centres were included in this analysis. Adjustment age of 60 years. There were only minor differences for
was first performed to age 60, then to the average distri- most centres after adjustment for primary renal diagnosis
bution of primary renal diagnoses for the 24 centres. (PRD), but survival increased by 51% for four centres
Further adjustment was then made to the average distri- (Swansea, Wrexham, Newry, Derby). In six centres
bution of comorbidities present at those centres (Swansea, Newry, Basildon, Middlesbrough, Bradford,
(table 5.10). Leeds) adjustment for comorbidity had a noticeable effect
It can be seen that adjustment for age has the largest on adjusted survival (table 5.10, figure 5.16) helping
effect, most notably in those centres with the lower unad- explain the lower survival noted in figure 5.15. After
justed survival figures. Survival improved for all centres adjustment for age, PRD and comorbidity, Swansea and
after adjustment for age, as the average age for incident Ulster had a noticeable improvement in survival of
patients was higher than the adjustment to the average 10.3% and 7.5% respectively.
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
Adjusted age
95 Adjusted age & PRD
Adjusted age, PRD & comorb
Percentage survival
L Kings
All 24 centres
Fig. 5.16. The effect on survival after sequential adjustment for age, PRD and comorbidity, 2009–2012 incident cohort
Table 5.10. The effect of adjustment for age, PRD and comorbidity on survival, 2009–2012 incident cohort, % survival one year after
90 days
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
100 100
Percentage survival
Percentage survival
94 Non-diabetic 18–44 90
Diabetic 18–44 Non-diabetic 18–44
Diabetic 18–44
92 Non-diabetic 45–64 Non-diabetic 45–64
Diabetic 45–64 85 Diabetic 45–64
90 Diabetic 65+ Diabetic 65+
Non-diabetic 65+ Non-diabetic 65+
88 80
1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
Days Days
Fig. 5.17. Survival at 90 days for incident diabetic and non- Fig. 5.18. Survival at one year after 90 days for incident diabetic
diabetic patients by age group for patients starting RRT, 2012 and non-diabetic patients by age group for patients starting RRT,
cohort 2012 cohort
Survival in patients with diabetes for diabetic patients. In the age group 45–64, 67% of non-
Although it has previously been shown that diabetic diabetic patients were alive five years after start of RRT
patients have worse long term survival compared to compared to 50% for diabetic patients (figure 5.19).
non-diabetic patients [3], non-diabetic patient survival
in the older age group (565 years) was worse compared
to diabetic patients in the same age group during the first
90 days of starting RRT (2012 cohort) (figure 5.17) and in Median life expectancy on RRT
the subsequent year (figure 5.18); this might be due to
patient selection. Figure 5.20 shows median life expectancy for incident
Long term survival for diabetic and non-diabetic RRT and diabetic patients after 90 days by age group.
patients was evaluated in a cohort of patients starting Incident patients starting RRT from 2001 to 2010 have
RRT from 2001 to 2010 with a minimum of three years been included in this analysis and patients were followed
follow up until 2013. These data show large differences up for a minimum of three years. The estimated median
between diabetic and non-diabetic patient survival in survival will be different for low risk patients (e.g. poly-
the age groups 18–44 and 45–64 years, but there was cystic kidney disease with a transplant) vs. high risk
very little difference in five year survival between diabetic patients (diabetes with previous myocardial infarction
and non-diabetic patients in the older age group (565 on dialysis) even within the same age group. Median
years). In age group 18–44, 89% of non-diabetic patients life years remaining for non-diabetic patients were also
were alive five years after start of RRT compared to 71%
All incident patients
100 Diabetic incident patients
90 20
Years remaining
Percentage survival
70 15
50 10
Non-diabetic 18–44 5
30 Diabetic 18–44
Non-diabetic 45–64
20 Diabetic 45–64
Diabetic 65+ 0
10 Non-diabetic 65+
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120
Months Age group
Fig. 5.19. Long term survival for incident diabetic and non- Fig. 5.20. Median life expectancy on RRT after 90 days, by age
diabetic patients by age group, 2001–2010 cohort, followed up group, incident and incident diabetic patients starting RRT from
for a minimum of three years 2001–2010
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
Table 5.11. One year survival of prevalent RRT patients in the UK (unadjusted unless indicated otherwise)
calculated and show that median life expectancy for One year survival of prevalent dialysis patients by
patients younger than 45 was on average nine years centre
more for non-diabetic patients (data not shown) com- The age adjusted (adjusted to age 60) one year survival
pared with age matched diabetic patients. In the older of dialysis patients by centre is illustrated in a funnel
age group (565 years), the median life years remaining plot (figure 5.21). With over 70 centres included, it
were similar between diabetic and non-diabetic patients. would be expected by chance that three centres would
fall outside the 95% (1 in 20) confidence limits. The
survival for four centres (Doncaster, Shrewsbury, New-
castle, Manchester RI) was below the 95% confidence
Survival in prevalent dialysis patients limits, and for three centres (Cambridge, Birmingham
QEH, Sheffield) above the 95% confidence limits.
Overall survival Case mix adjustment performed in a cohort of incident
Table 5.11 shows the one year survival for prevalent patients starting RRT in England from 2002 to 2006 and
patients on dialysis. One year age adjusted survival for linked to the HES data, showed that the lower than
prevalent dialysis patients remained relatively unchanged expected survival in Newcastle may be explained by
at 89.3% in the 2012 cohort compared to 89.7% in the case mix [10]. This study found that three of the four
2011 cohort. survival outliers were no longer outliers after adjustment
for HES-derived case mix. It is not yet possible to
Survival by UK country routinely perform this adjustment using HES-linked
The one year death rate for prevalent dialysis patients data, but looking back at the 2002–2006 HES-linked
in each UK country is shown in table 5.12 for the 2012 data, Newcastle’s survival did increase more than other
cohort. There was evidence that the one year death rate centres after case mix adjustment and so their current
in Wales was higher than in England and Northern
Ireland; the higher median age in Wales compared to
England and socio-economic reasons like life expectancy Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
of the population and area deprivation, would affect the Solid lines show 95% limits
death rate in Wales. These results are unadjusted for 95
Table 5.12. One year death rate per 1,000 prevalent dialysis
patient years in the 2012 cohort and median age of prevalent
patients by country 80
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 5.13. One year survival of prevalent dialysis patients in each centre (adjusted to age 60), 2012 cohort
outlier status may reflect a higher comorbid burden in there were two outlying centres. The number of centres
their dialysis population. Considering other outliers this that were outliers above the 95% upper limit increased
year, Shrewsbury’s survival did not increase more than from two in the 2011 cohort to three in this most recent
the average after the HES-derived case mix adjustment analysis.
and the impact from case mix cannot be commented Table 5.13 allows centres in figure 5.21 to be identified
on for Doncaster and Manchester RI as they were not by finding the number of patients treated by the centre
part of the 2002–2006 HES-linked cohort analysis due and the corresponding survival and then looking this
to joining the UKRR only in 2007. up on the axes of the funnel plot.
The funnel plot analysis shows an increase in the One year survival of dialysis patients by centre is illus-
number of centres that are outliers below the below the trated in figures 5.22 and 5.23 for patients aged ,65 years
95% lower limits compared to the 2011 cohort when and those aged 565 years.
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
Percentage survival
65 Upper 95% Cl
Lower 95% Cl
West NI
L Barts
L Rfree
L West
L St.G
L Guys
L Kings
B Heart
Liv Roy
Liv Ain
N Ireland
Fig. 5.22. One year survival of prevalent dialysis patients aged under 65 by centre, 2012 cohort
Upper 95% Cl
95 Survival
90 Lower 95% Cl
Percentage survival
West NI
L St.G
L Barts
L Guys
L Rfree
L West
B Heart
L Kings
Liv Roy
Liv Ain
N Ireland
Fig. 5.23. One year survival of prevalent dialysis patients aged 65 years and over by centre, 2012 cohort
One year death rate in prevalent dialysis patients in 70
the 2012 cohort by age group
The death rates for prevalent patients on dialysis by 65
age group are shown in figure 5.25. The younger patients 60
included in this analysis are a selected higher risk group, 18–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75–84 85+
as the similar aged transplanted patients have been Age group
excluded. The increase in the death rate was not linear Fig. 5.24. One year survival of prevalent dialysis patients by age
with age; with a 10 year increase in age in the younger group, 2012 cohort
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
500 Table 5.14. One year survival of prevalent RRT patients in the
UK by age group and diabetic status
N Ireland
Patient group Patients Deaths Survival 95% CI
Death rate
Dialysis patients 2012 cohort
200 All, age ,65 12,273 940 91.7 91.2–92.2
All, age 65+ 14,012 2,700 80.4 79.8–81.1
100 Non-diabetic ,65 9,611 592 93.3 92.7–93.8
Non-diabetic 65+ 11,033 2,081 80.8 80.1–81.5
0 Diabetic ,65 2,662 348 86.1 84.7–87.4
18–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75–84 85+
Age group
Diabetic 65+ 2,979 619 79.0 77.5–80.5
Fig. 5.25. One year death rate per 1,000 patient years by UK Cohorts of patients alive on 31/12/2012
country and age group for prevalent dialysis patients, 2012 cohort
patients, the death rate increased by about 15 deaths per cohort years 2003 to 2012 is shown in this chapter,
1,000 patient years compared with an increase of about appendix 1, table 5.25.
130 deaths per 1,000 patient years in the older age groups.
There was no evidence that the apparent differences Survival in patients with diabetes
between the countries were significant except for Wales There was a large difference in one year survival
where there was evidence that the death rate was higher between diabetic and non-diabetic prevalent dialysis
compared to England. patients in the younger age group (aged ,65 years),
whereas survival was very similar for older diabetic
Time trends in survival, 2003 to 2012 and non-diabetic patients (565 years) (table 5.14). Simi-
Figure 5.26 illustrates that one year survival for preva- lar findings were reported for incident patients (see
lent dialysis patients has gradually improved since 2003. section on survival in patients with diabetes).
In Northern Ireland and Wales the numbers of patients
were much smaller than in England and survival was Time trends in patient with a primary diagnosis of diabetes
therefore more variable with very wide confidence inter- The age adjusted one year survival for dialysis patients
vals, making it difficult to draw conclusions on trends. with diabetic primary renal disease in the UK are shown
The change in prevalent survival by centre over the in table 5.15.
Percentage survival
Cohort year
Fig. 5.26. Serial one year survival for prevalent dialysis patients by UK country, 2003 to 2012 cohort years, adjusted to age 60
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
Table 5.15. Serial one year survival of prevalent dialysis patients with a primary diagnosis of diabetes, 2003–2012 cohort years
Survival 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
1 year survival % 81.8 82.8 82.4 84.8 83.6 84.0 83.5 85.1 85.2 84.6
Death rate on RRT compared with the UK general shows that the relative risk of death has decreased
population substantially for the younger age groups (,50 years)
compared to the relative risk of death in the 1998–2001
The death rate compared to the general population cohort. The overall relative risk of death at 6.2 in the
is shown in table 5.16. The relative risk of death on 2012 cohort is similar to that in the 2011 and 2010 cohort.
RRT decreased with age from 16.2 times that of the With the reduction in rates of death on RRT over the
general population at age 35–39 years to 2.6 times the last 10 years, the relative risk of death is falling (7.7 in
general population at age 85 and over. Figure 5.27 1998–2001 cohort).
Table 5.16. Death rate by age group for all prevalent RRT patients, 2012 cohort, compared with the general population and with
previous analyses in the 1998–2001 cohort
Relative risk 2001–2008
45 Relative risk in 2012
Risk of death
Fig. 5.27. Relative risk of death in
20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 80–84 85+ prevalent RRT patients in the 2012 cohort
Age group compared to the UK general population
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 5.17. Cause of death in the first 90 days for incident patients by age group, 2000–2012 cohort
Cause of death N % N % N %
Cardiac disease 717 26 171 29 546 26
Cerebrovascular disease 132 5 30 5 102 5
Infection 480 18 88 15 392 18
Malignancy 253 9 75 13 178 8
Treatment withdrawal 414 15 56 9 358 17
Other 625 23 155 26 470 22
Uncertain 115 4 23 4 92 4
Total 2,736 598 2,138
No cause of death data 2,582 49 570 49 2,012 48
Table 5.18. Cause of death at one year after 90 days for incident patients by age group, 2000–2012 cohort
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
Table 5.19. Cause of death in prevalent RRT patients by modality, 2012 cohort
Cause of death N % N % N %
Cardiac disease 734 23 647 24 87 17
Cerebrovascular disease 136 4 111 4 25 5
Infection 664 21 531 20 133 26
Malignancy 311 10 186 7 125 24
Treatment withdrawal 525 16 517 19 8 2
Other 660 21 543 20 117 23
Uncertain 186 6 161 6 25 5
Total 3,216 2,696 520
No cause of death data 1,353 30 1,130 30 223 30
Table 5.20. Cause of death in prevalent transplanted patients by age group, 2012 cohort
Cause of death N % N % N %
Cardiac disease 87 17 47 18 40 16
Cerebrovascular disease 25 5 11 4 14 5
Infection 133 26 65 25 68 27
Malignancy 125 24 73 28 52 20
Treatment withdrawal 8 2 5 2 3 1
Other 117 23 54 20 63 25
Uncertain 25 5 9 3 16 6
Total 520 264 256
No cause of death data 223 30 110 29 113 31
disease as a cause of death was less common in trans- prevalent transplanted patients as the cause of death
planted patients as these were a pre-selected low risk than in older (565 years old) transplanted patients.
group of patients. Malignancy and infection were both Table 5.21 shows the cause of death for prevalent
responsible for a greater percentage of deaths in prevalent dialysis patients in the 2012 cohort. Prevalent dialysis
transplanted patients, with treatment withdrawal a com- patients aged 565 years were substantially more likely
mon cause of death in the prevalent dialysis population. to withdraw from treatment than younger patients and
Table 5.20 shows that malignancy and cardiac disease cardiac disease was much more common as a cause of
were slightly more common in younger (,65 years) death in younger (,65 years) dialysis patients. Figure 5.28
Table 5.21. Cause of death in prevalent dialysis patients by age group, 2012 cohort
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Cardiac disease
35 Infection
Treatment withdrawal
30 Malignancy
25 Cerebrovascular disease
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Causes of death
shows cause of death for prevalent patients in the 2003 to dialysis patient survival. The survival analyses in this
2012 cohort. Over time, cardiovascular disease as cause of chapter have not been adjusted for any case-mix factors
death has decreased markedly; treatment withdrawal has except for age, and differences in primary renal diagnosis,
increased over time, while infection as cause of death ethnicity, comorbidity and life expectancy in the general
remained at a high level over this period (figure 5.27). population have not been considered.
Research has suggested that adjustment for comorbid-
ity only explains a modest part of the variance in ERF
patient outcomes [10]. At centre level however, the
Conclusions prevalence of comorbidities could vary substantially
between patient populations of the different renal centres
One year after 90 days age adjusted (adjusted to age and it would be expected that adjustment for comorbid-
60) survival for incident RRT patients improved over ity may explain an increased amount of the variance in
the last 10 years (2003 to 2012 cohorts), although survival survival outcome. An incident patient analysis evaluating
in the 2012 cohort remained relatively unchanged at the effect of adjusting for PRD and comorbidity in
91.0% compared to 90.9% for those patients starting addition to age in those centres returning 585% of
RRT in 2011. Prevalent dialysis patient survival remained comorbidities, showed that at centre level, there is clear
static over the last three years (2010 to 2012 cohort). benefit in some centres when adjusting for PRD and
One year after 90 day survival in incident patients with comorbidities. Research using comorbid conditions
diabetes aged 565 years, was better compared to non- identified from the HES data, illustrated that adjusting
diabetic patients, whereas in younger (aged ,65 years) for HES derived case-mix, including comorbid con-
incident patients with diabetes, survival was worse com- ditions, affected the position and outlying status of
pared to non-diabetic patients. The relative risk of death some renal centres on the funnel plot for incident
on RRT decreased with age from 16.2 times that of the patients and reduced outlying centres from four to one
general population at age 35–39 years to 2.6 times the [11]. Variation in the proportion of patients with ter-
general population at age 85 and over. minal illness receiving RRT between centres could also
In the prevalent RRT population, cardiovascular contribute to variations in survival and provide a possible
disease accounted for 27% of deaths, infection and explanation for lower survival than expected for some
other causes of death accounted for 21% of deaths each centres. Survival adjusted for case-mix (age, ethnicity,
and treatment withdrawal for 16% of deaths. Since PRD and comorbidity) will be introduced in future
2003, infection as cause of death remained high and treat- UKRR reports and this will provide a fairer comparison
ment withdrawal as cause of death increased. of centres and a more accurate identification of outlying
There was much variability in survival between centres on the funnel plots.
centres, with outlying centres below the lower 95% and
99% confidence limits for incident RRT and prevalent Conflicts of interest: none
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
1 Plantinga LC, Fink NE, Levin NW, et al.: Early, Intermediate, and Long- frequency of incorrect reporting of date of start of RRT. Nephron
Term Risk Factors for Mortality in Incident Dialysis Patients: The Clinical Practice 115(suppl 1):c271–c78
Choices for Healthy Outcomes in Caring for ESRD (CHOICE) Study. 7 Malek SK, Keys BJ, Kumar S, Milford E, Tullius SG: Racial and ethnic
American journal of kidney diseases: the official journal of the National disparities in kidney transplantation. Transplant International 2011;
Kidney Foundation 2007;49(6):831–40 24(5):419–24 doi: 10.1111/j.1432–2277.2010.01205.x[published Online
2 Miskulin DC, Meyer KB, Martin AA, et al.: Comorbidity and its change First: Epub Date]
predict survival in incident dialysis patients. American journal of kidney 8 Office for National Statistics:,
diseases: the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation ons/dcp171778_238743.pdf
2003;41(1):149–61 9 Ansell D, Roderick P, Hodsman A, Ford D, Steenkamp R, Tomson C:
3 Nitsch D, Burden R, Steenkamp R, Ansell D, Byrne C, Caskey F, et al.: UK Renal Registry 11th Annual Report (December 2008): Chapter 7
Patients with diabetic nephropathy on renal replacement therapy in Survival and cause of death of UK adult patients on renal replacement
England and Wales. Qjm-an International Journal of Medicine 2007 therapy in 2007: national and centre-specific analyses. Nephron Clin
Sep;100(9):551–60 Pract 2009;111(suppl 1):c113–39
4 Roderick P, Byrne C, Casula A, Steenkamp R, Ansell D, Burden R, et al.: 11 Fotheringham J, et al.: Variation in centre-specific survival in patients
Survival of patients from South Asian and Black populations starting starting renal replacement therapy in England is explained by enhanced
renal replacement therapy in England and Wales. Nephrology Dialysis comorbidity information from hospitalization data. Nephrology Dialysis
Transplantation 2009 Dec;24(12):3774–82 Transplantation 29(2):422–430
5 Tomson C, Maggs C: UK Renal Registry 12th Annual Report (December 10 van Manen JG, van Dijk PCW, Stel VS, Dekker FW, Cleries M, Conte F,
2009): Chapter 2: introduction. Nephron Clin Pract 2010;115(suppl 1): et al.: Confounding effect of comorbidity in survival studies in patients
c3–8 on renal replacement therapy. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
6 Ford DJ, Fogarty DG, Steenkamp R, Tomson CRV, Ben-Shlomo Y, 2007;22(1):187–95
Ansell D: Chapter 13: The UK Renal Registry Advanced CKD Study:
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 5.22. One year after 90 day incident survival percentage by centre, 2012 cohort, unadjusted and adjusted to age 60
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
Table 5.23. Ninety day incident survival percentage by centre, 2012 cohort, unadjusted and adjusted to age 60
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 5.24. One year after 90 day incident survival by centre for incident cohort years 2003–2012, adjusted to age 60
Centre 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
B Heart 88.2 86.4 83.6 88.4 93.5 93.6 83.7 92.0 94.4 87.2
B QEH 88.0 90.4 86.8 92.9 89.7 92.4 88.3 93.3 92.4
Basldn 92.4 92.3 92.9 90.9 89.9 89.3 86.9 85.4 91.6 89.7
Bradfd 88.3 80.6 86.2 81.4 83.8 84.4 91.6 88.2 88.9 86.7
Brightn 90.6 84.4 87.1 94.2 89.3 85.7 88.4 91.0 91.1
Bristol 85.7 88.0 82.9 92.6 91.4 84.0 89.2 88.9 94.5 88.5
Camb 89.4 86.9 89.9 90.7 93.4 91.2 87.3 89.5 91.8 92.5
Carlis 82.5 86.9 79.6 89.9 96.5 87.8 71.8 86.3 91.5
Carsh 89.9 85.7 90.3 88.4 87.1 86.6 88.0 89.9 94.3 89.1
Chelms 82.2 83.0 94.3 86.7 90.8 94.1 85.6 80.9 91.1
Colchr 86.6 86.3 96.8 84.1 82.6
Covnt 81.8 87.7 82.6 88.5 90.6 86.9 94.2 89.1 90.4 87.9
Derby 86.5 83.0 87.9 93.1 96.4 90.4 88.0 87.2 90.8 89.2
Donc 89.8 87.8 91.5 88.9 88.9
Dorset 85.9 91.3 82.6 86.3 90.4 93.5 92.4 87.5 88.2 90.2
Dudley 90.5 81.3 97.3 92.7 85.6 71.1 84.1 87.8 93.7 90.0
Exeter 82.2 88.5 86.2 88.8 86.4 87.0 89.1 95.3 88.5 93.0
Glouc 82.9 83.5 95.1 89.6 86.3 94.4 89.3 92.3 89.6 91.3
Hull 89.0 88.8 85.6 93.5 89.6 85.4 89.2 87.9 93.1 90.3
Ipswi 93.2 97.4 84.8 93.9 96.0 95.8 92.2 93.2 95.5 93.1
Kent 91.8 89.9 89.7 90.6 88.5 94.8
L Barts 87.1 91.1 93.9 86.5 92.5 90.8 91.8 93.7 90.8
L Guys 94.7 91.6 90.4 92.9 92.0 90.5 94.1 91.5 94.8 94.7
L Kings 88.0 86.9 91.9 85.2 87.8 89.7 85.9 89.7 90.9 89.8
L Rfree 93.3 89.7 94.4 95.2 89.1 90.3 90.9 93.6
L St.G 92.1 94.0 92.7 93.7 96.6 93.5
L West 95.9 92.4 94.1 92.5 92.8 94.2 93.1 88.8 90.7 92.5
Leeds 87.1 90.1 89.8 85.0 87.2 88.7 90.4 92.7 88.2 92.5
Leic 89.0 87.4 84.7 87.8 89.8 90.5 90.4 92.0 91.3 90.3
Liv Ain N/A 86.9 82.9 78.5 82.8 89.1 86.3 95.1
Liv Roy 90.2 80.7 90.1 86.5 86.2 94.1 93.9 88.5 88.9 89.9
M RI 90.2 87.7 87.5 89.6 93.2 89.9
Middlbr 82.4 85.4 82.8 91.5 87.9 82.3 86.8 88.0 89.0 89.6
Newc 87.2 85.3 82.1 86.2 85.8 91.4 85.7 88.8 85.9 86.8
Norwch 84.6 90.7 86.5 91.0 89.0 89.7 92.2 89.5 87.9
Nottm 85.9 85.6 87.0 91.9 90.0 91.1 88.8 93.5 92.7 90.1
Oxford 89.0 87.8 87.9 90.2 89.3 87.1 91.6 90.6 88.8 93.9
Plymth 84.0 77.7 84.6 81.1 90.1 87.8 89.0 93.8 91.3 92.1
Ports 89.8 88.4 83.2 87.5 88.7 88.8 90.1 88.2 91.2 91.0
Prestn 85.2 87.2 88.5 83.6 91.4 82.1 87.5 87.6 91.8 92.8
Redng 92.1 90.7 90.7 91.1 90.7 95.2 89.0 92.9 93.0 96.0
Salford 88.4 85.1 88.3 90.6 89.2 86.0 88.7 86.7 91.9 89.0
Sheff 87.6 91.5 90.6 88.6 90.9 92.5 94.2 92.2 87.5 93.4
Shrew 87.4 86.2 87.7 91.8 92.9 84.7 86.9 91.9 85.0
Stevng 93.8 93.3 76.7 85.4 90.7 90.2 96.7 94.0 91.1 93.1
Sthend 91.7 90.4 91.1 94.8 91.8 86.2 91.5 81.9 94.3
Stoke 87.4 89.7 85.8 87.0 93.0 94.0
Sund 80.6 86.7 80.6 83.6 88.8 85.3 83.0 84.1 88.7 93.0
Truro 86.9 92.7 90.6 89.5 90.2 89.2 94.2 90.9 93.0 94.6
Wirral 96.6 85.3 87.0 85.9 88.9 90.4 84.8 93.0 86.8 86.2
Wolve 83.6 88.0 84.2 89.3 89.5 89.4 88.6 87.5 89.5 84.1
York 76.1 91.3 84.0 82.6 95.1 86.2 94.1 86.2 93.4 94.0
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
N Ireland
Antrim 87.4 93.9 87.0 90.2 97.4 90.2 86.3 89.4
Belfast 87.0 93.1 91.0 88.4 91.4 89.3 92.5 93.1
Newry 90.2 90.0 92.0 87.9 89.8
Ulster 90.9 86.3 93.9
West NI 90.2 97.3 93.1 97.6 91.3 95.9 97.5
Abrdn 86.0 88.7 84.2 82.5 86.0 86.9 88.8 85.4 92.8 89.9
Airdrie 74.6 86.1 75.2 80.7 76.7 88.3 94.3 82.0 84.1 92.0
D & Gall 84.5 84.0
Dundee 86.9 85.7 84.4 89.4 81.4 86.2 87.9 90.3 90.3 93.6
Edinb 86.7 79.4 83.3 88.8 90.1 84.5 85.1 86.4 90.2 92.8
Glasgw 87.4 81.0 86.3 83.4 88.1 84.2 88.7 86.9 88.6 90.2
Inverns 87.6 89.2 84.3 83.9 90.6 87.1 96.7
Klmarnk 83.7 87.4 96.3 82.8 87.6 90.1 84.1 88.4 91.1 90.9
Krkcldy 88.2 89.8 78.3 80.2 87.4 87.0 90.1 93.6 92.4 97.3
Bangor 91.1 80.8 82.3 81.4 92.3 87.8 87.3 89.1 94.3
Cardff 87.2 85.4 87.2 87.1 84.3 83.2 89.3 89.5 88.2 86.9
Clwyd 96.9 92.3
Swanse 84.6 77.7 82.7 84.2 89.0 85.1 81.7 86.8 85.0 83.7
Wrexm 93.5 77.2 97.7 85.5 90.0 82.1 88.8 86.0
England 88.4 87.8 87.9 89.0 90.2 89.5 89.8 90.0 91.1 91.2
N Ireland 89.0 91.6 91.0 88.4 92.1 90.3 90.3 92.8
Scotland 86.0 84.7 84.5 84.5 86.5 86.0 87.4 87.8 90.2 91.4
Wales 87.0 82.4 86.0 86.2 86.8 84.4 87.3 88.6 87.6 85.5
UK 88.0 87.1 87.5 88.5 89.7 89.0 89.5 89.7 90.8 91.0
Blank cells: centres with less than 20 patients for that year or centres with no data available for that year
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 5.25. One year prevalent patient survival by centre for prevalent cohort years 2003–2012, adjusted to age 60
Centre 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
B Heart 86.4 87.9 86.5 87.1 90.1 90.8 87.4 89.5 88.4 88.8
B QEH 89.1 89.1 88.4 88.5 88.4 90.2 89.5 91.2 91.7 91.9
Basldn 87.6 90.2 90.0 90.3 92.6 91.6 88.5 90.8 88.3 92.6
Bradfd 88.2 86.4 82.8 84.2 87.7 84.4 89.2 88.0 87.7 85.1
Brightn 87.1 84.3 87.6 87.1 88.7 87.3 89.9 88.1 89.2 88.1
Bristol 86.9 87.5 87.7 89.2 87.4 85.0 85.8 89.7 90.7 90.1
Camb 88.0 87.0 89.3 87.9 92.5 89.9 91.3 93.0 88.8 92.7
Carlis 82.9 83.7 83.9 85.8 86.9 80.2 80.4 93.2 88.8 82.8
Carsh 86.9 85.6 89.1 88.3 89.7 88.7 89.1 89.5 90.9 90.3
Chelms 86.4 82.9 85.6 87.5 85.0 86.0 89.5 84.1 91.2 90.2
Colchr 91.0 86.5 88.9 89.1 85.8
Covnt 89.1 89.3 85.0 87.1 87.2 90.9 90.1 91.0 91.8 90.5
Derby 88.5 87.6 88.5 86.8 90.2 90.4 89.9 89.7 89.5 88.0
Donc 88.7 83.8 88.8 91.7 91.1 82.7
Dorset 87.9 89.4 87.0 87.4 89.8 90.1 93.0 89.9 90.4 91.8
Dudley 86.0 85.9 87.3 87.2 88.8 88.8 90.7 87.6 91.5 86.4
Exeter 86.5 84.0 91.1 87.3 85.5 85.5 86.7 88.3 88.2 91.6
Glouc 88.9 88.1 91.1 88.2 86.2 91.7 92.2 89.5 90.6 89.6
Hull 86.1 84.5 85.8 89.9 86.7 87.7 87.5 89.7 90.9 88.5
Ipswi 90.0 85.7 84.3 86.3 93.1 84.6 87.6 91.9 90.4 87.9
Kent 86.2 87.9 90.3 89.7 89.1 87.7
L Barts 83.8 85.6 88.3 89.3 88.7 90.8 92.9 91.6 89.7 91.0
L Guys 88.4 89.3 87.2 90.5 90.3 91.3 90.9 93.9 91.1 90.8
L Kings 81.1 86.6 89.1 84.7 88.0 87.9 89.4 90.0 89.7 89.2
L Rfree 90.2 90.0 90.3 91.2 89.6 90.2 91.6 90.2 90.8
L St.G 95.8 94.3 89.2 90.7 91.8 88.3 91.6
L West 91.2 91.2 91.1 91.4 90.2 92.0 90.6 90.6 91.7 90.1
Leeds 85.8 89.1 88.6 88.1 87.2 88.7 90.8 88.8 86.5 88.2
Leic 85.1 86.6 84.4 89.7 89.5 88.5 90.3 89.7 90.3 88.9
Liv Ain 97.0 86.8 90.5 88.3 91.9 89.7 89.5 83.5 83.9
Liv Roy 85.3 83.6 87.6 84.4 86.4 89.0 88.9 90.5 88.5 87.7
M RI 86.4 86.3 87.5 86.9 88.4 90.7 86.0
Middlbr 83.6 86.1 85.1 87.2 86.9 86.4 83.5 93.0 88.6 88.8
Newc 80.9 85.9 83.7 85.9 86.2 87.0 86.1 85.0 89.1 84.3
Norwch 87.4 88.4 90.3 87.6 91.1 89.5 89.8 91.2 91.3 88.6
Nottm 86.7 84.7 83.2 89.5 88.3 88.0 89.5 89.8 89.0 90.5
Oxford 88.3 87.2 86.9 86.8 87.8 88.5 87.2 87.9 88.1 89.4
Plymth 85.9 87.7 83.7 82.7 88.0 85.8 85.2 89.8 84.6 89.8
Ports 89.2 85.9 85.2 89.8 88.4 89.2 88.4 88.2 89.9 90.2
Prestn 85.6 85.8 86.3 90.7 90.1 89.7 90.1 88.1 90.6 88.9
Redng 89.2 86.2 89.0 90.3 88.8 92.4 88.9 89.4 90.9 90.8
Salford 81.7 83.2 85.9 88.0 86.5 87.9 85.2 87.7 89.0 88.1
Sheff 87.8 86.9 89.2 88.8 88.7 89.7 89.5 88.7 88.9 91.5
Shrew 84.7 86.3 86.6 89.1 88.9 87.8 85.6 87.4 89.9 83.5
Stevng 89.6 88.8 89.4 89.7 92.4 90.5 90.0 92.8 92.0 89.1
Sthend 88.5 86.9 83.4 86.3 90.2 91.0 92.4 90.2 87.7 91.7
Stoke 84.5 87.3 88.4 86.8 90.5 90.5 91.5
Sund 81.9 86.4 79.4 83.7 87.5 85.2 84.7 83.7 86.5 84.8
Truro 89.9 84.8 91.8 89.3 89.4 88.9 90.7 89.0 89.6 88.7
Wirral 87.4 89.4 88.4 88.1 89.2 90.2 88.5 90.7 90.2 90.8
Wolve 87.6 86.5 89.3 87.8 92.8 89.4 87.3 89.2 88.7 88.9
York 82.9 89.4 84.0 88.5 87.8 88.8 90.0 84.1 88.6 91.5
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
N Ireland
Antrim 92.1 85.9 89.0 90.5 89.2 92.7 91.4 92.4
Belfast 86.3 90.9 88.8 88.7 88.8 89.3 89.3 88.1
Newry 87.5 87.4 90.9 94.3 88.0 92.0 83.8 91.5
Ulster 91.6 89.4 92.7 88.2 90.5 90.4 91.6 92.0
West NI 83.7 91.0 92.9 89.7 91.8 91.0 92.2 92.6
Abrdn 85.4 87.6 86.1 87.2 89.5 89.3 89.7 89.0 90.9 88.2
Airdrie 84.1 82.8 79.7 79.4 85.9 85.4 89.3 88.4 86.2 85.7
D & Gall 83.1 92.1 82.1 90.6 84.6 88.4 87.3 91.3 87.4 90.4
Dundee 85.8 87.3 87.4 83.8 83.8 93.6 87.6 88.0 91.8 89.5
Edinb 83.9 85.5 86.6 87.8 88.3 86.1 89.1 82.4 90.2 89.8
Glasgw 85.5 87.5 86.4 88.1 88.3 88.6 88.7 88.2 88.6 88.1
Inverns 86.8 87.0 86.4 93.8 89.2 92.2 89.0 86.8 87.9 87.6
Klmarnk 87.3 84.8 92.0 87.0 89.1 88.2 88.3 88.9 89.7 87.1
Krkcldy 86.3 89.6 88.0 88.2 90.4 86.6 87.3 89.7 87.7 91.1
Bangor 89.8 86.6 88.5 81.4 88.7 85.0 85.4 86.8 89.9 84.4
Cardff 85.0 84.3 84.1 88.7 82.4 86.4 85.8 88.2 86.2 87.5
Clwyd 74.6 82.0 77.3 90.5 87.0 88.8 78.1 93.0 89.9 86.2
Swanse 87.0 89.0 85.4 87.9 89.4 87.2 87.4 88.9 86.1 88.3
Wrexm 85.4 82.1 85.1 87.6 85.1 88.9 86.7 85.7 87.2 89.2
England 88.0 87.8 88.3 88.5 88.9 89.0 89.2 89.9 89.8 89.4
N Ireland 87.6 89.2 90.3 89.9 89.6 90.8 89.9 90.8
Scotland 85.4 86.9 86.3 87.2 87.9 88.6 88.6 87.7 89.2 88.4
Wales 85.5 85.6 84.6 87.8 85.5 86.9 85.8 88.4 86.7 87.5
UK 87.9 87.6 87.9 88.4 88.7 88.9 89.0 89.6 89.6 89.3
Blank cells: data not reported for that year or less than 20 patients in the year
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 5.26. Percentage completeness of EDTA cause of death for prevalent patients by centre and year of death, 2004 to 2013
Centre 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
B Heart 77.5 68.1 85.7 84.3 95.2 100.0 96.5 95.9 98.8 98.7
B QEH 60.6 4.1 7.1 5.8 0.7 1.2 2.0 2.1 63.6
Basldn 84.0 42.1 21.7 45.5 47.6 76.2 65.6 84.6 91.2 90.5
Bradfd 83.3 87.8 94.0 88.2 94.7 83.7 100.0 97.5 97.7 97.9
Brightn 12.2 0.0 1.1 2.4 1.1 1.1 0.0
Bristol 90.8 77.3 61.0 61.3 66.4 71.9 91.5 98.0 82.2 82.5
Camb 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.6 3.9 10.5 61.4 96.0 81.0
Carlis 77.3 91.3 91.3 73.9 50.0 80.6 100.0 92.9 94.7 92.3
Carsh 0.8 1.6 0.8 6.7 25.5 40.7 17.4
Chelms 35.0 68.6 66.7 83.9 71.4 86.7 86.2 87.0 100.0 92.3
Colchr 33.3 66.7 85.2 90.5 100.0 91.7
Covnt 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.4 34.3 71.4
Derby 69.0 79.2 77.5 85.1 97.8 73.5 91.2 90.0 91.4 93.1
Donc 100.0 94.3 90.9 91.7 92.6 100.0
Dorset 29.7 64.9 65.1 87.2 88.9 85.2 95.7 95.0 89.1 98.3
Dudley 33.3 14.8 6.5 6.5 5.4 0.0 100.0 94.7 93.9 95.8
Exeter 42.3 36.7 19.3 4.8 3.1 3.0 90.4 86.5 97.0 100.0
Glouc 51.4 64.5 61.8 77.8 70.2 69.4 100.0 95.7 91.5 100.0
Hull 84.8 81.3 78.1 76.5 53.3 18.7 92.0 95.1 98.4 85.3
Ipswi 31.8 11.4 23.3 45.8 16.7 18.8 73.3 77.8 80.0 83.9
Kent 61.7 92.8 89.0 97.4 96.1 82.3
L Barts 86.5 84.0 88.2 75.2 78.7 70.1 73.9 83.1 80.9 82.8
L Guys 3.8 0.0 0.0 70.2 87.5 58.8 1.1
L Kings 66.7 85.5 91.9 76.1 91.4 67.9 96.0 97.6 100.0 98.9
L Rfree 0.9 1.8 0.0 7.1 6.0
L St.G 16.7 17.9 21.4 77.6 47.9 42.4 64.8
L West 67.8 81.8 31.5 19.4 6.4 2.2 2.3 95.8 98.6 97.1
Leeds 79.1 69.9 66.7 29.7 30.4 34.5 100.0 100.0 99.2 100.0
Leic 89.6 72.5 77.3 66.7 70.0 70.5 76.6 63.2 94.1 80.4
Liv Ain 66.7 50.0 81.3 76.9 70.0 100.0 94.4 95.7 0.0 0.0
Liv Roy 69.9 42.2 67.4 80.4 75.8 82.7 72.0 77.5 2.9 34.8
M RI 4.0 0.9 1.0 4.9 2.1 10.2 0.8
Middlbr 47.1 79.4 63.5 57.5 26.0 52.0 90.2 97.5 94.9 82.4
Newc 27.4 19.4 30.1 49.4 36.2 40.0 14.0 45.6 17.1 23.9
Norwch 31.6 22.4 23.1 18.7 21.9 45.2 77.0 71.4 76.5 92.2
Nottm 94.4 98.0 88.9 91.9 98.8 97.1 98.8 100.0 100.0 100.0
Oxford 1.9 2.9 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 84.6 98.2 95.8 98.2
Plymth 60.4 50.0 45.8 55.9 70.7 48.7 80.9 43.6 42.0 100.0
Ports 57.0 21.9 13.0 21.6 7.1 45.8 69.3 23.7 20.2 41.4
Prestn 77.2 50.0 56.7 50.0 39.5 17.9 95.6 98.9 97.6 98.0
Redng 84.4 81.5 78.7 97.8 89.6 86.4 100.0 96.7 98.1 93.4
Salford 1.3 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sheff 26.7 4.8 9.3 13.9 0.9 1.9 2.1 0.8 0.8 2.0
Shrew 25.0 66.7 53.1 89.3 64.5 20.5 46.0 0.0 7.9 17.7
Stevng 82.1 88.5 61.6 55.1 68.4 73.9 86.3 86.8 67.7 71.3
Sthend 26.1 39.4 9.4 3.3 57.7 75.0 91.7 90.0 100.0 100.0
Stoke 16.1 21.0 28.6 54.7 57.9 89.6 56.7
Sund 54.8 56.3 61.2 60.5 50.0 78.9 93.5 95.1 97.3 82.6
Truro 57.1 2.3 6.9 0.0 18.4 29.7 93.3 97.3 78.8 97.4
Wirral 66.7 32.3 97.0 84.6 100.0 90.3 86.5 0.0 2.6 26.7
Wolve 98.3 92.3 50.0 51.6 67.6 77.8 98.4 94.0 95.8 89.1
York 67.6 41.4 83.3 38.5 62.1 67.9 96.7 97.3 100.0 100.0
Chapter 5 Survival in UK RRT patients in 2013
N Ireland
Antrim 10.0 8.8 3.7 28.0 96.8 95.2 100.0 100.0
Belfast 34.3 38.3 20.0 26.2 81.7 78.2 76.7 46.3
Newry 42.9 15.0 13.3 81.3 95.2 100.0 96.7 100.0
Ulster 85.7 92.9 90.0 75.0 95.0 95.2 100.0 100.0
West NI 57.7 36.8 23.5 45.8 96.0 83.3 100.0 95.8
Abrdn 35.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Airdrie 34.5 42.4 26.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
D & Gall 100.0 80.0 76.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Dundee 92.1 86.1 2.8 9.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Edinb 51.7 50.8 29.3 47.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Glasgw 49.6 43.8 55.1 59.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Inverns 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Klmarnk 15.0 0.0 11.1 15.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Krkcldy 77.8 87.5 65.0 61.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Bangor 44.4 66.7 35.0 86.2 57.9 80.0 73.9 90.0 100.0 100.0
Cardff 2.6 4.3 2.9 4.1 0.0 2.4 6.8 8.1 0.6 74.0
Clwyd 5.9 11.1 45.5 84.2 83.3 100.0 85.7 89.5 83.3
Swanse 92.9 87.9 92.4 97.3 96.0 89.8 98.0 88.6 98.1 97.8
Wrexm 3.7 3.6 4.0 25.0 69.2 100.0 95.7 96.2 100.0 95.7
England 53.8 48.4 42.2 38.6 37.3 39.2 59.3 64.1 65.2 65.6
N Ireland 39.0 32.8 21.7 42.5 90.4 87.0 91.1 79.5
Scotland 50.7 42.0 33.7 44.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Wales 31.0 28.9 31.2 43.9 36.4 47.8 53.7 49.5 50.8 86.0
UK 51.7 45.5 40.5 39.3 42.7 45.3 63.4 67.3 67.8 70.0
Blank cells: data not available for that year
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 6 Adequacy of Haemodialysis in
UK Adult Patients in 2013: National and
Centre-specific Analyses
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 6.1 Summary of recommended Renal Association Audit Measures relevant to haemodialysis adequacy [9]
Included in UKRR
RA Audit Measure annual report? Reason for non-inclusion
Chapter 6 UK haemodialysis dose
for one year and the last recorded URR in the quarter after one year it is recommended that blood for biochemical measurement
follow-up was used for this analysis. (including pre-dialysis urea for URR) should be taken before the
Data from patients known to be receiving more or less than mid-week dialysis session [9].
thrice weekly HD were omitted from analysis for both the incident
and prevalent population. Patients for whom data recording the
number of dialysis sessions per week were missing, were assumed
to be dialysing thrice weekly. However, because not all centres Results
report frequency of HD, it is possible that data from a small number
of patients receiving HD at a different frequency were included in
the analyses. Home HD patients were excluded from the analysis.
Data completeness
Analyses of the data from both groups of patients included Sixty four of the 71 renal centres submitted HD dose
calculation of the median URR and of the proportion of patients (URR) data to the UKRR (table 6.2). Data were available
who had achieved the RA guideline (as outlined below) in each
of the renal centres as well as for the country as a whole. The Table 6.2. Percentage completeness of URR data returns for
median URR and proportion of patients who achieved the RA prevalent patients on HD by centre, on 30/9/2013
guideline were also calculated separately for males and females.
The number of dialysis sessions per week and the time per dialysis Centre % completeness Centre % completeness
session is shown by renal centre.
All patients with data were included in the statistical analyses at B Heart 99.7 Sheff 96.0
a national level, although centres with fewer than 20 patients, or B QEH 94.8 Shrew 91.6
providing less than 50% data completeness were excluded from Basldn 98.6 Stevng 98.1
the comparison between centres. The number preceding the centre Bradfd 98.9 Sthend 100.0
name in each figure indicates the percentage of missing data for Brightn 2.9 Stoke 73.4
that centre. Bristol 100.0 Sund 2.5
The UK RA clinical practice guidelines in operation at the time Camb 98.0 Truro 78.3
these data were collected were as follows: Carlis 100.0 Wirral 0.0
Carsh 91.9 Wolve 94.2
HD should take place at least three times per week in nearly Chelms 97.8 York 99.1
all patients. Reduction of dialysis frequency to twice per week Colchr 82.9
because of insufficient dialysis facilities is unacceptable. Covnt 98.5 N Ireland
Every patient receiving thrice weekly HD should have Derby 91.2 Antrim 99.1
consistently: Donc 100.0 Belfast 98.9
Dorset 99.6 Newry 78.1
either URR >65%
Dudley 95.3 Ulster 98.9
or equilibrated Kt/V (eKt/V) of >1.2 (or single pool Kt/V
Exeter 99.7 West NI 91.0
of >1.3) calculated from pre- and post-dialysis urea values, Glouc 100.0
duration of dialysis and weight loss during dialysis). Hull 99.7 Scotland
To achieve a URR above 65% or eKt/V above 1.2 consist- Ipswi 100.0 Abrdn 99.0
ently in the vast majority of the HD population clinicians Kent 90.3 Airdrie 97.7
should aim for a minimum target URR of 70% or minimum L Barts 0.0 D & Gall 91.9
eKt/V of 1.4 in individual patients. L Guys 69.5 Dundee 95.5
The duration of thrice weekly HD in adult patients with L Kings 0.0 Edinb 99.6
minimal residual renal function should not be reduced L Rfree 0.0 Glasgw 97.0
below 4 hours without careful consideration. L St.G 0.0 Inverns 94.1
Patients receiving HD twice weekly for reasons of geogra- L West 94.1 Klmarnk 91.3
phy should receive a higher sessional dose of HD. If this Leeds 100.0 Krkcldy 95.7
cannot be achieved, then it should be recognised that there Leic 99.6
is a compromise between the practicalities of HD and the Liv Ain 0.0 Wales
patient’s long-term health. Liv Roy 0.0 Bangor 100.0
Measurement of the ‘dose’ or ‘adequacy’ of HD should be M RI 22.6 Cardff 95.0
performed monthly in all hospital HD patients and may be Middlbr 99.0 Clwyd 96.9
performed less frequently in home HD patients. All dialysis Newc 10.7 Swanse 71.9
units should collect and report this data to their regional Norwch 98.2 Wrexm 90.3
network and the UKRR. Nottm 93.5
Post-dialysis blood samples should be collected either by the Oxford 94.8 England 71.9
slow-flow method, the simplified stop-flow method, or the stop Plymth 95.6 N Ireland 94.6
dialysate flow method. The method used should remain consist- Ports 97.9 Scotland 96.8
ent within renal units and should be reported to the Registry. Prestn 85.4 Wales 87.7
Redng 6.7 UK 75.3
The RA clinical practice guidelines for HD dose apply specifi- Salford 80.6
cally to patients undergoing thrice weekly HD. In these patients
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
for 75.3% (n = 15,223) of the total prevalent population data available during the first quarter of treatment (data
(n = 20,214) treated with HD who met the inclusion not shown).
criteria for these analyses. Percentage completeness of data returns on the number
Fifty-one centres reported URR data on more than of HD sessions varied across centres (table 6.3). Ten centres
90% of patients. Five centres reported URR data on less in England and two centres in Wales returned no data on
than 50% of prevalent patients (Manchester RI, New- this variable. All centres in Northern Ireland returned
castle, Reading, Brighton and Sunderland). URR data data in over 95% of their HD population. All centres in
were not received from seven centres (London Barts, Scotland returned data in over 90% of their HD population.
London Kings, London Royal Free, London St Georges, For those centres that did return data, three dialysis
Liverpool Aintree, Liverpool Royal Infirmary and Wirral). sessions a week was most prevalent, although a few
Several centres had a reduction in the completeness of centres reported .10% of the HD population undergoing
URR data submitted to the UKRR in 2013 compared with a frequency of HD more or less than three sessions a week
2012 (data not shown). These changes may represent (table 6.3). For example, Salford reported 16.5% of their
changes in data extraction, or a move by centres to utilis- prevalent haemodialysis population having more than
ing Kt/V rather than URR as the preferred measure of three sessions a week whereas Southend reported that
dialysis dose. 15.0% of their population in 2013 had fewer than three
Of the total incident patient population (n = 4,348) sessions per week.
who started HD during 2012 and meeting the inclusion Wide between centre variation in completeness of data
criteria for URR analyses, 48.9% (n = 2,125) had URR on dialysis session time was also evident (table 6.4). In
Table 6.3. Number of dialysis sessions for prevalent patients on HD by centre, on 30/9/2013
Frequency of dialysis/week %
Centre completeness ,3 sessions 3 sessions .3 sessions
B Heart 91.7 5.7 93.5 0.8
B QEH 0.0
Basldn 99.3 1.4 94.6 4.1
Bradfd 96.8 3.9 95.6 0.6
Brightn 100.0 0.0 99.1 0.9
Bristol 100.0 4.8 94.8 0.5
Camb 100.0 8.8 89.4 1.8
Carlis 85.2 7.7 92.3 0.0
Carsh 0.0
Chelms 100.0 9.0 91.0 0.0
Colchr 97.1 0.0 100.0 0.0
Covnt 1.8 0.0 100.0 0.0
Derby 76.4 0.0 100.0 0.0
Donc 99.3 0.7 99.3 0.0
Dorset 99.6 2.5 97.1 0.4
Dudley 100.0 0.7 98.7 0.7
Exeter 100.0 3.3 95.6 1.1
Glouc 0.0
Hull 1.4 0.0 100.0 0.0
Ipswi 87.8 3.0 97.0 0.0
Kent 98.3 3.3 95.3 1.5
L Barts 0.0
L Guys 0.0
L Kings 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0
L Rfree 0.0
L St.G 82.3 0.5 99.5 0.0
L West 45.1 0.7 98.5 0.8
Leeds 99.1 5.2 94.3 0.5
Leic 99.4 0.9 99.1 0.0
Liv Ain 99.3 0.7 97.4 2.0
Chapter 6 UK haemodialysis dose
Frequency of dialysis/week %
Centre completeness ,3 sessions 3 sessions .3 sessions
Liv Roy 98.3 0.7 88.7 10.6
M RI 38.1 1.9 98.1 0.0
Middlbr 15.4 0.0 97.9 2.1
Newc 100.0 1.7 97.4 0.9
Norwch 98.6 0.7 97.8 1.4
Nottm 99.7 0.9 99.1 0.0
Oxford 0.0
Plymth 0.0
Ports 99.2 6.1 91.9 2.0
Prestn 0.0
Redng 100.0 0.4 99.6 0.0
Salford 98.7 1.6 81.9 16.5
Sheff 99.4 3.5 96.5 0.0
Shrew 99.4 5.5 93.3 1.2
Stevng 98.9 5.3 93.6 1.1
Sthend 100.0 15.0 85.0 0.0
Stoke 100.0 0.4 90.6 9.0
Sund 98.3 0.0 90.9 9.1
Truro 95.7 9.0 87.2 3.8
Wirral 97.3 2.2 90.0 7.8
Wolve 0.0
York 86.3 2.0 90.1 7.9
N Ireland
Antrim 100.0 0.9 99.1 0.0
Belfast 99.0 0.5 96.8 2.6
Newry 100.0 4.7 95.3 0.0
Ulster 100.0 1.0 96.9 2.1
West NI 99.1 0.9 91.7 7.4
Abrdn 99.0 1.5 97.0 1.5
Airdrie 97.7 0.0 100.0 0.0
D & Gall 95.5 2.4 83.3 14.3
Dundee 96.3 0.0 94.9 5.1
Edinb 97.1 0.0 98.7 1.3
Glasgw 93.1 0.4 99.0 0.6
Inverns 94.3 0.0 96.0 4.0
Klmarnk 96.1 0.8 99.2 0.0
Krkcldy 94.2 0.0 100.0 0.0
Bangor 85.7 1.9 96.3 1.9
Cardff 0.0
Clwyd 97.0 1.5 95.4 3.1
Swanse 0.0
Wrexm 100.0 2.1 96.9 1.0
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 6.4. Time per dialysis session for prevalent patients on HD by centre, on 30/9/2013
Chapter 6 UK haemodialysis dose
Abrdn 99.0 1.5 96.6 2.0
Airdrie 97.7 5.3 94.7 0.0
D & Gall 97.7 7.0 93.0 0.0
Dundee 96.3 5.7 93.7 0.6
Edinb 97.5 9.0 88.9 2.1
Glasgw 93.4 0.4 94.2 5.4
Inverns 94.3 4.0 96.0 0.0
Klmarnk 96.1 0.0 92.7 7.3
Krkcldy 94.9 13.0 85.5 1.5
Bangor 85.7 9.3 90.7 0.0
Cardff 0.0
Clwyd 97.0 38.5 61.5 0.0
Swanse 0.0
Wrexm 99.0 5.3 94.7 0.0
centres that reported data, the most frequently reported Changes in URR over time
dialysis session length was 3.5–5 hours. The change in the percentage attainment of the
current RA clinical practice guidelines (URR .65%)
Achieved URR and the median URR for the UK from 2000 to 2013 is
For prevalent patients, the median URR (75.0% for shown in figure 6.3. The proportion of patients attaining
UK, centre range 71.0–83.0%) and percentage of patients the RA guideline increased from 69% to 89% whilst the
attaining the RA guideline of a URR .65% (88.6% for the median URR has risen from 69% to 75% during the
UK, centre range 77.1–97.6%) are shown in figures 6.1a same time period. There has been no substantial change
and 6.2 respectively. The UK median URR in women in the median URR between 2011 and 2013 in the UK.
was 78.0% (centre range 73.0–85.0%) compared with a
UK median in men of 74.0% (centre range 69.0–81.0%) Variation of achieved URR with time on dialysis
(figures 6.1b, 6.1c). The proportion of patients who attained the RA guide-
There continued to be variation between renal centres line for HD was greater in those who had been on RRT
in the percentage of prevalent patients with a URR of for the longest time (figure 6.4). In 2013, of those dialysed
.65%, with 22 centres attaining the RA clinical practice for less than six months, 74% had a URR .65%, whilst
guideline in .90% of patients and 37 centres reporting 91% of patients who had survived and continued on
attainment of the guideline in 70%–90% of patients RRT for more than two years had a URR within the
(figure 6.2). guideline target. In all strata of time on dialysis, there
Urea reduction ratio (%) Urea reduction ratio (%) Urea reduction ratio (%)
6 L West
2 Chelms 22 Newry 0 Hull
0 Donc 22 Newry
0 Dorset
2 Camb 2 Chelms
2 Camb 2 Camb
8 Carsh
22 Newry 8 Carsh 8 Carsh
5 Cardff 1 Ulster 8 D&Gall
0 Bangor 0 Leic 1 Antrim
9 West NI 4 Dundee 9 Derby
1 Antrim 9 Derby 7 Nottm
4 Dundee 2 Chelms 5 Cardff
9 Derby 3 Clwyd 0 Leeds
1 Belfast 9 West NI 3 Glasgw
19 Salford 1 Belfast 0 Leic
7 Nottm 2 Norwch 0 Bangor
0 Leeds 7 Nottm 9 West NI
3 Glasgw 5 Cardff 4 Dundee
2 Ports 2 Ports 1 Belfast
0 Leic 0 Leeds 27 Stoke
15 Prestn 4 Sheff 2 Norwch
2 Norwch 3 Glasgw 1 Covnt
6 Wolve 6 Inverns 15 Prestn
1 Covnt 0 Ipswi 2 Ports
0 B Heart 4 Sheff
5 Dudley
31 L Guys 3 Clwyd
6 Wolve 0 Sthend
4 Sheff
1 Basldn 0 B Heart
1 Bradfd 1 Basldn 31 L Guys
27 Stoke 1 Abrdn 6 Inverns
Fig. 6.1c. Median URR achieved in male prevalent patients on HD by centre, 30/9/2013
0 Edinb 27 Stoke 0 Carlis
8 Shrew
Fig. 6.1b. Median URR achieved in female prevalent patients on HD by centre, 30/9/2013
10 Kent 10 Kent
0 Exeter 0 Exeter 5 Dudley
8 D&Gall 1 Middlbr 1 Abrdn
9 Klmarnk 31 L Guys 28 Swanse
4 Krkcldy 0 Bangor 0 Edinb
5 Dudley 8 Shrew 10 Kent
1 Abrdn 0 Edinb 1 Middlbr
28 Swanse 5 Oxford 0 Ipswi
1 Middlbr 2 Stevng 9 Klmarnk
22 Truro 4 Krkcldy
0 Sthend
N = 15,223
N = 9,349
N = 5,874
0 Ipswi 2 Stevng
2 Stevng 4 Krkcldy 5 Oxford
5 Oxford 0 Bristol 22 Truro
0 Bristol 4 Plymth 4 Plymth
2 Airdrie 22 Truro 2 Airdrie
4 Plymth 2 Airdrie 0 Bristol
28 England 28 England 28 England
Lower quartile
Lower quartile
Lower quartile
Upper quartile
Upper quartile
Upper quartile
25 UK 25 UK 25 UK
The Seventeenth Annual Report
Percentage of patients
Percentage of patients
Percentage of patients
Chapter 6
2001 10 Wrexm
2002 0 Hull
2003 0 Dorset
2004 0 Donc
22 Newry
2005 2 Ports
2006 0 Bangor
Upper 95% Cl
0 Glouc
Lower 95% Cl
2007 6 L West
% of patients with
2009 2 Camb
1 Antrim
2013 1 Abrdn
5 Cardff
2000 4 Dundee
1 Belfast
2001 6 Wolve
2002 6 Inverns
3 Glasgw
2003 0 Exeter
2004 27 Stoke
0 Edinb
2005 0 Leeds
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2006 4 Sheff
19 Salford
2007 0 Leic
4 Krkcldy
Median URR
and quartiles
31 L Guys
2009 0 Sthend
2010 0 B Heart
8 Shrew
2011 1 Ulster
>2 yrs
1–2 yrs
2012 10 Kent
6 m–1 yr
22 Truro
<6 months
2013 2 Norwch
1 Covnt
1 Basldn
1 Middlbr
15 Prestn
5 Dudley
1 Bradfd
0 Bristol
8 D&Gall
0 Ipswi
9 Klmarnk
2013 in the UK
3 Clwyd
2 Airdrie
28 Swanse
5 Oxford
2 Stevng
0 Carlis
4 Plymth
UK haemodialysis dose
Urea reduction ratio (%)
50 Upper quartile
N = 2,125 Median
45 Lower quartile
41 B QEH
46 Belfast
18 York
37 Glouc
16 Dundee
37 Hull
47 Dorset
12 Krkcldy
23 Wolve
32 Carsh
7 Edinb
47 Stoke
33 Sheff
40 Stevng
26 Bradfd
42 Cardff
11 Leeds
31 Glasgw
41 Salford
35 Bristol
9 Middlbr
31 Dudley
14 Abrdn
6 B Heart
17 Leic
42 Camb
7 Covnt
36 Norwch
33 Nottm
37 Exeter
21 Prestn
53 England
45 N Ireland
29 Scotland
58 Wales
51 UK
Fig. 6.5a. Median URR in the first quarter of starting RRT in incident patients who started haemodialysis in 2012
Urea reduction ratio (%)
Upper quartile
Lower quartile N = 1,381
41 B QEH
32 Carsh
37 Hull
37 Glouc
46 Belfast
42 Cardff
11 Leeds
31 Glasgw
17 Leic
6 B Heart
7 Edinb
37 Exeter
33 Sheff
16 Dundee
21 Prestn
26 Bradfd
14 Abrdn
9 Middlbr
7 Covnt
35 Bristol
53 England
45 N Ireland
29 Scotland
58 Wales
51 UK
Fig. 6.5b. Median URR one year after starting RRT for patients who started haemodialysis in 2012
has been an improvement in the proportion of patients patients treated with low flux HD. Patient well being
receiving the target dose of HD over the last 14 years. has been shown to depend on achieving a minimum
The median URR during the first quarter of starting urea clearance target, but it remains unclear as to whether
HD treatment of the incident HD population in the UK higher clearance targets add benefit [1–3]. It is therefore
in 2012 was 68% (centre range 61–77%) (figure 6.5a). reassuring that the proportion of UK patients achieving
At the end of one year for this incident cohort, the the RA guideline for URR has increased in the last
median URR was higher (median URR 74%, centre decade, with over 88% of the prevalent HD population
range 70–80%) (figure 6.5b). achieving the URR guideline in 2013, with a median
URR of 75%. This increment will not only reflect
improvements in practice and delivery of dialysis, but
also enhanced coverage and quality of the data collected
Conclusions by the UKRR and renal centres over the years.
Post hoc analyses of the HEMO study and observa-
The dose of delivered HD is recognised as potentially tional studies have suggested that women may benefit
having an important influence on outcome in ERF from a higher dialysis dose than men [12, 13]. Current
Chapter 6 UK haemodialysis dose
RA guidelines do not differentiate on the basis of gender across UK renal centres and how this correlates with
[9]. It is an interesting observation that the UK median outcomes, remains to be determined. Similarly, it is not
URR achieved in women was higher than in men in known whether the decline in residual renal function is
this analysis, a similar finding to the analyses presented affected by differences in centre practice approach to
in last year’s annual report. This may however simply initiating dialysis. Varied completeness of data returns
reflect differences in dietary intake and lower pre-dialysis across other important factors such as dialysis session
serum urea values in women, and as such does not information also limits the interpretation of the data.
necessarily imply improved dialysis clearance for Although RA guidelines recommend standardised
women [14, 15]. methods for urea sampling, inconsistency in sampling
In the prevalent haemodialysis population there con- methodology for the post-dialysis urea sample may also
tinues to be a wide range (77.1–97.6%) of achievement play a part in the variations reported [9].
of the RA guideline for URR between different centres Debate continues as to the toxicity of urea, and how
which is likely to reflect genuine differences in HD dose representative urea clearance is of other azotaemic
with both individual and centre level contributors. toxin clearances. In addition, the dialysis prescription
Understanding more fully individual renal centre practice should also encompass volume control, sodium and
would be informative, as although most centres do not divalent cation balance and correct metabolic acidosis.
formally measure residual renal function, centres may As such basing and evaluating HD dose simply on urea
adjust sessional times based on urine output. In the clearance has been criticised by some [13] arguing that
incident population, the variation in the between centre patient outcomes are improved by longer treatment
median URR within the first quarter for incident patients times independent of urea removal [5, 18–23] and that
may represent variation in dialysis prescription practice clearance of ‘middle molecules’ have an important impact
for patients starting RRT. Some renal centres may use [24, 25]. However, no consensus has yet emerged on
an incremental dialysis approach, whilst other centres alternative markers of HD adequacy. The UKRR has
use a standardised ‘full-dose’ approach to dialysis pre- historically reported URR, predominantly for logistical
scription, irrespective of residual function. Increasing reasons with the URR being the easiest measure to
URR with dialysis vintage in the prevalent patient calculate, and the measure of dialysis adequacy that is
group would support the suggestion that some centres most complete when returned to the UKRR. However,
operate an incremental dialysis policy, increasing dialysis limitations of the URR must be recognised.
dosing as residual renal function falls. Although observa- The new UKRR dataset, recently distributed to renal
tional evidence supports that preservation of residual units and to be embedded by 2016, should help contrib-
renal function is associated with improved survival ute to further improvements in both URR data capture, as
[16], maintaining patients overhydrated to try and pre- well as Kt/V reporting in addition to data on dialysis
serve residual renal function [17] may increase cardiovas- prescription practice.
cular mortality. How much individualisation of dialysis
prescription based on residual renal function is practiced Conflicts of interest: none
1 Gotch FA, Sargent JA: A mechanistic analysis of the National Coopera- 6 Depner TA: Assessing adequacy of hemodialysis: urea modeling. Kidney
tive Dialysis Study (NCDS). Kidney Int 1985;28:526–534 Int 1994;45:1522–1535
2 Owen WF, Lew NL, Liu Y, Lowrie EG, Lazarus JM: The Urea Reduction 7 Kumar S, Khosravi M, Massart A, Potluri M, Davenport A. The effects of
Ratio and Serum Albumin Concentration as Predictors of Mortality in racial differences on body composition and total body water measured
Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis. N Engl J Med 1993;329:1001–1006 by multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis influence delivered
3 Held PJ, Port FK, Wolfe RA, Stannard DC, Carroll CE, Daugirdas JT, Kt/V dialysis dosing. Nephron Clin Pract. 2013;124(1–2):60–6
Bloembergen WE, Greer JW, Hakim RM: The dose of hemodialysis 8 Vanbelleghem H, Vanholder R, Levin NW, Becker G, Craig JC, Ito S,
and patient mortality. Kidney Int 1996; 50:550–556 Lau J, Locatelli F, Zoccali C, Solez K, Hales M, Lameire N, Eknoyan
4 Tentori F, Hunt WC, Rohrscheib M, Zhu M, Stidley CA, Servilla K, G: The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes website: Com-
Miskulin D, Meyer KB, Bedrick EJ, Johnson HK, Zager PG: Which Targets parison of guidelines as a tool for harmonization. Kidney Int 2007;71:
in Clinical Practice Guidelines Are Associated with Improved Survival in a 1054–1061
Large Dialysis Organization? J Am Soc Nephrol 2007;18:2377–2384 9 UK Renal Association Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee.
5 Locatelli F, Buoncristiani U, Canaud B, Kohler H, Petitclerc T, Zucchelli P: Haemodialysis, 2009
Dialysis dose and frequency. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2005;20:285–296 Haemodialysis.aspx
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
10 European Best Practice Guidelines Expert Group on Haemodialysis. 19 Tattersall J, Martin-Malo A, Pedrini L, Basci A, Canaud B, Fouque D,
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2002: 17(suppl 7):S16–S31 Haage P, Konner K, Kooman J, Pizzarelli F, Tordoir J, Vennegoor M,
11 NKF-KDOQI clinical practice guidelines; update 2006. Am J Kidney Dis Wanner C, ter Wee P, Vanholder R: EBPG guideline on dialysis
2006: 48(suppl 1):S2–S90 strategies. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2007;22:ii5–21
12 Depner T, Daugirdas J, Greene T, Allon M, Beck G, Chumlea C, Delmez 20 Saran R, Bragg-Gresham JL, Levin NW, Twardowski ZJ, Wizemann V,
J, Gotch F, Kusek J, Levin N, Macon E, Milford E, Owen W, Star R, Toto Saito A, Kimata N, Gillespie BW, Combe C, Bommer J, Akiba T,
R, Eknoyan G, Hemodialysis Study Group Dialysis dose and the effect of Mapes DL, Young EW, Port FK: Longer treatment time and slower ultra-
gender and body size on outcome in the HEMO Study. Kidney Int. filtration in hemodialysis: Associations with reduced mortality in the
2004;65(4):1386 DOPPS. Kidney Int 2006;69:1222–1228
13 Port FK, Wolfe RA, Hulbert-Shearon TE, McCullough KP, Ashby VB, 21 Marshall MR, Byrne BG, Kerr PG, McDonald SP: Associations of
Held PJ. High dialysis dose is associated with lower mortality among hemodialysis dose and session length with mortality risk in Australian
women but not among men. Am J Kidney Dis. 2004;43(6):1014 and New Zealand patients. Kidney Int 2006;69:1229–1236
14 Lowrie EG: The Kinetic Behaviors of Urea and Other Marker Molecules 22 Eloot S, Van Biesen W, Dhondt A, Van de Wynkele H, Glorieux G,
During Hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 2007;50:181–183 Verdonck P, Vanholder R: Impact of hemodialysis duration on the
15 Spalding EM, Chandna SM, Davenport A, Farrington K. Kt/V under- removal of uremic retention solutes. Kidney Int 2007;73:765–770
estimates the haemodialysis dose in women and small men. Kidney 23 Basile C, Lomonte C: Dialysis time is the crucial factor in the adequacy of
Int 2008; 74: 348–355 hemodialysis. Kidney Int 2008;74:965–966
16 Hanson JA, Hulbert-Shearon TE, Ojo AO, et al: Prescription of twice- 24 Eloot S, Torremans A, De Smet R, Marescau B, De Deyn PP, Verdonck
weekly hemodialysis in the USA. Am J Nephrol 19:625–633, 1999 P, Vanholder R: Complex Compartmental Behavior of Small Water-
17 McCafferty K, Fan S, Davenport A Extracellular volume expansion, Soluble Uremic Retention Solutes: Evaluation by Direct Measurements
measured by multifrequency bioimpedance, does not help preserve in Plasma and Erythrocytes. Am J Kidney Dis 2007;50:279–288
residual renal function in peritoneal dialysis patients. Kidney Int. 25 Davenport A. How best to improve survival in haemodialysis patients:
2014;85(1):151–7 solute clearance or volume control? Kidney Int. 2011;80(10):1018–20
18 Vanholder R, Eloot S, Van Biesen W: Do we need new indicators of
dialysis adequacy based on middle-molecule removal? Nature Clinical
Practice Nephrology 2008;4:174–175
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 7 Haemoglobin, Ferritin and
Erythropoietin amongst UK Adult Dialysis
Patients in 2013: National and
Centre-specific Analyses
Key Words
. The median Hb of prevalent patients on HD was
Anaemia . Chronic kidney disease . Dialysis . End stage renal 112 g/L with an IQR of 103–120 g/L.
disease . Epidemiology . Erythropoietin . Erythropoietin
. The median Hb of prevalent patients on PD was
stimulating agent . European Best Practice Guidelines . 113 g/L with an IQR of 103–122 g/L.
Ferritin . Haemodialysis . Haemoglobin . NICE . Peritoneal . For both HD and PD patients, 83% had Hb
dialysis . Renal Association 5100 g/L.
. 59% of HD patients and 55% of PD patients had Hb
5100 and 4120 g/L.
Summary . The median ferritin in HD patients was 424 mg/L
(IQR 280–616) and 95% of HD patients had a
In the UK in 2013: ferritin 5100 mg/L.
. The median haemoglobin (Hb) of patients at the In England, Wales and Northern Ireland in 2013:
time of starting dialysis was 100 g/L with 50% of
patients having a Hb 5100 g/L. . The median ferritin in PD patients was 285 mg/L
. The median Hb in patients starting haemodialysis (IQR 167–473) with 88% of PD patients having a
(HD) was 97 g/L (IQR 88–106) and in patients ferritin 5100 mg/L.
starting peritoneal dialysis (PD) was 109 g/L (IQR . The median erythropoietin stimulating agent (ESA)
99–118). dose was higher for HD than PD patients (7,333 vs.
. At start of dialysis, 53% of patients presenting early 4,000 IU/week).
had Hb 5100 g/L whilst only 36% of patients pre-
senting late had Hb 5100 g/L.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Introduction Methods
This chapter describes analyses of the UK Renal The incident and prevalent renal replacement therapy (RRT)
Registry (UKRR) data relating to the management of cohorts for 2013 were analysed. The UKRR extracted quarterly
data electronically from renal centres in England, Wales and
anaemia in dialysis patients during 2013. Northern Ireland; data from Scotland were provided by the Scot-
The diagnosis and management of anaemia in chronic tish Renal Registry. Haemoglobin levels are given in g/L as the
kidney disease and the standards to be achieved have majority of UK laboratories have now switched to reporting
been detailed in the Kidney Disease Improving Global using these units rather than g/dl.
Outcomes (KDIGO), Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality For the analyses of Hb for incident patients, those patients
commencing RRT on PD or HD were included whilst those
Initiative (KDOQI), European Best Practice Guidelines receiving a pre-emptive transplant were excluded. Hb measure-
(EBPG) and UK Renal Association guidelines [1–4]. ments from after starting dialysis but still within the same
The health economics of anaemia therapy using ESAs quarter of the year were used. Therefore, depending on when in
has also been subject to a NICE systematic review the quarter a patient started RRT the Hb data could be from zero
which concluded that treating to a target haemoglobin to 90 days later. The haemoglobin values the UKRR receives
should be the closest available measurement to the end of the
(Hb) 110–120 g/L is cost effective in HD patients [5]. quarter. Patients who died within the first 90 days on treatment
This chapter reports on the analyses of data items were excluded. Results are also shown with the cohort subdivided
collected by the UKRR largely in the context of the 5th into early and late presenters (date first seen by a nephrologist,
edition of the UK Renal Association’s Anaemia in CKD 90 or more days and less than 90 days before starting dialysis
guidelines and recommendations which was published respectively).
For the analyses of prevalent patients, those patients receiving
at the end of 2010 [4]. Table 7.1 lists the audit measures dialysis on 31st December 2013 were included if they had been on
from these guidelines along with explanations for why the same modality of dialysis in the same centre for at least three
some of the measures were not reported on. months. In order to improve completeness the last available
Table 7.1. Summary of recommended Renal Association audit measures relevant to anaemia management
1. Proportion of CKD patients with eGFR ,30 ml/min by 4 variable No UKRR does not currently collect
MDRD method with an annual Hb level CKD data
2. Proportion of patients starting an ESA without prior measurement of No UKRR does not know when all
serum ferritin and/or TSAT patients start ESA treatment
UKRR does not collect TSAT data
3. Proportion of patients on renal replacement therapy with Hb level Yes
,10 who are not prescribed an ESA
4. Each renal unit should audit the type, route and frequency of UKRR reports the
administration and weekly dose of ESA prescribed completeness of
these data items
5. The proportion of CKD stage 4–5 patients with Hb 10–12 g/dl No UKRR does not currently collect
CKD data
6. The proportion of patients treated with an ESA with Hb .12 g/dl Yes
7. Each renal unit should monitor ESA dose adjustments No UKRR does not collect this data
8. Proportion of patients with serum ferritin levels ,100 ng/ml at start No UKRR does not know when all
of treatment with ESA patients start ESA treatment
9. Proportion of pre-dialysis and PD patients receiving iron therapy; No UKRR does not currently collect
type: oral vs. parenteral CKD data/poor data completeness
10. Proportion of HD patients receiving IV iron No Poor data completeness
11. Prevalence of resistance to ESA among renal replacement therapy Yes
12. Proportion of HD patients who received a blood transfusion within No Data held at NHS Blood and
the past year Transplant
Chapter 7 Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
measurement for each patient from the last two quarters was used Results
for Hb and from the last three quarters for ferritin. Scotland was
excluded from the analysis for ferritin for PD patients as this Anaemia management in incident dialysis patients
data was not included in its return.
The completeness of data items were analysed at both centre Haemoglobin in incident dialysis patients
and country level. As in previous years, all patients were included The Hb at the time of starting RRT gives the only
in analyses but centres with less than 50% completeness were indication of concordance with current anaemia manage-
excluded from the caterpillar and funnel plots showing centre ment recommendations in the pre-dialysis (CKD 5 not
level results. Centres providing relevant data from less than 10 yet on dialysis) group.
patients were also excluded from the plots. The number preceding
the centre name in the caterpillar plots is the percentage of patients The percentage of data returned and outcome Hb are
who have data missing. listed in table 7.2. Results are not shown for two centres
Summary statistics including minimum, maximum, inter- (Carshalton, London Guys) because data completeness
quartile ranges (IQR), averages (mean and median) and standard was less than 50%, results are not shown for Dumfries
deviations were calculated. The median values and the IQRs are & Galloway as there were less than 10 patients with data.
shown using caterpillar plots. The percentages achieving standards
were also calculated. These are displayed using caterpillar plots The median Hb of patients at the time of starting
with the percentages meeting the targets and 95% confidence dialysis in the UK was 100 g/L. The median starting Hb
intervals (CIs) shown. Funnel plots show the distribution of the by centre is shown in figure 7.1. The percentage of
percentages meeting the targets and also whether any of the patients having a Hb 5100 g/L has fallen over the last
centres are significantly different from the average. Longitudinal
several years to 50% from 55% in the 2009 cohort. The
analysis was performed to show overall changes in achievement
of standards from 1998 to 2013. percentage starting with a Hb 5100 g/L by centre is
Erythropoietin data from the last quarter of 2013 were used to given in figure 7.2.
define which patients were receiving ESAs. Scotland was excluded The variation in the proportion of patients starting
from this analysis as data regarding ESA was not included in its dialysis with Hb 5100 g/L between centres remained
return. Each individual was defined as being on ESA if a drug
high (27–90%). Using only centres with time of presen-
type and/or a dose was present in the data. Centres reporting
fewer than 60% of HD patients or fewer than 45% of PD patients tation data, the median Hb in the late presenters was
being treated with ESAs were considered to have incomplete data 94 g/L with only 36% of patients having a Hb 5100 g/L
and were excluded from further analysis. It is recognised that these compared with a median Hb of 101 g/L and 53% of
exclusion criteria are relatively arbitrary but they are in part based patients having a Hb 5100 g/L in the early presenters
upon the frequency distribution graph of centres’ ESA use as it
appears in the data. The percentage of patients on ESAs was calcu-
group. In both groups there was a large amount of vari-
lated from these data and incomplete data returns risk seriously ation between centres in the percentage of patients having
impacting on any conclusions drawn. a Hb 5100 g/L (7–66% in the late presenters and 29–93%
For analyses of ESA dose, values are presented as weekly in the early presenters). The lower median Hb in late pre-
erythropoietin dose. Doses of less than 150 IU/week (likely to be senters may reflect inadequate pre-dialysis care with lim-
darbepoietin) were harmonised with erythropoietin data by
multiplying by 200. No adjustments were made with respect to
ited anaemia management, anaemia of multisystem
route of administration. Patients who were not receiving ESAs disease or inter-current illness.
were not included in analyses of dose (rather than being included Median Hb of patients at the time of starting HD was
with dose = 0). 97 g/L (IQR 88–106 g/L) and in those starting PD it was
Until two years ago, UKRR annual reports only used the 109 g/L (IQR 99–118 g/L). When starting dialysis, 43% of
dose from the final quarter of the year. Now, starting with the
cohort of patients receiving ESAs in the final quarter and having
HD patients had a Hb 5100 g/L, compared with 74% of
a dose value present for that quarter, any further dose values PD patients.
available from the earlier three quarters of the year were used Incident dialysis patients from 2012 were followed for
(provided the patient was on the same treatment and receiving one year and the median haemoglobin (and percentage
the same drug in those quarters). The average (mean) of the with a Hb 5100 g/L) of survivors on the same treatment
available values was then used in analyses rather than the dose
in the final quarter.
at the same centre after a year was calculated for each
The ESA data were collected electronically from renal IT quarter. Only patients who had Hb data for each of the
systems but in contrast to laboratory linked variables the ESA four time points were included in this analysis. This
data required manual data entry. The reliability depended upon was sub-analysed by modality and length of pre-RRT
the data source, whether the entry was linked to the prescription care (figures 7.3, 7.4). Hb was higher in the second quar-
or whether the prescriptions were provided by the primary care
physician. In the latter case, doses may not be as reliably
ter on dialysis than during the quarter at start of dialysis
updated as the link between data entry and prescription is reflecting the benefits of treatment administered. Over
indirect. 79% of incident patients surviving to a year had Hb
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 7.2. Haemoglobin data for incident patients starting haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis during 2013, both overall and by
presentation time
B Heart 100 88 96 40 97 41
B QEH 92 150 99 47 100 51 94 37
Basldn 100 31 94 32 92 32
Bradfd 88 46 95 43 94 43
Brightn 97 114 103 55 106 57 95 46
Bristol 100 141 105 84
Camb 81 76 102 53 102 53 104 54
Carlis 100 32 111 72 111 69
Carsh 38 68
Chelms 86 32 106 56 106 61
Colchr 79 22 93 27 94 36
Covnt 95 69 97 46 97 45 107 60
Derby 100 70 101 54 102 58
Donc 100 50 102 56 104 59
Dorset 100 66 101 53 103 61 93 27
Dudley 100 38 96 42 96 47
Exeter 100 92 107 90 107 93
Glouc 100 40 101 53 101 54
Hull 77 65 100 51 102 55
Ipswi 94 33 100 52 101 58
Kent 99 126 97 43 98 46 92 30
L Barts 99 249 99 49
L Guys 20 20
L Kings 100 154 94 36 97 40 88 21
L Rfree 99 194 101 53 101 55 98 47
L St.G 84 48 94 40
L West 68 175 104 63 104 62 104 66
Leeds 98 134 93 28 94 29 93 25
Leic 100 249 97 43 98 48 92 24
Liv Ain 98 49 99 49 101 54
Liv Roy 100 62 98 47 103 54 90 23
M RI 98 143 99 47 99 47 101 50
Middlbr 99 95 97 44 98 48 87 30
Newc 99 69 101 52 102 54 93 33
Norwch 100 63 97 43
Nottm 100 84 96 37 98 45 83 7
Oxford 100 128 101 52 102 54 95 39
Plymth 100 51 100 51
Ports 100 167 103 56 104 59 98 42
Prestn 100 125 97 44 96 43 99 48
Redng 99 99 100 53 102 59 87 30
Salford 98 104 95 40
Sheff 100 117 96 42 99 47 86 20
Shrew 100 52 102 62 102 61
Stevng 99 141 98 43 97 43 98 42
Sthend 100 37 101 51 101 56
Stoke 93 79 102 58 106 70 91 25
Sund 95 40 100 50 102 58
Truro 100 36 103 64 107 72
Wirral 93 52 103 58
Wolve 96 77 96 38 97 44 91 8
York 86 31 94 29
Chapter 7 Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
N Ireland
Antrim 96 23 92 35 96 42
Belfast 94 46 98 46 98 47 94 36
Newry 100 21 107 71 107 74
Ulster 96 24 101 50 102 50
West NI 96 24 109 79 109 82
Abrdn 100 49 96 45
Airdrie 68 34 105 59
D & Gall 88 7
Dundee 88 36 96 44
Edinb 98 57 100 54
Glasgw 82 118 97 43
Inverns 89 17 104 65
Klmarnk 69 25 97 44
Krkcldy 97 32 101 53
Bangor 100 21 98 48 96 42
Cardff 99 140 104 61 104 62 100 50
Clwyd 100 12 104 58
Swanse 100 88 100 51 100 51 101 53
Wrexm 91 29 107 66 109 73
England 92 4,573 99 50 100 52 94 36
N Ireland 96 138 102 54 102 58 94 33
Scotland 86 375 98 49
Wales 98 290 102 57 102 58 100 50
UK 92 5,376 100 50 101 53 94 36
Blank cells: centres excluded from analyses due to poor data completeness or low patient numbers or because presentation time data not
N = 5,376 Upper quartile
Median Hb
Lower quartile
Haemoglobin g/L
0 Carlis
4 West NI
0 Newry
0 Exeter
9 Wrexm
14 Chelms
0 Bristol
32 Airdrie
32 L West
0 Clwyd
11 Inverns
1 Cardff
0 Truro
0 Ports
7 Wirral
3 Brightn
19 Camb
7 Stoke
0 Shrew
0 Donc
4 Ulster
0 Sthend
1 L Rfree
0 Dorset
0 Derby
0 Glouc
1 Newc
0 Oxford
3 Krkcldy
23 Hull
6 Ipswi
1 Redng
0 Plymth
0 Swanse
2 Edinb
5 Sund
2 M RI
1 L Barts
2 Liv Ain
1 Stevng
0 Bangor
6 Belfast
0 Liv Roy
1 Middlbr
0 Leic
5 Covnt
0 Norwch
0 Prestn
1 Kent
31 Klmarnk
18 Glasgw
0 Nottm
0 Sheff
4 Wolve
0 B Heart
0 Dudley
0 Abrdn
12 Dundee
2 Salford
12 Bradfd
14 York
0 Basldn
16 L St.G
0 L Kings
2 Leeds
21 Colchr
4 Antrim
8 England
4 N Ireland
14 Scotland
2 Wales
8 UK
Fig. 7.1. Median haemoglobin for incident dialysis patients at start of dialysis treatment in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
N = 5,376 Upper 95% Cl
% with Hb >100 g/L
80 Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
0 Exeter
0 Bristol
4 West NI
0 Carlis
0 Newry
9 Wrexm
11 Inverns
0 Truro
32 L West
0 Shrew
1 Cardff
32 Airdrie
0 Clwyd
7 Stoke
7 Wirral
0 Ports
14 Chelms
0 Donc
3 Brightn
2 Edinb
0 Derby
3 Krkcldy
0 Dorset
19 Camb
1 L Rfree
1 Redng
0 Glouc
1 Newc
0 Oxford
6 Ipswi
0 Sthend
0 Swanse
0 Plymth
23 Hull
4 Ulster
5 Sund
2 Liv Ain
1 L Barts
0 Bangor
2 M RI
0 Liv Roy
5 Covnt
6 Belfast
0 Abrdn
12 Dundee
1 Middlbr
0 Prestn
31 Klmarnk
12 Bradfd
1 Stevng
18 Glasgw
0 Norwch
1 Kent
0 Leic
0 Dudley
0 Sheff
2 Salford
0 B Heart
16 L St.G
4 Wolve
0 Nottm
0 L Kings
4 Antrim
0 Basldn
14 York
2 Leeds
21 Colchr
8 England
4 N Ireland
14 Scotland
2 Wales
8 UK
Fig. 7.2. Percentage of incident dialysis patients with Hb 5100 g/L at start of dialysis treatment in 2013
Percentage of incident patients
120 70
Haemoglobin g/L
PD – early 30
<90 90–99.9
100 PD – late
20 100–109.9 110–119.9
HD – early >120 (Hb, g/L)
95 HD – late 10
90 0
Start 3 months 6 months 12 months 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Time since commencing dialysis Year of start
Fig. 7.3. Median haemoglobin, by time on dialysis and length of Fig. 7.5. Distribution of haemoglobin in incident dialysis patients
pre-RRT care, for incident dialysis patients in 2012 by year of start
Chapter 7 Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
Table 7.3. Percentage completeness of data returns for haemoglobin and serum ferritin and percentages on ESA for prevalent HD and
PD patients in 2013
B Heart 401 100 99 77 35 100 100 60
B QEH 885 100 99 88 129 100 99 59
Basldn 152 99 99 91 30 100 100 63
Bradfd 186 100 99 96 26 100 100 62
Brightn 372 98 82 0 66 100 80 0
Bristol 485 100 99 91 57 100 95 63
Camb 356 51 76 52 19 95 100 53
Carlis 58 100 43 76 23 100 96 78
Carsh 698 95 93 0 105 94 94 0
Chelms 109 99 99 93 20 100 100 50
Colchr 109 93 91 5
Covnt 354 100 100 86 72 99 90 50
Derby 203 100 100 0 78 99 97 0
Donc 146 100 99 90 30 100 97 80
Dorset 244 100 99 95 39 100 100 72
Dudley 163 95 94 2 47 100 96 2
Exeter 376 100 100 92 63 100 100 75
Glouc 188 100 98 89 31 100 81 81
Hull 299 100 100 77 72 100 99 49
Ipswi 112 100 100 77 24 100 100 71
Kent 376 100 99 91 57 100 95 54
L Barts 883 100 99 0 178 99 92 0
L Guys 591 0 74 18 28 0 64 0
L Kings 466 100 99 93 79 99 99 72
L Rfree 688 99 99 0 108 100 81 0
L St.G 255 99 98 0 45 98 100 0
L West 1,317 99 98 0 52 100 100 0
Leeds 470 100 100 86 62 100 100 79
Leic 828 100 100 97 135 97 96 74
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 7 Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
ESAs). It is believed that there were problems with data 120 g/L, as well as the percentages meeting the target,
entry and/or data transfer for those centres where the are shown by centre in figure 7.9.
percentage on ESA was less than 60% for HD patients or Funnel plots are shown for the minimum (Hb
45% for PD patients. These centres have been excluded 5100 g/L) and target range (Hb 5100 and 4120 g/L)
from further analyses of ESA use. in figures 7.10 and 7.11 respectively. Many centres com-
Summary statistics for haemoglobin, serum ferritin plied well with respect to both the minimum and target
and ESA are shown for the 71 renal centres in the UK range Hb standards. Some centres complied well with
in tables 7.4 for HD and 7.5 for PD patients respectively. the percentage with Hb 5100 g/L (figure 7.10) but had
a poor compliance with percentage of patients with Hb
Haemoglobin in prevalent haemodialysis patients 5100 and 4120 g/L (figure 7.11). Table 7.4 can be
The median Hb of patients on HD in the UK was used in conjunction with figures 7.10 and 7.11 to identify
112 g/L with an IQR of 103–120 g/L and 83% of HD centres.
patients had a Hb 5100 g/L (table 7.4). The median
Hb by centre is shown in figure 7.7. Compliance with Haemoglobin in prevalent peritoneal dialysis patients
the target range of Hb 5100 and 4120 g/L (figure 7.8) Overall, 83% of patients on PD had a Hb 5100 g/L
continues to increase year on year, 53% in 2010, 56% in (table 7.5). The median Hb of patients on PD in the
2011, 57% in 2012 and 59% in 2013. The percentages UK in 2013 was 113 g/L with an IQR of 103–122 g/L.
of HD patients with Hb below 100 g/L and above The median Hb by centre is shown in figure 7.12. The
Table 7.4. Summary statistics for haemoglobin, serum ferritin and ESA for prevalent HD patients in 2013
B Heart 401 111 81 59 344 96 62 77 7,500 21
B QEH 881 110 79 63 351 94 68 88 6,500 11
Basldn 151 108 72 54 348 93 69 91 6,000 6
Bradfd 186 114 81 55 538 99 38 96 6,500 4
Brightn 363 109 77 58 535 99 36
Bristol 485 112 96 69 560 98 33 91 7,500 9
Camb 180 110 82 62 322 92 60
Carlis 58 120 97 50 76 4,000 24
Carsh 660 111 83 65 351 95 70
Chelms 108 116 90 61 627 99 19 93 8,000 7
Colchr 101 114 80 46 556 99 37
Covnt 354 109 76 63 364 97 65 86 10,000 10
Derby 203 115 87 58 449 95 44
Donc 146 115 82 49 388 98 55 90 6,250 10
Dorset 244 114 86 62 515 97 40 95 8,000 5
Dudley 155 111 83 60 317 93 66
Exeter 376 114 97 76 266 86 52 92 7,250 8
Glouc 188 114 91 60 361 90 44 89 11
Hull 299 113 84 56 387 96 67 77 6,000 20
Ipswi 112 111 81 56 622 96 27 77 6,000 19
Kent 376 111 83 58 470 95 38 91 8,250 7
L Barts 882 110 78 58 438 95 52
L Guys 0 657 96 24
L Kings 465 107 76 68 564 97 34 93 7,500 7
L Rfree 681 111 83 63 496 95 37
L St.G 253 111 78 57 407 97 59
L West 1,303 115 90 63 360 96 67
Leeds 470 109 81 65 473 96 43 86 4,500 12
Leic 827 112 79 52 348 96 63 97 6,000 2
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 7 Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
Table 7.5. Summary statistics for haemoglobin, serum ferritin and ESA for prevalent PD patients in 2013
B Heart 35 110 80 54 271 91 69 60 5,000 34
B QEH 129 112 80 51 306 88 66 59 4,000 40
Basldn 30 110 77 63 138 70 63 63 4,000 33
Bradfd 26 112 77 42 250 77 58 62 6,750 35
Brightn 66 117 92 58 428 94 53
Bristol 57 115 95 67 358 96 72 63 5,500 37
Camb 18 111 89 67 283 95 95 53 3,450 44
Carlis 23 116 96 57 474 100 55 78 4,000 22
Carsh 99 110 66 44 191 80 74
Chelms 20 116 95 55 167 80 80 50 3,000 50
Colchr n/a
Covnt 71 115 85 49 267 80 65 50 8,000 46
Derby 77 115 78 49 446 97 51
Donc 30 116 83 57 390 97 69 80 4,500 20
Dorset 39 115 82 49 301 97 77 72 3,950 28
Dudley 47 109 85 62 150 60 51
Exeter 63 112 98 70 204 83 73 75 3,000 24
Glouc 31 108 74 58 154 60 60 81 19
Hull 72 113 82 53 311 97 76 49 4,000 46
Ipswi 24 112 83 67 439 79 33 71 5,000 25
Kent 57 111 84 61 280 91 63 54 4,000 42
L Barts 177 113 80 49 228 90 71
L Guys 0 216 72 67
L Kings 78 111 81 62 242 87 73 72 4,375 24
L Rfree 108 110 70 46 508 98 48
L St.G 44 113 82 55 237 89 76
L West 52 106 65 50 268 88 75
Leeds 62 111 77 58 333 94 71 79 4,250 21
Leic 131 113 89 63 307 92 69 74 4,000 25
Liv Ain 26 106 65 50 328 92 65
Liv Roy 51 112 75 47 302 82 59
M RI 68 114 81 43 207 82 74
Middlbr 11 117 100 64 336 100 73 64 3,000 36
Newc 32 115 84 56 400 94 48
Norwch 35 116 91 51 189 69 51 77 3,400 23
Nottm 68 111 81 60 387 91 65 69 2,875 29
Oxford 82 113 84 55 247 83 68 78 6,000 16
Plymth 29 115 76 41 306 83 48
Ports 77 114 88 56 381 97 64
Prestn 52 115 88 50 372 94 60 83 17
Redng 64 119 92 50 441 95 56
Salford 73 112 79 51
Sheff 61 113 77 44 480 95 51 59 6,000 38
Shrew 26 112 88 46 253 81 62 62 4,000 38
Stevng 36 117 92 64 223 71 58
Sthend 15 117 93 67 146 93 93 60 40
Stoke 80 115 85 54 415 91 53
Sund 8
Truro 18 115 89 56 176 72 67
Wirral 21 103 57 48 588 100 42
Wolve 78 112 81 56 204 81 73 63 6,000 36
York 25 117 80 40 217 88 76 64 2,438 36
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
N Ireland
Antrim 15 114 87 67 346 100 73 80 6,000 20
Belfast 26 111 88 65 246 92 77 88 3,000 12
Newry 17 106 94 88 287 88 71 88 4,800 12
Ulster 4
West NI 14 114 93 64 332 93 57 79 2,000 21
Abrdn 21 112 76 57
Airdrie 12 114 92 67
D & Gall 10 112 80 60
Dundee 17 115 82 71
Edinb 25 109 76 60
Glasgw 39 111 92 74
Inverns 12 119 92 58
Klmarnk 38 113 76 47
Krkcldy 17 113 88 71
Bangor 12 121 92 42 212 75 67
Cardff 66 112 88 53 112 57 55
Clwyd 14 114 86 57 246 71 57
Swanse 53 113 91 64 380 94 69 74 4,000 26
Wrexm 19 112 84 47 256 100 90 58 7,450 42
England 2,702 113 82 54 288 88 65 67 4,000 31
N Ireland 76 111 91 71 308 93 71 86 4,000 14
Scotland 191 112 83 62
Wales 164 113 88 55 201 76 64 69 4,688 31
UK 3,133 113 83 55 285∗ 88∗ 65∗ 68∗ 4,000∗ 31∗
Blank cells: centres excluded from analyses due to poor data completeness or low patient numbers or because the data item was not available
n/a – no PD patients
ESA data only shown for those centres for which the % on ESA was 45% or more
For ferritin and for ESA these overall averages are for E,W & NI (not UK)
N = 21,002 Upper quartile
130 Median Hb
Lower quartile
Haemoglobin g/L
0 Carlis
0 Clwyd
0 Edinb
1 Chelms
1 Krkcldy
0 Norwch
0 Derby
0 Ports
1 L West
0 Sund
0 Donc
1 Liv Roy
0 Redng
0 Bradfd
0 Dorset
7 Colchr
0 Glouc
0 Exeter
15 Stoke
0 Wolve
0 Shrew
0 Bangor
1 Liv Ain
1 Glasgw
1 Antrim
1 Wirral
2 Middlbr
0 Hull
0 Sheff
0 Plymth
7 M RI
0 Klmarnk
5 Newry
0 Belfast
0 Bristol
0 Truro
0 Leic
0 Oxford
0 Cardff
0 Inverns
1 Airdrie
0 Ulster
1 L Rfree
1 Stevng
5 Carsh
0 York
0 Ipswi
1 L St.G
0 B Heart
5 Dudley
0 Swanse
0 Newc
0 Kent
0 Nottm
49 Camb
1 Prestn
0 L Barts
1 Dundee
3 West NI
2 Brightn
0 Covnt
0 Wrexm
0 Leeds
0 D&Gall
0 Sthend
1 Basldn
0 L Kings
12 Salford
2 Abrdn
5 England
1 N Ireland
1 Scotland
0 Wales
5 UK
Chapter 7 Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
N = 21,002 Upper 95% Cl
% with Hb >100 and <120 g/L
Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
0 Exeter
0 Inverns
0 Sthend
0 Bristol
0 L Kings
0 Ulster
0 D&Gall
5 Carsh
1 Dundee
0 Leeds
3 West NI
0 Bangor
1 Airdrie
0 Nottm
0 Truro
1 L West
0 York
0 Covnt
1 L Rfree
0 Swanse
49 Camb
1 Antrim
1 Stevng
1 Prestn
0 Dorset
1 Chelms
5 Dudley
0 Glouc
0 Plymth
0 B Heart
5 Newry
2 Brightn
0 L Barts
0 Kent
0 Derby
1 Wirral
1 L St.G
0 Shrew
0 Sund
0 Ipswi
2 Abrdn
7 M RI
0 Hull
0 Cardff
0 Wrexm
1 Liv Ain
12 Salford
0 Bradfd
0 Oxford
1 Krkcldy
0 Belfast
0 Newc
1 Basldn
2 Middlbr
1 Glasgw
0 Klmarnk
0 Sheff
15 Stoke
0 Clwyd
0 Leic
0 Norwch
0 Edinb
0 Carlis
0 Wolve
0 Ports
0 Redng
0 Donc
1 Liv Roy
7 Colchr
5 England
1 N Ireland
1 Scotland
0 Wales
5 UK
Fig. 7.8. Percentage of HD patients with Hb 5100 and 4120 g/L by centre in 2013
compliance with Hb 5100 and 4120 g/L is shown in 5100 g/L is shown in figure 7.17. As expected, all centres
figure 7.13. In 2013, 55% of prevalent PD patients had had a higher percentage of prevalent patients achieving a
a Hb within the target range. The distribution of Hb in Hb 5100 g/L than that for incident patients. Overall in
PD patients by centre is shown in figure 7.14. The funnel the UK, 83% of prevalent patients, compared with 50%
plots for percentage with Hb 5100 g/L and for the per- of incident patients, had a Hb 5100 g/L in 2013. Compli-
centage of patients with Hb 5100 and 4120 g/L are ance with the current minimum standard (Hb 5100 g/L)
shown in figures 7.15 and 7.16 respectively. Table 7.5 is shown by year (1998–2013) for incident and prevalent
can be used in conjunction with figures 7.15 and 7.16 patients (all dialysis patients) in figure 7.18. The decline
to identify centres in the funnel plot. in achieving this standard appears to be levelling off.
Relationship between Hb in incident and prevalent dialysis Ferritin in prevalent haemodialysis patients
patients in 2013 The median and IQR for serum ferritin for patients
The relationship between the percentage of incident treated with HD are shown in figure 7.19. The per-
and prevalent dialysis (HD and PD) patients with a Hb centages with serum ferritin 5100 mg/L, .200 mg/L to
Hb >120 g/L
90 Hb 100–120 g/L
Hb <100 g/L
Percentage of patients
L Kings
West NI
L West
L Rfree
B Heart
L Barts
L St.G
Liv Ain
Liv Roy
N Ireland
Percentage of patients
Percentage of patients Haemoglobin g/L
0 Newry 0 Bangor
0 Glasgw 0 Redng
6 Krkcldy 8 Inverns
6 Dundee 0 Sthend
0 Exeter 0 York
0 Antrim 0 Middlbr
0 Sthend 0 Brightn
0 Bristol 3 Stevng
The UK Renal Registry
0 Ipswi 0 Carlis
Lower 95% Cl
Upper 95% Cl
5 Camb 0 Norwch
0 Airdrie 0 Donc
0 Belfast 0 Chelms
0 West NI 0 Dorset
0 Swanse 0 Bristol
3 Stevng 0 Truro
0 Middlbr 1 Derby
3 Leic 1 Stoke
0 Basldn 0 Plymth
N = 3,133
0 Leeds 0 Clwyd
0 Brightn 1 M RI
0 Clwyd 0 Hull
Solid lines show 95% limits
0 Abrdn 3 Leic
0 Donc 2 L St.G
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
0 Carlis 0 Sheff
Fig. 7.10. Funnel plot of percentage of HD patients with Hb
0 Wolve 1 L Barts
11 Newc 0 Swanse
0 Ports 3 Klmarnk
0 Truro 6 Krkcldy
0 Chelms 1 Oxford Percentage of patients
1 Oxford 0 Bradfd
2 L St.G 0 Exeter
0 B Heart 0 Wrexm
1 Stoke 0 Wolve
Fig. 7.13. Percentage of PD patients with Hb 5100 and 4120 g/L by centre in 2013
0 Redng 9 D&Gall
0 L West 0 Ipswi
0 Prestn 0 Cardff
0 Liv Ain 5 Camb
1 Derby 0 Kent
1 Covnt 0 Glasgw
1 L Barts 0 Belfast
0 Dorset 0 Nottm
22 Wirral 1 L Kings
0 Wrexm 0 Leeds
3 Klmarnk 0 L Rfree
0 Liv Roy 6 Carsh
0 L Rfree 0 Basldn
0 Shrew 0 B Heart
5100 and 4120 g/L by centre in 2013
N = 3,133
6 Carsh 0 Dudley
0 Sheff 0 Edinb
1 M RI 0 Glouc
0 Bradfd 0 Newry
0 Bangor 0 L West
0 Plymth 0 Liv Ain
0 York 22 Wirral
Number of patients with data in centre
2 England 2 England
0 N Ireland 0 N Ireland
Median Hb
3 Scotland 3 Scotland
0 Wales 0 Wales
Lower quartile
Upper quartile
2 UK 2 UK
Solid lines show 95% limits
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
Percentage of patients
Percentage of patients
Chapter 7
Carlis Newry
Bristol Glasgw
Chelms Krkcldy
Bangor Dundee
L West Exeter
Glouc Antrim
Edinb Sthend
Clwyd Bristol
Antrim Ipswi
Shrew Belfast
Inverns West NI
Krkcldy Swanse
Dorset Stevng
Ports Middlbr
Glasgw Leic
Sund Basldn
Derby Dudley
Airdrie L Kings
Redng Kent
Ulster Nottm
Middlbr Edinb
Swanse Leeds
Kent Brightn
Stevng Clwyd
West NI
Plymth Oxford
Donc L St.G
B Heart
Dundee Stoke
Newc Cardff
Wirral Hull
Carsh Norwch
Leeds B QEH
L Rfree Salford
Fig. 7.14. Distribution of haemoglobin in patients treated with PD by centre in 2013
Belfast Redng
B Heart L West
Liv Roy Prestn
Liv Ain
Bradfd Derby
Nottm Covnt
Cardff L Barts
Leic Dorset
Prestn Wirral
Brightn Wrexm
Fig. 7.17. Percentage of incident and prevalent dialysis patients with Hb 5100 g/L by centre in 2013
B QEH Klmarnk
Wrexm Liv Roy
L St.G L Rfree
Liv Ain Shrew
Sthend Carsh
Klmarnk Sheff
5100 g/L and 4120 g/L by centre in 2013
L Barts M RI
Covnt Bradfd
L Kings Bangor
Salford Plymth
Basldn York
Number of patients with data in centre
Abrdn England
England N Ireland
Hb <100 g/L
Hb >120 g/L
N Ireland Scotland
Scotland Wales
Hb 100–120 g/L
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Upper 95% Cl
% with Hb >100 g/L
90 Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
Incident patients Prevalent patients
Fig. 7.18. Percentage of incident and
prevalent dialysis patients (1998–2013)
Year with Hb 5100 g/L
4500 mg/L, and 5800 mg/L are shown in figures 7.20, 4500 mg/L, and 5800 mg/L are shown in figures 7.24,
7.21 and 7.22 respectively. Most centres achieved greater 7.25 and 7.26 respectively. The PD population had a
than 90% compliance with a serum ferritin 5100 mg/L lower median ferritin value (285 mg/L, IQR 167–473)
for HD patients. The HD population had a median than the HD population. Twenty-nine centres reported
ferritin value of 424 mg/L, IQR 280–616. Twenty centres less than 90% of PD patients being compliant with
had greater than 20% (20–60%) of their patients having serum ferritin 5100 mg/L, although this appeared to
ferritin 5800 mg/L (figure 7.22). Twelve of these 20 have little bearing on their achieved median Hb or
had values over 25%. The serum ferritin correlated poorly median ESA dose when compared with other centres
with median Hb achieved and ESA dose (table 7.4). (table 7.5).
Ferritin in prevalent peritoneal dialysis patients Erythropoietin stimulating agents in prevalent haemodialysis
The median and IQR for serum ferritin for patients patients
treated with PD are shown in figure 7.23. The percentages As shown in previous reports there was substantial
with serum ferritin 5100 mg/L, .100 mg/L and variation in the average dose of ESA prescription used.
N = 20,722 Upper quartile
1,200 Median ferritin
Lower quartile
Ferritin µg/L
2 Plymth
1 Antrim
5 D&Gall
26 L Guys
4 Abrdn
1 Chelms
0 Ulster
0 Ipswi
2 Stevng
5 Airdrie
38 West NI
0 Nottm
0 Prestn
1 L Kings
1 Bristol
9 Colchr
1 Bradfd
18 Brightn
1 Sund
8 Krkcldy
1 Liv Ain
1 Dorset
1 Ports
1 L Rfree
0 Redng
1 Norwch
0 Liv Roy
0 Wolve
7 Edinb
0 Leeds
1 Kent
1 Antrim
1 Wirral
0 Sheff
0 Derby
1 L Barts
1 Belfast
0 York
0 Newc
11 Glasgw
27 Wrexm
0 Truro
1 Shrew
2 L St.G
1 Donc
0 Hull
0 Bangor
10 M RI
0 Swanse
0 Covnt
2 Glouc
2 L West
7 Carsh
1 Basldn
0 Leic
0 Clwyd
0 Sthend
1 B Heart
21 Dundee
24 Camb
6 Dudley
20 Stoke
12 Klmarnk
0 Oxford
0 Cardff
35 Inverns
0 Exeter
5 England
18 N Ireland
11 Scotland
3 Wales
6 UK
Percentage of patients Percentage of patients Percentage of patients
Chapter 7
Lower 95% Cl
6 Dudley 27 Wrexm
Upper 95% Cl
Upper 95% Cl
Lower 95% Cl
1 Basldn 0 Covnt 2 Plymth
1 Donc 0 Cardff 1 Donc
21 Dundee 0 Leic 0 Nottm
0 Hull 1 B Heart 0 Redng
2 L West 24 Camb 35 Inverns
0 Covnt 27 Wrexm 1 Bristol
N = 20,722
1 Wirral 0 Sheff
N = 20,722
11 Glasgw 11 Glasgw 1 Kent
18 Brightn 1 Dorset 0 Bangor
1 Dorset 1 Bradfd 1 L Barts
27 Wrexm 1 Kent 0 Derby
0 Redng 1 Ports 0 Wolve
Fig. 7.22. Percentage of HD patients with ferritin 5800 mg/L by centre in 2013
Fig. 7.20. Percentage of HD patients with ferritin 5100 mg/L by centre in 2013
Fig. 7.21. Percentage of HD patients with ferritin .200 mg/L and 4500 mg/L by centre in 2013
0 Ulster 1 Liv Ain 1 Liv Ain
7 Edinb 1 Bristol 11 Glasgw
1 L Kings 0 Prestn 7 Edinb
1 Sund 2 Stevng 0 Oxford
2 Stevng 0 Ipswi 20 Stoke
0 Ipswi 4 Abrdn 6 Dudley
38 West NI 5 D&Gall 1 Basldn
0 Prestn 0 Nottm 24 Camb
Lower 95% Cl
Upper 95% Cl
6 UK 6 UK 6 UK
Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
Percentage of patients Percentage of patients Ferritin µg/L
0 Camb 0 Antrim
30 Wirral
0 Sthend 30 Wirral
19 L Rfree
47 Wrexm 0 Middlbr
0 Sheff
0 Chelms 47 Wrexm
4 Carlis
0 Belfast 4 Carlis
3 Derby
0 Dorset 19 L Rfree
0 Redng
1 Hull 0 Dorset
0 Ipswi
The UK Renal Registry
0 York 3 Derby
20 Brightn
Lower 95% Cl
Upper 95% Cl
Lower 95% Cl
Upper 95% Cl
0 L St.G 4 Ports
2 Stoke
0 L West 1 Hull
14 Newc
4 M RI 3 Donc
3 Donc
6 Carsh 5 Bristol
0 Nottm
0 Antrim 0 Redng
4 Ports
N = 2,771
0 West NI
0 Newry 0 Sthend
0 Liv Ain
4 Leic 0 West NI
1 Hull
3 Donc 0 Belfast
4 Leic
4 Swanse 0 Liv Ain
21 Plymth
N = 2,771
0 B Heart 4 Leic
1 Oxford 0 B Heart
0 Liv Roy
0 Truro 0 Nottm
0 Dorset
36 L Guys 2 Stoke
0 Newry
0 Bangor 5 Kent
0 Camb
1 B QEH 8 L Barts
5 Kent
0 Liv Ain 0 L St.G
0 B Heart
0 Nottm 0 L West
0 L West
Fig. 7.23. Median ferritin in patients treated with PD by centre in 2013
10 Covnt 1 B QEH
10 Covnt
4 Ports 0 Newry
47 Wrexm
0 Basldn 0 York
0 Shrew
5 Kent 1 L Kings
0 Bradfd
Fig. 7.24. Percentage of PD patients with ferritin 5100 mg/L by centre in 2013
0 Shrew 1 Oxford
1 Oxford
19 Glouc 21 Plymth
0 Belfast
0 Prestn 0 Exeter
0 Clwyd
0 Liv Roy 0 Liv Roy
1 L Kings
16 Stevng 4 M RI
0 L St.G
0 Bradfd 0 Wolve
8 L Barts
0 West NI 0 Shrew
16 Stevng
0 Clwyd 10 Covnt
0 York
0 Redng 0 Chelms
36 L Guys
Fig. 7.25. Percentage of PD patients with ferritin .100 mg/L and 4500 mg/L by centre in 2013
20 Cardff 6 Carsh
0 Bangor
4 Carlis 0 Ipswi
4 M RI
2 Stoke 0 Bradfd
0 Exeter
20 Brightn 0 Bangor
0 Wolve
0 Norwch 0 Truro
6 Carsh
3 Derby 36 L Guys
0 Norwch
4 Dudley 0 Clwyd
0 Truro
N = 2,771
0 Sheff 16 Stevng
0 Chelms
14 Newc 0 Basldn
19 Glouc
21 Plymth 0 Norwch
4 Dudley
19 L Rfree 19 Glouc
0 Sthend
30 Wirral 4 Dudley
0 Basldn
0 Ipswi 20 Cardff
20 Cardff
7 England 7 England
7 England
0 N Ireland 0 N Ireland
0 N Ireland
15 Wales 15 Wales
15 Wales
Lower quartile
Upper quartile
Median ferritin
8 E, W & NI 8 E, W & NI
8 E, W & NI
The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 7 Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
Upper 95% Cl N = 2,771
% with ferritin >800 µg/L
Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
0 Sthend
16 Stevng
0 Truro
0 Camb
19 Glouc
0 Exeter
0 L St.G
0 Clwyd
47 Wrexm
4 M RI
0 Chelms
0 Bangor
20 Cardff
6 Carsh
4 Dudley
0 Dorset
0 Wolve
10 Covnt
0 Basldn
1 Oxford
0 Bradfd
1 L Kings
0 York
0 Nottm
36 L Guys
5 Kent
1 Hull
0 B Heart
0 L West
0 Newry
4 Swanse
0 Antrim
8 L Barts
4 Ports
3 Donc
0 West NI
5 Bristol
2 Stoke
0 Belfast
0 Shrew
0 Liv Roy
4 Leic
0 Norwch
0 Middlbr
0 Leeds
0 Redng
0 Prestn
0 Liv Ain
3 Derby
20 Brightn
14 Newc
21 Plymth
4 Carlis
0 Sheff
19 L Rfree
30 Wirral
0 Ipswi
7 England
0 N Ireland
15 Wales
13 UK
Fig. 7.26. Percentage of PD patients with ferritin 5800 mg/L by centre in 2013
The median dose for prevalent HD patients in England, ESA prescription and association with achieved haemoglobin
Wales and Northern Ireland was 7,333 IU/week. The For HD patients, centre level median Hb is plotted
median dose varied from 4,000 IU/week (Carlisle) to against median ESA dose in figure 7.27 and compliance
14,000 IU/week (Reading) with a median Hb for these with the RA standards for Hb 5100 g/L and 4120 g/L
centres of 120 g/L (Carlisle) and 115 g/L (Reading) is plotted against median ESA dose in figure 7.28. For
(table 7.4). The 2013 median dose was similar to that these figures, Hb data was only used for those patients
for 2012 (7,248 IU/week). who were receiving an ESA and had dose data available.
There was no strong relationship in either figure.
Erythropoietin stimulating agents in prevalent peritoneal It is known that not all patients treated with dialysis
dialysis patients who have a Hb above 120 g/L are receiving ESA. It has
For prevalent PD patients the median dose was sub- been suggested that it may be inappropriate to include
stantially lower than for HD patients. The median dose those patients not receiving ESA within the group not
was 4,000 IU/week with a range of 2,000 to 8,000 meeting this RA target. There are two reasons: firstly,
(table 7.5). The 2013 median dose is similar to that for the high Hb remains outside the control of the clinician,
2012 (4,250 IU/week). and secondly, the recent trials suggesting that it may be
117 80
Compliance with Hb 100–120 g/L
Median Hb g/L
107 50
105 45
3,000 5,000 7,000 9,000 11,000 13,000 15,000 3,000 5,000 7,000 9,000 11,000 13,000 15,000
Median ESA dose (IU/week) Median ESA dose (IU/week)
Fig. 7.27. Median Hb versus median ESA dose in HD patients on Fig. 7.28. Compliance with Hb 100–120 g/L versus median ESA
ESA, by centre in 2013 dose in HD patients on ESA, by centre in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Percentage of patients
L Kings
West NI
B Heart
N Ireland
E, W & NI
Fig. 7.29. Distribution of haemoglobin in patients treated with HD and the proportion of patients with Hb .120 g/L receiving ESA by
centre in 2013
detrimental to achieve a high Hb in renal patients were show that 23% of HD patients had a Hb .120 g/L. Most
based only upon patients treated with ESAs [6,7]. of these patients (77%) were on ESAs. Whereas for PD,
Figures 7.29 and 7.30 show the percentages of HD and 28% of patients had a Hb .120 g/L, but only about
PD patients in each centre whose Hb lies above, within or 47% of these were on ESAs.
below the RA guidelines of 100–120 g/L. These charts
also show the proportion of patients with a Hb above ESA prescription: age and modality associations
the upper limit who were receiving, or were not receiving The proportion of patients on an ESA was higher for
an ESA. These analyses are restricted to the centres with HD (88%) than PD (68%) and this difference was present
acceptable ESA returns as stipulated above. These figures and similar across all age groups (figure 7.31). The
Percentage of patients
Hb >120 g/L – not on ESA
40 Hb >120 g/L – on ESA
Hb 100–120 g/L
30 Hb <100 g/L
West NI
L Kings
B Heart
N Ireland
E, W & NI
Fig. 7.30. Distribution of haemoglobin in patients treated with PD and the proportion of patients with Hb .120 g/L receiving ESA by
centre in 2013
Chapter 7 Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
100 40
50 0
18–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75+ 18–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75+
Age range (years) Age range (years)
Fig. 7.31. Percentage of dialysis patients on ESA, by age group Fig. 7.32. Percentage of whole cohort (2013) who are not on ESA
and treatment modality (2013) and have Hb 5100 g/L, by age group and treatment modality
proportion of patients who had a Hb 5100 g/L without function. For at least the first 10 years on RRT, a greater
requiring ESA (by age group and modality) is shown in percentage of HD patients were receiving ESA treatment
figure 7.32. than patients on PD for any given duration on RRT.
Percentage of patients on ESA (95% CIs)
90 30
80 20
70 10
60 0
450 or more
3 months 1–2 years 2–3 years 3–5 years 5–10 years >10 years
to <1 year ESA dose (IU/kg/week)
Time on RRT
Fig. 7.34. Frequency distribution of mean weekly ESA dose
Fig. 7.33. Percentage of patients on ESA by time on RRT (2013) corrected for weight in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Percentage of patients
Upper 95% Cl
60 % with Hb >100 g/L
Lower 95% Cl
Haemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis
Fig. 7.35. Percentage of prevalent HD
and PD patients (1998–2013) with Hb
Year 5100 g/L
>1.5 mcg/kg/week’. For the purposes of this analysis the Others may have been on ESA treatment but not had it
centres were restricted to those with good completeness recorded.
for weight (over 75%) and ESA dose data (35 centres Table 7.6 shows that the percentage of all patients
for HD and 18 centres for PD). As per the above defi- treated with an ESA and having Hb .120 g/L ranged
nition and assuming that HD patients largely receive between 3–29% for HD and between 0–26% for PD.
ESA intravenously and PD patients receive ESA subcu- For HD, there was a small percentage of patients having
taneously, the prevalence of high doses of ESA was ferritin levels ,100 mg/L and being on an ESA (0–10%).
0.7% (n = 57) and 1.1% (n = 5) for HD and PD The percentages were somewhat higher for PD (0–31%).
patients respectively. For these patients the dose range Table 7.7 shows the percentage completeness for drug
for HD was 452–795 IU/kg/week and for PD 329– type, dose, route and frequency of administration for
450 IU/kg/week. For patients on HD with high ESA centres reporting ESA data. The completeness was
doses, 44% (n = 25) had Hb ,100 g/L and 39% were generally good for drug type and dose but patchy for
within 100–120 g/L. For patients on PD with high ESA frequency and route of administration.
doses, 40% (n = 2) had Hb ,100 g/L and 60% were
within 100–120 g/L. The percentage of patients with
ESA resistance, defined by those failing to reach Hb 100
5100 g/L are 0.3% for HD and 0.5% for PD. Caution
needs to be applied when interpreting these results as
Percentage of patients (95% CIs)
Chapter 7 Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
Table 7.6. Percentage of patients with serum ferritin levels ,100 mg/L and on ESA and percentage of patients with Hb .120 g/L and
on ESA by modality
% with Hb .120 g/L % with ferr ,100 mg/L % with Hb .120 g/L % with ferr ,100 mg/L
Centre and on ESA and on ESA and on ESA and on ESA
B Heart 11 1 3 7
B QEH 9 1 7 1
Basldn 13 5 7 13
Bradfd 24 0 15 0
Bristol 22 2 16 0
Camb 6 0
Carlis 28 0 26 0
Chelms 22 1 15 6
Covnt 11 2 10 5
Donc 26 1 10 0
Dorset 22 2 18 3
Exeter 19 10 13 8
Glouc 23 7 6 31
Hull 17 2 7 2
Ipswi 16 1 8 0
Kent 22 3 5 0
L Kings 5 1 8 9
Leeds 13 2 8 2
Leic 25 4 18 3
Middlbr 22 3 18 0
Newc 13 2
Norwch 29 3 26 21
Nottm 11 0 7 0
Oxford 23 6 22 11
Prestn 13 2 25 6
Redng 27 2
Sheff 25 1 13 0
Shrew 25 2 19 0
Sthend 3 0 13 0
Sund 24 2
Wolve 23 2 14 12
York 16 1 16 0
N Ireland
Antrim 24 0 20 0
Belfast 22 5 15 9
Newry 24 8 0 12
Ulster 15 0
West NI 16 3 21 9
Bangor 19 1
Clwyd 26 0
Swanse 11 3 13 0
Wrexm 19 2 11 0
England 18 2 13 5
N Ireland 20 2 14 7
Wales 16 2 13 0
E, W & NI 18 2 13 5
Blank cells: centres excluded from analyses due to poor completeness or small numbers with data
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 7.7. Percentage completeness for type, dose, route and frequency of administration of ESA
B Heart 310 100 100 0 0 21 100 100 0 0
B QEH 776 100 100 100 0 76 100 100 100 0
Basldn 138 100 100 100 100 19 100 100 100 100
Bradfd 179 100 99 99 97 16 100 100 100 100
Bristol 439 100 100 0 0 36 100 100 0 0
Camb 10 100 100 0 0
Carlis 44 100 100 0 0 18 100 100 0 0
Chelms 101 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 100 100
Covnt 305 100 98 0 0 36 100 100 0 0
Donc 131 100 100 100 100 24 100 100 100 100
Dorset 231 100 100 97 100 28 100 100 96 100
Exeter 346 100 99 0 0 47 100 100 0 0
Glouc 167 100 0 0 0 25 100 0 0 0
Hull 229 100 100 100 98 35 100 100 100 100
Ipswi 86 100 100 0 0 17 100 100 0 0
Kent 344 100 100 99 100 31 100 100 100 100
L Kings 434 100 100 0 0 57 100 100 0 0
Leeds 406 100 100 100 100 49 100 100 100 98
Leic 806 100 100 0 0 100 100 100 0 0
Middlbr 240 100 100 0 0 7 100 100 0 0
Newc 163 100 100 0 0
Norwch 277 100 100 98 100 27 100 100 85 96
Nottm 313 100 97 0 0 47 100 60 0 0
Oxford 369 100 100 0 0 65 100 100 0 0
Prestn 462 100 16 0 0 43 100 5 0 0
Redng 217 100 100 0 0
Sheff 487 100 99 0 0 36 100 100 0 0
Shrew 159 100 100 91 95 16 100 100 94 100
Sthend 104 100 86 0 0 9 100 44 0 0
Sund 161 100 100 0 0
Wolve 229 100 100 100 100 49 100 100 98 100
York 115 100 100 100 99 16 100 100 100 100
N Ireland
Antrim 114 100 100 100 100 12 100 100 100 100
Belfast 183 100 100 99 100 23 100 100 100 100
Newry 77 100 100 99 100 15 100 100 80 100
Ulster 99 100 100 100 100
West NI 101 100 100 98 100 11 100 100 100 100
Bangor 66 100 100 0 0
Clwyd 62 100 18 98 100
Swanse 266 100 100 100 99 39 100 100 100 100
Wrexm 85 100 100 98 100 11 100 100 82 100
England 8,768 100 93 37 29 976 100 91 40 33
N Ireland 574 100 100 99 100 65 100 100 95 100
Wales 479 100 89 85 86 50 100 100 96 100
E, W & NI 9,821 100 93 43 36 1,091 100 92 46 40
Blank cells: centres excluded from analyses due to poor completeness or small numbers with data
Chapter 7 Anaemia management in UK dialysis patients
1 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Anemia Work 5 National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE): Anaemia
Group: KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Anemia in Chronic Kidney management in people with chronic kidney disease (CG114);2011
Disease. Kidney inter., Suppl. 2012;2:279–335 6 Pfeffer MA, et al.: A Trial of Darbepoetin Alfa in Type 2 Diabetes and
2 Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Practice Recommendations Chronic Kidney Disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 2009;
for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults: American Journal of 361(21):2019–2032
Kidney Diseases;47:S16 7 Gomez-Alamillo C, et al.: Erythropoietin Resistance as Surrogate Marker
3 Locatelli F, et al.: Anaemia management in patients with chronic kidney of Graft and Patient Survival in Renal Transplantation: 3-Year Prospective
disease: a position statement by the Anaemia Working Group of European Multicenter Study. Transplantation Proceedings, 2010;42(8):2935–2937
Renal Best Practice (ERBP). Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation,
4 Renal Association Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee: Haemodialysis,
5th Edition. 2010.
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 8 Biochemical Variables amongst
UK Adult Dialysis Patients in 2013:
National and Centre-specific Analyses
Key Words
Bicarbonate . Biochemical variables . Calcium . Dialysis .
. 78% of HD and PD patients had adjusted calcium
Haemodialysis . Parathyroid hormone . Peritoneal dialysis . between 2.2–2.5 mmol/L.
Phosphate . Quality improvement
. 57% of HD and 63% of PD patients had a serum
PTH between 16–72 pmol/L.
. 17% of HD and 13% of PD patients had a serum
Summary PTH .72 pmol/L.
. Simultaneous control of all three parameters within
In 2013 current audit standards was achieved by 49% of HD
and 50% of PD patients.
. 57% of HD patients and 62% of PD patients . 59% of HD and 79% of PD patients achieved the
achieved the audit measure for phosphate. audit measure for bicarbonate.
. 30% of HD and 31% of PD patients had a serum
phosphate above the audit standard range.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Introduction dialysis for less than 90 days and those who had changed modality
or renal centre in the last 90 days were excluded. Haemodialysis
The UK Renal Registry (UKRR) collects routine bio- (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) cohorts were analysed separ-
ately. A full definition of the cohort including inclusion and exclu-
chemical data from clinical information systems in sion criteria is available in appendix B (
renal centres in England, Wales and Northern Ireland The biochemical variables analysed in this chapter were serum
and receives data from Scotland via the Scottish Renal phosphate, calcium, parathyroid hormone and bicarbonate. The
Registry. Annual cross sectional analyses are undertaken method of data collection and validation by the UKRR has been
on some of these variables to determine centre level previously described [2]. In brief, for each quarter of 2013 the
UKRR extracted biochemical data electronically from clinical
performance against national (Renal Association (RA)) information systems in UK dialysis centres. The UKRR does not
clinical performance measures [1]. This enables UK currently collect data regarding different assay methods mainly
renal centres to compare their own performance against because a single dialysis centre may process samples in several
each other and to the UK average performance. Currently different laboratories. Scottish centres have only been included
the 5th edition of the UK Renal Association clinical prac- in analyses relating to phosphate control, with data for their
prevalent dialysis cohort being supplied directly by the Scottish
tice guidelines is in practice [1]. This edition commenced Renal Registry. The audit measure used for serum phosphate was
in a graded manner in 2009 and includes an expanded 1.1–1.7 mmol/L in both the HD and PD cohorts [1, 3]. For centres
number of guideline modules compared to previous providing adjusted calcium values, these data were analysed directly
editions. as it is these values on which clinical decisions within centres are
based. For centres providing unadjusted calcium values, a formula
Audit measures for kidney disease increasingly include
in widespread use was used to calculate adjusted calcium [4]. The
tighter specification limits in conjunction with a growing audit measure for adjusted calcium depends on the local reference
evidence base. Out of range observations (e.g. hyperpho- range [3]. For the purposes of these analyses, the UKRR has used
sphataemia and hypophosphataemia) need to be inter- the RA guideline standard of adjusted calcium between 2.2–
preted cautiously as they may relate to different clinical 2.5 mmol/L as the audit measure [3]. There are also a variety of
methods and reference ranges in use to measure parathyroid
problems or population characteristics. These will there-
hormone (PTH). To enable some form of comparative audit the
fore require different strategies to improve centre per- UKRR has used 2–9 times the median upper limit of the reference
formance of clinical audit measures. Summary range (8 pmol/L) as the audit measure in line with the 5th edition of
statistical data have been provided to enhance under- the RA clinical practice guidelines and KDIGO 2009 guidance [3, 5].
standing of the population characteristics of each centre This equates to a PTH range of 16–72 pmol/L. The audit measure
used for serum bicarbonate in the HD cohort was 18–24 mmol/L
and longitudinal analyses to demonstrate changes over as per the updated haemodialysis guidelines and in the PD cohort
time. was 22–30 mmol/L. A summary of the current RA audit measures
Data are also available on the UKRR data portal at for these variables and conversion factors to SI units are given in table 8.2.
Table 8.1 lists the recommended biochemical based Quarterly values were extracted from the database for the last
two quarters for calcium, phosphate and bicarbonate and the last
audit measures from the RA which are relevant to the three quarters for PTH. Patients who did not have these data
dialysis population. Several of the audit measures are were excluded from the analyses. Data completeness was analysed
not currently reported by the UKRR in its annual report; at centre and country level. All patients were included in analyses
the reasons behind this are varied, but predominantly but centres with less than 50% completeness were excluded from
relate to a high proportion of incomplete data or that plots and tables showing centre level performance. Data were also
excluded from plots and tables when there were less than 20 patients
the relevant variable is not currently within the specified with data both at centre or country level. These data were analysed
UKRR dataset. Over time it is hoped to work with the to calculate summary descriptive statistics (maximum, minimum,
renal community to improve reporting across the range means with the corresponding standard deviation, medians and
of recommended standards. interquartile ranges). Where applicable, the percentage achieving
the Renal Association standard or other surrogate clinical perform-
ance measure was also calculated.
The simultaneous control of all three components of bone and
mineral disorder (BMD) parameters were analysed in combi-
Methods nation. The proportion of patients with control of none, one,
two or three parameters are presented. For the purpose of these
The analyses presented in this chapter relate to biochemical analyses a corrected calcium between 2.2–2.5 mmol/L, a phos-
variables in the prevalent dialysis cohort in England, Wales and phate level being maintained at or below 1.7 mmol/L and a PTH
Northern Ireland in 2013. Scotland is also included in analyses level being at or below 72 pmol/L, were evaluated in combination.
of phosphate control. The cohort studied were patients prevalent Centres report several biochemical variables with different
on dialysis treatment on 31st December 2013. Patients receiving levels of accuracy, leading to problems in comparative evaluation.
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
Table 8.1. Summary of Renal Association audit measures for biochemical variables [1]
Currently included in
RA audit measure and clinical guideline UKRR annual report Reason
Table 8.2. Summary of clinical audit measures and conversion factors from SI units
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
For example, in the case of serum bicarbonate, data can be Guideline 3.2 CKD-MBD: Serum phosphate in
submitted as integer values but some centres submit data to one dialysis patients
decimal place. All data has been rounded in an attempt to make
all centres more comparable. ‘We suggest that serum phosphate in dialysis patients,
The number preceding the centre name in each figure indicates
the percentage of missing data for that centre. Funnel plot analyses
measured before a ‘‘short-gap’’ dialysis session in haemo-
were used to identify ‘outlying centres’ [6]. The percentage within dialysis patients, should be maintained between 1.1 and
range for each standard was plotted against centre size along 1.7 mmol/L (2C)’ [3].
with the upper and lower 95% and 99.9% limits. Centres can be
identified on these plots by looking up the number of patients The data completeness for serum phosphate across the
treated in each centre provided in the relevant table and finding UK was 97% for HD patients and 98% for PD patients
this value on the x-axis. Longitudinal analyses were performed although there was considerable variation between
for some data to calculate overall changes in achievement of a
centres (tables 8.3, 8.5). The individual centre means
performance measure annually from 2003 to 2013 and were
recalculated for each previous year using the rounding procedure. and standard deviations are shown in tables 8.3 and
All data are presented unadjusted for case-mix. 8.5. Fifty-seven percent (95% CI 56–58%) of HD patients
and 62% (95% CI 60–63%) of PD patients achieved a
phosphate level within the target range specified by the
RA clinical audit measure (tables 8.4, 8.6). The pro-
Results portion of HD patients with hyperphosphataemia was
30% and the proportion with hypophosphataemia was
Mineral and bone variables 13% (table 8.4, figures 8.1, 8.2). The proportion of PD
Phosphate patients with hyperphosphataemia was 31% and the
In 2013 the following Renal Association clinical practice proportion with hypophosphataemia was 7% (table 8.6,
guideline regarding phosphate management was applicable: figures 8.3, 8.4). There was wide between centre variation
B Heart 100.0 401 1.6 0.6 1.5 1.3 1.9
B QEH 97.1 859 1.6 0.5 1.5 1.3 1.8
Basldn 99.3 151 1.4 0.5 1.4 1.1 1.7
Bradfd 100.0 186 1.5 0.5 1.4 1.1 1.8
Brightn 96.2 358 1.6 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.8
Bristol 100.0 485 1.6 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.8
Camb 94.9 338 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.8
Carlis 100.0 58 1.7 0.5 1.6 1.2 2.0
Carsh 95.3 665 1.6 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.8
Chelms 100.0 109 1.4 0.4 1.4 1.2 1.7
Colchr 92.7 101 1.5 0.4 1.5 1.3 1.7
Covnt 100.0 354 1.6 0.5 1.5 1.3 1.9
Derby 99.5 202 1.5 0.5 1.4 1.2 1.8
Donc 100.0 146 1.5 0.4 1.5 1.3 1.7
Dorset 100.0 244 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.7
Dudley 95.1 155 1.6 0.5 1.6 1.3 1.8
Exeter 100.0 376 1.6 0.5 1.5 1.3 1.8
Glouc 100.0 188 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.8
Hull 100.0 299 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.3 1.8
Ipswi 100.0 112 1.3 0.5 1.2 0.9 1.6
Kent 99.2 373 1.7 0.6 1.6 1.3 1.9
L Barts 99.9 882 1.6 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.9
L Guys 77.3 457 1.5 0.5 1.4 1.1 1.8
L Kings 99.8 465 1.5 0.4 1.4 1.2 1.7
L Rfree 99.0 681 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.8
L St.G 98.4 251 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.8
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 8.4. Percentage of haemodialysis patients within, below and above the range specified in the RA audit measure for phosphate
(1.1–1.7 mmol/L) in 2013
B Heart 401 54.9 50.0 59.7 10.2 34.9 2.5 −4.4 9.4
B QEH 859 62.9 59.6 66.0 9.3 27.8 4.8 0.1 9.4
Basldn 151 55.0 47.0 62.7 21.2 23.8 −7.8 −19.0 3.4
Bradfd 186 53.2 46.0 60.3 21.0 25.8 3.0 −7.2 13.1
Brightn 358 58.4 53.2 63.4 14.3 27.4 3.3 −4.2 10.7
Bristol 485 58.6 54.1 62.9 11.8 29.7 4.8 −1.6 11.1
Camb 338 61.2 55.9 66.3 11.8 26.9 −3.9 −11.3 3.5
Carlis 58 53.5 40.7 65.8 6.9 39.7 0.8 −17.4 19.1
Carsh 665 56.5 52.7 60.3 12.3 31.1 −2.2 −7.5 3.2
Chelms 109 67.0 57.6 75.1 16.5 16.5 1.7 −10.6 13.9
Colchr 101 70.3 60.7 78.4 6.9 22.8 −0.7 −13.3 11.9
Covnt 354 59.9 54.7 64.9 7.6 32.5 3.2 −4.2 10.5
Derby 202 62.4 55.5 68.8 12.4 25.3 6.4 −3.1 15.9
Donc 146 65.1 57.0 72.4 13.7 21.2 0.5 −10.2 11.3
Dorset 244 59.8 53.6 65.8 15.6 24.6 5.1 −3.7 13.9
Dudley 155 53.6 45.7 61.3 11.6 34.8 0.9 −10.2 12.1
Exeter 376 60.6 55.6 65.5 12.2 27.1 2.6 −4.5 9.8
Glouc 188 60.1 53.0 66.9 13.3 26.6 1.4 −8.5 11.2
Hull 299 64.2 58.6 69.5 10.0 25.8 4.9 −2.8 12.7
Ipswi 112 45.5 36.6 54.8 37.5 17.0 −14.1 −26.8 −1.5
Kent 373 53.4 48.3 58.4 9.4 37.3 −0.3 −7.6 6.9
L Barts 882 52.6 49.3 55.9 14.1 33.3 1.1 −3.6 5.8
L Guys 457 54.7 50.1 59.2 19.5 25.8 −4.4 −10.6 1.8
L Kings 465 65.4 60.9 69.6 14.4 20.2 1.5 −4.7 7.6
L Rfree 681 59.3 55.6 63.0 13.5 27.2 2.4 −3.2 7.9
L St.G 251 59.4 53.2 65.3 14.7 25.9 4.4 −4.2 12.9
L West 1,307 56.5 53.8 59.1 16.1 27.4 −1.4 −5.2 2.4
Leeds 470 51.7 47.2 56.2 14.7 33.6 −1.4 −7.8 5.1
Leic 827 53.8 50.4 57.2 10.6 35.6 1.5 −3.4 6.3
Liv Ain 147 53.7 45.7 61.6 26.5 19.7 −2.4 −13.5 8.7
Liv Roy 333 59.5 54.1 64.6 18.0 22.5 6.1 −1.4 13.6
M RI∗ 457 51.6 47.1 56.2 15.8 32.6 0.5 −6.1 7.0
Middlbr 320 57.2 51.7 62.5 12.8 30.0 1.8 −5.9 9.6
Newc 257 57.2 51.1 63.1 16.3 26.5 0.7 −7.8 9.2
Norwch 305 59.0 53.4 64.4 10.8 30.2 −0.5 −8.3 7.3
Nottm 354 57.1 51.9 62.1 13.8 29.1 −0.8 −8.1 6.4
Oxford 405 50.6 45.8 55.5 17.3 32.1 −3.7 −10.7 3.2
Plymth 120 57.5 48.5 66.0 13.3 29.2 −2.2 −14.6 10.3
Ports 544 50.7 46.5 54.9 14.3 34.9 −1.3 −7.4 4.7
Prestn 507 57.0 52.7 61.3 7.9 35.1 5.4 −0.8 11.5
Redng 260 62.3 56.3 68.0 13.5 24.2 4.1 −4.3 12.6
Salford∗ 318 53.8 48.3 59.2 19.8 26.4 0.8 −7.0 8.7
Sheff 555 60.7 56.6 64.7 9.0 30.3 1.4 −4.3 7.2
Shrew 174 57.5 50.0 64.6 6.3 36.2 3.4 −6.9 13.7
Stevng 420 54.3 49.5 59.0 11.9 33.8 −2.1 −9.0 4.8
Sthend 110 60.9 51.5 69.6 8.2 30.9 13.7 0.6 26.8
Stoke 238 62.2 55.9 68.1 10.9 26.9 4.4 −4.3 13.1
Truro 139 58.3 49.9 66.2 18.0 23.7 1.1 −10.6 12.9
Wirral 195 54.9 47.8 61.7 15.4 29.7 −1.4 −11.7 8.8
Wolve 277 52.4 46.5 58.2 21.7 26.0 −1.7 −10.1 6.6
York 129 62.8 54.2 70.7 17.8 19.4 4.1 −8.0 16.2
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
N Ireland
Antrim 120 60.8 51.8 69.1 30.0 9.2 4.0 −8.3 16.3
Belfast 195 51.3 44.3 58.2 20.5 28.2 −0.4 −10.2 9.4
Newry 84 58.3 47.6 68.4 10.7 31.0 7.7 −7.2 22.7
Ulster 103 54.4 44.7 63.7 18.5 27.2 −14.0 −27.2 −0.7
West NI 107 59.8 50.3 68.7 11.2 29.0 6.3 −6.3 19.0
Abrdn 197 55.3 48.3 62.1 11.2 33.5 −1.6 −11.3 8.1
Airdrie 175 61.1 53.7 68.1 12.6 26.3 12.1 1.5 22.6
D & Gall 44 56.8 42.0 70.5 18.2 25.0 0.3 −20.2 20.8
Dundee 156 50.0 42.2 57.8 9.0 41.0 −2.1 −12.9 8.8
Edinb 244 52.1 45.8 58.3 7.0 41.0 −2.4 −11.4 6.5
Glasgw 538 53.4 49.1 57.5 7.3 39.4 1.7 −4.3 7.8
Inverns 54 55.6 42.2 68.1 5.6 38.9 16.7 −1.9 35.2
Klmarnk 123 47.2 38.5 56.0 16.3 36.6 −5.7 −18.1 6.8
Krkcldy 135 60.0 51.5 67.9 8.2 31.9 3.6 −8.2 15.4
Bangor 84 64.3 53.5 73.8 8.3 27.4 −0.3 −14.9 14.2
Cardff 460 55.7 51.1 60.1 9.8 34.6 −2.8 −9.3 3.6
Clwyd 72 55.6 44.0 66.6 11.1 33.3 1.6 −14.4 17.7
Swanse 311 62.7 57.2 67.9 10.9 26.4 0.1 −7.5 7.7
Wrexm 96 55.2 45.2 64.8 22.9 21.9 −4.6 −18.9 9.8
England 18,064 57.2 56.4 57.9 13.6 29.2 1.0 −0.1 2.0
N Ireland 609 56.2 52.2 60.1 19.1 24.8 0.7 −4.8 6.2
Scotland 1,666 54.1 51.7 56.5 9.4 36.5 1.5 −1.9 4.9
Wales 1,023 58.5 55.4 61.4 11.3 30.2 −1.6 −5.8 2.7
UK 21,362 57.0 56.3 57.6 13.3 29.7 0.9 −0.1 1.8
Salford and Manchester RI have been involved in the SPIRiT study – an RCT comparing low phosphate control (0.8 to 1.4 mmol/L) with high
phosphate group control (1.8 to 2.4 mmol/L); HD patients only were recruited
Table 8.5. Summary statistics for phosphate in peritoneal dialysis patients in 2013
B Heart 100.0 35 1.7 0.4 1.7 1.4 2.0
B QEH 100.0 129 1.6 0.4 1.5 1.2 1.9
Basldn 100.0 30 1.6 0.3 1.6 1.4 1.7
Bradfd 96.2 25 1.7 0.5 1.7 1.3 2.0
Brightn 100.0 66 1.6 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.8
Bristol 100.0 57 1.8 0.4 1.7 1.4 2.0
Camb 94.7 18
Carlis 100.0 23 1.6 0.4 1.6 1.4 1.8
Carsh 97.1 102 1.6 0.4 1.5 1.3 1.7
Chelms 95.0 19
Covnt 91.7 66 1.4 0.4 1.3 1.1 1.5
Derby 98.7 77 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.2 1.7
Donc 100.0 30 1.6 0.5 1.5 1.3 1.8
Dorset 89.7 35 1.6 0.4 1.6 1.4 1.8
Dudley 100.0 47 1.8 0.6 1.7 1.4 2.1
Exeter 100.0 63 1.5 0.4 1.5 1.3 1.8
Glouc 100.0 31 1.6 0.4 1.5 1.3 1.9
Hull 100.0 72 1.6 0.4 1.5 1.4 1.8
Ipswi 100.0 24 1.6 0.5 1.4 1.2 1.8
Kent 98.3 56 1.5 0.4 1.5 1.3 1.8
L Barts 98.9 176 1.5 0.4 1.5 1.2 1.8
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
Table 8.6. Percentage of peritoneal dialysis patients within, below and above the range specified in the RA audit measure for phosphate
(1.1–1.7 mmol/L) in 2013
B Heart 35 48.6 32.7 64.7 5.7 45.7 5.7 −16.6 28.0
B QEH 129 58.1 49.5 66.3 8.5 33.3 −9.7 −21.1 1.7
Basldn 30 76.7 58.5 88.5 3.3 20.0 17.4 −6.5 41.3
Bradfd 25 48.0 29.6 66.9 8.0 44.0 −10.3 −38.1 17.5
Brightn 66 51.5 39.6 63.3 12.1 36.4 2.3 −14.8 19.4
Bristol 57 54.4 41.5 66.8 0.0 45.6 0.8 −17.6 19.2
Carlis 23 65.2 44.3 81.6 8.7 26.1 −11.0 −37.6 15.7
Carsh 102 69.6 60.0 77.7 6.9 23.5 5.4 −7.7 18.5
Covnt 66 60.6 48.4 71.6 19.7 19.7 −15.7 −30.9 −0.5
Derby 77 61.0 49.8 71.2 14.3 24.7 −2.1 −17.1 12.9
Donc 30 63.3 45.1 78.4 6.7 30.0 6.8 −19.8 33.4
Dorset 35 62.9 46.0 77.1 5.7 31.4 −1.8 −24.5 20.8
Dudley 47 46.8 33.2 61.0 4.3 48.9 3.4 −16.1 22.9
Exeter 63 65.1 52.6 75.8 7.9 27.0 1.8 −14.6 18.3
Glouc 31 64.5 46.6 79.1 0.0 35.5 0.0 −23.8 23.8
Hull 72 68.1 56.5 77.8 4.2 27.8 6.2 −9.1 21.6
Ipswi 24 75.0 54.4 88.3 0.0 25.0 11.7 −12.8 36.1
Kent 56 62.5 49.3 74.1 8.9 28.6 8.8 −9.6 27.2
L Barts 176 61.4 54.0 68.3 10.2 28.4 3.2 −7.2 13.6
L Guys 24 62.5 42.2 79.2 12.5 25.0 −10.6 −36.4 15.2
L Kings 78 71.8 60.9 80.7 6.4 21.8 9.5 −5.3 24.2
L Rfree 108 64.8 55.4 73.2 8.3 26.9 2.4 −10.6 15.5
L St.G 44 70.5 55.5 82.0 2.3 27.3 −3.5 −22.0 15.1
L West 52 71.2 57.5 81.8 1.9 26.9 0.9 −17.0 18.9
Leeds 62 46.8 34.8 59.1 6.5 46.8 −11.7 −28.3 4.9
Leic 132 65.2 56.7 72.8 6.1 28.8 1.6 −9.8 13.0
Liv Ain 26 69.2 49.5 83.8 7.7 23.1
Liv Roy 51 70.6 56.8 81.4 5.9 23.5 −1.1 −18.5 16.3
M RI 68 60.3 48.3 71.2 10.3 29.4 7.7 −8.5 23.8
Newc 32 59.4 41.9 74.7 3.1 37.5 3.1 −21.1 27.3
Norwch 35 74.3 57.5 86.0 8.6 17.1 13.9 −6.2 33.9
Nottm 68 72.1 60.3 81.4 4.4 23.5 19.3 3.6 35.0
Oxford 83 55.4 44.6 65.7 4.8 39.8 −2.2 −18.2 13.9
Plymth 29 51.7 34.1 68.9 20.7 27.6 −10.4 −35.7 15.0
Ports 75 58.7 47.3 69.2 6.7 34.7 −6.7 −22.1 8.6
Prestn 52 59.6 45.9 72.0 7.7 32.7 1.0 −17.4 19.4
Redng 64 71.9 59.7 81.5 3.1 25.0 5.7 −10.2 21.7
Salford 73 56.2 44.7 67.0 12.3 31.5 0.7 −14.9 16.4
Sheff 61 62.3 49.6 73.5 6.6 31.2 3.2 −13.8 20.2
Shrew 26 69.2 49.5 83.8 7.7 23.1 6.7 −17.7 31.1
Stevng 36 58.3 41.9 73.1 16.7 25.0 −23.2 −44.9 −1.4
Stoke 80 57.5 46.5 67.8 5.0 37.5 1.3 −14.4 17.1
Wirral 20 45.0 25.3 66.4 10.0 45.0 −31.2 −59.6 −2.8
Wolve 78 56.4 45.3 66.9 3.9 39.7 −2.6 −18.1 12.9
York 25 72.0 51.8 86.0 12.0 16.0 16.4 −9.3 42.2
N Ireland
Belfast 26 53.9 35.1 71.6 7.7 38.5 1.7 −26.3 29.7
Abrdn 20 50.0 29.4 70.6 10.0 40.0 0.0 −31.0 31.0
Edinb 25 56.0 36.6 73.7 8.0 36.0 11.6 −13.8 36.9
Glasgw 39 59.0 43.2 73.1 0.0 41.0 6.5 −15.4 28.3
Klmarnk 38 63.2 47.0 76.8 2.6 34.2 −1.8 −23.1 19.5
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Cardff 66 68.2 56.1 78.3 6.1 25.8 3.9 −12.0 19.8
Swanse 53 67.9 54.3 79.0 5.7 26.4 −1.9 −19.5 15.7
England 2,715 62.0 60.1 63.8 7.7 30.4 1.1 −1.5 3.6
N Ireland 76 59.2 47.9 69.6 7.9 32.9 −5.5 −21.3 10.3
Scotland 191 56.5 49.4 63.4 4.7 38.7 2.5 −7.3 12.2
Wales 163 65.0 57.4 72.0 6.1 28.8 −1.6 −11.8 8.5
UK 3,145 61.7 60.0 63.4 7.4 30.9 0.9 −1.5 3.3
N = 21,362 Upper 95% Cl
% with phos 1.1–1.7 mmol/L
70 Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
7 Colchr
0 Chelms
0 L Kings
0 Donc
0 Bangor
0 Hull
0 York
0 Swanse
0 Derby
0 Redng
17 Stoke
5 Camb
1 Airdrie
0 Sthend
0 Antrim
0 Sheff
0 Exeter
0 Glouc
5 Krkcldy
0 Covnt
0 Dorset
0 West NI
0 Liv Roy
2 L St.G
1 L Rfree
0 Norwch
0 Bristol
4 Brightn
0 Newry
0 Truro
0 Plymth
1 Shrew
0 Newc
1 Middlbr
0 Nottm
0 Prestn
0 D&Gall
5 Carsh
1 L West
0 Cardff
0 Clwyd
14 Inverns
4 Abrdn
0 Wrexm
1 Basldn
2 Wirral
0 B Heart
23 L Guys
0 Ulster
3 Stevng
0 Leic
12 Salford
1 Liv Ain
5 Dudley
0 Carlis
1 Kent
4 Glasgw
0 Bradfd
0 L Barts
0 Wolve
4 Edinb
0 Leeds
6 M RI
2 Belfast
0 Ports
0 Oxford
4 Dundee
2 Klmarnk
0 Ipswi
3 England
1 N Ireland
4 Scotland
0 Wales
3 UK
Fig. 8.1. Percentage of haemodialysis patients with phosphate within the range specified by the RA clinical audit measure (1.1–
1.7 mmol/L) by centre in 2013
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits in the proportion of patients below, within and above the
75 Solid lines show 95% limits phosphate range specified by the clinical performance
70 measure (figures 8.1–8.4).
Longitudinal analysis showed a trend towards
Percentage of patients
improved phosphate control across England, Northern
60 Ireland and Wales combined between 2003 and 2013
that has plateaued in more recent years (figure 8.5).
However, this overall plateau masks substantial deterior-
50 ation in a few centres achieving the standard this year
45 (Ipswich, Ulster for HD patients; Coventry, Stevenage,
Wirral for PD patients) that has been countered by
improvements in other centres.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400
Number of patients with data in centre Adjusted calcium
Fig. 8.2. Funnel plot of percentage of haemodialysis patients with In 2013, the following Renal Association clinical
phosphate within the range specified by the RA clinical audit practice guideline regarding calcium management was
measure (1.1–1.7 mmol/L) by centre in 2013 applicable:
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
N = 21,362 Upper 95% Cl
90 % with phos 1.1–1.7 mmol/L
Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
0 Basldn
0 Ipswi
0 Norwch
0 Nottm
0 York
0 Redng
1 L Kings
0 L West
0 Liv Roy
2 L St.G
3 Carsh
0 Shrew
0 Liv Ain
0 Cardff
0 Hull
0 Swanse
0 Carlis
2 Leic
0 Exeter
0 L Rfree
0 Glouc
0 Donc
3 Klmarnk
10 Dorset
14 L Guys
2 Kent
0 Sheff
1 L Barts
1 Derby
8 Covnt
1 M RI
0 Prestn
11 Newc
0 Glasgw
3 Ports
3 Stevng
1 Stoke
0 Wolve
3 Salford
0 Edinb
0 Oxford
0 Bristol
0 Belfast
0 Plymth
0 Brightn
5 Abrdn
0 B Heart
4 Bradfd
0 Dudley
0 Leeds
26 Wirral
2 England
0 N Ireland
3 Scotland
1 Wales
2 UK
Fig. 8.3. Percentage of peritoneal dialysis patients with phosphate within the range specified by the RA clinical audit measure
(1.1–1.7 mmol/L) by centre in 2013
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits Guideline 2.2 CKD-MBD: Serum calcium in dialysis
Solid lines show 95% limits
80 patients (stage 5D)
‘We suggest that serum calcium, adjusted for albumin
Percentage of patients
concentration, should be maintained within the normal
60 reference range for the laboratory used, measured before
a ‘‘short-gap’’ dialysis session in haemodialysis patients.
50 Ideally, adjusted serum calcium should be maintained
between 2.2 and 2.5 mmol/L, with avoidance of
40 hypercalcaemic episodes (2D)’ [3].
30 In 2013, the data for adjusted calcium was 97%
15 35 55 75 95 115 135 155 175 complete for HD patients and 98% complete for PD
Number of patients with data in centre
patients overall, although there was between centre
Fig. 8.4. Funnel plot of percentage of peritoneal dialysis patients
variation (tables 8.7, 8.9). Seventy-eight percent (95%
with phosphate within the range specified by the RA clinical audit
measure (1.1–1.7 mmol/L) by centre in 2013 CI 78–79%) of HD patients and 78% of PD (95% CI
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 8.7. Summary statistics for adjusted calcium in haemodialysis patients in 2013
B Hearta 100.0 401 2.5 0.2 2.5 2.3 2.6
B QEH 99.6 881 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Basldn 99.3 151 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.4
Bradfd 100.0 186 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Brightnb 78.5 292 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Bristol 100.0 485 2.4 0.1 2.4 2.3 2.5
Camb 94.7 337 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Carlis 100.0 58 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Carsh 95.4 666 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Chelms 100.0 109 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Colchr 91.7 100 2.4 0.1 2.4 2.3 2.4
Covntb 100.0 354 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.5
Derby 100.0 203 2.5 0.1 2.5 2.4 2.5
Donc 100.0 146 2.3 0.1 2.3 2.2 2.4
Dorsetb 100.0 244 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Dudley 95.1 155 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Exeter 100.0 376 2.3 0.1 2.3 2.2 2.4
Glouc 100.0 188 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Hull 100.0 299 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Ipswi 100.0 112 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Kent 98.4 370 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.6
L Barts 99.9 882 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
L Guys 77.3 457 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
L Kings 99.8 465 2.3 0.1 2.3 2.2 2.4
L Rfree 99.0 681 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
L St.G 98.4 251 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
L Westb 90.7 1,194 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.2 2.5
Leeds 100.0 470 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Leic 99.9 827 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Liv Ain 99.3 147 2.4 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Liv Roy 99.7 333 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
M RI 94.0 457 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Middlbr 99.4 320 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.1 2.4
Newca 100.0 257 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.3 2.4
Norwch 99.3 303 2.5 0.2 2.5 2.3 2.5
Nottm 100.0 354 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Oxford 100.0 405 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Plymth 99.2 119 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.4
Ports 99.6 543 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Prestn 95.5 485 2.3 0.0 2.3 2.2 2.4
Redng 100.0 260 2.4 0.2 2.3 2.3 2.4
Salford 87.9 318 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Sheff 99.8 555 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Shrew 98.9 174 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Stevng 97.5 420 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Sthend 100.0 110 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Stoke 79.2 228 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Sundb 100.0 177 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Truro 100.0 139 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Wirral 98.5 195 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Wolve 100.0 277 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
York 100.0 129 2.4 0.1 2.4 2.3 2.4
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
N Ireland
Antrim 100.0 120 2.5 0.1 2.5 2.4 2.6
Belfastb 99.5 198 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Newry 97.6 82 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Ulster 100.0 103 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
West NI 100.0 107 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Bangor 100.0 84 2.3 0.1 2.3 2.2 2.4
Cardff 100.0 460 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Clwyd 100.0 72 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Swanse 100.0 311 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Wrexm 100.0 96 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
England 96.7 18,045 2.4 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.5
N Ireland 99.5 610 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Wales 100.0 1,023 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
E, W & NI 97.0 19,678 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.2 2.5
Newcastle had a change in calcium assay in April 2013; Birmingham Heartlands had a change in calcium assay in 2012
These centres supplied uncorrected calcium and were corrected using the formula: adjusted calcium = unadjusted calcium + [(40-albumin) ×
77–80%) patients had an adjusted calcium between 2.2– of centres outlying the three standard deviation limit
2.5 mmol/L (tables 8.8, 8.10). The proportion of HD indicating over dispersion in the data, possibly due to
patients with hypercalcaemia was 12% and the pro- differences in calcium adjustment factors between centres.
portion with hypocalcaemia was 10%. For PD patients The changes in the percentages above, below and
the proportion of patients with hypercalcaemia was within range for the period 2003 to 2013 for England,
15% and the proportion with hypocalcaemia was 7% Northern Ireland and Wales combined are shown in
(tables 8.8, 8.10, figures 8.6–8.9). Interestingly there was figure 8.10. The percentage of patients achieving the
quite a large shift in the proportion of individuals on audit standard for calcium appears to have plateaued
HD with an adjusted calcium greater than the target for both HD and PD patients in recent years. As with
range in Northern Ireland when reviewed at aggregate the phosphate data, this overall plateau masks substantial
level, with an increase from 9% to 14% between 2012 deterioration in a few centres achieving the standard this
and 2013; corresponding changes in the proportion of year (Carlisle, Antrim, Wrexham for HD patients;
patients with calcium .2.5 mmol/L in Antrim and London West, Newcastle, Cardiff for PD patients) that
Belfast centres were observed. A reversal of this pattern has been countered by improvements in other centres.
was observed in the PD population with the suggestion
of a fall in the proportion of patients in Northern Ireland Parathyroid hormone
with hypercalcaemia from 20% in 2012 to 13% in 2013. In At the beginning of 2013 the following RA guideline
Wales, there was an increase in the proportion of the PD for PTH applied:
population with hypercalcaemia from 10% in 2012 to
Guideline 4.2.1 CKD-MBD: Target range of serum
20% in 2013.
PTH in patients on dialysis
Similar to that seen in the earlier presented phosphate
analyses, there was significant between centre variation in ‘We suggest that the target range for parathyroid
unadjusted analyses for the proportion of patients below, hormone measured using an intact PTH assay should
within and above the range specified by the clinical be between 2 and 9 times the upper limit of normal
performance measure (figures 8.6–8.10). There was for the assay used (2C)’ [3].
greater variation in the proportion of patients within
range for adjusted calcium than phosphate, most notably The data for parathyroid hormone were 93% complete
for HD patients. The funnel plot shows a greater number for HD patients and 90% for PD patients overall,
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 8.8. Percentage of haemodialysis patients within, below and above the range for adjusted calcium (2.2–2.5 mmol/L) in 2013
B Hearta 401 65.3 60.5 69.8 4.0 30.7 7.6 0.9 14.3
B QEH 881 77.1 74.2 79.7 20.7 2.3 6.4 2.3 10.6
Basldn 151 84.1 77.4 89.1 8.6 7.3 2.0 −6.5 10.6
Bradfd 186 81.2 74.9 86.2 5.4 13.4 8.2 −0.3 16.7
Brightnb 292 70.6 65.1 75.5 16.8 12.7 −7.4 −14.9 0.1
Bristol 485 86.4 83.0 89.2 1.7 12.0 9.8 4.9 14.7
Camb 337 82.2 77.7 85.9 11.0 6.8 −4.8 −10.4 0.7
Carlis 58 65.5 52.5 76.6 24.1 10.3 −13.4 −29.6 2.7
Carsh 666 80.9 77.8 83.7 11.9 7.2 −0.6 −4.8 3.7
Chelms 109 88.1 80.5 93.0 5.5 6.4 3.8 −5.1 12.7
Colchr 100 93.0 86.0 96.6 0.0 7.0 6.0 −2.3 14.3
Covntb 354 75.7 71.0 79.9 12.2 12.2 −1.6 −7.9 4.7
Derby 203 74.9 68.5 80.4 2.0 23.2 −2.6 −10.9 5.6
Donc 146 91.1 85.3 94.8 8.2 0.7 4.4 −2.6 11.4
Dorsetb 244 82.4 77.1 86.7 8.6 9.0 −2.4 −9.0 4.2
Dudley 155 80.7 73.7 86.1 8.4 11.0 2.4 −6.7 11.4
Exeter 376 88.3 84.6 91.2 3.2 8.5 12.6 7.0 18.1
Glouc 188 81.9 75.8 86.8 5.3 12.8 −4.7 −12.0 2.6
Hull 299 79.6 74.7 83.8 6.0 14.4 3.4 −3.2 10.1
Ipswi 112 76.8 68.1 83.7 6.3 17.0 −3.1 −13.6 7.5
Kent 370 70.8 66.0 75.2 4.1 25.1 0.6 −6.0 7.2
L Barts 882 71.0 67.9 73.9 22.8 6.2 4.2 −0.1 8.6
L Guys 457 76.6 72.5 80.2 12.9 10.5 2.6 −2.8 8.0
L Kings 465 88.4 85.1 91.0 8.0 3.7 6.4 1.9 11.0
L Rfree 681 85.8 82.9 88.2 9.5 4.7 9.2 4.8 13.6
L St.G 251 78.9 73.4 83.5 13.2 8.0 −2.0 −8.9 5.0
L Westb 1,194 67.8 65.1 70.4 12.0 20.3 −3.6 −7.3 0.1
Leeds 470 81.1 77.3 84.4 6.4 12.6 0.0 −5.1 5.1
Leic 827 78.4 75.4 81.0 8.5 13.2 −0.5 −4.5 3.5
Liv Ain 147 82.3 75.3 87.7 6.8 10.9 2.7 −6.1 11.4
Liv Roy 333 77.8 73.0 81.9 6.3 15.9 −2.9 −9.0 3.3
M RI 457 77.9 73.9 81.5 5.7 16.4 3.1 −2.4 8.7
Middlbr 320 68.8 63.5 73.6 27.5 3.8 −7.5 −14.4 −0.5
Newca 257 87.9 83.4 91.4 7.8 4.3 12.8 6.2 19.3
Norwch 303 72.3 67.0 77.0 3.3 24.4 2.5 −4.7 9.8
Nottm 354 78.0 73.4 82.0 5.7 16.4 −5.1 −10.9 0.7
Oxford 405 80.3 76.1 83.8 8.2 11.6 1.3 −4.3 6.9
Plymth 119 77.3 68.9 84.0 10.9 11.8 −10.1 −19.7 −0.5
Ports 543 78.6 75.0 81.9 7.0 14.4 −1.3 −6.2 3.6
Prestn 485 79.0 75.1 82.4 17.1 3.9 3.9 −1.4 9.1
Redng 260 84.2 79.3 88.2 7.3 8.5 3.8 −2.9 10.4
Salford 318 79.9 75.1 83.9 8.2 12.0 8.4 1.7 15.1
Sheff 555 79.8 76.3 83.0 15.3 4.9 2.1 −2.7 6.9
Shrew 174 82.2 75.8 87.2 7.5 10.3 10.4 1.8 19.1
Stevng 420 81.9 77.9 85.3 10.7 7.4 1.9 −3.6 7.3
Sthend 110 71.8 62.7 79.4 7.3 20.9 −5.0 −16.6 6.5
Stoke 228 83.3 77.9 87.6 4.8 11.8 5.1 −2.0 12.2
Sundb 177 74.6 67.7 80.5 16.4 9.0 −2.5 −11.3 6.4
Truro 139 81.3 73.9 86.9 5.0 13.7 7.6 −2.3 17.5
Wirral 195 84.1 78.3 88.6 10.8 5.1 2.7 −5.2 10.5
Wolve 277 77.3 72.0 81.8 6.5 16.3 0.8 −6.3 7.8
York 129 92.3 86.2 95.8 1.6 6.2 1.3 −5.6 8.2
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
N Ireland
Antrim 120 69.2 60.4 76.8 1.7 29.2 −14.8 −25.3 −4.4
Belfastb 198 76.8 70.4 82.1 9.6 13.6 −5.7 −13.5 2.2
Newry 82 84.2 74.6 90.6 12.2 3.7 −0.6 −11.6 10.4
Ulster 103 82.5 74.0 88.7 2.9 14.6 1.3 −9.2 11.9
West NI 107 81.3 72.8 87.6 12.2 6.5 −2.4 −12.2 7.3
Bangor 84 85.7 76.5 91.7 11.9 2.4 2.8 −8.3 13.8
Cardff 460 71.1 66.8 75.1 8.5 20.4 −2.1 −7.9 3.8
Clwyd 72 83.3 72.9 90.3 15.3 1.4 9.6 −3.5 22.8
Swanse 311 72.4 67.1 77.0 14.5 13.2 −3.1 −10.0 3.8
Wrexm 96 75.0 65.4 82.6 5.2 19.8 −13.5 −24.5 −2.6
England 18,045 78.5 77.9 79.1 10.3 11.2 2.0 1.1 2.8
N Ireland 610 78.0 74.6 81.1 7.7 14.3 −5.1 −9.4 −0.7
Wales 1,023 73.9 71.1 76.5 10.8 15.4 −2.1 −5.9 1.6
E, W & NI 19,678 78.2 77.7 78.8 10.2 11.6 1.5 0.7 2.3
Newcastle had a change in calcium assay in April 2013; Birmingham Heartlands had a change in calcium assay in 2012
These centres supplied uncorrected calcium and were corrected using the formula: adjusted calcium = unadjusted calcium + [(40-albumin) ×
Table 8.9. Summary statistics for adjusted calcium in peritoneal dialysis patients in 2013
B Hearta 100.0 35 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
B QEH 100.0 129 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Basldn 100.0 30 2.4 0.1 2.4 2.3 2.5
Bradfd 96.2 25 2.5 0.1 2.4 2.4 2.5
Brightnb 100.0 66 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.4
Bristol 100.0 57 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Camb 94.7 18
Carlis 100.0 23 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Carsh 97.1 102 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Chelms 95.0 19
Covntb 98.6 71 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
Derby 100.0 78 2.5 0.2 2.5 2.4 2.6
Donc 100.0 30 2.4 0.1 2.4 2.3 2.4
Dorsetb 92.3 36 2.3 0.1 2.3 2.3 2.4
Dudley 100.0 47 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Exeter 100.0 63 2.4 0.1 2.4 2.3 2.4
Glouc 100.0 31 2.4 0.1 2.4 2.3 2.4
Hull 100.0 72 2.4 0.2 2.4 2.3 2.5
Ipswi 100.0 24 2.3 0.2 2.4 2.2 2.4
Kent 98.3 56 2.5 0.2 2.5 2.4 2.6
L Barts 98.9 176 2.3 0.2 2.3 2.2 2.5
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
Table 8.10. Percentage of peritoneal dialysis patients within, below and above the range for adjusted calcium (2.2–2.5 mmol/L) in 2013
B Heart 35 85.7 70.0 93.9 5.7 8.6 14.3 −3.6 32.2
B QEH 129 77.5 69.5 83.9 14.0 8.5 −2.1 −11.8 7.6
Basldn 30 76.7 58.5 88.5 6.7 16.7 10.0 −13.3 33.3
Bradfd 25 76.0 55.8 88.8 0.0 24.0 −4.0 −26.9 18.9
Brightn∗ 66 86.4 75.8 92.8 4.6 9.1 4.8 −7.7 17.4
Bristol 57 84.2 72.4 91.6 0.0 15.8 7.4 −7.1 22.0
Carlis 23 82.6 61.8 93.3 8.7 8.7 1.7 −21.2 24.5
Carsh 102 78.4 69.4 85.4 7.8 13.7 −1.6 −12.9 9.8
Covnt∗ 71 87.3 77.4 93.3 9.9 2.8 5.0 −6.4 16.5
Derby 78 69.2 58.2 78.4 1.3 29.5 3.8 −10.7 18.2
Donc 30 86.7 69.4 94.9 6.7 6.7 4.1 −15.6 23.8
Dorset∗ 36 91.7 77.1 97.3 5.6 2.8 2.8 −12.1 17.7
Dudley 47 83.0 69.5 91.3 6.4 10.6 1.9 −13.2 16.9
Exeter 63 88.9 78.5 94.6 3.2 7.9 6.5 −5.4 18.5
Glouc 31 87.1 70.3 95.1 6.5 6.5 0.0 −16.7 16.7
Hull 72 77.8 66.8 85.9 5.6 16.7 1.5 −12.1 15.0
Ipswi 24 66.7 46.1 82.4 20.8 12.5 −10.0 −34.2 14.2
Kent 56 58.9 45.7 71.0 0.0 41.1 3.4 −15.1 21.9
L Barts 176 70.5 63.3 76.7 15.9 13.6 −5.3 −14.7 4.1
L Guys 24 79.2 58.7 91.1 8.3 12.5 −9.3 −29.7 11.1
L Kings 78 85.9 76.3 92.0 11.5 2.6 9.3 −2.9 21.5
L Rfree 108 85.2 77.2 90.7 7.4 7.4 11.9 1.0 22.8
L St.G 45 75.6 61.0 85.9 0.0 24.4 −11.4 −27.3 4.5
L West∗ 52 46.2 33.2 59.7 3.9 50.0 −17.7 −37.0 1.6
Leeds 62 75.8 63.7 84.9 3.2 21.0 −9.9 −23.1 3.3
Leic 132 81.1 73.5 86.9 3.0 15.9 3.2 −6.4 12.8
Liv Ain 26 80.8 61.3 91.8 7.7 11.5
Liv Roy 51 86.3 73.9 93.3 2.0 11.8 7.0 −7.4 21.5
M RI 68 75.0 63.4 83.9 4.4 20.6 9.2 −5.6 24.0
Newc 32 71.9 54.2 84.7 12.5 15.6 −12.5 −32.5 7.5
Norwch 35 62.9 46.0 77.1 0.0 37.1 −1.7 −22.7 19.2
Nottm 68 80.9 69.8 88.6 4.4 14.7 −1.1 −14.0 11.8
Oxford 83 74.7 64.3 82.9 3.6 21.7 −2.6 −16.3 11.2
Plymth 29 72.4 53.8 85.6 3.5 24.1 −10.9 −32.0 10.1
Ports 75 85.3 75.4 91.7 2.7 12.0 7.1 −5.0 19.3
Prestn 52 75.0 61.6 84.9 13.5 11.5 −7.8 −23.0 7.5
Redng 64 87.5 76.9 93.6 3.1 9.4 −6.3 −16.3 3.6
Salford 73 76.7 65.7 85.0 2.7 20.6 11.7 −2.5 25.8
Sheff 61 82.0 70.3 89.7 9.8 8.2 −10.5 −22.0 1.1
Shrew 26 69.2 49.5 83.8 15.4 15.4 −2.6 −26.3 21.0
Stevng 37 86.5 71.4 94.3 2.7 10.8 1.3 −16.0 18.6
Stoke 71 69.0 57.4 78.7 5.6 25.4 −4.4 −19.7 10.8
Wirral 20 80.0 57.2 92.3 10.0 10.0 3.8 −21.5 29.1
Wolve 78 84.6 74.8 91.1 6.4 9.0 2.3 −9.3 14.0
York 25 84.0 64.3 93.9 0.0 16.0 −1.2 −20.8 18.5
N Ireland
Belfast∗ 26 84.6 65.5 94.1 3.9 11.5 19.4 −4.5 43.3
Cardff 66 56.1 44.0 67.5 3.0 40.9 −23.9 −39.1 −8.7
Swanse 53 84.9 72.6 92.3 11.3 3.8 3.8 −10.5 18.1
England 2,715 78.5 76.9 80.0 6.6 15.0 0.5 −1.7 2.6
N Ireland 75 78.7 68.0 86.5 8.0 13.3 6.6 −7.5 20.7
Wales 163 71.2 63.8 77.6 8.6 20.3 −10.1 −19.2 −1.0
E, W & NI 2,953 78.1 76.6 79.6 6.7 15.2 0.0 −2.1 2.1
These centres supplied uncorrected calcium and were corrected using the formula: adjusted calcium = unadjusted calcium + [(40-albumin) ×
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
N = 19,678 Upper 95% Cl
% with adj Ca 2.2–2.5 mmol/L
90 Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
8 Colchr
0 York
0 Donc
0 L Kings
0 Exeter
0 Chelms
0 Newc
0 Bristol
1 L Rfree
0 Bangor
0 Redng
2 Newry
1 Basldn
2 Wirral
21 Stoke
0 Clwyd
0 Ulster
0 Dorset
1 Liv Ain
5 Camb
1 Shrew
0 Glouc
3 Stevng
0 West NI
0 Truro
0 Bradfd
0 Leeds
5 Carsh
5 Dudley
0 Oxford
12 Salford
0 Sheff
0 Hull
5 Prestn
2 L St.G
0 Ports
0 Leic
0 Nottm
6 M RI
0 Liv Roy
1 Plymth
0 Wolve
0 Ipswi
0 Belfast
23 L Guys
0 Covnt
0 Wrexm
0 Derby
0 Sund
0 Swanse
1 Norwch
0 Sthend
0 Cardff
0 L Barts
2 Kent
22 Brightn
0 Antrim
1 Middlbr
9 L West
0 Carlis
0 B Heart
3 England
0 N Ireland
0 Wales
3 E, W & NI
Fig. 8.6. Percentage of haemodialysis patients with adjusted calcium within range (2.2–2.5 mmol/L) by centre in 2013
100 100
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
Solid lines show 95% limits
Percentage of patients
Percentage of patients
50 Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
Solid lines show 95% limits
50 40
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170
Number of patients with data in centre Number of patients with data in centre
Fig. 8.7. Funnel plot of percentage of haemodialysis patients with Fig. 8.9. Funnel plot of percentage of peritoneal dialysis patients with
adjusted calcium within range (2.2–2.5 mmol/L) by centre in 2013 adjusted calcium within range (2.2–2.5 mmol/L) by centre in 2013
Percentage of patients
50 Upper 95% Cl
% with adj Ca 2.2–2.5 mmol/L N = 2,953
40 Lower 95% Cl
8 Dorset
0 Exeter
0 Redng
1 Covnt
0 Glouc
0 Donc
0 Stevng
0 Brightn
0 Liv Roy
1 L Kings
0 B Heart
3 Ports
0 L Rfree
0 Swanse
0 Belfast
0 Wolve
0 Bristol
0 York
0 Dudley
0 Carlis
0 Sheff
2 Leic
0 Nottm
0 Liv Ain
26 Wirral
14 L Guys
3 Carsh
0 Hull
3 Salford
0 Basldn
4 Bradfd
0 Leeds
0 L St.G
1 M RI
0 Prestn
0 Oxford
0 Plymth
11 Newc
1 L Barts
0 Derby
0 Shrew
12 Stoke
0 Ipswi
0 Norwch
2 Kent
0 Cardff
0 L West
2 England
1 N Ireland
1 Wales
2 E, W & NI
Fig. 8.8. Percentage of peritoneal dialysis patients with adjusted calcium within range (2.2–2.5 mmol/L) by centre in 2013
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
Haemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis
Percentage of patients
% with corrected Ca 2.2–2.5 mmol/L
% with corrected Ca >2.5 mmol/L
% with corrected Ca <2.2 mmol/L
Fig. 8.10. Longitudinal change in
percentage of patients with adjusted
calcium ,2.2 mmol/L, 2.2–2.5 mmol/L
and .2.5 mmol/L by dialysis modality
Year 2003–2013
although there was between centre variation (tables 8.11, above the upper limit of the range was 13% and the
8.13). Fifty-seven percent (95% CI 56–58%) of HD proportion below the lower limit of the range was 24%
patients and 63% (95% CI 61–65%) of PD patients (tables 8.12, 8.14, figures 8.11–8.14). Again there was sig-
achieved a parathyroid hormone between 16–72 pmol/L nificant between centre variation in unadjusted analyses
(tables 8.12, 8.14). for the proportion of patients below, within and above
In 2013, the proportion of HD patients with a para- the range specified by the clinical performance measure.
thyroid hormone above the upper limit of the range There was no substantial variation in attainment of the
(.72 pmol/L) was 17% and the proportion with para- standard for HD patients but there was deterioration for
thyroid hormone below the lower limit of the range some PD centres (Birmingham Heartlands, Basildon,
was 26%, very similar to aggregate level results in 2012. Newcastle, Portsmouth) where increases in patients
The proportion of PD patients with parathyroid hormone both below and above the audit range were seen.
B Heart 100.0 401 61.8 51.9 49 26 80
B QEH 93.6 828 43.8 51.3 29 15 53
Basldn 98.0 149 38.0 31.9 30 17 49
Bradfd 98.9 184 35.3 37.5 21 12 48
Brightn 81.2 302 39.0 45.8 26 13 49
Bristol 98.6 478 37.7 44.2 26 12 45
Camb 73.9 263 28.1 29.2 23 11 36
Carlis 98.3 57 29.9 30.3 22 12 32
Carsh 74.6 521 60.4 58.2 41 23 77
Chelms 100.0 109 42.0 29.7 33 20 52
Colchr 89.9 98 25.6 28.4 18 9 27
Covnt 98.0 347 43.9 46.0 28 15 56
Derby 99.5 202 30.5 24.4 24 16 39
Donc 100.0 146 49.3 39.9 40 26 63
Dorset 98.8 241 28.3 28.3 19 10 37
Dudley 90.2 147 37.5 40.0 27 13 46
Exeter 98.9 372 22.6 25.3 15 7 28
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
Table 8.12. Percentage of haemodialysis patients within, below and above the range for PTH (16–72 pmol/L) in 2013
B Heart 401 56.1 51.2 60.9 12.5 31.4 −7.9 −14.7 −1.1
B QEH 828 59.4 56.0 62.7 25.9 14.7
Basldn 149 67.8 59.9 74.8 22.2 10.1 6.0 −4.9 16.9
Bradfd 184 51.6 44.4 58.8 35.3 13.0 8.2 −2.0 18.3
Brightn 302 56.0 50.3 61.5 31.5 12.6 2.5 −5.7 10.6
Bristol 478 57.3 52.8 61.7 30.8 11.9 −0.1 −6.4 6.3
Camb 263 59.3 53.3 65.1 35.7 4.9 −4.1 −12.8 4.5
Carlis 57 59.7 46.6 71.5 33.3 7.0 1.8 −16.3 19.8
Carsh 521 57.8 53.5 62.0 14.6 27.6
Chelms 109 67.0 57.6 75.1 16.5 16.5 −1.4 −13.5 10.8
Colchr 98 46.9 37.3 56.8 43.9 9.2 −3.6 −17.4 10.3
Covnt 347 55.6 50.4 60.8 26.5 17.9 −5.8 −13.2 1.6
Derby 202 72.3 65.7 78.0 23.3 4.5 3.7 −5.2 12.5
Donc 146 71.9 64.1 78.6 8.9 19.2 0.6 −9.6 10.7
Dorset 241 50.2 43.9 56.5 41.1 8.7 −1.9 −10.8 7.1
Dudley 147 59.2 51.1 66.8 29.9 10.9 13.7 2.3 25.1
Exeter 372 42.5 37.5 47.6 52.7 4.8 0.7 −6.5 7.9
Glouc 187 64.7 57.6 71.2 27.8 7.5 0.6 −9.0 10.3
Hull 291 53.3 47.5 58.9 26.8 19.9 −4.1 −12.1 3.9
Ipswi 112 49.1 40.0 58.3 41.1 9.8 −10.6 −23.2 2.1
Kent 372 66.7 61.7 71.3 14.3 19.1 −0.6 −7.4 6.3
L Barts 875 57.0 53.7 60.3 20.0 23.0 −2.3 −7.0 2.4
L Guys 430 49.3 44.6 54.0 25.6 25.1 −6.1 −12.7 0.5
L Kings 460 49.8 45.2 54.3 29.1 21.1 −3.7 −10.2 2.8
L Rfree 677 60.6 56.8 64.2 22.0 17.4 0.4 −5.1 6.0
L St.G 242 55.0 48.6 61.1 20.7 24.4 −1.3 −10.1 7.5
L West 1,072 50.9 47.9 53.9 18.4 30.7 0.4 −3.9 4.7
Leeds 455 54.5 49.9 59.0 29.5 16.0 −1.3 −7.8 5.2
Leic 816 47.7 44.3 51.1 33.1 19.2 −2.7 −7.5 2.2
Liv Ain 145 43.5 35.6 51.6 52.4 4.1 −6.9 −18.1 4.4
Liv Roy 333 53.8 48.4 59.1 32.7 13.5 −1.8 −9.4 5.8
M RI 407 58.7 53.9 63.4 19.7 21.6 7.1 0.3 13.8
Middlbr 304 61.8 56.3 67.1 16.8 21.4 −0.2 −8.0 7.6
Newc 256 59.8 53.6 65.6 22.7 17.6 −0.8 −9.2 7.7
Norwch 298 62.8 57.1 68.1 25.2 12.1 1.5 −6.4 9.4
Nottm 354 60.5 55.3 65.4 25.7 13.8 0.4 −6.8 7.6
Oxford 401 56.1 51.2 60.9 24.7 19.2 −2.2 −9.1 4.7
Plymth 116 56.9 47.8 65.6 33.6 9.5 4.7 −8.1 17.6
Ports 462 56.3 51.7 60.7 24.9 18.8 4.1 −2.4 10.6
Prestn 505 56.6 52.3 60.9 26.9 16.4
Redng 260 67.7 61.8 73.1 21.5 10.8 2.0 −6.2 10.1
Salford 300 55.3 49.7 60.9 37.0 7.7 0.0 −8.0 8.0
Sheff 551 61.0 56.8 65.0 24.0 15.1 −2.6 −8.3 3.2
Shrew 175 49.1 41.8 56.5 41.1 9.7 −0.6 −11.0 9.8
Stevng 411 69.3 64.7 73.6 16.8 13.9 3.4 −3.2 9.9
Sthend 99 63.6 53.8 72.5 18.2 18.2 −1.7 −15.0 11.7
Stoke 221 67.4 61.0 73.3 18.1 14.5 0.2 −8.2 8.7
Sund 176 51.7 44.3 59.0 30.1 18.2 −2.7 −13.1 7.6
Truro 138 42.0 34.1 50.4 54.4 3.6 −3.0 −14.9 8.8
Wirral 195 66.7 59.8 72.9 28.7 4.6 0.6 −9.2 10.4
Wolve 260 56.9 50.8 62.8 25.8 17.3 4.1 −4.4 12.6
York 123 49.6 40.9 58.4 43.9 6.5 0.9 −11.8 13.5
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
N Ireland
Antrim 120 62.5 53.5 70.7 34.2 3.3 −4.7 −16.6 7.2
Belfast 196 52.6 45.6 59.5 35.7 11.7 −5.1 −14.8 4.7
Newry 84 59.5 48.8 69.5 34.5 6.0 13.6 −1.3 28.6
Ulster 102 46.1 36.7 55.8 49.0 4.9 −1.4 −15.2 12.3
West NI 107 71.0 61.8 78.8 21.5 7.5 4.4 −7.5 16.2
Bangor 83 67.5 56.7 76.7 30.1 2.4 10.7 −4.1 25.4
Cardff 451 65.9 61.4 70.1 18.6 15.5 −5.5 −11.6 0.7
Clwyd 72 54.2 42.6 65.3 27.8 18.1 −7.7 −23.5 8.2
Swanse 230 61.7 55.3 67.8 24.4 13.9 −1.1 −10.0 7.8
Wrexm 93 53.8 43.6 63.6 45.2 1.1 −5.8 −20.4 8.8
England 17,324 56.7 56.0 57.5 26.1 17.1 −0.4 −1.4 0.7
N Ireland 609 57.6 53.7 61.5 35.0 7.4 −0.5 −6.0 5.0
Wales 929 62.9 59.7 65.9 24.4 12.7 −3.1 −7.5 1.3
E, W & NI 18,862 57.1 56.4 57.8 26.3 16.6 −0.5 −1.6 0.5
Blank cells: no data available for 2012
Table 8.13. Summary statistics for PTH in peritoneal dialysis patients in 2013
B Heart 88.6 31 51.8 42.9 38 26 79
B QEH 97.7 126 39.0 40.2 25 14 42
Basldn 100.0 30 39.8 29.3 30 18 57
Bradfd 88.5 23 39.2 49.9 25 4 47
Brightn 97.0 64 32.2 25.2 23 12 49
Bristol 96.5 55 37.1 28.1 32 17 46
Camb 100.0 19
Carlis 87.0 20 40.6 25.6 28 26 54
Carsh 48.6 51
Chelms 95.0 19
Covnt 91.7 66 22.9 19.9 18 11 28
Derby 97.4 76 29.5 19.6 26 16 35
Donc 96.7 29 54.4 33.7 40 33 63
Dorset 89.7 35 27.7 18.5 24 13 40
Dudley 87.2 41 34.7 40.8 18 10 41
Exeter 100.0 63 24.8 19.3 18 12 35
Glouc 83.9 26 35.7 22.8 26 18 47
Hull 55.6 40 25.5 23.0 22 8 34
Ipswi 91.7 22 56.9 52.1 32 16 87
Kent 96.5 55 41.2 32.4 29 19 57
L Barts 95.5 170 36.0 35.3 27 12 48
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
L Guys 57.1 16
L Kings 96.2 76 47.4 41.3 32 17 70
L Rfree 84.3 91 46.1 47.3 35 17 58
L St.G 91.1 41 31.7 27.3 22 16 41
L West 100.0 52 49.5 46.9 34 26 64
Leeds 100.0 62 42.4 34.4 32 18 54
Leic 89.6 121 42.2 35.7 33 16 59
Liv Ain 92.3 24 17.0 12.7 13 10 20
Liv Roy 94.1 48 30.7 23.1 24 13 40
M RI 94.2 65 37.6 22.1 37 21 50
Middlbr 90.9 10
Newc 83.3 30 30.0 24.9 22 14 38
Norwch 100.0 35 40.0 25.9 33 20 60
Nottm 97.1 66 51.2 54.3 41 19 62
Oxford 95.2 79 44.1 37.6 35 18 57
Plymth 75.9 22 23.6 24.1 18 10 33
Ports 87.0 67 43.6 34.8 33 15 68
Prestn 100.0 52 42.2 28.5 38 24 54
Redng 95.3 61 31.1 18.7 27 17 41
Salford 94.7 71 39.9 39.7 25 13 47
Sheff 86.9 53 34.0 24.0 29 18 46
Shrew 100.0 26 42.6 42.0 24 19 57
Stevng 86.5 32 37.1 21.9 38 19 52
Sthend 60.0 9
Stoke 87.7 71 52.8 46.0 36 23 67
Sund 100.0 8
Truro 88.9 16
Wirral 66.7 18
Wolve 98.7 77 40.3 29.2 32 19 54
York 100.0 25 33.2 27.5 26 14 52
N Ireland
Antrim 100.0 15
Belfast 100.0 26 27.7 20.3 23 10 37
Newry 100.0 17
Ulster 100.0 4
West NI 100.0 14
Bangor 91.7 11
Cardff 92.4 61 49.6 30.9 45 28 71
Clwyd 92.9 13
Swanse 88.7 47 38.3 28.1 33 17 46
Wrexm 100.0 19
England 90.0 2,485 39.1 35.9 29 16 51
N Ireland 100.0 76 25.9 19.6 22 12 34
Wales 92.1 151 42.2 27.9 38 19 57
E, W & NI 90.3 2,712 38.9 35.2 29 16 51
Blank cells: centres excluded from analyses due to small numbers or poor data completeness
No PD patients
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 8.14. Percentage of peritoneal dialysis patients within, below and above the range for PTH (16–72 pmol/L) in 2013
B Heart 31 61.3 43.5 76.5 12.9 25.8 −13.7 −36.5 9.1
B QEH 126 61.9 53.1 70.0 26.2 11.9 −4.5 −16.0 7.0
Basldn 30 66.7 48.4 81.0 20.0 13.3 −14.8 −37.2 7.5
Bradfd 23 47.8 28.8 67.5 39.1 13.0 −6.7 −35.9 22.4
Brightn 64 59.4 47.0 70.7 34.4 6.3 −4.6 −21.6 12.5
Bristol 55 67.3 53.9 78.3 20.0 12.7 6.9 −11.2 25.0
Carlis 20 80.0 57.2 92.3 5.0 15.0 20.0 −7.7 47.7
Covnt 66 59.1 46.9 70.2 37.9 3.0 −2.0 −18.1 14.2
Derby 76 72.4 61.3 81.2 22.4 5.3 −1.1 −14.9 12.7
Donc 29 72.4 53.8 85.6 6.9 20.7 7.2 −18.2 32.6
Dorset 35 71.4 54.6 83.9 28.6 0.0 4.8 −18.5 28.0
Dudley 41 48.8 34.1 63.7 41.5 9.8 −3.4 −24.4 17.6
Exeter 63 57.1 44.7 68.7 39.7 3.2 7.1 −9.9 24.2
Glouc 26 76.9 57.2 89.3 15.4 7.7 19.2 −5.7 44.2
Hull 40 57.5 42.0 71.7 37.5 5.0 3.2 −16.0 22.5
Ipswi 22 54.6 34.1 73.5 18.2 27.3 −4.1 −31.5 23.4
Kent 55 63.6 50.3 75.2 18.2 18.2 −0.4 −18.8 18.0
L Barts 170 56.5 48.9 63.7 32.4 11.2 −7.0 −17.8 3.7
L Kings 76 56.6 45.3 67.2 19.7 23.7 −1.3 −17.0 14.4
L Rfree 91 61.5 51.2 70.9 22.0 16.5 −6.1 −20.8 8.7
L St.G 41 65.9 50.3 78.6 24.4 9.8 −5.6 −25.5 14.4
L West 52 61.5 47.8 73.7 19.2 19.2 −8.0 −26.8 10.7
Leeds 62 64.5 51.9 75.4 19.4 16.1 −1.7 −17.6 14.2
Leic 121 61.2 52.2 69.4 23.1 15.7 1.3 −10.6 13.3
Liv Ain 24 29.2 14.6 49.8 70.8 0.0
Liv Roy 48 62.5 48.2 74.9 29.2 8.3 −1.0 −19.9 18.0
M RI 65 73.9 61.9 83.1 15.4 10.8 0.9 −13.8 15.6
Newc 30 53.3 35.8 70.1 36.7 10.0 −21.7 −45.0 1.6
Norwch 35 71.4 54.6 83.9 14.3 14.3 20.3 −0.9 41.4
Nottm 66 66.7 54.5 76.9 15.2 18.2 3.3 −12.7 19.3
Oxford 79 59.5 48.4 69.7 21.5 19.0 −5.6 −21.6 10.4
Plymth 22 50.0 30.2 69.8 45.5 4.6 10.7 −16.9 38.3
Ports 67 49.3 37.6 61.0 28.4 22.4 −18.3 −34.2 −2.4
Prestn 52 69.2 55.5 80.2 17.3 13.5
Redng 61 75.4 63.1 84.6 19.7 4.9 7.2 −8.6 22.9
Salford 71 54.9 43.3 66.1 26.8 18.3 −6.5 −22.1 9.1
Sheff 53 67.9 54.3 79.0 22.6 9.4 −5.2 −22.6 12.3
Shrew 26 69.2 49.5 83.8 15.4 15.4 1.5 −22.7 25.7
Stevng 32 75.0 57.4 87.0 18.8 6.3 23.0 −1.7 47.7
Stoke 71 70.4 58.9 79.9 9.9 19.7 2.3 −13.0 17.6
Wolve 77 68.8 57.7 78.2 19.5 11.7 −3.2 −17.7 11.3
York 25 64.0 44.0 80.1 32.0 4.0 0.0 −26.6 26.6
N Ireland
Belfast 26 57.7 38.5 74.8 38.5 3.9 −7.5 −34.7 19.7
Cardff 61 60.7 48.0 72.0 16.4 23.0 −5.1 −21.6 11.5
Swanse 47 68.1 53.6 79.8 21.3 10.6 −3.9 −22.1 14.3
England 2,485 62.9 60.9 64.7 24.0 13.2 −1.7 −4.3 1.0
N Ireland 76 60.5 49.2 70.8 36.8 2.6 −4.2 −20.0 11.6
Wales 151 68.9 61.1 75.7 16.6 14.6 0.6 −9.7 10.8
E, W & NI 2,712 63.1 61.3 64.9 23.9 12.9 −1.6 −4.2 0.9
Blank cells: no data available for 2012
Percentage of patients
Percentage of patients Percentage of patients
Chapter 8
13 Carlis 0 Derby
0 Donc
16 Glouc 0 West NI
5 Redng 5 Stevng
14 Stevng 2 Basldn
0 Redng
6 M RI 1 Bangor
3 Donc 23 Stoke
0 Chelms
Upper 95% Cl
Lower 95% Cl
3 Derby
2 Wirral
10 Dorset 1 Kent
N = 2,712
26 Swanse
11 Swanse 1 Sheff
13 Sheff 2 L Rfree
4 Bristol 0 Nottm
0 Newc
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100
4 Kent 1 Bristol
6 Liv Roy 1 L Barts
2 B QEH 6 Wolve
3 Plymth
16 L Rfree 1 Prestn
0 L West 15 Ports
11 B Heart 0 B Heart
1 Oxford
10 Leic 19 Brightn
8 Cardff 2 Covnt
5 Oxford 17 Salford
5 L St.G
3 Brightn 3 Leeds
8 Covnt 0 Clwyd
0 Belfast 3 Wrexm
0 Liv Roy
44 Hull 3 Hull
0 Exeter 2 Belfast
4 L Kings 1 Sund
1 Bradfd
4 L Barts 19 L West
5 Salford 1 Dorset
8 Ipswi 1 L Kings
5 York
17 Newc
Fig. 8.11. Percentage of haemodialysis patients with PTH within range (16–72 pmol/L) by centre in 2013
N = 18,862
27 L Guys
24 Plymth 1 Shrew
0 Ipswi
Fig. 8.13. Percentage of peritoneal dialysis patients with PTH within range (16–72 pmol/L) by centre in 2013
13 Ports 1 Leic
13 Dudley 10 Colchr
12 Bradfd 1 Ulster
2 Liv Ain
8 Liv Ain 1 Exeter
10 England 1 Truro
with iPTH
95% CI
7 England
0 N Ireland
1 N Ireland
8 Wales 9 Wales
iPTH 16-72
10 E, W & NI 7 E, W & NI
Fig. 8.12. Funnel plot of percentage of haemodialysis patients
Management of biochemical variables
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Haemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis
Percentage of patients
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
Table 8.15. Percentage of haemodialysis patients within the ranges specified for the simultaneous combinations of control of bone and
mineral disorder parameters in preventing severe hyper parathyroidism in 2013
Number of parameters
B Heart 401 5.2 24.7 35.9 34.2
B QEH 806 1.7 12.3 35.9 50.1
Basldn 149 0.0 8.7 32.9 58.4
Bradfd 184 1.1 13.0 28.3 57.6
Brightn 241 0.8 14.9 38.2 46.1
Bristol 478 1.3 9.0 33.3 56.5
Camb 248 0.0 8.1 37.5 54.4
Carlis 57 0.0 15.8 50.9 33.3
Carsh 521 3.5 14.4 38.0 44.1
Chelms 109 0.9 5.5 31.2 62.4
Colchr 96 0.0 9.4 19.8 70.8
Covnt 347 1.7 16.7 36.0 45.5
Derby 202 1.0 7.4 37.1 54.5
Donc 146 0.0 7.5 34.2 58.2
Dorset 241 1.2 10.4 26.6 61.8
Dudley 146 3.4 10.3 33.6 52.7
Exeter 372 0.5 6.2 30.1 63.2
Glouc 187 0.0 9.1 34.2 56.7
Hull 291 2.1 11.3 36.4 50.2
Ipswi 112 0.0 5.4 39.3 55.4
Kent 366 2.7 18.3 41.0 38.0
L Barts 875 3.0 18.9 38.6 39.5
L Guys 418 2.4 14.8 38.3 44.5
L Kings 460 0.9 9.1 31.7 58.3
L Rfree 677 0.7 11.7 33.2 54.4
L St.G 242 1.7 14.5 37.2 46.7
L West 988 3.5 19.6 41.9 34.9
Leeds 455 2.0 13.6 35.6 48.8
Leic 816 2.3 15.4 38.7 43.5
Liv Ain 145 0.0 4.8 32.4 62.8
Liv Roy 332 0.6 8.4 39.8 51.2
M RI 407 2.2 16.5 37.3 44.0
Middlbr 304 1.3 17.8 43.4 37.5
Newc 256 1.2 10.5 31.3 57.0
Norwch 296 2.7 12.8 36.1 48.3
Nottm 354 2.5 12.1 33.1 52.3
Oxford 401 2.0 15.2 34.9 47.9
Plymth 115 1.7 12.2 33.0 53.0
Ports 461 2.6 14.5 38.0 44.9
Prestn 483 2.5 14.1 37.1 46.4
Redng 260 0.0 11.5 27.7 60.8
Salford 300 0.7 8.0 35.7 55.7
Sheff 551 2.0 11.6 36.3 50.1
Shrew 173 2.3 9.2 37.6 50.9
Stevng 403 2.0 12.2 35.7 50.1
Sthend 99 1.0 11.1 48.5 39.4
Stoke 208 2.9 8.2 33.7 55.3
Truro 138 0.7 4.3 35.5 59.4
Wirral 194 0.5 7.7 33.5 58.2
Wolve 260 1.9 12.3 35.4 50.4
York 123 0.8 2.4 26.8 69.9
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Number of parameters
N Ireland
Antrim 120 0.0 5.0 33.3 61.7
Belfast 194 2.6 11.9 30.9 54.6
Newry 82 1.2 7.3 35.4 56.1
Ulster 102 2.0 4.9 34.3 58.8
West NI 107 0.9 7.5 37.4 54.2
Bangor 83 1.2 3.6 32.5 62.7
Cardff 451 3.3 18.2 33.0 45.5
Clwyd 72 1.4 12.5 38.9 47.2
Swanse 230 0.9 13.9 36.1 49.1
Wrexm 93 0.0 6.5 34.4 59.1
England 16,894 1.9 13.1 36.1 49.0
N Ireland 605 1.5 7.9 33.7 56.9
Wales 929 2.0 14.2 34.3 49.4
E, W & NI 18,428 1.9 13.0 35.9 49.3
Table 8.16. Percentage of peritoneal dialysis patients within the ranges specified for the simultaneous combinations of control of bone
and mineral disorder parameters in preventing severe hyperparathyroidism in 2013
Number of parameters
B Heart 31 3.2 22.6 32.3 41.9
B QEH 126 2.4 12.7 34.9 50.0
Basldn 30 3.3 13.3 20.0 63.3
Bradfd 22 0.0 18.2 45.5 36.4
Brightn 64 0.0 6.3 45.3 48.4
Bristol 55 0.0 10.9 52.7 36.4
Covnt 64 0.0 3.1 26.6 70.3
Derby 76 0.0 11.8 38.2 50.0
Donc 29 3.4 6.9 41.4 48.3
Dorset 30 0.0 3.3 23.3 73.3
Dudley 41 0.0 12.2 46.3 41.5
Exeter 63 0.0 7.9 25.4 66.7
Glouc 26 0.0 7.7 38.5 53.8
Hull 40 2.5 2.5 40.0 55.0
Ipswi 22 4.5 27.3 18.2 50.0
Kent 54 0.0 22.2 44.4 33.3
L Barts 169 1.8 12.4 39.1 46.7
L Kings 76 0.0 10.5 39.5 50.0
L Rfree 91 0.0 12.1 38.5 49.5
L St.G 40 2.5 5.0 42.5 50.0
L West 52 3.8 17.3 53.8 25.0
Leeds 62 3.2 21.0 35.5 40.3
Leic 121 0.8 9.9 41.3 47.9
Liv Ain 24 0.0 8.3 29.2 62.5
Liv Roy 48 0.0 2.1 41.7 56.3
M RI 64 1.6 12.5 32.8 53.1
Newc 30 0.0 13.3 46.7 40.0
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
Number of parameters
Bicarbonate data were 93% complete for HD patients The proportion with a serum bicarbonate within the
and 92% complete for PD patients (tables 8.17, 8.19). audit standard in PD patients was 79% (CI 77–80%)
The proportion of HD patients with a serum bicarbonate (table 8.20). The mean bicarbonate level in PD patients
within the audit measure range was 59% in 2013 (95% CI was 25 mmol/L (table 8.19).
59–60%) (table 8.18); the mean bicarbonate in HD As in previous years, between centre variation was
patients was 23 mmol/L (table 8.17). observed in attainment of the audit standard for both
N = 18,428 Upper 95% Cl
% with phos, calc and PTH all in range
Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
12 Colchr
5 York
1 Exeter
2 Liv Ain
1 Bangor
0 Chelms
1 Dorset
0 Antrim
0 Redng
1 Truro
3 Wrexm
1 Ulster
2 Basldn
1 L Kings
2 Wirral
0 Donc
1 Bradfd
0 Newc
1 Glouc
1 Bristol
2 Newry
17 Salford
0 Ipswi
28 Stoke
3 Belfast
0 Derby
30 Camb
2 L Rfree
0 West NI
4 Plymth
10 Dudley
0 Nottm
1 Liv Roy
2 Shrew
6 Wolve
3 Hull
7 Stevng
1 Sheff
26 Swanse
3 Leeds
3 Norwch
1 Oxford
0 Clwyd
5 L St.G
5 Prestn
35 Brightn
2 Covnt
2 Cardff
15 Ports
29 L Guys
25 Carsh
16 M RI
1 Leic
1 L Barts
10 Sthend
3 Kent
6 Middlbr
25 L West
0 B Heart
2 Carlis
9 England
1 N Ireland
9 Wales
9 E, W & NI
Fig. 8.16. Percentage of HD patients achieving simultaneous control of all three BMD parameters in preventing severe hyperparathyr-
oidism by centre in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
N = 2,433 Upper 95% Cl
80 % with phos, calc and PTH all in range
Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
23 Dorset
11 Covnt
5 Redng
14 Stevng
0 York
0 Exeter
0 Basldn
8 Liv Ain
24 Plymth
1 Wolve
6 Liv Roy
44 Hull
13 Carlis
3 Nottm
16 Glouc
0 Shrew
7 M RI
13 Sheff
0 Norwch
0 Belfast
3 Derby
8 Ipswi
11 L St.G
4 L Kings
0 Prestn
16 L Rfree
5 Salford
11 Swanse
3 Brightn
3 Donc
10 Leic
13 Ports
5 L Barts
5 Oxford
22 Stoke
11 B Heart
13 Dudley
0 Leeds
17 Newc
15 Bradfd
4 Bristol
5 Kent
8 Cardff
0 L West
11 England
1 N Ireland
9 Wales
11 E, W & NI
Fig. 8.17. Percentage of PD patients achieving simultaneous control of all three BMD parameters in preventing severe hyperpara-
thyroidism by centre in 2013
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
Solid lines show 95% limits
Percentage of patients
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
Solid lines show 95% limits
Percentage of patients
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
Table 8.17. Summary statistics for serum bicarbonate in haemodialysis patients by centre in 2013
B Heart 68.6 275 21.1 2.9 21 19 23
B QEH 98.6 873 23.9 2.5 24 22 26
Basldn 99.3 151 22.2 2.7 22 20 24
Bradfd 100.0 186 24.0 2.7 24 22 26
Brightn 95.2 354 23.0 3.0 23 21 25
Bristol 100.0 485 23.5 2.6 24 22 25
Camb 94.4 336 24.1 2.7 24 22 26
Carlis 100.0 58 21.4 2.6 21 19 24
Carsh 93.6 653 24.9 3.8 25 22 28
Chelms 100.0 109 22.4 2.1 22 21 24
Colchr 92.7 101 25.1 1.4 25 24 26
Covnt 89.3 316 23.0 2.8 23 21 25
Derby 99.5 202 22.8 2.6 23 21 24
Donc 100.0 146 25.2 2.8 25 24 27
Dorset 98.8 241 22.8 2.5 23 21 24
Dudley 94.5 154 23.1 3.1 23 21 25
Exeter 100.0 376 22.7 2.7 23 21 24
Glouc 100.0 188 23.5 2.5 24 22 25
Hull 100.0 299 23.4 2.5 24 22 25
Ipswi 98.2 110 22.7 2.9 23 21 24
Kent 99.5 374 21.1 2.6 21 20 23
L Barts 99.7 880 20.5 2.5 21 19 22
L Guys 66.7 394 22.9 2.9 23 21 25
L Kings 99.8 465 25.8 2.1 26 25 27
L Rfree 98.4 677 23.0 2.8 23 21 25
L St.G 98.8 252 27.8 3.1 28 26 30
L West 64.8 853 19.5 2.7 19 18 21
Leeds 99.4 467 21.7 3.0 22 20 24
Leic 99.3 822 24.5 3.4 24 22 26
Liv Ain 99.3 147 24.8 3.1 25 23 26
Liv Roy 99.7 333 24.5 3.4 24 22 27
M RI 93.6 455 23.9 3.1 24 22 26
Middlbr 99.1 319 27.1 3.4 27 25 29
Newc 100.0 257 26.3 3.0 27 25 28
Norwch 99.7 304 24.4 3.1 25 22 26
Nottm 94.4 334 25.4 3.0 25 24 27
Oxford 99.8 404 24.3 3.3 25 22 26
Plymth 98.3 118 24.8 1.9 25 23 26
Ports 98.0 534 23.7 3.3 24 22 26
Prestn 99.4 505 23.8 2.9 24 22 26
Redng 100.0 260 24.8 3.0 25 23 27
Salford 9.9 36
Sheff 99.8 555 23.7 3.0 24 22 26
Shrew 100.0 176 23.4 3.2 24 22 26
Stevng 97.5 420 23.1 3.0 23 21 25
Sthend 100.0 110 24.9 3.9 25 23 27
Stoke 76.0 219 24.5 2.8 25 22 26
Sund 100.0 177 27.9 2.8 28 26 30
Truro 100.0 139 23.0 2.4 23 22 24
Wirral 93.4 185 23.9 2.7 24 22 26
Wolve 99.6 276 19.0 2.3 19 18 20
York 100.0 129 24.1 2.7 24 22 26
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
N Ireland
Antrim 98.3 118 23.8 2.8 24 22 26
Belfast 99.5 198 22.6 2.8 23 21 24
Newry 100.0 84 22.3 2.2 22 21 24
Ulster 100.0 103 24.3 2.4 24 23 26
West NI 100.0 107 23.2 2.6 23 22 25
Bangor 100.0 84 26.1 3.2 26 24 28
Cardff 99.1 456 23.3 3.3 24 21 26
Clwyd 100.0 72 22.3 2.5 22 21 24
Swanse 99.7 310 23.0 3.4 23 20 25
Wrexm 100.0 96 22.6 2.3 23 21 24
England 92.1 17,189 23.4 3.4 23 21 26
N Ireland 99.5 610 23.2 2.7 23 22 25
Wales 99.5 1,018 23.3 3.3 23 21 26
E, W & NI 92.7 18,817 23.4 3.4 23 21 26
Blank cells: centres excluded from analyses due to poor data completeness
Table 8.18. Percentage of haemodialysis patients within, below and above the range for bicarbonate (18–24 mmol/L) by centre in 2013
B Heart 275 81.5 76.4 85.6 8.7 9.8 3.3 −2.9 9.5
B QEH 873 58.2 54.9 61.4 0.8 41.0 −3.9 −8.5 0.8
Basldn 151 76.2 68.7 82.3 4.0 19.9 6.7 −3.4 16.9
Bradfd 186 57.0 49.8 63.9 0.5 42.5 6.2 −3.9 16.3
Brightn 354 65.5 60.4 70.3 4.2 30.2 1.4 −5.9 8.7
Bristol 485 63.9 59.5 68.1 2.5 33.6 −11.6 −17.4 −5.8
Camb 336 58.0 52.7 63.2 0.6 41.4 −7.1 −14.6 0.4
Carlis 58 77.6 65.1 86.5 6.9 15.5 14.4 −2.1 30.9
Carsh 653 42.4 38.7 46.3 2.3 55.3 −10.6 −16.0 −5.2
Chelms 109 83.5 75.3 89.3 0.9 15.6 −3.3 −12.5 5.9
Colchr 101 33.7 25.1 43.4 0.0 66.3 −8.3 −21.7 5.0
Covnt 316 64.6 59.1 69.6 3.2 32.3 11.4 3.9 18.9
Derby 202 73.3 66.7 78.9 3.5 23.3 −3.3 −11.7 5.1
Donc 146 38.4 30.8 46.5 0.0 61.6 −29.4 −40.1 −18.6
Dorset 241 77.6 71.9 82.4 2.1 20.3 3.5 −4.1 11.1
Dudley 154 69.5 61.8 76.2 2.6 27.9 10.3 −0.4 20.9
Exeter 376 77.7 73.2 81.6 3.5 18.9 −4.1 −9.9 1.8
Glouc 188 64.9 57.8 71.4 1.6 33.5 6.6 −3.1 16.4
Hull 299 64.9 59.3 70.1 2.0 33.1 −21.9 −28.5 −15.2
Ipswi 110 73.6 64.6 81.0 1.8 24.6 3.5 −8.0 15.0
Kent 374 82.4 78.2 85.9 8.3 9.4 0.5 −5.0 6.1
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
L Barts 880 83.6 81.0 85.9 10.9 5.5 11.8 7.4 16.3
L Guys 394 71.3 66.7 75.6 2.5 26.1 −3.6 −9.7 2.5
L Kings 465 24.5 20.8 28.6 0.0 75.5 7.4 2.1 12.6
L Rfree 677 68.4 64.8 71.8 2.4 29.3 −1.5 −6.7 3.7
L St.G 252 16.3 12.2 21.4 0.4 83.3 −3.9 −10.5 2.8
L West 853 73.6 70.6 76.5 23.1 3.3 1.9 −2.3 6.1
Leeds 467 75.8 71.7 79.5 7.3 16.9 −0.4 −5.9 5.1
Leic 822 51.2 47.8 54.6 2.0 46.8 3.4 −1.4 8.3
Liv Ain 147 44.9 37.1 53.0 0.7 54.4 −11.9 −23.0 −0.8
Liv Roy 333 48.7 43.3 54.0 1.5 49.9 35.5 29.0 41.9
M RI 455 54.7 50.1 59.3 1.3 44.0 −0.3 −6.9 6.2
Middlbr 319 21.9 17.7 26.8 0.6 77.4 1.7 −4.6 8.1
Newc 257 21.0 16.5 26.4 0.8 78.2 −11.1 −18.6 −3.5
Norwch 304 47.4 41.8 53.0 1.0 51.6 −9.9 −17.8 −2.0
Nottm 334 35.9 31.0 41.2 0.6 63.5 −3.2 −10.5 4.2
Oxford 404 47.3 42.5 52.2 2.2 50.5 −14.3 −21.1 −7.4
Plymth 118 43.2 34.6 52.3 0.0 56.8 14.7 2.6 26.7
Ports 534 58.4 54.2 62.5 2.6 39.0 −12.5 −18.2 −6.7
Prestn 505 59.4 55.1 63.6 1.6 39.0 −1.4 −7.5 4.7
Redng 260 43.5 37.6 49.6 1.2 55.4 −6.3 −15.0 2.3
Sheff 555 58.2 54.1 62.2 2.3 39.5 11.8 5.9 17.6
Shrew 176 56.3 48.8 63.4 4.6 39.2 5.7 −4.6 16.0
Stevng 420 69.8 65.2 74.0 2.1 28.1 0.9 −5.5 7.4
Sthend 110 43.6 34.7 53.0 2.7 53.6 7.5 −5.4 20.5
Stoke 219 48.9 42.3 55.5 0.5 50.7
Sund 177 10.7 7.0 16.2 0.0 89.3 −9.5 −16.9 −2.1
Truro 139 76.3 68.5 82.6 1.4 22.3 −6.4 −16.0 3.1
Wirral 185 60.0 52.8 66.8 1.1 38.9 12.1 1.7 22.5
Wolve 276 74.6 69.2 79.4 23.6 1.8 −3.1 −10.3 4.0
York 129 52.7 44.1 61.2 1.6 45.7 −9.3 −21.5 2.9
N Ireland
Antrim 118 59.3 50.3 67.8 0.9 39.8 −4.6 −16.9 7.7
Belfast 198 75.8 69.3 81.2 3.5 20.7 12.8 3.9 21.7
Newry 84 84.5 75.2 90.8 1.2 14.3 11.6 −0.6 23.8
Ulster 103 59.2 49.5 68.3 1.0 39.8 −12.1 −25.0 0.9
West NI 107 69.2 59.8 77.2 1.9 29.0 15.7 3.4 27.9
Bangor 84 32.1 23.1 42.8 0.0 67.9 −15.4 −30.1 −0.7
Cardff 456 57.7 53.1 62.1 2.6 39.7 −6.2 −12.6 0.2
Clwyd 72 73.6 62.3 82.5 4.2 22.2 −4.0 −17.9 9.8
Swanse 310 63.9 58.4 69.0 3.6 32.6 13.2 5.5 20.9
Wrexm 96 80.2 71.0 87.0 0.0 19.8 −9.5 −19.7 0.8
England 17,189 58.8 58.0 59.5 4.1 37.2 −0.1 −1.2 0.9
N Ireland 610 69.8 66.1 73.4 2.0 28.2 6.0 0.8 11.2
Wales 1,018 60.7 57.7 63.7 2.6 36.7 −1.0 −5.2 3.3
E, W & NI 18,817 59.2 58.5 59.9 3.9 36.8 0.0 −1.0 1.0
Blank cells: no data available for 2012
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 8.19. Summary statistics for serum bicarbonate in peritoneal dialysis patients by centre in 2013
B Heart 100.0 35 21.4 3.0 22 19 23
B QEH 94.6 122 23.7 3.1 24 22 26
Basldn 80.0 24 25.5 2.6 26 24 28
Bradfd 96.2 25 26.5 2.2 27 25 28
Brightn 10.0 66 24.2 3.0 24 22 27
Bristol 98.3 56 22.9 2.6 23 21 25
Camb 89.5 17
Carlis 100.0 23 22.7 2.4 23 22 24
Carsh 77.1 81 23.1 3.0 23 21 25
Chelms 95.0 19
Covnt 86.1 62 25.2 2.7 25 23 27
Derby 97.4 76 24.7 2.7 25 23 27
Donc 100.0 30 26.8 3.2 27 25 28
Dorset 89.7 35 22.5 2.2 23 21 24
Dudley 97.9 46 24.6 4.0 24 22 27
Exeter 100.0 63 24.5 2.6 25 23 26
Glouc 100.0 31 24.5 3.0 25 22 27
Hull 100.0 72 25.3 3.2 26 23 28
Ipswi 100.0 24 27.1 2.9 28 25 29
Kent 100.0 57 22.9 2.5 23 21 25
L Barts 98.9 176 22.3 2.8 22 21 24
L Guys 85.7 24 23.0 3.5 23 20 27
L Kings 98.7 78 25.6 2.6 26 24 27
L Rfree 74.1 80 24.6 3.3 25 23 27
L St.G 100.0 45 28.4 2.9 29 27 30
L West 100.0 52 23.0 2.9 24 21 25
Leeds 100.0 62 26.3 3.0 26 25 27
Leic 93.3 126 26.2 3.6 26 24 29
Liv Ain 100.0 26 26.4 2.1 27 24 28
Liv Roy 100.0 51 24.7 2.5 25 23 26
M RI 98.6 68 25.8 4.0 26 24 28
Middlbr 100.0 11
Newc 88.9 32 25.7 3.2 26 24 28
Norwch 97.1 34 24.3 2.3 24 23 26
Nottm 50.0 34 27.8 3.3 28 27 30
Oxford 80.7 67 25.2 3.1 25 23 27
Plymth 93.1 27 23.7 3.4 25 21 26
Ports 96.1 74 26.4 3.6 27 24 29
Prestn 100.0 52 26.2 3.4 27 24 29
Redng 100.0 64 26.8 3.3 26 24 29
Salford 9.3 7
Sheff 100.0 61 24.7 3.3 25 23 27
Shrew 100.0 26 25.4 3.2 25 23 28
Stevng 89.2 33 26.4 3.1 27 25 28
Sthend 100.0 15
Stoke 98.8 80 25.5 3.0 25 24 27
Sund 100.0 8
Truro 94.4 17
Wirral 74.1 20 25.8 3.4 26 24 28
Wolve 98.7 77 21.3 2.3 21 20 23
York 100.0 25 26.7 2.8 26 24 29
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
N Ireland
Antrim 73.3 11
Belfast 100.0 26 23.8 3.2 24 21 26
Newry 100.0 17
Ulster 100.0 4
West NI 92.9 13
Bangor 100.0 12
Cardff 100.0 66 25.4 3.1 26 23 27
Clwyd 100.0 14
Swanse 100.0 53 24.7 2.6 25 23 27
Wrexm 100.0 19
England 91.1 2,516 24.8 3.4 25 23 27
N Ireland 93.4 71 24.4 3.3 24 22 27
Wales 100.0 164 25.0 3.0 25 23 27
E, W & NI 91.6 2,751 24.8 3.4 25 23 27
Blank cells: low patient numbers or poor data completeness
No PD patients
Table 8.20. Percentage of peritoneal dialysis patients within, below and above the range for bicarbonate (22–30 mmol/L) by centre in 2013
B Heart 35 57.1 40.6 72.3 42.9 0.0 15.7 −6.6 38.0
B QEH 122 75.4 67.0 82.2 23.8 0.8 3.1 −7.6 13.9
Basldn 24 91.7 72.1 97.9 8.3 0.0 17.6 −2.3 37.5
Bradfd 25 96.0 76.5 99.4 0.0 4.0 −4.0 −11.7 3.7
Brightn 66 75.8 64.0 84.6 24.2 0.0 −4.2 −19.0 10.5
Bristol 56 73.2 60.2 83.2 26.8 0.0 10.7 −6.5 27.9
Carlis 23 78.3 57.2 90.7 21.7 0.0 21.1 −5.9 48.2
Carsh 81 66.7 55.8 76.0 33.3 0.0 −14.0 −27.2 −0.8
Covnt 62 91.9 82.1 96.6 6.5 1.6 5.5 −4.9 15.8
Derby 76 89.5 80.3 94.7 10.5 0.0 7.3 −3.4 18.0
Donc 30 83.3 65.7 92.9 6.7 10.0 5.1 −16.4 26.6
Dorset 35 68.6 51.7 81.7 31.4 0.0 −3.4 −26.8 19.9
Dudley 46 67.4 52.7 79.3 23.9 8.7 −17.2 −34.0 −0.5
Exeter 63 85.7 74.8 92.4 14.3 0.0 30.6 16.1 45.2
Glouc 31 87.1 70.3 95.1 9.7 3.2 0.4 −16.5 17.4
Hull 72 83.3 72.9 90.3 12.5 4.2 −7.3 −18.2 3.5
Ipswi 24 91.7 72.1 97.9 4.2 4.2 18.3 −1.0 37.6
Kent 57 66.7 53.6 77.6 33.3 0.0 −13.0 −29.2 3.3
L Barts 176 61.4 54.0 68.3 38.6 0.0 −17.8 −27.3 −8.3
L Guys 24 62.5 42.2 79.2 37.5 0.0 −14.4 −39.7 10.8
L Kings 78 91.0 82.4 95.7 5.1 3.9 9.5 −1.3 20.2
L Rfree 80 80.0 69.8 87.4 17.5 2.5 −3.1 −15.0 8.8
L St.G 45 77.8 63.4 87.6 0.0 22.2 −11.4 −26.5 3.8
L West 52 73.1 59.5 83.4 26.9 0.0 19.9 1.2 38.6
Leeds 62 90.3 80.1 95.6 3.2 6.5 8.5 −2.8 19.8
Leic 126 77.8 69.7 84.2 10.3 11.9 −1.2 −11.2 8.7
Liv Ain 26 96.2 77.2 99.5 0.0 3.9
Liv Roy 51 94.1 83.3 98.1 5.9 0.0 11.1 −0.9 23.1
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
HD and PD groups (tables 8.18, 8.20, figures 8.20– number of centres (tables 8.18, 8.20). For these HD
8.23). centres there was a uniform shift to higher bicarbonate
There was a notable deterioration in the achievement concentrations (Doncaster, Hull, Oxford, Bangor)
of bicarbonate within range compared with 2012 at a whereas for PD centres there was a downward shift in
N = 18,817 Upper 95% Cl
90 % with Bic 18–24 mmol/L
80 Lower 95% Cl
Percentage of patients
0 Newry
0 L Barts
0 Chelms
1 Kent
31 B Heart
0 Wrexm
0 Exeter
1 Dorset
0 Carlis
0 Truro
1 Basldn
1 Leeds
0 Belfast
0 Wolve
2 Ipswi
35 L West
0 Clwyd
0 Derby
33 L Guys
3 Stevng
6 Dudley
0 West NI
2 L Rfree
5 Brightn
0 Glouc
0 Hull
11 Covnt
0 Bristol
0 Swanse
7 Wirral
1 Prestn
2 Antrim
0 Ulster
2 Ports
0 Sheff
6 Camb
1 Cardff
0 Bradfd
0 Shrew
6 M RI
0 York
1 Leic
24 Stoke
0 Liv Roy
0 Norwch
0 Oxford
1 Liv Ain
0 Sthend
0 Redng
2 Plymth
6 Carsh
0 Donc
6 Nottm
7 Colchr
0 Bangor
0 L Kings
1 Middlbr
0 Newc
1 L St.G
0 Sund
8 England
0 N Ireland
0 Wales
7 E, W & NI
Fig. 8.20. Percentage of haemodialysis patients with serum bicarbonate within range (18–24 mmol/L) by centre in 2013
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
90 Solid lines show 95% limits
Percentage of patients
Percentage of patients
50 Upper 95% Cl
% with Bic 22–30 mmol/L N = 2,751
40 Lower 95% Cl
0 Liv Ain
4 Bradfd
0 Liv Roy
0 York
14 Covnt
20 Basldn
0 Ipswi
3 Norwch
1 L Kings
0 Swanse
0 Leeds
3 Derby
19 Oxford
1 Stoke
0 Glouc
0 Exeter
1 M RI
0 Shrew
0 Hull
0 Donc
0 Prestn
11 Stevng
0 Cardff
11 Newc
4 Ports
26 L Rfree
50 Nottm
0 Carlis
0 Redng
7 Leic
0 L St.G
0 Brightn
0 Sheff
26 Wirral
2 Bristol
0 Belfast
0 L West
10 Dorset
2 Dudley
23 Carsh
7 Plymth
0 Kent
14 L Guys
1 L Barts
0 B Heart
1 Wolve
9 England
7 N Ireland
0 Wales
8 E, W & NI
Fig. 8.22. Percentage of peritoneal dialysis patients with serum bicarbonate within range (22–30 mmol/L) by centre in 2013
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
Solid lines show 95% limits
Percentage of patients
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Haemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis
Percentage of patients
22–30 mmol/L for PD) by dialysis
Year modality 2003–2013
Chapter 8 Management of biochemical variables
the calcium results are adjusted correctly for the methods Possible issues relating to PTH measures
in use. These problems must be borne in mind when A significant contributor to centre variation will be the
trying to interpret the figures that compare serum assay used to measure PTH. This has been demonstrated
adjusted calcium achieved in different renal centres. by a study undertaken by the Scottish Clinical Biochem-
Centres should also be aware that achievement of the istry Managed Diagnostic Network in association with
audit standard can however mask population shifts in the Scottish Renal Registry [16]. Analysis of samples
concentration. This can be illustrated by data from the from 106 haemodialysis patients by six different PTH
Royal Free for HD patients: in 2011 30% had an adjusted immunoassays in common use showed a 1.2- to 2.7-
calcium ,2.2 mmol/L, 65% were within range, and 5% fold variation in results in spite of similar reference
were .2.5 mmol/L; in 2012 4% had an adjusted calcium ranges for each method. Since current guidelines refer
,2.2 mmol/L, 77% were within range and 19% were to multiples of the upper reference limit, 53% of patients
.2.5 mmol/L. A similar pattern was observed in PD were classified differently by different methods with
patients. However, the figures for unadjusted calcium implications for treatment e.g. with Cinacalcet. In an
remained stable. This shift can be attributed to a change accompanying editorial, Garrett and Goldsmith also
in the equation used to adjust calcium that was intro- highlighted the high biological variability of PTH and
duced on July 6th 2012 before the UKRR collection of its poor ability to predict skeletal or patient outcomes
data in the last two quarters. The new equation increased [17]. Whether more accurate and specific assays would
adjusted calcium values by approximately 0.2 mmol/L. It improve this or whether PTH will be supplanted by
was subsequently recognised that the new equation was other markers such as bone specific alkaline phosphatase
over-adjusting calcium results and a revised equation that also have greater pre-analytical stability remains to
was introduced from October 2013 that conformed to be determined.
current harmonisation guidelines. Accordingly for 2013, Improvement of PTH assays to achieve consensus
the Royal Free show a decline from 19% (2012) to 5% results within CKD patients requires manufacturers to
.2.5 mmol/L, an increase from 4% (2012) to 10% consider two principal factors: adoption of a common
,2.2 mmol/L and an increase from 77% (2012) to 86% reference preparation for standardisation, such as the
within range. Mean and median adjusted calcium fell WHO international standard 95/646, and selection of
from 2.4 mmol/L (2012) to 2.3 mmol/L in 2013. These pairs of antibodies that do not detect PTH fragments
shifts were mirrored in the PD population at the Royal such as 7–84 that accumulate in CKD. Meanwhile
Free. A similar change was observed in Newcastle’s HD Almond et al and a further editorial review urge adoption
data following a change in the equation to conform of assay-specific action limits for PTH in CKD patients
with harmonisation guidelines in April 2013 that [16, 18]. However, this approach raises a number of
increased the adjusted calcium – compared with 2012, difficult governance issues. There is already evidence
the 2013 data show a decrease in results ,2.2 mmol/L that the manufacturers of the major diagnostic platforms
(from 22% to 8%). used throughout the world have started to respond. The
Centres showing significant shifts in any biochemical Roche assay used by Almond et al was PTH (intact)
parameter should consider whether there have been any that was not standardised and cross-reacted with PTH
changes in laboratory methodology that may account 7–84 [16].
for the apparent deterioration or whether it is truly
treatment-related. Conflicts of interest: none
1 Renal Association: Clinical Practice Guidelines. 5th Edition. http://www. 4 Morton AR, Garland JS, Holden RM: Is the calcium correct? Measuring serum calcium in dialysis patients. Semin Dial. 2010;23(3):
2 Ansell D, Tomson CRV: Chapter 15 UK Renal Registry Annual Report: 283–289
UK Renal Registry, UKRR database, validation and methodology. 5 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) CKD–MBD
Nephron Clin Pract. 2009;111(Suppl 1):c277–85 Work Group: KDIGO clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis, evalu-
3 Steddon S, Sharpes E: Renal Association Clinical Practice Guideline. ation, prevention, and treatment of chronic kidney disease–mineral and
CKD-Mineral and Bone Disorders, 2010. bone disorder (CKD–MBD). Kidney International 2009; 76(Suppl 113):
guidelines/modules/ckd-mineral-and-bone-disorders S1–S130
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
6 Spiegelhalter DJ: Funnel plots for comparing institutional performance. function of dialysis duration predict mortality: Evidence for the com-
Statistics in Medicine 2005;24:1185–1202 plexity of the association between mineral metabolism and outcomes.
7 Mactier R, Hoenich N, Breen C: Renal Association Clinical Practice J Am Soc Nephrol 2004;15:770–779
Guideline Haemodialysis, 2009. 13 Block GA, Klassen PS, Lazarus JM, Ofsthun N, Lowrie EG, Chertow GM:
Section/Haemodialysis.aspx Mineral metabolism, mortality, and morbidity in maintenance hemo-
8 Woodrow G, Davies S: Renal Association Clinical Practice Guideline dialysis. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004;15:2208–2218
Peritoneal Dialysis, 2010. 14 Danese MD, Belozeroff V, Smirnakis K, Rothman KJ: Consistent control
Section/PeritonealDialysis.aspx of mineral and bone disorder in incident hemodialysis patients. Clin J
9 Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kuwae N, Regidor DL, Kovesdy CP, Kilpatrick RD, Am Soc Nephrol 2008;2:2
Shinaberger CS, McAllister CJ, Budoff MJ, Salusky IB, Kopple JD: 15 Ansell D, Tomson CRV: Twelfth Annual Report: Chapter 10 Biochem-
Survival predictability of time-varying indicators of bone disease in istry Profile of Patients Receiving Dialysis in the UK in 2008: national
maintenance hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int 2006;70:771–780 and centre-specific analyses. Bristol, UK Renal Registry, 2009
10 Melamed ML, Eustace JA, Plantinga L, Jaar BG, Fink NE, Coresh J, 16 Almond A, Ellis AR, Walker SW: Current parathyroid hormone immu-
Klag MJ, Powe NR: Changes in serum calcium, phosphate, and pth noassays do not adequately meet the needs of patients with chronic
and the risk of death in incident dialysis patients: A longitudinal kidney disease. Ann Clin Biochem 2011;49:63–67
study. Kidney Int 2006;70:351–357 17 Garrett G, Goldsmith DJA: Parathyroid hormone measurements,
11 Noordzij M, Korevaar JC, Boeschoten EW, Dekker FW, Bos WJ, guidelines statements and clinical treatments: a real world cautionary
Krediet RT: The kidney disease outcomes quality initiative (k/doqi) tale. Ann Clin Biochem 2011;49:4–6
guideline for bone metabolism and disease in ckd: Association with 18 Sturgeon CM, Sprague SM, Metcalfe W: Variation in parathyroid hormone
mortality in dialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis 2005;46:925–932 immunoassay results – a critical governance issue in the management of
12 Stevens LA, Djurdjev O, Cardew S, Cameron EC, Levin A: Calcium, chronic kidney disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2011;26:3440–3445
phosphate, and parathyroid hormone levels in combination and as a
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 9 Clinical, Haematological and
Biochemical Parameters in Patients
Receiving Renal Replacement Therapy in
Paediatric Centres in the UK in 2013:
National and Centre-specific Analyses
Alexander J Hamiltona, Rishi Pruthia, Heather Maxwellb, Anna Casulaa, Fiona Braddona,
Carol Inwardc, Malcolm Lewisd, Catherine O’Briene, Jelena Stojanovicf, Yincent Tseg,
Manish D Sinhaf
UK Renal Registry, Bristol, UK; bRoyal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, UK; cBristol Royal Hospital for Children,
Bristol, UK; dRoyal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK; eBirmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK;
Evelina London Children’s Hospital, London, UK; gGreat North Children’s Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Introduction The reference range for height (Ht), weight (Wt) and body
mass index (BMI) in childhood varies with gender and age.
This report focuses on the following variables for the BMI was calculated using the formula BMI = Wt (kg)/Ht2
(m). Height and weight were adjusted for age. To account for
prevalent paediatric dialysis and transplantation cohort discrepancies in linear growth secondary to renal disease,
on the 31st December 2013: BMI was expressed according to height-age, rather than
chronological age. The International Obesity Taskforce defi-
1. The completeness of data returns to the UK Renal nition [2] was used to define overweight and obesity; z-scores
Registry (UKRR) were calculated based on the British 1990 reference data for
height and weight [3].
2. Anthropometric characteristics and growth in chil-
dren with established renal failure (ERF) Blood pressure
3. Cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs) in children ‘Blood pressure varies throughout childhood and should be
with ERF maintained within two standard deviations of the mean for
4. Laboratory and clinical indices including anaemia normal children of the same height and sex. The systolic
control and biochemical findings in children with blood pressure during peritoneal dialysis or after haemodialy-
sis should be maintained at <90th centile for age, gender and
ERF height.’
‘In paediatric renal transplant patients, the systolic blood
Analyses of prevalent paediatric patients aged ,16 pressure should be maintained at <90th percentile for age,
years receiving renal replacement therapy (RRT) for the gender and height.’
year 2013 and for the period 2002 to 2013 inclusive are The analyses of systolic blood pressure (SBP) in this report
present the achievement of SBPs at or below the 90th percen-
reported. A single dataset was collected for each patient
tile. Guidance for blood pressure in paediatric renal transplant
per year during this time period. Where possible, analysis patients was based on 2011 British Association for Paediatric
of incident cohorts has been undertaken with centre Nephrology (BAPN) recommendations [4].
specific data for each paediatric nephrology centre in The reference range for SBP varies with gender, age and
the UK also being provided. height. The data is therefore presented as z-scores based on
data from the fourth report of the National High Blood
Pressure Education Programme working group in the United
States [5].
Methods Cholesterol
The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute recommends
screening for dyslipidaemias in children with chronic renal
There were 13 paediatric nephrology centres managing chil-
disease/end-stage renal disease/post renal transplant (deemed
dren on RRT in the UK in 2013. Ten of these centres provided sur-
high risk) between the ages of 2 and 17, and defines high
gical renal transplant services, and all centres offered outpatient
total cholesterol as 55.2 mmol/L [6]. This cut-off has been
and inpatient follow up for children who had received kidney adopted for this report.
transplants. Centres and abbreviations are listed in appendix K.
Chapter 9 Paediatric biochemistry
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 9.2. Percentage data completeness for transplant patients ,16 years old by centre for each variable and total number of patients
per centre in 2013
patients IV
Centre N Height Weight BMI SBP Hb Creat Ferr ESA iron Chol Bicarb PTH Ca Phos
Bham_P 63 98.4 98.4 98.4 98.4 93.7 98.4 52.5 93.6 98.4 91.9 98.4 98.4
Blfst_Pa 16 93.8 100.0 93.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 25.0 100.0 87.5 43.8 100.0 6.3 93.8 93.8
Brstl_P 32 93.8 96.9 93.8 93.8 100.0 100.0 59.4 100.0 100.0 62.5 100.0 65.6 100.0 100.0
Cardf_Pb 16 94.1 100.0 94.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 93.8 93.8 93.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Glasg_P 29 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 44.8 100.0 100.0 34.5 96.6 86.2 96.6 100.0
L Eve_P 62 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 85.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
L GOSH_P 119 96.6 96.6 96.6 93.3 96.6 96.6 96.6 42.9 28.6 5.0 96.6 96.6 96.6 96.6
Leeds_P 53 90.6 90.6 88.7 90.6 100.0 100.0 79.3 100.0 100.0 94.3 98.1 83.0 100.0 96.2
Livpl_Pb 27 84.6 84.6 84.6 80.8 84.6 84.6 73.1 80.8 61.5 69.2 84.6 40.0 80.8 84.6
Manch_P 36 97.2 97.2 97.2 97.2 100.0 100.0 80.6 100.0 100.0 47.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Newc_P 21 90.5 90.5 90.5 90.5 85.7 76.2 76.2 100.0 100.0 66.7 81.0 52.4 85.7 85.7
Nottm_P 58 94.8 96.6 94.8 94.8 98.3 98.3 41.4 98.3 96.6 1.7 98.3 44.8 100.0 100.0
Soton_Pb 18 88.2 94.1 88.2 94.1 100.0 100.0 93.8 94.1 94.1 100.0 100.0 93.8 100.0 100.0
UK 550 95.3 96.2 95.1 94.9 97.1 97.3 74.3 70.3 65.7 52.6 97.1 80.6 97.3 97.3
Abbreviations: BMI – body mass index; SBP – systolic blood pressure; Hb – haemoglobin; Creat – creatinine; Ferr – ferritin; ESA – erythro-
poietin stimulating agent; IV – intravenous; Chol – cholesterol; Bicarb – bicarbonate; PTH – parathyroid hormone; Ca – calcium; Phos – phos-
Blank cells represent data items that could not be submitted due to technical reasons
Belfast does not measure PTH in transplanted patients
Non-transplant surgery centre
approximately −1.1, but whilst those who were trans- that due to changes in modality, groups are not strictly
planted maintained their height, the height z-score con- sequential in this analysis.
tinued to worsen for those who received dialysis. For The proportion of patients aged 2–16 years with a
dialysis patients across all age groups their height z- height less than two standard deviations in 2013 was
score tended to worsen over time. It should be noted much higher for those on dialysis (46.8% for
Table 9.3. Percentage data completeness for dialysis patients ,16 years old by centre for each variable and total number of patients
per centre in 2013
patients IV
Centre N Height Weight BMI SBP Hb Ferr ESA iron Chol Bicarb PTH Ca Phos
Bham_P 20 90.0 95.0 90.0 95.0 95.0 95.5 95.2 90.0 95.2 95.0 95.0
Blfst_P 5 60.0 100.0 60.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Brstl_P 7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 85.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Cardf_P 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 33.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Glasg_P 12 91.7 100.0 91.7 100.0 100.0 91.7 100.0 100.0 58.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
L Eve_P 14 57.1 64.3 57.1 64.3 100.0 100.0 92.9 92.9 7.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
L GOSH_P 30 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.7 100.0 96.7 86.7 80.0 72.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Leeds_P 12 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Livpl_P 5 66.7 100.0 66.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Manch_P 25 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.0 4.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Newc_P 2 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 50.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Nottm_P 12 83.3 91.7 91.7 50.0 100.0 91.7 91.7 91.7 100.0 91.7 100.0 100.0
Soton_P 5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 85.7 100.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 71.4 80.0 80.0
UK 152 88.2 93.5 88.9 89.5 98.7 96.8 76.6 74.7 50.0 98.0 97.5 98.7 98.7
Abbreviations: BMI – body mass index; SBP – systolic blood pressure; Hb – haemoglobin; Ferr – ferritin; ESA – erythropoietin stimulating agent;
IV – intravenous; Chol – cholesterol; Bicarb – bicarbonate; PTH – parathyroid hormone; Ca – calcium; Phos – phosphate
Blank cells represent data items that could not be submitted due to technical reasons
Chapter 9 Paediatric biochemistry
N = 523 Upper quartile
3.0 Median
2.0 Lower quartile
Height z-score
L Eve_P
Fig. 9.1. Median height z-scores for
transplant patients ,16 years old in 2013,
Centre centre specific and national averages.
N = 136 Upper quartile
3.0 Upper quartile
2.0 Lowerquartile
Lower quartile
Height z-score
L Eve_P
Fig. 9.2. Median height z-scores for
dialysis patients ,16 years old in 2013,
Centre centre specific and national averages.
Upper quartile
2.0 Lower quartile
Height z-score
haemodialysis (HD) and 43.2% for peritoneal dialysis hormone was falling, reporting of this has been poor
(PD)) compared to those with a functioning transplant over the last three years. Average use of growth hormone
(25.7%), excluding situations where growth might be for under 16s with a height less than two standard devi-
compromised (patients with syndromes and those born ations since 2002 is 27.2% for dialysis patients and 10.3%
prematurely). Individual centre data has not been for transplant patients.
shown due to very small numbers per modality per
centre. Figure 9.5 displays temporal fluctuations in use Weight
of growth hormone in those with a height less than two Figures 9.6 and 9.7 show that children receiving
standard deviations; whilst it appears use of growth dialysis were significantly more underweight than those
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Tx, start age <5 years Dialysis, start age 5–11 years
Dialysis, start age <5 years Tx, start age 11–<16 years
Tx, start age 5–11 years Dialysis, start age 11–<16 years
Median height z-score
Dialysis patients
Transplant patients
Percentage of patients on GH
0.0 Fig. 9.5. Use of growth hormone in
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 children ,16 years old with a height under
Year 2SD between 2002 and 2013
with renal transplants. The overall median z-score was body mass index than younger children aged under five
−0.2 in the transplanted group and −1.2 in the dialysis years, p , 0.0001. Of those aged 12 to ,16 years, 44.2%
group, p , 0.0001. were overweight or obese compared to 40.0% of those
aged 5 to ,12 years and only 17.2% of those aged 0 to
Cardiovascular risk factor evaluation ,5 years. Looking only at the proportions of those under-
Obesity weight, just 0.8% of those aged 12 to ,16 years were
Figures 9.8 and 9.9 show that children with renal underweight compared to 1.3% of those aged 5 to ,12
transplants had a significantly higher body mass index years and 9.1% of those aged 0 to ,5 years. There were
than those receiving dialysis. The overall median z- no statistically significant differences between proportions
score was 0.9 in the transplanted group and 0.2 in the of those underweight, normal, overweight or obese in
dialysis group, p , 0.0001. terms of sex, ethnicity or donor source (deceased or living).
Figure 9.10 demonstrates higher proportions of over-
weight and obese children (41.4%) in those with renal Hypertension
transplants compared to those receiving dialysis (25.9%). Figures 9.11 and 9.12 show children receiving RRT are
There was a higher proportion of underweight children hypertensive compared to the healthy population, and
in the dialysis group (8.9%) compared to those with those receiving dialysis had a significantly higher median
renal transplants (0.6%). There was a highly significant SBP than those with renal transplants. There was wide
difference in proportions of those underweight or with a inter-centre variability in median SBP z-score. The
normal BMI and those overweight/obese between age median SBP z-score was maintained at or below the
groups; older children aged 12 to ,16 years had a higher 90th centile by all centres for children with transplants
Chapter 9 Paediatric biochemistry
N = 528 Upper
2.0 Median
Lower quartile
Lower quartile
Weight z-score
L Eve_P
Fig. 9.6. Median weight z-scores for
transplant patients ,16 years old in 2013,
Centre centre specific and national averages
N = 143 Upper quartile
2 Lower quartile
Weight z-score
L Eve_P
whereas six centres were above the 90th centile for achieving the SBP standard by modality has not been
median SBP z-score for children receiving dialysis. The shown due to very small numbers per modality per
overall median z-score was 0.6 in the transplanted centre. Table 9.4 shows that there was a highly significant
group and 1.0 in the dialysis group, p = 0.002. Of those difference in the percentage ,90th percentile for SBP
aged ,16, 76.1% of children with a functioning kidney between RRT modalities, whereas there was no difference
transplant, 53.4% of those receiving HD, and 60.7% of with age, gender or ethnicity. Nor was there any statisti-
those receiving PD had a SBP ,90th percentile in cally significant difference in SBP between living and
2013. Individual centre data showing percentages deceased donor transplants.
BMI z-score
Upper quartile N = 522
–2.0 Median
–3.0 Lower quartile
L Eve_P
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
BMI z-score
–2 Upper quartile
N = 135 Median
–3 Lower quartile
L Eve_P
Fig. 9.9. Median BMI z-scores for dialysis
patients ,16 years old in 2013, centre
Centre specific and national averages
with 1 in 10 having all three risk factors evaluated. Of
Normal those included in this analyses, 170 (48%) had hypertension,
Percentage of patients
Overweight 150 (43%) were overweight/obese and 125 (35%) had
60 hypercholesterolaemia. Treatment modality influenced
the number of CVRFs, with transplants being associated
with more CVRFs ( p = 0.007). There were no statistically
20 significant differences in number of CVRFs according to
age, gender or ethnicity.
Transplant Dialysis
Treatment modality Laboratory and clinical indices
Fig. 9.10. BMI categorisation in children ,16 years old by Haemoglobin and ferritin
modality in 2013 The percentage of patients aged ,16 on dialysis
achieving the haemoglobin standard in 2013 was 65.5%
Cardiovascular risk factor prevalence for those on HD and 82.5% for those on PD, compared
Table 9.5 shows that the percentage of patients with no to 91.2% for those with a renal transplant. Individual
CVRFs was 26%, one CVRF was 35%, two CVRFs was centre data has not been shown due to very small
27% and the percentage of those with all evaluated CVRFs numbers per modality per centre. During 2011–2013,
was 12%. This analysis is restricted to the 353 of 702 73.2% of dialysis patients and 91.8% of transplant patients
(50.3%) patients with complete data for all three items. achieved the standard for haemoglobin, which has
Thus of the included prevalent paediatric RRT population, remained consistent since 2002–2004. The proportion
75% had one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease, of patients with a ferritin in range during 2011–2013
Dotted line shows the 90th centile
SBP z-score
Upper quartile
Median N = 514
Lower quartile
L Eve_P
Chapter 9 Paediatric biochemistry
Upper quartile N = 129
Lower quartile
SBP z-score
–4.0 Dotted line shows the 90th centile
L Eve_P
Fig. 9.12. Median systolic blood pressure
z-scores for dialysis patients ,16 years in
Centre 2013, centre specific and national averages
Table 9.4. Percentage of patients ,16 years old achieving the was 33.3% for dialysis patients and 14.8% for transplant
standards for systolic blood pressure in 2013 patients. It is not possible to comment on trends for
N % below 90th percentile p value
ferritin due to historical missing data, although this has
substantially improved more recently.
Total 643 72.2 Whilst table 9.6 suggests that fewer anaemic dialysis
Age group 0.13 patients were receiving erythropoietin stimulating agents
0–,5 years 94 66.0 (ESAs) in the 2011–2013 period, it must be considered
5–,12 years 301 70.8 that the data completeness of ESA usage has fallen con-
12–16 years 248 76.2 siderably in the last five years, and therefore reliability
Gender 0.06 of the data is questionable.
Male 393 74.8 Figure 9.13 demonstrates fluctuations in usage of ESAs
Female 250 68.0 for dialysis patients according to haemoglobin standard,
Ethnicity 0.3 with an erratic picture largely since 2009 when data com-
Black 23 60.9 pleteness reduced. Prior to 2009, trends were more stable.
Other 44 75.0 Usage appears smoother for the transplant groups, where
South Asian 101 66.3
White 446 73.5 completeness is marginally better. Figure 9.14 shows that
similar to figure 9.13, attainment of the haemoglobin
RRT modality ,0.0001 standard and use of intravenous iron was also subject to
Dialysis 129 56.6
Transplant 514 76.1 alterations, with completeness also being inconsistent.
More meaningful conclusions might be evident from
these graphs if this data could be better provided by centres.
Table 9.5. Frequency of number of cardiovascular risk factors in prevalent RRT patients ,16 years in 2013
0 No No No 90 25.5 25.5
1 Yes No No 55 15.6
No Yes No 45 12.7 35.1
No No Yes 24 6.8
2 Yes Yes No 38 10.8
Yes No Yes 34 9.6 27.2
No Yes Yes 24 6.8
3 Yes Yes Yes 43 12.2 12.2
N 170 150 125
Total % 48.2 42.5 35.4
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 9.6. Proportion of paediatric RRT patients on ESA, by (n = 29), 10.3% were hypercalcaemic, 10.3% were hypo-
haemoglobin attainment, across time calcaemic and the remainder (79.3%) were within the age
Haemoglobin Haemoglobin related reference range. For PD, analysis by age was less
below standard above standard reliable due to small group numbers; the majority of
Time period % on ESA % on ESA the hypercalcaemia came from 13 patients in the 12 to
,16 year group, where 46.2% were hypercalcaemic.
Transplant patients
2002–2004 17.5 4.2
2005–2007 22.5 4.1 Phosphate
2008–2010 24.7 8.1 The percentage of patients aged ,16 on HD (n = 88)
2011–2013 20.0 5.8 achieving the phosphate standard in 2013 was 43.2%,
Dialysis patients with 27.3% of patients being hypophosphataemic, and
2002–2004 95.5 90.6 29.6% being hyperphosphataemic. The percentage of
2005–2007 95.8 96.3 patients aged ,16 on PD (n = 63) achieving the
2008–2010 93.9 88.1
2011–2013 78.3 88.8 phosphate standard in 2013 was 55.6%, with 4.8% of
patients being hypophosphataemic, and 39.7% being
hyperphosphataemic. Individual centre data has not been
Calcium shown due to very small numbers per modality per centre.
The percentage of patients aged ,16 on HD (n = 88) Analysis by age for both HD and PD demonstrated no
achieving the calcium standard in 2013 was 84.1%, with particular differences between age groups of proportions
5.7% of patients being hypocalcaemic, and 10.2% being within, above or below the age related reference range.
hypercalcaemic. The percentage of patients aged ,16
on PD (n = 63) achieving the calcium standard in 2013 Parathyroid hormone
was 71.4%, with 4.8% of patients being hypocalcaemic, The percentage of patients aged ,16 with a renal
and 23.8% being hypercalcaemic. Individual centre data transplant (n = 439) achieving the PTH standard in
has not been shown due to very small numbers per 2013 was 80.2%, with 19.8% having hyperparathyroid-
modality per centre. ism. The percentage of patients aged ,16 on HD
Analysis by age demonstrated that for HD in the 0 to (n = 87) achieving the PTH standard in 2013 was
,5 group (n = 27), 22.2% were hypercalcaemic and 3.7% 42.5%, with 57.5% having hyperparathyroidism. The
hypocalcaemic, with the remainder (74.1%) being within percentage of patients aged ,16 on PD (n = 66) achiev-
the age related reference range. In the 5 to ,12 group ing the PTH standard in 2013 was 36.4%, with 63.6%
(n = 32), 0% were hypercalcaemic, 3.1% were hypo- having hyperparathyroidism.
calcaemic and the vast majority (96.9%) were within Individual centre data has not been shown due to very
the age related reference range. In the 12 to ,16 group small numbers per modality per unit, and low
70 % of dialysis patients anaemic on ESA
Percentage of patients
Chapter 9 Paediatric biochemistry
Percentage of patients
Fig. 9.14. The use of intravenous iron by
0 haemoglobin standard and treatment
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 modality between 2002 and 2013 in
Year prevalent RRT patients ,16 years old
Table 9.7. Centre analysis of bicarbonate levels (mmol/L) in patients under 16 years old by treatment modality, in 2013
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
between modalities. Here individual centre data has been the presentation of the prevalence of some of the com-
combined for HD and PD in order to provide limited monest CVRFs in children on RRT. It is hoped that by
comparison, but despite this, numbers remain small. reporting on items with lower completeness, clinicians
There were no statistical differences between age groups will be inspired to improve their returns to fully realise
on the achievement of the bicarbonate standard. the potential of the Registry.
The Renal Association guidelines that are reported
Conclusions against are now over ten years old with guidelines in
development or being updated by the BAPN. These
Registry data new standards are welcomed in order to ensure that the
The Paediatric Renal Registry is a valuable resource for report is current and relevant.
describing the paediatric ERF population and assessing
how outcome data compares against national standards. Growth
It provides a means of benchmarking and improving the Previous Registry reports [8] and data from the ESPN/
quality of the care provided to children on RRT in the UK. ERA-EDTA [9] have established that the UK ERF popu-
There are some important limitations to the data lation are shorter than healthy children. UK paediatric
provided to the Registry. Unlike the adult Registry, data transplant patients had a near normal z-score for weight,
collection is only performed once per year; one must be whereas dialysis patients are underweight. The BMI find-
wary of over analysing items where a single annual ings in this report are influenced by the reduced height of
measurement is submitted to the Registry, especially if RRT patients, so although transplant patients’ weights
the variable can vary widely from day to day. The were comparable to the healthy population, they were
Paediatric Registry also includes far fewer patients. These overweight for their height.
limitations restrict the quality of the analysis and ability A new analysis in this report suggests that there were
to make comparisons between centres. In order to address important differences in growth trends between cohorts
these restrictions, patients are grouped into cohorts by time of children according to age of commencement of RRT.
period to ameliorate the problem of reduced numbers. Children transplanted under 11 years of age improved
Moving to a quarterly data return would greatly improve their height z-score, and children transplanted over 11
the accuracy of the report, as well as resolve some of the years maintain height z-scores, with all transplanted
issues with completeness. The lack of completeness of patients having a similar height z-score after three years
certain data items described in this report such as the use of starting RRT. As a healthy child with a normal puber-
of growth hormone, ESAs and intravenous iron and trans- tal growth spurt will have a static height z-score and the
plant immunosuppression do provide a challenge in draw- Registry dataset does not collect information regarding
ing meaningful conclusions from the data. A concerted puberty, it is difficult to comment on growth patterns
effort from all centres to regularly provide this information any further. This new analysis thus shows patterns of
could lead to a much more accurate assessment of how growth trend over the first few years following com-
paediatric ERF patients are managed. In addition, more mencement of RRT by modality and adds to the recent
cohesiveness between centres with the items reported to European Registry data where an older age at RRT start,
the Registry would be valuable, however it is accepted the cumulative time with a functioning graft, more recent
that information technology, practice and services differ. RRT vintage and greater height z-score at RRT start were
associated with higher final height z-score [9]. Although
Changes to the chapter the proportion of those receiving growth hormone in
This year the paediatric biochemistry chapter has been those under 16 with a height z-score ,2 standard devi-
restructured, with the objective to provide new ways of ations is reported, it is accepted that growth hormone
looking at the data and to improve reporting. Insights use would not be recommended in newly transplanted
from the literature and from other national registries patients and in those demonstrating catch up growth.
are welcomed to provide novel data presentation and Work is being undertaken to investigate the number of
processing to aid better management of children on patients with a final adult height recorded at age 18.
RRT. For the first time, cholesterol data which has now Difficulties in such an analysis include the representation
passed 50% completeness is reported and has enabled of patients who may be managed in paediatric or adult
Chapter 9 Paediatric biochemistry
centres and the low data completeness of height reporting This year comparison between centres has not been
to the adult Registry, as well as continued growth past the reported for bone biochemistry parameters. The small
age of 18 years. More detailed analyses of the effect of numbers per modality at each centre allow for limited
different steroid regimes on growth were not possible comparison, and therefore data for all patients and by
for inclusion in this report due to a lack of power. age groups are instead provided.
Bicarbonate data, an important aspect in the growing
Cardiovascular risk factor evaluation child, has been merged for the dialysis groups in order
Novel analyses in this report highlight that of those to compare with children with renal transplants.
with data, 75% of paediatric RRT patients had one or Standard achievement remained stable for this variable.
more risk factors, and that 1 in 10 had three risk factors
for cardiovascular disease including hypertension, obesity Future work
and hypercholesterolaemia. As the assessment of all three A strategy under discussion is a move to consider
risk factors only used data from half the population, the ‘double counting’ patients. If a patient changes modality
proportions of hypertension and obesity without choles- half way through the year, their results currently can
terol data were also tested and found to be the same as only be reported against one modality. Double counting
when taking into account all three variables. It is accepted would correct for potential data lost in a modality. This
that using total cholesterol alone may have limitations in may provide a suitable stopgap until quarterly data
the assessment of dyslipidaemia, but Registry data for returns are in place for children receiving RRT.
other lipid measures is sub-optimal and thus this makes The ongoing work to merge the paediatric and adult
best use of the data available. An annual full lipid screen registries will allow the reporting of data for 16–18 year
for children on RRT would enhance the Registry’s ability olds, who may be managed in either care setting. Uniting
to assess dyslipidaemia in the paediatric ERF population. the registries will also allow the linkage of longer term
The analyses highlight that hypertension remained the outcomes such as graft lifespan and cardiovascular
most prevalent ‘traditional’ CVRF in this paediatric RRT comorbidity.
cohort. These findings are similar to previous reports The full integration of the NEW paediatric dataset
including pre-dialysis CKD cohorts [10]. These data (version 10.0) should provide more uniformity in the
should encourage clinicians to develop strategies to data items collected which may aid completeness.
reduce current rates of hypertension and excess weight An exciting development for nephrology in general is
in childhood populations on RRT in the UK. the formation of the UK Renal Data Collaboration (of
which the BAPN is a member) and the creation of a
Laboratory and clinical indices data warehouse [11]. Such an advance has the possibility
Haemoglobin standard achievement was broadly to revolutionise future reporting by facilitating the
similar to previous years. Completeness for ferritin has collection of data and allowing increased frequency of
improved in recent years but unfortunately reduced for data collection. Potentially this will also allow the
ESA data. Improving data returns on usage of ESAs expansion of range of electronic data items that are
and intravenous iron would help more comprehensive reported. This could remove many of the current limit-
commentary regarding anaemia management. The results ations associated with the Paediatric Renal Registry.
of the national audit on anaemia in the UK paediatric ERF
population may provide further insights. Conflicts of interest: none
1 Renal Association standards, 3rd edition, 2002: 3 Freeman JV CT, Chinn S et al.: Cross sectional stature and weight
docs/default-source/guidelines-resources/Renal_Association_Standards_ reference curves for the UK, 1990. Arch Dis Child 1995;73:17–24
3rd_Edition_2002-2007.pdf?sfvrsn=0 (last accessed 20th October 4 BAPN Standards for Hypertension in Paediatric Renal Transplant Reci-
2014) pients, 2011:
2 Cole TJ, Flegal KM, Nicholls D, Jackson AA: Body Mass Index cut offs to groups/bapn/clinical-standards/bapn-standards-for-hypertension-in-
define thinness in children and adolescents: international study. BMJ renal-transplant-recipients.pdf?sfvrsn=2 (last accessed 10th November
2007;335(7612):194 2014)
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
5 National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on 9 Harambat J, Bonthius M, van Stralen KJ, Ariceta G, Battelino N,
High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents: The Fourth Report Bjerre A, Jahnukainen T, Leroy V, Reusz G, Sandes AR, Sinha MD,
on the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure Groothoff JW. Combe C, Jager KJ, Verrina E, Schaefer F: ESPN/ERA-
in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics 2004;114(2):555–76 EDTA Registry. Adult Height in Patients with Advanced CKD requiring
6 Expert panel on integrated guidelines for cardiovascular health and risk Renal Replacement Therapy during Childhood. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol
reduction in children and adolescents: summary report. Pediatrics 2011 2014 Jan;9(1):92–9. doi:10.2215/CJN.00890113
Dec;128(suppl 5):S213–56. doi: 10.1542/peds.2009–2107C 10 Wilson AC, Schneider MF, Cox C, Greenbaum LA, Saland J, White CT,
7 NICE clinical guideline 114: Anaemia management in people with Furth S, Warady BA, Mitsnefes MM: Prevalence and Correlates of
chronic kidney disease. London: National Institute for Health and Multiple Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Children with Chronic Kidney
Clinical Excellence, 2011 Disease. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Dec;6(12):2759–65. doi: 10.2215/
8 Pruthi R, Maxwell H, Casula A, Braddon F, Lewis M, O’Brien C, CJN.03010311
Stojanovic J, Tse Y, Inward C, Sinha MD: UK Renal Registry 16th 11
Annual Report: Chapter 13 Clinical, Haematological and Biochemical ukrdc/ (last accessed 20th October 2014)
Parameters in Patients receiving Renal Replacement Therapy in Paedi-
atric Centres in the UK in 2012: National and Centre-specific Analyses.
Nephron Clin Prac 2013;125(1–4):259–73. doi: 10.1159/000360032
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 10 2013 Multisite Dialysis Access
Audit in England, Northern Ireland and
Wales and 2012 PD One Year Follow-up:
National and Centre-specific Analyses
Anirudh Raoa, David Pitchera, Richard Fluckb, Mick Kumwendac
UK Renal Registry, Bristol, UK; bDerby Hospitals Foundation Trust, UK; cGlan Clwyd Hospital, Rhyl, UK
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 10 Multisite dialysis access audit
Table 10.1. Summary of audit measures stated in Renal Association clinical practice guidelines for dialysis access
HD Access
PD access
1 Catheter patency – more than 80% of catheters should be patent at 1 year (censoring Yes
for death and elective modality change)
2 Complications following PD catheter insertion Yes
2a Bowel perforation ,1% No Not captured by the audit
2b Significant haemorrhage ,1% No Not captured by the audit
2c Exit site infection within 2 weeks of catheter insertion ,5% No Not captured by the audit
2d Peritonitis within 2 weeks of catheter insertion ,5% Yes
2e Functional catheter problem requiring manipulation or replacement or leading to No Not captured by the audit
technique failure ,20%
DOB Incident HD
Incident PD
First seen date
Assessed by surgeon
Data field
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Total HD PD
Variable N = 4,668 N = 3,647 N = 1,021
Variations in first dialysis access Association guidelines (65% of all patients com-
Patient demographics mencing haemodialysis should commence with an
The median patient age when starting RRT was 67 AVF).
years in the HD cohort and 60 years for patients com- . Patients aged 75 or over were more likely to initiate
mencing PD. Overall, 64.4% of the patients were male, RRT on an AVF (43.5%) when compared to patients
35.6% female; the proportional distribution of the sexes ,75 years (39.6%). Similarly, older patients were
was similar for both the HD and PD subgroups. less likely to start on a tunnelled line (31.5% vs.
A significant proportion of patients starting dialysis 39.6%).
had diabetes (57.3%), however, diabetes associated . Patients with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) as
nephropathy was the primary renal disease (PRD) in primary renal diagnosis were most likely to start
only 26.1% (table 10.2). on an AVF (67.4%).
Table 10.3 presents HD and PD patient subgroups . Patients, who were referred at least 90 days prior to
stratified by age, dichotomised body mass index (BMI) commencing dialysis, were more likely to start on an
(430 or .30), PRD, referral time (,90 or 590 days) AVF compared to those starting more acutely
and surgical assessment status. (52.3% vs. 5.5%).
There was an association between the access modality . A high proportion of patients (33.6%) who were
(HD vs. PD), referral time (,90 days vs. 590 days) and referred at least 90 days prior to commencing dialy-
surgical assessment status in excess of three months prior sis, start dialysis on a tunnelled line.
to dialysis start. The following observations can be made: . Patients who had been seen by a surgeon at least
three months before starting dialysis were more
For HD:
likely to start on an AVF than those not assessed
. AVF was the initial access for 40.7% of patients, with (72.4% vs. 6.1%).
0.9% on an AVG, 37.2% on a tunnelled line and For PD:
21.3% on a non-tunnelled line. The percentage of
patients starting with an AVF has been stable for . For a total of 1,021 first PD catheters, the insertion
the last three years with the majority of centres fail- techniques were 38.3% open surgical, 13.3%
ing to achieve the target as stated in the Renal laparoscopic, 3.2% peritoneoscopic and 28.0%
Chapter 10 Multisite dialysis access audit
HD patients PD patients
Total patients 3,647 1,485 31 1,356 775 1,021 391 136 33 286 175
% 40.7 0.9 37.2 21.3 38.3 13.3 3.2 28.0 17.1
Age at first dialysis % %
,75 2,579 39.6 0.9 39.6 20.0 840 38.6 13.6 3.7 28.0 16.2
575 1,068 43.5 0.7 31.5 24.3 181 37.0 12.2 1.1 28.2 21.5
BMI (kg/m2)
430 1,193 42.6 0.9 37.6 18.9 332 43.4 16.0 6.9 27.7 6.0
.30 625 54.9 0.8 28.3 16.0 126 48.4 14.3 7.9 23.8 5.6
No BMI 467 28.7 0.6 38.8 31.9 156 24.4 14.1 0.0 39.7 21.8
Diabetes 980 43.3 1.0 39.3 16.4 238 34.5 12.2 2.9 31.9 18.5
GN 430 42.6 0.2 38.1 19.1 168 41.7 12.5 5.4 26.2 14.3
Hypertension 291 46.4 1.4 32.6 19.6 77 31.2 24.7 6.5 20.8 16.9
PKD 184 67.4 1.1 23.9 7.6 102 52.0 14.7 2.0 18.6 12.7
Pyelo 183 48.1 2.7 32.2 16.9 64 43.8 23.4 1.6 12.5 18.8
RVD 225 43.6 0.4 30.2 25.8 39 48.7 12.8 7.7 15.4 15.4
Uncertain 517 41.6 0.8 36.9 20.7 144 41.7 11.1 0.7 30.6 16.0
Other 572 23.3 0.3 45.8 30.6 101 37.6 13.9 5.0 24.8 18.2
No PRD 175 28.0 1.1 31.4 39.4 79 21.5 2.5 0.0 60.8 15.2
Referral time (days)
,90 797 5.5 0.1 51.4 42.9 106 28.3 8.5 6.6 37.7 18.9
590 2,663 52.3 1.0 33.6 13.1 843 41.6 14.7 3.1 25.0 15.5
No ref 120 24.2 1.7 30.0 44.2 58 17.2 3.4 0.0 60.3 19.0
Assessed by surgeon
Missing 165 9.1 0.0 61.8 29.1 102 34.3 2.9 0.0 59.8 2.9
No 1,373 6.1 0.1 58.0 35.8 321 34.6 16.8 0.6 36.4 11.5
Yes 1,654 72.4 1.5 20.3 5.8 505 45.1 14.1 6.1 20.2 14.5
Patients from centres with more than 50% missing data for a variable are excluded from the table for that variable
AVF = arteriovenous fistula; AVG = arteriovenous graft; TL = tunnelled line; NTL = non-tunnelled line; GN = glomerulonephritis; BMI = body
mass index; PKD = polycystic kidney disease; PRD = primary renal diagnosis; Pyelo = pyelonephritis; RVD = reno-vascular disease
percutaneous. Insertion technique was not reported Figure 10.2 shows types of haemodialysis access strati-
for the remaining 17.1%. fied by age group. Patients aged less than 75 at the point
. Referral time had an influence on PD catheter of commencing RRT were less likely than older patients
insertion technique; 37.7% of patients referred less (575) to start dialysis using an AVF (39.6% vs. 43.5%)
than 90 days before starting dialysis underwent and more likely to start with a tunnelled line (39.6% vs.
percutaneous insertion compared to 25.0% of 31.5%). The reason for this is unknown but may reflect
patients known longer to the service. These data patient engagement with renal services or varying
were reversed for general surgical insertion: 28.3% progression of chronic kidney disease in the older
of patients who presented late versus 41.6% of population.
patients who did not present late. Figure 10.3 shows haemodialysis access stratified by
. Patients who were assessed by a surgeon at least PRD. The proportional distribution of HD access
three months before starting dialysis were more modality was similar for different primary renal disease
likely to undergo open surgical placement (45.1% diagnoses. Of note, patients with polycystic kidney
vs. 34.6% for non-surgical assessment) and under- disease were more likely to start HD on an AVF. This
standably less likely to undergo percutaneous likely results from the opportunity for timely access
catheter placement (20.2% vs. 36.4%). preparation as these patients are often known to renal
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
100 100
80 AVF 80
Percentage of patients
Percentage of patients
60 60
40 40 Percutaneous
20 20 Open surgery
0 0
<75 years >75 years <30 kg/m2 >30 kg/m2
(2,579 patients) (1,068 patients) (312 patients) (119 patients)
Age at start of HD
BMI group
Fig. 10.2. Type of haemodialysis access stratified by age group
Fig. 10.4. Method of PD catheter insertion stratified by body
AVF = arteriovenous fistula; AVG = arteriovenous graft;
mass index
TL = tunnelled line; NTL = non-tunnelled line
BMI = body mass index
All patients from centres with more than 50% missing data for BMI
were excluded
services for many years before dialysis is required. Where
no primary renal diagnosis was available, the numbers (46.2%). The percutaneous approach was less likely to
of patients starting dialysis with a tunnelled or non- be used in patients in the higher BMI category (25.2%)
tunnelled dialysis venous catheter were higher, suggesting compared with those with a lower BMI (29.5%). The
that this may represent a cohort of patients who present peritoneoscopic or laparoscopic approach was used in a
late to renal services or whose renal function declines similar proportion of patients in both BMI groups. It
more rapidly than predicted. should be noted that the analysis was limited due to a
Figure 10.4 shows PD catheter insertion methods high proportion of missing data for BMI.
stratified by BMI. Patients with body mass index (BMI) Figure 10.5 shows PD catheter insertion technique by
.30 kg/m2 were more likely to undergo open surgical centre. Centres reporting less than five patients on PD
placement (51.3%) than those with BMI 430 kg/m2 were not considered for analysis (n = 7). Eleven centres
PKD (184)
Pyelonephritis (183)
Hypertension (291)
Primary renal diagnosis
RVD (225)
Diabetes (980)
Chapter 10 Multisite dialysis access audit
Dorset (23)
Wolve (34)
L Barts (57)
L Kings (36)
L Rfree (53)
Plymth (14)
Leic (25)
Carlis (13)
Middlbr (11)
Wrexm (10)
Chelms (8)
Wirral (17)
Camb (8)
Norwch (5)
Sund (5)
Derby (34)
Liv Roy (21)
L St.G (14)
B Heart (18)
Salford (29)
Belfast (12)
L Guys (9)
L West (24)
Ports (33)
Sthend (7)
Total (1,021)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of patients
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
reported less than 10 patients using PD catheters for first start on PD when compared to patients who were
dialysis in 2013. There continues to be a strong tendency referred ,90 days prior to dialysis start.
for many centres to rely on one single approach to PD Figure 10.9 shows PD catheter insertion technique by
catheter placement, with 13 centres reporting use of a referral time. Patients who were first seen by a nephrolo-
single technique for all of their patients. Twenty-two gist ,90 days before starting RRT were more likely to
centres reported using the percutaneous technique. undergo percutaneous insertion when compared to patients
Amongst these centres were some of those with the highest who were known between 90–365 days and .365 days.
proportion of patients using a PD catheter as first access Open surgical technique was less likely to be used in the
(Derby 45.9%, London St Bartholemew’s 39.5%, Wolver- patients presenting late when compared to the patients
hampton 37.3%, Liverpool Roy 36.2%, to name a few). who were known over three months, probably because
of having a lesser likelihood of seeing a surgeon.
First dialysis access and renal centre Figure 10.10 shows first access for centres providing
Figure 10.6 shows type of first dialysis access by centre. data for patients presenting late (known to renal services
Variations were apparent between centres when consid- for ,90 days). Amongst the 913 patients for whom data
ering patients commencing dialysis via an AVF, ranging were reported, 45.3% started dialysis on a tunnelled line,
from 10% (London West, London St Bartholemew’s, 38.1% on a non-tunnelled line, 11.6% using a PD catheter
Wrexham) to 50% (Birmingham Heartlands, Cambridge, with only 4.8% having first access documented as an
Colchester, Liverpool Aintree). Some centres had over AVF. There was however, wide variation amongst centres
60% of patients starting dialysis on a tunnelled line and clearly an understanding of practice patterns could
(London West, Sunderland, Dudley). The use of arterio- lead to potential improvements in access service pro-
venous graft as the first dialysis access was between 0–5% vision. There may also be reporting differences which
with only 17 of the 57 centres opting to use this. need to be explored.
Use of a PD catheter as first access varied between 45% In 13 centres, more than 15% of patients presenting
(Derby) and 0% (Colchester, Clwyd, Dudley). In last late had a peritoneal dialysis catheter inserted for use as
year’s audit there was some evidence that centres that first dialysis access and as a result had a lower require-
had high usage of AVFs as starting access were also ment for tunnelled or non-tunnelled lines. However,
more likely to start patients on a PD catheter. Based on the number of patients presenting late reported in some
this year’s audit, there is no evidence of this association. centres was extremely small and it is difficult to make
The Renal Association guidelines on vascular access firm observations about clinical pathways for the devel-
for Haemodialysis recommends 65% of all patients opment of dialysis access in this cohort.
commencing haemodialysis should commence with an Figure 10.11 shows the type of haemodialysis access in
AV fistula. This is depicted in figure 10.7 with patients patients known to the renal service for longer than three
who presented late excluded for this analysis. There months. There was significant variation for patients
were 14 centres below 2 standard deviations and a further starting haemodialysis on AVF, with Derby on one end
10 centres below 3 standard deviations. There were two of the spectrum at 91.6% and London West at the other
centres above 2 standard deviations (Derby, Liverpool end at 15%. The centres with highest tunnelled line use
Aintree). The results have to be cautiously interpreted were London West (76%), Carlisle (73%), London St
due to non-adjustment for any patient related factors. Bartholemew’s (67%). There were five centres who
This may indicate variation in local processes for access reported over 30% of patients as starting on non-tunnelled
planning and delivery and needs further investigation. lines despite being known to the centre for at least 90 days
(Antrim 44.4%, Shrewsbury 41.6%, London Kings 37.7%,
First dialysis access and referral time London St Georges 50.0%, Portsmouth 32.9%). It will be
Figure 10.8 shows a clear association between time important to understand the variations in practice patterns
known to a nephrologist and patient starting haemo- that lie behind these statistics which were not provided by
dialysis with an AVF. A greater proportion of patients current data.
who were known to a nephrologist for over one year
started dialysis with an AVF, as compared to those who First dialysis access and surgical assessment
were referred between 90–365 days (42.5% vs. 25.3%). Figure 10.12 highlights the proportion of patients who
Similarly, patients who were known to a nephrologist had been referred for surgical assessment at least three
between 90 days to over one year were more likely to months prior to starting dialysis. There was considerable
Chapter 10 Multisite dialysis access audit
L St.G (66)
Leic (118)
Sheff (119)
Sthend (35)
Cardff (150)
B Heart (94)
Basldn (37)
West NI (16)
Exeter (111)
Ports (188)
Swanse (92)
Chelms (47)
Stevng (124)
Shrew (59)
York (33)
Newc (80)
Bangor (22)
Antrim (26)
Leeds (149)
L Guys (84)
Middlbr (103)
Sund (47)
Camb (84)
L West (272)
Norwch (69)
Ulster (30)
Colchr (29)
Clwyd (15)
Dudley (18)
Total (4,668)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of patients
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
Solid lines show 95% limits
Percentage of patients
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Fig. 10.7. Funnel plot of the percentage of HD patients who
Number of HD patients at centre commenced dialysis using an AVF
365+ days TL
(2,926 patients) NTL
PD catheter
Referral time
90–365 days
(580 patients)
<90 days
(903 patients)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of patients Fig. 10.8. Type of first dialysis access by
referral time
Open surgery
365+ days Peritoneoscopic
(702 patients) Percutaneous
Missing data
Referral time
90–365 days
(141 patients)
<90 days
(106 patients)
Chapter 10 Multisite dialysis access audit
Derby (13)
L Barts (34)
Wolve (16)
Wirral (7)
Donc (11)
L Rfree (52)
Nottm (16)
Stoke (14)
Basldn (10)
Salford (21)
B QEH (55)
Leic (22)
Prestn (23)
Liv Ain (14)
Dorset (15)
Redng (27)
York (9)
Swanse (19)
Stevng (31)
Sheff (25)
Oxford (29)
Shrew (15)
Camb (16)
Hull (18)
Middlbr (24)
Brightn (35)
Carlis (10)
B Heart (5)
Bradfd (6)
Exeter (26)
Norwch (24)
L Kings (28)
Leeds (36)
L West (77)
Cardff (16)
Sund (8)
Plymth (7)
Ulster (5)
Newc (17)
L Guys (14)
Antrim (5) PD catheter
L St.G (10) AVF
Liv Roy (5) TL
Chelms (9) NTL
Total (913)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of patients
Fig. 10.10. Type of access used for first dialysis in patients presenting to a nephrologist ,90 days prior to dialysis start
PD = peritoneal dialysis; AVF = arteriovenous fistula; AVG = arteriovenous graft; TL = tunnelled line; NTL = non-tunnelled line
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Norwch (40)
Cardff (105)
Exeter (65)
Ulster (23)
L Rfree (105)
Hull (43)
Sthend (26)
West NI (10)
Stevng (75)
L Guys (61)
Newc (51)
Middlbr (69)
Wolve (46)
Brightn (64)
Shrew (36)
Newry (14)
Ports (155)
Clwyd (15)
Antrim (18)
Sund (34)
Dudley (16)
Bangor (16)
L Kings (90)
L St.G (42)
Ipswi (20)
Carlis (15)
L Barts (67)
Wrexm (20)
L West (171)
Total (2,840)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of patients
Fig. 10.11. Type of first access for haemodialysis stratified by centre restricted to patients presenting to a nephrologist 590 days prior
to start
AVF = arteriovenous fistula; AVG = arteriovenous graft; TL = tunnelled line; NTL = non-tunnelled line
Chapter 10 Multisite dialysis access audit
Percentage of patients
Ulster (25)
York (24)
L Guys (70)
B QEH (113)
Sheff (94)
Belfast (41) 40
Basldn (27)
Donc (47)
Liv Roy (53) 20 Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
Dudley (16) Solid lines show 95% limits
Cardff (134)
Shrew (44)
Colchr (28) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Oxford (108) Number of PD patients at centre
Stevng (93)
Bangor (19) Fig. 10.13. Funnel plot of the percentage of patients with PD
Newc (63) catheter insertion .2 weeks before starting dialysis
Exeter (85)
Plymth (44)
Carlis (28) Renal Association Peritoneal Access Clinical Guide-
West NI (12)
L Barts (110)
lines state that [4]:
Truro (28)
Newry (22) ‘Whenever possible, catheter insertion should be
L Rfree (144) performed at least 2 weeks before starting peritoneal
Leeds (113)
Antrim (21)
dialysis. Small dialysate volumes in the supine position
Liv Ain (46) can be used if dialysis is required earlier.’
Salford (90)
Sund (39) Figure 10.13 shows the variation in centres according
Hull (65) to whether PD catheters were inserted at least two
Derby (61)
B Heart (89) weeks prior to commencing dialysis. Thirty of the 32
Wirral (53) centres had over 40% of patients with their PD catheters
Bradfd (46)
Brightn (94) inserted at least two weeks prior to commencement of
L West (195) dialysis. Nottingham, Belfast, Derby and Wolverhampton
Prestn (95) were 2 standard deviations below the mean, probably
Ipswi (28)
Dorset (55) because these centres carry out PD catheter insertion in
Redng (74) late presenters. This guideline was intended to reduce
Nottm (74)
Wolve (75) the risk of dialysate leakage following catheter insertion,
Sthend (31) however it may actually have resulted in patients being
L Kings (126)
Wrexm (30)
less likely to use the PD catheter for early start PD and
Total (3,282) therefore possibly be exposed to the hazards of a central
0 20 40 60 80 100 venous line. It is quite possible that this guideline has
Percentage of patients been a disincentive to using PD for patients presenting
Fig. 10.12. Frequency of surgical assessment more than three late or for acute kidney injury and revision should be
months prior to starting dialysis considered in the next iteration of the guideline.
In the 2013 audit returns a greater proportion of
patients who received surgical assessment at least three
variation between the renal centres. Overall, the pro- months prior to commencing dialysis underwent open
portion referred to a surgeon was highest in Middles- surgical insertion (53.3% vs. 39.2%) compared to those
brough (97.5%), Cambridge (97%) and Gloucester who did not (figure 10.14).
(91.3%). A detailed understanding of factors that prevent Figure 10.15 demonstrates a strong relationship
patients from being assessed for access in a timely fashion between being assessed by a surgeon at least three months
is required. These may reflect organisational factors or before starting dialysis and the likelihood of starting on
clinical uncertainty around the need for dialysis. an AVF. This relationship was much stronger than that
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
100 100
80 80 AVF
Percentage of patients
Percentage of patients
60 60
40 Percutaneous 40
20 Open surgery 20
0 0
Yes No Yes No
(407 patients) (232 patients) (1,582 patients) (704 patients)
Assessment by surgeon at least three months before starting PD Assessed by a surgeon at least three months before starting dialysis
Fig. 10.14. PD catheter insertion technique stratified by surgical Fig. 10.15. Type of haemodialysis access stratified by surgical
assessment assessment
AVF = arteriovenous fistula; AVG = arteriovenous graft;
TL = tunnelled line; NTL = non-tunnelled line
between surgical assessment and method of PD catheter
placement. This suggests that the role of surgical assess- Dialysis access at three months after starting RRT
ment was more important in relation to AVF placement. The type of access used three months after starting dialy-
Of those assessed by a surgeon at least three months prior sis gives an important insight into the responsiveness of the
to starting dialysis, 73.5% started dialysis on an AVF access formation pathway. Table 10.4 expresses the pro-
whereas of those who were not seen by a surgeon only portion of patients still dialysing using a particular form
10.1% did. Clearly, timely surgical assessment is a key of access as a percentage of the access they originally started
component of the clinical pathway to fistula placement dialysis with. For example, 90.3% of patients starting dialy-
and without such assessment, patients are more likely sis with an AVF were still using this at three months and
to require temporary haemodialysis access such as a 88.4% of patients starting on PD remained on this modality
tunnelled or non-tunnelled dialysis catheter. at three months. Of patients starting dialysis via a tunnelled
The relationship between surgical assessment and line, the majority continued to use this form of access at
AVF formation was very different from that of PD three months (76.4%) and of 775 patients who commenced
catheter placement. It is quite possible that the time dialysis via a non-tunnelled line, 492 (63.6%) were dialysing
required to plan PD catheter placement is less than that through a tunnelled line at three months. This may suggest
required for AVF formation where vein mapping may that obtaining definitive access for HD within three months
be necessary. of starting treatment remains a challenge.
Table 10.4. Type of dialysis access at three months since dialysis start, stratified by first access type
AVF (1,485) 90.3 0.3 3.8 0.5 0.3 1.1 3.4 0.1 0.2
AVG (31) 0.0 90.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.2 6.5 0.0 0.0
TL (1,356) 12.9 0.3 76.4 0.1 2.9 1.3 5.3 0.2 0.7
NTL (775) 7.4 0.4 63.6 13.0 6.3 0.5 7.7 0.4 0.6
PD (1,021) 0.5 0.0 4.7 0.7 88.4 1.7 2.2 0.0 1.9
AVF = arteriovenous fistula; AVG = arteriovenous graft; TL = tunnelled line; NTL = non-tunnelled line; PD = peritoneal dialysis;
LTFU = lost to follow up
Chapter 10 Multisite dialysis access audit
Figure 10.16 demonstrates the differences in access the number of prevalent patients at each of the centres
outcomes stratified by centre. By three months, 36% of in the UKRR database.
patients were dialysing using an AVF (range 10% London The Renal Association guidelines on vascular access
West to 67% Colchester); 0.9% were using an AVG (0% for haemodialysis recommends 85% of all prevalent
many sites to 10% Exeter); 37% tunnelled lines (4% patients on haemodialysis should dialyse using an AV
Liverpool Aintree to 79% London West); 3% non- fistula. Twenty-six centres were more than three standard
tunnelled lines; and 23% were using a PD catheter (0% deviations and five centres were more than two standard
Colchester, Basildon, Dudley to 44% Derby). deviations below this target (figure 10.20). The results
Access at 3 months in patients referred to renal centres have to be again cautiously interpreted due to non-
,90 days before starting dialysis was analysed. Only 41 adjustment for any patient related factors.
centres were included in this analysis. The majority Figure 10.21 shows type of dialysis access in prevalent
(71%) of patients presenting late were being dialysed patients by centre. Variations were apparent between
using tunnelled lines at three months after dialysis start centres when considering prevalent patients with an AV
(figure 10.17). The between centre range was from 8% fistula, ranging from about 40% (Carlisle, Ipswich, London
in Derby to 100% at Chelmsford and Sunderland. St Bartholemew’s) to over 75% (Cambridge, Birmingham
Amongst patients presenting late, only 11% were using Heartlands, Truro). Three centres had over 40% of
an AVF at three months (individual centres ranged prevalent patients on a tunnelled or non-tunnelled line
from 0% in nine centres to 42% in Exeter). PD catheters (Ulster, Ipswich, Belfast) with two centres (Derby,
were used by 14% of patients (range 0% in 12 centres to Truro) at the other end of the spectrum with less than
67% in Derby). It is interesting to note that in some 10% of patients. The use of an AV graft was between
centres late presentation is not always associated with 0% and 12% with 35 centres opting to use this.
poor start to a patient’s dialysis pathway. These percen- Use of a PD catheter in prevalent patients varied
tages must be interpreted with caution as reported num- between 28% at Carlisle and 3% at Ulster (Colchester
bers of patients presenting late tended to be low in many does not have any PD patients).
centres. Also further investigation is needed to review if The percentage of prevalent patients using each type of
patients who are dialysed via a tunnelled line at three dialysis access has not changed in the three years that the
months have a worse outcome compared to their access audits have been collected (figure 10.22). Use of an
counterparts who dialyse via AVF. AV fistula has been roughly 60% in each audit and use of
Figure 10.18 shows access in use at start of dialysis and PD has been approximately 15%.
at three months after commencing dialysis, displayed for
all patients and also restricted to patients presenting late. Access failure
There was a small increase in the proportion of patients Figure 10.23 shows comparative access failure for the
dialysing with an AVF at three months for all patients different access types within three months. Access failure
(31.8% to 36.1%). The increase was higher in the late was defined as a documented date of failure/discontinu-
presenters from 4.8% to 11.2%. Use of a tunnelled line ation recorded within three months of starting dialysis
increased at three months in all patients (8.4%) and in unless a centre comment indicated that it was a planned
late presenters (25.6%) respectively. This is clearly as a discontinuation. But there were deficiencies in the way
result of conversion from non-tunnelled line to tunnelled that failure was recorded in this audit. Failure rates
line. PD catheter use saw only a small increase for all were generally higher in the peritoneal dialysis group
patients (1.0%) and for late presenters (2.6%). with failure rates for percutaneous and open surgery at
Figure 10.19 shows that the use of an AV fistula as the 10.5% and 8.2% respectively. Failure rates were generally
incident access was static between 2011and 2013, with the around 5% for haemodialysis access.
proportion reported as roughly 38% in each year. Use of an The number of access failures reported was small,
AV graft has fallen from 1.4% to 0.8% over the three year however it can be seen from figure 10.24 that there was
period. Reported use of a tunnelled line, non-tunnelled relatively poor reporting of the reason for failures. This
line and peritoneal dialysis catheter has been static. may reflect the local documentation procedure. Infec-
tious causes were reported as contributing to 10% of
Prevalent access access failures of tunnelled lines and 0% for other haemo-
Five centres were excluded from the analysis as the dialysis accesses, and mechanical cause was reported as
reported prevalent access numbers did not match with contributing to 90% of AVF failures.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Camb (83)
Leeds (139)
Newry (24)
Sthend (35)
Derby (72)
Carlis (36)
Leic (116)
Belfast (40)
Cardff (139)
Redng (96)
Middlbr (96)
Glouc (49)
Plymth (49)
Donc (51)
Sheff (113)
Prestn (117)
L St.G (60)
Stevng (121)
L Rfree (189)
Oxford (130)
L West (271)
L Barts (139)
B QEH (162)
Wolve (84)
Salford (104)
L Kings (154)
Nottm (84)
Liv Roy (53)
Truro (29)
Liv Ain (47)
Stoke (86)
Wrexm (31)
Dorset (67)
Hull (81)
Wirral (54)
Swanse (88)
Brightn (117)
Bradfd (48)
Ipswi (31)
Chelms (42)
B Heart (85)
York (31)
West NI (16)
Exeter (107)
Ports (183)
Newc (72)
Bangor (22)
Shrew (48) Transplanted
Antrim (24) PD catheter
L Guys (83) AVF
Norwch (66) AVG
Clwyd (13) TL
Ulster (26) NTL
Sund (41)
Colchr (27)
Basldn (30)
Dudley (18)
Total (4,419)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of patients
Chapter 10 Multisite dialysis access audit
Plymth (7)
L West (76)
Derby (12)
Nottm (15)
Liv Ain (5)
L Barts (33)
Swanse (19)
L Rfree (50)
Wolve (15)
Salford (19)
Prestn (22)
York (9)
Donc (10)
Stoke (10)
B QEH (52)
Leic (22)
Redng (23)
Wirral (6)
Oxford (26)
Sheff (23)
Carlis (8)
Stevng (29)
Shrew (11)
Dorset (15)
Brightn (30)
Leeds (31)
Camb (16)
Hull (17)
Norwch (22)
Middlbr (22)
Exeter (24)
B Heart (5)
Liv Roy (5)
Bradfd (6)
Cardff (12)
L Kings (28)
Basldn (8)
Newc (14)
PD catheter
Chelms (7) AVF
L Guys (14) AVG
Sund (7) NTL
Total (824)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of patients
Fig. 10.17. Type of dialysis access at three months in patients referred to renal services ,90 days before starting dialysis, stratified by
Centres reporting on fewer than five patients were excluded
AVF = arteriovenous fistula; AVG = arteriovenous graft; TL = tunnelled line; NTL = non-tunnelled line; PD = peritoneal dialysis
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
70 AVG
Percentage of patients
60 NTL
PD catheter
Fig. 10.18. Access in use at start of
10 dialysis and after 3 months for those still
0 on dialysis, displayed for all patients and
Access at start Access at Access at start Access at also restricted to patients presenting late
of dialysis three months of dialysis three months AVF = arteriovenous fistula;
(4,668 patients) (4,363 patients) (913 patients) (822 patients) AVG = arteriovenous graft; TL = tunnelled
All patients Late presentation
line; NTL = non-tunnelled line;
PD = peritoneal dialysis
40 2012
Percentage of patients
Fig. 10.19. Percentage trend in incident
5 dialysis access use at first dialysis
0 AVF = arteriovenous fistula;
AVF AVG TL NTL PD catheter AVG = arteriovenous graft; TL = tunnelled
Access in use at first dialysis line; NTL = non-tunnelled line;
PD = peritoneal dialysis
Percentage of patients
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits
Solid lines show 95% limits
0 200 400 600 800 1000 Fig. 10.20. Funnel plot of the percentage
Number of HD patients at centre of prevalent HD patients dialysing using an
Chapter 10 Multisite dialysis access audit
Wirral (247)
Dorset (318)
Shrew (222)
Cardff (545)
Bradfr (229)
Truro (176)
B QEH (1,076)
West NI (63)
Belfast (216)
Ports (677)
Leeds (578)
Norwch (375)
Sheff (710)
Camb (445)
B Heart (447)
L Guys (665)
Middlbr (360)
Ulster (105)
Colchr (117)
Total (14,797)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of patients
Fig. 10.21. Type of dialysis access in prevalent patients stratified by centre
PD = peritoneal dialysis; AVF = arteriovenous fistula; AVG = arteriovenous graft; TL = tunnelled line; NTL = non-tunnelled line
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Percentage of patients
Percentage of patients
AVF Mechanical
(71 access failures) Infection
First access type
(1 access failure)
(45 access failures)
Chapter 10 Multisite dialysis access audit
Infection related
Peritoneoscopic Catheter related
(0 failures) Leaks/hernia
Solute/water clearance
Catheter insertion technique
(30 failures)
Open surgery
(32 failures)
(10 failures)
Fig. 10.25. Reported causes of peritoneal
0 20 40 60 80 100 dialysis access failure within three months
Percentage of access failures stratified by catheter insertion technique
Again, numbers of PD access failure were small and Causes of PD access failure within one year of starting
hence drawing any inferences is difficult. However, it on PD were analysed. The reported numbers were too
can be seen from figure 10.25 that peritoneoscopic tech- low to draw firm conclusions. Unsurprisingly the princi-
nique had no documented failures within three months. pal causes of catheter failure were mechanical or infection
Catheter related cause ranged from 53% to 70% of PD related (figure 10.27).
failure for each of the three other listed insertion tech-
niques. Failure associated with leaks or hernia was Donc (7)
Newry (6)
highest for laparoscopic insertion. Twenty-seven out of
Antrim (5)
832 (3.25%) PD patients were reported as experiencing Exeter (15)
peritonitis within two weeks of catheter insertion (data Redng (21)
not shown). This was significantly lower than the Salford (30)
Wolve (36)
national target of 5%.
Wrexm (8)
Prestn (13)
2012 PD access audit one-year follow-up Cardff (25)
Centres who reported on PD patients in the 2012 Brightn (42)
Derby (29)
vascular and peritoneal access audits were asked to Oxford (36)
complete a one year follow up of their PD patients. The Leeds (24)
to 55% (figure 10.26). Fig. 10.26. Modality at one year after commencing PD, by centre
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
(122 patients – 22 failures)
(189 patients – 29 failures)
Insertion technique
Infection related
Catheter related
Solute/water clearance
(8 patients – 2 failures)
(169 patients – 25 failures)
(43 patients – 12 failures)
Figure 10.28 is a funnel plot which graphically displays mean one-year catheter failure rate was 17% which was
the unadjusted percentage of PD patients experiencing a below the rate recommended in the guidelines issued
catheter failure within one year of commencement of by the ISPD/RA (23% and 20% respectively).
RRT across multiple renal centres. PD catheter failure
was censored for transplantation, elective transfer to
HD or death. The results have to be cautiously inter-
preted due to the extent of and variation in missing Conclusions
data, small numbers of patients in some centres and
non-adjustment for any patient related factors. This second multisite dialysis access audit from
Of the centres for which data were available (n = 17), England, Wales and Northern Ireland has provided
no outlier centres were identified with failure rates above important information regarding the variation in access
the upper 95% ‘alert’ or 99.9% ‘alarm’ limits for PD provision and failure. Data collection is still not optimal
catheter failures. One renal centre reported one-year as significant amounts of missing data across a range of
catheter failure rate below the 95% control limit. The fields exist. Several operational definitions need to be
refined for further audit collections. As over a fifth of
haemodialysis patients start dialysis on a non-tunnelled
line, it may be preferable to collect dialysis access at the
Dotted lines show 99.9% limits fourth week as well as the first dialysis session since
Solid lines show 95% limits
50 both non-tunnelled and tunnelled catheters are often
used before more permanent access is placed (PD
Percentage of patients
Chapter 10 Multisite dialysis access audit
Surgical assessment was key to formation of permanent vascular access in use at dialysis start explains the differ-
vascular access (AVF/AVG), 73% started dialysis on an ent outcomes.
AVF whereas of those who were not seen by a surgeon
only 10% did. Twenty-four centres were 2 or 3 standard
deviations below the 65% target for incident patients
starting haemodialysis on AVF and 31 centres were Acknowledgement
below the 85% target for prevalent haemodialysis
patients on AVF. The vascular access clinical practice Thanks are expressed to the Healthcare Quality
guidelines are due for review this year and the authors Improvement Partnership (HQIP) who contributed to
need to reconsider whether these current standards the funding of the PD access audit and all renal centres
should be changed. Further analyses are being planned for their assistance in providing the data.
to explore why there is such a wide variation in access
provision between centres and whether the type of Conflicts of interest: none
1 Briggs V, et al.: UK Renal Registry 15th annual report: Chapter 8 UK 3 Fluck R, Kumwenda Dr M: Renal Association Vascular Access for
multisite peritoneal dialysis access catheter audit for first PD catheters Haemodialysis clinical guidelines, 2011. Available from: http://www.
2011. Nephron Clin Pract, 2013;123(Suppl 1):165–81
2 NHS Information Centre. National Kidney Care Audit Vascular Access 8TAwquhO.dpbs
Report: 2011 [cited 2013 1st October]. Available from: http://www.hqip. 4 Wilkie M, Jenkins S, Shrestha B: Renal Association Peritoneal dialysis– access clinical guidelines. 2009. Available from:
FINAL.pdf guidelines/modules/peritoneal-access#sthash.xqAutugK.dpbs
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 11 Centre Variation in Access to Renal
Transplantation in the UK (2008–2010)
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Introduction potential bias from centres that may activate patients on the
transplant list and then immediately suspend them before more
For ‘suitable’ patients with established renal failure, permanent activation at a later date after more formal medical
assessment of the patient’s fitness.
renal transplantation confers both better quality of life
and life expectancy than dialysis [1–3] and is the pre- Data analysed
ferred modality of renal replacement therapy. Achieving Information on start date of renal replacement therapy and
prompt and timely activation on the waiting list is relevant patient level data including age (grouped as 18–29, 30–
important not least because increasing length of time 39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–64), gender, ethnicity (White, non-White,
missing) and (primary renal diagnosis (PRD) classified as: patient
on dialysis adversely affects graft and patient survival, with diabetes, patient without diabetes, missing) came from the
but also because the current organ allocation algorithm UKRR. The date of activation on the kidney transplant waiting
introduced in April 2006 takes time spent on the waiting list, date of transplantation, or both came from the UK Transplant
list into account when allocating deceased donor kidneys Registry held by the Organ Donation and Transplantation Direc-
torate of NHS Blood and Transplant.
in the UK [4]. Thus, centres that achieve earlier listing for
transplantation provide an advantage for their patients Statistical methods
compared with centres that take longer. A logistic regression model was developed to identify the
This analysis aims to evaluate whether equity of access influence of patient specific variables including age, gender, ethnicity
to the renal transplant list exists for patients with end and PRD, on the probability of access to the transplant list and
stage renal disease across the UK, whether centres differ receipt of a transplant once on the waiting list. After adjusting for
patient specific variables, the percentage of patients activated on
in the time taken to activate suitable patients on the the transplant list and the percentage of patients on the waiting list
waiting list and whether equity exists in the receipt of a who achieved a transplant in each centre was determined. The
renal transplant once the patient is on the transplant overall effect of the centre associated with each analysis was assessed
list (that is, the conversion efficiency from being on the by including renal centre as a random effect in the risk-adjusted
logistic regression model. The extent of variation between centres
waiting list to receiving a transplant). Patient specific
was determined by using a log likelihood ratio test that provided
and independent variables that influenced access to the the change in the value of −2 LogL on inclusion of the random
waiting list or transplantation were analysed. centre effect. SAS 9.4 was used for analyses; a p value of less than
5% was considered significant.
To analyse access to the transplant list, the proportion of
incident patients with end stage renal disease in each centre who
were subsequently activated on the waiting list within two years
Methods of starting renal replacement therapy (RRT) was identified. All
patients who achieved live donor transplantation without prior
Study population activation on the national transplant waiting list were assumed
All adult patients starting renal replacement therapy to have been activated for the purposes of this analysis. Time to
(N = 20,076) between 1st January 2008 and 31st December 2010 activation on the waiting list was defined as the interval between
in renal centres (N = 71) returning data to the UK Renal Registry the start of RRT and the date of activation on the waiting list.
(UKRR) were considered for inclusion. For the analysis of the pro- Patients achieving pre-emptive deceased donor transplantation
portion of a centre’s patients included on the waiting list, patients were considered to have been activated on the same day as starting
aged 65 years or above (n = 9,908), patients with inappropriate RRT i.e. a time to activation of zero days. Patients achieving pre-
activation and early suspension as described below (n = 55) and emptive live donor transplantation without prior activation on the
patients listed for multi-organ transplants other than pancreas national transplant list were considered to have been ‘active’ on the
(n = 34) were excluded, resulting in a final cohort of 10,079 list for an arbitrary time of six months. This was to take into
patients. These patients were followed to 31st December 2012 or account an average of six months required by most centres to com-
until they were put on the waiting list for kidney transplant plete live donor fitness evaluation and hence the likelihood that the
alone, kidney plus pancreas transplant, or death, whichever was intended recipient was considered fit for transplantation (and by
earliest. For the analysis of the proportion transplanted, all inference suitable to be active on the waiting list) for that duration.
patients from the incident cohort who were activated on the wait- This was done to account for different centre practices with regard
ing list before 31st December 2011 (N = 5,239) were followed to listing patients on the deceased donor list prior to receiving a
until 31st December 2013, to estimate the proportion transplanted living donor transplant.
with a kidney alone or kidney plus pancreas within two years of The median time to activation was estimated from the Kaplan-
inclusion on the waiting list. Meier plot for patients at each renal centre, with the event as the
date of activation and censoring at death or on 31st December
Exclusions 2012, whichever was earlier. Data from patients who did not achieve
Patients listed for multi-organ transplants other than pancreas activation were included in the calculation of median times using
were excluded as were those who were suspended for more than 30 this method, thus providing a meaningful estimate of the true time
days within 90 days of first activation. The latter avoided any to activation. Including only those patients activated would produce
Chapter 11 Access to renal transplantation in the UK (2008–2010)
a biased estimate. The overall centre effect associated with time to list are presented in table 11.1. Ethnicity data were miss-
activation was calculated by including renal centre as a variable in ing for 11% of patients and PRD for 6% of patients.
a risk-adjusted Cox regression model.
To analyse the difference between centres in renal trans-
Tables 11.2 and 11.3 show the results of the logistic
plantation once listed, the percentage of patients activated on the regression analysis of factors influencing the likelihood
waiting list who received a renal transplant within two years of of receiving a transplant from a donor after brainstem
being activated was estimated (conversion efficiency). The con- death and the analysis of factors influencing receipt of a
version efficiency for receiving a transplant from a donor after brain- transplant from a donor after cardiac death or a living
stem death or a donor after cardiac death/living kidney donor was
analysed separately. Receipt of a kidney from a donor after brainstem
kidney donor. Ethnicity data were missing for 8.1% of
death was predominantly influenced by national allocation policy, patients and PRD for 6.1% of patients (table 11.3).
whereas receipt from a donor after cardiac death/live donor kidney A patient starting dialysis in a non-transplanting renal
was much more dependent on local transplant centre practices. centre was less likely to be registered for transplantation
For the cohort under consideration, donor after cardiac death (OR 0.74, 95% CI 0.68–0.81) or receive a transplant from
transplantation was predominantly a locally managed service.
Funnel plots are used to present the results for each outcome of
a donor after cardiac death or a living kidney donor (OR
interest, providing a visual comparison of each centre’s perform- 0.75, 95% CI 0.67–0.84) compared with patients managed
ance compared with its peers. Where relevant, the funnel plots in transplanting renal centres. Once registered for
are adjusted for patient specific variables influencing that outcome. kidney transplantation, patients in both transplanting
The solid black straight line in each funnel plot shows the overall and non-transplanting renal centres had an equal chance
average together with the 95% and 99.8% confidence intervals,
which correspond to two and three standard deviations from the
of receiving a transplant from a donor after brainstem
mean. Each point on the plot represents one renal centre. With death (OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.78–1.10).
71 centres included, for each outcome of interest, three centres After adjusting for patient specific variables that were
would be predicted to fall between the 95% and 99.8% confidence shown to influence outcome (age, ethnicity, gender,
intervals and no centre should fall outside the 99.8% confidence PRD), significant centre effects were identified for the prob-
interval. Centres (n = 3) with fewer than 10 patients activated
on the waiting list are not included in the funnel plots. ability of being activated on the waiting list (figure 11.1,
The analysis methodology described above is identical to a table 11.4) (change in −2 logL = 188.6, df (degrees of
previous independent peer reviewed publication [5]. freedom) = 1, p , 0.0001).
After adjustment for patient variables, significant
centre differences were seen in the probability of
receiving a renal transplant from a donor after brain
Results stem death (figure 11.2, table 11.5) (change in
−2 logL = 13.3, df = 1, p = 0.0003) or a donor after
The results of the logistic regression model analysis of cardiac death/living kidney donor (figure 11.3,
patient characteristics influencing access to the waiting table 11.5) (change in −2 logL = 136.1, df = 1,
Table 11.1. Patient factors influencing activation on the national kidney transplant waiting list within two years of RRT start
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 11.2. Patient factors affecting the probability of receiving a transplant from a donor after brainstem death within two years of
registration on the national kidney transplant waiting list
p , 0.0001). As shown, several centres fall outside the limit for this national rate and perhaps too few occurring
95% and 99.8% confidence intervals. outside the upper limit. However, the plot highlights
Figure 11.4 and table 11.6 show the unadjusted median those centres that have significantly longer time to acti-
time taken to activate patients on the transplant list for vation but small numbers on the waiting list. The Cox
each renal centre. model giving a risk-adjusted analysis of time to activation
The funnel plot is based on the assumption of an identified a significant effect of centre variation (change
exponential distribution for time to activation. Although in −2 logL = 372.7, df = 70, p , 0.0001). In general,
this assumption is broadly consistent with the data, the centres with the longest unadjusted waiting times also
model based estimate of the national median was greater had the longest risk-adjusted waiting times. The three
than that observed. This leads to an unusually large num- centres lying outside the upper 99.8% confidence limit all
ber of centres falling outside the lower 99.8% confidence had hazard ratios that indicated a significant delay in the
Table 11.3. Patient factors affecting the probability of receiving a transplant from a donor after cardiac death or living kidney donor
within two years of registration on the national kidney transplant waiting list
Chapter 11 Access to renal transplantation in the UK (2008–2010)
Risk-adjusted centre rate National rate
90 95% Lower CI 95% Upper CI
99.8% Lower CI 99.8% Upper CI
Percentage wait listed
Fig. 11.1. Percentage of patients wait-
listed for a kidney transplant by renal
10 centre, prior to or within two years of
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 starting dialysis (centres with ,10 patients
Number of patients
Table 11.4. Percentage of patients wait-listed for a kidney transplant by renal centre, prior to or within two years of starting dialysis
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Risk-adjusted centre rate National rate
95% Lower CI 95% Upper CI
50 99.8% Lower CI 99.8% Upper CI
Percentage transplanted
Fig. 11.2. Percentage of patients receiving
a transplant from a donor after brainstem
0 death by renal centre, within two years of
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 transplant waiting list registration (centres
Number wait listed with ,10 patients excluded)
chance of wait-listing compared with a baseline centre that reduced access to transplantation of a range of organs,
had a median time comparable to the national median. as well as the impact of primary renal diagnoses (other
than diabetes), health literacy and human leucocyte anti-
gen (HLA) sensitisation. Additonally, this study has not
analysed the interplay between factors such as social
Discussion deprivation and ethnicity and whether the observed
differences based on ethnicity are likely to persist after
Centre variation adjustment for social deprivation and varying comorbid-
The analyses performed within this report highlight a ity burden in different ethnic groups. In essence, the
significant centre effect in relation to the proportion of available dataset does not permit definitive adjustment
patients wait-listed with nearly 20% of centres lying for case mix.
outside the lower 95% confidence interval, and seven The observation that a patient starting dialysis in a
centres outside the lower 99.8% confidence interval, non-transplanting renal centre was less likely to be
despite adjusting for a range of patient characteristics. registered for transplantation or receive a transplant
Inter-centre differences are also noted in access to trans- from a donor after cardiac death (or a living kidney
plants from donors after cardiac death/living kidney donor) compared with patients managed in transplanting
donors with nine centres lying outside the lower 99.8% renal centres, has been a consistent finding in similar
confidence interval. analyses by the UKRR over the last five years. The finding
Whilst both these outcomes are subject to individual implies increasing distance from the transplanting centre
centre practices and policies (which thus could be diminishes access to treatment. Despite the inability to
deemed a cause of the observed variation), one needs to conclusively adjust for case mix in our analyses, the
interpret these results with caution as this study is limited consistent finding in the same direction, suggests centre
by the lack comprehensive comorbidity data on all practice patterns rather than patient dependant variables
patients. Centres with higher prevalence rates of comor- may explain this finding. Further detailed analyses to
bidities would be expected to list proportionally fewer understand the reasons for such variability is currently
patients to reflect the fact that fewer patients are fit for being undertaken as part of the Access to Transplant
transplantation. Additionally, it may take longer to acti- and Transplant Outcome Measures (ATTOM) study.
vate patients in these centres due to the need for more Once registered for kidney transplantation, patients in
intensive investigation and medical optimisation prior both transplanting and non-transplanting renal centres
to transplantation. Indeed lack of comorbidity data limits had an equal chance of receiving a transplant from a
definitive adjustment for case mix. Other patient level donor after brainstem death. This is reassuring as organ
factors which this study also fails to adjust for include allocation is subject to the national allocation algorithm
social deprivation which has been associated with which one would expect to allocate organs equitably.
Chapter 11 Access to renal transplantation in the UK (2008–2010)
Table 11.5. Percentage of patients receiving a transplant, by donor type and renal centre, within two years of transplant waiting list
Organ from donor after brainstem death Organ from living kidney donor/donor after cardiac death
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Organ from donor after brainstem death Organ from living kidney donor/donor after cardiac death
Patient level factors affecting access negatively associated with access to transplantation and
The finding that certain patient variables, such as receiving a kidney once listed (from a donor after brain-
increasing age, have a negative association with access stem death, and from a living kidney donor/donor after
to transplantation was not unexpected as the risk-benefit cardiac death). This may partly be explained by the
ratio of receiving a renal transplant alters with age. importance given to HLA matching in the national
Increased comorbidity burden in older patients may allocation protocol which may have favoured a predomi-
require more intensive time consuming investigations nantly white donor pool being matched with white
prior to listing and may also deem them unsuitable in recipients and also the widely acknowledged lack of
some cases. In this study ‘non-White’ ethnicity was donors from ethnic minorities contributing to the
Risk-adjusted centre rate National rate
95% Lower CI 95% Upper CI
70 99.8% Lower CI 99.8% Upper CI
Percentage transplanted
Fig. 11.3. Percentage of patients receiving
10 a transplant from a living kidney donor/
donor after cardiac death by renal centre,
0 within two years of transplant waiting list
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 registration (centres with ,10 patients
Number wait listed excluded)
Chapter 11 Access to renal transplantation in the UK (2008–2010)
Unadjusted centre rate (median time)
Unadjusted centre rate (final event time)
99.8% Upper CI
95% Upper CI
Median time to wait listing (days)
683 days
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Chapter 12 Epidemiology of Reported
Infections amongst Patients Receiving
Dialysis for Established Renal Failure in
England in 2012 to 2013: a Joint Report
from Public Health England and the
UK Renal Registry
David Pitchera, Anirudh Raoa, Fergus Caskeya, John Daviesb, Lisa Crowleyc,
Richard Fluckc, Ken Farringtond
UK Renal Registry, Bristol, UK; bPublic Health England, London, UK; cRoyal Derby Hospital, Derby, UK; dLister Hospital,
Stevenage, UK
Key Words
. Methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA)
Clostridium Difficile . Dialysis . Epidemiology . Escherichia Coli . bacteraemia rates were 1.59 per 100 dialysis patient
Established Renal Failure . Infection . MRSA . MSSA . Staphy- years with 372 episodes of blood stream infection
lococcus reported.
. There were 123 Clostridium difficile infection
episodes with a rate of 0.55 per 100 dialysis patient
Summary years.
. Escherichia coli data showed a reported rate of 1.32
. From 1st May 2012 to 30th April 2013 there were per 100 dialysis patient years, an increase on the rate
31 episodes of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus reported last year.
aureus (MRSA) bacteraemia in end stage renal . In each infection for which access data were
failure patients on dialysis. collected, the presence of a central venous catheter
. This represented a further small decline in MRSA appeared to correlate with increased risk.
bacteraemia rates which have been falling since . Future years require consistency of reporting to
data collection began in 2007. enable trends to be more clearly defined.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Chapter 12 Epidemiology of infection in dialysis patients
Table 12.1. Summary of all audit measures stated in Renal Association (RA) clinical practice guidelines relating to infection
1 Centres should audit all Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (MRSA and MSSA) Yes
episodes recorded as episodes per 100 patient years or episodes per 100 catheter days
or episodes per 100 AVF years
2 The annual Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia rate should be less than 2.5 episodes per Yes
100 HD patients and less than 1.0 for MRSA over two years
3 Centres should audit all episodes of Clostridium Difficile toxin (CDT) and express rates Yes
as per 100 patient years
4 Data should be collected on all episodes of VRE and ESBL bacteraemia episodes per Partly Only data on E. coli received
100 patient years from PHE
ESBL = Extended-Spectrum betaLactamase; VRE = vancomycin-resistant enterococci
the same data, the confidence limits that are usually displayed on established renal failure however others were removed
funnel plots have been removed. Despite the removal of the during the validation process with no explanation.
confidence limits, interpretation remains similar to a funnel plot
where centres towards the left of the plot can be expected to
There was wide variation in the response from centres
display greater variation around the country average due to to the validation process with some centres adding many
smaller numbers of patients. Table 12.1 lists the summary of additional episodes, and other centres not adding any. A
audit measures stated in the Renal Association clinical practice Mann-Whitney U test found that there were significantly
guidelines. more infection episodes in centres adding additional
cases than in those that did not.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table 12.3. Number and rate of infectious episodes in patients with established renal failure between 1/05/2012 and 30/04/2013, by
to 30th April 2013. No centres had rates higher than this greater variation expected as centre size decreases.
standard. Caution must be exercised when interpreting the rates
as centres appear to have taken differing approaches to
Methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus the validation of the data collection questioning the
In total, 372 episodes of MSSA bacteraemia were value of between-centre comparisons.
recorded in the period covered by this report, at a rate of The peritoneal dialysis (PD) cohort had a lower rate
1.59 per 100 dialysis patient years (95% CI 1.43–1.76). of MSSA bacteraemia per 100 patient years than the
This was higher than last year’s rate of 1.15 per 100 dialysis HD cohort (0.21, 95% CI 0.08–0.43 compared with 1.7,
patient years. Four centres did not report any MSSA 95% CI 1.53–1.89) (table 12.3). Modality data was not
episodes and the highest reported rate was 7.22 per 100 completed for 6% of the episodes.
dialysis patient years (table 12.4). Based on the reported
data, the rate of MSSA at renal centres in England has Type of dialysis access and infection
remained fairly steady over the past three years, but There were major variations in the number of episodes
figure 12.4 demonstrates the impact of the additional of both MRSA and MSSA bacteraemia according to
episodes included by some of the centres in the validation access type. Patients dialysing through a central venous
step on the distribution and variation in rates. catheter (CVC) at the time of the infection were subject
Figure 12.5 plots each centre’s estimated rate against to more episodes of bacteraemia than those with other
the number of patient years to take into account the types of access (table 12.5). Rates have not been calculated
because of lack of data on denominators.
Clostridium difficile
MRSA rate per 100 dialysis patient years
Chapter 12 Epidemiology of infection in dialysis patients
Table 12.4. Number and rate of infectious episodes in patients with established renal failure by renal centre
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
0.8 9
Not validated
Validated 8
0.3 3
0.2 2
0.0 With additional Without additional
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 episodes episodes
Number of dialysis years at centre 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13
Fig. 12.2. Funnel plot of the MRSA bacteraemia rate per 100
dialysis patient years by renal centre, 1st May 2012 to 30th April Fig. 12.4. Box and whisker plot of renal centres’ MSSA rates per
2013 100 dialysis patient years by reporting year
Dotted line depicts rate for whole cohort The additional episodes were added by centres during the UKRR
validation step of the data collection process
1.5 1
Annual MRSA rate per 100 HD patients,
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600
Number of dialysis years at centre
averaged over 2 years
Fig. 12.5. Funnel plot of the MSSA bacteraemia rate per 100 dialysis
patient years by renal centre, 1st May 2012 to 30th April 2013
Dotted line depicts rate for whole cohort
0.5 Table 12.5. Type of dialysis access in use at the time of infection
for HD patients
Chapter 12 Epidemiology of infection in dialysis patients
Not validated
estimated rate against the number of patient years to
Validated take into account the greater variation expected as centre
3.0 Validated and added to size decreases. Again, caution must be exercised when
CDI rate per 100 dialysis patient years
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600
Number of dialysis years at centre
Fig. 12.6. Funnel plot of the CDI rate per 100 dialysis patient
years by renal centre, 1st May 2012 to 30th April 2013 This report has presented data from one year of
Dotted line depicts rate for whole cohort
infections in ERF patients receiving dialysis and extends
the work done in previous reports from Public Health
England and the UK Renal Registry [2]. Numbers and
100 dialysis patient years, and remains higher even if rates of MRSA BSIs in dialysis patients have fallen in
episodes added by the centres during the additional each of the last six years this report has been published.
validation stage are excluded from the rate calculation. This is likely to be due to a number of factors including
Centre level data are displayed in table 12.4 and as with the effect of enhanced screening programmes and
MSSA there was considerable between-centre variation increased attention to care of access.
in bacteraemia rates. Four centres did not report any This report also presents the second full year of report-
episodes and the highest reported rate was 5.54 per 100 ing of MSSA bacteraemia. The rate of MSSA bacteraemia
dialysis patient years. Figure 12.7 plots each centre’s was significantly higher than for MRSA. The presence of
a central venous catheter confers an increased risk of
MSSA bacteraemia on the patient as opposed to an
Not validated arteriovenous fistula. The discrepancy between the rates
Validated of MRSA and MSSA is notable and suggests that MSSA
E.coli rate per 100 dialysis patient years
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
the data validation for the first time this year, the units would also help to improve the robustness of this
deadlines were extremely tight and did not allow centres data set, as would better data linkage between UK Renal
sufficient time to fully investigate the infection data. In Registry and Public Health England data systems.
future years, the process will be refined to enable centres
to contribute accurate and fully completed data, and Conflicts of interest: none
also to ensure that all centres are applying the same
definitions. This will allow much greater clarity and
interpretation in an area which is of high importance.
Further work is needed to establish the overall trend in Acknowledgements
MSSA, CDI and E. coli and to also refine the data defi-
nitions and data collection process to ensure consistency The authors wish to acknowledge the help of our
of reporting across centres. Increased awareness of infec- colleagues at renal centres across the country for their
tion reporting amongst both renal units and microbiology assistance in compiling this report.
1 Bray BD, Boyd J, Daly C, Donaldson K, Doyle A, Fox JG, et al.: Vascular 4 Fluck R, Wilson J, Tomson CRV: UK Renal Registry 12th Annual Report
access type and risk of mortality in a national prospective cohort of (December 2009): Chapter 12 Epidemiology of Methicillin Resistant
haemodialysis patients. QJM – an International Journal of Medicine. Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteraemia Amongst Patients Receiving Dialysis
2012;105(11):1097–103 for Established Renal Failure in England in 2008: a joint report from
2 Crowley L, Pitcher D, Wilson J, Guy R, Fluck R: UK Renal Registry 16th the UK Renal Registry and the Health Protection Agency. Nephron
Annual Report: Chapter 15 Epidemiology of Reported Infections amongst Clinical Practice. 2010;115:C261–C70
Patients Receiving Dialysis for Established Renal Failure in England from 5 Fluck R, Wilson J, Davies J, Blackburn R, O’Donoghue D, Tomson C:
May 2011 to April 2012: a Joint Report from Public Health England and UK Renal Registry 11th Annual Report: Chapter 12 Epidemiology of
the UK Renal Registry. Nephron Clinical Practice. 2013;125:295–308 Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia amongst patients
3 receiving Renal Replacement Therapy in England in 2007. Nephron
data/file/215135/dh_133016.pdf Clinical Practice. 2009;C247–C56
Chapter 12 Epidemiology of infection in dialysis patients
Appendix 1: Processes for reporting of infections to a Diarrhoeal stools (Bristol Stool types 5–7) where
Public Health England the specimen is C. difficile toxin positive.
b Toxic megacolon or ileostomy where the
All infection cases are reported via the Healthcare specimen is C. difficile toxin positive.
Associated Infection Data Capture System (HCAI-DCS) c Pseudomembranous colitis revealed by lower
which is a real-time, secure web enabled system. Criteria gastro-intestinal endoscopy or Computed Tom-
for what constitutes an infection are as follows: ography.
d Colonic histopathology characteristic of C. difficile
1 MRSA bacteraemia: The following MRSA positive infection (with or without diarrhoea or toxin
blood cultures must be reported to PHE: detection) on a specimen obtained during
All cases of MRSA bacteraemia caused by S. aureus endoscopy or colectomy
resistant to methicillin, oxacillin, cefoxitin or fluclox- e Faecal specimens collected post-mortem where the
acillin. Further details on surveillance of MRSA specimen is C. difficile toxin positive or tissue
bacteraemia in patients with renal disease are specimens collected post-mortem where pseudo-
available online [1]. membranous colitis is revealed or colonic histo-
All reported MRSA bacteraemia are subject to a pathology is characteristic of C. difficile infection.
post infection review [2]. The included renal data
includes all cases regardless of whether they were Information on patient identifiers, date the specimen
assigned to a Trust or CCG via the post infection was taken, the patient’s location at the time the sample
review process. was taken and whether the patient was an inpatient or out-
2 MSSA bacteraemia: The following MSSA positive patient was collected for each episode. Cases were con-
blood cultures must be reported to PHE: sidered to be renal patients where it is indicated that the
All cases of MSSA bacteraemia caused by S. aureus patient was in established renal failure at the time the
which are not resistant to methicillin, oxacillin, specimen was taken. For these cases it was intended that
cefoxitin, or flucloxacillin i.e. not subject to MRSA they were to be shared with the renal service. ‘Shared’
reporting. records were required to have additional fields completed
3 E. coli bacteraemia: The following E. coli positive by the designated local contact in each renal centre.
blood cultures must be reported to PHE: The relevant renal hub for each record is identified
All laboratory confirmed cases of E. coli bacterae- using pre-defined relationships on the PHE surveillance
mia. system (Trusts are mapped to renal units behind the
4 C. difficile Infection: Any of the following defines a scenes). Low levels of cases being shared and completed
C. difficile infection case in patients aged 2 years and may be the result of the fact that these listings have not
above and must be reported to PHE [3]: recently been updated.
1 3 file/215135/dh_133016.pdf
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Appendix A The UK Renal Registry
Statement of Purpose
1. Executive summary 1.6 The UKRR is responsible, with the express agree-
2. Introduction ment of participants, for providing data to Trusts,
3. Statement of intent commissioning authorities and the European Renal
4. Relationships of the UK Renal Registry Association – European Dialysis and Transplant
5. The role of the UK Renal Registry for patients Association (ERA–EDTA) Registry.
6. The role of the UK Renal Registry for nephrologists 1.7 The development of the UKRR is open to influence
7. The role of the UK Renal Registry for Trust man- from all interested parties, including clinicians,
agers Trusts, commissioning authorities and patient
8. The role of the UK Renal Registry for commissioning groups.
agencies 1.8 The Registry is non-profit making and has a regis-
9. The role of the UK Renal Registry in national quality tered charitable status through the Renal Association.
assurance schemes
10. References and websites
A:2 Introduction
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Subsequently, five ad hoc national data collections ago, the circumstances have become ideal for the
from England & Wales were solicited from renal maintenance of a data repository, supported by the
centres in 1992, 1996, 1999, 2002 and 2004 to fill clinical users and resourced for national benchmark-
this gap. The UKRR through its quarterly returns ing as a routine part of RRT management.
has established a system to place routine data collec- 2.8 The provisional expectations of earlier Annual
tion and analysis on a permanent basis. The next Reports can now be replaced by confident asser-
stage is to progress the work to include information tions, built on the experience of sixteen years of
on chronic and acute kidney disease. publication, about the role and potential of the
2.4 Together with the need to know demographic and UKRR. The integration of the various elements of
structural elements, the NHS has developed a Renal Association strategy is being pursued through
need to underpin clinical activity more rigorously the Clinical Affairs Board (CAB) and Academic
through the scientific evidence base (for example, Affairs Board (AAB).
the Cochrane Initiative) and by quality assurance
activity through audit. These initiatives require
comprehensive information about the structures,
processes and outcomes of RRT, which go well A:3 Statement of intent
beyond the detail previously compiled by the
ERA-EDTA. The UKRR provides a focus for the collection and
2.5 The UKRR is recognised as one of the very few high analysis of standardised data relating to the incidence,
quality clinical databases available for general use clinical management and outcome of renal disease.
[2]. The collection of data by download of elec- Data will be accepted quarterly by automatic down-
tronic records from routine clinical databases, has loading from renal centre databases. There will be a
been highly successful and is being imitated world- core dataset, with optional elements of special interest
wide. that may be entered by agreement for defined periods.
2.6 The Renal Association has made a start in the area A report will be published annually to allow a compara-
of audit by publishing guidelines in renal ‘Clinical tive audit of facilities, patient demographics, quality of
Standards’ documents. It was apparent during the care and outcome measures. Reports using the data
development of the standards that many of the collected can be generated at centre, regional and national
desirable criteria of clinical performance were level by interested parties via the data portal on the
uncertain or unknown and that only the accumu- UKRR website Participation is
lated data of practicing renal centres could provide mandated in England through the recommendation in
the evidence for advice on best practice and what the Renal National Service Framework and the NHS
might be achievable. A common data registration Standard Contract for Renal Service provision. There
provides the simplest device for such an exercise. has been an early concentration on RRT, including trans-
The data currently gathered audits a proportion plantation, with an intention to extend this to other
of the Renal Association standards, partly due to nephrological activity in the near future. The UKRR
some data items required not being available in will provide an independent source of data and analysis
the dataset and partly due to data not being either on national activity in renal disease.
completed in or extracted from renal systems.
There therefore needs to be a review of the dataset
and a drive for more complete data returns by renal
centres. A:4 Relationships of the UK Renal Registry
2.7 It can be seen that the need for a registry of RRT has
developed for a variety of reasons: international 4.1 The UK Renal Registry is a registered charity
comparisons, national planning, local Trust and through the Renal Association (No. 2229663). It was
health authority management, standard setting, established by a committee of the Renal Associ-
audit and research. The opportunity for data ation, with additional representation from the
gathering arises partly from improvements in British Transplantation Society, the British Associ-
information technology. Although it was possible to ation for Paediatric Nephrology, the Scottish Renal
see the need for a national renal database 20 years Registry, Wales and Northern Ireland. There is
Appendix A Statement of Purpose
cross-representation with both the Renal Associ- audit of the quality of care should facilitate the
ation Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee, the improvement of care and outcomes of care.
Clinical and Academic Affairs Boards. The UKRR 5.2 A leaflet and poster has been provided, in collabor-
is maintaining links with the Department of Health, ation with the NKF, by which patients may opt out
the National Kidney Federation (NKF) (patients’ of the collection of identifiable data by the UKRR if
association), the Royal College of Nursing, the they wish. This was renewed in 2012 as part of the
Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Health Renal Registry’s NIGB submission, however opt out
and Social Care Commissioners. remains low.
4.2 A number of sub-committees were instituted as the 5.3 Information from the UKRR will complement the
database and renal centre participation developed, individual records available on ‘PatientView’
particularly for data analysis and interpretation where it is accessible.
for the Annual Report. Further specialised panels 5.4 A patient council has been convened. The role of
may be developed for publications and the dissemi- the Patient Council is to:
nation of UKRR analyses. . Act as representatives for kidney patients and
4.3 The Scottish Renal Registry sends data to the UK their carers.
Renal Registry for joint reporting and comparison. . Guide and influence methods of delivery of care.
4.4 The return of English, Welsh and Northern Irish data . Advise on opportunities for new work ideas and
to the EDTA-ERA Registry will be through the Renal initiatives for the UKRR.
Registry. The Scottish Renal Registry already sends . Contribute to the development of new audit,
ation with the UKRR. The two databases are in the between patients and clinical teams to promote
process of being integrated, which will allow long- patient involvement at renal centre, regional
term studies of renal cohorts over a wide age range. and national levels.
4.6 Close collaboration has been achieved with the . Monitor and review patient facing initiatives
NHS Blood and Transplant organisation giving recommended by the Department of Health.
joint benefits. Data aggregation and integration . Review applications and contribute towards the
has led to joint presentations and publications. production of patient leaflets, posters, reports
The description of the entire patient journey in and other patient information products developed
RRT by this means is a source of continuing insight by the Renal Association.
and usefulness. . Support the UK in issues relating to information
4.7 The retention of patient identifiable information, governance and patient consent.
necessary in particular for the adequate tracing of . Use personal networks to spread awareness of the
patients, has been approved by the Care Quality UKRR and its work with the council.
Commission’s National Information Governance . Occasionally represent the Patient Council and
Committee (NIGC). This is renewed on an annual the UKRR at other external meetings.
basis along with audit of the information govern-
ance arrangements within the UKRR through
completion of the Connecting for Health Toolkit.
A:6 The role of the UK Renal Registry for
A:5 The role of the UK Renal Registry for patients 6.1 The clinical community have become increasingly
aware of the need to define and understand their
5.1 The goal of the UKRR is to improve care for activities, particularly in relation to national stan-
patients with renal disease. The appropriate use dards and in comparison with other renal centres.
of UKRR information should improve equity of 6.2 In 2013, the Registry Committee was disbanded
access to care, adequacy of facilities, availability of and the UKRR is now run by a ‘guiding coalition’
important but high cost therapies and the efficient and therefore by colleagues with similar concerns
use of resources. The continuing comparative and experience.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
6.3 The Renal Standards documents are designed to regarded as essential parts of routine patient
give a basis for centre structure and performance, management in the health service.
as well as patient-based elements such as case mix 7.2 One of the principles of health service informatics is
and outcomes. It is anticipated that Standards will that the best data are acquired from clinical infor-
become increasingly based on research evidence. mation recorded at the point of health care delivery.
6.4 The UKRR data are available to allow the com- 7.3 Renal services data entered on local systems by staff
parative review of many elements of renal centre directly engaged with patients are likely to be of the
practice. Centre data are presented to allow a con- highest quality and it is these that the UKRR
trast of individual centre activity and results against intends to capture.
national aggregated data. Sophisticated analyses of 7.4 The UKRR provides a cost-effective source of
patient survival for example, are a unique resource detailed information on renal services.
to exclude any anomalies of performance and 7.5 The regular reports of the UKRR supply details of
standardise for centre caseload, etc. patient demographics, treatment numbers, treat-
6.5 Reports of demographic and treatment variables are ment quality and outcomes. Data are compared
available to the participating centres for distribution with both national standards and national perform-
to Trusts, Health Authorities and Commissioners, ance, for benchmarking and quality assurance. The
as well as renal networks, as required and agreed assessment of contract activity and service delivery
with the centre. Reports should facilitate discussion is possible through these data returns, without the
between clinicians, Trust officers and commissioners. need for further costly Trust or commissioner
6.6 The UKRR welcomes suggestions for topics of administrative activity. These data should be par-
national audit or research that colleagues feel are ticularly valuable to contracts managers and those
of sufficiently widespread interest for the UKRR responsible for clinical governance.
to undertake. 7.6 Data are available on centre case mix, infrastructure
6.7 The database has been designed to provide research and facilities.
facilities and for future participation in national and 7.7 Work is progressing on the data capture and analy-
international trials. Members of the Renal Associ- sis from patients with renal disease other than those
ation and other interested parties are welcome to requiring RRT and will become available in time
apply to the UKRR Study Groups to conduct local (e.g. chronic kidney disease and acute kidney
or national audit and research using the database. injury).
All such projects will need the agreement of the
UKRR Study Groups and any costs involved may
need to be met by the applicants.
6.8 These facilities will be sustainable only through co- A:8 The role of the UK Renal Registry for
operation between nephrologists and the UKRR. Commissioners of health care
There is a need for high-quality and comprehensive
data entry at source. 8.1 The commissioning of healthcare within England is
6.9 Centres will need to develop an ‘annual informatics evolving again providing uncertainty around the
plan’, to review the maintenance and improvement arrangements. However, from meetings with com-
of data collection, organisation and returns to the missioners it is apparent however the powerful
UKRR. This will help maintain the accuracy, time- role accurate data plays in their decisions.
liness and completeness of clinical data and also in 8.2 The use of information sources such as the UKRR is
parallel, support the career development of infor- advised in the National Renal Review in order to
matics staff. promote benchmarking and quality assurance of
renal programmes. The comprehensive tracking
of relatively small but costly renal cohorts should
A:7 The role of the UK Renal Registry for Trust be regarded as a routine part of speciality case
managers management.
8.3 The UKRR provides validated, comparative reports
7.1 As the basis of the clinical governance initiative, the of renal centre activity on a regular basis to par-
gathering and presentation of clinical data are ticipating centres. These allow assessment of centre
Appendix A Statement of Purpose
performance across a wide range of variables relat- resource that is widely required but difficult to other-
ing to structure, process and outcome measures. wise obtain.
8.4 There are economies of scale in the performance of 8.11 In 2015 the cost of supporting the UKRR core
audit through the UKRR, since multiple local audits work on RRT audit will be £19 per registered
are not required. RRT patient per annum (no change from 2014),
8.5 The incidence of RRT treated locally, mortality and which is less than 0.05% of the typical cost of a
renal transplant rates should also be of interest. The dialysis patient per annum. It is expected that this
assessment of referral and treatment patterns of cost will need to be made explicit within the renal
patients with established (end stage) renal failure services contract.
by postcode analysis indicates the geographical
origin. This information also allows the expression
of differences relating to geography, ethnicity and
social deprivation. These data may also identify A:9 The role of the UK Renal Registry for national
potential unmet need in the population and permit quality assurance agencies
assessment on the equity of service provision. In the
future, the UKRR database should also provide 9.1 The role of the UKRR in the national quality
information on nephrology and pre-dialysis assurance programme of the Healthcare Quality
patients (CKD). This will allow a prediction of the Improvement Partnership, will depend on the
need for RRT facilities, as well as indicating the decisions on the role and responsibilities of that
opportunities for beneficial intervention. agency and their means to discharging them.
8.6 UKRR data are used to track patient acceptance and 9.2 The demographic, diagnostic and outcomes data
prevalence rates over time, which allows the model- could support the investigation of clinical effective-
ling of future demand and the validation of these ness.
predictions. 9.3 The case mix information and comorbidity data
8.7 Information on the clinical diagnosis of new and that would allow better assessment of survival
existing RRT patients may help identify areas statistics remains incomplete. There is also some
where possible preventive measures may have clinical scepticism whether ‘correction’ of outcome
maximal effect. data would reflect the realities of clinical practice.
8.8 The higher acceptance rates in the elderly, and the
increasing demand from ethnic groups due to a
high prevalence of renal, circulatory and diabetic
disease, are measurable. A:10 References
8.9 Comparative data are available in all categories for
national and regional benchmarking. 1 Black N: Clinical governance: fine words or action? Br Med J 1998;316:
8.10 The UKRR offers independent expertise in the analy- 2 Black N: High-quality clinical databases: breaking down barriers [Editorial].
sis of renal services data and their interpretation, a Lancet 1999;353:1205–6
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Appendix B Definitions and Analysis
B:1 Definition of the incident (take-on) population If there is a recovery lasting more than 90 days which
begins more than 90 days after starting RRT then the
The take-on population is defined as all patients over program looks at the modality codes after this date to
18 who started renal replacement therapy (RRT) at UK see if the patient restarted RRT. If they did, then this is
renal centres and did not have a recovery lasting more classed as another take-on.
than 90 days within 90 days of starting RRT. For example, a patient may start RRT in 2010, recover
The treatment timeline is used to define take-on and then restart RRT in 2010. Providing that they do not
patients as follows. have a recovery lasting more than 90 days within 90 days
If a patient has timeline entries from more than one of start on either occasion, such patients will be counted
centre then these are all combined and sorted by date. twice.
Then, the first treatment entry gives the first date of See section B:4 ‘Start of established renal failure’ below
when they received RRT. This is defined as a ‘start for information on ‘acute’ codes such as 81 ‘acute haemo-
date’. However, in the following situations there is evi- dialysis’.
dence that the patient was already receiving RRT before Provided the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) received a
this ‘start date’ and these people are not classed as take- modality code 36 from the work-up centre, pre-emptive
on patients: transplants are allocated as incident patients of the work-
up centre and not of the centre where the transplant took
. patients with an initial entry on the timeline of place.
transferred in (modality codes 39 to 69) Note: patients restarting dialysis after a failed trans-
. those with an initial entry of transferred out plant are not counted as incident patients.
(modality code 38)
. those with an initial treatment of lost to follow up
(modality code 95) B:2 Definition of the prevalent population for each
. those who had graft acute rejection (modality code year
31) and did not have a transplant on the same day
. those with an initial entry of transfer to adult The adult prevalent population for a year is defined as
nephrology (modality code 37) all RRT patients over 18, being treated at centres return-
. those with an initial entry of graft functioning ing data to the UKRR for that year and who were alive
(modality code 72) on 31 December of that year. It includes both incident
. those with an initial entry of nephrectomy trans- patients for that year and patients who had been on
plant (modality code 76) treatment for longer. Note that any patients over 18
still being treated at paediatric centres are excluded.
Where none of the above apply, the entry is defined Patients who had transferred out, recovered function,
as a take-on (providing there is no recovery of more stopped treatment without recovery of function or been
than 90 days within 90 days of the start date). lost to follow up before the end of the quarter are excluded.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
When quarterly data is received from more than one person years exposed. This includes all patients, includ-
centre (often when there is joint care of renal transplant ing those who died within the first three months of
recipients between the referring centre and the transplant therapy. The person years at risk are calculated by adding,
centre) the patient is only included under one of these. for each patient, the number of days at risk (until they
The centre to be used is defined by the steps below (as died or transferred out) and dividing by 365.
many steps as necessary are followed in this order until
data is only left from one centre): Odds ratio
This is the odds of an event in one group divided by
(a) the treatment timeline is used to eliminate any
the odds in a reference group. For example, if the event
centre(s) which the patient was not still at, at the
is death (within a certain time) and phosphate groups
end of the quarter;
are being compared, then for phosphate group 1.8 to
(b) a centre with biochemistry data (at least 1 of the 6
2.1 mmol/L the odds of the event are:
fields – creatinine, haemoglobin, albumin, albumi-
nium, serum potassium, urea) is favoured over one (probability of dying for someone with a
without; phosphate of 1.8−2.1 mmol/L)
(c) a centre with quarterly modality of transplant is (probability of surviving for someone with a
favoured over one without; phosphate of 1.8−2.1 mmol/L)
(d) non-transplanting centres are favoured over trans-
planting centres; The odds ratio is then:
(e) the centre with the most of the six biochemistry
fields (listed above) populated is favoured; (odds of dying if phosphate 1.8−2.1 mmol/L)
(f ) if the above steps do not decide between centres (odds of dying for reference group)
then the centre is set manually after examining
Note that when the event being analysed is death, often
all relevant data.
the odds ratio would not be used but a ‘survival analysis’
used instead. This takes into account the time when the
Further exclusions when analysing quarterly
event occurs and also allows for censoring (for example
biochemistry or blood pressure data
if people are lost to follow up). Such an analysis gives
For these analyses, further restrictions are made to the
hazard ratios (see below) rather than odds ratios.
prevalent cohort for each quarter.
Patients who had ‘transferred in’ to the centre in that
Hazard function
particular quarter are excluded.
The hazard function is the probability of dying in a
Patients who had changed treatment modality in that
short time interval, conditional on survival up to that
particular quarter are excluded.
Patients who had been on RRT for less than 90 days
are excluded.
Hazard ratio
Note: the length of time on RRT is calculated from the
For the same example as above, the hazard ratio is
most recent take-on date. So if a patient starts, then
recovers and then starts again, this second start date is
used. Also, for patients who are not defined as take-on (probability of dying in the next interval for a
patients because their start date is unknown (for example, phosphate of 1.8−2.1 mmol/L)
if their first timeline entry is a transfer in code) it is
(probability of dying in the next interval for a
assumed that they have been on RRT for longer than phosphate in the reference range)
90 days and they are included for every quarter.
Funnel plots
Percentages achieving Renal Association and other stan-
B:3 Statistical definitions dards are displayed in several ways in the Annual Report.
Caterpillar plots show the percentage meeting the targets
Death rate calculation along with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for each centre
A death rate per 100 patient years is calculated by and overall. Funnel plots show the percentage meeting
counting the number of deaths and dividing by the the target plotted against the size of the centre (the number
Appendix B Definitions and Analysis Criteria
of people with a measurement). ‘Funnels’ are plotted A patient starting RRT on ‘chronic’ haemodialysis
around the average percentage meeting the target. Any should be entered on the UKRR timeline on the date of
centres which fall outside the funnels are significantly the first HD episode.
different from the average. The funnel shape of the limits If a patient started RRT with an episode of acute (or
reflects the fact that for smaller centres, for which the acute-on-chronic) kidney injury in which it was felt that
percentage meeting the target is less reliably estimated, a kidney function had potential to recover, then acute
greater observed difference from the average is required haemodialysis (or acute haemofiltration or acute peritoneal
for it to be statistically significantly different. dialysis where appropriate) should be entered on the UKRR
In survival analysis the funnel plot methodology is timeline. If subsequently it is felt that kidney function is no
similar except that the funnel plots show the percentage longer likely to recover, a timeline modality should be
survival plotted against the size of the centre (the number added of ‘chronic dialysis’ at the time when this becomes
of patients in the cohort) and ‘funnels’ are plotted around apparent (accepting that the timing of this change will
the average survival. Survival for any centres falling out- vary between clinicians). The UKRR will interrogate the
side the 95% confidence intervals is therefore significantly timeline of patients starting ‘chronic’ RRT and if there is
different from the average survival. evidence of recent ‘acute’ RRT, will backdate the date of
start of RRT to the first episode of ‘acute’ RRT provided
there has been less than 90 days recovery of kidney function
between acute and chronic episodes.
B:4 General and modality definitions If a patient was started on dialysis and dialysis was
temporarily stopped for less than 90 days for any reason
Definitions of analysis quarters (including access failure and awaiting the formation of
further access), the date of start of renal replacement
Quarter Dates therapy (RRT) in UKRR analyses remained the date of
1 1 January–31 March first dialysis.
2 1 April–30 June The date of start of peritoneal dialysis is defined as the
3 1 July–30 September date of first PD fluid exchange given with the intention of
4 1 October–31 December causing solute or fluid clearance. This is in contrast with a
flush solely for confirming or maintaining PD catheter
The quarterly biochemistry data are extracted from patency. In general, exchanges which are part of PD
renal centre systems as the last data item stored for that training should be considered as the start of PD (unless
quarter. If the patient treatment modality was haemodia- earlier exchanges have already been given). However, if
lysis, the software should try to select a pre-dialysis value it is not planned that the patient starts therapy until a
(unless otherwise specified in the data specification). later date, exchanges as part of PD training need not
necessarily be considered the start of RRT.
Home haemodialysis
Home haemodialysis patients cease to be classed as Change of modality from PD to HD
such if they need longer than two weeks of hospital dialy- Sites are requested to log in their timeline changes
sis when not an inpatient. from PD to HD if the modality switch is for longer
than 30 days.
Satellite dialysis unit
A renal satellite unit is defined as a haemodialysis Date first seen by a nephrologist
facility that is linked to a main renal centre, is not This is the date the patient first attended clinic or was
autonomous for medical decisions and provides chronic an inpatient under the care of a dialysing nephrologist
outpatient maintenance haemodialysis but with no (whichever is the earlier). If a patient transfers into a
acute or inpatient nephrology beds on site. renal centre from another renal centre then this date
should be left blank by the new renal centre.
Start of established renal failure
Established renal failure (also known as end stage renal Date of CKD5
failure or end stage renal disease) was defined as the date When a patient has two eGFRs recorded as ,15 ml/
of the first dialysis (or of pre-emptive transplant). min/1.73 m2 over a time period of greater than three
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
months apart without an intervening eGFR .15, then the obstruction is usually progressive, not fully reversible
earlier of these two dates is defined as the date the patient and does not change markedly over several months.
reached CKD5.
If the patient dies or goes onto RRT within the three . Airflow obstruction is defined as a reduced FEV1
month period of eGFR reaching ,15, then the date of (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) and a
eGFR ,15 is still the date of CKD5. reduced FEV1/FVC ratio (where FVC is forced
vital capacity), such that FEV1 is less than 80%
predicted and FEV1/FVC is less than 0.7.
. The airflow obstruction is due to a combination of
B:5 Comorbidity definitions airway and parenchymal damage.
. The damage is the result of chronic inflammation
Angina that differs from that seen in asthma and which is
History of chest pain on exercise with or without ECG usually the result of tobacco smoke.
changes, ETT, radionucleotide imaging or angiography.
There is no single diagnostic test for COPD. Making
Previous MI within last three months a diagnosis relies on clinical judgement based on a com-
Detection of rise and/or fall of a biomarker (CK, bination of history, (exertional breathlessness, chronic
CK-MB or Troponin) with at least one value above the cough, regular sputum production, frequent winter
99th percentile together with evidence of myocardial ‘bronchitis’, wheeze) physical examination and con-
ischaemia with at least one of either: firmation of the presence of airflow obstruction using
spirometry, (source: British Thoracic Society guidelines).
(a) ischaemic symptoms;
(b) ECG changes indicative of new ischaemia (new
Liver Disease
ST-T changes or new left bundle branch block);
Persistent enzyme evidence of hepatic dysfunction or
(c) development of pathological Q waves;
biospy evidence or HbeAg or hepatitis C antigen (poly-
(d) imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium
merase chain reaction) positive serology.
or new regional wall motion abnormality.
This definition is from the European Society of Cardi- Malignancy
ology and American College of Cardiology. Defined as any history of malignancy (even if cura-
tive) e.g. removal of melanoma, excludes basal cell
Previous MI .3 months ago carcinoma.
Any previous MI at least three months prior to start of
renal replacement therapy. Claudication
Current claudication based on a history, with or
Previous CABG or coronary angioplasty without Doppler or angiographic evidence.
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Appendix C Renal Services Described for
This appendix provides information on the issues dis- often a reversible process, occurs when there is a
cussed in this report, background information on renal rapid loss of renal function due to kidney damage.
failure and discusses the services available for its treatment. The causes of AKI can be divided into three
categories: pre-renal (interference with the renal
blood supply), intrinsic (damage to the kidney
itself) and post-renal (obstructive causes in the
The role of the kidneys urinary tract). Some patients with AKI require
dialysis for a few days or weeks until their renal
1.1 The kidneys are paired organs located behind the function improves, although a small proportion of
abdominal cavity. Their primary function is to individuals never recover kidney function. AKI
produce urine, which allows the removal of normally occurs in the context of other illness
metabolism-related waste products from the blood. and patients are often unwell; approximately 50%
The kidneys also have a role in controlling fluid of patients with AKI who receive dialysis do not
balance, blood pressure, red blood cell production survive.
and the maintenance of healthy bones.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
(pruritus). Other symptoms, such as ankle swelling some extent reverse) the associated kidney
(oedema), may be present depending on the under- damage. Hypertension is a common cause of
lying condition causing CKD. renal failure in patients of African origin.
1.5 Other terms used for chronic kidney disease include 4. Obstruction. CKD can be a consequence of any
chronic renal impairment, chronic renal insuffi- pathology that obstructs the free flow of urine
ciency and chronic renal failure. Established renal through the urinary system. Most often obstruc-
failure (ERF) refers to kidney function that has tion is secondary to enlargement of the prostate
deteriorated to a level where treatment is required gland in elderly men, but other causes include
to sustain life. Treatment options include dialysis kidney stones, bladder tumours, and congenital
and renal transplantation but some patients decide abnormalities of the renal tract.
not to receive dialysis and opt for conservative 5. Genetic disease. The commonest genetic disease
management. Conservative care involves input causing CKD is polycystic kidney disease. This
from specialist nurses and palliative care services, condition, along with many rare inherited
and focuses on treating the complications of kidney diseases affecting the kidneys, accounts for
disease and managing symptoms. about 8% of all kidney failure in the UK.
1.6 Most renal diseases that cause renal failure fall into 1.7 Within the UK, risk factors for CKD, such as
five categories. diabetes, obesity and hypertension are becoming
more common. Consequently, the NHS is increas-
1. Generalised (systemic) disease. Diabetes mellitus ingly focusing on the prevention, early detection
is by far the most common systemic disease that and treatment of CKD. Although many of the
affects the kidneys (around 20% of all renal dis- diseases causing CKD are not preventable, their rec-
ease). Diabetic patients often develop progressive ognition is important to allow appropriate treat-
kidney damage over many years, particularly if ment of any complications and preparation for
blood glucose levels and blood pressure are poorly renal replacement therapy. Some diseases, such as
controlled. Careful lifelong supervision of diabetes urinary obstruction, may be reversible to some
has a major impact in preventing kidney damage. extent and intervention is appropriate. Good dia-
Other systemic diseases that can cause kidney betic control and blood pressure management
damage include auto-immune conditions (e.g. may halt the rate of future renal function decline.
systemic lupus erythematous and vasculitis), 1.8 Clear guidelines are in place for the management of
amyloidosis and multiple myeloma. CKD by both general practitioners and hospital
2. Glomerulonephritis. This term describes con- kidney specialists (nephrologists) [1]. Currently
ditions that damage the glomeruli (the filtering there is no general population screening for renal
units of the kidneys that start the process of disease; instead, targeted screening of patients groups
urine formation). There are many different causes ‘at-risk’ of renal disease, such as diabetic or hyper-
of glomerulonephritis and treatment depends on tensive patients, occurs. This normally involves test-
the form of the disease. Some types of glomerulo- ing the urine for the presence of blood or protein,
nephritis are relatively benign and unlikely to plus blood tests for the level of substances normally
progress to established renal failure. Other forms excreted by the kidney such as creatinine and urea.
are more aggressive with treatment making only
a small impact on disease progression and the
development of established renal failure.
3. High blood pressure (hypertension). Severe Complications and comorbidity
(‘accelerated’) hypertension causes chronic
kidney disease, but early recognition and treat- 1.9 Patients with chronic kidney disease often have
ment of high blood pressure can halt (and to accompanying illnesses (comorbidities). Some are
Appendix C Renal Services for Non-physicians
due to the primary disease, e.g. diabetes may cause the attachment of the patient’s circulation to a
blindness and diseases of the nerves and blood machine through which fluid is passed and
vessels. Others, such as anaemia, bone disease and exchange can take place. A disadvantage of this
heart failure, are consequences of the renal failure. method is that some form of permanent access to
In addition, many patients with established renal the circulation must be produced to be used at
failure, have diseases affecting the heart and blood every treatment. The majority of patients on haemo-
vessels (vascular) particularly ischaemic heart disease dialysis receive three four-hour sessions a week, at
and peripheral vascular disease. Comorbidity can either a hospital-based dialysis unit or a commu-
influence the choice of treatment for renal failure nity-based unit (satellite unit) away from the main
and may reduce its benefits. Early and aggressive renal centre. A small number of patients perform
management of CKD-related complications, such their own dialysis at home (home haemodialysis)
as bone mineral abnormalities (hyperparathyroid- and the number and duration of treatments will vary.
ism), may reduce the incidence of vascular disease.
Peritoneal dialysis
Renal replacement therapy
1.13 An alternative form of dialysis is peritoneal dialysis,
1.10 The term renal replacement therapy (RRT) encom- most commonly in the form of continuous
passes the three treatments used in established renal ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). In this
failure: haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and technique, dialysis fluid is inserted, via a plastic
kidney transplantation. Both forms of dialysis tube (catheter), into the peritoneal cavity (which
remove waste products from the blood, but the lies around the bowel) for approximately six
other complications of established renal failure, hours before being removed and replaced. The
such as anaemia and abnormal bone metabolism fluid must be sterile in order to avoid infection
(hyperparathyroidism), require treatment with and inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis),
medications. Patients, usually (but not always) which is the main complication of the treatment.
under 70 years of age, may undergo kidney trans- Each fluid exchange takes 30 to 40 minutes to
plantation as a form of treatment. If successful, a perform and is repeated three or four times daily.
kidney transplant returns an individual to good
health and removes the need for dialysis.
Renal transplantation
Renal dialysis
1.14 Renal transplantation replaces all the kidneys’
functions, so erythropoietin and vitamin D
1.11 Dialysis involves the removal of waste products
supplementation are unnecessary. Transplantation
from the blood by allowing these products to dif-
involves the placement of a single kidney in the
fuse across a thin membrane into dialysis fluid,
pelvis, close to the bladder, to which the ureter is
which is then discarded along with the toxic waste
connected. The immediate problem is the body’s
products. The fluid is chemically composed to
immune system recognising the new organ as
draw or ‘attract’ excess salts and water from the
foreign tissue – a process known as rejection. Con-
blood to cross the membrane, without the blood
sequently, all patients receiving a kidney transplant
itself being in contact with the fluid.
require anti-rejection drugs, such as tacrolimus,
cyclosporine and mycophenolate mofetil, for the
lifetime of the transplant. These drugs, known as
Haemodialysis immunosuppressants, have many undesirable side
effects, including the acceleration of vascular
1.12 The method first used to achieve dialysis was the disease, increased risk of infection and higher
artificial kidney, or haemodialysis. This involves rates of cancer (malignancy). This often means
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
that myocardial infarctions and strokes are patients with advanced CKD for RRT and their
commoner in transplant patients than in healthy medical supervision for the remainder of their
individuals of the same age. As transplants get lives. The patient population will present
older, there is a progressive loss of function due increasing challenges for renal staffing as more
to chronic rejection (chronic allograft nephro- elderly and diabetic patients are accepted for
pathy). The average lifespan of a kidney transplant treatment.
is between 10 and 15 years, which means some 2. Emergency work. The emergency work associ-
younger patients, will receive more than one trans- ated with the specialty consists of:
plant during their lifetime, often with periods of i. Treatment of acute renal failure, often
dialysis in-between. involving multiple organ failure and acute-
1.15 For many patients, renal transplantation, from both on-chronic renal failure. Close co-operation
live and deceased donors, is the best treatment in with other medical specialties, including
terms of survival and quality of life. Unfortunately, critical care, is therefore a vital component
despite changes in policy and legislation there of this aspect of the service.
remains a shortage of kidneys for transplant; it ii. Management of medical emergencies arising
appears likely that whatever social and medical from an established renal failure programme.
structures are present, there will inevitably be a This workload is expanding as the number,
shortage of kidneys from humans. age and comorbidity of patients on renal
replacement therapy increases.
3. Routine nephrology. A substantial workload is
associated with the immunological and meta-
Nature of renal services
bolic nature of renal disease which requires
investigative procedures in an inpatient setting.
1.16 The work of a nephrologist includes the early detec-
It is estimated that ten inpatient beds per
tion and diagnosis of renal disease and the long-
million of the population are required for this
term management of its complications such as
high blood pressure, anaemia and bone disease.
4. Investigation and management of fluid and
The nephrologist may share the management with
electrolyte disorders. This makes up a variable
the general practitioner or local hospital physician;
proportion of the nephrologists work, depending
relying on them to refer patients early for initial
on the other expertise available in the hospital.
diagnosis and specific treatment. At any one time,
5. Outpatient work. The outpatient work in renal
perhaps only 5% of patients under their care are
medicine consists of the majority of general
inpatients in wards with a further 20% attending
nephrology together with clinics for dialysis
the renal centre regularly for haemodialysis. How-
and renal transplant patients.
ever, inpatient nephrology and the care of patients
6. Research activities. Many nephrologists have
receiving centre-based dialysis are specialised, com-
clinical or laboratory-based research interests.
plex and require experienced medical advice to be
available on a 24 hour basis. Other renal work is
sustained on an outpatient basis; this includes
renal replacement therapy by dialysis and the care References
of transplant patients.
1.17 There are six major components to renal medicine. 1 National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions: Chronic kidney
disease: national clinical guideline for early identification and manage-
1. Renal replacement therapy. The most significant ment in adults in primary and secondary care. London: Royal College
element of work relates to the preparation of of Physicians, September 2008
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Appendix D Methodology used for
Analyses of PCT/HB Incidence and
Prevalence Rates and of
Standardised Ratios
Described here are the methods for calculating the Boards, the 14 Scottish Health Boards and the five Health
standardised incidence ratios for the incident UK RRT and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland; these differ-
cohort, the standardised prevalence ratios for the total ent types of area are collectively called CCG/HBs here.
UK RRT cohort and the ratios for prevalent transplant Patients were allocated to CCG/HBs using the patient’s
patients. postcode (rather than the GP postcode). For the incidence
rates analyses the patient’s postcodes at start of RRT were
used. For the prevalent rates analyses the postcodes at the
end of the relevant year were used. Each postcode was
Patients linked to the ONS postcode directory (ONSPD) to give
the CCG/HB code. The ONSPD contains National
For the incidence rate analyses, all new cases recorded Statistics data # Crown copyright and database right
by the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) as starting RRT in each 2014 and also Ordnance Survey data # Crown copyright
year were included. For the prevalence rates analyses, and database right 2014.
prevalent patients at the end of the year were included.
Areas included in the UK Renal Registry ‘covered’
This year all renal centres again sent data to the UKRR
Years used so coverage of the UK is complete for the six years used in
these analyses (2008 to 2013).
Analyses have been completed for each of the last six
years. Combined analyses over the six years have also
been done for the incidence rates and rate ratios analyses
as there can be small numbers of incident patients Population data
particularly in the smaller areas.
Mid-2012 population estimates by CCG/HB, gender
and age group were obtained from the Office for National
Statistics (ONS) website (, the
Geography Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
(NISRA) website ( and the National
The areas used were the 211 English Clinical Commis- Records of Scotland website (
sioning Groups (CCGs), the seven Welsh Local Health These mid-2012 population estimates are projections
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
lation data. As the analyses only cover six years this 140
Calculation of rates and rate ratios
Crude rates 40
The crude rates, per million population (pmp), were
calculated for each CCG/HB for each year: 20
1,000,000 × (observed number)/(population size) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000
Population (thousands)
For the combined years analyses the observed cases
Fig. D.2. 95% confidence limits for incidence rate of 109 pmp for
are summed over the available years and the population population size 80,000–4 million
is multiplied by the number of years that the area has
been covered. This is a rate per million population per
year. It is an average over the available years. Note that when using the confidence interval figures
Confidence intervals have not been calculated for these to assess how different an area’s combined years crude
(single or combined years) rates but, if required, an incidence rate is from the overall average, the population
assessment can be made of whether the rate for a given looked up on the x-axis should be the area’s population
area is consistent with the rate in the whole covered multiplied by the number of years of data that has been
population. This can be done by using the figures pro- used (i.e. six). In doing this, the confidence intervals
vided here showing the confidence intervals around the obtained become narrower, consistent with the analysis
overall average rates for a range of CCG/HB population now being based on more than one year of data.
sizes. These are figures D.1 and D.2 for incidence rates, These confidence intervals have been obtained using
and D.3 and D.4 for prevalence rates. the Normal approximation to the Poisson distribution.
200 1,200
Upper 95% CI Upper 95% CI
180 109 pmp 888 pmp
Lower 95% CI 1,100 Lower 95% CI
140 1,000
Prevalence rate (pmp)
Incidence rate (pmp)
60 700
0 500
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Population (thousands) Population (thousands)
Fig. D.1. 95% confidence limits for incidence rate of 109 pmp for Fig. D.3. 95% confidence limits for prevalence rate of 888 pmp for
population size 80,000–800,000 catchment population size 50,000–800,000
Appendix D Methodology for PCT/HB analyses
Upper 95% CI
CCG/HBs, for each age/gender band and dividing
888 pmp this by the total covered population in that age/gender
1,100 Lower 95% CI band. These crude rates (by age/gender band) were
then multiplied by the population each CCG/HB has
1,000 in each band to give the number of cases expected in
Prevalence rate (pmp)
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Appendix E Methodology for Estimating
Catchment Populations of Renal Centres
in the UK for Dialysis Patients
Introduction Methods
Providing accurate centre-level incidence and preva- The UK Renal Registry database of the incident
lence rates for patients receiving renal replacement dialysis population between 1st January 2008 and
therapy (RRT) in the UK was limited until the 13th 31st December 2012 was used to estimate the size of
Annual Report by the difficulty in estimating the catch- each renal centre’s catchment population. This used the
ment population from which the RRT population was postcode and centre for each individual at the time of
derived. One reason for this was that the geographical starting RRT on dialysis.
boundaries separating renal centres are relatively arbi- Polygons were constructed to define an area around
trary and dependent upon a number of factors including the geographical location of each dialysis patient. The
referral practice, patient choice and patient movement. lines of the polygons, representing the boundaries between
Previously, incidence and prevalence rates had been areas, were drawn such that they were equidistant between
calculated at Local Authority/Primary Care Trust/Health adjacent patients, creating a map of non-overlapping
Board level for which denominator data were available, polygons covering the entire area of England, Northern
but not at renal centre level. Ireland, Scotland and Wales (the process was done
UK Renal Registry (UKRR) Annual Reports prior to separately for each country). This method produces
the 13th suggested an estimate of the size of the catch- Thiessen polygons which have the property that all
ment populations. These were extrapolated figures orig- locations within each polygon share the same nearest
inally derived from data in the 1992 National Renal dialysis patient [2].
Survey undertaken by Paul Roderick. The polygons of all patients starting at the same renal
The purpose of this appendix is to present an estimate of centre were combined to create the catchment area for
the dialysis catchment population for all renal centres in the that centre. The catchment area for one centre might
UK. It also contains a methodological description and comprise multiple unconnected polygons as a result of
discussion of the limitations of these methods. Previous adjacent patients attending different renal centres. The
UKRR Annual Reports contained estimates for English Office for National Statistics (ONS) map of 2011 Census
renal centres using 2001 Census data and a similar merged wards contains population estimates for England
methodology as outlined here [1]. In last year’s report and Wales divided into 8,546 wards. The Northern
the methodology was repeated using data from the 2011 Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) pub-
Census in order to obtain more up to date estimates and lished population estimates based on the 2011 Census
also to include renal centres in Wales. This year, estimates for 4,537 geographical regions referred to as Small
for renal centres in Scotland and Northern Ireland have Areas. The General Register Office for Scotland published
been calculated to complete full coverage of the UK. 2011 population estimates at 6,505 data zone level areas.
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Wards, small areas and data zones will collectively be Table E.2. Estimated dialysis catchment populations of Welsh
referred to as wards in the following paragraph. renal centres based upon 2011 Census ONS Census Ward popu-
lation estimates (rounded to nearest 1,000)
The wards were overlaid on the map of renal centre
catchment areas, enabling the proportion of each Centre Estimate Centre Estimate
ward’s area covered by each of the renal centre catchment
Bangor 218,000 Swanse 885,000
areas to be calculated. Each ward’s population was then
Cardff 1,420,000 Wrexm 240,000
allocated to the renal centres in proportions equal to Clwyd 190,000 Wales 2,953,000
the proportions of the overlaid areas. Summing these
Contains National Statistics data # Crown copyright and database
proportions of populations across all of the wards for right 2013
each renal centre produced the estimates of the total Contains Ordnance Survey data # Crown copyright and database
catchment population for each centre. right 2013
Appendix E Estimating catchment populations
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Appendix F Additional Data Tables for
2013 new and existing patients
F:1 Patients starting renal replacement therapy in
Table F.1.1. Number of patients on dialysis at 90 days (incident Table F.1.2. Number of patients per treatment modality at
cohort 1/10/2012 to 30/09/2013) 90 days (incident cohort 1/10/2012 to 30/09/2013)
England Prestn 73 17 11
B Heart 82 17 1 Redng 62 32 6
B QEH 72 18 10 Salford 75 24 1
Basldn 78 22 Sheff 77 17 6
Bradfd 69 19 11 Shrew 77 20 3
Brightn 72 24 4 Stevng 79 16 5
Bristol 68 19 13 Sthend 71 19 10
Camb 62 12 27 Stoke 73 26 1
Carlis 56 32 12 Sund 86 10 4
Carsh 73 23 4 Truro 61 26 13
Chelms 86 14 Wirral 74 26
Colchr 100 Wolve 65 34 1
Covnt 72 21 7 York 83 14 3
Derby 54 46 N Ireland
Donc 73 27 Antrim 90 10
Dorset 65 30 5 Belfast 65 16 19
Dudley 70 30 Newry 61 39
Exeter 75 22 4 Ulster 93 7
Glouc 70 24 6 West NI 70 27 3
Hull 67 28 4 Scotland
Ipswi 74 21 5 Abrdn 86 14
Kent 75 17 8 Airdrie 84 16
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table F.1.4. First treatment modality, patient numbers (2013 incident cohort)
HD PD Transplant
Table F.1.5. Gender breakdown by treatment modality at 90 days (2013 incident cohort)
Appendix F Additional data tables
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Appendix F Additional data tables
Table F.2.2. Number of 2013 prevalent patients under and over 65 per treatment modality
HD PD Transplant HD PD Transplant
England 9,121 1,720 19,766 10,952 1,457 5,016
N Ireland 261 38 676 389 43 139
Scotland 888 115 2,050 972 111 428
Wales 430 91 1,158 648 91 359
UK 10,700 1,964 23,650 12,961 1,702 5,942
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Table F.2.3. Dialysis modalities for 2013 prevalent patients aged under 65
% % % % % unknown %
Centre home HD hospital HD satellite HD CAPD type of PD APD
B Heart 9 76 5 6 0 5
B QEH 7 11 67 5 0 10
Basldn 0 74 6 7 0 13
Bradfd 2 76 7 4 0 11
Brightn 16 39 27 10 0 8
Bristol 8 21 53 9 0 10
Camb 14 43 35 0 7 0
Carlis 0 45 24 10 0 21
Carsh 4 29 49 4 0 14
Chelms 2 74 0 19 0 4
Colchr 0 100 0 0 0 0
Covnt 7 74 0 19 0 0
Derby 11 57 0 19 0 13
Donc 1 51 29 1 0 18
Dorset 3 19 61 11 0 6
Dudley 10 48 10 19 0 13
Exeter 2 10 68 10 0 10
Glouc 0 69 12 7 0 12
Hull 4 35 37 12 0 12
Ipswi 1 65 14 10 0 9
Kent 8 24 48 19 0 1
L Barts 2 41 40 2 0 15
L Guys 11 10 75 1 0 3
L Kings 2 15 63 6 0 14
L Rfree 4 4 73 6 0 13
L St.G 3 44 40 3 1 10
L West 2 20 74 2 0 2
Leeds 7 20 58 4 0 11
Leic 11 18 55 4 0 13
Liv Ain 10 4 61 5 0 20
Liv Roy 12 39 32 8 0 8
M RI 16 29 42 5 0 8
Middlbr 5 31 58 5 0 0
Newc 12 76 0 1 1 11
Norwch 11 51 27 8 0 3
Nottm 13 35 26 8 0 18
Oxford 7 29 43 4 0 16
Plymth 7 66 0 8 0 20
Ports 8 20 59 13 0 0
Prestn 9 22 60 1 0 8
Redng 4 29 41 18 0 8
Salford 8 32 39 11 0 11
Sheff 12 33 43 12 0 0
Shrew 13 44 26 16 0 0
Stevng 9 29 53 9 0 0
Sthend 0 82 0 18 0 0
Stoke 0 54 25 3 1 17
Sund 1 66 29 1 1 3
Truro 7 37 34 8 0 14
Wirral 7 32 42 3 0 16
Wolve 5 27 42 17 1 8
York 16 28 32 18 0 5
N Ireland
Antrim 7 80 0 4 0 9
Belfast 11 76 0 1 0 13
Appendix F Additional data tables
Newry 0 88 0 0 0 12
Ulster 12 79 0 3 3 3
West NI 10 76 0 0 2 12
Abrdn 4 84 0 8 0 4
Airdrie 0 95 0 4 0 1
D & Gall 8 65 0 15 0 12
Dundee 4 83 0 4 0 10
Edinb 3 90 0 1 0 7
Glasgw 8 84 0 3 0 5
Inverns 3 76 0 11 0 11
Klmarnk 3 72 0 2 0 23
Krkcldy 0 86 0 0 0 14
Bangor 32 53 8 3 0 5
Cardff 15 15 55 10 0 5
Clwyd 5 84 0 11 0 0
Swanse 8 55 16 12 0 9
Wrexm 4 58 12 27 0 0
England 7 32 45 7 0 9
N Ireland 8 79 0 1 1 11
Scotland∗ 4 84 0 4 0 8
Wales 12 39 32 12 0 6
UK 7 38 40 7 0 9
All haemodialysis patients in centres in Scotland are shown as receiving treatment at home or in centre as no data is available regarding satellite
Table F.2.4. Dialysis modalities for 2013 prevalent patients aged over 65
% % % % % unknown %
Centre home HD hospital HD satellite HD CAPD type of PD APD
B Heart 2 84 8 5 0 1
B QEH 2 9 78 4 0 6
Basldn 0 86 2 7 0 6
Bradfd 0 65 26 4 0 5
Brightn 5 45 35 10 0 5
Bristol 2 13 77 4 0 4
Camb 1 38 56 0 6 0
Carlis 0 48 24 17 0 11
Carsh 2 15 73 3 0 7
Chelms 1 89 0 8 0 2
Colchr 0 100 0 0 0 0
Covnt 2 80 0 17 0 0
Derby 8 67 0 18 0 7
Donc 0 40 44 0 0 16
Dorset 0 19 66 6 0 8
Dudley 2 64 18 12 0 5
Exeter 0 10 77 6 0 6
Glouc 1 77 12 2 0 8
Hull 0 39 44 8 0 8
Ipswi 1 69 10 14 0 6
Kent 2 21 67 9 0 2
L Barts 0 38 45 6 0 11
L Guys 2 19 75 2 0 2
L Kings 0 13 73 8 0 7
L Rfree 1 3 84 5 0 7
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
% % % % % unknown %
Centre home HD hospital HD satellite HD CAPD type of PD APD
L St.G 1 31 52 5 1 10
L West 0 20 75 2 0 2
Leeds 0 13 78 2 0 7
Leic 3 15 69 4 0 9
Liv Ain 1 4 86 3 0 6
Liv Roy 4 37 49 9 0 2
M RI 3 23 60 2 0 13
Middlbr 2 21 75 3 0 0
Newc 2 83 0 1 1 13
Norwch 5 46 38 8 0 3
Nottm 2 41 45 6 0 7
Oxford 3 33 47 5 0 13
Plymth 2 75 5 8 0 10
Ports 1 16 71 12 0 0
Prestn 3 20 68 3 0 7
Redng 0 41 41 11 0 7
Salford 3 35 49 6 0 7
Sheff 2 42 48 9 0 0
Shrew 3 47 37 13 0 0
Stevng 3 31 58 8 0 0
Sthend 1 89 0 10 0 0
Stoke 0 51 26 3 6 13
Sund 0 54 40 3 0 3
Truro 3 46 42 5 0 4
Wirral 1 38 52 2 0 8
Wolve 2 23 58 13 0 4
York 0 34 55 11 0 0
N Ireland
Antrim 0 91 0 1 0 8
Belfast 2 89 0 1 0 8
Newry 3 76 0 0 0 21
Ulster 1 95 0 0 0 4
West NI 1 89 0 0 1 9
Abrdn 2 90 0 7 0 2
Airdrie 1 90 0 5 0 4
D & Gall 0 76 0 9 0 15
Dundee 0 91 0 3 0 6
Edinb 0 87 0 2 0 11
Glasgw 1 93 0 2 0 4
Inverns 2 83 0 9 0 7
Klmarnk 4 73 0 2 0 21
Krkcldy 0 90 0 1 0 9
Bangor 3 56 25 15 0 2
Cardff 2 13 74 10 0 2
Clwyd 2 79 0 6 13 0
Swanse 3 62 24 9 0 3
Wrexm 0 69 20 11 0 0
England 2 33 54 6 0 5
N Ireland 1 89 0 0 0 9
Scotland∗ 1 89 0 3 0 7
Wales 2 42 44 10 1 2
UK 2 39 48 6 0 5
All haemodialysis patients in centres in Scotland are shown as receiving treatment at home or in centre as no data is available regarding satellite
Appendix F Additional data tables
B Heart 1 6 11 17 20 22 20 3
B QEH 2 7 13 21 24 18 12 2
Basldn 3 6 11 17 16 22 20 5
Bradfd 4 11 15 21 21 16 11 1
Brightn 1 5 11 20 19 23 16 3
Bristol 3 8 12 19 21 21 14 3
Camb 2 6 14 20 21 20 13 4
Carlis 3 7 10 22 22 21 15 1
Carsh 1 5 11 20 19 23 16 5
Chelms 1 5 7 14 24 24 19 7
Colchr 3 4 8 3 16 30 32 5
Covnt 2 7 12 22 19 20 16 2
Derby 1 6 10 21 19 25 15 2
Donc 3 3 10 15 24 22 19 4
Dorset 2 5 8 17 18 28 18 4
Dudley 0 5 7 18 24 19 21 6
Exeter 2 5 9 18 20 24 17 6
Glouc 1 4 11 17 18 25 18 6
Hull 3 7 11 22 21 21 13 3
Ipswi 1 4 11 23 23 23 12 3
Kent 2 5 10 20 20 24 14 3
L Barts 2 8 15 25 23 17 10 1
L Guys 4 9 15 23 22 16 9 1
L Kings 1 5 13 22 22 19 15 3
L Rfree 2 9 13 21 20 19 12 3
L St.G 1 6 13 20 24 19 14 2
L West 1 6 12 21 25 21 12 2
Leeds 3 8 13 22 21 21 10 2
Leic 2 7 12 21 21 22 13 3
Liv Ain 1 3 11 16 16 21 25 8
Liv Roy 3 9 15 25 23 18 7 1
M RI 4 8 15 25 21 18 8 1
Middlbr 2 7 11 23 20 20 14 2
Newc 3 7 12 23 23 21 10 1
Norwch 2 6 9 21 18 21 16 6
Nottm 5 7 12 21 20 19 12 3
Oxford 2 7 15 22 22 17 12 2
Plymth 2 6 12 18 23 23 14 3
Ports 1 7 12 22 21 22 13 3
Prestn 2 6 11 21 24 22 13 2
Redng 1 4 14 18 22 24 15 3
Salford 2 7 14 21 23 20 12 1
Sheff 2 7 12 21 22 19 13 3
Shrew 1 7 10 20 18 23 18 2
Stevng 2 5 10 21 20 20 19 3
Sthend 3 6 9 15 19 22 21 5
Stoke 1 8 12 19 19 21 16 3
Sund 2 6 13 23 21 24 10 1
Truro 2 5 13 14 18 23 21 4
Wirral 2 4 9 17 17 22 25 4
Wolve 2 7 12 19 22 20 14 4
York 4 9 12 19 22 20 11 4
N Ireland
Antrim 1 6 9 20 15 27 18 4
Belfast 3 9 14 27 18 17 10 1
Newry 3 6 13 16 26 23 12 2
Ulster 2 1 12 11 20 22 25 8
West NI 1 8 17 17 17 23 15 2
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Abrdn 3 9 14 18 24 19 12 2
Airdrie 1 7 15 21 20 20 14 1
D & Gall 4 3 11 27 13 21 17 3
Dundee 1 5 15 19 19 24 13 4
Edinb 2 8 15 27 22 17 8 1
Glasgw 3 7 13 22 24 19 11 2
Inverns 1 4 19 24 23 14 12 2
Klmarnk 1 4 11 24 21 22 11 4
Krkcldy 2 4 13 18 20 24 17 2
Bangor 0 5 8 8 17 32 26 3
Cardff 2 7 13 22 21 20 11 3
Clwyd 3 7 3 20 20 31 14 3
Swanse 2 6 9 15 22 25 18 3
Wrexm 4 6 13 18 18 17 21 3
England 2 7 12 21 21 20 13 3
N Ireland 2 7 13 22 19 21 14 2
Scotland 2 6 14 22 22 19 12 2
Wales 2 7 11 19 21 22 14 3
UK 2 7 12 21 21 20 13 3
Table F.2.6. Dialysis modalities for 2013 prevalent patients without diabetes (all ages)
% % % % % unknown %
Centre home HD hospital HD satellite HD CAPD type of PD APD
B Heart 4 81 7 6 0 3
B QEH 6 9 71 5 0 9
Basldn 0 84 4 6 0 7
Bradfd 2 66 15 5 0 11
Brightn 10 42 31 11 0 7
Bristol 5 15 68 5 0 6
Camb 5 39 50 0 6 0
Carlis 0 41 24 17 0 17
Carsh 3 18 66 4 0 9
Chelms 2 81 0 15 0 3
Covnt 5 78 0 17 0 0
Derby 10 64 0 16 0 9
Donc 1 47 37 1 0 15
Dorset 2 18 64 8 0 8
Dudley 5 56 15 15 0 9
Exeter 1 9 75 9 0 7
Glouc 0 76 11 4 0 9
Hull 3 37 43 8 0 9
Ipswi 2 67 12 13 0 6
Kent 5 21 62 11 0 1
L Barts 2 39 42 4 0 13
L Guys 10 10 76 2 0 2
L Kings 1 12 68 8 0 11
L Rfree 3 5 77 7 0 9
L St.G 2 37 46 4 1 10
L West 2 19 75 2 0 2
Leeds 4 15 67 4 0 10
Leic 7 16 64 4 0 9
Appendix F Additional data tables
Liv Ain 5 4 75 3 0 13
Liv Roy 10 39 38 9 0 5
M RI 12 23 50 4 0 11
Middlbr 4 24 69 3 0 0
Newc 8 78 0 1 0 12
Norwch 7 49 33 8 0 3
Nottm 7 36 39 7 0 11
Oxford 5 32 43 5 0 15
Plymth 5 70 3 9 0 13
Ports 5 16 66 13 0 0
Prestn 7 21 62 3 0 8
Redng 2 36 43 12 0 7
Salford 9 36 41 6 0 8
Sheff 8 37 45 10 0 0
Shrew 10 44 31 15 0 0
Stevng 6 32 53 10 0 0
Sthend 0 86 0 14 0 0
Stoke 0 51 28 2 4 15
Sund 1 60 35 1 1 3
Truro 4 37 44 6 0 9
Wirral 5 38 48 1 0 9
Wolve 4 23 52 14 0 7
York 7 31 47 14 0 1
N Ireland
Antrim 2 88 0 3 0 7
Belfast 8 80 0 1 0 11
Newry 3 79 0 0 0 19
Ulster 6 88 0 1 0 5
West NI 6 81 0 0 1 12
Abrdn 4 85 0 7 0 4
Airdrie 1 93 0 4 0 3
D & Gall 2 80 0 9 0 9
Dundee 2 86 0 3 0 9
Edinb 2 88 0 2 0 8
Glasgw 5 89 0 2 0 4
Inverns 3 78 0 11 0 8
Klmarnk 5 69 0 2 0 24
Krkcldy 0 86 0 1 0 13
Bangor 19 49 17 11 0 4
Cardff 7 14 64 11 0 4
Clwyd 4 78 0 9 9 0
Swanse 6 57 22 9 0 5
Wrexm 2 63 17 18 0 0
England 5 32 49 7 0 7
N Ireland 5 83 0 1 0 11
Scotland∗ 3 86 0 3 0 8
Wales 7 39 38 11 1 4
UK 5 38 43 6 0 7
Excluded one centre with 540% primary renal diagnosis aetiology uncertain (Colchester)
Patients with diabetes as their primary renal disease and patients with a missing primary renal diagnosis code are excluded from
this table
All haemodialysis patients in centres in Scotland are shown as receiving treatment at home or in centre as no data is available regarding satellite
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
HD PD Transplant
Table F.2.8. Dialysis modalities for 2013 prevalent patients without diabetes aged under 65
% % % % % unknown %
Centre home HD hospital HD satellite HD CAPD type of PD APD
B Heart 6 79 3 6 0 6
B QEH 8 11 65 6 0 11
Basldn 0 76 7 4 0 13
Bradfd 3 72 7 5 0 14
Brightn 16 39 27 10 0 7
Bristol 10 20 52 8 0 10
Camb 15 43 34 0 8 0
Carlis 0 41 22 13 0 25
Carsh 5 28 51 4 0 13
Chelms 3 68 0 26 0 3
Covnt 8 72 0 20 0 0
Derby 12 57 0 18 0 12
Donc 1 55 25 1 0 17
Dorset 4 18 60 11 0 7
Dudley 9 49 11 20 0 12
Exeter 2 9 67 12 0 11
Glouc 0 74 8 8 0 10
Hull 5 35 40 10 0 11
Ipswi 2 65 15 11 0 7
Kent 9 23 50 18 0 0
L Barts 3 40 41 2 0 15
L Guys 15 7 75 1 0 2
L Kings 2 14 63 7 0 14
L Rfree 5 5 70 7 0 13
L St.G 4 42 40 3 1 10
L West 2 19 74 2 0 3
Leeds 8 18 58 5 0 12
Leic 12 19 56 3 0 10
Liv Ain 11 5 58 4 0 22
Liv Roy 14 40 32 8 0 7
M RI 19 28 40 5 0 8
Middlbr 7 33 57 4 0 0
Newc 14 74 0 1 0 11
Norwch 13 48 29 7 0 4
Nottm 15 33 26 8 0 18
Oxford 8 31 41 5 0 15
Appendix F Additional data tables
% % % % % unknown %
Centre home HD hospital HD satellite HD CAPD type of PD APD
Plymth 10 64 0 10 0 17
Ports 10 16 60 14 0 0
Prestn 10 22 58 2 0 8
Redng 5 30 44 14 0 8
Salford 11 34 41 5 0 9
Sheff 15 34 41 11 0 0
Shrew 18 42 25 15 0 0
Stevng 10 31 49 10 0 0
Sthend 0 80 0 20 0 0
Stoke 0 54 25 2 1 19
Sund 1 62 33 0 1 2
Truro 7 30 35 9 0 19
Wirral 8 35 41 1 0 14
Wolve 6 27 43 15 1 9
York 17 29 33 19 0 2
N Ireland
Antrim 7 79 0 7 0 7
Belfast 13 73 0 1 0 12
Newry 0 88 0 0 0 12
Ulster 20 70 0 5 0 5
West NI 11 75 0 0 0 14
Abrdn 6 82 0 7 0 6
Airdrie 0 95 0 5 0 0
D & Gall 5 68 0 16 0 11
Dundee 4 81 0 4 0 10
Edinb 4 89 0 1 0 7
Glasgw 9 84 0 2 0 5
Inverns 4 71 0 14 0 11
Klmarnk 4 68 0 3 0 25
Krkcldy 0 83 0 0 0 17
Bangor 41 38 10 3 0 7
Cardff 14 17 52 12 0 6
Clwyd 7 79 0 14 0 0
Swanse 10 53 17 10 0 10
Wrexm 5 56 14 26 0 0
England 8 32 44 7 0 9
N Ireland 11 76 0 2 0 11
Scotland∗ 5 83 0 4 0 8
Wales 13 37 32 12 0 6
UK 8 38 39 7 0 8
Excluded one centre with 540% primary renal diagnosis aetiology uncertain (Colchester)
Patients with diabetes as their primary renal disease and patients with a missing primary renal diagnosis code are excluded from this table
All haemodialysis patients in centres in Scotland are shown as receiving treatment at home or in centre as no data is available regarding satellite
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
HD PD Transplant
Table F.2.10. Dialysis modalities for 2013 prevalent patients without diabetes aged over 65
% % % % % unknown %
Centre home HD hospital HD satellite HD CAPD type of PD APD
B Heart 1 82 11 5 0 1
B QEH 2 8 78 5 0 6
Basldn 0 89 1 7 0 3
Bradfd 0 58 29 6 0 7
Brightn 5 44 34 12 0 6
Bristol 2 12 78 4 0 4
Camb 1 37 56 0 5 0
Carlis 0 42 26 21 0 12
Carsh 2 12 75 4 0 7
Chelms 1 87 0 9 0 3
Covnt 3 82 0 15 0 0
Derby 8 70 0 15 0 7
Donc 0 41 45 0 0 14
Dorset 1 19 66 6 1 9
Dudley 2 63 19 11 0 5
Exeter 0 9 78 7 0 6
Glouc 1 76 12 3 0 8
Hull 1 40 46 7 0 7
Ipswi 1 69 10 14 0 6
Kent 2 20 69 7 0 2
L Barts 0 37 45 7 0 11
L Guys 4 13 78 3 0 2
L Kings 0 10 76 8 0 6
L Rfree 1 4 85 6 0 4
L St.G 0 31 52 6 1 10
L West 1 18 77 2 0 2
Leeds 0 13 76 3 0 8
Leic 3 14 70 4 0 8
Liv Ain 1 4 86 2 0 7
Liv Roy 4 38 46 9 0 2
M RI 4 17 63 3 0 14
Appendix F Additional data tables
% % % % % unknown %
Centre home HD hospital HD satellite HD CAPD type of PD APD
Middlbr 2 17 78 2 0 0
Newc 2 82 0 1 1 14
Norwch 4 49 36 8 0 3
Nottm 1 38 48 6 0 6
Oxford 2 33 45 5 0 15
Plymth 2 73 5 8 0 12
Ports 1 16 71 13 0 0
Prestn 3 19 67 3 0 8
Redng 1 41 41 10 0 7
Salford 7 38 43 6 0 6
Sheff 2 39 49 10 0 0
Shrew 3 46 36 15 0 0
Stevng 3 32 56 10 0 0
Sthend 0 91 0 9 0 0
Stoke 0 49 30 3 6 12
Sund 0 57 37 2 0 4
Truro 3 40 48 4 0 5
Wirral 1 40 54 1 0 4
Wolve 3 18 61 13 0 5
York 0 33 58 10 0 0
N Ireland
Antrim 0 92 0 1 0 7
Belfast 2 87 0 1 0 10
Newry 5 71 0 0 0 24
Ulster 2 94 0 0 0 5
West NI 2 85 0 0 2 11
Abrdn 2 88 0 8 0 2
Airdrie 1 91 0 3 0 5
D & Gall 0 88 0 4 0 8
Dundee 0 90 0 2 0 8
Edinb 0 86 0 3 0 11
Glasgw 1 93 0 2 0 4
Inverns 2 82 0 9 0 7
Klmarnk 5 70 0 1 0 23
Krkcldy 0 89 0 1 0 10
Bangor 5 56 21 16 0 2
Cardff 2 12 74 11 0 2
Clwyd 3 77 0 5 15 0
Swanse 3 60 25 9 0 2
Wrexm 0 68 20 13 0 0
England 2 32 54 6 0 5
N Ireland 2 87 0 1 0 10
Scotland∗ 1 88 0 3 0 8
Wales 2 41 43 10 1 2
UK 2 39 47 6 0 6
Excluded one centre with 540% primary renal diagnosis aetiology uncertain (Colchester)
Patients with diabetes as their primary renal disease and patients with a missing primary renal diagnosis code are excluded from this table
All haemodialysis patients in centres in Scotland are shown as receiving treatment at home or in centre as no data is available regarding satellite
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
HD PD Transplant
Table F.2.12. Dialysis modalities for 2013 prevalent patients with diabetes
% % % % % unknown %
Centre home HD hospital HD satellite HD CAPD type of PD APD
B Heart 8 80 5 5 0 3
B QEH 3 12 77 3 0 5
Basldn 0 70 4 11 0 15
Bradfd 0 86 13 2 0 0
Brightn 7 49 28 7 0 10
Bristol 3 18 69 6 0 4
Camb 6 50 39 0 6 0
Carlis 0 72 17 0 0 11
Carsh 2 12 73 5 0 9
Chelms 0 94 0 3 0 3
Covnt 0 79 0 21 0 0
Derby 8 57 0 24 0 12
Donc 0 35 38 0 0 26
Dorset 0 24 66 8 0 2
Dudley 7 56 9 16 0 12
Exeter 1 12 73 4 1 10
Glouc 0 66 18 3 0 13
Hull 1 38 30 18 0 13
Ipswi 0 67 11 11 0 11
Kent 4 25 51 18 0 2
L Barts 0 40 43 4 0 14
L Guys 1 21 74 1 0 3
L Kings 0 17 66 6 0 10
L Rfree 1 2 83 3 0 10
L St.G 1 36 47 4 0 12
L West 0 23 73 1 0 2
Leeds 1 21 75 0 0 3
Leic 3 23 58 3 0 13
Liv Ain 4 2 77 6 0 11
Liv Roy 4 35 44 8 0 9
M RI 4 32 53 3 0 8
Middlbr 1 30 63 6 0 0
Newc 2 86 0 2 2 9
Appendix F Additional data tables
% % % % % unknown %
Centre home HD hospital HD satellite HD CAPD type of PD APD
Norwch 7 48 35 10 0 0
Nottm 3 47 29 6 0 14
Oxford 4 28 55 2 0 11
Plymth 0 81 4 7 0 7
Ports 2 23 67 9 0 0
Prestn 2 23 71 0 0 4
Redng 1 36 37 19 0 7
Salford 4 29 53 7 0 7
Sheff 1 41 46 12 0 0
Shrew 2 52 34 11 0 0
Stevng 4 25 65 6 0 0
Sthend 4 86 0 11 0 0
Stoke 0 61 16 4 4 15
Sund 0 61 32 5 0 2
Truro 3 67 22 8 0 0
Wirral 0 46 48 0 0 6
Wolve 1 29 46 22 0 1
York 7 32 36 14 0 11
N Ireland
Antrim 3 85 0 0 0 13
Belfast 0 93 0 0 0 7
Newry 0 89 0 0 0 11
Ulster 0 96 0 0 4 0
West NI 0 95 0 0 5 0
Abrdn 0 93 0 7 0 0
Airdrie 0 91 0 6 0 2
D & Gall 6 50 0 19 0 25
Dundee 0 94 0 3 0 3
Edinb 0 91 0 1 0 7
Glasgw 3 89 0 3 0 5
Inverns 0 92 0 0 0 8
Klmarnk 0 87 0 3 0 10
Krkcldy 0 97 0 0 0 3
Bangor 0 70 22 7 0 0
Cardff 8 12 72 7 0 2
Clwyd 0 95 0 5 0 0
Swanse 3 63 17 11 0 5
Wrexm 0 77 5 18 0 0
England 2 34 51 6 0 7
N Ireland 1 91 0 0 1 7
Scotland∗ 1 90 0 4 0 5
Wales 4 44 40 9 0 2
UK 2 40 46 6 0 7
Excluded one centre with 540% primary renal diagnosis aetiology uncertain (Colchester)
Only patients with diabetes as their primary renal disease included in this table
All haemodialysis patients in centres in Scotland are shown as receiving treatment at home or in centre as no data is available regarding satellite
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
HD PD Transplant
B Heart 1.6 67 63 962 2.6
B QEH 1.6 63 57 1,562 4.3
Basldn 2.0 62 57 935 2.6
Bradfd 1.9 62 56 1,266 3.5
Brightn 1.5 59 53 1,596 4.4
Bristol 1.7 63 56 1,394 3.8
Camb 2.3 49 40 2,136 5.8
Carlis 5.5 61 55 1,126 3.1
Carsh 1.6 64 57 1,428 3.9
Chelms 2.2 65 63 1,001 2.7
Covnt 1.6 61 54 1,568 4.3
Derby 1.4 64 60 998 2.7
Donc 2.0 60 55 1,223 3.3
Dorset 1.5 62 55 1,098 3.0
Dudley 2.1 65 59 1,274 3.5
Exeter 1.8 63 59 976 2.7
Glouc 1.7 62 53 1,273 3.5
Hull 1.5 61 56 1,478 4.0
Ipswi 2.2 61 55 1,145 3.1
Kent 1.7 59 56 1,035 2.8
L Barts 1.5 63 58 1,154 3.2
L Guys 1.4 56 49 2,145 5.9
L Kings 1.3 65 62 961 2.6
L Rfree 1.8 66 61 1,172 3.2
L St.G 1.1 67 62 1,608 4.4
L West 1.8 64 58 1,461 4.0
Leeds 1.6 62 56 1,403 3.8
Leic 1.5 61 57 1,229 3.4
Liv Ain 1.7 60 57 803 2.2
Liv Roy 1.2 57 50 1,605 4.4
M RI 1.5 58 52 1,362 3.7
Middlbr 1.3 56 52 938 2.6
Newc 1.4 55 49 1,665 4.6
Appendix F Additional data tables
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Appendix G UK Renal Registry dataset
This appendix is available on the UK Renal Registry website only. The current version of this document can be found
under the Data menu at
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Appendix H Coding: Ethnicity, EDTA
Primary Renal Diagnoses, EDTA Causes
of Death
H1: Ethnicity coding
Ethnicity data is recorded in the clinical information systems in the individual renal centres in the format of 9S. . . read codes. If
extracted from local PAS systems in a different format, it is recoded to the 9S. . . format by the centre, before being sent to the UK
Renal Registry (UKRR). For report analyses, ethnic categories are condensed into five groups (White, South Asian, Black, Chinese
and Other). For some analyses Chinese are grouped into Other.
Read code Ethnic category Assigned group Old PAS New PAS
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Read code Ethnic category Assigned group Old PAS New PAS
New primary renal diagnosis codes were produced in 2012 [1] but the data used for this report uses the old codes as detailed in the
table below.
Appendix H Coding
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Appendix I Acronyms and Abbreviations
used in the Report
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Appendix I Acronyms and abbreviations
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Appendix J Laboratory Conversion
UK Renal Registry 17th Annual Report:
Appendix K Renal Centre Names and
Abbreviations used in the Figures and
Data Tables
Adult Centres
City Hospital Abbreviation
Basildon Basildon Hospital Basldn
Birmingham Heartlands Hospital B Heart
Birmingham Queen Elizabeth Hospital B QEH
Bradford St Luke’s Hospital Bradfd
Brighton Royal Sussex County Hospital Brightn
Bristol Southmead Hospital Bristol
Cambridge Addenbrooke’s Hospital Camb
Carlisle Cumberland Infirmary Carlis
Carshalton St Helier Hospital Carsh
Chelmsford Broomfield Hospital Chelms
Colchester Colchester General Hospital Colchr
Coventry University Hospital Coventry Covnt
Derby Royal Derby Hospital Derby
Doncaster Doncaster Royal Infirmary Donc
Dorset Dorset County Hospital Dorset
Dudley Russells Hall Hospital Dudley
Exeter Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Exeter
Gloucester Gloucestershire Royal Hospital Glouc
Hull Hull Royal Infirmary Hull
Ipswich Ipswich Hospital Ipswi
Kent Kent and Canterbury Hospital Kent
Leeds St James’s University Hospital and Leeds General Infirmary Leeds
Leicester Leicester General Hospital Leic
Liverpool Aintree University Hospital Liv Ain
Liverpool Royal Liverpool University Hospital Liv Roy
London St. Bartholomew’s Hospital and The Royal London Hospital L Barts
London St George’s Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital L St. G
London Guy’s Hospital and St Thomas’ Hospital L Guys
London Hammersmith, Charing Cross,St Mary’s L West
London King’s College Hospital L Kings
London Royal Free, Middlesex and UCL Hospitals L Rfree
Manchester Manchester Royal Infirmary M RI
Middlesbrough The James Cook University Hospital Middlbr
Newcastle Freeman Hospital and Royal Victoria Infirmary Newc
Norwich Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Norwch
The UK Renal Registry The Seventeenth Annual Report
Paediatric Centres
City Hospital Abbreviation Country