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2024 8K Neo QLED AI TV | Samsung USA
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(o = i) : n < o && (o = n), (t = (o / t.width) * 100),, 0.3, { left: t + "%", ease: Power2.easeOut, }),, 0.3, { width: t + "%", ease: Power2.easeOut, }), g.gamingCoverLeftWrap, 0.3, { width: t + "%", ease: Power2.easeOut, } )); }, }), { init: function () { (g.section = document.querySelector( ".vd-highlights" )), g.section && (i(), o()); }, })), window.flagship.highlights.gaming.init(); }, {}, ], }, {}, [1] ); });

Welcome to a new era of Samsung AI TV

The front view of Neo QLED 8K TV. The front view of Neo QLED 8K TV.

Meet the brains behind our smartest 8K yet

The front view of Neo QLED 8K TV.
  • * NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor is only available with 2024 Neo QLED 8K QN900D.

Proof in the performance

NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor

Embedded AI bolsters our most powerful processor ever. Hundreds of neural networks optimize picture and sound as you watch to deliver hyper-clear detail, dramatic depth and incredible texture in any scene.

  • Up to
    2 x faster NPU
    25 x greater
    AI Neural Networks
  • Up to
    2.2 x faster GPU
  • Up to
    30 % faster CPU
  • Specs are in comparison to the 2024 Neo QLED 4K (NQ4 AI Gen2 Processor)

Samsung NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor is highlighted with lights as it fits and powers the surrounding technology.

  • * Features may vary by model. Please check the compare table at the bottom of this page or the product detail page for each model for specifications and details.

Samsung Neo QLED 8K innovations

  • AI Picture

    • 8K AI Upscaling Pro1

      See lower resolution games, shows and movies beautifully upscaled into 8K. Hundreds of built-in neural networks improve your picture quality on the fly to produce a hyper-clear 8K picture.

      • * NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor is only available with 2024 Neo QLED 8K QN900D.
      Samsung NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor works behind layered screens. When the processor powers on, the effect ripples through the layered screens to optimize the picture at the forefront. The details of the ball, shoes and jersey of a player in a soccer match are upscaled to great clarity.
  • AI Sound

  • AI Optimization

Revive cherished classics and new favorites

Best in the House!

We partnered with Molly Shannon and Tim Meadows on a 90s-inspired spoof marketing campaign to show how our 2024 TVs upscale all your favorite content.

Upscale content into breathtaking 8K

8K AI Upscaling Pro1

See the difference in games, movies and more with a stunning 8K picture that enhances itself as you watch, producing a resolution 4x higher than Full HD—all thanks to our AI Gen3 Processor and its hundreds of embedded neural networks.

1.8 x
more picture clarity and detail  9
Watch 4K content and experience picture clarity in
90 %
resolution of native 8K content  10
A clear picture of a cityscape on the 2024 Neo QLED 8K TV display. A clear picture of a cityscape on the 2024 Neo QLED 8K TV display.
  • * Viewing experience may vary according to types of content and format.
  • * Upscaling may not apply to PC connection and Game Mode.
  • * Based on consumer survey in the US and Korea. Participants were asked to quantify the difference they perceived by comparing contents up-scaled on Neo QLED 4K/8K TVs to that of a reference provided in SD, HD, FHD, 4K, and 8K (expressed in vertical pixels) bearing in mind "picture clarity and details". Contents with little movements were used to enable participants to observe the difference.
  • 9. "1.8 times" is the difference between the average perceived vertical pixels of the content up-scaled on Neo QLED 4K TV and the same content up-scaled on Neo QLED 8K TV.
  • 10. “90%" is the average perceived picture clarity and detail survey participants answered when compared to native 8K content provided as reference.

Illuminate the details

Quantum Matrix Pro with Mini LEDs 11

See the brilliance of Samsung Neo QLED 8K on full display with 10x more lighting zones than QLED 4K. Quantum Matrix Pro with Mini LEDs boosts black and whites, bringing nuanced details to life.

Up to
10 x
more lighting zones
A detailed scene of a horse. A detailed scene of a horse.

* Specs are a comparison between the 2024 QN900D 65"(Neo QLED 8K) and Q80D 65"(QLED 4K) models.

Sharpens and smooths motion of object and text

AI Motion Enhancer Pro 2

Our NQ8 AI Gen3 processor leverages AI to sharpen and smooth out the motion of objects and text. This takes watching live sports to another level.

Take gaming to the next level

Motion Xcelerator 240Hz12

A 240hz refresh rate at 4K clarity means playing your faves with super crisp game visuals rendered at blazing fast speeds, allowing you to fully immerse yourself without interruptions.

A scene from the game "The First Descendant" is seen with less clarity on one side of the screen labeled "120Hz" and with ultra-sharp clarity on the other side labeled "240Hz." User can adjust the screen side-to-side to compare the picture quality.

On conventional 4K
On Neo QLED 8K
  • * Images are simulated and for illustration purposes only.
  • * 4K 240Hz is only available with PC connected games that support such specifications (PC graphic card required). Performance may vary.

Enjoy cinematic sound from home

Dolby Atmos®13

New top channel speakers blanket you in Dolby Atmos surround sound, delivering powerfully immersive audio from every angle.

Dolby Atmos sound emanates from the top, side and bottom speakers of the screen to surround the viewers in dynamic cinematic sound. Dolby Atmos sound emanates from the top, side and bottom speakers of the screen to surround the viewers in dynamic cinematic sound.

Elevate every day with Samsung Tizen OS

Upscale every moment—especially the ones other TVs may not account for. Explore Samsung Tizen OS to better manage your apps, games, health, smart home setup and more on one brilliant TV.

  • * Content and services may vary by region and are subject to change without notice.
  • * Agreement to Smart Hub Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy is required before use. Some content and services require registration and subscription. Requires Samsung account.

Meet our Neo QLED 8K TVs

  • Screen Size

  • Resolution

  • Processor

  • Contrast

  • AI Upscaling

  • HDR

  • Gaming Motion

  • Dolby Atmos®

  • Object Tracking Sound

  • Design

  • Smart TV Platform

The next big thing
in television is coming

The next big thing in television is coming

Sign up now to be among the first to discover our upcoming 2025 TVs and Audio devices and get $100 off your qualifying purchase.*

The industry has spoken

See the awards and accolades that have solidified our place as the leader in home entertainment.

Why Samsung

Five reasons our TVs are awesome:

  1. AI Processor & AI Upscaling: Viewing experience may vary according to types of content and format. Upscaling may not apply to PC connection and Game Mode. NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor is only available with 2024 Neo QLED 8K QN900D. Utilizes AI-Based formulas.
  2. AI Motion Enhancer Pro: Viewing experience may vary according to types of content and format. AI Motion Enhancer Pro does not apply to PC connection and Game Mode. AI Motion Enhancer Pro is only available with 2024 Neo QLED 8K QN900D.
  3. Real Depth Enhancer Pro: Viewing experience may vary according to types of content and format. Real Depth Enhancer Pro is available with 2024 Neo QLED QN900D/QN800D/QN95D/QN90D. NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor is only available with 2024 Neo QLED 8K QN900D.
  4. Active Voice Amplifier Pro: Activation under the TV menu is required to enable Active Voice Amplifier Pro. NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor is only available with 2024 Neo QLED 8K QN900D.
  5. Object Tracking Sound: Availability of top channel speakers may vary depending on model, so refer to the product detail page for more information. NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor is only available with 2024 Neo QLED 8K QN900D. QN90D 50" and 43" have Object Tracking Sound Lite.
  6. Adaptive Sound Pro: This feature can be activated in the TV Menu > Intelligent Mode > Adaptive Sound Pro. The default setting of Adaptive Sound Pro is Off. NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor is only available with 2024 Neo QLED 8K QN900D.
  7. AI Auto Game Mode: AI Auto Game Mode is available for certain console games only. Availability may vary according to gaming content and format. UI is subject to change without prior notice. NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor is only available.
  8. AI Energy Mode: Energy saving rate may vary by regions, models, sizes, viewing conditions or types of content. Products shipped in Eco Mode have some AI Energy Mode functions enabled by default, so energy saving levels by turning on AI Energy Mode may appear lower compared to Standard Mode. AI Energy Mode does not work with Game Mode. Energy savings based on internal test results may vary depending on content being displayed and surrounding brightness levels. NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor is only available with 2024 Neo QLED 8K QN900D.
  9. “1.8 times” is the difference between the average perceived vertical pixel of the content up-scaled on Neo QLED 4K TV and the same content up-scaled on Neo QLED 8K TV.
  10. “90%” is the average perceived picture clarity and detail survey participants answered when compared to native 8K content provided as reference.
  11. Quantum Matrix Pro only available with 2024 Neo QLED QN900D.
  12. Motion Xcelerator 240 Hz: Motion Xcelerator 240Hz is only available with 2024 Neo QLED 8K QN900D. Available 240Hz is limited to 4K resolution and requires compatible content connection from compatible PCs (PC graphic card required). Motion Xcelerator 240Hz is sometimes called Motion Xcelerator Turbo 8K Pro. Performance may vary.
  13. Dolby Atmos® & Object Tracking Sound: Availability of top channel speakers may vary depending on model, so refer to the product detail page for more information.

AI Upscaling Utilizes AI-Based formulas.

†††High speed internet connection, additional gaming service subscriptions and compatible controller required.

Samsung Account required for network-based smart services, including streaming apps and other smart features. Separate [connected] computer, mobile or other device may be necessary to create/log in to Samsung Account (free to download and create). Without Account log in, only external device connections (e.g., via HDMI) and terrestrial/over-the-air TV (only for TVs with tuners) available.

Source Omdia, Jan 2024. Results are not an endorsement of Samsung. Any reliance on these results is at the third party’s own risk.

‡‡Compared to all other measured TV manufacturers in the 2023 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI(R)) surveys of customers rating their own TV manufacturer's performance. The #1 rating is shared with four other TV manufacturers. ACSI is a registered trademark of the American Customer Satisfaction Index LLC.

*For a limited time, sign up and receive $100 off (“HandraiserGift”) when you purchase a qualifying 2025 TV or Audio Device during the launch period (“Qualifying Purchase”). HandraiserGift will be automatically applied as a one-time-use instant discount when the same email address is used to sign up and purchase the Qualifying Product. Offer is non-transferable and limited to one (1) per Qualifying Purchase.