Paul Craig Roberts: Confidence Crisis

Paul Craig Roberts: Confidence Crisis 23/09/2011 With the eurozone debt crisis continuing and persistent high unemployment plaguing the US, much of the world is believed to be spiralling towards recession. While global growth is expected to stall, can the International Monetary Fund offer any solutions to this worldwide crisis? Or is the very institution actually part of the problem? Paul…

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Debt ceiling doesn’t fix the economy

Debt ceiling doesn’t fix the economy Debt ceiling doesn't fix the economy Lawmakers have built up the suspense for the last several weeks about the debt ceiling issue and let the clock run down almost to the last second. Yesterday the bill passed in the House and today the Senate passed the bill as well. Obama has already signed off…

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Dancing with Default

Dancing with Default This past weekend President Obama called for a mandatory meeting to try to come to a resolve to raising the debt ceiling. Top lawmakers met with the president, but was anything settled upon? Are we any closer to a solution? Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Reagan Administration Official, sheds some light on the situation.

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Global financial crisis-On the Edge with Max Keiser-05-20-2011-(Part1)

Global financial crisis-On the Edge with Max Keiser-05-20-2011-(Part1) In this edition of On the Edge, Max Keiser interviews Dr, Paul Craig Roberts from Georgia who is an American economist, columnist for Creators Syndicate, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in Reagan Administration and an editor of the Wall Street Journal.

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Roberts: Pentagon budget is the result of corruption

Roberts: Pentagon budget is the result of corruption Half a century ago, president Dwight Eisenhower issued a warning to the American nation about growing military industrial complexes being a threat to democracy, and now it seems as though Eisenhower's warning has become reality. US is the modern world's biggest military spender. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, a former Reagan administration official…

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FBI creating police state

FBI creating police state Entrapment has become a favorite tool for the FBI; just recently the FBI successfully thwarted a terrorist bombing in Portland, OR, after following the suspect for over a year. However, as these entrapments continue to take place it seems that the US government is simply making up these threats. Former Reagan Administration aide Paul Craig Roberts…

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