Pregnancy Health Tips

A pregnant woman needs to keep a constant check on her health to ensure her and baby’s well being as even a small mistake can be detrimental for both mother and child. It is important to follow all the necessary precautions and incorporate tips shared by experts for a healthy pregnancy. In this section, you can learn about different tips shared by experts to make your pregnancy smooth and healthy. From diet and lifestyle tips to pre and post pregnancy tips, you would find everything under one section.

Healthy Eating Tips

Eat a balanced and nutritious diet. Focus on nutrients that you might be deficient in or what the doctor has suggested.

  • Eat small but frequent meals to keep yourself full and not starve.
  • Eat fresh fruits, juices and seasonal vegetables to get maximum nutrition.
  • Avoid foods like papaya and pineapple that are unsafe for the unborn baby
  • Avoid foods that you may be allergic to as it can hamper the health of your baby.
  • Consume dry fruits daily.
  • Keep yourself hydrated and drink water at regular intervals.
  • Avoid foods that cause gas, such as lentils.
  • Limit your intake of junk, processed, and uncooked food.
  • Prefer home cooked meals and avoid street foods especially during monsoon to avoid infections.

Lifestyle Tips

Weight gain is very common during pregnancy. You must take care of your diet and involve in any physical activity to prevent excessive weight gain.

  • Be physically active and do light intensity exercises, such as walking, yoga, and meditation daily.
  • Monitor your blood sugar and blood pressure regularly to avoid gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • Go for regular screening to monitor the growth of the baby.

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