Eligible Charging Equipment and Networks
Charge Ready NY 2.0 applicants can choose from a list of eligible charging equipment and networks. To receive a Charge Ready NY 2.0 incentive, you must purchase one of the eligible products listed on this page. You can learn more about each of the products by clicking on one of the links in the table.
NYSERDA recommends contacting multiple vendors of the products and installers to receive price estimates on equipment, networks, and labor. Some products have multiple vendors in New York State. Separately, you will also need to select an installer to complete your project as some vendors may have preferred installers. However, the Charge Ready NY 2.0 program will require registered electricians who maintain any credentials necessary to do business in the state of New York as installers.
Please note that the below list is updated every 2-3 weeks as the NYSERDA Proposal Team qualifies new networks and charging equipment on a rolling basis. Email confirmation of approval and the opportunity to apply for the equipment/network will become active in the Salesforce application portal shortly after approval.
Charge Ready NY 2.0 Eligible EVSE Models
Charge Ready NY 2.0 Eligible Network Providers
Charge Ready NY 2.0 Eligible EVSE Models
Charge Ready NY 2.0 Eligible Network Providers
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