Increasing Access to Zero-Emission, Shared Transportation Options in New York’s Underserved Communities
NYSERDA’s Clean Mobility Program (PON 5739) aims to improve zero-emission connections to public transportation and showcase innovative shared transportation options through planning and demonstration projects. Funding will be prioritized for projects that help overcome persistent transportation challenges, especially in underserved communities, by increasing access to affordable, zero-emission modes of transportation.
How It Works
Under PON 5739, the Clean Mobility Program includes Planning and Demonstration Tracks that will offer technical assistance and implementation funding directly to local governments, transit operators, community-based organizations, and local employers or groups of employers with a total of at least 1,000 employees across New York State (collectively referred to as “Eligible Entities”).
Eligible Entities may apply for both Planning and Demonstration Tracks in Round 1. Applicants may only submit one (1) proposal per funding track (Planning and Demonstration) per Round. Round 2 of funding will be limited to demonstration projects, providing applicants that previously completed a planning project with the opportunity to demonstrate their planning project.
Eligible planning and demonstration projects could include, but are not limited to, the following clean mobility technologies:
View List of Eligible Projects View List of Eligible Projects
Planning Track
Planning Track projects are intended to help Eligible Entities conduct needs assessments and identify potential transportation solutions to prepare for future implementation of clean mobility demonstration projects or initiatives. Eligible Entities do not need to have a transportation solution identified to apply for Planning Track project funding.
Applicants can receive up to $100,000 for Planning Track projects, with no cost-share requirement. Projects that can be completed in roughly six months will have an opportunity to apply for Round 2 Demonstration Track project funding.
To be eligible for future Demonstration Track funding, all Planning Track projects must complete the following:
• Community engagement
• Site identification and operations assessment
• Identification of project partners
• Technical feasibility analysis
• Policy and regulatory feasibility analysis
Planning Track awardees have the option to work with their own planning firm, or to use consultants from NYSERDA’s pre-approved list of planning firms (selected under RFQL 5625). Applicants do not need to know which consultant they will work with to apply to this program. For more information, see the Mobility Planning Consultants section.
Demonstration Track
Demonstration Track projects include efforts that will demonstrate zero-emission transportation solutions that are technologically mature and commercially available. Funding may be used for hardware, software, policies, and market development initiatives. Round 1 of Demonstration Track applications will take place in parallel to the Planning Track. Round 2 of Demonstration Track applications is expected to open in Summer of 2025.
Eligible Entities may apply for Demonstration Track project funding of $500,000 to $3,000,000. Applicants are required to provide at least 20% of project costs in matching funds, or cost share. The Demonstration Track projects will have a duration of up to three years.
Mobility Planning Consultants
Planning Track awardees may work with pre-approved Mobility Planning Consultants (RFQL 5625) or leverage existing partners to support their planning project.
Planning Track awardees that would like to leverage NYSERDA’s pre-approved Mobility Planning Consultants will have the option to view short descriptions of the Consultants and their areas of expertise. From there, awardees will have the option to indicate their top preferences before starting planning work. Pairings between Planning Track awardees and Consultants will consider the awardee's preferences but will ultimately be subject to NYSERDA’s discretion and based on, but not limited to, location, expertise, needs, and bandwidth. For awardees working with the pre-approved Mobility Planning Consultants, NYSERDA will pay the consultant directly.
Note: NYSERDA has not reviewed the claims made by these firms.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.
Additional Program Details
For more information, please see the Clean Mobility Program PON 5739 .
NYSERDA hosted an informational webinar on June 27, 2024 for those interested in learning more about the Clean Mobility Program. Please see the webinar recording , presentation [PDF] and list of frequently asked questions [PDF].
More informational webinars with question and answer sessions will be held leading up to the Round 1 due date (August 15, 2024). Upcoming webinar dates and times are listed below:
If you only want to participate in the question and answer session, we suggest joining approximately 10 to 15 minutes after the webinar starts.