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MCCL compiles the voting records of lawmakers on right-to-life issues that come before the Minnesota Legislature. We include committee and floor votes, as well as procedural votes that could affect the outcome of the legislation.

Click the chart to view the ratings of legislators for recent years. 

See also:

How to contact your elected officials

Tips for contacting elected officials

Current legislative issues

Introduction + Key


         HOUSE                                SENATE

2023 Votes + Issues          2023 Votes + Issues

2021 Votes + Issues          2021 Votes + Issues

2019 Votes + Issues          2019 Votes + Issues

2018 Votes + Issues          2018 Votes + Issues


2017 Votes + Issues          2017 Votes + Issues

2016 Votes + Issues          2016 Votes + Issues


2015 Votes + Issues          2015 Votes + Issues


2014 Votes + Issues          2014 Votes + Issues


2013 Votes + Issues          2013 Votes + Issues


2012 Votes + Issues          2012 Votes + Issues


2011 Votes + Issues          2011 Votes + Issues


2010 Votes + Issues          2010 Votes + Issues




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