back to article Frayed British Airways plays down mega hack attack on frequent flyer accounts

Wrongdoers have hacked into tens of thousands of British Airways' frequent flyer accounts, however the travel giant claimed on Sunday that no personal information had been swiped. Some customers, who are members of BA's Executive Club, have complained on message forums that their accounts had been breached and claimed that …

  1. Mark 85

    An Outrage I tell You....

    No canned pronouncement about how customer privacy is "very important to us"... I'm shocked!!!!

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: An Outrage I tell You....

      They are waiting for PHB to come in on Monday and okay the statement.

  2. elDog

    Frayed? I think that should be Flayed.

    "At this stage, we are not aware of any access to any subsequent information pages within your account, including your flight history or payment card details."

    "And, since it is a weekend, don't expect us to get onto it until Monday."

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    No problem here

    No email about my account being hacked/frozen

    Logged on and everything is fine.

    Perhaps this is not sich a bit problem after all.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: No problem here

      My account has had its Avios points reset to zero, by a deduction labelled as "Ex-Gratia" on 27 March.

      It's not clear to me if this is the account being "frozen" as described in the E-mail from BA, or whether this is in fact a hacker cleaning out my account due to the stolen credentials.

      Very poor show BA.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: No problem here

        FYI they got credited back today, also "Ex-Gratia". No bonus for the trouble or anything though.

  4. This post has been deleted by its author

  5. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    I hope it was Virgin

    And I hope the people who did it get off free because the law lord in charge of the investigation and the lord in charge in whoever hacked them went to school together

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I Fly a LOT for work and have to use BA all the time. I also noticed on the 27th that my Avios disappeared.

    So....their Avios scheme got a LOT worse. It used to be OK but from April it's suddenly costing a LOT more to use these points. A flight that used to be 100k Avios would now be 150k. Not only that but they have dropped the earnings on many classes.

    BA have become more hated that Ryan Air to me. I'd pay quite a bit extra to fly the same route with anyone else....quite a bit but not a ton. It seems that they get all the issues from delayed flights to broken aircraft.

    I've never had so many problems as I have had with BA and the worst thing is their complaints procedure is a joke. Same template 'sorry' letter no matter what you send to them. 'Your air hostess urinated on me and then tied me down and whipped me with my shoe laces'. BA: 'Dear Sir, terrible sorry....we endeavor to provide a great service....blah....hope to see you again...blah'.

    I once paid to upgrade to premium so I could work as they advertised power sockets. Nope - these are the little round sockets from the 90's. BA if Etihad gives everyone in economy a UK plug and USB plug why can't you in Premium?

    It's not just premium. Flew their First Class to South Africa and...same issue! First class from the 90's! Tiny round plugs that no one uses anymore. No work done.

    Of all the airlines I regularly fly I put them 9th or 10th.....and they'd drop out of the top 10 if I had to add another country with a provider i'd never used before.

    General BA rant over.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      'Your air hostess urinated on me and then tied me down and whipped me with my shoe laces'.

      What? Did you get her number? I normally have to pay a fortune for that kind of service.

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
        Paris Hilton

        You know these kind of activities are now verboten in the UK?

        Missionary position only by royal decree.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward


          now then! Don't you come on all strong on this 'ere UK website with those saucy, exotic, international-language-of-love swarthy-organ-grinder foreign-johnny johnny-donning phrases, or I'll have to dose myself with a cold shower & some liver salts

          1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

            Re: "verboten"

            Certainly, Sir Babbage.

        2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          "Missionary position only by royal decree."

          Was that King Cameron or Emperor Blair?

        3. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'm just amazed that

    ...anyone flies BA, more than once!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I'm just amazed that

      IMHO, those that have flown Air France long-haul will usually prefer BA.

      AF persistently lose my bags at CDG when I travel to my brother's place on Reunion. Last time, I got them back the day I left after being there a week.

      some of the US carriers are just as bad.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I'm just amazed that

        "AF persistently lose my bags at CDG"

        Reminds me of the old joke playing on BA's ads for the Concorde service:

        "Breakfast in London, lunch in New York... baggage in Bermuda"

      2. launcap Silver badge

        Re: I'm just amazed that

        >AF persistently lose my bags at CDG

        Try shipping servers as hold luggage then - CDG -> Amsterdam -> Bergen with two Sun servers (E450s - t'was a while ago!).

        Half our hold luggage arrived. But no servers. They were going for a nice holday in Rome!

        Still - it got me an extra 3 days in Bergen so not all bad :-)

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Bad Architecture

    Broken Access

    Bullshit Attitude

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: BA?

      It was more fun with their predecessor:

      "BOAC - Better On A Camel"

  9. Elmer Phud

    Turd Party

    It's so comforting to know that security is at the forefront when extra revenue is concerned.

    I expect more and more of these 'I wasn't us it was . . .' excuses for assuming that everyone plus dog is spending out on security rather than harvesting.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Urgh ...

    ... Goodbye 72,000 avios ...

  11. This post has been deleted by its author

  12. s. pam

    Typical B.A. Bullhockey

    They've continued to screw Exec Club members for the last several years making our miles worth less, and making it harder and harder to use them for a flight or upgrade.

    I guess it sort of makes sense, hey-ho blame the hackers your miles are now gone. Too bad!

  13. pig

    Weasel Words

    "At this stage, we are not aware of any access to any subsequent information pages within your account, including your flight history or payment card details."

    Is it just me or is this BA saying "They hacked access to payment details but as far as we know they haven't bothered to look at them".

  14. dd88ddd

    On reporting to the ICO

    "Under the Data Protection Act (DPA), although there is no legal obligation on data controllers to report breaches of security, we believe that serious breaches should be reported to the ICO."

    When companies report their own breaches to the ICO, I have little mini heart attacks from the sheer surprise

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